Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
The cover letter for a RFE - better to have it from the applicant, spouse, or both?
cassi9879FemaleGermany2011-05-04 21:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Landlord finally brought over another copy of the lease. Going to write a cover letter for the RFE.
cassi9879FemaleGermany2011-05-03 17:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Benny's listed as "other people to live there" since the rental agreement was made 6 months before he got here on the K1.
cassi9879FemaleGermany2011-04-29 12:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
The landlord never had us sign a new rental agreement after we married so it still shows my old last name. Do you think they'll question that?
cassi9879FemaleGermany2011-04-29 10:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLifting of Conditions - APPROVED
kicking.gif kicking.gif Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-07-28 13:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot Blue letter after 13 months stating insufficient Documents?
I would guess somewhere in course of last conversation this attitude came out...LOL
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-02-09 18:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAfter AOS before ROC
Hello all, I just wanted to confirm my understanding of the process after AOS.
At ROC and Citizenship application times is there NO MORE $$ qualifications that have to be dealt with, it is my understanding that the approvals after the AOS stage are based solely on Proof of Marriage and Relationship and not on income guidelines.
Is my understanding correct?

Thanks for you time to answer this post. star_smile.gif
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-11-11 14:18:00
CanadaPeople? I POEd...
Congrats and well done kitty!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-26 19:49:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
Good grief, who knew it could be so hard to get contraception in a 1st world county. No wonder there are so many teen pregnancies (not that the UK is much better). In the UK you get a 6 month supply anyway so I might see if they'll give me a 9 month - 1 year supply before I leave. I think I saw them once when I came over to get a first script and now I just call up and ask for a repeat. Why do they like to make everything so difficult over there?!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-18 11:59:00
CanadaHow to Open a bottle of Wine with a Shoe
Can you still buy wine with corks?
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-25 07:55:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
I just described my feelings to my fiance as being in limbo. I'm not 'here' in the US yet because I have not real legal status and no right to work and help to support us (just to spend money!) but I don't see myself going back to the UK or NZ. I haven't been here as long as most of you nor had the problems that many of you have faced but I can empathise I hope.

On the topic of jobs and working, I think that often our USC SO's don't understand the realities of trying to find decent work in a country that isn't our home. For one thing, with the current economy I believe that employers are less willing to hire foreign workers in skilled jobs when there are so many USCs who are skilled and out of work. Secondly, if you don't have a US degree I have been told that employers are less likely to look at you. I know that my fiance thinks that it will be easy for me to find a job because I'm highly educated and have plenty of experience in my field. Unfortunately, Indiana isn't a mecca for publishing so finding a job in this field is unlikely (I don't want to stay in publishing but that's beside the point). However, for the reasons given above I think it will be difficult.

I am lucky however that I have a very transferable skill as a gymnastics coach with international experience and I'm willing to volunteer first and work part-time to get the experience over here. If you have a sport or skill that you can volunteer in and get the US experience I think that this can be quite valuable to show US employers. The only problem that I have with doing this is that I feel that if I get stuck coaching gymnastics I will start to lose the skills that make me attractive to employers in other fields that I'm interested in. I think that this is how other people are feeling too.

I'm sorry that this is a bit off the topic, but I just wanted to empathise with the opinions expressed about jobs. I hope that everyone who is going through hard times with adjusting or simply coping with everyday life finds some way to get through it.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-29 12:08:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Still no April, but May's came! Sanks, Emma! :D :dance:

Glad that you received it. I hope that you liked the little slice of England :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-23 12:26:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I thought that I received mine today. Turned out it was a postcard from my best friend back home, lol. Welcome but not the postcard that I was expecting!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 15:39:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I sent mine out today. I hope that it arrives.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-10 05:57:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
My April postcard sender kindly let me know that it has been sent, but it has gone astray. I will blame the ash debacle unless I find out otherwise. I'm off somewhere interesting this weekend so I shall pick a postcard up there. I'm lucky that I do trips at the weekend and where I live / work is pretty touristy (actually, most of the UK is pretty touristy) so it's easy to find postcards. If anyone wants some random ones to send let me know and I'll try to send you some - that would be weird, receiving an English postcard postmarked in the US or Canada :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 07:59:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I'm still in. Maybe I'll get a postcard this month :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-05 02:44:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I haven't received my postcard yet, boo hoo :( I hope that it is just delayed in the mail by the ash, just like the other mail that I'm waiting for. Instead I got an RFE because the UK doesn't explain that Embassies apply for NZ police certificates not the beneficiary. Oh well, I am now resigned to this process sucking even more than it already did.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-27 08:18:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I sent mine last Saturday, so I hope that it's arrived or arrived soon :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-17 03:29:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Kittie is very cute... a poofball cat like ours is.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-07 08:15:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

That would be cool!

Any idea how much postage it costs to mail something from the US to the UK? Probably not too too much I'd think.

I have a friend who lived in Pakistan for a while and that was a confusing postage situation. I think I spent $15 to send her a envelope with a little extra thickness once. Not so cool! :lol:

I can only tell you the other way around. I think it's about 80p or something like that. Hardly enough to break the bank :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-31 16:35:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I think this is a cool idea and I'd love to send some postcards from the UK while I'm still here. But if it's only open to Canadian VJer's then that's alright :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-31 07:42:00
Canadaanyone in my situation......???
Hi, I sent my forms about the same time as you and received my AP on Friday (but they misspelt my surname) and had it confirmed that my EAD has been approved. My case also went to Cali, but AP/EAD went to Missouri. The IO that I spoke to at my infopass appointment today told me that most K1s are going to Cali and not being interviewed at the moment (that could just be Indiana though). You should be pleased, no interview! I'm sure that you'll receive the other things shortly. Have you received a biometrics letter? If not maybe you could make an infopass apt if you live close enough to your local office and enquire with them what the status of your case is. I definitely found that speaking to a real live human being was more beneficial and informative than speaking to an administrative drone on the phone.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-13 19:14:00
CanadaQuestion About Car Seat Laws in Canada
You care about your luggage more than your children's safety? I hope that you have good clear weather the whole way so that a car crash is less likely to happen.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-15 20:06:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
I don't know what it is about some women. My ex-MIL was fantastic, even though my ex and I are no longer together I'll still visit his parents the next time I'm home. They treated me just like the daughter that they never had and she really was like my second Mum.

New MIL however is a totally different story. I spent 2 hours turning the volume up and up to drown out a shouting match in Russian between her, Hubby and FIL - I was later told, 'we are sorry for being so loud and talking in Russian, but it was a family matter.' Erm, hello, aren't I now family. If you want to do that don't do it in my house. However, I made it clear to both of them that they were being very rude to me and that they weren't welcome in my house unless they learnt to be polite. No wonder their own sons try to avoid spending any significant time with them!

Well done to everyone who now has fabulous MILs and sorry to anyone else who shares the wicked MIL.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-10 17:36:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
I would make sure that you have a place / room that you can go to when she starts to get really awful. Either that or tell your husband that he and your child are welcome to spend as much time as they like with her at her home but if she can't treat you well in yours then she's not welcome (trust me, this is a recurring trend in my family, me, my Mum and her Mum have all had awful MIL's). You deserve to be treated respectfully in your home and the way that she treats you will just alienate her son from her.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-08 18:19:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
I just started The Spa, by Fay Weldon. Got to love her feminist outlook on life and love!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 18:13:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?

Well, my Chinese trend continues. I am currently reading Shadow of the Silk Road by Colin Thubron, 2006.

Kathryn, if you're interested in reading more China non-fiction you should try to get hold of this: (the book, not the dvd). The guy who took the trip / wrote the book was one of my law tutors at uni.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-07 16:38:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
I just finished The Accidental Bestseller, by Wendy Wax, which I thoroughly enjoyed as it's an accurate description of (my ex-career) the publishing industry. I am now reading The Twentieth Wife, by Indu Sundaresan, which is about Empress Mehrunnisa - the Mughal Empress of India. I am enjoying that one too.

One question that I have that someone may be able to answer: Why do books in America that are fiction often have the words 'a novel' on the cover? Surely it's self-explanatory that it's fiction if that's the section it's in? Maybe that's just me.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-07 16:25:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?

I need some suggestions for reading material.. I want something similar to Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia

Robin Hobb writes good fantasy. I really enjoyed the liveship series.

Oh yes, Im currently reading 'Under the Lemon Trees'. It's set in Cali and about Indian immigrants.

Edited by Y&E, 30 July 2010 - 02:56 PM.

Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-30 14:53:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?

Youre' welcome. I think you'll enjoy them. Peony in Love turned out to be my favourite of the three - they are all so different even though so many elements are the same. See is an amazing writer!

I'm just starting Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie, translated from the French, about two educated City boys who are sent into the isolated and rural mountains of China for 're-education' from their flawed, 'intellectual ways' by the Communists. I have just started it so don't have much more than that yet but so far I am also enjoying it. I've just finished Fallen Leaves: the true story of an unwanted Chinese daughter by Adeline Yen Mah which was also absolutely incredible. It is a true story of the 5th Chinese daughter in a well to do Tianjian/Shanghai/HongKong family whose father re-married shortly after her birth. It too is set in the early 20th century and takes you through the years of changes in China from Shanghai as an international center through the Japanese invasion and the growth of HongKong through the arrival of Communism and the Cultural Revolution right up to today, from a personal as well as a cultural level. Another book that I also highly recommend.

So, yeah, I am definitely on some sort of a 20th century Chinese theme - no idea why except that the books by Lisa See seemed to have kicked it off. I am fascinated.

Not 20th C China but I think you might enjoy the two Empress Orchid novels, Kathryn. I can't remember the author but one of them is entitled Empress Orchid. I think the other one is the Last Empress. Anyway, they are really good.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-24 03:28:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?

I have discovered a new author (new to me anyway) who has me mesmerized! Lisa See. I picked up Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - and half way through it, I had to go out and get Shanghai Girls . They were both on sale at Costco. I started Shanghai Girls and knew I would want to read more so went on line and ordered Peony in Love , which I am now half way through. It is my favourite one yet! This writer is remarkable - she writes about Chinese women from their perspectives and she totally captures whatever time period she is writing about. Her research is impeccable, her writing style very easy and her stories captivating. You enter their lives, their emotions, their reality - I can hardly put the books down while I am reading them! I can't begin to recommend them enough!

Now, I need to go on line and track down some of her other work - Flower Net, The Interior, Dragon Bones and On Gold Mountain . Lisa See was named National Woman of the Year in 2001 by The Organization of Chinese American Women for her novels.

By the way, Shanghai Girls will give you a very different view of US Immigration and is incredibly timely considering the current concerns about illegal immigrants. It is set in the early and mid-20th century before and after the Chinese Exclusion Act in Shanghai, Hong Kong and the US. Disturbing, inspiring and emotionally demanding - it is an excellent novel based on historical fact. All of the books are.

That sounds really good. I'll have to search out some of her books.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 03:05:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?

The book club I'm in is reading Uncle Tom's Cabin now. Previous were Moby #######, The Scarlet Letter, Jane Eyre, Oliver Twist, Pride & Prejudice, Gulliver's Travels, The Pilgrim's Progress & Don Quixote

Your book club likes rather heavy going material. I had to read Moby ####### for a Uni english class and i jumped up and down on the book when I finished shouting 'I hate you' because it was such hard work, and obviously I hated it :)

Uncle Tom's Cabin is good. I suggest that your book club tries Great Expectaions and Gone with the Wind. Two favourites of mine.

I just finished Sarah Waters 'The Night Watch' and I'm just starting 'The Mammoth Cheese' by Sheri Holman.

Edited by Y&E, 03 June 2010 - 08:38 AM.

Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 08:35:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
John Irving's Last Night in Twisted River - hard to get into cause I don't have much time to read at the moment but I'm really enjoying it. I also love his book The Hotel New Hampshire.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-09 13:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEarly Biometrics?
I believe that there's a thread in the Wiki listing which local offices will let you do walk-in biometrics. If the applicant is female and changed her surname then make sure you take your marriage certificate with you (I forgot the first time and had to go back, stupid me!). Indianapolis will let you do walk-in and the best time seemed to be after 2pm there. I don't think that they're a busy office though.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-14 21:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo they ever cancel Biometrics appointments due to weather?

Am I meant to be taken to a NY site?

No idea. I just heard that on the radio yesterday. Try, their news TV news this morning was mainly weather coverage. Tomorrow is supposed to be better, in Indy anyway.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 10:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo they ever cancel Biometrics appointments due to weather? is supposed to be updating every 2 minutes tomorrow so that would be the best place to check the weather.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 19:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo they ever cancel Biometrics appointments due to weather?
Heya, Marion County (where the office is) is supposed to be fine by Friday am. Winter storm warning in effect for 1am Thurs to 1am Friday. Hope that helps you make a decision. Otherwise Indy is okay for walk-ins provided you go in later in the afternoon (maybe about 2-3pm) and are okay with being grumbled at.

Hope you get there for your appointment!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 16:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWe just got approved for the conditional green card!
QUOTE (Bobby_Umit @ May 29 2009, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The green card issued typically has an expiration date of two years. Within 90 days of the expiration of the two year period, the couple and dependents who received green cards must file a petition with the USCIS for removal of the conditions. The application and supporting documentation are filed using Form I-751.

Not your marriage date.


Thanks! Yea I just read the guides, learned a lot!
EshansmommyFemaleBelgium2009-05-29 13:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWe just got approved for the conditional green card!
Hey everyone

We just got our approval notice for the 2 year green card. I know that I won't have to do anything for about 2 years now, and then 90 days before our 2 year wedding anniversary we will have to "remove conditions", right???
Will I have to send in everything that I did for the AOS or is this last application very simple? I mean, all the documents? Proof of sponsorship? Or is that not necessary anymore? New medical and all that? Or is it much easier and simpler?
Do I have to remove conditions or can I straight file for citizenship?
How much will this application cost us?
Will there be another interview?
What will they check with this step? That we are still married and our marriage is bona fide, like with the first green card? Is it going to be another thorough check? Are there a lot of denials in this step or do most people get approved? Since we got already this far, that the application most likely will be approved?

Sorry, lots of questions, but I just want to relax, and be done and over with the USCIS. I don't want to relax and start my career and college, and social life here to then be disappointed and get denied and deported, if you know what I mean.
EshansmommyFemaleBelgium2009-05-29 13:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhen shall I apply?
THanks I guess Ill be applying soon!
EshansmommyFemaleBelgium2011-02-02 21:13:00