Africa: Sub-Saharangot news, discouraged, another 6 month wait

Dear Matana74,

I love your pic by the way! Thank you for these words of encouragement. I too believe in leaving the problems in God's hands. My husband too relies on God and reminded me that he knows all things and we were married in his eyes. Thanks for grounding me, your words just really hit me. I can hear the positive loving energy you have, you really have a lot of positive strength. I too believe this process makes you stronger. It will be interesting to look back and see things differently.

lol Gotta go get some more cleaning products just in case something needs some fixing tonight. *smiling/a chuckle.

Thanks so much.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-09 21:27:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangot news, discouraged, another 6 month wait


I was thinking in general of the thought you just wrote here to encourage me. Thanks for your words of kindness. The news this morning left me heavy but I feel I can cope later today.

Take Care,
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-09 21:23:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangot news, discouraged, another 6 month wait
Hello fellow VJ's,

I posted last week about our denial that has spread out over almost 2 years with no movement. Supposdly the consulate held one of the two approved petitions for a year after our interview, or so they say.

The senator contacted about our case and were told that we need to wait another 6 months and call back, they are not done. I'm numb but I have to believe in the end justice will be. I don't know why we're having so many difficulties, from the beginning, I've just been in shock the whole time - right about the time they wouldn't let my husband in the gate for his interview. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

I don't know what more I can do. I feel so helpless. I can pray. I can worry like mad. I can eat chocolate and egg nog. Clean the house in the middle of the night. None of it is replacing the completion of my family however I've got a clean place and some lovely new plus size clothes. lol.

I have had a huge number of people ask why I just don't immigrate to my husband's country. There is quite a few reasons that are well known to me and my family, as to why it's not possible, I am tired of hearing that question - it is discouraging a bit.

I am also tired of the question "just will your husband ever be able to come here?" "does he exist for real?" - not fun.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-09 09:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNeed Your Prayers
QUOTE (KDOR @ Dec 15 2009, 02:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Guys,
We got our interview date schedule for January. Please for us. Anyone knows KLM airline office or contact address in Lagos Nigeria or what/how much it cost to fly from Lagos to United States?

Congratulations on your interview date!! I do not know exactly how much it costs to fly from Lagos Nigeria into the US, probably depends on the port of entry and which company but also where you live. Also it may depend on whether you have mileage to add to reduce the cost of the ticket.

I do believe there are several major airlines like Delta/Northwest American Airlines etc., probably looking at over a thousand dollars, that fly into New York, Atlanta, maybe Minneapolis or Chicago. There is the Emirates that fly from Dubai from Lagos to the US. I do believe a one way ticket is more expensive then round trip which is odd. Air France is another carrier that goes into Lagos I believe.

Sorry - hope it's helpful and all the best for your interview!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-16 08:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhere does your fiancee live?
QUOTE (Nwanyioma @ Dec 21 2009, 06:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a dumb question but will it be a problem if I still live with my parents? See in our culture (igbo culture) it is not advisable to move out until one is in the process of getting married. They know and love my fiancee and Im in the final stages of getting our own apartment when he comes. Im just so nervous. You know Naija. They can be very unpredictable. I just dont want any surprises. Any suggestions will do.

No question is dumb... I know about Igbo culture, my SO lived with his family too. I never heard it to be a problem in our case, I had to move back to my parents due to the financial pressure of immigration too. As I understand having an apartment there can be a bit difficult, you pay for more than a year and such. It is completely the responsibility of the person who asked the government to let you come, your fiance, to prove that he can take care of you financially once you come to the U.S. - I understand your fears, but as far as my knowledge it's not a problem. smile.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-21 10:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy sweetie is getting his medical done now
QUOTE (Jamie&Harry @ Dec 14 2009, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He passed his medical they just gave him an envelope to take to his interview so when i talked to him hes like baby i dont even know If i passed can u call them LOL I love him so much so yes i called them and said that he has his medical and that they gave him envelope and I said is he allowed to open it and they said no it will make it invalid so im like ok but he doesnt know if he passed and they said if he is taking it to the interview he passed if he had failed it they would take that information themselves to the embassy smile.gif so YAY he passed his interview is tomorrow 8pm pacific time omg i dont know how im going to sleep tomorrow. If you have a minute please pray for us. It has been a crazy crazy time for us. Its like u want to plan but u cant plan but u do plan but its all hinged on one thing. Thank you all who may read this and pray for us we surely can use all the prayers we can get!


Wow, Jamie! I imagine you won't be able to sleep... So happy for you, the medical exam is complete, that's a relief. Cannot wait to read that he has passed his interview. I'm sure it is a crazy time for you. Wishing you lots and lots of happiness. wink.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-15 11:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy sweetie is getting his medical done now
QUOTE (Jamie&Harry @ Dec 8 2009, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just called him and he said with all the tests hes doing he will be at the medical place all day and he said baby you better love me a whole lot for all im going through. Of course I do and everything he tells me I just stand in amazement how he loves me so much because I know how much i love him. His interview is Dec 16th . Im starting to get excited but more than anything just this waiting is killing me. Im truely hoping he will be here for christmas that would be the best present in the world. Im happy, excited, anxious and going crazy all in one great big emotion here.


Wow! How exciting! I'm sure the waiting is killing you. Can't wait to read your post that you have been approved! It is a very emotional time, enjoy it! kicking.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-09 09:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThank God! Visa approved in Lagos.
QUOTE (urch @ Dec 15 2009, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I give all the glory to God! My visa application was approved today.
I will fill in all the details later.
Just wanted to let you know how it went and to say a BIGGGGGG THANK YOU to all VJers. You will never know how much you all contributed to that appoval.
God bless you all.

Congratulations! What Wonderful news!!! So happy you made it all the way to this moment. So happy for you both. Enjoy this moment! kicking.gif kicking.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-15 12:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOur Journey is Complete
Great Big Congratulations!!! About 6 years ago you began this journey, what a wonderful story to read! All the best ...
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-01-02 23:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArrived safely!!!!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (urch @ Dec 28 2009, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi All,

Just to let u know that i arrived safely in the US. My POE was houston, it was so easy and simple.
I am with my hubby now and we are sooooooooooooo happy.
Once again, thanks to you all for your words of encouragement, advice, tips and shared experiences.
The journey is not over yet but the great and most important thing is that we are together now.

Congratulations! Glad you made it safe and sound. Texas is cold?!? lol... biggrin.gif So happy for you both and hope you enjoy your "honeymoon" so to speak, your new life together. All the Best ~
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-30 09:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Consulate Round 3!!! Fight!!!
Wow - incredible! Nwanyioma I'm so happy for you, you fought this with all your guns firing and you won, your persistance has won, with all you said I cannot imagine you being denied again. Crossing fingers, hoping much for you, glad you're not discouraged. I too went in and pressed after our denial - huge misunderstandings, along with the Senator, we requested a 2nd interview on the spot and without a blink it was refused, without looking at our evidence even. This is a HUGE blessing to get a redo. Can't wait to read about your thursday interview.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-01-14 20:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPetition expires February 9,2010 (What should we do?)
Hi Nwanyioma,

I'm not a lawyer, so I hope that if you have one you will double check my thoughts here. If you want your SO to come on this approved petition you NEED this expiration date revalidated [they may use a different term], because if it expires and they do not revalidate it - in other words if they do not issue a visa - you will have that expired petition going back to the U.S. with a denial stamp and you will have to prove whatever negative finding wrong even though you will not be able to use an expired approved I-129 petition.

I'm not sure but I think I read that the interviewing officer can choose to revalidate a petition in the interview. But as precaution if I was you I would find out if it can be revalidated prior.

Ours expired before our interview, was not revalidated, we were denied, and subsequently we've waited almost 2 years. This may not happen in your case but I think it is highly important to get your petition revalidated. I could be wrong but I don't think it's a coincidence that your petition expires before the time they asked him to return.

Take Care...
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-01-23 13:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAdditional Proof

My Husbands visa was denied, they said its for immigration purpose, and we are trying to do all we can to proove to them that this is real, He had alot of pictures, phone records, Email messages, as proofs, on his previous interview. Can anyone please tell me what good proofs we need more than pictures, emails, and phone records. God bless ya'all

Dear Queend,

Sorry to hear you are facing this. This too happened to me and my husband... If you look on the website you will see an astounding number of Lagos visa's denied for the "no proof of bonafied relationship." Do you think that sounds right? I do believe you went in with as much as you could. Check out how many are denied, and it's the same reason. There may be some people who have married for immigration purposes, for some reason they always end up in the country and there is a high number of people who are for real suffering because of it. So if you think it sounded strange, that you didn't have enough proof, it's because it is strange.

I've been trying to figure out a reason why there are so many denials other than fraud issues in Nigeria. Is there such a thing as blacklisting or is it possible there are a huge number of people trying to come to the U.S. from Nigeria and there is a certain allotment. I'm not sure but I know me and my husband are for real and we are and our family were stunned that this could occur to us, was so naive - think just being open and doing everything right would have my love home in a reasonable amount of time. Anyone who gets involved realize that while many smoothly sail through there is this large group of people suffering trying to get through the process with one thing after another causing grief.

You have the right proof, what more is there ... just keep collecting them and remember this is not the end and if you want to be together you will, just be persistent. Contact your senator pronto, and write everything you can remember from that interview and if your senator can make an appeal for a redo on the interview.

Take Care,
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-02-17 15:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWonderful News

Sweet! Congratulations! :thumbs:
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-02-17 15:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPray for me and my fiancee

Wow, you have been going through the ringer. Perhaps the Asian CO is using her attitude to provoke any possible problems out of people, I have heard that is the goal - to cause an emotional reaction. But I could be wrong, that may be her personality. In either event, it's not about her - you can go and stand tall, you made it through 2 interviews, and me and my husband couldn't get a second interview. You earned this! Go to town sister!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-02-17 15:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe saddest day of my life!!!

try reading the travel advisory on the site for a few of the reasons NOT to run to Nigeria.

CRIME: Violent crime committed by individual criminals and gangs, as well as by some persons wearing police and military uniforms, is a problem, especially at night. Crime is particularly acute in Lagos. Some visitors and resident Americans have experienced armed muggings, assaults, burglary, carjacking, kidnappings and extortion, often involving violence. Home invasions remain a serious threat in Lagos, with armed robbers accessing even guarded compounds by following, or tailgating, residents or visitors arriving by car into the compound, subduing guards and gaining entry into homes or apartments. Armed robbers in Lagos also access waterfront compounds by boat. U.S. citizens, as well as Nigerians and other expatriates, have been victims of armed robbery at banks and grocery stores, and on airport roads during both daylight and evening hours. Law enforcement authorities usually respond slowly or not at all, and provide little or no investigative support to victims. U.S. citizens, Nigerians and other expatriates have experienced harassment and shakedowns at checkpoints and during encounters with Nigerian law enforcement officials. Traveling outside of major cities after dark is not recommended due to both crime and road safety concerns.

sounds like that place any lovers would want as their first home.

"here here" I agree, while idocare means well and normally someone could and should be willing to move to their foreign love's place - if anyone is traveling or planning a lengthy stay to this country more then the extra caution is needed, it's an unusually unstable place, and no one at the state department will advise you live there now, hopefully things will change for the people there one day, it's a sad thing. The answer for what is next is in your heart, with careful thought, time, prayer, etc... you will know what's best for you. Wishing you peace for now.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-01-02 20:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe saddest day of my life!!!
QUOTE (Nwanyioma @ Dec 30 2009, 08:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whats so funny is that my Im igbo and my fiancee is yoruba. We're from two different tribes. She said "How can you stay with a stranger"? The CO doesnt know anything. That our relationship is not bonafide? What nonsense. Im done crying I have a headache. I miss my fiancee so much. Im looking for airline tickets to Nigeria in April. Im just so devestated right now. Words can express how I feel right now.

Hi Nwanyioma again,

I imagine there are no words to express your feelings, once you have gotten some rest - if I was you I would try to find out every detail possible - in writing from your SO. When I was upset and listened about the interview it was not until later that when I wasn't exhausted by my feelings that I could think about what the next step was.

From what little I have read, it appears that there are many times in which there is a denial based on a not bonafide relationship. That is a very painful thing to hear. I know my SO brought our photos and videos and emails and such and it was never even looked at - that alone made me feel upset when we too heard the no bonafide responce.

What is the issue with your tribal differences? This is 2010. Before you two forget anything, write every detail you can remember - so later you can prepare yourselves using it. This day too will pass, and I really hope you fly over, plan a trip to be with your love and you remember what's most important, your love.

Take Care... [[[[[hugs]]]]]]

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-30 13:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe saddest day of my life!!!
QUOTE (Nwanyioma @ Dec 30 2009, 04:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It comes with great saddness today to announce that my fiancee was denied the visa in Nigeria. Im really upset right now but according to my fiancee he said that the consular officer denied him the visa because I didnt meet his parents and he didnt meet mine. I dont know what to do? How can I request a second interview? She said its for immigration purposes. Buts its not true. He answered all the questions correctly. Well let me continue crying. I need all your help right now.


Oh, dear, i'm so sorry to hear this! My hubby was denied as well and it was the most shocking and painful thing - so I know you feel a complete mess right now... however, there are a great amount of people here who will hopefully be of help, I can offer my input but I'm not so knowledgeable so I know you will get much more advice. People are reapproved.

First of all, I am not sure if this applies to fiance - but, some have made efforts via their senator or a lawyer to stop their petition that is denied from returning to the U.S. - for example I am not certain one can be recommended as denied for not meeting the parents. There are many situations where it is a hardship for the couple to meet each others in-laws. The goal in my opinion would be to get someone with some leverage, find out the reasons specifically for denial and then give them reasons to offer a second interview. I know they do this for spouses, I can't imagine it's different for fiance. You need to get the denied petition from leaving Nigeria if possible!

Also I know you will remember that an embassy/Consulate can send a recommendation of review or denial, but it doesn't mean you're denied - flat out, remember that is not the final decision.

Also I would look to see when your fiance visa petition is due to expire. It may say it expiration date on the approval notice. If the embassy does not reaffirm that expired visa petition generally the U.S. will send a letter to you saying it's expired and to feel free to reapply.

I know you were probably more then excited to be welcoming home your guy, there is no words that soothe that loss for you - I know others tried to soothe me but I felt so confused and exhausted and scared because I knew I couldn't just move to Africa. So I can imagine in some way just how painful this day is for you. I hope others give you some good advice too...

Take Care,

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-12-30 09:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPreparing for my Interview
Hello BNB,

I can only speak from my experience and from others I've spoken to. When you go in with a genuine relationship/marriage, you have to first be prepared that you come in and they will assume you are not genuine and they will look for a reason to be suspicious, that is by definition their job I suppose.

So yes, it is good to consider the view of the CO on these matters, so that you may be able to explain clearly your point of view and back it up with the evidence provided. It is difficult to say what your interviewer may ask you or what angle they may take, as you can see from reading here.

There are people who are simply not able to travel internationally that often but the CO does sometimes look at that negatively. You are not unlike others who have had their spouse visit once or twice. Because you already are questioning winnow the CO might view this, be prepared to answer questions about it. You also married one month after you first met, many do this - so many people do this, but again it's possible this will be viewed negatively.

I don't want to send you into panic, because these things you mention are valid I want to validate your concerns, but also give positive encouragement that this is the case with so many couples. You can only do your best, go in with all of your evidence, be organized, tell the truth and don't guess if you don't know the answer, and be prepared to be viewed as dishonest before you enter the room.

I am sorry I can't give any more helpful advice than that. You can't change the facts, your wife - the expenses of travel and the others you mentioned are valid reasons. All you can do is speak from your heart, emphasize the proof you do have - you have been together for 3 years and you would love to see your wife but you can't expect her to do more or give more than is possible. That's what I am hearing you from you in your post.

Wishing you all the best!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-06 19:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNVC send mail and said its a "checklist"

hi thank you for the message i really appreciate it, well i already got the checklist, and its about missing documents, and were doing all the best that we can do to send back the missing documents. and im not denied or something. after this next is interview.. so thank you so much for your msg! godbless

Oh good! I'm glad you figured that out. Missing documents, and a request for them, that makes sense. Wishing you the best at your next interview! Welcome to visa journey... ;)
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-10 08:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNVC send mail and said its a "checklist"

hi everyone, im new here... our case to nvc is under review, and when hubby called nvc the operator said that they sent a mail and its a checklist...
so me and hubby wondering what that checklist is all about? can anyone please help me! thanks a lot.. god bless to all!

Hey there, I see no one has responded to you so I thought I would, though I don't have any helpfulness to offer I'm afraid. I have not heard of NVC sending a mail and a checklist. I am wondering if it's a physical paper, an email, and what types of things are they requesting exactly?

I am not familiar with this but that doesn't mean a thing, it could be something I just never experienced. I know NVC will request things like reporting your taxes, proof of income like a W2 or 1099 - so your spouse can prove ability to support you financially in the US. I know they also require a visa fee. All these things occur prior to the NVC sending that petition on to the embassy you will interview at.

You said you were denied, were you denied at an interview? Did they mention why you were denied?

You said your hubby called the NVC and they mentioned this checklist. It would not hurt for him to call them back and ask what this is about I suppose.

Sorry I am of no further help. All the best ~
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-09 20:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSecond interview error!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wow! That is something else - HUGE CONGRATS!!! Rest, sleep, enjoy yourself, you can now move onward... ;)
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-03 19:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPinch me... Reaffirmed after 2 year denial wait

congratulations africlaskan queen. that is why they say love conquers all.

thanks Lib2008 - still glowing and preparing for the rest...
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-11 03:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPinch me... Reaffirmed after 2 year denial wait

Afrilaskan Queen,
Congratulations on your reaffirmed petitions :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: . You were one of the first people on this site who encouraged me to fight when my fiancee was denied the first time. Im very happy for you. Please, Please whatever you do be there for his initial interview. I know its a hassle, but that Lagos Consulate is ridiculous. You are courageous and brave. All the best with the rest of you and your husband's visa journey. Cant wait to hear the good news. Keep us posted.

Thanks! :yes: I will...
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-08 08:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPinch me... Reaffirmed after 2 year denial wait
Oh my goodness, thank you to: Pman's Wife, effieb, Nigeriaorbust, kayj, Kimbear, Kevin and Tuyen, and others who left congrats here for us. Thank you! thank you!

i am so happy to see this congratulations i will be praying for s/o to get this long awaited visa so that you and your s/o can be together as it should have been so long ago :thumbs:

Thanks Sara, can't wait to start our life!!


Lori7734, You are so kind, thanks for your happiness for us... :star:
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-06 19:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPinch me... Reaffirmed after 2 year denial wait
Wow, Thanks everyone for your outpouring of congrats, I am beyond thrilled and today I have pinched myself many times and it really did happen! LOL. I will make a post about the process of denial/rebuttal hoping that it may be of some help to others.

I want to especially thanks Lisa for your sensitivity and positive energy and truly helpful direction, Becky - so glad I met you recently and am rooting for you, Sylvia who I met in the beginning of the journey and gave a lot of time, Omoba who let me know there was nothing wrong with our relationship because we were denied, morroco4ever who recently just gave me some great rebuttal advice. There are so many others who also contacted me during this problematic journey, you helped me in many ways to get to this point with advice and encouragement.

I am ready with strength to plow through to the end. [If my hubby is home on or around July 4th I could just screech ecstatically, the thought of it is giving me shivers.]

That being said, the interview again - so relieved to be going back in, but scared - especially of the Asian woman I keep reading posts about. Nerves have settled though.

Thanks again, Brandy from up north
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-04 17:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPinch me... Reaffirmed after 2 year denial wait
Hello Everyone,

I am almost afraid to put this post up, for fear there was an error and I will be called tomorrow and told, no, we did not reaffirm your visa petition. Am I dreaming? I have spent all day wondering if I am.

I received word today that after a week our submitted rebuttal in response to the noir (notice of intent to revoke), that we are reaffirmed and our case has been sent back! So in time, we will be back for another interview at Lagos, about 3 to 4 years after wedding day occured.

I called my husband right away, he also was speechless - the reaffirmation just happened so quickly after we submitted the rebuttal. I found my heart fluttering about thinking of finally living together and him meeting all the family and friends on this side he hasn't met and eating breakast and dinner together and - I'm flooded with feelings! all our friends and family are relieved for us, though cautiously optimistic considering the problems we had along the way the last few years.

As I write this post I am profoundly aware that there are those who have posted today sad news, life altering news and my heart is going out to those. For the last years passed I had no idea I had the capacity to get through to get to this point, it just happened. I thought this was going to physically age me.

I know this is not the end, but it feels like a huge relief. Now is waiting for interview date and then going from there. I am stunned... and so happy for the chance to be with my husband. I found out I love him more than I knew, I found out how deep our love is for each other. I feel so blessed by that.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-03 19:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCan k-1 interview be moved from Lagos to Abuja?

Fiance was denied a visitor visa last year .... was not happy with treatment by interviewer. Does Abuja do interviews for K-1 and if so how do we get our case moved?


Sorry but I have no idea if you can or not. If you can move your interview to Abuja I'll be watching closely because it would not be my first thought to - "oh yay, let's go back to the Lagos Consulate, for a post traumatic stress experience." LOL... Sorry I can't be of more help, but it struck my funny bone!

Take Care,
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-16 23:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFinally Visa In Hand

Finally my fiance got the Heavenly Visa Today. Hallelujah. Praise be to God the Almighty. They had misplaced his file and was saying some Administrative Processing Nonsense!
Anyways,,, he's got it now.

Thanks everyone for your support.

Wow!!! You made it through to the end! You can rest well now... so very VERY very happy for you!!! :yes:
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-20 00:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview packet/letter - can you request pick up vs. mailed?

The package will be emailed to you with his interview date. The "package" will be attached to the email and you will be advised to tell him to go for his medicals immediately. No more walk ins at the consulate. Good luck.


Wow, thanks - ok, our package and interview date was never sent my husband, myself or our attorney's office las time. I'm so nervous about getting it this time - it was a huge hassle last time. Thanks for the input. Now, our case is waiting at NVC to process so just awaiting news. Last time we also did not get any note from them either. It was utterly frustrating.

Thanks again.

You can get the "package" off the embassy website. Look under immigrant visas it is downloadable, Print it fill it in.

Thanks NigeriaorBust,

I was thinking too of the package that includes the letter to take in for your appointment and interview. Last time we never received it - that's what's got me panicked. My husband didn't receive it, I didn't and the attorney didn't either. However thanks for telling me where the rest of the package is, I can download it and be prepared so not everything is done at the last minute.

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-20 00:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview packet/letter - can you request pick up vs. mailed?
Hi Everyone,

After your approved petition leaves NVC headed to the Embassy, your intended immigrant [in my case my hubby] is supposed to receive a package with letter for the interview and instructions. Last time my hubby went in, and was denied his visa, we had the added complication of emailing everyone in Lagos and eventually a liaison in Washington in order to find out our interview date. Our package was lost. We were not the only ones that didn't receive their package.

Do you know if it's possible to request a dual copy for myself, or perhaps it can be picked up? I am afraid of a repeat aggravation.

Thanks so much!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-18 02:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK1 Issue

Hey Guys....
Got a quick question for a friend here. Does a K1 sponsor has to meet the required poverty guideline quota?


The short answer is yes, there are required poverty level one must meet in order to sponsor someone to the US. However, if say for example there is a family member sponsorship and they are unable to meet the poverty level they can get a co-sponsor or joint sponsor whose income is added in to put you above poverty level, or you can use assets in addition to your income, or also the person immigrating can be in part sponsoring themselves if they are able - though I'm not as familiar with that aspect.

At the immigration website, the following link should give you the info. needed to understand the poverty guideline:

Take Care ~
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-04-02 03:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHome At Last
Hooorah!!! :yes:

Celebrate! happy, happy, happy - dance, for you!!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-04-02 03:49:00
Wow - honeyhummingbird, CONGRATS!! Your story is incredible, VERY happy for you both!!! I imagine you are exhausted. Seems everyone is preparing for battle at Lagos, glad yours had this very happy ending... go, rest - then enjoy!

:dancing: :dancing:
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-11 17:16:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPaid AOS fees 3/27/10 and no word since - normal?

They just had a record of my Aff of Support as being received on the 6th of April so everytime I call, they said it hasn't been reviewed yet and to give them 2-4 weeks. I will try again this friday. Also, I haven't sent in the DS 230 yet as I was waiting on some information from my hubby and police reports. Where are you in the process? i'm just so ready for this to be over! :whistle:

Hi Cheyemo,

Thanks for your post. I had hired an attorney when we were denied our visa two years ago. So they are doing the affidavit of support as well (takes the load off of me) we have literally only paid the fees and just sent the cover letter and requested forms to NVC. I'm waiting to see what happens next. I understand wanting this to be over, 2-4 weeks to wait for the review of your affidavit seems like the longest 4 weeks, doesn't it?

Because our case was mishandled last time this is all new to me - a receipt of payment, and I understand that NVC will know our interview date? That's a miracle, we couldn't get it last time until literally the last minute. Please, let me know what happens on Friday - I hope they have reviewed your support by then - would be nice!

:blink: feel like I'm paperwork buzzing - thought the attorney is doing it, I gathered it. People cannot believe all that is involved and frankly after doing it neither could I. Immigrating is a long stressful process.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-04-13 17:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPaid AOS fees 3/27/10 and no word since - normal?

Did you pay them online or actually send in a check/money order? I paid online so I'm only able to give an answer for that.

Hi thanks for your reply, with the new update on the site, I was thrown for a bit. I appreciate your response. We did pay online, and I finally figured out how to access our PAID page, thanks to another friend on the site too. And so our attorney has our cover page and preparing our affidavit of support. Do you know how long your affidavit of support and interview date were approved and you received notice of that?

Thanks again!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-04-11 18:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPaid AOS fees 3/27/10 and no word since - normal?

My question is simple. I paid the AOS fees, $400 & $70, I know they went out of my account from viewing my statement. It is almost 2 weeks and I haven't seen any new instructions from NVC, is that normal? I thought that I would receive the instructions for the affidavit of support pretty quickly. Anyone know for certain?

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-04-08 17:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried almost 5 years!

Most of you will not remember me but I have been around VJ since about 2005 maybe 2004 cant remember. Anywho, I married my hubby in 2006 but becuase of family issues we seperated for 2 years. In 2008 we reunited and began this journey. The time apart again took its toll but my husband and I still tried to make things work.

December 12, 2008 our first interview occured. We were given the form 221g asking for a DNA test. Due to money issues my husband and I were unable to pay for the DNA. A whole year passed and finally in Dec of last year we were able to come up with the money but we were unsure if our petition was still valid. In the meantime we decided to call NVC and see if we could go down the IR-1 path since so much time had passed. With all thanks to God not only was our case still open in Lagos but our I-130 was still active at NVC and this was well over a year of applying.

My duaghter and I got the DNA but my husband had to wait till Feb 19th just to take his portion. Then we had to wait till the 15 of March before they called us back to the embassy. Through all of this God aranged for the NVC to finish our paperwork at NVC March 1 and the same day our interview was scheduled through the NVC the embassy called us calling my husband back on the 17th of March. We were overjoyed but our joys turned to pain when they again sent him away asking for an affidavit of support and my divorce decree. All of which was supplied.

Then to make matters worse the embassy emailed me rescheduling our interview for the 13th of april. Or so we thought. Through much prayer at the last minute I decided to advise my husband to appear for his April 1st interview anyway. Well things didnt go as expected. They went even better and today my husband was approved for his visa.

The interview they scheduled for the 13th was in fact for his return on our K-3 case. Had he not attended his interview today my husband may not have gotten the visa and we may have had more delays.

So after almost 5 years of marriage my husband and I will be reunited next week! The moral of the story. Never give up! Never give up! Never give up! Also have faith in God and trust in him for everything!

Your Experience ~ I was stunned, it made my heart feel so much for you as I read your experience. I cannot even imagine having to undergo a DNA test for one, it is hard enough to pay for the cost without that included and how personal and humiliating; and for 5 years you had to endure separation. I had to remain separate from my own husband for our first 2 years of marriage, due to finances, and I understand the emotional toll in my own ways. I cannot almost believe what you have had to experience - incredible that you never gave up. Your story has encouraged me beyond words, as it is me and my hubby's third year of marriage in a few days I found myself dwelling on some negative feelings. Just so incredibly happy for you!!! I will share this experience with my husband today. thank you for sharing - I wonder how you must feel, overjoyed and yet drained. Thank You!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-04-02 03:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIs a one-way plane ticket required? Expensive!

If you can i would go with delta because they have a direct flight to the US......With other stops you have to pay for other travel visas just for passing through and at any time that your so goes through a check point with imigration they can send him back to nigeria with out him ever getting here to the states...

Wow moon68, Very good point! Don't want to pay visa fee's to travel through another country and one checkpoint is plenty. Thanks for this suggestion as I hadn't even though of it!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-03-06 19:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIs a one-way plane ticket required? Expensive!

Try looking at ( calling ) Delta and Eremites directly. Delta usually comes up with terrible prices online because the scammers tend to want tickets as proof they are going to show up for their victims. The make the prices look really bad online but if you call you will get something reasonable ( and Delta flys direct Lagos to Atlanta ) Vayamia is the best site to check out many at once.

Thank you all - relieved to know we can buy a round trip, who on earth would be a one way, and it seems like it should be cheaper, how odd. LOL. Thanks also for the tips on contacting Delta and Emirites.

Appreciate it!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-02-28 17:59:00