US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan I ask for a later Interview date?
Why is the Canadian government helping YOU with 2K a year and you're not a Canadian citizen? I'm a Canadian citizen and they ain't paying any of it for me!
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-12 08:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion about sending in packet 3

Joe EACH consulate is different, even the two consulates in Canada have different requests in Packet 3.

Vikasp, I think you should wait as well.

Yes, I have to remember that. It certainly makes things confusing eh?
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-13 11:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion about sending in packet 3

i am thinking about telling my wife to go ahead and send in packet 3 papers to mumbai counslate.

1. is it ok to do so without receiving the packet 3? NVC told me that counslate has already received the paper work (don t know exactly when?)
2. for packet 3 we only have to send in DS - 156, DS 230 (with only first part filled out), copy of passport pages, copies of marriage certificate (to show change of names), birth certificates (which is scholl leaving certificate), and lastly 2 passport size photos of her.

do i need to send in any thing else with it?

Raj, wait for Mumbai to tell you they have the package. You have the BMB number right? It's all you need. Packet 3 does not mention marriage certificate or birth certificate -- these are required at interview. Collect them. Have them handy. But don't send them in! The packet 3 instructions say: "DO NOT SEND THE DOCUMENTS TO THIS OFFICE NOW. YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT THEM AT YOUR VISA INTERVIEW." Read carefully.

For my packet 3 (k3 visa) I am having my wife send:
1.) Packet 3 instructions with BMB number and other info filled, signed.
2.) DS-156 filled with two photos stapled on top of each other in the bottom right hand corner, signed.
3.) DS-230 Part I, signed
4.) Full copy of her passport.


I was told to bring what packet 3 said to bring. It says nothing about my fiancee's birth certificate, passport, whatever. The only things it says to bring from her are her divorce certificate and the affidavit of support.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-13 09:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionG-325A at Visa Interview?


There is also a form G-325.

At your stage of the game - visa application - neither of them is used.


OK thanks.

I know it's called a G-325A but I usually just drop the 'A'. I thought at this stage of the game, that's the only one we all use.

I was wondering where this went. It disappeared on me. lol

Ok, I see.


I suggest that you do not need to be thinking about the G-325A.


Yodrak and fwaguy, thank you for your posts.

I am very nervous. Wednesday is the day and I want to know that I have everything they require. I am also bringing a copy of the I-129F to be safe. It has everything but her original birth certificate. Would you suggest I make four copies of the G-325 since they go to four different places or just one?

Well, you could study the information on the G325a so if you are asked about any of the biographical information it contains, you know the answers. Nobody is going to want to see it at the interview.

Ok thanks. I will bring one copy just in case but hope that they don't want to see it. I appreciate your help.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 11:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionG-325A at Visa Interview?

OK thanks.

I know it's called a G-325A but I usually just drop the 'A'. I thought at this stage of the game, that's the only one we all use.

You're right, but since there is a G-325 as well (like there's a I-129, sans "F") we worry about newbies getting confused and sparking 4 "Do we really need a G-325 too!!!1!" threads. The government gets picky about precision and so do a lot of VJers - it's not a bad thing, especially when you think about how confusing it probably all was when you first started and how you'd have been likely to pick on those differences a have a minor moment of panic. :)

Yes, I don't want to cause a mad panic. I hate panicking myself. Good point.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 10:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionG-325A at Visa Interview?
OK thanks.

I know it's called a G-325A but I usually just drop the 'A'. I thought at this stage of the game, that's the only one we all use.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 10:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionG-325A at Visa Interview?
Yodrak and fwaguy, thank you for your posts.

I am very nervous. Wednesday is the day and I want to know that I have everything they require. I am also bringing a copy of the I-129F to be safe. It has everything but her original birth certificate. Would you suggest I make four copies of the G-325 since they go to four different places or just one?
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 10:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!

I don't need a lecture on how to talk to someone. Thank you. You may have found him helpfu. I didn't.

PS the "guides" here are the problem. No wonder everyone has a different thing to say. I also thought the "forum" was a place to look for "info". Apparently not?

You come on here full of piss & vinegar & throw away any answers that do not spell it out for you. 3 people replied to you who are incredible resources of information.

The guides are not a problem. Perhaps you are not reading them?

There is a CANADIAN forum, which has pinned threads & plenty of VJers who have been thru the process. There is a Canadian embassy page (2 actually - Montreal & Vancouver) which spell out in detail what is needed for your process/interview.

There is also a giant SEARCH button on VJ.

Now I shall report your atrocious behavior.

Um...excuse me? I didn't throw out any answers. You can quit lying or you'll be getting reported too. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that a couple of people were rude as hell in their response. If you're going to excuse that then you must excuse my so-called "atrocious" behaviour. Well, you don't have to. But then what you will have to do is admit to having a tad bit of hypocrisy.

The guides ARE the problem.

I know about the CANADIAN forum. I've posted on it. And people on there even say things that are different from what the consulate says. Yes, there is a SEARCH button. Forgive me for asking a question. I thought that's what forums were for. Don't let me see you asking any questions cuz I'll be the first one to jump down your throat and tell you there is a SEARCH button!
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 14:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!


It isn't? Try googling 'form I-156' and see how long it takes you to find the form.


..... You didnt tell him where he would find the form real quick, you asked "if Google rings a bell"? which isnt the same.


Were we talking about form I-156? I myself thought this was a message board to find help. I guess if I'm not allowed to ask for help and I have to google, you won't be giving much advice then? Or at least any advice that anyone has to listen to. Just tell us all to google.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 14:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!
Tinker, what have I done to you? Most of my responses are fine. Do not lie about me. The odd response that I have an attitude in, it is because someone was a jerk TO ME.

Yep, when I don't know something I first search for an answer, and when I exhaust that, I then ask.


Yodrak is one of the most helpful members on here. And a moderator. Watch how you speak to him.

There are plenty of guides & places on here to look for info. I suggest doing it before the night before your intervierw.

I don't need a lecture on how to talk to someone. Thank you. You may have found him helpfu. I didn't.

PS the "guides" here are the problem. No wonder everyone has a different thing to say. I also thought the "forum" was a place to look for "info". Apparently not?

Edited by JoeCanuk, 18 June 2007 - 02:15 PM.

JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 14:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!


I'm not making fun of you. I'm telling you where you can find the form real quick. That's what you asked for, isn't it?

And stressed or not, watch your language and how you respond to people.



Does 'Google' ring a bell?


My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?

Do not make fun of me! I am highly damn stressed out! My interview is Wednesday. I leave at 1:30 in the morning this am by bus. If you can't help, then shut the hell up!

Most people ask questions on here when they need help. It is not a series of links to different Google searches or it would be rather pointless. People ask questions for different reasons and I tend to agree that if you arent saying anything helpful in response you really shouldnt bother. You didnt tell him where he would find the form real quick, you asked "if Google rings a bell"? which isnt the same.

I dont think anyone can blame him for his response to you in this case.

Thank you. You are right.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 14:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!


I'm not making fun of you. I'm telling you where you can find the form real quick. That's what you asked for, isn't it?

And stressed or not, watch your language and how you respond to people.



Does 'Google' ring a bell?


My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?

Do not make fun of me! I am highly damn stressed out! My interview is Wednesday. I leave at 1:30 in the morning this am by bus. If you can't help, then shut the hell up!

Fair enough. And I think everyone can watch how they talk to me too.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!

It didn't occur to me to use Google. After all...I used the goddamn USCIS website. How the hell was I supposed to know it wouldn't be there? Huh?

Ignorant indicates a lack of knowledge.
Who is asking all the questions?

Yep, when I don't know something I first search for an answer, and when I exhaust that, I then ask.

That's all well and good when you don't have a time limit. I uh...leave at 1:30 in the morning. So, I guess that makes you better than me? Excuse me for trusting people like you to help. I won't make that "ignorant" mistake again.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!

Now that's news for me - so everyone needs this form at MTL? Or only for non-immigrant visas?
Good luck at interview Joe, we'll be rooting for yah.

Thank you L&B. I don't know. I just noticed it in my additional paragraph to the checklist. I assumed I had it (that was dumb). I'm not sure what it's for. I always thought a K1 visa was an immigrant visa but I guess not.

PS good luck to you as well.

Edited by JoeCanuk, 18 June 2007 - 12:18 PM.

JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!


Does 'Google' ring a bell?


My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?

Do not make fun of me! I am highly damn stressed out! My interview is Wednesday. I leave at 1:30 in the morning this am by bus. If you can't help, then shut the hell up!


Does 'Google' ring a bell?


My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?

Yep, Google is your friend! :thumbs: Just enter DS-156K in the search box.

It didn't occur to me to use Google. After all...I used the goddamn USCIS website. How the hell was I supposed to know it wouldn't be there? Huh?

'DS' forms don't appear on the USCIS site 'cos they're State Department ones... here:


Thanks. Nice to see someone is helpful. Would that some others would be as well, instead of being ignorant asses.

Ignorant indicates a lack of knowledge.
Who is asking all the questions?

This is a forum to ask questions, no? I am not ignorant as I am asking questions. An ignorant person doesn't even ask the questions. Such as the one who chose to mock me and say "Google ring a bell" without even taking the time to clarify whether I even knew I needed to use it or not. Thanks for your "help" though.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!


Does 'Google' ring a bell?


My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?

Do not make fun of me! I am highly damn stressed out! My interview is Wednesday. I leave at 1:30 in the morning this am by bus. If you can't help, then shut the hell up!


Does 'Google' ring a bell?


My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?

Yep, Google is your friend! :thumbs: Just enter DS-156K in the search box.

It didn't occur to me to use Google. After all...I used the goddamn USCIS website. How the hell was I supposed to know it wouldn't be there? Huh?

'DS' forms don't appear on the USCIS site 'cos they're State Department ones... here:


Thanks. Nice to see someone is helpful. Would that some others would be as well, instead of being ignorant asses.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!
My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 11:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date!
Congratulations and best wishes.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 11:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat to wear?

I have some slacks and a nice button up is too hot in Korea right now for a tie...and besides, I don't know how to tie a tie...I have all pin on's...

LOL I don't know how to tie a tie either. Some people were right. There were some that didn't really dress up at all and some that dressed up even more than I did.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-22 07:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat to wear?

Probably best to leave you "F U Uncle Sam" t-shirt at home... :lol:

LOL :)

Thanks everyone.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 09:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat to wear?
What should you wear at the interview? A suit and tie or just casual? I have a nice dress shirt, dress pants, and was hoping to be casual and just wear black running shoes. What did you all wear or will wear?
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 08:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview monday
Well Brian, I of all people have found out it's important to relax. If you have all the documents you need, it is not going to be hard. It is a piece of cake. I'm sorry someone else didn't give you the advice you were seeking.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-22 07:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 Confusion

Hi All,

Sorry but I am confused with packet 3

I got the letter asking to print out the forms:
DS-230 Part 1 (pages 1 and 2 only)
DS-156 - In Duplicate, do not sign the form

Now, WHY do i not sign the form, I know you don't sign DS-156K, cause it says so on the form, but DS-156 says to sign it on the form, so why on the packet does it say, don't sign and what does in duplicate mean?

Also, last thing, it says send off the forms straight away, but then it asks you to check off all your documents, well I don't have my police record yet, I have sent off for it but I don't have it yet, so I can't send off the forms straight away right?

HELP :help:

I don't know what it will be like at your consulate but for Montreal where I had to go, you didn't sign either the 156 or the 156K. We had to sign them in front of the interviewer. If I remember correctly you send the 230 back as soon as possible and then your checklist when you have obtained everything else.

Best of luck to you..this process can get so confusing.

hmm, I'm going through montreal and it doesn't say on my letter to not sign the forms...

LOL they must be really unorganized because it said that on mine.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-22 16:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGOT IT!!!
Congratulations! Best wishes and a safe trip to the U.S. too.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-23 06:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem

Montreal of course. But then, they can lie. That's all I need is to go all the way to Montreal and find out I was lied to. That's why I asked what others have experienced.

When I ask what others have experienced, I'm told to believe Montreal. When I say I'll believe Montreal, I'm mildly chastised for not believing others. I just can't win.

Cool, YuandDan. Thanks.

Why would they lie? Or do you really mean that if they didn't completely understand your question then you may have received an incorrect answer....

I just think they'd lie. Come on. It's US immigration. They could care less if they lie to us. They still get our money.

Maybe you've had nothing but bad experiences and that's why you have such a strong opinion about US immigration, but I'd like to think that not everyone that works at US immigration is out to deliberately sabotage.

This process is endlessly frustrating for a lot of us, but there are always a few out at USCIS who are willing to help for intrinsic purposes, not just because they're paid to do it.

Maybe that is the case. I've seen on here though, people saying that they don't owe us anything, whether that's being polite, telling us the truth, whatever. Hopefully, they are good people and know how to do that to begin with.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 14:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem

Montreal of course. But then, they can lie. That's all I need is to go all the way to Montreal and find out I was lied to. That's why I asked what others have experienced.

When I ask what others have experienced, I'm told to believe Montreal. When I say I'll believe Montreal, I'm mildly chastised for not believing others. I just can't win.

Cool, YuandDan. Thanks.

Why would they lie? Or do you really mean that if they didn't completely understand your question then you may have received an incorrect answer....

I just think they'd lie. Come on. It's US immigration. They could care less if they lie to us. They still get our money.

:o :o :o

Got a problem?
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 14:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem

Then why ask the questions when MTL already gave you an answer?


It is pointless since we are ignorant asses... the extent of anything from now on should only consist of RTFM.

Is that so? How come you can talk like that about me? Reported.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem


Also going through MTL here - so I totally know what you're talking about them not being quite reliable as we would like them to. :angry:

Yet I don't think you have reason to worry - as far as I remember, police certificates are good for one year, and medicals for 6 months.

Hope this helps, L.

Hey, thank you. That's fine. FYI though, MTL told me the medical was good for a year as well.

Then why ask the questions when MTL already gave you an answer?

I already answered your question. Because I saw on here that it is good for three months. Why ask me why I asked the question when I already said why I asked the question?
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem


Also going through MTL here - so I totally know what you're talking about them not being quite reliable as we would like them to. :angry:

Yet I don't think you have reason to worry - as far as I remember, police certificates are good for one year, and medicals for 6 months.

Hope this helps, L.

Hey, thank you. That's fine. FYI though, MTL told me the medical was good for a year as well.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem

I just think they'd lie. Come on. It's US immigration. They could care less if they lie to us. They still get our money.

I am simply trying to help you here but based on this and a few other recent posts from you I read, it is obvious that you will be wearing your "FU Uncle Sam" t-shirt at your interview.....

Simply trying to help eh? You asked a question and I gave an answer. For one, I don't have a tshirt that says that. And two, I just don't quite trust them not to lie to me.

Yeah, sit there and cast judgement. Walk in my shoes before you do that though. Oh...and I'm out of ink now too. I can't even print that form I need. Now I have to go and hope someone else will let me use theirs. Have a nice day God...I mean fwaguy.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem

Montreal of course. But then, they can lie. That's all I need is to go all the way to Montreal and find out I was lied to. That's why I asked what others have experienced.

When I ask what others have experienced, I'm told to believe Montreal. When I say I'll believe Montreal, I'm mildly chastised for not believing others. I just can't win.

Cool, YuandDan. Thanks.

Why would they lie? Or do you really mean that if they didn't completely understand your question then you may have received an incorrect answer....

I just think they'd lie. Come on. It's US immigration. They could care less if they lie to us. They still get our money.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem

I noticed in the guide that the police report is supposed to be less than three months old. Has this been true on the whole? I got mine in January and someone from Montreal told me it will still be good.

Again this is a reliance on the guide issue... Some consulates want it to be within 3 months. Others such as Kiev, the police reports are valid for ONE YEAR... If Montreal is your consulate and they say it is still good who should you believe?

Montreal of course. But then, they can lie. That's all I need is to go all the way to Montreal and find out I was lied to. That's why I asked what others have experienced.

When I ask what others have experienced, I'm told to believe Montreal. When I say I'll believe Montreal, I'm mildly chastised for not believing others. I just can't win.

Cool, YuandDan. Thanks.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 11:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report problem
I noticed in the guide that the police report is supposed to be less than three months old. Has this been true on the whole? I got mine in January and someone from Montreal told me it will still be good.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 11:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about my sponsor
Oh ok. Thank you very much.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-07-19 17:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about my sponsor

The affidavit of support used for the visa counts all US dependents, as well as any children immigrating with you.

Look at the poverty line guid to determine how much your sponsor needs to make to sponsor. 125% of the line.


Yes, thank you for your answer. I wasn't clear enough though. We don't have children but I was wondering if we had children later. I guess we better not huh? lol

Oh, PS. I only have to worry about 100% of the poverty level because he is in the air force.

Edited by JoeCanuk, 19 July 2007 - 04:49 PM.

JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-07-19 16:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about my sponsor
Hi. If my fiancee and I have children does that affect my sponsor? Will he have to make more money for every kid we have? Or is he just responsible for me?
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-07-19 16:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Signature Confirmation

Yes you can sign this form(DS-156), it is the DS-156K that you leave un-signed and sign in front of the consular officer.

This is false. You absolutely DO NOT sign the DS-156.

There is no swarn affidavit notation on DS-156 stateing that it needs to be signed before a consular officer, and the form can be signed before hand, my fiancee did this without any problems, DS-156K, and DS-230 part 2 (For immigrant visas line IR-1/CR-1) are sworn affidavits that must not be signed as stated on the instruction line that says "DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE... The consular officer will assist you in answering this part."


DS-156 OK to sign before hand

Mine said the opposite. It said do not sign. Oh well. :(
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 13:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Signature Confirmation

Yes you can sign this form(DS-156), it is the DS-156K that you leave un-signed and sign in front of the consular officer.

This is false. You absolutely DO NOT sign the DS-156.
JoeCanukMaleCanada2007-06-18 12:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionnewbie here
QUOTE (KC?MP @ May 28 2008, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RussellandMarie @ May 29 2008, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello!!!just a newbie here and im very thankful for this site coz its been very helpful to im regretting why we hired a lawyer in the first place aarrgghhhh mad.gif ...ill be very glad to meet new friends here...goodluck to all feb filers..GOd bless!!!! good.gif

Welcome to VJ!!! good.gif . Can you still fire your lawyer and get a refund? laughing.gif laughing.gif . Good luck in your journey rose.gif

That's a good one. When I told my attorney that I wanted to fire him, he couldn't have been happier. He said, "Ok, but you don't get a refund". So he was more than willing to take the money and not do the work. This was before he even filed the petition.
Carol and BrunoFemaleBrazil2008-05-28 20:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionnewbie here
QUOTE (RussellandMarie @ May 28 2008, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello!!!just a newbie here and im very thankful for this site coz its been very helpful to im regretting why we hired a lawyer in the first place aarrgghhhh mad.gif ...ill be very glad to meet new friends here...goodluck to all feb filers..GOd bless!!!! good.gif

I must agree. Hiring an attorney was the worst mistake I made. I wish there were a way to inform all of those considering hiring a lawyer that it is very unnecessary and more than likely will cause more stress than had they just tried to figure it out on their own. Unfortunately, there are those of us who are unaware of the k-1 or k-3 visa process and websites like vj and this leads to fear and intimidation. The attorneys also play their role of adding to this fear and intimidation. They make you feel as though you can not do it without an attorney. Then once they have your money, customer service becomes non-existent. You'd be lucky to get a return phone call in a timely fashion.

Anyhow, I hope your experience will be much more pleasant than mine has been. When this process is over, I will be sure to warn future filers of this attorney.

Good luck
Carol and BrunoFemaleBrazil2008-05-28 20:45:00