Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG............................
Thanks everyone.

I'm a little better now. (thanks becca for calling me at work) I think you caught me bouncing off the walls. :lol: I'm usually not always this insane. Ok that depends on who you talk to.

I can breath now and I'll keep my fingers crossed. Dang this is going to be a looooooooooong weekend. :lol:

thanks for the positive thoughts and mojo.

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-13 12:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG............................
Well he just got home from work and no letter. (usually they send the letter out before they update the list) I didn't expect the letter to be there just because we were completed today. :lol:

Guess we have to wait until next week to find out.

How appropriate...............on Friday the 13th none the less. :o

Thanks guys I'm just scared poopless. :yes:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-13 11:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG............................
SOMEONE HELP ME........................

Our case is completed as of today but we haven't got a letter yet. I don't know if it's an approval or denial.

I can't breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:crying: :crying: :crying:


I'm going to throw up. I can't wait for a letter in the mail. geeeeeeeeeez!
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-13 11:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Approval - Vermont
:dance: :dance: :dance:


That is wonderful news. I bet you were well beyond shocked. You were so expecting to be waiting so much longer. So happy that didn't happen. :thumbs:

That means we both found out our waivers were approved on the same day. October 18 was a very very good day! :lol:

Best wishes to you and your husband,

Edited by Baileyj96, 19 October 2006 - 04:19 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-19 04:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Still no postcard 14 weeks after filing I- 601
Agree with dwar49. When you pm'd me the other day I assumed you didn't get the post card but was on the waiver list. I would call and see what is going on. You should have been sent the post card and at the least you should have been on the waiver list from 2 to 4 weeks after you filed. Keep trying until you get an answer from someone.

The first one is for the embassy. The second one is the dhs office at london that does the waivers. If the phone call doesn't work you could try emailing .

Good luck and sorry i misunderstood your message.
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-21 16:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 QUESTION ASKED AT LONDON

. We just were surprised by the individual's original insistance of having two hard ship letters. I really think that we met all the requirements, and that his use of the term "hardship letter" was generic.

I agree with you.

If you feel comfortable with what you submitted then I would stick with it. Just letting you know there was an options to send in more info if you felt the need to. :yes:
Good information to share since lots of information was lost when this site crashed a few months ago. I am sure it will help someone else in the future.

Thanks for sharing dwar49 :thumbs:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-21 07:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 QUESTION ASKED AT LONDON
Well that was screwy. It completely left everything i wrote in my last post. :(

What I said was:

They do require a letter from both but I've never heard of them wanting one with the reasons why it would be a hardship for her not to move to the US. I've actually never seen anything posted as to what their letter should contain. What we did was explain the circumstances that led to his crime. Expressed much regret for what had happened and copied and pasted key items from my letter and incorporated them into his. We also included character letters of reference. We based ours on what someone on another site suggested. We had no idea since there is nothing posted about the second letter. I heard about it on

Very strange they would state that this is what her letter should contain.

I will say that I think it is very acceptable to write another letter and mail it in to DHS. Just write a short note and explain what the embassy stated to you and include you LDN #. As long as your not under review I see nothing wrong with that and since you just filed you should have some time to do that if you wish.
They took several of our supporting documents out and we were not comfortable with that so he mailed copies back in as soon as he got back home.

this is the page with their address or you can wait until you receive your post card from them. It should be on there.

best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 19:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 QUESTION ASKED AT LONDON

Not sure if i missed something in all my research on 601 waivers. Today when my fiancee submitted our 601 at her interview, the man that went thru the package kept asking her for her hardship letter. Okay now that is the first time i had heard that one. In our package we had the letter from me outlining my exreme hardship, along with supporting documentation, and a letter from her talking about the circumstances of her overstay and other information about her situation at the present.

He told her he couldnt accept the package without a hardship letter from her explaining why it would be a hardship on her not to move to the states. After she explained and showed him the letter from her talking about the circumstances and other information he did accept the package, but it really confused my fiancee.

Everything i have read (including the official handbook on how wiavers are decided upon) never once mentioned that the foriegn national had to submit a hardship letter.

This took place at the london embassy. I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience, or did i miss something?

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 18:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)k3 interview

Have a read here. This might put your mind at ease.

(ii) Exception.-Clause (i)(I) shall not apply to an alien who committed only one crime if-

(I) the crime was committed when the alien was under 18 years of age, and the crime was committed (and the alien released from any confinement to a prison or correctional institution imposed for the crime) more than 5 years before the date of application for a visa or other documentation and the date of application for admission to the United States, or

This is where you can find it.


Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-23 04:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)memorandums of conviction
Hi muchkins.

I don't think I would bother calling. You seem to get a different answer depending on who answers the phone. :whistle: Think your best bet would be to mail them to DHS with your case number on it .

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-22 20:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I485 Interview scheduled for 10/31/06!
Have a read here

Go read the link to the Classes of Aliens Ineligible to receive visa.

I don't see why you would need a waiver if your crime was commited before you were 18.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-19 08:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So sick of this toying with peoples lives
Well I think the only thing you have let to do is have your fiancee call her State Senator. Like I said before they can inquire about your case on your behalf and sometimes they can get answers when you can't. Keep calling London and emailing them. Sooner or later maybe someone who answer the phone will actually decide to help you.

Sorry I couldn't think of anything else. I tried.

Good luck,

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-26 11:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So sick of this toying with peoples lives
Ok then your medical information, your x ray and the letter you used to get into the London embassy should have your number on it. That's about all I can think of. Your lawyer should have something from contacting London. That's about all I can think of.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-26 04:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So sick of this toying with peoples lives
Ok I'm still trying to figure this one out. :wacko: But I have a few questions. Has your lawyer been involved since the beginning? Did he file the paperwork for the K-1 or did your fiancee? Has he got all the correspondence from the embassy? Dublin or London? On your K-1 paperwork it ask you what embassy has jurisdiction over where you live. That would have been London but from what I understand you can request another embassy. It is up to them if they allow you to do this. I'm assuming that your lawyer put Dublin since he was un informed and didn't know you needed to go to London. But for whatever reason he discovered that you should have went to London?. Probably after your K-1 was approved and sent to the NVC which is where they issue your DUB/LND number. They did not catch the mistake and issued your DUB number. ?????????????? I'm guessing here. When dublin received your case maybe they informed your lawyer that you could not go through Dublin ???? This is when your lawyer probably tried to fix his mistake and somehow contacted London??????...............stay with me here. a lot of speculation here. Anyway somewhere, somehow someone had to receive something from London. They scheduled your interview and there has to be some kind of record of this.

First question. Where did you have your medical? (very important question)

Anyway you said you went to London. You had to have received a letter from London telling you when your appointment for your interview . They will not let you into the embassy without the letter and the letter should have had a LDN number on it.

question 2......... Did you take your waiver with you to your interview? Did your lawyer mail your waiver in to London?

If you turned the waiver in to London yourself you would have paid the fee right then and there on the spot. You should have a receipt for that.

From what the email said from DHS.......... they think your interview and waiver was submitted in Dublin. They are saying that it was transferred to London and someone at the embassy is looking over your waiver before they send it on to DHS. Even if this is true. There is no way it should be taking since July for them to pass it on to DHS. They should have received it several weeks ago.

You already know this but something is terribly wrong. You need to go have a "nice" long talk with that lawyer. He has to have something.

still trying to help........

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-25 18:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So sick of this toying with peoples lives

what a mess. Not sure I can think of anything you can do. I'm thinking that London would have assigned you some kind of number. I doubt they would have used the DBL number. I would call the lawyer back and talk to them about it.

I'm wondering since a lawyer was involved, maybe the information was send to the lawyer?????? Oh and your lawyer was wrong. You could have filed the waiver in Dublin. They would have just mailed it on to London but that doesn't really matter now.

Good luck,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-24 09:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So sick of this toying with peoples lives

I had my interview in london and my I-601 waiver ws filed in london at the interview.I do not have an lnd number its a DBL number as my lawyer in his stupidity wanted me to do my interview in dublin then he realised that it was london who had juisdiction over me,yup typical lawyer knew it all and nothing at same time,Sean.

I am so sorry but you are confusing me. I am so lost. So did you have your interview in London or Dublin? If you had your interview in London and filed your I-601 in London then you should have a LND number. If you interviewed in Dublin and turned your waiver in at Dublin then you would have a DBL number. I don't understand. :no:

Not trying to aggrivate you. Just trying to help but if you interviewed and filed in London you should have a LDN number somewhere. I can't see how london would interview and file the waiver with a Dublin number. ??? Think this one is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over my head.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-24 09:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So sick of this toying with peoples lives
Hi Sean,

The page i gave you the link for above has a phone number on it. I will say that I or my fiance never called. I always send email and they always replied. I assumed that you had your interview in London since N. Ireland usually goes through London. I didn't realize you filed in Dublin. I think you need to call Dublin first since they were the ones who took your waiver. Find out if they say it was send to London. Then I would try sending an email to London DHS. They are the ones who should have received the waiver. When you email put your case number in the subject line then your name and birthdate. If there is any other information you can add, such as a receipt number for paying the waiver fee ....anything that might help. If they still don't answer your email or phone calls, I would tell your fiancee to call her Senator or representative of her state. They can inquire on your behalf.

I know this must be very aggrivating to you. Wish I could help more.
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-24 04:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So sick of this toying with peoples lives
No Sean.

You said it had been 14 weeks since you turned the waiver in. You should have been added to the London waiver list long ago. Usually 2 to 4 weeks after it's filed. Maybe a little longer since it was filed in Dublin but not 14 weeks.

Since you filed in Dublin maybe you should call them. Maybe they never forwarded the wiaver on to DHS London. Or you could try the information on this page. I think I would call Dublin first then follow up with DHS.


Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-23 15:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 waiver info for london
Well I've been searching for that section of the law but I cannot find it. grrrrrrrr I do remember reading that if it was a one time offence and under 30 grams it is waivable. But don't go by what I'm saying. I think there is more to it than that. I think It also would depend on how old he was when it happened. There is a lawyer on the other site ( ...and yes it is running slow. they did some big update) who has a free chat on Wednesdays. She has the site posted over there and if there was any way you could go on wednesday she would probably answer your question with more details. Sometimes she will even post on a thread but not always.

If you do end up having to file (and I hope you don't) We filed our waiver on May6th 2006 and it was completed on October 13th 2006. It does fluctuate some but plan on 12 weeks at the minimum and about 20 at the maximum.

Good luck and best wishes to you.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-27 18:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)preparing to file
We paid with a credit card.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-09 09:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Another packet 3

have a look here. it should tell you what each packet is and what is in it.

If this link doesn't work go to embassy and click on UK

You have a good sunday too. I'm busy being worthless. :yes:

Oh and thanks for the offer but I think we better wait on our own packet. You can just be selfish and keep your two. :lol:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 15:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Another packet 3
:lol: Hey that's not fair. Your hogging all the packet 3's and my fiance hasn't even got his first one yet. :crying:
They must really like you

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-11 18:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Athens approval rate??
Hey Jess,
I don't think there are many people on here working through Athens.
You might give in the I-601 forum. There seem to be a few more people who use that site from different areas.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 20:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)LETTERS OF HARDSHIP,NOT FROM U.S.C.
Hi ktmman,

Those type of letters are few and far between. I think there might be a few posted on in the example letter stickies. I don't think most people feel comfortable posting these because they have the tendency to be more personal.
I ask and was told that this letter can be a bit more relaxed. It should be written in the words of the UKC. (first person) We concentrated on the reason they were inadmissable and regrets, rehabilitation and accomplishments since that time. Include charater letters from friends, family and empolyers etc..... Then a few comments from the USC hardship letter. I actually was told by one person that they cut and pasted from the hardship letter to the UKC letter but I'm not sure that would be wise. We just incorporated some of the highlights from the hardship letter "in their words"

Hope this helps a little bit.
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-21 20:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver?

Have a look here. My fiance was denied a passport due to criminal covictions but was granted a travel visa. He did not file a waiver but his visa application was forward to London for review and he was granted the travel visa.

Good luck
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-27 07:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver - How does it work?
This person was misinformed. You can not file for a waiver until you are denied at the embassy level durring your interview. They determine if you need to file a waiver and will instruct you on what you are being denied for and what you need to do.

You can research and ask around ( is another good site) and make your own determination if you think you will need a waiver. You can construct your hardship letter with all your supporting documents and have it ready to file asap. Some embassy's allow you to file the waiver the same day as your interview and some do not.

Good luck,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-06 09:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Lawyer
Don't know without knowing why you think you have no waiver available.

Good luck
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-14 18:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)second interview
Hi Jamie,

Congrats on getting your waiver approved. :thumbs:

I am also from South central Indiana. I'm sorry but I can't help you on your question. We filed a waiver through London and they do things a little different than Juarez. There are a few nice people on here working through Juarez so I'm sure they will answer you soon.

Oh and if they don't see this post go to I-601 general moral support thread and try there.

Best wishes,

Edited by Baileyj96, 22 May 2006 - 05:50 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-22 17:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Infractions

I think I would list it on your paperwork just to be completly honest but it should not cause any problems.

Here is the part of the law that deals with the criminal section.

(2) Criminal and related grounds.-

(A) Conviction of certain crimes.-

(i) In general.-Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of-

(I) a crime involving moral turpitude (other than a purely political offense or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime), or

(II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)), is inadmissible.

(ii) Exception.-Clause (i)(I) shall not apply to an alien who committed only one crime if-

(I) the crime was committed when the alien was under 18 years of age, and the crime was committed (and the alien released from any confinement to a prison or correctional institution imposed for the crime) more than 5 years before the date of application for a visa or other documentation and the date of application for admission to the United States, or

(II) the maximum penalty possible for the crime of which the alien was convicted (or which the alien admits having committed or of which the acts that the alien admits having committed constituted the essential elements) did not exceed imprisonment for one year and, if the alien was convicted of such crime, the alien was not sentenced to a term of imprisonment in excess of 6 months (regardless of the extent to which the sentence was ultimately executed).

(B) Multiple criminal convictions.-Any alien convicted of 2 or more offenses (other than purely political offenses), regardless of whether the conviction was in a single trial or whether the offenses arose from a single scheme of misconduct and regardless of whether the offenses involved moral turpitude, for which the aggregate sentences to confinement 2/ were 5 years or more is inadmissible.

© CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE TRAFFICKERS- Any alien who the consular officer or the Attorney General knows or has reason to believe--

(i) is or has been an illicit trafficker in any controlled substance or in any listed chemical (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)), or is or has been a knowing aider, abettor, assister, conspirator, or colluder with others in the illicit trafficking in any such controlled or listed substance or chemical, or endeavored to do so; or

(ii) is the spouse, son, or daughter of an alien inadmissible under clause (i), has, within the previous 5 years, obtained any financial or other benefit from the illicit activity of that alien, and knew or reasonably should have known that the financial or other benefit was the product of such illicit activity, is inadmissible.

Hope that gives you some peace of mind.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 04:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME
have a look here.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-06 17:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Why do I need 2 hardship letters to go with the I 601?
Hey guys I wasn't trying to be snotty when I said I would just keep my mouth shut. It's just so hard to try to help someone out and give them information. I would never intentionally give someone false information and I would hate it if I misled someone. Like Mary said this part of the process is so impossible to explain and so different for each person. . It's not cut and dry and different in so many ways. What is required of one person isn't always the same case for another (same goes for each embassy). There are so many different ways to interpret each and every thing. All anyone can do to try to help is to share what has happened to them during this process. It's so hard to answer someone who ask....."will I need a waiver" All you can do is give your opinion and hope you can help them decide what will be best for themselves.

Irishgirl. I think they will review all his paperwork. Check the police report and then probably ask him a few questions about it. Oh poop and I was going to keep my mouth shut. :lol: :lol:

Good luck guys and girls.
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-07 19:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Why do I need 2 hardship letters to go with the I 601?
Yeah Mary I kind of forgot about that. I guess I might want to keep my mouth shut when it comes to what I think. You try to help out and give someone your opinion and if your wrong you feel bad. It's kind of your &^%&^% if you do and &^&*^ it you don't.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-07 13:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Why do I need 2 hardship letters to go with the I 601?

I want to apologize. I just now remembered that you were from Australia and not London. Think I got you confused with Irishgirls post. I'm not sure that they require two hardship letters. London is the only one that I know of that required a hardship letter from both the USC and non USC. Sorry for the confusion. Didn't want to mis inform you.

As far as the amount of time on the convictions, I'm not positive at the moment. I'll check when I get home from work, but I believe that both of my fiance's sentences were under 2 years but he was still required to file the waiver because of the multiple convictions. I'll try to look that up tonight for you to be sure and I'll send you a note. I know the law is hard to interpret. I've tried to do that for over a year now. lol

Just trying to help you out


Edited by Baileyj96, 07 June 2006 - 11:17 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-07 11:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Why do I need 2 hardship letters to go with the I 601?
Yes you will both write a letter. What we were advised to do was to use My (USC) as the main letter listing all the harships and the evidence giving all the details. The letter from the non USC is basically a repeat of the other letter with less detail. It was more relaxed and we used it to give more details involving the reason for the denial and rehabilitation. Our waiver is pending so I'm not positive it worked but that was what were were advised to do. Never have heard why London required a letter from both but they do and if you don't submit one they will delay your filing until you do.

Also If the USC does not put details in their letter of why the non USC was denied. You might want to include a letter from the USC stating what the rejection was for and that they are fully aware of the reason for the denial. It was requested from other people who have filed a I-601 through London.


This is the part I think will apply to you.

Multiple criminal convictions.-Any alien convicted of 2 or more offenses (other than purely political offenses), regardless of whether the conviction was in a single trial or whether the offenses arose from a single scheme of misconduct and regardless of whether the offenses involved moral turpitude, for which the aggregate sentences to confinement 2/ were 5 years or more is inadmissible.


Edited by Baileyj96, 07 June 2006 - 09:51 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-07 09:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Classes of Aliens Ineligible to Receive Visa
Yeah I know Paul. But at least it give someone new some kind of idea. I've read this thing a million times and each time I find something new in it. I have actully mis read it on a few occasions and thought certain sections applied to my fiance but then eventually found out it didn't. Thought the 15 year, rehabilitation and not being a threat to the us would help my fiance but found out on another site that it only applies to drug conviction.

Hope this helps someone,

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 09:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Classes of Aliens Ineligible to Receive Visa
Thought I would post this since so many people have trouble finding it.


hope this link works.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-10 23:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Health wiavers HELP!!

I wish there was someone on here who had expierence with this. I think you might be breaking new ground. I did have a look around about medical waivers. Not that it helped much. Not sure If you found this info but if not you might have a look.

Wish you the best. Oh and I was wondering if there was a way to contact the cdc and see if they could answer questions for you.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-23 12:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Options
Hi AfQuaid,

Wow I think your are unfortunately breaking new ground here on VJ. I know nothing about medical denials but I can tell you something about the waiver process.

First you will find out at your interview if you will be denied and If there is a waiver available. I did try looking for information on visa denials for physical disability but didn't find much about it. I would imagine that if you are denied because of the financial part of this process, you would be given the opportunity to correct that with further information or they should inform you of what would be required. I have heard that they can require a bond to be posted for proof that you would not become a burden to the us but I have never actually heard of anyone who was required to do this.
If you are denied because of the physical disability and there is a waiver available for this they will explain to you what is required for this also. Our case is different but if you are required to complete the I-601 waiver, you will need to pay the $265. fee. You will fill out the I-601 form and you and your fiance will both be required to write a hardship letter. You will basically need to prove that it is impossible for your fiance to move to the UK.
If you have the waiver ready at your interview they will go over it with you then and make sure all your paperwork is in order. If everything is in order then they will accept it that day. They will keep it for a few weeks and make their recommendations before forwarding it to the London sub office. (ours took 4 weeks to make it upstairs lol) After the sub office receives it, they have it posted right now that it is taking between 12 and 15 weeks for a decision. (give or take a few weeks)
If your waiver is approved you will be contacted to send your passport to the embassy and they will post your visa back to you. If your waiver is denied then you can appeal but from what I understand it isn't advisable unless you have new evidence. You can also completely refile with a new fee and hardship letter.

I want to wish you both the best. I have a sister who has progressive MS and I know how difficult everything can be. You both deserve the best and to be together. Wish I could help more.
Best wishes,

WHOOPS........ see meauxna beat me to it...........and had more info that i did. lol

Edited by Baileyj96, 26 June 2006 - 07:07 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-26 19:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I 121 HELP

Not really familiar with the I-212 but I found this on the london site. Might help you some. http://www.usembassy...iv/add_req.html

You might also try They have an I-212 section in their forum.

Good luck,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-25 17:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)This is probably unusual but help!
Hi enoch,

I think you are correct when you say you were told that any time accumulated out of status before you turn 18 will not be held against you.

This is what is states on the USCIS section about people ineligible to receive a visa....

(i) In general.-Any alien (other than an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence) who-

(I) was unlawfully present in the United States for a period of more than 180 days but less than 1 year, voluntarily departed the United States (whether or not pursuant to section 244(e) ) prior to the commencement of proceedings under section 235)(1) or section 240 , and again seeks admission within 3 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal, or

(II) has been unlawfully present in the United States for one year or more, and who again seeks admission within 10 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal from the United States,is inadmissible.

(ii) Construction of unlawful presence.-For purposes of this paragraph, an alien is deemed to be unlawfully present in the United States if the alien is present in the United States after the expiration of the period of stay authorized by the Attorney General or is present in the United States without being admitted or paroled.

(iii) Exceptions.-

(I) Minors.-No period of time in which an alien is under 18 years of age shall be taken into account in determining the period of unlawful presence in the United States under clause (I).

Here is the link http://travel.state....ities_1364.html

I do remember reading a Thread where a person was taken to the US as a child and they did not leave prior to their 18th birthday. Their visa was denied, if I remember correctly they were barred for either 3 or 10 years. I think you are very wise in wanting to do the right thing in leaving and then coming back legal. I'm not sure about student visa's or what you have to do to apply for that. I do wish you much luck and hope you can work things out so that you can come back legally and finish your schooling.
Hopefully someone can give you more info on that but this site is for family immigration and not for student visa's
. Good luck
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-28 21:16:00