CanadaReceiving Visa
mine was done by mal, my sons 6 months later also by mail, just bring a pre paid priority envelope with you, make sure its the bg size because of the amount of stuff they send back with you, the visa in the passport isnt the only thing sent.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-05 08:39:00
CanadaProof of Immunization
I was missing info on one of my shots.
all it took me was a phone call to the clinic back home that I had been going to as a child (i understnad tho your file moves with you so whereever the last clinic you went to would have it)
I asked them to fax the immunization records to the doc in TO
They had it the next day.
There might be a form they would want you to fill out to give consent to release, but they can fax that to you also if you arent near the clinic.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-11 13:45:00
CanadaIs anyone else planning on watching 'Underfunded' tonight?
ya it was ok, the references were sort of subtle, and they didnt make the canadian come off like a bumbling idiot, which was my fear initially, more it poked fun at the lack of knowledge about canada

What did you think of the actors canadian accent? I was really trying to hear if he sounded genuine (like us) or forced and ridiculous 9like bob & doug). It sounded more pronounced at tmes, but not like 'oot' and aboot and no doot

was he canuck?

and does anyone else like watching x-files re-runs just to pick out the canadian actors? lol.
ok one time, i wasnt looking at the screen, and i heard a voice and i was like 'omg its Relic' and omg i was right. a lot older but wow, a voice I havent heard in a couple decades!!!!
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-11 13:49:00
CanadaIs anyone else planning on watching 'Underfunded' tonight?
I googled also. They could at least get it right, we dont have Canadian Secret Service. Its Canadian Secret Intelligence Service!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

Underfunded (USA, TV-PG-V) If you're looking for endless jokes about the Canadian Secret Service (''Next time, don't buy your spores in Quebec!'' says an agent to a baddie), you've come to the right place. After unraveling a plot to destroy a U.S. space station in this dying-to-be-a-series TV movie, top CSS spy Darryl Freehorn (Mather Zickel) is rewarded with a post in Washington, D.C., to smooth North American relations. The jabs at Canada age quickly, but the cast's chemistry (reminiscent of Canuck fish-out-of-water comedy Due South) is a good reason to check it out, eh? B-

Edited by evilcanuck, 08 November 2006 - 09:29 PM.

evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-08 21:27:00
CanadaIs anyone else planning on watching 'Underfunded' tonight?
I am fully prepared to be really annoyed and insulted by this show. i mean as if we dont have enough frikkin stereotypes and niavity to deal with now a tv show that is going to be rife with more!!!!!!!!
I hope it has been written by Canadians, we know how to poke fun at ourselves and thats ok, but i am really ready to not be happy to be made fun of by my new homeland :(
Imagine if there was a tv show that made fun of Africans, or Pakistanis.......I wonder how p.c. that would be?!?!??!?

im going to attempt to be open minded, but I may fly off the handle LOL

Its on at 10 on USA network if anyone wants to join me
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-08 20:47:00
CanadaWhich province are ya from?
born and raised in teeny tiny mining town called Elliot Lake in Northern Ontario (10 hours from cleveland), lived all along the North Shore of Lake Huron during my teenage runaway years, Spanish, Massey, anyone has heard of them LOL
moved to Guelph in 2002 (5 hours to cleveland)

Edited by evilcanuck, 14 November 2006 - 10:54 AM.

evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-14 10:54:00
CanadaLooks like we are in
Just read this on the case status update page. This is listed for my son, mine still says they recieved the AOS application and will let me know when the interview is LOL. I had the interview in AUgust!!! O well, they wouldnt approve him until they approved me and they boh have the same Dec 7 'touched' date so..... w0o0oho0o0 He can come with me next month for a visit (he misses his friends and girlie friend terribly)

Receipt Number: MSC


Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.

On December 7, 2006, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-12-08 13:13:00
CanadaSeiden and the vaccination record
Luckily I had the cute little yellow booklet that they record vaccinations in from birth for both me and my son, that was good enough for Dr. S. There was one missing but all I had to do was call my clinic back home and they faxed him proof of the vaccination so I was all set, didnt need to have any shots or any boosters.

yes you do need cash, I didnt have any, expected interac duh, and had to run up to McDonalds about a block away if that, there was an ATm in there.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-12-10 23:07:00
CanadaGreen Card In hand!!!!!!1
ya, its aboot time!!!
everything seemed to take FOREVER with this thing. 489 days from petition to visa!!!! stupid canadian govt lays off 200+ people in the birth certificate office when they are already 6 months behind!!?!?!?! I was stuck in birth certificate hell for so long which held everything up! sheesh
9 months to adjust status, which wasnt really bad because I had the AP and EAD, so i could travel and work, but the guy interviewing my son told me that it takes longer the more crossngs you have ??? so maybe thas what it was, who knows, maybe it was te 3 name changes in my life, maybe it was multiple residences in the last few years in Canada....not sure, all I know is we are in the home stretch now and September 7 2008 is marked on my calendar :)
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-12-17 15:31:00
CanadaGreen Card In hand!!!!!!1
now we are free from this (very worthwhile) hassle for 19 months.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-12-16 13:59:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada


and customer service, especially in retail. I am so sick of being ignored when I walk into a store and feeling like i am inturrupting thier mportant gossip session to ask for assistance. i have also been battling one company to exchange a pair of clogs I bought in AUGUST. Insane, customer is always right/ not they just ignore you!!!

On another note.....anyone else know about Limited Edition Humpty Dumpty POUTINE flavoured chips ??????
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-20 13:27:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
its 'eh' and there is a correct and incorrect use of it, its a secret that we will never share either because it weeds out the wannabes from the real canucks :P

Edited by evilcanuck, 07 November 2006 - 09:19 AM.

evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-07 09:18:00
Canadasuggestions how to report (ex) landlord problem (in Ontario)??
they also have to give you the interest on the deposit. remind them of that :)
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2007-01-22 00:33:00
CanadaBuffalo/Fort Erie Peace Bridge POE
I crossed at ft erie/buffalo, dont cross at midnight!!!!!
shift change and greyhouds are getting processed LOL we were there about 4 hours. They suggested at night, but not that late ...ewpsie.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-12 14:31:00
CanadaLast paycheck still missing.
I am finding it takes forever for mail to reach the usa from canada. Mail from mom (nothern ontario) takes 2 weeks or more, my fiend sent me a letter package 2 weeks ago from Toronto, still isnt here. #######
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2007-03-18 20:09:00
Canadarandom question about weddings in Canada
It is actually considered tacky to open the gifts at the reception, especially gift cards. Gifts should be opened the next day, probably best with family and bridal party, but the gift cards are to be opened in private, just bride and groom.
My totally classless aunt opened her gifts at the reception including cards, announcing how much $ was in each card, every guest was appaled (sp) at her lack of tact and class (they knew her tho they shouldnt have been surprised lol).
Ppl who do leave for honeymoon immediately after the reception would entrust a family member to pack up the gifts and deliver them to thier new residence the next day so they are waiting for them post honeymoon for the opening and thank you cards to be written, of course thegiftcards go with the bride and groom.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2007-04-04 22:19:00
CanadaAny Canadians moving to the Cleveland Area?
hey you cant beat paid for!
I'm on the 'south side' in Independence....unless I win a lottery there is no chance of having a house paid for over here :( but its close to work so that is a huge plus. The kid is in an awesome school thats what matters most I guess...home is what you make it :)
Welcome to Ohio, go Cavs/Browns/Indians and all that ####### LOL
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2007-06-14 18:48:00
CanadaAny Canadians moving to the Cleveland Area?

would be great to have another VJ'er to have coffee with :)

there is a whole faction of us canucks here already :)

what area are you moving to?
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2007-06-11 22:59:00
CanadaGood grief - these fees are nuts
I wouldnt bother with EAD for daughter because once you AOS then she gets a greencard with a SSN eligible for worked that way with my boy, he couldn thave his ssn until after AOS
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2007-06-11 23:23:00
CanadaU-haul, do i have to?
i moved with uhaul several times, in town, and once long distance from northern to southern ontario, never had a problem with anything,
when i moved here, i used uhaul also, but was a trailer not a truck, I sold most of my stuff, we didnt need 2 of. No problems here and the price was right.
When I moved my son here, we didnt need a uhaul, I rended a large SUV from AVIS and it was perfect, a mini van would have been better but they had none on the lot
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-11-14 10:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did/will you have your wedding?
oops clicked here from elsewhere, didnt notice i was in the regional forum...ignore my post LOL
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-04-13 00:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did/will you have your wedding?
We had an extremely small church ceremony in a local church, just family and super close friends, maybe 20 people in all, my sons walked me down the aisle, 1 attendant each.
We went to dinner at nice restaurant tht had a private dining room in the back wit the family and bridal party, about 16 people.
Friends (matron of honour and her husband) own a bar, my husband worked there for 9 years, he even proposed to me there, so it was a no-brainer to hold the reception there. We dd a bunch of food, veggies and dip, lnchmeats, breads, chips and dip, pumpernickle and spinach dip etc, some hot trays also of lasagna and stuff like that from BJ's, heck we even bought the cake from BJ's. I ran out of time to make one of my own and this was easier to serve...adn they put our photo on it!
The bar is a band bar, my husband and all his friends are in bands, have been in bands, play or sing so we didnt have a 'band' or a DJ, we had a 'jam night'. Everyone who wanted to got up and played something. My eldest son played drums with the guys. It ws a real cool intimate night. It suited us well, the music, our friends, the atmosphere. Laid back, fun and filled with music.
A personal wedding is more important than a big one.....IMHO anyways
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-04-12 23:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfilipina from bacalod caught doing lewd cam show
the internet can be a great thing or a bad thing relationship wise...asy to find a mate, and easy to 'cheat' ...also easy to fake chat logs...posting anything would be in bad taste and not really 'proof' of anything.
The only person who should be informd is the girls fiance, lt him deal with her, itss no one elses business really.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-12 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuh oh, aos pkg ready to go, i think i messed up
i read somewhere that the 'a' number was the number in RED on the visa in my passport, i was just browsing along the forum, and apparently its the one that starts with an "a" ( big surprise) that is in black on the visa and also would be above my name on the 1-797 in the benificiary section.
can anyone clarify before I mail this all out wrong!?!?!
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-12 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfeeling frustrated

I am not sure why you HAD to get the fingerprinting name check, it specifically states in the package 3 letter from the consulate that it isn't necessary unless you have a police record. Normally the "name only" check is sufficient.

*shrug* I dunno either, but when I went to the RCMP office and told them what it was for this is what they did, fingerprints and background check. Like I said, it was only $25...better safe than at the consualate without proper information.

page 3 of the letter from the consulate states 'police certificate' doesnt state 'name search' or anything about a name check etc. It was sufficient at the consulare interview, they didnt question any of my documents....

here is the passage from page 3 regarding....

6. POLICE CERTIFICATES: Please obtain police certificates from the police authorities of each locality, with the exception of places in the United States, where you have resided for six months or more since attaining the age of 16. A police certificate must also be obtained from the police authorities of any lace where you have been arrested for any reason, regardless of how long you lived there. Certificates must cover the entire period of residence in the area. A certificate issued by local police authorities must be of recent date, when presented to the consular officer. The term 'police certificate' as used in this paragraph, means a certification by the appropriate police authorities stating what their records show concerning the applicant, including any and all arrests, the reasons therefor, and he disposition of each case of which there is a record (see OF-169 Suppl.)

Edited by evilcanuck, 18 February 2006 - 12:39 PM.

evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-18 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfeeling frustrated

RCMP fingerprints are not necessary unless they are specifically asked for, if you have had problems with the law in the past then you might want to look into getting the fingerprints but otherwise I wouldn't bother... this is just my opinion

its only $25 better to be prepared than ready to go and have to wait 5 months, trust me, this was required and I have never been in trouble with the law so I wasnt red-flaged for it, anyone under 16 on my application had to have one, I also got a background check from my local police department, because I had to get one for my job so I had it handy and included it, I believe it was $25 also.
I also (finally after a year of screwing around with te registrar general) had my birth certificate ...then realized that they need the long form, not the cute wallet sized ones they typically issue, so...order that ahead also.
I scanned in the letter I got from the consulate, I will post it.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-18 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfeeling frustrated

The documantation for the consulate interview is probably the most time consuming, the RCMP fingerprint time is estimated 150 days...which translates into 5 months, I had mine back in 3, but I didnt realize until I went that it would tke so long so that put a hold on things as well.

I am not sure if there is a list of what you need for the consualte interview on here, but if you like I can send it to you so you can get started.

wow. I didn't realize the consular part of it took that long... do you think the check and fingerprinting is somethign I could get started in advance? Like now?

Ya thats what I am saying...start now. Get your passport, get your RCMP fingerprints, police checks, etc etc, so that when you get your package from the consulate you have everything ready and boom you cna send it in to them then just ait for your appointment in Montreal.
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-18 02:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfeeling frustrated
it really doesnt take all that does seem overwhelming when you strt to do all the paperwork nd it seems like its going to take forever.
now here is the thing...canadians can cross legally into the usa without a visa but there are limits on how long you are going to can stay up to 6 months, if you prove ou can support yourself etc, like the 'nowbirds' who go to florida every year. or you can just do what we did and visit a LOT
I came here every weekend for 2 years, this was all part of the dating process, when it was time to file the fiance visa petition it really wasnt all that bad.
I would suggest to you to fie the I-129 right away, then start getting all the stuff ready for your consular interview. We filed in july and had the package in September...however my sister whom I was living with 'forgot' to give me my mail until the end of October (yes she is evil). If I would have had all my paperwork together I could have sent the checklist off to the consulate immediately, but I sort of had some problems geting things so it took some time, when I did send bck the checklist it ws only a matter of month or so before I had the appointment. I believe I sent the checklist back in July and the appointment ws October 11, my visa was in within a week and I w good to go.
You could probably have it all done and be living here within 6 months...

The documantation for the consulate interview is probably the most time consuming, the RCMP fingerprint time is estimated 150 days...which translates into 5 months, I had mine back in 3, but I didnt realize until I went that it would tke so long so that put a hold on things as well.

I am not sure if there is a list of what you need for the consualte interview on here, but if you like I can send it to you so you can get started.

I have no suggestions about the address thing....and as far as 'hanging out' in the usa...its really risky, I mean, its easy to cross over and say you are going for the weekend yet not go back for a month, there are so many people crossing over daily you wouldnt likely get caught, and you could use a family members address n Canada to maintain residency and keep the lie going...but yes, its shady, and have gone 4 years, whats another 6 months!

how far are u apart?
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-18 01:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-2 and kitty cats
My son opted to remain in Canada to finish the school year as he had already started when we had the consular interview and we wouldnt be crossing until December, well into the school year. I listed him as 'follow to join' at the consualte, the lady there told us just to send in his passport when he was ready to come over. He will be coming at the end of the school year so he is sending in the passport. The wedng has taken place and I filed for my AOS, now I am thinking I should have waited until he got here and done it all at once...but I would like to hear from anyone else who took this route.
Will he have to have an AOS interview of his own when he gets here, I know I will have to file an AOS thingie for him, least I wont have to do an AP or EAD for him.
Also....I cant seem to find any information on bringing pets over the border. He has a cat, and I cant find anyting on what papers we need to prove she is healthy or if they even care etc. If anyone knows, please advise!
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-18 01:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RCMP don't really take 150 days, do they?
I had my prints done in feb 2005, had them back in may, so less than 150 days, but they have it posted all over the place tht it does take that long...when i asked the officer who was printing me why that long, he said it because ottawa handles it and they have to handle them for all over canada (so it doesnt matter what detachment you go to)....i had no convictions or arrests tho...but I think the turnaround time is the same regardless of that...
The long form birth certificate is the actual papers your parents filled out at the hospital when you were born, not the cute little blue wallet sied certificae thingie we are used to producing when asked for it....
I had problems with getting my papers together also because of the hold up with the prints and birth certificate, I simply called the consulae in montreal and explained and they granted me an extention.
You will have to get a new passport, I dont believe Canada issues renewals, you gotta start from scratch as if it were a new one...pain in the @$$ ...zi had the same thing happen, but it was the least of my concerns as it came in within like 6 weeks.
good luck
evilcanuckNot TellingCanada2006-02-20 20:29:00