Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi Irish............. Hey I'm only calm on here. If you were sitting next to me you would probably put a straight jacket on me. :hehe:

Actually beetee is due next. I still have a couple of weeks to go i think

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-24 13:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:blink: Aww another day in paradise. Nothing, nada, zilch..........hey they could at least update and put the case completed that we already know about. :huh:

The Princesss of Whine

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-23 12:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey Tiff,

I'm so jelouse. I've always wanted to go Northeast. I've always thought that would be a beautiful area to visit and this should be a good time to go. I don't think I would want to go to that area in the winter time. lol
Oh and nothing wrong with going with your family. Just make sure your mom doesn't wake you up at 5 am every morning to go site seeing. :lol: Let us know how it went and how you liked it. What was your favorite place you visited? And post some pictures when you get back if you can. Most of all have a great time and enjoy the rest and relaxation.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-23 04:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey tiff

You sound like your doing well and we appreciate the check up on us. :D We are doing ok except for our occasional rant and tantrum. :lol: More me than beetee the last couple of days but I'm over it now.

Beetee............................awww no you didn't. oh yes you did. the shame woman. You mentiond Christmas in 3 months. Your getting beat with a stick lady. I didn't need to hear that one already. :lol:

Now you go stick your nose in the corner for being bad!!!! :o

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-22 15:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-22 11:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:D Aww come on London ..............give us a little update. We didn't get one Friday so tease us a little today!!! :lol:


Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-22 11:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey no complaining about the roller coaster. You will sit down, ,throw your hands up in the air..............say WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and like it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :yes:

:D Vicky

Oh and if you continue to complain about the rides here...............I will be turning my Cow loose on you.

Edited by Baileyj96, 18 August 2006 - 12:00 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-18 11:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Oh it's ok Paul,

Yeah i think it's worthless to try to figure out what they do with that list. (doesn't stop me from trying though) :lol: As much as I try I just can't help myself. I guess I need to have something to stress over.

It kind of figures. After the whole wait on the waiver for you. Now you have to deal with a delay on the AOS. I guess we know it will never end. I said yesterday that this was like being on the worlds largest roller coaster. Have a seat, fasten your seat belt. Keep all your loose and personal items inside and throw those hands up in the air....... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Oh and have fun getting purdy. Good luck with your biometrics.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-18 11:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Aww Mary,

My avatar is just a iddy biddy old cow with a big tongue. :lol: I thought it was kind of cute and it's just saying hello.

Oh wow your finally ready to go back. I know it's been torture for you getting all that done by yourself. When you get on that plane. Sit back and relax, think about how exciting it will be to see Tom and to be with him again. That's the most important part of all of this. Don't worry about what you didn't get done. It will work out or your kids can take care of it for you. Dang are good for something. :lol:

I was just playing around the other day and found some one way tickets that weren't so bad. Just depends on if and when so we are waiting to see what happens.

Hang in there ...........your almost there.


Edited by Baileyj96, 18 August 2006 - 10:41 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-18 10:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi jpkeswim,

Sounds like your moving right along. Congrats on the new car. I can just imagine it in my mind. An american in the Uk driving on the wrong side of the road with an automatic. :lol: That could be scarey. Just kidding you. Hope you enjoy being mobile.

Hey guys sorry about the rant yesterday. Boy the little things that set me off. How embarrasing. :blink:
I kind of figured out the method to their madness. I just now noticed that all they did was put the London cases in numerical order. Starting with the year then so on. :wacko:

Well anyway back to normal now.....................ok no comments on the normal part. :P

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-18 05:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Ok rant over with now.


Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-17 12:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:wacko: Does anyone have any drugs? Ok I really don't understand now. I really do think now all they are doing is screwing with us. They did absolutely nothing on the list. Completed nothing. Only added one case and bumped our case all the way back up to the top of the list. What the *&^*# is this #######?

You know i think I'm going to need to stop looking at the ^%$&* thing.

Sorry guys i'm getting pissed :(

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-17 11:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Evening guys and gals.

Well I was just reading through some info on some government sites about waiver and such. Yeah yeah yeah I exciting and I must have no life at all. Don't even know what I was looking for but I found something.
Mary you might be interested in this. I know it means nothing and won't help what they done to you two but you might get just a tiny bit of satisfaction from it. I found this and thought I would share.
Just a thought.

10.10 Refund of Fees.
When an applicant or petitioner pays a filing fee on an application, he or she is seeking a decision from the Service regarding the applicant or beneficiary’s eligibility for the benefit(s) being sought. In general, the Service does not refund a fee or application regardless of the decision on the application. There are only a few exceptions to this rule, such as when the Service made an error which resulted in the application being filed inappropriately or when an incorrect fee was collected. For example, if the Service advises an applicant to file a waiver application for a ground of inadmissibility which is inapplicable to that applicant, the fee should be refunded. If an applicant or petitioner believes that he or she is entitled to a refund of fee, he or she should file Form G-266, Refund of Immigration and Naturalization Fees. The form is available on the INS Intranet. Send the completed form to the Debt Management Center (DMC), 70 Kimball Ave., South Burlington, VT 05403-6813 or fax it to (802) 660-5107. Retain a copy for office records, following local procedures. Send only the completed form to DMC, retaining any back-up documents, applications, etc. The DMC will notify you of the disposition of the request. Only a single refund may be requested per form. Complete the form in accordance with the following instructions:
Block Number Explanation of Entry
1 List the office in which the form was prepared
2 Assign a request number for the refund using the FCO-Fiscal Year-Sequential Number format. (For example: LOS-2000-0011 would be the 11th request submitted by the Los Angeles office during FY 2000.)

Block Number Explanation of Entry
3 Enter the requesting office mailing address
4 Enter the area code and telephone number of the person to whom questions regarding the refund may be directed
5 Enter the name and address of the person to whom the refund should be sent. Fee refunds for minors should be sent to a parent or guardian "in behalf of" the child’s name. This information must be displayed in the sequence listed below. Use an additional address line, if necessary
- Line 1: First name, middle initial, last name of payee
- Line 2: In behalf of ________________ (if applicable)
- Line 3: Street address or P.O. Box
- Line 4: City, state and Zip code
6 Record information necessary to file and retrieve the disposition copy after action by the DMC. (receipt file number, etc, according to local procedures). The requesting office remains responsible for maintaining sufficient information and files for a proper audit trail
7 Use this space to identify (name and phone number) a point of contact in the event The DMC has questions concerning processing of the request
8 Enter the application form number (or "fingerprint fee" if appropriate)
9 Enter applicable section of law, if any
10 Enter the exact amount of the fee to be refunded
11 Circle the reason for the refund: "overpayment", "Service error" or "other". If "other" is circled, there must be a brief explanation. Forms submitted without explanation will be returned by DMC without action
12 Original signature of signatory authority.*
13 - 15 Leave blank – for DMC use only

* If delegated below the office head, the office head must send a memorandum defining the specific delegation. The memorandum must contain the specific authority being delegated (e.g. approval of Fee Refund Requests, Forms G-266), the name, title and signature of each subordinate receiving the delegation and the effective date of the delegation.


Edited by Baileyj96, 16 August 2006 - 06:41 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-16 18:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:wacko: Yeah and I don't think we are going to get an update today either.

.................................just when we think there is a method to this madness.........................................................................

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-16 11:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

Well you might actually think of putting something in there about in the future. As they get older and their health fails them. (god forbid) and the assistance that you could provide for them under those circumstances. Do a bit of speculating. What might happen in the future if you were not there to provide or assist your parents.

Justs a thought,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-15 14:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

Hi again. Looks like you have a strong hardship letter. I was just wondering if you or any of your family members might have a medical condition? Would you be providing assistance to your parents as they grow older? Is there anyone else to assist them. You might try to work that in there if possible.

As with an overstay or criminal basis for a waiver, I believe it boils down to the strength of the hardship letter and also the amount of time that has passed. I think with a 7 year overstay there is a 10 year bar so the more time that has passed since the bar was implemented the better.

Nigel's waiver was for an overstay but he doesn't post much on here anymore. You might try pm'ing him and he might answer some questions for you.

You might also try They have an I-601 thread.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-15 11:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi jpkeswim,

Good to hear from you. Sounds like you have been busy getting settled in. Sounds like a lovely honeymoon to Grease. Try not to worry too much. I'm sure it is safer now that it has ever been.

I remember your waiver was for an overstay. It ended up being a 10 year bar wasn't it? I was just wondering how long into the 10 year bar you were? I would think the more time that past for the bar the better your chances would be. I know it's tough getting started on a new harship letter. Now that you have moved over there it's going to be hard to prove you can't live there. Well dig down deep and write a letter of a life time. Use everything and anything that might help you. If you have anything that we can help with I'm sure we will chime in there and do whatever we can. If anything we can make a few suggestions. That hardship letter was the hardest thing i've ever had to do. It didn't come easy for me. Heck I don't even know yet if it was good enough. :lol:

Hope you have a great honeymoon and let us know how everything is going and maybe some of us can help out.

Baileyj .........Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-14 18:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Yeah beetee I don't think they will change it until Wednesday. Seems like Wednesday and Friday are the days for now.

Dang it I swore I wasn't going to let it start to get to me but I think it is now. I'm getting a little fidgety and squirmy now. I can't seem to concentrate on work. Never could much before but now it's worse. :lol:
I'm soooooooooo ready for all this to be over with. Well this part of it anyway.
I sure don't blame you for going a little nuts. Maybe we will both end up in the looney bin. :lol: Good thing we don't have to take a mental evaluation while all this is going on.

Well I'm going to see if i can find an appropriate avatar. :whistle:

;) Vicky

Edited by Baileyj96, 14 August 2006 - 11:47 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-14 11:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey cmltdg,

Good to hear from you. I'm still so sorry things didn't work out for you two but it sounds like your dealing with things ok. It's good that you two can stay friends after all of this. Just stinks that it had to end up like that.

Yeah we are getting close. From what I can figure out by that silly list (they had a major overhaul last week) we should be about number 4 on the list now. I'm starting now to get a little impatient. The closer our time comes the more it bothers me. :lol: I really hope they just surprise me and complete the case without going to under review but I doubt we could be that lucky.

Beetee will hear something very soon. We will be watching Wednesday for sure to see if she gets here completed then. They better do it soon, I think all her nails are gone and 1/2 of her hair is pulled out now. :yes: Aww but she will be fine.

Come back when you can and let us know how you are doing.

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-14 11:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi Scroll

Jump in any time. We could use the company sometimes. Yeah I'm not so sure about that list. It's nice to see your case on there but It's also nerve wrecking. Especially when you go under review and it sits there for several weeks. Think it might be nice if they just went from pending to completed and skip the whole under review. :yes: Hope the other consulates pick up on it and use it soon. At least you can see that they have received your case. That's better than wondering about it.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-13 13:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:D yeah we are whinning in private now instead of making a specticle of ourselves. :lol: Naw not really we just thought since we couldn't find anyone to join us we would just keep pm'ing. It is nice to see some post in here. I"ve had a hectic week but school starts back up on Tuesday so things should settle back down now. All I have to do is get the critter used to going to bed early. That should only take a month or so. :blink: I've never had a kid that was so hard to get to sleep. She's been like that even when she was a baby. I'm starting to think she's part vampire. :o

I think beetee will hear something soon. Hopfully this week. Wednesday seems to be the big day with Friday just being the day they update us just to keep us happy for the weekend. I just can't believe they have 9 cases under review all at once. I think that is some kind of record. :lol: :o just kidding. I think we still have a few weeks to go but that's ok , at least we are getting closer.


Oh it sounds like your making some progress and I'm sure it is difficult figuring out how and when to do everything. At least it doesn't sound like it will be much longer. Just think of how wonderful it will be to see Tom waiting on you at the airport and starting your life together. Everytime you get a little stressed just think about that. I'm sure that will help.

Keep smiling people. When one smiles everyone does. :yes:
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-13 11:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Update time.............good grief they have 8 under review now but as far as i can tell they only completed one since last update. Oooh there are only 4 until they get to us. :yes:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-09 09:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:lol: :lol: :lol: St. Patty's day my azz. Ok I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but I guess I have to stoop to extreme measures........................................................................
I'm packing my wet suit, flippers and snorkel and going in after them. Oh and if that doesn't work I'll break out the dreaded flyswatter. ;)

Actually London is picking up some speed. :thumbs: We are moving down the list pretty quick lately and hope it continues.

Vicky ;)
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-01 20:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:D Very funny beetee. Well actually I'm the only one really watching this I think. I'm talking to myself so it's a short boring conversation. :lol:

:) Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-01 17:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-01 09:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:D Hey Beetee. I think you are UNDER REVIEW . Hang on to your shorts woman. It won't be long now. :lol:

I wonder why they skipped up and completed some so far up the list. Hey one of those is only a couple from our number.

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-25 10:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi jpkeswim

Congrats on your wedding. Sounds like everything went well and you had a few family there. Wish I could help you with the K-3 visa but I'm doing the K-1 so I doubt I would be much help. Someone will answer you i'm sure.

Well we have another update if that's what you want to call it. I'm not sure I even care anymore. I'm so tired of looking and being dissapointed. Not sure I will even look anymore.

Hope your doing ok Tiff. At least as good as you can be.

See ya,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-20 09:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
OMG Tiff I am so very very sorry. I don't know what to say. I just don't understand and I guess we never will. Wish there was something I do or say but know we are all crying with you. We may not physically know each other but we are all kind of a family around here. When one of us hurts...........we all hurt. You go finish having your cry and come back when you feel you can. Maybe there is something we can figure out. Maybe with their reason for the denial we can help you figure out what or if there is something else that can be done. I know your not ready for that yet but maybe after some time we can help.

BIG SQUEEZE (((((((((((((((((((((( HUGS )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-19 08:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey tiff.

Just went back and did some research. Paul received his approval in the mail. I found his post where he said he was away at the time and he opened the letter on a Saturday with his approval. So don't think because they didn't tell you in the email, that it's a denial. I'm sure they have reasons for not revealing the results in an email. Probably just in case there is a mistake. They probably just want you to read the official letter just to make sure nothing goes wrong. :thumbs:

;) Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 20:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Oh wow Tiff I am so messed up. I thought your case wasn't the one that went back to pending. I thought I looked at it wrong. It must have been a typo for whomever was doing the update. Please try not to let it drive you over the edge.

I agree with Mary. Don't jump to conclusions just yet. I think it's cruel for them not to give you an answer on your email. Making you wait for the mail just seems so wrong after waiting this long. I don't remember if they told Paul in an email or if he had to wait for the letter but i'm going to go search and see if i can find out. Don't give up lady. Hang in there and try not to let your mind wonder. ( i know easy for me to say) Wish I could help you somehow.

Ok I'm going to go have a look.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 20:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Oh sorry you are right beetee I got the wrong number. the one that went back to pending is the 013 number. Sorry Tiff if the other one was yours. Didn't mean to get you upset. I have our three numbers circled. Well I think I have both of yours. lol I just messed up and wrote the wrong one down. I've been printing them out here at work so I can compare them. Don't know why they added the cases back on. Like you said it probably makes them look like they are doing something.
Anyhoo not much to look at but lots to complain about. lol

they are getting close to yours beetee. Maybe they are reading our post and messing with us. lol

See ya later,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 13:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

Hey we got an update but I don't know why they bothered. :wacko:

How sad is that?


All they did was add one case and whom ever 640 003 is should be pissed. They went from Under Review back to pending. Other than that they did absolutely nothing.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 11:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi guys and gals.

Ok may i say it?????????? .............OMG IT'S HOT HERE. Well actually it's hot everywhere in the US. I went out and mowed the yard and I think I lost 10 lbs of sweat. Well at least there was that much on the seat when I got up. :lol: I know ..........ewwwwwwwwwwwwww Hey I wonder if we could send some of this heat over to London. Tell them we aren't taking it back until approve some waiver. :yes:

Oh Paul what in the world are you doing here on Sunday? I was reading a post you just wrote. Aren't you getting married in a couple of hours? :P You must be addicted or your trying to calm your nerves down. Anyway I wish you both all the best. Will see you when you get back. I know I will be here and beetee and Tiff WILL be celebrating. :thumbs:

You know I've been thinking about sending a general email and see if I get some kind of answer. Asking if the times are going to change from the 12 to 15 weeks since there hasn't been many waivers done in the past month. Wonder if that would tick them off? I can't really ask about ours since we haven't been waiting that long but I wondered about just a general question about the timing. What do you guys think. I know it would probably be a waste of time but who knows. Maybe they would write back with a reason. I guess they would probably just spank me and tell me I haven't been waiting long enough to ask about it. :lol:

Well another weekend almost gone. This week is going to be a rough one
See you guys soon,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-16 17:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:angry: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-14 10:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey if they need one I'm sure my daughter has one she would sell them really cheap. :lol: Guess that's what happens when you have a poor mother. You get ugly ####### for free. :D

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-13 13:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:( Looks like we get to wait and whine again tomorrow. :angry: :blink: :wacko: :lol:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-13 11:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

Well I don't know how good of a mother I am. The poor girl didn't have a shower curtain so I ran down to the closest dollar store and bought her the cheapest one I could find. (I'm almost broke until Friday) It was also the ugliest one they had. It was only $4.00 and had the hangers for it but it was white with purple, green, red, blue, and orange poka dots. :hehe: I've been buying her dishes, towels, groceries and things but this was the last thing I could do before pay day. I told her she would just have to deal with it and keep her eyes closed while she was in the shower. :yes: It's better than nothing I guess. I tell ya though between doing this stuff and coming home and making supper, baths and stuff......well my butt is draggin. It's not getting any smaller but it's getting lower. :unsure: :crying:

Oh I bought that dress on ebay I thought I wanted to get married in. Well it wasn't anything like I thought It would be. I don't hate it but I'm not not not going to get married in it. I still have time to find something else but I don't think I'll be doing ebay. I just have to see it and try it on before so back to the drawing board on that one.

Since Tiff and Beetee should be close to hearing something, I think we should have one huge party soon. I really hope your politicians will help you out Tiff. It just seems like they must have screwed something up with yours. I can't believe they couldn't send you some kind of note and explain if something took longer or what was going on. I don't understand why the only way you can get any kind of information is to get a politician involved. I would think it would be so much more simple to just send a note out even if it is just an excuse.

Paul.....................what is there left to say. I hope your wedding day is so beautiful as I'm sure it will be. I'm sure it seems like it's been forever coming but just a few more days and everything you two have worked so hard for will finally come true. We will all be thinking of you both on your day. Oh and thanks for saving us a spot in the AOS forum. :thumbs: At least with ours coming in last we will have all you guys to bounce the questions off of. :lol: I've read a few stories about AOS in Indiana and it seems like it won't be so bad. At least there will be two of us working on it in the same place. Hopefully we will both be in the same place. Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch. lol

I'm exhausted not to mention pooped out.
See you guys tomorrow
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-12 19:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey ladies,

Sorry I haven't been on ranting much lately. Been very busy with my daughter and her family living me with. They finally got their apartment yesteday and when I got home from work I had the pleasure of helping them move a few things. :wacko: Oh the joys of motherhood!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

I really do hope you hear something from someone soon Tiff. I don't know how your keeping your sanity. I've said since day one that this wait wasn't going to bother me because we knew it was coming but I tell you, It's getting on my nerves. I think it's more because I can't see much movement on the list.

Hey beetee I don't think you actually are suppose to loose those 5 weeks. I thought London was bumping up the ones on their list from the other countries? I think they count those 5 weeks of limbo towards your time. I was thinking that is what happened with Misty's. Anyway you and Tiff should both be hearing something really soon. Tiff is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over due and I think you should hear something anytime.

Then it looks like I'll be the Lone Ranger here. I know you guys will peek in on me once in a while but it still won't be the same. I guess I'll just come on here and rant and rave in the wind by myself. LOL

Well back to work I guess. I think we will be waiting until Friday for an update.

Have fun ladies, ( oh hi Paul.........didn't know you were peeking) Oh your probably too busy to peek. Your going to be a married man this weekend? Best wishes to you two.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-12 10:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
:lol: :lol: HA HA HA :lol: Secret I-601 club. Well I hope if their list is getting updated, it's all wrong. lol I think the only reason they added the list was to drive us all crazy. We keep trying to figure out a method to their madness and wondering when they are going to update it. That way we leave them alone and obsess about the list instead of emailing them. :lol: It's working. :blink:


Edited by Baileyj96, 07 July 2006 - 10:54 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-07 10:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Yeah I hear you ladies,

I've been checking on and off today. I'm half tempted to send them an anonymous email and say.............."IS ANYBODY THERE" Don't you worry Tiff. If your still here when I get word. I swear we will all buy a ticket and go over there with you.
Have you tried an email again. They DID tell you it was being worked on a few weeks ago. I would think you have waited long enough to justify a new email. Heck if they answer you at least we would know someone was there. :P

Well if we don't hear anything in the next few guys have a good weekend.

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-07 10:02:00