K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS TROUBLES AGAIN!

You fill out your own I-864 that includes yourself, your dependents and your husband. That is your household size. Your step father fills out his own I-864, and lists himself, wife, dependents and your husband for his household size. You are not part of his household size since you are not his dependent. He must qualify to sponsor your husband based on his own income for himself and his dependents + the immigrant, not you.

OK..... Thank you very much for that clarification! It makes complete since to me after reading for comment.
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-16 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS TROUBLES AGAIN!

Does your dad claim you as a dependent on his taxes? Do you live in the same household? If the answer to both of these is "no" then your dad does not include you in his household. He does include your husband because he's the sponsored immigrant.

There are only two ways to include income from someone other than the sponsor on an I-864. One is to include income from the intending immigrant, but only if the intending immigrant is the spouse of the sponsor or is living in the same household with the sponsor. The other is a qualifying household member who submits an I-864A. A qualifying household member is either a qualifying relative - spouse, parent, or child, or someone whom the sponsor claims as a dependent on their tax return. You don't include your mother's income (or anyone elses) on your dad's I-864 unless she's going to submit an I-864A and provide her own financial documents.

No I dont live there and no he does not claim me on his taxes. How am I not supposed to include myslef? Isn't the point of this AOS co-sponsor to prove that in the case I can't support my "us" they will?
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-16 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS TROUBLES AGAIN!
I am planning to use my step-father as my co-sponsor. He wants me to fill it all out on the computer and then he will check it over and sign it. I know that I will have to list him and anyone living in the home, as well as me n my hubby(beneficiary) in the household size section of the I-864. However, I am having some dificulty determining where I am supposed to include myself. Would it be :

e. If you have any other dependents, enter the number here.

Also....My mother has no income other than social security. I know that is not accepted on an AOS so do I just simply not combine hers with my dads or list her income anywhere on the AOS even though she is a member of the house hold and has an income?

Thank you in advance for all your tips and help!
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-16 01:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPACKET3....Document Checklist?
At the following link,


I was instructed to:

1.) Immediately fill out and mail in:
- DS-230
- DS-156 (in duplicate)
- DS-156K (do not sign form; you are required to sign it before a consular officer on the day of your interview)
- DS-157 (for all male applicants between the ages of 16-45)
- document checklist.

*Problem is the document check list i am supposed to include? would this be the barcode sheet? am i supposed to type up a document table of contents for what I have included in the package?
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-18 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I combine income from 2 jobs?

I'm still confused. Which consulate am I supposed to check? He is from Cameroon and living in Korea. Do we need to check with the consulate in Korea, Cameroon, or a consulate here?

My husband is a Cameroonian as is your fiancé. He is in Germany now as a student. I am USC like you living in US. Since he is not living in Cameroon, their regulations will not be affecting you, just like in our case. You need to be at 125%. If you have not met these same guidelines last three tax seasons, you will most likely need a co-sponsor. Make sure to check with the embassy he will interview at to see if they accept a co-sponsor before beginning this process. If they do not your only option at this point in time would be to go ahead and get married and then apply for CR-1 like my hubby and I did. Personally I meet the financial requirements now but did not in past 3 years. I got a letter from my employer to strengthen my case and included my paystubs and tax transcripts. However even with those documents I still felt my case was week. There is no way for you to know whether you will require one until the visa interview. Therefore, I went ahead and got a co-sponsor now instead of taking chances on having to get one later. Resubmitting paperwork that will cause us delays was not a chance I was willing to risk. So basically you need to get your current income up to 125% at the time of your AOS. If you have been at one or either of your jobs at that time then you need to get a letter of employment (i have an example of one if you would like it). I would highly recommend you get a co-sponsor! Better safe than sorry! As far as adjustment of status , I can’t help you on that one. I have not gotten that far in the process. Also are steps are a bit different since you are trying for a K-1 and we did a CR-1. I hope this helps you. If I can help with anything else or have any questions or just simply need clarification just let me know. Also a bit of advice would be to fill out for timeline. It really helps to answer your questions when we know what stage your at. Also you need to change your country profile to Korea and not Cameroon since he will be interviewed their.

Blessings, Heidi

Edited by amazngrace, 20 October 2011 - 01:20 AM.

amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-20 01:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsors

thanks.. so now i am stuck.. it looks like he will not be able to come here.. my family is against supporting us due to his religion among other things.. My heart is broken badly because of this...i just dont know what to do anymore...I miss him so much and we are so close to the finish line in this process... :(:(:(:(

I am so sorry to hear you are having difficulties in your situation! This process is hard eneough without feeling you have support from family and loved ones. It is true though that you cant combine your income with hers. In a situation where you dont have it alone, a co-sponsor can be used but they must meet the requirements on there own. I wish i could do something to help. I have had my own devistating issues in this process, so I really feel your pain from experience! Have you thought of absolutely everyone? I was surprised when my co-sponsor ended up being my step-dad! I always thought of him as being the most redneck racist I knew. Obviously not because my husband is Cameroonian.

I wish you the best!
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-22 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS / IV packet in the mail!!!
So.... I did it! I got our packet off in the mail. It is promised to arrive at the NVC by 12 noon tomorrow! I am so excited! So when should I start calling them if I dont hear from them? I read somewhere 5 days.... so do I call them friday if I don't hear from them... or wait till monday?

As always... thanks for everything!
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-24 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur story
Wow, great love story, blessings to you both and your new life. Your post gave me some much needed comfort, and reminded me how blessed i am that everything has moved a long so quickly as it has.
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-10-23 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a Co-sponser for support? need advice

Thanks,Ill be sure to make note of that. VJers really boost my confidence. I dont know what I would done with outall of you.

I feel exactly as you do! I would have been so lost. We are in the final stages of our visa journey just waiting on nvc to send our documents to the consulate in germany so our interview can be scheduled. It is really great to have an entire seperate family to help you stay strong when apart from your loved ones. it is an amazing feeling for someone to say "i know how you feel" to comfort you and it actually does comfort you because they really do know how you feel.
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-11-17 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a Co-sponser for support? need advice

Yes, i have a full time permanant job and all the paystubs can be printed online. it even shows retirement deductions for myself and a seperate retirement plan for my wife after she turns 60(even if she never works). I feel that should help alot. also a medical plan for the whole family is deducted.

That is great evidence if more proof of a bonifide marriage is asked for at time of interview as well. Great job!
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-11-17 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a Co-sponser for support? need advice

Are you working as an employee or as a contractor? If an employee then recent pay stubs and the employer letter ought to be enough. If a contractor/self employed then you will need a tax return that shows enough income.

I am not familiar with Mexico process specifically. However,the final discission is really based on whoever reviews your documents. In my opinion I feel you should be fine without a co-sponsor. Unfortunately my opinion will not get it approved. In my situation i felt i would also be ok, and still decided to use a co-sponsor just in case. So you have 3 options....
1.take your chances wich may get approved or not
2.get a co-sponsor now just to play it safe and not cause anymore delay in this long process then there already is
3.if and when your are told you need a co-sponsor, gather the documents then

Hope this helps, God Bless
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-11-17 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestimeline for new process

HEY VJ'ers!
well i want to thank everyone for all the congrats yesterday and today!if you went through the noa1-noa2 process already,you know how AAWESOOMEE it feels to get that email/text saying its approved.and if you havent gotten there,well..i promise you,itll feel just as awesome for you too:)

so0o now that im onto a different process,i need help!i made the stupid mistake of hiring a lawyer at the beginning of my k1 process.ive now learned that i completely threw away $3000.-__- because hes literally useless in this.i still had to wait,still had to gather my proof and documents,still had to mail it myself, he received a copy of the noa2 and called me to"congratulate "me .i asked him what was next,if i should gather anything else.and my very important question:HOW MUCH LONGER? he couldnt even give me a rough estimate of how long it would take from now,til the actual interview.

sooo fellow vj friends,can anyone here give me some kind of idea of how long itll take from now til actual interview?

Well I can almost guarantee you that the NVC process goes by a lot faster than the USCIS!Atleast for me and many others here that is how it went. It is really hard to make an estimate other than to ask those who have loved ones comming to the US from same country as yours is. Do a search for members here based on that country and check out there timelines. Wish I could give you the exact day...believe me it is killing me waiting especially now that i am soooo close to being complete at the NVC.

Hope this helps. Blessings.
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-11-17 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGREAT NEWS!
I called the NVC this morning to check on the status of our case. The man on the phone informed me that our case was completed on the 18th! Unfortunately I still have questions! The man I spoke to said that unfortunatley interviews are only scheduled on the 2nd week of each month so we will not be having our interview in December! That breaks my heart because, I worked so hard to get him here for Christmas! However,I am still thrilled that we are complete with the NVC. Basically, I am just curious if this makes sense to anyone else and is there still a chance we could have a December interview?

As always thank you in advance for the help and blessings to all!
amazngraceFemaleGermany2011-11-28 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGirlfriend has a multiple entry visa - can she visit and marry me instead of doing a k1?
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Jun 2 2009, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (D&R @ Jun 2 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Jun 2 2009, 05:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Steve Finley @ Jun 1 2009, 09:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My girlfriend lives in the Philippines. While we have not yet visited in person, through our communications, we are both certain we wish to marry. Normally, I'd go visit her and then get her a fiance visa to come here and marry me. However, she already has a multiple entry visa she and her parents got to visit family in the states. In fact, she has been to Los Angeles before.

Now, since she has the visa to come visit here, could we skip the usual lost time and funds related to processing a fiance visa and just have her come visit on her multiple entry visa and marry me while she's here? Then could she stay? Could it be done that way? We'd hate to wait for me to go see her, only then to wait six more months for a fiance visa to go through, not to mention the costs of it all, plus a round trip ticket for me, etc., etc. I'd love to know that we could skip the usual drawn out process if possible! Thanks to anyone who has some answers.


How in the world can you be certain you want to marry this person without actually seen this person in real life... what if this person is really a fat hairy bald 50 years old 5ft guy that has nothing better to do then to mess with you? whistling.gif

headbonk.gif Even fat hairy, bald 50 year old 5ft guys need loving!!!! innocent.gif

(also... is it possible to be bald AND hairy?!) innocent.gif

bald head, hairy body... i think i've seen a guy like that in southpark.

well... his head is not entirely bald but you get my point...

Not as much experience as some of you , ive been at this k1 for almost a year now! but if i recall one of the requirments of the k visa. is that the petitioner has meet the beneficiary in their home country. correct me if im wrong. also on the issue in general, I dont think its right to marry on tourist visa. that was not what tourist visa was intented for, if you can do that. why not just everyone on this site do it

NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2009-06-03 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCancel I-129F
sorry to hear your situation, i have been through sort of the same. i filed a k1 2 years ago for a woman in colombia, things were great all along. then stress between us drove us apart. i can tell you that i file another k1 after that one, i did not even submit a waiver. because i withdraw the orignal one, before it was issued, or used. so really the first k1 made it to nvc but no further. i think the 2 year wait applies when the first k1 is used, or the woman comes to us , and decides to leave. in my case we did not make it that far. i did submit a letter with signature , notarized to uscis, i got an offical letter informed the petition was withdrawln.

also, my current k1 at embassy in manila now, i have never gotten any rfe's from the 6 months at uscis, or the 2 months at NVC! , hope this helps

NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2009-06-08 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPackage lost somewhere between USCIS and NVC
yes , gary i think this is for a k1 , like i stated, we waited for 3 months just for transit between csc and nvc. if we would have waited for a letter from them , we would still be waiting 6 months +. call congressman and tell them you think csc sent your petition to the wrong place. or wait and burn 3 months like we did.


what ever your descision
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2009-07-17 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPackage lost somewhere between USCIS and NVC
hello, the same thing happen to me, we waited 3 months for our k1 to go from csc to nvc. turns out they sent it to the wrong dept. get your congressman involved now, dont wait
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2009-07-17 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthe sponsor and income
WOW! its a obama world. you all know what i mean
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2009-12-10 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Relationship?
photos taken with you and her family , mother , father sisters , brothers , cousins. this is what we did and had no problems. why chance it , its a long journey . best to make another trip
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2009-12-21 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 for me and my possibilities
surely your aware of computers, i would find it hard to believe that in a database somewhere in the us. there is not a record of some sort of your overstay.

like others have said , file it and see what happens. and if your a deck hand, you know that for the k1 visa you have to remain in the us for some time , and part of that time you may not be able to work .

just somthing to think about.

NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-01-04 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of the context of hardship in K1
looks like shane is a ' whistleblower' wanting to bring down the hell and fury of the aclu at the drop of a hat. read the posts again. your answer is there
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-02-16 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f's HARDSHIP of meeting in person request?
I can tell you that if any of the comments posted here were not to your liking, prepare yourself. this journey that you embark on will test you, there will be many things said either on the phone or in the interview stage that will piss you off im sure.

skin better get a little thicker is all im saying

NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-03-04 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I begin?
I think it would be easier to find another girlfriend.
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-06-17 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeferred sentence and arrest
I feel for you, but i would never plead guilty to something that i did not do. in the end you could have filed charges against them to regain all the expenses you have gone through , plus a hell of a lot more for distress.

hang in there.
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-07-11 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona
I think you need at least 3 visits 6 months apart. while there takes tons of photos with you, her and family all together at different places, beach, restaurant, hotel.

I think this is the reason. take pics of engagment rings, reciepts.


i agree cut him some slack,. i would be tore up big time if i got the news he did.
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-07-30 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge and K1
seems the sponsor needs to be 18, I think this is required because of the contract or the I864 which is basically a contract. minors could not be held legally liable to this.
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-08-02 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat the US considers "having met"

I can understand that technically you met in person. however when you send her to the us embassy, they want to see photos of you and her together, you hugging her mother, you your girl and her mother and father and gramps and grams.

I would bet money if you try to pursue a visa for her , based just on that meeting that you would fail.

gl in what ever you decide
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-08-08 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecond visit or Not
i made 3 trips, about 6 months apart. the end of 3rd trip she return with me.
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-10-17 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Beginning...Need my UK fiance' here yesterday.....
Shirorisu........ I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-11-03 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou be the consul ! Would we be approved ?
yes, I think no one is qualified to say what a consul will say in this case. If you factor in the economic situation and the disablility and the daughter, i would probaly give you less than a 50% chance. the daughters income will end one day its not sustainable.

just hope for the best. but prepare for worst

NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-11-29 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone confirmation from NVC case sent to Manila 11/30/2010
you ask now what. well tell your fiancee to get ready to spend about a hundred dollars on phone calls to the embassy . asking them why if they have your file you can not schedule a interview.

they will tell you your case is not ' complete' they have your papers , but are not ready to schedule you. call them over and over a gain . make sure they know how much you have spent on the pin numbers calling.

thats what finally did it for us. i told the guy that i spend 120 dollars on phone calls and i will not be spending anymore. he said ok i guess we can give you interview date now!

anyways you are close, gl
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-12-03 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa denied
I know what your saying about the gross and net. my and my wife went through manila embassy, at the time i was self employed satelite television installer. I know the Adjusted gross income was what they were looking for, i also had 1 son from before the marriage. although he is partially dependent on me, i just assumed they would count him as a part of the household.

I wont get in a pissing contest with anyone on here, but from what i have learned in the past its not good when they give your passport back to the beneficiary after the interview. I have heard of times when the same thing was said
" sorry your denied " but they keep the passport! and enventually i believe get approved.

I am not sure what i would do in your situation it is unique just like all others,

NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-12-24 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi
QUOTE (vicky27 @ May 27 2009, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

I am happy to find these cool website. I have been working on the paperwork for so long and just want to talk to people that are going through the same thing as I am. I have questions and would like to make me friend.


what kind of questions do you have?

you should create/update your timeline also

Edited by jcg303, 27 May 2009 - 03:27 PM.

jcg303MaleIsrael2009-05-27 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC is getting ahead of CSC?
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Jun 1 2009, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
these service centers take turn being the fastest....

i think it would be more fitting to say that these service centers take turns being the slowest....

jcg303MaleIsrael2009-06-02 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 or F-1
thanks to all who responded - i just wanted to clarify a little. we are expecting the NOA2 any day now (according to the timeline trends). since we have the I-20 in hand, we're assuming that it would be a shorter process than the K-1. since it's so hard to tell what goes on down in the depths of the USCIS, we can only make assumptions.

- if we apply for the K-1 and F-1 simultaneously, it could raise some eyebrows as to our actual intention and possibly lead to trouble. some of you don't think that that could happen, but it's up to the CO and POE officer.

- if we cancel the K-1 and go for the F-1 and get denied, we are left with nothing (aka - worst case scenario) - this would suck. plus, we're assuming that the USCIS hangs on to records for a while, and a cancelled K-1 petition would show up in any future visa apps.

- if we forget the F-1, the K-1 will most likely force my fiancee to miss this coming fall semester - not a big deal in the long run, but not our first choice either. deferment is also an option , but i'm sure that all of us would choose to be with our SO's sooner if another option opened up.

- btw, if you are coming to study on an F-1 and have NOT yet filed for the K-1, it's perfectly legal to wait a couple of months (or years) after arriving for school on the F-1, then get married and file for an AOS. after all, many singles come to study in the States and meet their future SO while they are here. my fiancee legitimately wants to study here, but since we already filed for the K-1, we're thinking that our best option is to follow through on what we've started
jcg303MaleIsrael2009-07-01 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 or F-1
my fiancee and i filed for a k-1 visa last march, and we are still waiting for the NOA2. according to the timelines, it could come any day now. however, my fiancee also wishes to pursue her degree, and she has applied and been accepted to her chosen school.

now for the dilemma. the school has issued her an I-20, which she could use to get an F-1 student visa. this would also allow her to come to the states sooner and start school in the upcoming fall semester. after a couple of months, we would get married (which is the ultimate goal) and apply for an AOS. can we cancel the I-129 and proceed with the student visa? or will this raise red flags with the government? we are patiently waiting and are willing to wait no matter how long it takes. but obviously, we would like to be together as soon as possible.

i think that canceling the I-129 and instead going for the F-1 student visa is completely legal, but i can also see how it appears that we are trying to bypass the system, and we don't want to do anything that will prevent us from being together. please chime in if you have any experience/advice.

much thanks!!
jcg303MaleIsrael2009-06-30 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 and studying versus F-1 and marriage
QUOTE (intx13 @ Jul 7 2009, 09:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
5. If you've gone through the K-1, K-3 process succesfully, was it as hard as you imagined prior to beginning? smile.gif

Whew, ok. Answers to any, all, or just random thoughts are greatly appreciated smile.gif

- Nate

i posted a similar question a couple of weeks ago, and it got a lot of discussion - you might check it out on my profile.

anyway, my fiancee was recently accepted to a university, and the school issued her an I-20. however, we filed an I-129F last march, so we decided to cancel the I-20 and continue with the K-1 process. with the K-1 visa, she will be able to move here and go to school. actually, i'm not sure you can attend school solely on a K-1 visa, but we'll file an AOS (I-485) asap, which is the petition for a green card. according to her chosen university, she will have resident status immediately after filing the AOS. your school might have a different policy, so check that out.

i don't think there's anything illegal about canceling the K-1 and filing for an F-1, but i imagine it would look fishy to USCIS, and i think the law allows USCIS to use their discretion when making decisions, so it's best to be honest about your intent. no doubt they keep extensive records and will see that you canceled the K-1.

that said, it's perfectly reasonable for foreign students to meet, fall in love, and marry US citizens while here in the States. if your SO came here on an F-1 and you married, say, 9 months after her arrival, USCIS would likely not question you. if you waited only 2 weeks, they would probably raise some eyebrows.

if she can't file for a student visa until next spring, when is she planning on enrolling? the K-1 process is long, but most likely not THAT long. as far as going from the F-1 to green card, i'm not sure how that process goes.

i'm sure everyone will agree with me that we want our SO's here asap and that the process can be consuming and anxiety-ridden. but i would advise against unnecessary risks. a few extra weeks apart is not much the big picture. GOOD LUCK!!!
jcg303MaleIsrael2009-07-21 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to go on...
QUOTE (swoozygirl @ Jul 20 2009, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is flying to go back home this wednesday. I am really having a hard time with it. I am trying to stay strong. He has been in the U.S for one year. I am looking for some advice on how other couples make it work?

"absence makes the heart grow fonder"

some of you make not want to hear that right about now, but i think it's absolutely true. distance brings about 1 of 2 things - your relationship will either dissolve, or you will find strength in yourself and in each other that you did not know you had. it takes a lot of effort to focus on the bright spots. for many of us, those bright spots are few and far between while we go through this process. because of that, those moments have a white-hot intensity that i'm sure you all can relate to.

for the rest of your life, you will never forget the next moment you see him. everything around you will melt away and you will only be conscious of each other. i know it sounds cheesy and hollywood, but they can't write this stuff.

remember - that which does not kill you...........
jcg303MaleIsrael2009-07-22 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslittle RFE help here please

visa journey is such an asset, and it's because of the kindness and support of all of you!! well, we've been putting together our RFE stuff, so here's what we have -

32 photos taken between july '08 and december '08. each photo has a brief description with names and dates on the back. some of the photos have obvious landmarks in them - sears tower in chicago, gibson guitar factory in memphis. i even downloaded a program called snipclik, which is a photo editing program that can add a date stamp to a photo using the digital photo file's EXIF data. i also wrote a detailed letter explaining all the events in the photos and included credit card statements that verify purchases made in said locations with transaction dates that match the photos.

we have color scans of her passport showing the identification page and the point of entry stamps into the US. we also have the emailed itinerary from showing her departure flight, which was purchased with my credit card. we have a copy of my credit card statement showing the ticket purchase, and we have the ticket stub from the departure flight.

in addition, i'm going to include phone records and emails dated between the time she left and the I-129F application date. i know they are not considered evidence by themselves, but as a part of the package i think they will help.

regarding the birth certificate, the RFE states explicitly to submit a copy with english translation for the beneficiary. luckily, israeli birth certificates include both hebrew and english information in side-by-side columns.

i checked and double checked the I-129F instructions and our application many times before submitting it. if they want 50 pictures that show us together, then they should state that. or at least state explicitly what is considered proof of meeting. same thing with the birth certificate. in fact, i didn't even use MY birth certificate for the application - i made a copy of my passport to prove citizenship.

oh well - there should be no question in their minds after reviewing the package we're about to send in. again, thanks to everyone for your advice and support!!!
jcg303MaleIsrael2009-09-16 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslittle RFE help here please
well, we got the RFE in the mail today (finally!!). here's what we need to get -

evidence of meeting
- copies of passport pages that show the ID page and admission stamps

not a problem - just might take a little time through the mail. is a fax acceptable?
- airline ticket stubs and receipts

not so easy - not sure what she has kept as far as this goes.
- film dated photos of us together

we have lots of photos, and we sent in a bunch. unfortunately, they didn't have date stamps. anyone know how to get the date stamp added to the photo? photos were taken with an olympus sp-510 uz if that helps
- any evidence that will help the uscis to determine.......

any suggestions for things to submit other than what is listed here?

submit a birth certificate with certified English translation
don't remember this in the instructions, but again, not a problem - mail or fax?

we want to make sure there are NO questions, any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
jcg303MaleIsrael2009-09-14 18:04:00