Canadawait time for visa after interview at montreal consulate

Would it be better if i just go down to my DHL location and ask them? because i have no clue! would they even know anything?

it's worth a try....
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-16 15:32:00
Canadawait time for visa after interview at montreal consulate

How come the reference number is different on DHL from the csc site? is that with everyone?

from what I understand.....there are two numbers.....a reference number you are given when you sign up for DHL on the CSC website when you booked your interview..... and when the visa is issued and and then picked up by DHL it's given a waybill number...... but you should be able to go to the website and enter the REFERENCE number to track your package.... or just physically drive to the DHL branch you signed up to have it sent to ( if possible)... and give them your name.....some people haven't been asked for a waybill number at the DHL branch when picking it up.
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-16 13:53:00
Canadawait time for visa after interview at montreal consulate

What is this congressional thing everyones talking about? im waiting for mine too..according to the consulate, it was printed and mailed last thursday June 9 and still havent heard anything from anyone! please help me out

have you checked with your DHL branch???
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-16 13:24:00

i JUST logged on to the website thinking it would still be blank, BUT WE FINALLY HAVE A WAYBILL NUMBER! :D :D :D YAY!!

Hang in there, itll happen! How many days has it been now? I got DOS to email the consulate to inquire about the hold up after a month!

Posted ImagePosted Image CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you!! (and now encouraged for me!! Posted Image) You've had such a long frustrating wait!!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-22 07:11:00

So I just called back and I talked to a really really nice guy (I think he said his name was Carl) and he said for sure he can contact the consulate to see whats going on, and that I should call back in a few days and hopefully the consulate will have replied. He was SO nice and when was so quick to be like "yeah, I can do that, I'll just send an email for you!" So, basically, PROOF that there ARE nice, helpful people working at DOS!!

any word on your visa yet??? Ours seems to be lost in the abyss of AP as well and I was hoping for some encouraging news ....
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-21 11:16:00

So I called DOS again today, and I'm pretty sure the lady I talked to was the same unhelpful lady I talked to a week or two ago. AND SHE HUNG UP ON ME! She told me my case was still in AP, and I was like "ok" and I explained to her that the guy I talked to last week (who was sooooo nice!) said if I didnt have anything by this week to call back and they could contact the consulate for me to see what was going on" and she was like "no, it hasnt even been a month, you need to wait" and I was like "No, it's been over a month" and she said "well it could take 3-6 months so you just need to wait" and then tried to tell me that Montreal is fast and efficient and never has problems or complaints. WHAT!? I (not rude or anything, Im actually meek/timid and thats something Im working on!) started to ask about what the guy last week had said again, and she interrupted me and said This Call is over, goodbye!

AHHHH!! I hate DOS! Why do they have some awesome agents and some horrible ones?! This lady was so rude! WAHHH! I want my visa! Should I try calling back to see if I can speak to someone else? Do they know how many times Ive called, does it say in my file? haha.

Should I try calling the consulate in Montreal directly?

Have you tried emailing Montreal?? at
it may take a few days for them to get back to you... but maybe you'd have better luck..... I dunno... Posted Image (make sure you include your MTL number when writing them)
@#$#%!!! Posted Image that sucks that you are getting such a runaround!!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-14 15:22:00
CanadaMay Interviews - Visa back
Interview was May 25th and still waiting.....
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-10 06:58:00
CanadaJune Montreal Interviews

Ugh, I think I actually know which person you are talking about. She uses a lot of "mmhmm" and "uh-huh's". Very rude indeed!
Thank-you, we hope to get it sometime within this week. I am crossing my fingers that your AP will be over soon :).

thank you!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-21 11:05:00
CanadaJune Montreal Interviews

Yay!!! I just spoke to DOS and was told the our visa was issued either today or yesterday (she could not tell).


YAY!Posted Image Congratulations!! I hope you get your visa soon!!!!

I called DOS today and was told our case is STILL in AP...Posted Image I sure wish I knew why.....I think I got the *rude* lady at DOS...she started to get snippy with my when I told her it had been almost 4 weeks since the interview....
I honestly don't understand the randomness with which it seems they issue visas....our case should have been pretty straight forward....I'm beginning to wonder if they pick one from every month to hold on to and mess with...*sigh*...

18 business days and counting....Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-21 10:53:00
CanadaScared straight

The guy he spoke with yesterday told him that two pay stubs would mean nothing to them at the border. And this woman I spoke with said even if he had a visa he could still be denied and that they hear the same story all day long.

I think it's a lost cause within the next year or so.

he will need to show STRONG ties to Canada and lots of them.....
does he have a job that will be waiting for him and willing to give him a letter stating so? does he have an lease agreement where he lives that he can show.. or utility bills in his name?? are you in the process of a k-1 visa?? and if so have you any documentation from this point in the process he can show?? how is he crossing? a return airline ticket would be a good way to show his intent to return.

My fiance' was denied at the border and was flagged... (he wasn't employed at the time and lived with family... so it was hard to show strong ties) took time but he was able to get together enough evidence of his intent to return....and was able to come back into the US with a B2 visa they issued at the border... after showing good faith and returning by the date stamped on his visa, he was able to cross two more time.....each time got a little easier....

It has been a real pain to deal with... but you do what you gotta do....good luck to you!!

S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-22 10:28:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical

I had my medical this morning, through no fault of Dr. Seiden's office (mostly) it was basically a nightmare.

So, I overshot traffic estimates and we were there at 5:45am. Good call, because we were second in line. They let us in at 6:30 and I was out by 8:15 with only a bit of waiting in the actual exam room. I *really* recommend getting there as early as possible because by 7:30 the waiting room was standing room only and there were lines for every part of the process.

So, they did my intake and took my forms and money. Then chest xray, which was fine. Then took blood, which was fine. Then I went to an exam room where they did height/weight/blood pressure. Then I was asked to undress and put on the "gown" (Which, I will note, was incredibly tiny and very difficult to wear.) I waited a little while before a doctor came in, took my medical history and looked over my vaccinations. That's where things got messed up.

All I had in terms of vaccinations was a blood test showing immunity for Measles/Mumps/Rubella/HepB and a record of my last tetanus shot (January 2011). I had tried calling Peel Public Health a couple of months ago and they just weren't able to obtain my vaccination records after a nearly 2 hour phone call. The doctor said what I provided was fine, but even though I just had one in January they wanted me to get another tetanus shot. She then gave me a form to take to my doctor and fax in. Then someone else did the actual exam, which consisted of checking my eyes/ears/mouth, a stomach exam, reflexes, a breast exam and a quick check between my legs. She did my blood pressure again because it had been a little high (but nothing unmanageable) earlier in the appointment. They decided that because I was seeing my doctor anyway for the tetanus shot, they'd get one more blood pressure reading from him to see if I were more relaxed at that appointment.

So I left, woke up my fiance who was snoring in the waiting room (Sincere apologies to anyone who was there) and we headed back to Kitchener. I called my doctor as soon as they opened at 9:00, explained that I needed a tetanus shot and blood pressure and they told me just to stop in any time that morning.

We went right to my doctor's office to get it dealt with, they put me as a walk in just to see the nurse... and she came in to take my blood pressure and said she wouldn't give me a tetanus shot because I "didn't need" it. So I gave her my form from Dr. Seiden's office, explained the reason I was told to get it (They wanted a record that I'd had more than one, even if they were close together) and she stepped out to see the doctor. A few minutes later, my doctor came in and was incredibly rude and unhelpful about the tetanus shot requirement. (We have a bit of a strained relationship anyway, but he was being outright rude). I'm explaining that I was told to get this done, I have the papers showing they want it done, and he confirmed to me there would be no "harm" in getting one 6 months after my last tetanus shot, but he refused to do it. Kept saying it was bad medical practice, shot is good for ten years, etc.

So I try and call Dr. Seiden's office, but predictably go to voicemail. My doctor makes several attempts to call them and I send an email from my phone. My doctor gets very high and mighty about it and proclaims that I should just get my vaccination records from Public Health. He knows I've already tried that once because he fought me on getting a blood test done for immunity when I was unsuccessful. So he sets his nurse to calling Public Health and leaves me in the waiting room, admittedly upset because I'd been up since 4:30 and I just want this dealt with. I get an email back from Dr. Seiden's office, saying they're going to find the doctor now to confirm what they want me to do in light of my doctor refusing to give the tetanus shot. The nurse comes by to tell me she's gotten my records from public health. A few minutes later she comes back and says it was the wrong "Laura Clarkson" and she gets back on the phone with them.

I'm sitting in the waiting room, overtired and upset and just making a sobbing #### of myself in the chair when I get another email that Dr. Seiden's office is trying to call my doctor now. I then get called into my doctor's office area and he gives me my immunization records that they *were* able to track down from public health. He's kind of a jerk to me about not being able to get them myself when I tried, gives me a lecture on how it's "terrible medicine" to have asked me to get another tetanus shot for "no reason" and basically accuses Dr. Seiden's office of not know what they're doing. I'm hoping (but not sure) the vaccination record will be enough, crying again because I'm really emotional and overtired and that's when he decides to take my blood pressure again. Needless to say, the reading was really high and he starts to go on about wanted to monitor it over the next few weeks, etc.

He faxes a scathing cover letter with my vaccination record and blood pressure reading and sends me home.

So, for several hours I have had no idea if I've passed or failed the medical, if they still wanted me to get that tetanus shot, if my blood pressure getting so much higher is going to be an issue, etc. I finally got a voicemail from my doctor stating he spoke with Dr. Seiden's office, the vaccination record is enough and he "told them I was really upset" when he checked the blood pressure.

I'm still not entirely sure what's happened, I'm pretty drained and upset (Not to mention super proud that I broke down like a child, sigh.) and I've put an email in to Dr. Seiden's office. I've paid to have my results fedexed to me, so I should see them the end of the week if everything is fine...

But I felt I should share that experience, on the off chance it helps anyone else. I don't know if my doctor was just being a jerk or if they shouldn't have asked for another tetanus shot or what, but it was a couple of extremely high-stress hours when the medical was otherwise quick and painless and I'm still unsure of the outcome.

Posted ImageSorry you had such a difficult experience!! I hope it all works out okay!!! (if they had a *hug* emoticon I would use it here Posted Image)
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-20 15:24:00
CanadaPostal strike

Thank you for the replies!

I haven't seen any info from the USCIS or NVC about the strike.

Looking at the Canada wiki from a scanned in doc from 2009 it appears the address to send the forms to is:

Attention: Immigrant Visa Unit
P.O. Box 65, Station Desjardins
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H5B 1G1

Is this still the correct address?

Thank you,
-Paul and Jennifer

NOOO! that is the old address....

To this address, with your Montreal case number on everything:
ATTN: Immigrant Visa Unit
315 Place d'Youville Suite 500
Montreal Quebec

jinx... ralyse you owe me a coke! Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-23 12:25:00
If Montreal keeps up the trend from the past few months....they should be opening up some additional dates for July or August soon..... We were told back in May that twice a month they open up additional dates for the next month (I'm guessing cancellations and what not).

Sending lots of *good positive please Montreal open up some sooner dates for people waiting to interview* vibes for you all!!!!! Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-24 08:26:00
Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-25 15:46:00
thank you!! Posted Image

good luck to McLovin, Sabrina, and sunshine88 tomorrow too!!!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-24 14:37:00
Oh...I also wanted to thank everyone here who's posted their experience through this whole process... I'd be so much more of a basket case right now without knowing!! Posted Image you people are awesome! Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-24 14:31:00
tomorrow is the interview date and I'm so HAPPY EXCITED NERVOUS AND SCARED Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image Posted Image... I feel a little like a kid on christmas eve who's hoping santa brings them the present they wanted the MOST in their WHOLE life....Posted Image


phew....okay.... just had to let that out and now I can be a supportive calm rock for my love who has to get through that interview tomorrow!!Posted ImagePosted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-24 14:21:00

Yeah for sure, we well have to depend on each other lol, hopefully everything goes smoothly!
I cross tonight, wish me luck!!

Hope your POE went smoothly Shorah!!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-13 07:00:00

Man oh man it looks like I'm going to be the first one of us filing for AOS /scared!

Hopefully if all things go as they should....we'll be doing our AOS in June too Shorah!! I'm going to be really counting on VJ for info to get us through it!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-11 07:02:00

how did you find this information? did you have to keep going to the https://usvisa-info....country_welcome, site to see if any interviews came up, or did you call the 202-663-1225 number?

I have been going to the webside and changing my status to read ready for interview, but it always reads no interviews available at this time

What was your process?

I don't know if anyone has had any luck with calling for an interview date.....I think they just tell you to keep checking back or trying the website..... but you never know...there are phone numbers on the csc site to call.
don't give may seem so hopeless....and it gets VERY frustratingPosted Image.....but it will happen!! Good luck!!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-06 16:01:00

Even if it is an afternoon appointment he should be there early in the morning. It is first come first serve, it does not go by appointment time. I advise to be in the line outside the door no later than 6:30 am. Good luck! and Congrats on the interview date :dance:

Thank you!! good to know!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-05 16:07:00

Just picked up the May 9th date. :) Yay!

Congrats!!!!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-05 09:15:00

Hehe our lawyer said 4 month, six max. Took 6 alone for the petition. But it's all almost over!

I don't think these were cancelations that we got. Wednesday is then only day that the embassy is open to interviews after 12 noon. And I think Wednesdays are normally given to traveler visa appointments, i read that somewhere. I'm sure they realized how backlogged they are getting and decided to open a few slots!

I feel bad for those who can't spend there day clicking hours at a time...

Almost over indeed... at least the separated part... the paperwork has only just begun!!...but I can face ANY amount of paperwork as long as my love is with me!!

I was wondering how Montreal was going do deal with the could be right

I don't know what people do that don't have internet access... we are a good example... my fiance' doesn't have access unless he goes to the library and I only have access at work.... (my boss is going to be glad that I finally got an appointment booked Posted Image) days and counting!! Posted Image Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-05 08:25:00

We have been trying since April 15th and just got the same interview day and time as you guys!! See you there! I'm PUMPED!!

CONGRATS!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-05 08:11:00

I live right over the boarder from Ontario in Quebec, pretty much as close to Ottawa as I am to downtown. I just texted my fiance at work, he lives in Northern Utah, he is so happy. We started this process in August, it just seems like its taken so much longer than hoped. I sold my condo in February and have been living with my parents since

What time is his appointment?

His is 1:45 as well.

We also started this process last August and my idiot laywer told us that it would all take about 5 months TOPS for him to get his visa... silly me to actually believe it... it would have been easier to take had we known realistic timelines..... wish I would have done my research better and found this site sooner!! I must say it's been comforting to find others that are going through this grueling process as well.

My fiance' has been stuck living with is mother the past year and a half trying to save up money for when he's here before he can work... so through him I hear your frustration of living with parents...ugh.. Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-05 08:01:00

OMG! I know, i've been trying for 3 weeks too! And i have an interview the same day as you!!!
What time is yours, mine is at 1:45PM

Guess I will see you there! They must have opened an afternoon up or something, because normally the K! interviews are done in the AM

Sharing your excitment!

Yayyy for you too!!Posted Image

actually it'll be my fiance' who will be at the appointment I'm the USC.....but I have fast internet access at work so I've been the one trying to book the appointment.... and yeah.. I thought it was weird it wasn't a morning appointment... he'll be happy he won't have to stay the night in Montreal this way, he can just drive up from Ottawa that morning.... where are you traveling from??
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-05 07:52:00
after nearly 3 weeks of trying for hours and hours and hours every single day.. WE GOT ONE!! May 25th!!... there was also May 9th available... good luck to the others who are trying... don't give up!!!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-05-05 07:39:00
CanadaPOE Today!!

I picked up my visa yesterday in North Bay, and am going "home" to California tonight! Wow! I am so happy and excited! :) I am flying from Toronto, so hopefully customs goes smoothly. Fingers crossed! Good luck to everyone else waiting for their visas!

Congratulations!! I hope you had a safe trip!!Posted Image
Best of wishes in your new life!!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-27 06:52:00
CanadaDS-230 vs DS-260
the DS-260 is an IMMIGRANT online form... used for IR1/CR1.... the DS-160 is the online form for K1 visa.... Montreal requires BOTH the DS-230 paper form mailed to them and the online versions (DS260 and DS160)... it says this right on the website.... we were confused and only sent in just the DS230 and got a letter saying we also needed to do the online DS160 for our K1 visa.. we lost two weeks of time before our pkt 4 because of this Posted Image....

so many numbers Posted Image... and so many that are almost the same and easy to confuse!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-24 15:58:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!

Yayyyyy!!! It was in the mail today...We are so excited!!!!!!!! :dance: :yes: :dance: :star: :dance:

Congratulations!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-27 07:09:00
CanadaMoving with Personal objects
you might want to check out this link Moving to the United States it's pretty lengthy, but it does talk about gold coins and foreign currency. does he have an appraisal of his collection?? I'm guessing that it might be helpful if not necessary to determine if he's over the $10,000 limit.

Edited by S and P, 29 June 2011 - 02:45 PM.

S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-29 14:43:00
CanadaOh Canada!
Happy Canada Day!!

I hear "Oh Canada" playing in my head ever since I read this post! Posted Image I swear it's the funny guy who sings the anthem at all of the Sens games!! Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-07-01 08:29:00
CanadaMontreal K1 Interview

Our interview is on the 12th, and I just want to double check if we have everything.

New intent to marry from both of us
Interview letter
i-134 with supporting evidence
NOA2 copy
Police report
Stuff from medical
Proof of relationship(newer pics, emails, chats, boarding passes, etc)
Passport photos - not sure how many
All forms from packet 3
Birth certificate

What else are we missing?


looks like you are good to go!Posted Image Good luck on your interview!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-30 09:00:00
CanadaPOE at Prescott
He's in the USA!!!!Posted ImagePosted Image PHEW!!! We can breathe now! Posted Image

My fiance' had no problems crossing at Prescott/Ogdensburg. It took 1 1/2 hours from the time he pulled up to customs to driving away. He said he was in line for at least 25 minutes of that. The Border Patrol Officer was friendly and admitted to never having processed a K1 before, so he went and got a supervisor Posted Image... it ended up being the supervisor my fiance' had dealt with when he got denied entry and flagged back in 2009 and he was VERY friendly and actually seemed happy to see that he was following through with the K1 and had been telling the truth 2 years ago!!Posted Image Posted Image They never even looked in his car (that was stuffed full) and the importing of it took longer than printing up his 1-94.

He should be home in about 5 hours now!!Posted ImagePosted Image What a perfect way to celebrate Canada Day.... with my Canadian Love!!!!!Posted ImagePosted Image

Cheers everyone!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-07-01 07:47:00
CanadaPOE at Prescott
Thank you for the input! I think he's all ready to go!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-30 11:40:00
CanadaPOE at Prescott
My fiance' will be making his POE at Prescott later today..... other than the sealed envelope, his passport with visa, and his letter for his vehicle and proof of ownership.... is there anything else he needs??? He will have all of the copies of everything from his K1 application with him, but it will be packed along with his stuff. Should he have the NO2A available??

We're so excited we just want to make sure we haven't forgotten something!! Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-30 10:28:00
CanadaNo appointment date

Everyone waiting for an appointment - check RIGHT NOW! I just got an appointment for August 30th!!! I have been refreshing for an hour and all of a sudden, I got an appointment! Go try right now!!! Woohoo!! Happy Canada Day!

Congratulations!!!Posted Image
S and PFemaleCanada2011-07-01 07:18:00
CanadaNo appointment date
It took me 3 weeks of nearly constant checking the website for open dates back in's so frustrating!!... Posted Image you might want to try late late evenings and early mornings if you are hoping to catch a cancellation..... maybe they will open up afternoon appointments for K1's like they did in May....*fingers crossed for you*

Good luck to you!!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-06-29 13:52:00
CanadaMight have Cancer

We got married on July 7th, applied for my hubby's SSN on July 15th, his SSN card arrived in the mail on July 22nd. I don't know if this is typical but I hope the info helps!

Good luck to you!!

forgot to add...... you need to wait at least 10 business days after POE to apply for SSN (takes that long for their system to get updated)
S and PFemaleCanada2011-07-23 17:06:00
CanadaMight have Cancer

Did it really only take you a month to get a SSN?

We got married on July 7th, applied for my hubby's SSN on July 15th, his SSN card arrived in the mail on July 22nd. I don't know if this is typical but I hope the info helps!

Good luck to you!!
S and PFemaleCanada2011-07-23 16:55:00