K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLimbo Land.

I share mine as well. I had just been accepted to a masters program before I met my now husband. The plan was that I would apply for him and start my courses and I thought he would be here my first semester. And we both want a baby. I was 34 when we began this process. I would have finished school and we would be having our baby by now. But..... Life has played a cruel joke on us. The first visa was denied at consulate and I was too stressed to focus on school. So I have no masters degree yet, no baby, my husband is still in morocco and im 36 now so I feel like I just watch my opportunity to ever start a familydwindle away slowly with each padding month.
There was a time also when I used to go on vacations with my family and friends. But I havent done that now in almost three years. I use all my extra money and vacation time now to see my husband. So I really miss spending holidays with my family out of state. I never hardly see my mom and dad anymore.
This is hard for a lot more reasons than just the separation. Without my husband, my whole life is on hold. It is literally like being ripped in half.
I hope it goes quickly for you.

I feel exactly the same way you do especially the part about starting a family. I already have the Master's Degree, but that is no small comfort when all you want is the one you love. And without him how can we start a family? I've even contemplated trying to find a job in El Salvador, but the reality is he wants to be here to have a good life, not one where poverty is hanging over you like a dark cloud. So, I do get what you're saying. We have to be strong for ourselves and our spouses. Good luck to you all!
beckybFemaleEl Salvador2011-09-03 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa, Manilla Embassy Problem: Finacee was told she needed new I-134's from me and co-sponsor because we filled Question 11 wrong... now what? DOH
OK, so my fiancee had her interview on Feb 19th at the US Embassy, in Manilla, Philippines. The interview went well, they accepted the fact that I had a co-sponsor (I got lucky? Nice consulate? I dunno), everything was fine. Except for one thing: my mom, the cosigner, didn't put the 'same answer' as I did for Question 11, so they rejected the forms. And my fiancee was told both of us should have ticked the "I intend" box on question 11....

Recall that #11 give you the option to tick the "I intend" or "do not Intend to make specific contributions to the person named in item 3" box. It then says "If you do intend indicate the exact nature of and duration of the contributions. For example, if you intend to furnish room and board, state for how long and, if money, state the amount in U.S. dollars and whether it is to be given in a lump sum, weekly or monthly, and for how long."

I thought I did this right. I had read up on it and discovered that this question is not applicable to K1 visas (but work visas and vacation visas the like), so I didn't tick either box and wrote "N/A" on the line.

My mom, as co-sponsor, does not intend to make specific contributions but she would if necessary. So she wanted to tick the "do not intend" box. That seemed rational to me -- she's not intending not to help, she just doesn't now have an intention to help, but would under the appropriate conditions.

Anyway, so they didn't deny the visa or anything, they just asked my Fiancee to have me and my co-sponsor send new I-134 forms. The told her that we're both supposed to tick the "intend" boxes.

That seems wrong to me, but they didn't like what I put, so who am I to argue! Got to make the changes!!

So, what do I say??? :blink:

I think (after looking some more into this issue) I ought to tick the "intend" box and say something like "full spousal support for the duration of the marriage" -- because I saw somewhere that someone's lawyer advised saying that sort of thing. Is that a good idea?

Second, what should I have my co-sponsor say for question 11? My mom is worried about legal stuff, I guess, so she wanted to put "do not intend" -- but can she tick "Intend" and then express a conditional intention to help if its necessary? Say, could I have her say something like "Should the sponsor be unable to provide full spousal support, I will help the sponsor to support the beneficiary for the full duration of their marriage"

(And why ask for the exact nature of general and future unknown stuff?? :angry: :wacko: This question is stupid ...made me nervous and I thought about it but i made the wrong decision here ...)

ONE MORE thing -- since we're filling in new forms, and since the amount on deposit in my banks is different than previously, I'm assuming that my co-sponsor and I need to turn in current bank statements, etc, that reflect our current balances and that to use the old numbers with current dates or put an older date on the form would be a BAD thing. Does that seem right? I'm thinking that printouts of my online accounts would suffice, given that they have all the official stuff from before, and this is just fixing a stupid error on the dumb #11 question.

Anyone else have such problems? If those of you who have had co-sponsors can tell me what both of you put down for #11, that's really help me and my fiancee out!

Also, this won't delay things too much, I'd think. Once the forms get to her and she turns them in, anyone have any idea how long it'll take to get her visa?

Sorry to be long winded, but this is a weird situation, and I wanted to be complete ...


PS -- My mom and I now officially hate the number 11. BOOO!! :angry:
EDB73MalePhilippines2010-02-19 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune CSC
June 9th NOA1
Oct 21st NOA2 Approved
Eric & WeiMaleChina2010-10-22 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Mar 16 2009, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, also about Hawaiian weddings: My friend found that it was a lot cheaper to use naitive Hawaiian flowers for all her decorations etc. Also, I would encourage you (if you choose that one) to try to incorporate some of the local customs in addition to flowers - it's those things that make a destination wedding really memorable!!

Laura, I have checked USCIS my alotted 5 times already....I may cheat and look again when I get home. Have not yet checked the snail mail....I am worried, because I have seen buzzing about VSC cases being transferred, and there seems to be a high volume of approveds from there (but maybe they always seem to have a hight throughput? I don't fully understand)

i have checked mine 4 i think? and nothing. nothing at all. Where did you see about VSC being transferred? And the latest on Igors is that a END of january person got approved...I'm still holding onto a bit of hope, because since the mail is so slow and I live in Indiana, the NOA2 could still be on the way. im sure its NOT, but it could be. lol

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-16 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (jldut80 @ Mar 16 2009, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is anyone planing on getting married in Hawaii? Im trying to decide Hawaii or Vegas??? Any thoughts

I hope this is the week for all of us to get approved! Good luck!!!

We're getting married in my hometown in Indiana, but personally, between Vegas or Hawaii, i'd go for hawaii, for exactly the reasons heather said. but I also agree with everything else she said about doing it in your hometown, or close.

on another note...anyone get touches, or anything? i have nothing, and no noa2 today ((mail already came)) although even if i got approved at the end of last week, I don't expect the hard copy NOA2 til atleast the middle of this week.

Edited by laura819, 16 March 2009 - 04:46 PM.

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-16 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Mar 14 2009, 11:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Mar 14 2009, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As usual you guys were ahead of the curve! I logged in especially this evening, figuring that Saturday mail might have been checked and/or time spent on VJ updating things -- Oh this is so exciting!!!! I'm going to have to limit how frequently I check my case status online. Do you suppose that 5 times per day is reasonable? Plus actually check the snail mail...

Funny, 2 weeks ago, I thought 90 days was really fast and the best I could hope for. A few days ago it was 70 days, now I'm hoping for 60!!!!(AIIIEEEEEE!!!)

I'm so glad that we have these threads where we can post all our spaz attacks about waiting and hoping without bothering the general forums. smile.gif


Hehehe 5 times a day sounds about right to me! LOL! Now I am starting to wonder if I will get an email update or case status change online as the most recent approvals did not! I called my fiance to ask him if he checked the mail!! Who knows we could be the 12th or 13th and the approval notice is sitting somewhere with USPS! Ok I need to calm down!!!

I dont know how much I will check the case status thing, just because it seems like they arent updating that. The mailbox, I will be checking the second the mailman comes though! haha.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-14 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Stormbringer @ Mar 14 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Mar 14 2009, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol im clearly a stalker ((only of the timelines, dont worry!!!)), but on the timeline you put it was approved you know what the actual noa2 date was? I am assuming it was earlier if it arrived in mail today? On thursday we will have been enggaged for a would be the best present I could ask for if it was approved by then. Can I ask what state your fiance is from?? i wanna know if there is a chance mine is coming in the mail still! my online status still says update Jan 23rd.

im SO excited for you, I'm seriously shaking. Granted, its also excitement of the prospect of myself and my fiance being one step closer to done. But to see someone from this thread get approved makes me SO happy!!!!

Hm I don't know. I'll ask my fiance when he gets home (his mom called him at work). He's from California, so mail takes not that long from the CSC.

There might be a good chance you are in the same batch as us, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you smile.gif

I'm trying to not get my hopes up, since chances are it'll still be awhile for us, but its so hard! Keep your timeline updated so the rest of us can be jealous haha.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-14 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Stormbringer @ Mar 14 2009, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks! I've edited the timeline. It came in regular mail.. our online case status still says last updated january 14.

Amazing, only 61 days smile.gif

lol im clearly a stalker ((only of the timelines, dont worry!!!)), but on the timeline you put it was approved you know what the actual noa2 date was? I am assuming it was earlier if it arrived in mail today? On thursday we will have been enggaged for a would be the best present I could ask for if it was approved by then. Can I ask what state your fiance is from?? i wanna know if there is a chance mine is coming in the mail still! my online status still says update Jan 23rd.

im SO excited for you, I'm seriously shaking. Granted, its also excitement of the prospect of myself and my fiance being one step closer to done. But to see someone from this thread get approved makes me SO happy!!!!
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-14 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Stormbringer @ Mar 14 2009, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG. My fiance just mailed me, we got our NOA2!! I am so shocked I cannot even find how to edit my timeline lol kicking.gif

OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!! Was it an email or in regular mail? I think to edit your timeline you click on the thing at the top that says immigration timeline??

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-14 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Mar 13 2009, 12:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, you beat me to it, J!! I was just checking out Igor's list, and saw that they have reached the end of December NOA1s and were getting to them in a bit over 70 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOW!! Oh, and yes, I had decided to basically ignore what the time line prediction is. It seems that either you get it really fast (90 days - or apparently less, lately), or it takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R. When the last 15 approved had only "normal" no security check cases, all our dates were in April! Mine says AUGUST today, and now we are all crossing our fingers for March?! Something's wrong somewhere. Just hope it's with the predictions, and not with where our hopes lay.

I'm having conflicting feelings about hoping they start at the end of the month for January too, but then I thought that might not be fair to my friends in this thread who got their acts together and filed before

I had been feeling quite depressed about Nik going home today, and this lifted my mood (a little). I wish he was here to hold my hand, this is really great about the CSC going so fast! I just hope they don't get a big influx of Vermont files to be done ahead of ours between now and then....*knock on wood!*

My sister (and maid of honor) will be home this weekend, so lots of wedding planning will be going on. A good distraction from my heart being 1/3 of a world away - planning for him to come back forever! smile.gif

They didn't start with the end love. A week or two ago there were a bunch from the very beginning. I'm in the middle though, so hopefully they start with the middle! haha. But the good part for you and I specifically is that it seems that a lot of the early ones so far have been from UK!

I am also going to ignore the predictions. I am hoping/guessing late march early April for at least some of us!
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-13 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Mar 11 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Mar 11 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Mar 11 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just had to check in with you guys, even though I promised myself I wouldn't waste away the day on Visa Journey obsessing over the wait...(at least I didn't log in while in Hawaii!)

And then you people go and have conversations about wedding dresses!!!

I went to David's Bridal a couple of weeks ago, and I have to say that I was not really all that thrilled with what I saw there (with one $1500 exception!!!). I wanted some beading etc on the bodice, and found that as I looked them over, the typical dress with beading had some net applique which was then just tacked on, and I was not impressed. I also discovered that my unintentionally expensive taste runs to corset backs over zippers...

To those ladies who are looking to buy their dresses here on short notice once they arrive on the K1, I think that David's Bridal may be your only choice. A lot of the boutique shops basically require you to order each dress, which is then MADE just for YOU. At David's they sell you one off the rack. They assured me that part of the price was a final "bead check" sort of inspection where they would repair any wear and tear due to others trying it on. The best thing about this store is that they have a selection of several dresses (more than 10!!) available in all sizes even up to 24!

For those of you who have started trying on/buying them, what are your opinions on veils? I feel silly even when I only have the one that just goes down the back on (won't even try one that goes over my face too!...Mother says it is just one of the trade mark bride accessories, silly or not.

Like I said before, I am not a fan of David's Bridal. I bought my dress at a boutique, and I really wouldn't want to buy a dress a million other girls had tried on. I like that mine was made for me and is only going to be worn by me haha.

I also have my HAS the layer to go over your face, but I am not doing that. I just wanna wear one lol. It will probably come off after the ceremony smile.gif

I wish I had your self control to not obsess over VJ. I admire you.

Well I have to disagree with you both on Davids Bridal tongue.gif (respectfully though). I went to every bridal store in my hometown and could not find anything that I really like, everything had waaay too much beading, or was too simple. I went to DB this past weekend and found the dress of my dreams! It has just enough beading to make it sparkle, but not too overpowering! It fit me almost perfectly!

As far as veils, I also purchased a fingertip veil from DB that has dangling crystals on the bottom, it is gorgeous! When the consultant put on a blusher veil I just really did not like the look of the veil covering my face! She also told me that I didn't have to wear it but before my father gives me away I just give him the blusher veil and ask him to put it over my first born child's bassonette. It's a really old tradition that I had never heard of, but I am still thinking about doing, but didn't purchase it at DB. I also did not like the look of a fingertip veil and a cathedral length veil which would just be worn for the ceremony, just wasn't my style.

Are you guys wearing a headpiece with your veil? I found a tiara at DB that can turned into a necklace! All I have to do is cut the wire on the tiara and the ends of the tiara already have the clasps to be a necklace! I can wear it on our anniversary or a special occasion!

I need more self control, this process is turning me into a basket case! laughing.gif

I havent decided about the headpiece...i think it depends on how i do my hair, which i havent decided either, i just know i want it up. ideas? and what an interesting idea about the veil/bassonette!

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-11 20:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Mar 11 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just had to check in with you guys, even though I promised myself I wouldn't waste away the day on Visa Journey obsessing over the wait...(at least I didn't log in while in Hawaii!)

And then you people go and have conversations about wedding dresses!!!

I went to David's Bridal a couple of weeks ago, and I have to say that I was not really all that thrilled with what I saw there (with one $1500 exception!!!). I wanted some beading etc on the bodice, and found that as I looked them over, the typical dress with beading had some net applique which was then just tacked on, and I was not impressed. I also discovered that my unintentionally expensive taste runs to corset backs over zippers...

To those ladies who are looking to buy their dresses here on short notice once they arrive on the K1, I think that David's Bridal may be your only choice. A lot of the boutique shops basically require you to order each dress, which is then MADE just for YOU. At David's they sell you one off the rack. They assured me that part of the price was a final "bead check" sort of inspection where they would repair any wear and tear due to others trying it on. The best thing about this store is that they have a selection of several dresses (more than 10!!) available in all sizes even up to 24!

For those of you who have started trying on/buying them, what are your opinions on veils? I feel silly even when I only have the one that just goes down the back on (won't even try one that goes over my face too!...Mother says it is just one of the trade mark bride accessories, silly or not.

Like I said before, I am not a fan of David's Bridal. I bought my dress at a boutique, and I really wouldn't want to buy a dress a million other girls had tried on. I like that mine was made for me and is only going to be worn by me haha.

I also have my HAS the layer to go over your face, but I am not doing that. I just wanna wear one lol. It will probably come off after the ceremony smile.gif

I wish I had your self control to not obsess over VJ. I admire you.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-11 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Ginger cat @ Mar 6 2009, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancé sent it in january and it hasn't been touched yet... crying.gif

our time line

01-20-2009 sent
01-26-2009 NOA1

and...that's all.

unfortunately, thats pretty normal! You have your NOA1, and thats what matters at this point! I had one touch Jan 23, probably when they were putting the file in a box or something, but since that, absolutely nothing. However, someone with a January NOA1 date got approved a few days ago, so maybe there is hope for all of us in the coming month smile.gif i hope so anyway..
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-11 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (lovica_l @ Mar 6 2009, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I filed my case at csc, i sent it on the 10 of january, they recieved it on 12th. My bank made some errors so my check bounced and i payed by bill that they mailed me , with a extra charge of 30 dollars, so my noa 1 date was late to january 27, has anyone recieved noa2 that filed in january?

I don't think anyone from January has recieved NOA2 yet. some december people have, so hopefully all of ours are coming soon! in the meantime, welcome to our thread smile.gif

also, please make a timeline so we can all follow your case smile.gif

Edited by laura819, 06 March 2009 - 02:02 PM.

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-06 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Mar 3 2009, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Mar 3 2009, 06:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Mar 3 2009, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah I have heard the same thing about people getting "touched" some don't get any and then all of a sudden approved!

Dress shopping is really not going so well...if I could just cut and past the top half of a dress to another bottom on like every dress I have tried on!! I am hoping I will find something I really like soon! As for the bridesmaid dresses I am a bit worried by the time I get the date it will be too late to order anything! And depending on the date I may or may not have all of my bridesmaids be able to come! Have them order a dress for a wedding that they end up not being able to attend! UGH!!! Maybe a department store might have some selection!

Anyways, December filers are already getting approved! It's progress! I hope the previous months filers get approved as well too! It's not fair and I would not want it to happen to me! See people that filed after me getting approved! Depends on the officer I guess!

I felt the same way about dresses! Have you tried looking online? That's what I did, and when I saw the one I wanted, believe me, I knew. I called every single store in the mid-west that carries that designer in order to find the dress. The ONLY one was actually in the town next to where I go to school! And now, it's in my closet smile.gif Are you doing dress shopping in Canada too? or just US? DO you have any sort of idea of what you want? Actually, I think I have heard that there are some designers that WILL mix and match dresses for you?? But I forget which ones those are now...

I had a dream we got our NOA2 haha. Too bad I had to wake up from that! And it was after 40 something days. Even in the dream, I felt like something was wrong about that haha. I also dreamt I'd gotten touched..I guess I should go look haha.

I have been shopping in Canada but have not found anything that looks right! At least now that I have been shopping I know what style looks good and what doesn't. I have a few bookmarked that I like, but there is one special dress that I keep coming back to that I cannot order online! I am going to the USA this weekend and really hoping I find that dress! Prices are so much lower in the U.S.

I really want to set a date for the wedding so I can start planning more in depth, but am so SCARED that if I do I won't be approved in time!! Maybe its pessimistic, maybe its glass half empty, but I guess you just never know!

I keep having dreams too, but not about an NOA2! About being pregnant! I probably watch too much TLC! LOL!

Davids Bridal online has some nice dresses and I think they ship worldwide.

If you PM me the dress info, and where ((city/state)) you are going to look, I could call around for you and see if places have it. That's what I had to do. What I found out is that most designers only send a few of each dress to ANY store in America. Or thats atleast what I have heard. Good luck smile.gif
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-03 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Stormbringer @ Mar 3 2009, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm reading about the dresses makes me a bit nervous. I won't be able to bring my dress from here so I will have to look for one in the US. But I won't be going there until 40 days before the wedding huh.gif

Why can't you bring it with you?? I know it would be a hassle, but you probably could anyway?? Getting a dress in 40 days here is going to be difficult if you can't just get it off the rack.

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-03 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Mar 3 2009, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah I have heard the same thing about people getting "touched" some don't get any and then all of a sudden approved!

Dress shopping is really not going so well...if I could just cut and past the top half of a dress to another bottom on like every dress I have tried on!! I am hoping I will find something I really like soon! As for the bridesmaid dresses I am a bit worried by the time I get the date it will be too late to order anything! And depending on the date I may or may not have all of my bridesmaids be able to come! Have them order a dress for a wedding that they end up not being able to attend! UGH!!! Maybe a department store might have some selection!

Anyways, December filers are already getting approved! It's progress! I hope the previous months filers get approved as well too! It's not fair and I would not want it to happen to me! See people that filed after me getting approved! Depends on the officer I guess!

I felt the same way about dresses! Have you tried looking online? That's what I did, and when I saw the one I wanted, believe me, I knew. I called every single store in the mid-west that carries that designer in order to find the dress. The ONLY one was actually in the town next to where I go to school! And now, it's in my closet smile.gif Are you doing dress shopping in Canada too? or just US? DO you have any sort of idea of what you want? Actually, I think I have heard that there are some designers that WILL mix and match dresses for you?? But I forget which ones those are now...

I had a dream we got our NOA2 haha. Too bad I had to wake up from that! And it was after 40 something days. Even in the dream, I felt like something was wrong about that haha. I also dreamt I'd gotten touched..I guess I should go look haha.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-03 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (alb2009 @ Mar 2 2009, 05:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh dear, I have to admit, I may have purchased a gown last week. It was too beautiful to pass up, and by my favorite designer. It's not even a wedding dress-- just a goregeous gown.

On a more serious note, has anyone else had their file "touched" since 1-23?? Is this normal to not have it reviewed since then??

Nope I haven't had a touch since the 1/23 one, i think this is normal? I've seen a lot of people say they don't have any touches and then they get approved. Ohh what kinda gown??
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-02 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 26 2009, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Feb 26 2009, 09:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So no one is in here but me right now and I got bored, so I figured something out. Recently, CSC has been approving Nov. filers, and about 10 a week. I checked, and the November people who just got approved were around 40 on the old Igor's list. Today, I am 141, so 100 more people to go. If they keep doing 10 people a week, we will all be out of here in May smile.gif Not June or July like my horrible timeline says.

...that said, I am sooo happy for all the 6 month + approvals!

Me too! I am disregarding what the timeline says! On the new list I am at 232 or something like that the old one goes by date sent and mine was december NOA1 wasn't dated until January 14th.

Side note: Just went bridal dress shopping...finished all the dress shops in the overwhelming! Found a few nice dresses but not sure if they are the "one." I can't wait to go the Davids Bridal!!

I bought my dress awhile ago already lol. Getting ready to have it fitted...its going to need major alterations. I got mine at House of Brides, but thats only in the Chicago area. A very nice store! Personally I was not impressed with David's Bridal, but I did end up getting the bridesmaid dresses from there.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-26 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
So no one is in here but me right now and I got bored, so I figured something out. Recently, CSC has been approving Nov. filers, and about 10 a week. I checked, and the November people who just got approved were around 40 on the old Igor's list. Today, I am 141, so 100 more people to go. If they keep doing 10 people a week, we will all be out of here in May smile.gif Not June or July like my horrible timeline says.

...that said, I am sooo happy for all the 6 month + approvals!

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-26 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 25 2009, 04:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 25 2009, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the way, Nik is on his way (in flight Atlanta -> Phoenix RIGHT NOW!) to see me. They let him in...with some hassle!! We will work on a post in the visit while K1 is in process thread later tonight.

I'm just thrilled....

But I won't be around too much to discuss Igor's list with you guys until mid March!!

Congratulations! Enjoy the time with your fiance! I have one month to go until I fly to see my fiance! I hope they don't give me any hassle at customs...I go through U.S. preclearance in Canada so at least if I am denied I am still in Canada! I can't wait to do some scouting out vendors while I am down for 2 weeks!

See you in Mid March!!

Both of you have fun! Hopefully when you both get back, we will all be a lot closer to being with our fiances for real! I don't think I will be getting over to England again unfortunately, but I may try and go for the interview and to fly back with him, if I haven't found a job by then.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-25 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 25 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Feb 25 2009, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 25 2009, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't be sad, Laura!

The one that got approved most recently also had the unusual circumstances of "security checks"! It's just bad luck that two in a row are skewing the data.

Did you also notice that the time spread for predicted adjudication has increased? It's nearly a month now! I think that probably has something to do with the vast difference in the data. When most people on the top 15 were around 90 days, it was really tight, about a week. Throw in some unusually high numbers, and it spreads out to a month! Wow!!

I looked at the top 15, and I figure that the time predicted for my adjudication is roughly the same as the average of the last 15 approved.

Here are the high time ones:
284: Security Checks
215: Background Checks
145: Time needed to reply to RFE (34 days)
249: RFE AND Background Checks
126: RFE (43 days to reply)

Throw all those out (or assume you'll be faster with your RFE) and the average goes back down to around 90 days!! Of course, maybe you'll be unlucky enough that you or your fiance's name will come up with a name check as being the same name as some dastardly character (speculation of cause!), and you'll get stuck in checks too.

Luckily, my fiance has a really uncommon name so I am hoping nothing will come up!

My fiance tells me everything will be fine, he's talked to his commanders and they tell him everything will be okay, But I am still worried because he has a TS security clearance and I am wondering what kind of red flags might pop up due to that? Me going through more extensive background check? I already had to get interviewed as a reference in order for him to get his clearance, along with his friends and family members. *sigh*

I am really praying it will be around 90 days but at the same time preparing myself to be possibly waiting alot longer!

I am wondering if right now they are going back through and trying to finish up old cases? There have been an awful lot that just got approved recently that have been waiting a long time.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-25 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 25 2009, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't be sad, Laura!

The one that got approved most recently also had the unusual circumstances of "security checks"! It's just bad luck that two in a row are skewing the data.

Did you also notice that the time spread for predicted adjudication has increased? It's nearly a month now! I think that probably has something to do with the vast difference in the data. When most people on the top 15 were around 90 days, it was really tight, about a week. Throw in some unusually high numbers, and it spreads out to a month! Wow!!

I looked at the top 15, and I figure that the time predicted for my adjudication is roughly the same as the average of the last 15 approved.

Here are the high time ones:
284: Security Checks
215: Background Checks
145: Time needed to reply to RFE (34 days)
249: RFE AND Background Checks
126: RFE (43 days to reply)

Throw all those out (or assume you'll be faster with your RFE) and the average goes back down to around 90 days!! Of course, maybe you'll be unlucky enough that you or your fiance's name will come up with a name check as being the same name as some dastardly character (speculation of cause!), and you'll get stuck in checks too.

Luckily, my fiance has a really uncommon name so I am hoping nothing will come up!
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-25 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 24 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad you guys check your time lines as often as I do. Makes me feel less crazy for being so obsessive - or at least more average about it. biggrin.gif


Im guessing everyone is like this. But I think im gonna start checkin it less often unless it goes back down quickly cuz im really depressed now.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (laura819 @ Feb 24 2009, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 24 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 24 2009, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually their profile says they think they are getting married next week already!!!

Maybe they confused the visa receipt with NOA2 - which means they are sort of on track??

Anyway, it seems to me that if you want to predict typical, it seems like 90 days for no RFEs, and approval less than a week after you return RFEs.

Uncommon events such as background checks/security checks are not really predictable about how late they make you. I'm holding out for 90 days, which puts us back into the April dates near to the time in Jan that we filed. smile.gif

Oh yes that's possible! I did not get to look at their profile. 90 days would satisfy me as well!

90 days would be a dream! I'm gonna go check out their profile....

I'm so nervous about an RFE. ugh

oh no sad.gif my time just got even later.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 24 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 24 2009, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually their profile says they think they are getting married next week already!!!

Maybe they confused the visa receipt with NOA2 - which means they are sort of on track??

Anyway, it seems to me that if you want to predict typical, it seems like 90 days for no RFEs, and approval less than a week after you return RFEs.

Uncommon events such as background checks/security checks are not really predictable about how late they make you. I'm holding out for 90 days, which puts us back into the April dates near to the time in Jan that we filed. smile.gif

Oh yes that's possible! I did not get to look at their profile. 90 days would satisfy me as well!

90 days would be a dream! I'm gonna go check out their profile....

I'm so nervous about an RFE. ugh
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
now the timelines have gone crazy again cuz someone got approved after 249 days so my timeline jumped almost a month sad.gif
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 20 2009, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 20 2009, 09:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's because a December Filer just got approved in 65 days, I think (approved Feb 19 - military expedite). Unfortunately, the timeline program doesn't throw that sort of data out...

Whoa that's a new one...that one wasn't even on Igor's list of approved when I my adjudication date jumped one day earlier to April 10-14th. Oh well...sometime in mid April would be nice!

Same here, I checked mine last night, and it was what I posted, now its earlier due to the 65 day one. The time line data still uses averages though right? Its too bad that was an expedite...when I saw December I got sooo excited.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-20 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC adjucation time just jumped to April 12-14. Without anyone else getting approve. I don't get it?? If only that really happened...
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-20 01:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 18 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think any of them should be taken as "The gospel truth"

There are some advantages to VJers that the average filer might not have, which means that we get through with fewer RFEs, or are more organized in our filings and they go faster or at least more smoothly. Of course, nothing can really be done to make them pick up your file for review any faster!

Also, I think that if *I* was publishing a time frame for when I would get government work done, and I didn't want people to be calling me telling me I was late, I'd give myself LOTS of extra time!

You're right, VJ is a smaller sample size, but it is also REAL data. I think that the sample size is probably large enough that it can be believed. Also, since the policy is to supposedly review them as they are received, at the very least you can see when they start on petitions filed around the same time as you!

The drawback to the timeline data is that you're also depending on people to update their timelines! If they don't maintain them themselves (or do so incorrectly), I think it introduces a skew into the data. However, if anything, I think that "abandoned" timelines just make the wait time go longer, not shorter.

You're a VJer, so I think you should compare yourself to the VJer statistics, not how long it takes those poor souls who muddle through the process without such a resource. smile.gif

Hope I didn't get your hopes up too much!

I'm not sure if its true we get fewer RFEs..looking at Igor's, almost all of the people getting approved lately have had them! But I think you are completely right that the office is gonna want to give themselves extra time, so people can't bother them! I'm going by what my timeline says, but with the knowledge that it very well may be longer. But then again, there are people that take longer than what the USCIS site says anyway. Basically, I am just not going to get my hopes up. It'll come when it comes.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-18 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
I think CSC was closed today...and according to a list of federal holidays, this should be the last day its closed until memorial day, and with any luck, all of us will have NOA2 by then so it won't matter smile.gif

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-16 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 12 2009, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, my number in Igor's list has gone up again (260 - 266 since I started paying attention a few days ago) and it seems like each time more people get in line ahead of me, my date moves forward - even though no more petitions have been approved. I wonder if some of the VSC things have been going on, and that's why it moves, because otherwise, I think it's broken.

I'm noticing the same thing..but I wouldn't think VSC would have anything to do with it?? I don't get it at all. But as long as its right, im GREAT with that haha.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-12 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 11 2009, 10:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He's from the UK. I think that he doesn't necessarily like coming here because he doesn't want to see the time line say May 6th (as it does right now) and then be disappointed if it takes longer!

I told my fiance that the timeline said like, may 7, which is what it said in the beginning. And he's ALREADY being so impatient that I am not going to tell him that at this point, it says april 17. cuz i think it will just make it worse for him!! and I definitely dont want to tell him april, and then have it take the full 6 months and it really be july.

Where are you from, if you dont mind?
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-12 04:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Feb 11 2009, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad I found you guys! I was caught a little off guard when I was reading the posts up to now and had this really strange feeling like I'd found a little internet home for myself...Let me see if I can't get up to speed on my part of the conversation so far.

I saw you guys were discussing Igor's list. I have been obsessively checking this (and my time line estimated adjudication date). I find that I am very disappointed - it seems as though I am getting HIGHER Igor's list numbers. I think that since I filed at the end of the month, sometimes people fill in their time lines with earlier dates later than me, so I get moved down as they are shuffled in. I wonder when that sort of thing generally stops happening.

The really odd thing is that my adjudication date keeps getting earlier without any other NOA2s being reported. Not that I want to complain about THAT!

I had a dream last night that my predicted adjudication date was Feb 10th, 2009, and it was all over! Hah!

Nik and I (Heather) both share this account, but as far as I know, I'm the obsessive VJer. I'm the USC, 24 years old, and we met because we play the same game online. Nice to meet you, Andrea and Laura. smile.gif I wonder if there's been a poll about who uses VJ the most - men or women - as it seems like the main posters in this thread are women...

Nice to meet you Heather! Soooo good to see someone else from the UK! Are you from the UK, or your fiance?? I am the US citizen, my fiance, Sven, is from England.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-11 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 9 2009, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been looking at a few reception venues online and they look beautiful from the pictures! I am just afraid that by the time I call and ask what they have for availability there will be NOTHING!! I am hoping to have my interview and be approved by June so I can set the date then for Sept/Oct. I guess there can always be cancellations!? Some of the prices per plate though for venues, absolutely ridiculous!! $100 a plate! I don't think so!!

yea i did a bad bad thing and booked things im hoping to not have to cancel them, or if i have to maybe they will be nice about moving the date. ugh. atleast you are thinking fall, which is a less popular time to get married than spring/summer! my town is a huuuuuge college football town, so if i DO have to move the date, im gonna most likely have to do winter (ew) or spring. so we'd just do a really small church thing just to be legally married, and then do something later. but i really hope it just goes on time haha.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-10 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 6 2009, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Feb 6 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 6 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Boy we are a quiet bunch! Anyways, just wanted to check in to see how things are going? I just got back earlier this week from visiting my fiance in the U.S. It was hard to leave this time, but hopefully I will go again in April! My estimated time for adjudication on my timeline has jumped all over the place in the past few weeks...end of april to end of may, but I would be happy with where it is now...around of end of april. On Igor's list...(the old one) I don't think it is representative of my true spot ie Date sent...Mine was sent 12/20...but no NOA1 until 1/14.... so really I would be down the list into January instead of furthur up the list. This is why I like the new list, goes by NOA1 although my number is like a 100 more!!

Well since the month of January is done there are no more January filers for 2009 on VJ! But if there are any more out there please feel free to drop by!!

we are too quiet i think sad.gif how nice that you got to see your fiance! how did entering the us go? did you get asked about the k1? right now my estimated time is end of april..i would love if that happened!

Yes I agree too quiet!

I have been travelling back and forth for the past six years but now that I am back in Canada, I get the 20 questions every time because of course I say going to visit my boyfriend, or more recently...fiance! He asked to see my airline ticket (I was crossing at a land border then travelling with my fiance to Omaha) and I explained to him that the round trip ticket was cheaper than buying a one-way, he just shrugged his shoulders and said well as long as you return to Canada. He said " You do know that you need a visa to get married in the US?" I said Yes I do my fiance and I just applied for the fiance visa. He then asked well what consulate will that be going to? I told him Vancouver. I had a bunch of proof of ties and he never asked to see them! He asked the regular questions about monetary, plants, fruits....but I have been asked the past three times I crossed "Have you ever been arrested and/or fingerprinted?" Of course everytime I tell the truth and say yes it was a misdemeanor my first year of college. This last time was the best response (he was a young guy) with a big smile on his face " Well everyone is young once." And then we both laughed.

I want to go back to see him!! I want to start searching out wedding venues!! The internet is a good resource but it nothing like seeing them in person and making a decision with him!! crying.gif

im the USC and I definitely know how you feel....I'd give ANYTHING for him to be here with me!

ugh even though I know its wayyy to early to even hope for approval, I still wish CSC would get moving...I want all the people before me to get outttt of there hahaha.
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-09 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Feb 6 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Boy we are a quiet bunch! Anyways, just wanted to check in to see how things are going? I just got back earlier this week from visiting my fiance in the U.S. It was hard to leave this time, but hopefully I will go again in April! My estimated time for adjudication on my timeline has jumped all over the place in the past few weeks...end of april to end of may, but I would be happy with where it is now...around of end of april. On Igor's list...(the old one) I don't think it is representative of my true spot ie Date sent...Mine was sent 12/20...but no NOA1 until 1/14.... so really I would be down the list into January instead of furthur up the list. This is why I like the new list, goes by NOA1 although my number is like a 100 more!!

Well since the month of January is done there are no more January filers for 2009 on VJ! But if there are any more out there please feel free to drop by!!

we are too quiet i think sad.gif how nice that you got to see your fiance! how did entering the us go? did you get asked about the k1? right now my estimated time is end of april..i would love if that happened!
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-06 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (JayandZou @ Jan 31 2009, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jan 30 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (alb2009 @ Jan 30 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do you know when your petition has been "touched"??

I signed up to receive notifications from the website-- will they email me if my petition is "touched" -- and what exactly does that mean??

I don't believe they will email you when your case is touched, you just have to logon to your case status online and the date it was last updated is your "touch". I had two extra touches after the NOA1, but I believe that was due to the change of address for the petition. The date the change of address was dated was the 21st and the 22nd is when they mailed it..hence the two touches. Hope this helps.

Hi All! My NOA 1 was Jan 14th so just waiting. I'm going to visit my fiance in Morocco in one week and I thought maybe we could fill out some of the forms that the Casablanca Consulate will send him after the NOA 2. Does anyone know the exact Visa forms we will need? I don't think we have to wait to get the package because many people have them finished beforehand. Of course, you can't send them in for a long time but maybe it's easier to fill them out together. Any help will be appreciated!

Also, any filers from Morocco that are awaiting their interview? I'm sure they can also answer my question as to the exact requirements from Morocco. Thanks so much!

if you go to the morocco forum i bet they can answer your questions better smile.gif and i think its probably a good idea to fill them in together, like you said!
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-03 00:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (minnew @ Jan 27 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well guys just wanted to pop in and say hello! I am in NE right now with my fiance! Not looking forward to going back on Saturday! Still waiting for the AF to drop off the furniture!! I have had 3 touches already on my case...I really wonder what happens to the cases at CSC...did they just move it from one box to another? LOL! Anyways, hope everyone is doing well!

i had one touch that i saw after receiving my noa1 in the mail, so i imagine i had a couple before that too. nice to see you back here smile.gif have fun with your fiance!
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-27 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 I-129 filers at CSC
QUOTE (sunnybear @ Jan 26 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wanted to pop in and wish you all good luck!!! We were January 2008 filers smile.gif

thanks smile.gif hopefully sometime remotely soon you can give me advice on the london embassy to give to my fiance smile.gif
laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-26 20:47:00