IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of bonafide marriage

Thank You,Good luck on your RFE as well

thank you as the other ppl said i thought if they want more they ask and they did.. but i actually have more proof then they need so should be okay:) if not albania here i come.. :rofl:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-25 17:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of bonafide marriage
your probably ok ..i was just naive in just sending what the site said..u sent in alot more evidence..good luck..:)
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-24 18:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!? Problems with RFE for bonafide marriage

Unfortunately, I did not submit all with the initial submission for the I-130. Everything seemed to point that the government was leaning towards limiting the evidence only the named items I found in the directions. Yes, I thought about throwing in all the additional proof to save time but thought it might just complicate things. I pretty much stuck to the basics, the biographical info, marriage certificate, photos, phone call logs, etc. It's now that I am getting into the nitty gritty with the affidavits and proof of ticket purchase,....

Fingers crossed, this will be the end of this and we can move forward. I'm exhausted. :blink:

got the same rfe and your right im exhausted too:)..but hopefully it will be over soon for us and all this proof will help you and will help me at the interview stage of my process.. :thumbs:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-24 07:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of bona fide relationship affidavits

We had a civil marriage but dressed in traditional wedding wear. I'm enclosing pics of that plus after party pics at her house with family in addition to those of us on regular days. I think I will skip the affidavits.

i just got a rfe and one of the things they wanted was affidavits..just trying to save u a rfe and hassle later on:) i like you sent a bunch of pics and wasn't enough..we had traditional, and civil weddings..and pics with family..good luck with your journey!!
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-26 17:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!!!! Finally! :)
congrats!! good luck and speedy travel through nvc!!
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-25 18:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigrate to the US

I am pretty sure that makes your spouse ineligible to petition ANYONE!!

yeah i think so too from my understanding..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-27 20:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures6-8 Weeks for RFE apporval??

Yeah I figured that... thanks for all the support. =) I really love this community a lot. It's hard to find people around u that understand how u feel about the visa situation and just get the ole, "That must be hard..." I felt they will get it done fast as long as u bother them haha. I call them 2-3x's a week to see how my case was. Thanks again everyone, I believe it will be faster than i think.


yeah it is hard to find people that understand..i get the well "why doesn't he just visit you until he has visa?" lol :rofl:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-01 07:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures6-8 Weeks for RFE apporval??

Ihad an RFE from USCIS and it took 8 days.. I think they say 6-8 weeks lol just to be mean........All reality it should be much less time.. perhaps 2 weeks......

thank GOD you posted this i think i started to faint when i read 6-8 weeks i know ? was about nvc but hopefully csc is just as fast :thumbs:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-31 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS3032

Yeah that could be.... we got our aos bill on the9th and it showed paid by the 11th and on the 13th we received the IV bill and I paid it that morning and by that night it showed paid.

Just keep checking...NVC is one of those areas that you have to keep on top of everything and check almost daily to see what's going on because in an instant there will be a change..unlike the USCIS stage...

if i ever get to nvc you and sarah will have to help me with all this sounds confusing..yes i read the guides:P:P :rofl:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-03 07:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

just try your best at getting everything on the list. I'm sorry that you got a 3 page list. i guess i'm lucky in that aspect me and my husband have a child together so that's our proof. you would think that pics of your marriage ect would be enough.

yeah accept a few ppl say they don't always accept child as proof either.. :rofl: at interview have ask for dna congressman said they are passing these heavy rfe's out alot ..not sure why their not as unusual as the ppl here posted they were...they weren't doing anything with my case and when i got congressman involved poof rfe..ppl know now to get ppl involved when they go past 5 months so maybe uscis giving these out to kill was no big deal i had more proof then they even ask for and it will all be seen at interview so really ended up being probably a plus for me..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-05 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Hey Guys, I received an email on Friday saying that they have issued an RFE on my case. How long does it usually take for the hard-copy to arrive via mail?

Thanks for any response.

i got mine in 3 days depends on where you live in usa or if you filed abroad..but 2-7 days in usa...i signed up for email, txt, and everything and it didn't tell me i had rfe , my congressman did!:)
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-05 22:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Jeez Boiler, take a chill pill!

Marjus' girl, this sucks. I was so hoping your approval was right around the corner.

Hopefully this will be a simple RFE and although youve been waiting such a long time it will hopefully only set you back a couple of weeks. Sounds like youve got most of what they ask for, and I think your recent visit will be great for evidence as well.

Unfortunately with these RFE's it can just be the spin of the wheel sometimes :blink:

Old Edna mustve picked you :(

Still here with you though, if you need any more help just let us know! (if you could scan the RFE it probably would help too!)

Best of luck lovely!

thanks alot hun...for your support and offer of REAL help.. :thumbs: i have everything done but what my husband mailed today ...will have everything they ask for and more and will also be able to mail it monday...and your right hopefully will only set me back a couple of weeks at most..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-24 18:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

You keep missinfroming everyone in here, still without providing any help, and all the info that you have is completely wrong. Just quick info for you so that you know :Albania is member of NATO. They are fighting side by side with U.S troops in Afganistan and elsewhere; it dates back for more than 3000 years as one of the oldes cultures and population of EUROPE. Not a high fraud country as you refer to. Full STOP. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY STOP ASSUMING!!!!

ditto well said and thank you....i gave up trying to defend myself , my husband and albania..i come here for help not a lesson in culture and immigration..and my rfe had nothing to do with high fraud or red flags.. it was just lack of evidence..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-24 14:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

and if they are Muslim it shouldn't be a problem. There are many Muslims from mena who get approval without any problem including me. So please dont listen to assumptions. keep your head up . and do what you have to do.

:thumbs: :thumbs: thank you..*hugs*
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-24 06:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Sorry for all of your troubles. The letters do not have to be notarized, but...........if it is convenient and cheap, it certainly will not hurt. If you can wait the three weeks to get the papers from your husband and it will not jeopardize the time frame for you to get the papers back to NVC, then wait. As i have found out, more is better. Best of luck to you both.

this is for uscis ..i think because congressman got involved..two other people contacted me and said they got same rfe after they got them involved..:)yeah im waiting because he can get alot quicker than I thought..thank you for your encouraging words..:)
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-24 01:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Just going by the published figures, which probably is what matters for the Consulate.

You did suggest I was not familiar with the area.

I have no idea if any of these are relevant in this case.

As a general comment, I am not sure if any of them individually are relevant, more the combination. Probably the age difference is only important if the person being sponsored is male, the other way around would be the cultural norm.

no none of this is relevant in this case and actually the consulate does not consider albania a mena country..their words not mine..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-24 00:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Ditto...and let's make your RFE a source of helpful info for future petitioners! In the "Stupid RFE's" thread of this forum, page 13, Username: Samoray, posted all 3 pages of the Bona Fide Marriage RFE from USCIS. Maybe a moderator could type it up and make it a sticky so its easy to access. I would do it but not sure if allowed..

im willing to help anyone with this process..i can always scan the rfe and what it says to send.. and put it on that thread if you think it would be helpful...:)
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 19:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

I have not been to Albania.

I have seen it from both Yugoslavia and Corfu. Back then it was a closed state. I do know quite a bit about its history. Well the history of the area, I think Albania only dates back to WW1.

I do know it is a very high fraud location as far as US Immigration is concerned, and 80% Muslim.

If it sounds like a duck....

actually its on paper as 80% muslim but actually most people there are no religion ..agnostic or atheist but im here for support not to discuss religion or history there is a forum for that...
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 19:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Marjus's girl, it breaks my heart to see you subjected to anymore pain. Do not let anyone get you down. There are some wonderful people who are really out there to support you. You are already getting everything you need together to get approved. You do not worry about anything else.

I am the one with the age difference. The one thing that would make some happy, who have a problem with age differences and religious differences and spouses and finances from MENA would be if the United States would post a bulletin that says WE WILL NOT APPROVE VISAS FOR ANYONE WITH AGE DIFFERENCES, RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES, PRIOR DIVORCES, CHILDREN FROM PREVIOUS MARRIAGES, SPOUSES AND FIANCES FROM MENA.

Each case is different and the US can not deny cases based purely on these things or they would post a notice stating this and save us all the trouble of applying for these visas.

Apologize, but I think everyone should be supportive instead of making assumptions and judgements.

:rofl: :rofl: :hehe: :dance: very well said !! thank you for your support..:)
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 19:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

My dates are correct......nothing wrong

:D is okay, apparently by this post they have gathered im older than my husband , have children and a different religion...all that is so not
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 17:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

letter about relationship,and explaining we are newly wed and stayed with parents because i coming to usa to file i-130


you really stated that you were coming to the USA to file the I-130? in a letter submitted with the I-130 to USCIS?

no, no , i was just explaining to the person that we didn't have lease or apartment.. we were doing pm's and posting here..sorry for the confusion there.. :D
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 17:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

There is something wrong with those dates.

Anyway your circumstances may be different or you were very lucky. Albania falls into the MENA category so I would also think different religion with the sponsor being older, possibly divorced with children.

I just mentioned the obvious issues without looking into past posts..

you need to look at a map also..albania is in europe , right across italy , above greece..whats wrong with the dates , i met him in facebook , not dating service etc, we were bf/gf for 8months,engaged for two months and have now been married for 7 months ..i have been with him over a year..ppl have married here and been approved after knowing each other two months..i think it was random or it was coz i got my congressman liaison involved..she didn't take background for an answer:)we don't have different religions or any the past posts :bonk:

But she knew online lot longer.. She met her husband online one month later than I met mine. If anyone should have needed more proof it was me..

I met online 1-23-09
Met in person 11-13-11
Married 11-19-11

i understood your dates and what u meant..11-13-10 and 11-19-10 :P
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 17:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Sounds like enough to me. I just printed out a book today of all kinds of chats and congrates from friends. I am getting death certificate for my mom and a notarized letter from my father. He got a notarized letter from his mom and he needs to get death certificate for his father. I think I should get prepared for an RFE like yours since I am in the same boat.

i dont know since some people are put in a extended background..if that would of happen i was moving ...i think they didnt really look at my petition until the congressman got involved this past week i dont think the senators office scared them too in moh..good luck
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

I hope they let you expedite the NVC stage.. This immigration process for you is a joke.. 6 months and then an RFE..Every petition must be different. I thought the proof was more or less with the Consulate.. I hope this goes fast for you.....

yeah it has been crazy and i hope all the proof follows the case and the co see's it at the interview and so they can't use that as in excuse..hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here..i have over 60 pics, a year of skype and msn, our facebook showing pics and ppl commenting congratulating our marriage and both our walls of us sending msgs to each other... my moms notorized letter , one from me, and my sister, i am gathering his school records showing he learned english, and bank statements (proving he didn't pay me to visit or in, and money gram receipts , passports stamps of being together for almost 5 months together ..from last august until now..if this isn't enough..then we have made the decision im moving there..only reason we didn't do that was i take care of my mom..but my sister has agreed to take care of her now..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Again, wait until you have everything you can obtain and send it all at once. Just don't wait too long to get it in a couple days before the deadline. The instructions will tell you what is a "have to".

okay...will do..rather only have to do this once.. :thumbs: do letters from family have to be notorized..the section for my parents isn't saying..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 08:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Marjus's girl, I hate that you got this three page RFE, but I believe if you send in everything that you can that they have asked for, you will get approved. You are strong. You can do this. And it sounds like to me you spent lots of time with your husband. I do not see why they would not approve you.

Praying for you. You are almost there.

yeah i hope and pray so..we just want this part of the process over one way or another....have u got your congressman involved with yours? i know they telling you background too now..hopefully i will have everything sent in in next couple of weeks..he is sending me his school records to show he learned english for the rfe..hopefully with this proof in file ..he passes interview..if we ever get there.. :bonk:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 08:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Sorry to hear about this i have a similar case with you. I was given a deadline for 26th of may 2011 to submit those evidence and i have gotten the ones i can get and i have to get an immigration lawyer to help fight this case.

i am okay if they want more evidence what really upsets me is the fact they waited 6 months to give me and kept insisting to me and the senators liaison all was find with the case they were waiting for background..this didn't appear until the congressman's liaison got sorry you are having to get a lawyer for this ..please make sure you look for a good one ..some ppl on here have gotten no where with them also..:(...they did give me plenty of time to get evidence it just is overwhelming and adds time to case..good luck..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-23 07:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Ugggh...sorry you got an RFE, especially 3 pages worth. Can I ask what evidence you already sent with I-130? They should have more specific instructions on the form and post this detailed list on USCIS website or something. Not fair to just say "or anything else to prove the marriage is bona fide". Shouldn't matter if there's an age difference, previous divorce, or cultural differences! If you legally marry and go through the very complicated, legal (and expensive) process to bring your spouse over and are sworn to show financial support of that person until they become a citizen, then who are they to scrutinize! Do they forget how many people are here illegally??? sorry, this gets me peeved :angry:

very well said...i sent pics of marriage and pics with family, letter about relationship,and explaining we are newly wed and stayed with parents because i coming to usa to file i-130..yeah if i thought they wanted our life history i would of sent it first place..:(makes me upset too believe me...i think i send in what i got and maybe not wait the two or three weeks for my husband to send stuff..because this is just putting our lives on hold.. :crying:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-22 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Hi, I was wondering why they have asked for so many evidence from you? Do you have any of red flags in your petition like age difference, any previous marriage, etc......thanks luck

nope not really but i was past 6 months and senator and congressman got involved and was first told in background check by senators liaison and by service request april 27th and may 18th told about rfe from congressman..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-22 22:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

No, it's not "standard" but we're seeing more of them lately. It's a laundry list. They know not everybody will be able to provide all the items.

thank you so have made me feel so much better, i have skype,msn(from beginning of very first day we talk), some bills in his name and mine, my passport stamps showing i have visited first time for 3 months and just recently for almost two i took out for first trip(trip insurance with date of flight)i can get the bank statements too showing i never recieved money before or after the trips and i have statement from my moms credit card showing she paid for part of first trip..and letter from my sister and mom about they have to be notorized.?? does this sound like good enough if not i will have to wait on my husband sending me more ..and will this proof carry on to the interview stage and potentially help there?
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-22 21:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship

Read the instructions carefully and follow them. You'll see they want it all at one time and by a certain date. Even if there is something you cannot provide, do the best you can and send it all in together, with at least a couple days to spare.

okay thank you for your response..i will send everything i this a standard rfe for all I-130 petitions because i dont know how newlyweds would have some of this :unsure:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-22 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE AFTER 6 MONTHS..proof of relatIonship
I got a 3 page RFE for bona fide is 3 pages long of stuff they this for everyone , including people aos..i can provide everything but will take along time. they want letter how we met, chats before during and after, bank statements from before and after i visit, parents saying they know about relationship and on and on...i can do chats, pics, some bills with both names. is it better to wait till have all or should i send what i have to mail it back quicker..some of this stuff is hard to get and we only live together short time..anyone else get this and could you tell me what you sent back and was it approved then?
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-05-22 20:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG!!! I GOT APPROVED TODAY AND ITS MY 21ST BDAY!!! :)


congrats and happy birthday.. :thumbs:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-06 21:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHiring an attorney or getting congress help?

Save money on the attorney and if the process takes you through Xmas you can take the money you were planning on an attorney and take a trip to see your spouse..:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

agreed :thumbs: i waited 4 months visited my husband and thank God i did because now at almost 7 months im glad i did everything myself and saved money..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-10 12:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny approvals for November filers

Yes, my husband begged me to just drop the visa and come to Turkey. He and his family were so torn up about me being in the hospital. They just want me to come to Turkey so they can take care of me. They are such a wonderful family. But I want to give it a little time. But my health is more important and the stress is really taking a toll on my husband's health too.

I am praying for us too.

yeah i don't even care if its an approval now just waiting for there response back so i can go...if it is okay i will do paperwork from there probably..but we don't care anymore now..:(
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-11 17:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny approvals for November filers

Early November filer filed a service request May 9, 2011 got the background check letter. Just got home from the hospital. I was taken their by ambulance today because I was having stroke like symptons. The stress and anxiety of all this uncertainty is horrible.

yeah it is hun, try to hang in there and know im praying for husband now is so frustrated he says he doesn't care if were approved or not he just wants to be together, matter of fact if i hadn't done all the work for that rfe we got he would of just had me come..but i turned it i'll see what happens..what makes me so mad is getting it after 6 1/2 months of waiting and after congressman involved ..before that got the ole background check letter too...this process is awful...:( good luck to us all..and thanks so much to the people that support us..i see ppl approved on here waiting two months and some not even that and some got rfe after 1-2 months ..this process obviously isn't a first come first serve basis..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-10 22:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshusband coming for the interview or not!?Any sugestions
i'm not allowed inside but im going to be there so they know i am there to support him and also so if he happens to be denied im just going to stay in Albania and either forget whole thing or reapply in a year or so.. :thumbs: good luck on your interview..blowing approved dust your way... :dance:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-10 11:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo2
Nov filer here also told exact same thing ..background checks got my congressman involved and got rfe but better than case sitting there collecting dust.. :blink:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-06-07 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaEarthquake in the mid-west
QUOTE (S and S @ Apr 18 2008, 06:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did any of you other MENA members get woken up by the earthquake this morning? I didn't think we got them here, but I guess I was proved wrong. It really bothered my husband when I told him. As if he doesn't already worry about the tornadoes. It wasn't a big one, but this was my first one even though I lived in California for a couple years.

Yes. I live in Indiana and was woken up at 5:37 this morning. I had no idea what was occurring even though I had experienced an earthquake in California. It just never occurred to me that it WAS an earthquake here in Indiana.

Anyhow, it was definitely the topic of the morning at work.

I talked with my friend today and he said his bedroom closet door handle was moving and it woke him up. He thought someone was in the closet (he lives alone) so he stared at the door for a few and decided to open it. Before he actually touched the handle, he said he thought about movies at the cinema in which the audience is shouting NO, DON'T OPEN IT!!! so he grabbed something to defend himself. He opened the door, but no one was there. He said he laughed so hard at himself. I couldn't help but to chuckle too.

Though I live 350 miles from where the earthquake occurred, we over here still felt it and it gave us something to laugh about today as we all shared our reactions to it.
Carol and BrunoFemaleBrazil2008-04-18 18:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaAny Fees at JFK for Temporary Work Permit?
I told them this just wasn't right and she got REALLY NASTY with me and said "YOU are responsible for him, YOU said you'd support him!!!" blah blah blah.

Sorry, I can't advise on any of your concerns. I just wanted to comment that I would have told her that him wanting to work has nothing to do with you being unable to support him. It's about a man not wanting to sit at home for months when he could be productive and working.

It just annoys me when someone THINKS they know another person's motives.

Edited by Carol and Bruno, 16 June 2008 - 06:52 PM.

Carol and BrunoFemaleBrazil2008-06-16 18:49:00