Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos IR-1 Visa granted after 3.5 years!!

Congratulations for staying in it for the long run!

So what were y'all sick from? And all of that stuff regarding the interview, did that happen all on the same day? I hate it when they ask people to return with stuff that they have at the interview and refuse to look at it. It ought to be some type of law against that.

Yes, that all happened on the same day - but we had to return a week later with the additional documents they requested. I still do not know what we were sick from. We were at a hotel, the food we ate was fresh and prepared as we had done prior to be certain we did not get ill. We had vomiting, and the runs, then what seemed like a bad cough/cold and then we got sick to our stomach again - all over a course of a month. I couldn't figure it was dysentery. I thought we had a bacterial infection possibly. Though we were exposed to cholera and typhoid in the city, we both have immunization to it. Right now my cough went into my chest and I got an earache so I am going to the doctor soon. I have no idea what we had, I belong to IAMAT which is a group of doctors who are approved by U.S. standards, so if you travel you can find proper medical care but we were unable to find the two listed for Lagos. I'm so relieved to feel even remotely better. Thanks for your congratulations!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-09-06 18:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos IR-1 Visa granted after 3.5 years!!
Hello All at VJ,

I am relieved, happy to report that I am now waking up to the face I love everyday - my husband was finally granted his visa after our marriage of three and a half years, a denial, being reaffirmed, having every problem under the sun happen with our visa journey and also in our personal lives.

I have to begin with saying sorry to those who wonder if I fell off the face of the earth. Where I traveled my cell phone didn't work, I couldn't go to the business center to email - so I fell off the face of the earth for over a month and a half. My husband also wasn't able to meet my family and friends prior to now, so we have been meeting and greeting so many people so there hasn't been enough time to fit everything in yet. I returned to work immediately.

I am at peace, feeling so blessed and know I owe my life and my love to Jehovah.

First I should say the Senator's office here and our attorney fought hard for us, anyone who read our previous story will know that we had every complication occur. I was quite tense and anxious about what could possibly happen at this interview some two years after the first K3 denial. I feel so blessed for the help we received through these individuals mentioned above, support of each of our families, and those here who helped me understand and research the legalities and complications of the immigration system.

We received about a two week notice for our interview, so I went to Nigeria to be with my husband at the interview. Unfortunately we both got so sick, I mean the works, we still are still sick even a month later. It all started that morning we went to the embassy. That morning of our interview I was so weak I could barely walk DOWN the stairs to our taxi. But we got there.

It's a strange scene to describe but when you drive down the road to the Embassy it's a dirt road, you pass the Embassy of Italy and maybe another country or two. There are renovations going on at the U.S. Embassy, so the Embassy was on one side of the dirt road and on the other was this covered gated but open to the air building with probably 200 blue seats facing to the front, all beside the river. They had people lining up by the river.

Petitioners were not allowed inside the Embassy even just to sit, petitioners could only come right at 11am, not for an hour or specified time period but right at 11am. A Nigerian man in uniform outside told the immigrant visa applicants to line up outside this gate that lead to the seated outdoor area by the river. This was the strange part, he told everyone they can NOT come inside unless they OPEN their medical exam outside. I later asked the Embassy American Citizen Rep. what that was about and he said it was common around the world because of anthrax scares. I have never heard of that! It worried me immensely. The American Citizen Rep did help me, I was able to communicate with him to answer questions I was confused about, he really was helpful.

So I was still sick at this time. I gave my passport to my husband to show the interviewer, let them know I was outside in hopes that if they wanted to talk to me they would know I was there. But then it became urgent because I was sick I needed a bathroom. The frontman to the embassy would not allow me in without my passport, but I also could not get my passport from inside the embassy. So I was stuck outside to sit on the ground or curb with the other people. I was wearing a lovely dress, this was a special day so me and my husband wore our "Sunday" clothes.

I got progressively ill, I almost fell over outside while standing so finally one of the Nigerian officers let me sit in the one chair that was outside - I think it was for those officers to sit in - they looked like military but I really have no idea what they do, they were standing there - probably 4 of them or 5. All of them were unhelpful, except for one who was very kind - I wish I had gotten his name.

So my stomach became urgently sick after sitting for 3 hours! My husband was still inside. I saw him cross the street and go into the Embassy, so I knew that all those 3 hours he was inside, I was sick but hoping he'd come out soon but it wasn't So I went to the officer in front of the embassy door and told him I HAD to use that bathroom. I ran inside to the bathroom. Then I felt really, very unwell, I fell over in the back of the embassy because I was so weak. I started to black out. It wasn't even hot outside but I was sweating as if it was 120 degrees.

The officer outside called a medic and eventually I also saw people surrounding me including an American. So the medic was a lovely woman who calmed me and I thought I was ok. My husband came around the corner in the back area and saw me crying and sitting on the step where they were helping me, he was so confused because I was sitting on the ground crying with all these people around me. He got me up and we walked outside. The embassy asked for our address and we walked outside. Suddenly everything was going black again and I started vomiting in the street. I thought I was dieing, I have never blacked out like that. When I was vomiting the people in the street were gasping. Later this was a source of humor but at the time it was frightening - I've never been that weak in my life. So my husband helped me into the taxi, though I vomited all over his lovely shirt and tie. We went back to the hotel.

That is when I found out that the Embassy gave him a 221g form for denial because of missing documents. There were documents I submitted to NVC that apparently never made it to the embassy! fortunately I brought a copy of the financial support documents, and the DS-230, I-864 and all supporting documents, everything that NVC had. But for some reason at the initial interview they wouldn't accept it from my husband, they asked him to return with them. They also said we needed a new police certificate and medical (but they weren't expired, they were only 2 weeks old). This was frustrating but I called the American citizen rep and our attorney who contacted a Washington liaison. We just thought it all so strange, but we just wanted to complete this and just got the required items. We had family situations going on in the background though that had to be dealt with so I requested an expedite from the Embassy to bring in the documents for our second interview sooner and they granted it. They seemed understanding about those events that were out of our control.

But I am happy to report, the items that the embassy said were missing and needed such as the I-864 form and all the financial support, and a new medical and police certificate - we brought them in as quickly as we could and were granted my hubby's visa. They didn't ask many questions at the interview, but our case had been reaffirmed by USCIS. We had tons of evidence, phone records and pictures, but they didn't look at any of it. It was almost like they knew what they were looking for before we came into the office. They asked our address, how my husband can cope in a colder climate, not many questions - then requested the documents that they said NVC did not give them. They gave a letter to us with that list. I also must say that the initial letter we received from NVC listed all the documents they had sent, it stated that we did not give them my husband's birth certificate but we had! So my husband traveled (at great stress) to the area where he could get another new birth certificate in case they really did lose his. But at the interview they had his original birth certificate we mailed.

When we were granted the visa, it was in the form of a letter that told us to go to a printing facility in about a week to pick it up. This printing facility was not near the embassy at all but it was in a sort of wealthy district. We chose to go a day early to see where it was, we were granted his visa and immigrant package a day earlier!

We were treated kindly at the Embassy. The Interviewer was kind. However the whole process was sort of frustrating - especially buying a new exam and police certificate. But we were ready to complete everything and be together so we just asked them what we needed to do and they told us. We were both weak from being ill, but once we realized we would not have to separate a calm came over us. This is just a little outline of how things went.

So now we are home. It took 2 days of travel to return home. I was worried about my husband adjusting to the food change, time change, weather change. He is coping but it is a big change for him and he's had some of that normal vomiting/stomach upset.. and jet lag. We hold each other at night. We went to our place of worship. We have eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner together. I feel peace in my heart, now we are beside each other.

I married the sweetest man. He is gentle, humble, kind. I feel so blessed. I am thankful that we can now begin our journey... I don't know how we survived up to this point, this process has been so stressful that I thought it could really affect the health of my heart and his, but we made a promise to each other before God. Now my prayer is that I love him as he loves me, and never take forgranted the gift we were given.

Thank you all...
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-09-06 13:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarriage Certificate For NVC

Hi all,

I'm trying to prepare all the documents I'm going to need for the NVC when I finally get my NOA2.
I know the NVC requires an original marriage certificate and the original birth certificate from the beneficiary.
I'd hate to part with the original laminated marriage certificate that I received from the registry at the wedding, so my husband went back to the registry to get (and pay for) another original. They instead gave him what looks like a regular photocopy but the back of it is stamped "certified copy" along with the local government stamp. What I want to know is: will the NVC accept this "copy"? I'm just worried that if I send the real original, I might never see it again!



I completely understand! I had to send our original and it scared me to death. I got a tracking number, asked for a signature upon delivery and then called NVC everyday to be certain when they had received the marriage certificate that they actually had it. I don't know anything about certified copies, we chose to go ahead and send our original. I know it's terrifying! Sorry I can't be of any help about the certified copy. Perhaps speak to a supervisor at NVC and get it in writing.

Take Care
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-09-10 02:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVJ members(USC and Beneficiaries) vs Lagos Consulate

Hello VJ Members,
I find it very disturbing that each time I come on this website, Im seeing more denials and 221g being issued at the Lagos Consulate which I think is becoming ridiculous :angry: :angry: :angry: . And to be honest its quite disheartening and very frustrating. Im really tempted to start some type of petition/complaint against the Lagos Consulate because all of this has got to stop. The reason why these CO's at the Lagos Consulate are playing "God" with our lives/future to be with our SO is because I dont think we (especially the USC petitioners) arent making any formal complaints. whicg they are using to their advantage to frustrate couples. Granted Lagos Consulate is famous for being known to be a "High Fraud Consulate" but dont you think that its insulting for our own American citizens to judge us and the ones we love "scammers"? Something needs to be done about this and fast.

I think you're right, it's disheartening and frustrating. I also think people are so afraid of this consulate that they'd be afraid to submit a complaint for fear it might effect their own petition badly. Am I right?
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-02-18 03:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanObama launches “Power Africa”

I will say this - I really hope, and wish that the sub-Saharan African countries could actually receive enough power to have stable electricity.  When you see the affects of little or no power on the people it's really upsetting. 


That being said - I really appreciated reading everyone's responses thus far to Obama launching Power Africa because there are several good points. 


I think the question is - will the people actually get the power? 


Will Power Africa generate more jobs and revenue for local people? Will the people who need electricity actually receive it?  People in countries that are developing haven't put much faith in any governments and it's easy to see why.  Nigeria is a very wealthy country that is filled with corrupt people who have consciously allowed their fellow Nigerians to suffer for their own greed.  Nigeria could make their country a better place because they have resources so it is not a far jump to think they can also find a way to use this Power Africa to the advantage of only a few select people without any concern for their fellow man.  Americans drilling oil in Nigeria has not resulted in the better welfare of the locals and has led to great suffering for the people there.


I guess we can hope that Obama and his team of experts has found a way to deal with these very well-known mitigating circumstances. 


Even if a situation seems hopeless on the outskirts it is wonderful that someone is trying to help or invest in any way in Africa.  Hopefully it will alleviate some suffering.  Isn't it really only God who can take these matters and straighten them out? That's my belief.  But still, I hope that it will work out because each day there are people who need help and someone has to try.

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2013-07-01 18:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Experience/Embassy Review
[quote name='For Debbie' date='Mar 14 2009, 12:30 AM' post='2737201']

Thank You very much for sharing your experience at Lagos Consulate. That is where me and my husband will go. After a denial of our I129 I am awaiting a date for interview for I130 now. The first interview/medical exam was so stressful to him, my Husband is a humble man. Now I'm without a doubt going to be there, no matter the costs, I wanted to that first time but I was honestly shocked by our denial as was everyone else involved.

Now that a potential spouse interview is coming up I'm just unsure what to expect. Like my husband speaks good English but there are nuances that are difficult to him. We prayed before we've done everything. I just feel like if we 'fail' this interview, so to speak, that he will never be with me and I have been making all possible efforts to move to him with serious stumbles on my end with medical things. I just want to be with him.

I was naive enough for the first interview to think that our love and genuness would just show through, now 5 years together and married for 2 and I wonder what to expect more that can go wrong. I say this sadly because I'm not a pessimist. I'm trying to prepare myself feeling like a duck out of water.

I'm terrified of the interview, even job interviews make me so nervous. I do not know what to do in the interview or what to expect. When I tell regular people what we have to do to be approved they seem baffled because we are married already. I often wonder if this approach has enabled the US to keep fraud out of the country - because it's put this horrible thing on legally entering immigrants and the process so expensive and stressful that people don't bother and work to enter illegally to the country.

It's so sad. But please if you can tell me how to prepare for the interview, I just feel like they would see how we're real, but now I don't trust that so much anymore and I wonder if there are more politics at play then visible to the eye. i also wonder at the costs of your wife's medical exam.

Any thoughts are really appreciated!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-03-17 14:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNVC forwards case (yay) lost original birth certificate (what!)
Last document from NVC in forwarding our case states (in reference to my husband's original birth certificate): "The applicant has informed the NVC that the required document (birth certificate) is unavailable."

This is not possible. The National Visa Center removed his birth certificate from the NVC"Response Checklist" once received. I confirmed by phone that all original documents were received. Now when our case is going to the Consulate they state the above, I'm so puzzled, does this mean our document is lost? NVC has no information and I am having a hard time getting a response to any email inquiry.

The attorney says we can bring a copy to the interview, but I have a bad feeling about that being as this is a high fraud country and we've spent nearly 5 years together and I don't want a lost birth certificate in the way.

Also there was an error on our response checklist, NVC asked for a police certificate for Benin Republic, my husband didn't live there but I am told it is best to get the certificate since it was asked for (NVC wrote it was not applicable to get the Benin PC). But I cannot find where on earth to go in Benin Republic for the appropriate police station or casier judiciarie.. The attorney advised that they will ask for it, I believe they will too.

I wrote my senator's office because at the moment all of this seems huge since I've been trying to work on the police certificate since end of April and I am wondering where my husband's original birth certificate is hanging out. I think I will get some rest because I'm a bit frazzled.

I've been on the phone and in the email non-stop it seems since beginning of May and sooo happy our case finally completed! I had some awful strange experiences along the way.

There was a man in Washington D.C. at the Benin Embassy that asked if I had children with my husband and I said no, he said why - I laughed uncomfortably in which he then recommended I call him when he is in the UK and I could help him immigrate and he would give me lots of babies!

I feel like I'm in a bizaare sort of soap opera. I imagine everyone on this site who runs into snags feels similarly. If you have any info. on the above issues I would appreciate it. If not, well I've had my "I've had it for today" moment rant.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2010-07-16 02:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions: More then 1 interview and denials prior to Visa
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Mar 24 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Afrilaskan Queen @ Mar 24 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

I am puzzled and perplexed. I was reading another post here on the Africa forum where a 2nd interview was requested for those who are getting a spouse or fiance visa. Is this the normal route? And is more than one interview seen as normal at every embassy for those applying for their visas'? Or does this apply mostly to certain areas like Africa? Sometimes people go back to answer questions continually over three or four visits, while I thought most interviews are only supposed to be brief.

Also my other question is that there are so many people denied two or three times and then getting a visa, don't they know from the beginning what is going on at the Embassy??

I am in particular wondering, if anyone has seen this same pattern at most embassy's. Is it the norm to do more then one interview? Is it the normal for places to be denied for further informatio??

Anyone who has any thoughts I be most interested. I'll try posting this in another forum as well in hopes to hear from many different countries petitioning.

I know I've repeated myself, I just hope my questions are clear. I am trying to figure out the purpose of additional interviews, particularly when I read there was no investigations - just more interviews.


I think you may be mixing stories about visitor visas with fiance and spouse visas here but nevertheless, the following are the levels of fraud instance at US Consulates.


LOL.. I see what you mean. I was talking mainly about spouse visa's, I've talked to more people who have been together a number of years that are still waiting for Lagos to issue an visa. I do wonder how many other Consulate's take years or more.

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-03-24 22:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions: More then 1 interview and denials prior to Visa
Hi Everyone,

I am puzzled and perplexed. I was reading another post here on the Africa forum where a 2nd interview was requested for those who are getting a spouse or fiance visa. Is this the normal route? And is more than one interview seen as normal at every embassy for those applying for their visas'? Or does this apply mostly to certain areas like Africa? Sometimes people go back to answer questions continually over three or four visits, while I thought most interviews are only supposed to be brief.

Also my other question is that there are so many people denied two or three times and then getting a visa, don't they know from the beginning what is going on at the Embassy??

I am in particular wondering, if anyone has seen this same pattern at most embassy's. Is it the norm to do more then one interview? Is it the normal for places to be denied for further informatio??

Anyone who has any thoughts I be most interested. I'll try posting this in another forum as well in hopes to hear from many different countries petitioning.

I know I've repeated myself, I just hope my questions are clear. I am trying to figure out the purpose of additional interviews, particularly when I read there was no investigations - just more interviews.

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-03-24 13:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR vs. I130 Question
thank you very much for your input and I'm heading to the link to check it out right now. I appreciate you taking the time to send me the link and some encouragement!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-13 05:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR vs. I130 Question
Anyone in the know can you please explain to me the difference between I130 for spouse along with the I129 that can speed that up vs this CR-1 I'm reading about? Is it faster? Can you use it after a denial? Why have I not heard of this before when I filed the I-130? What is the purpose of it? Anyone who can help thanks bunches! ... I am new to all of this pretty much so please forgive me if I sound like an dumbo.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-12 22:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Denied from Nigeria K1
Dear 2gathawestand,

You left such a kind and encouraging post in my time of need and I just saw this one that you wrote. Your positive nature and the "onto the next fight" shows strength of your relationship and your spirit. Your heart must have felt so broken that day. It is sad to say that there are some very benign reasons such as age and others that put flags on a case and denial for review.

I have been married and with my Hubby prior all together about 4 years and I have struggled to find a way to live with him and he too. It is not easy so I am very happy for you that you're finding a way to live there. That will be so much healthier if you can do it then sitting here anxiously.. It is sad that the state of affairs there and the complications of life make it difficult to live with our loved ones, because I have been there I KNOW you will have the time of your life in a culture that is rich and full of life.

I know you are very disappointed and sad but keeping what's important in front of you, the relationship, is obviously what will strongly get you through to the end of this journey and onto the biggest one of all - your life together.

Due to your quote you believe in God, I am not sure if you believe in the bible but the story of Job who lost his family and health and all his belongings suffered and he was still blessed by God. Job endured and his false comforters came along to discourage him. But later on if you're familiar with the bible account Job was given back 2 fold for the sufferings he had.

hang in there! Enjoy your stay with your SO! live laugh love dance .... John Lennon wrote life is what happens when you're busy making other plans, you're living! or LeeAnn Womack's I hope you Dance says .... live even if it hurts, and Dance! Enjoy your SO! Sending my heartfelt thoughts to you at this difficult time . . . .
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-17 22:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa nightmare - need input
Thank you Lisa and I'll keep you posted. All The Best star_smile.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-17 22:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa nightmare - need input
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ May 13 2009, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Afrilaskan Queen @ May 13 2009, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for your responce. In answer to your questions, our denied I-129 was refused because of no proof of a bonafied relationship [I don't think so] and on suspicion that my husband only is trying to immigrate to the US. Once our I-129 was sent back to the California Service Center, yes it has sat there for over a year now. The Senator got them to update the date and let us know we must wait the approx. estimated wait time of 24 months like everyone else - before they read and review and then decide if they will send it on.

Our I-130 is tied to the denied I-129. I am not sure if the I-130 has expired. We were approved in late 2007. The lawyer handling our case has not had denials and she is the one who said that we should refile the I-130 but on our case file at the uscis website it does not indicate our I-130 has expired.

I've never heard of any of this, I had no idea we could refile and I am asking if you refile does that dump the past cases forever and you literally start over? Thanks for the info I'm going to find out if our I-130 has expired. I know it's 5 months estimated to get approved, I wonder how long after that it takes to get an interview. I feel like my head is spinning.

We cannot address the concerns of the Consulate until they tell us specifically what they are and the Senator said they will not give that information until we're up for review. If the timeline provided by the CSC was correct, in their email to the Senator, our estimated next interview would be vaguely sometime in August 2010 if they chose to move it on after reviewing it.. We would be married about 3 and 1/2 years by then almost 4. I cannot fathom that. I wish I knew who to contact or what to do. I trust the lawyer we have in terms of honesty but I wonder about inexperience is all. I'm scared to lose any more precious time apart.

Thank you and I hope that answers your question. If you have any input, yes please pass it my way.

well the 130 being tied to the 129f really doesnt help or harm the case. It's just another "route" to take with the K3. The problem is that once a consul has made up their minds that its a fraud case and not bonofide, it is REALLY difficult to change their minds(from everything i have read from others experience on this).
The best option in my opinion is to have ALL the proof of an on going relationship that you can when he interviews again (wheather it is for the already approved 130 or a newly filed 130).
They usually dont give specifics, if its "insufficient proof of a bonofide relationship" then that is usually all you will get. It is up to you to prove otherwise. You have the burden of proof.
Was your husband prepared for the interview? I mean with answering the questions with confidence and showing all the proof?
I think you have a difficult consulate because there is alot of fraud and the CO's probably already have their minds made up half the time. Just my opinion and observation. If there is any hole they can poke, they will. Did you post in the sub sahra forum also? there may be some ladies there with experience and support that can help you along this second journey rose.gif

Again, the first thing is to find out if you can revive the current 130 at NVC.
If you can, I would go for it. If you can go to his interview, that may help.
Go with all the proof you can think of. If there are any "red flags" with your case, be prepared to address them. For example...If there is an age difference, be prepared to answer those questions with confidence.

I hope you can get the already approved 130 moving at NVC, it should save you some time. Even if you were to refile, they will still see the previously denied application and "hold it against you"

I wish you the best of luck

'Y's_habibitk' - thank you so much for your reply u asked some very valid questions! My husband knew about his interview about 2 days prior to it! We could not get a NVC receipt and contacted the consulate over a period of 2 months until we found out our date for the interview. My Hubby did not have time to prepare for the interview. We did not even know possible questions and our lawyer didn't have time to prepare him or me. We made some guesses at what might be on the interview and I tried to help him based on what seemed reasonable.

He also did not get into his first interview, they would not let him in the door, my senators office had to let them know that happened and I can only imagine they were embarrassed once it was proven he was not let in and had to force them to let him in.

Also our proof he presented was not accepted or even looked at including our pictures or anything.

After digging we can only figure we're an interracial couple and he got a fact wrong and the way he worded something made him them conclude that he had never heard of our religion where we met - which made no sense.

Any other thoughts? Thank you so much! You really seem sincere in your comments and I appreciate that because I came here for hope.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-14 00:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa nightmare - need input

Thanks for your responce. In answer to your questions, our denied I-129 was refused because of no proof of a bonafied relationship [I don't think so] and on suspicion that my husband only is trying to immigrate to the US. Once our I-129 was sent back to the California Service Center, yes it has sat there for over a year now. The Senator got them to update the date and let us know we must wait the approx. estimated wait time of 24 months like everyone else - before they read and review and then decide if they will send it on.

Our I-130 is tied to the denied I-129. I am not sure if the I-130 has expired. We were approved in late 2007. The lawyer handling our case has not had denials and she is the one who said that we should refile the I-130 but on our case file at the uscis website it does not indicate our I-130 has expired.

I've never heard of any of this, I had no idea we could refile and I am asking if you refile does that dump the past cases forever and you literally start over? Thanks for the info I'm going to find out if our I-130 has expired. I know it's 5 months estimated to get approved, I wonder how long after that it takes to get an interview. I feel like my head is spinning.

We cannot address the concerns of the Consulate until they tell us specifically what they are and the Senator said they will not give that information until we're up for review. If the timeline provided by the CSC was correct, in their email to the Senator, our estimated next interview would be vaguely sometime in August 2010 if they chose to move it on after reviewing it.. We would be married about 3 and 1/2 years by then almost 4. I cannot fathom that. I wish I knew who to contact or what to do. I trust the lawyer we have in terms of honesty but I wonder about inexperience is all. I'm scared to lose any more precious time apart.

Thank you and I hope that answers your question. If you have any input, yes please pass it my way.

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-13 13:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa nightmare - need input
Thank you for your reply!

In answer to your questions:

When I returned from our marriage ceremony/wedding I filed I-130 by myself, it sat for two 90 month periods they said it was lost.

Lawyer entered and submitted I-129

- 6 months was I130 approved along with the I129, they were both approved at the same time.

- Our I-129 was sent and we did that interview while our I-130 was still approved. So our K-3 spouse was approved and filed for.

- The interview was a mess! We never got a receipt from NVC when our case went to the Embassy.

- We knew about our interview 2 weeks before hand because they never sent our package Or approval letter and refused to let my hubby hand pick it up.
- The Senator intervened to get my hubby in the door after he was sent away repeatedly after the Embassy told him to come in and wouldn't let him in.

Eventually they got him in and the interview was a mess and we were denied.

Senator asked for a redo on our denied I-129 interview and they refused even though we had concrete evidence that should have let us.

That's when our case came back to the US in August 2008 and our approved I-130 was tied to it. The Senator was told that basically minor and major cases are tied together and not differentiated and the timeframe was 24 month wait and there was nothing they could do.

The evidence we submitted has been ongoing, I have sent new evidence as I had it.

Included: Wedding pictures, name change evidence, Trip iterinary, marriage certificate, travel pictures/dating pictures, affidavits from both our family/friends amounting to approx. 25 people, 4 emails per month for 2 years, 2 IM's per month for about 1 year, phone records for past 2 years as we no longer email and we communicate most every day and not with phone cards. Also information and support from our religious organization which is how we connected because one of the 3 reasons for denial was that my Hubby claimed he didn't hear of our religion which we grew up in and also attended together! It was ludicrous!

There was other evidence too.

I hope this helps you give me some input or thoughts. Thank you!


~Afrilaskan Queen~

Thanks... cute kitties btw, maine coons I think in one pic.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-12 23:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa nightmare - need input

Thank you for your reply!

In answer to your questions:

When I returned from our marriage ceremony/wedding I filed I-130 by myself, it sat for two 90 month periods they said it was lost.

Lawyer entered and submitted I-129

- 6 months was I130 approved along with the I129, they were both approved at the same time.

- Our I-129 was sent and we did that interview while our I-130 was still approved. So our K-3 spouse was approved and filed for.

- The interview was a mess! We never got a receipt from NVC when our case went to the Embassy.

- We knew about our interview 2 weeks before hand because they never sent our package Or approval letter and refused to let my hubby hand pick it up.
- The Senator intervened to get my hubby in the door after he was sent away repeatedly after the Embassy told him to come in and wouldn't let him in.

Eventually they got him in and the interview was a mess and we were denied.

Senator asked for a redo on our denied I-129 interview and they refused even though we had concrete evidence that should have let us.

That's when our case came back to the US in August 2008 and our approved I-130 was tied to it. The Senator was told that basically minor and major cases are tied together and not differentiated and the timeframe was 24 month wait and there was nothing they could do.

The evidence we submitted has been ongoing, I have sent new evidence as I had it.

Included: Wedding pictures, name change evidence, Trip iterinary, marriage certificate, travel pictures/dating pictures, affidavits from both our family/friends amounting to approx. 25 people, 4 emails per month for 2 years, 2 IM's per month for about 1 year, phone records for past 2 years as we no longer email and we communicate most every day and not with phone cards. Also information and support from our religious organization which is how we connected because one of the 3 reasons for denial was that my Hubby claimed he didn't hear of our religion which we grew up in and also attended together! It was ludicrous!

There was other evidence too.

I hope this helps you give me some input or thoughts. Thank you!

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-12 21:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa nightmare - need input
I normally post in the African sub-Saharan and I am not familiar enough with this website to even know what this form of visa entails or means. Please forgive me if I'm in the wrong area and misdirect me.

I feel I'm in a nightmare in which I will awake.

The long and short is that from end to beginning me and my hubby's case was mishandled. We were friends a year, dated for 1 more year, married in 2007, were approved quickly, more then 1 year ago we were denied our I-129 after my husbands interview and our case has sat at a California service center since August 2008.

Months ago the Senator of my state intervened and asked our case expedited, we are married 2 years now and presented a lot of evidence. They told our senator that we would have to wait a standard 24 months and there is nothing they could do. The lawyer I spoke to suggested re-filed our I-130 again though it is approved it cannot be freed up with the failed I-129.

We've had more trouble from the beginning that I've considered moving towards the media. I do not know who to contact and I do not know the next step. I know God is great. I need any direction or input that can be given. Please help if you can I just got this news about 15 minutes ago but am trying to remain calm and pray for a miracle. I don't understand the reasoning behind it, neither of us have a criminal record, we were denied for insufficient evidence of bonafied relationship and yet our evidence was not lacking. Thank You for reading this. I cannot move to my husbands home area as it is literally dangerous for me, I feel we are stuck in a nightmare.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-12 20:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer for denial - know a honest good one?
Hi thank you for the name, I've been recommended that name before so I'm thinking he's very good. I noticed on your visa journey that you also had your case sent back and denied. Congratulations on finally getting your visa. Did you use mark ellis?

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much for the lawyers name and your encouragement. Did you use this lawyer in New York? best of luck with your own case and thanks again!

oops I read your timeline too fast, I see your approval expired - you weren't denied. But thank you for Mark Ellis name just the same. Have a great day!

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-13 12:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer for denial - know a honest good one?
Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a lawyer specializing with denials for spouse. I would like to get information and understand what choices we have from a lawyer that is good at what they do and honest.

Our I-129 was denied and we're married over 2 years now and our I-130 was attached to the denied visa interview and we have a 24 month wait according to the Senator that acted in our behalf.

If you have any suggestions thanks so much!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-13 05:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUpdate on case in Review 2 yrs. - What does this mean?
'Y's_habibitk' thank you very much for replying!

I think my lawyer has had an emergency or crisis, has been excellent up to this point but disappeared off the planet a couple of weeks ago. Now I am nervous, as I have depended on her to do all the paperwork.

Yes, I've been looking at each day to see when they complete the review or update it. It is there I have seen our approved I-130 March 2008 and I know it was at the NVC but when our I-129 was denied they tied our I-130 to it ....until literally yesterday at the site it says this:

Current Status: This case has been received from the State Department with a request we review it. On May 21, 2009, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it.

The last time I spoke to our lawyer she said we would pursue a new I-130, because our wait time for the completion review for our failed I-129 is about 24 months. I am confused why it took so long for the I-130 to turn back around. We never were contacted about it after the approval and then when I-130 was sent onto the NVC.

Please forgive my "dullness" everyone on the site seems to be experts while I'm regularly puzzled. lol. I talk to Marc Ellis on Sunday which I hope will help as well.

Thanks for responding and if you can give any info I appreciate it.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-22 20:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUpdate on case in Review 2 yrs. - What does this mean?
Hi Everyone,

My husband and I were approved in 2007 for our I-129 and I-130. About 1 year ago my love went for his I-129 interview and the visa petition was sent back to the US for review for "no bonafied relationship".

There has been no update on our file since 1 year ago when we were denied. Then 4 weeks ago my Senator's office wrote on our behalf. The Senator's office received response but not the one they anticipated. CSC basically changed the date, to update our file online, and told us there is a long line in of cases in front of us that could take approx. 24 months to get through them and they'd be in touch but to feel free to contact in 10 months if no movement has happened.

However, I noticed again today, a new update, on our I-130. Prior the I-130 said in 2008 approval was sent to my husbands country, now the update states the I-130 was sent to CSC for review. I realize those two approved petitions are linked together.. but it sat in his country all of this time.

Is this a good sign that something is moving? It would be great if something might be happening vs. waiting.

Is this an indication they may be moving to review our case? Does it mean anything? I wonder if we really will have to wait 2 years to year more information or if the Senator's letter had some affect, they did not indicate so in their reply to the senator's letter.

Has anyone experience with this?
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-22 15:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ May 30 2009, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
send NVC whatever they are asking for hun. If they are willing to research it..take them up on it! thats a good thing smile.gif

as far as the expiration date, im not sure what you are asking. Here's what i do know...
the 129f is valid for 4 months after approval. The consul can revalidate the petition at their discrection as many times as neccesary while awaiting the interview or AP or AR. After we were approved, we were pulled for random AP at NVC and i was worried about our petition expiring before my husband had a chance to interview. I sent Amman an email and asked about it and that was their answer... "are able to extend the validity, depending on circumstances"

What were the circumstances as to why they wouldnt let your husband in to interview and why the congressman had to intervene? Im wondering why they woudlnt allow him to interview in the first place.. its all very strange.


First of all thank you for saying this is all very strange ... thank you! It is all very strange.

I'm getting excited - I'm going to send the information that NVC asked after the weekend to be sure it gets through.

You asked about the situation where the senator had to get my husband in for the interview. That was a whole other mess. You see when our approved petitions were sent to NVC we waited and waited with no notice. I won't list detail after detail but everyday there was some new problem just trying to get the papers or notices. We had no notice when our papers were in Nigeria. My husband never got his approval letter and instruction packet. We got the Washington liaison involved because months kept passing and nothing. We knocked on Nigeria's door. Letters, emails, calls, nothing. So finally the Senator got involved when the liaison got a copy of our approval letter dated for an interview in only a few days.

So my husband had only copies of everything. The gate told him he was a fraud even though no one with his name showed up for his interview except him and he had all these contact names and phone/emails for important people.

He missed that first interview. So when his medical went missing that we paid for, and then everything else went wrong and then he was denied his visa after a strange interview and now I come to find out all of this other information lately I just FEEL a lot.. I don't know what to think. fortunately I have copies of all the strange day after day for 6 months problem after problem, I have to believe this will be alieved somehow. I have to believe there was some mistake and all the cost involved for me and my husband will be altered and we'll just be able to live together - that's all I want.

Thanks for the info on expired visa I really appreciate that. You have been so helpful, thank you. I have to run for now. Take Care & Thank You!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-30 18:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years

Thanks so much for your help and suggestions. I called NVC again, their automated line, it too says they have no record of our I-130 approved spouse petition. That and our I-129 were approved on the same day at uscis. Yes there are two different receipt numbers and the I-129 has a record but the other doesn't show as ever having left uscis.

Uscis sent a letter, and I have talked to everyone there, they confirm that NVC on [specific date here] sent back the I-130. They did not send it back because it expired, they are saying that they have never seen it or sent it back. [That was a good thought and I asked about it on the phone.]

So here's my question ...

NVC said to email them a copy of the approval letter from uscis and they would research it. Is that a bad idea?

The reason I am sure uscis sat on our I-130 or somehow it didn't get to NVC Is because for several months after approval notices for I-129 and I-130 was sent to NVC my lawyer wrote every week asking where is the package and we needed to get it going. I am sure the lawyer got happy and distracted when our I-129 went to Lagos and then Lagos too could not find anything. I.E. the mess of my husband never got his package with his approval letter, calling the Senator to get him in the gate...etc.

I also am trying to figure out why the embassy would interview an expired visa. You had mentioned a question that I've been looking for answers on, referring to expired at the Consul or where else - can you elaborate on the expiration date? I know our lawyer made issue of it at my husbands interview because she was concerned. I have looked up about expiration and revalidation because the new lawyer also says that is serious and important. Do you know how I find more information on that?

Is it a bad idea to sent the approval letter to NVC now so they can research it?
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-29 16:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years
QUOTE (Afrilaskan Queen @ May 28 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Shocked - NVC never ever received our I-130 case!!! She said call USCIS. Oh my god I think we're getting somewhere!

USCIS says Dept. of State sent our case for review to USCIS - but dept. of state says they never ever received it in the past 3 years! Is this hope???
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-28 17:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years

Shocked - NVC never ever received our I-130 case!!! She said call USCIS. Oh my god I think we're getting somewhere!
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-28 17:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years
Hi, I'm not sure if I can raise anymore shouting - the senator has been involved since our case file was MIA in Lagas, they got him in the door for his interview, and then the Senator also wrote 3 more times and about 5-6 weeks ago.

I emailed/phoned the consulate repeatedly for the two months, petitioned for a redo on our interview, with evidence, that was a no-go. NVC - I thought they were doing everything correctly. I think maybe from reading from you I should contact NVC but I'm puzzled as to what to ask now that our case went back to CSC.. I understand how the process is supposed to go but I don't know the law, that makes me nervous. I don't want to call out of emotion, I want the facts behind me. I'm going to give this great thought. Perhaps calling NVC would be have value if only to recall the steps. I am afraid to make anything worse.

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-28 17:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ May 26 2009, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just one more thing to think about. if you told your lawyer that you wanted the k3 visa, he/she would have just ignored the coorespondence from nvc. Its not a given in all cases, for instance.. we wanted to go the k3 route, so i ignored the AOS fee bill from NVC and therefor never persued the CR1. It is currently sitting at NVC and will continue to do so since we dont have any intention of interviewing for the CR1. The 130 will be used when we adjust status later this year.

being ill informed about the process can be a great diservice to anyone with a lawyer, especially when something goes wrong and the lawyer is MIA or ill informed themselves. Im truly sorry this happened to you, but I think anyone using a lawyer and arent familiar with the process should use your experience to learn better.
Know the processes, even if you have a lawyer!

So glad everyone can learn from me.. blush.gif

I did my research and this is the deal, we never got package papers from NVC - our I-130 approved never left, lawyer repeatedly asked for the papers, but only got a letter in Spanish saying to ask uscis the status of our case. I am wondering if this somehow is why my husband never got his package and I never got papers of our approval even though we were told it was approved. Since the I-129 was already in Nigeria she went ahead with that. I did not know the implications.

So calling NVC would have no point now would it? I am trying to figure out if that means anything, we're creating a defense for our case along with addressing the denial claim. The new lawyer said that the papers not going off for the I-130 should be used in our defense. He said that it is a visa not interviewed for - thus it cannot be revoked along with the I-129 and that some embassy's are trying to get away with that. Is that true? He said it is literally against the law to revoke a petition approved that does not go to country of spouse and does not get interviewed for.

That is where my question lies. I am trying to gather everything and make sense of it when we send in our rebuttal. I need to choose to go with a lawyer that says we should refile the I-130 while the other one says this could be detrimental.

I'm concerned our defense is thorough. I feel my head spinning under all of the opinions and choosing the right ones.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-28 15:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years

Thank you, how do I call NVC? I call and get a busy signal day and night. I waited 2 years because I thought our lawyer was doing everything correctly. My husband went for an I-129 interview but not an IR-1, they denied his visa. It is just now I find out he should have also interviewed for the approved I-130 but it only sat because the lawyer said we could alter things after my husband came on the I-129 visa.

So our approved I-130 did not move literally all of this time, but they told us we could not interview after our failed I-129. The I-129 was not revalidated but I did not know that until two days ago.

Does this mean the lawyer dropped the ball or am I missing something here?

Help! Thank you.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-26 20:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant Help!: IR-1 spouse visa - never left NVC 2 years
Can anyone direct me please... National Visa Center approved our I-130 or IR-1 K-3 visa petition, but it never went to Nigeria. My husband interviewed for the I-129 K-3 that expired and was not revalidated!

I never was given the package for the I-120 from NVC, I never paid fees, it sat in the US. I need to find what happened to the I-864 & DS-230 & change of agent form.... Who do I call? How do I find where they are?

If my suspicion is true and the lawyer sat on our package OR it was sat on in the US, what do we do? Thanks.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-26 20:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approval, does it expire?
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Aug 23 2009, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The I-130 approval NEVER EXPIRES. As a practical matter, leaving it at NVC with no contact will result in NVC (part of the State Department) returning to file to USCIS, where it will go into storage. It can be resurrected from storage by filing an I-864. The I-130 approval NEVER EXPIRES.

Thanks pushbrk I did confirm that the I-130 does not expire. star_smile.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-08-25 00:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approval, does it expire?
QUOTE (jm&mcs @ Aug 22 2009, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The I-130 is valid for 1 year. But if you contact NVC, it will be extended for one year from the date you contact them. In my step-daughter's case, NAO2 was received in Feb. 2008. The only thing I did at NVC was the choice of agent. I contacted them occasionally to be sure her file remained active. Due to the post office losing the papers and later an expedite situation, NVC never received another paper from me before her case was completed and sent to the embassy in June 2009. There was never a problem. Just keep in touch with the NVC.

Thank You so much. I wonder now that our approved I-130 is over a year old and was MIA for one year and four months what to do next. I have a lawyer but it's not helpful right now.

QUOTE (AbbynSheryl @ Aug 22 2009, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congrats on the approval and i am not sure how long is the validity but wait some one in vj will tell u, good luck for the rest of the visa journey,
abby n sheryl

Abby N' Sheryl, thanks for your encouragement... biggrin.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-08-23 07:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approval, does it expire?

I am wondering, how do you find out when an approved I-130 for spouse visa has expired? I've looked through our approved 2007 notice's of action and cannot find it.

Thanks. star_smile.gif
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-08-22 18:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I-130 Revoke NOIR
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Oct 8 2009, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was just thinking about your case earlier today and hoping that you were holding up well and had some good news coming soon. I dont have any advise just support.... Good Luck rose.gif

Thanks so much Y's_habibtk', you're just a sweetheart you know! Thanks for your support. I'm hanging in there. I received some months ago a letter stating our case was being returned back to the Consulate and on it's way to NVC. It didn't happen. The Senator is getting the same information almost verbatim that I can read on the uscis website. Our case was returned in 2008, then supposdly department of state returned our other case - the I-130 a year later in 2009.

I have no idea who more to speak to or ask help about. I have filed a FOIA with uscis, I hope will help. I am wondering if I need a new lawyer. I've talked with some. I talked with Marc Ellis. I feel more then confused. It is this month or the next our case should be reaffirmed or revoked.

When I decided to file the FOIA the current lawyer said we will never know the "findings" from the consulate where our interview was held. We're very certain we know why we were denied from the information from my hubby about errors and also the letter we did receive from the consulate. I have no way of gauging what to do now. I don't know if I should find another lawyer or if I should sit and see what happens - if we're revoked or asked for more evidence ... etc.

I got to see my Hubby just recently though! I spent 6 weeks and I believe both our blood pressure went down significantly. thanks for your support. Do you happen to know if I can file a FOIA with department of state or the national visa center? Because uscis is claiming that they returned our case but NVC in writing has no record of it. Yes, we're still hanging on that one. I wonder if the solving of that dilemna right there will help considerably. Sometimes I wonder if the I-130 was lost, because I did it all by myself and initially it was lost for two consecutive 90 days. It was approved on the same date as our I-129 which was NOT filed by me - but our lawyer.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-10-08 17:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I-130 Revoke NOIR
QUOTE (MONIQ @ Oct 8 2009, 05:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Don't let get you down. I have a question.....WAS the I-130 approved? You have submitted them both at the same time right?

Hi Moniq - thanks for the hugs, I will take them! The I-130 was approved, it was submitted by me several months prior to the I-129. A lawyer submitted the I-129 and that petition and the I-130 were approved on the same date. The I-130 never went to the consulate though.

I've been suspicious for some time, the I-130 never was received by NVC, or so they said in writing. However CIS claimed that NVC got the petition returned to them from NVC. I don't know where to dig or if it's useful at this point because we should get reaffirmed/reapproved or revoked soon.

Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-10-08 08:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I-130 Revoke NOIR
Hello All,

I need some thoughts on what to do. It is possible our I-130 will be revoked, eventually - once the review is complete. I do not know that that will happen, but I'm preparing for it. It is the I-129 that was denied, but the I-130 was attached to it. I've been looking for legal advice, there are a few opinions out there. I'd like to hear any experience anyone has here.

If you're given a revoke, or NOIR, you're given a certain amount of days to present new evidence I believe. What would you suggest? My senator's office is involved, though the lawyer we have is not a specialist on denials - they do know the ins and out of us personally and our case. We know why we were denied, a couple answers in the interview conflicted with the approved petition. We sent in that evidence already.

Is there anything else to be done? Is it important you think to have a legal reason for reaffirming a I-130 or just the evidence of continued relationship? What happens if you truly are revoked?

Feeling a bit downhearted this morning as a year and half passed just waiting for an answer about our review.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-10-08 08:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?

Why do bad things happen to good people? you're right that the sun shines on everyone and the rain does too. It is not fair and it does not make sense to you or anyone else because you're not supposed to make it make sense, it's not right. I had no idea this world of injustice existed in immigration and like many people probably thought if you're married you should be able to live together. It is apparent that perseverence is the key.

I am not surprised that it hurts you when others look upon you as if you or your husband are doing something wrong, I too have experienced that is it just adds to the already present stress, I try my best to remember that we've done nothing wrong and they're just people putting it on one leg at a time like the rest of us.. so their opinion is not true and does not deserve time to dwell upon it. In time all those individuals will realize and find along the road of life that they probably did add to your stress and life will teach them - I believe that. With everything to worry about it's not fair to you to have to put energy into that when all your energy is needed to fight this tremendously difficult battle.

I know you are ill, your heart is ill. Expectation postponed makes the heart sick is a thought in the scriptures of the bible and it makes sense doesn't it? no one should have to do this. I tried to look for a support group locally when I thought I was going to end up in the pysche ward - a place that people misunderstand - it appears to be a place people end up who cannot cope with a trauma and are working it out it. idea of crazy takes on new meaning when you find yourself traumatized. I found the only group I could most relate to prior to finding this group was military wives. They wake up day to day not knowing if they will get good news or bad news. However they do get a date in which their husband/wife will come home to them.

I don't think you're falling to pieces, I know you feel unlike yourself, but trust me - a person is not meant to have to cope with this kind of stress and you are not weak for feeling the sorrow of it... it's not fair but I don't see you giving up either, which is a good sign. End will come in sight. Take care of yourself and will be thinking of you. Your story has really touched me.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-16 06:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
Dear Finland Frustrated - I read your post and I feel encouraged because I could have written your post and that means you're not paranoid and suspicious and neither am I! That's good, lol. What I feel most sad about is it doesn't appear you have even had a chance to go to an interview. My husband and I are married over 2 years now and have spent about 2 weeks before and after our marriage together and that is it, neither of us have been able to afford to do more after that.

I also feel depressed at important days - especially our anniversary - This shows that you really value those things and are in a real relationship. I know it is so disheartening, no one should have to go through this.

I also am staying at my parents house now to save money to hopefully help us and I gave up our home thinking that it couldn't take long to be together, everyone looks at me after this wait and says "but aren't you marred?" - if any random person is puzzled and asking what's the point that's pretty validating.

I also contacted our Senator and for some reason their extensive help did only allowed for a msg. to be sent that we had to wait an additional year.

I loved your questions, like why it takes long to check your background and are you suspicious, and it made me chuckle because even though you wrote it in sadness I chuckled because I too have questioned my paranoidness and me before thinking - gee there is something not right with them - not us. I too wonder if we're having a background check and I can't help but think how boring that would be.

I'm hoping by sharing my similar feelings that you know with no uncertainty that you are not alone and this is not fair. From everything I've read the length of all of this seems to be a multitude of factors. The uscis claims that their petitions for visas doubled in 2007 literally, they don't have enough people to work and so everything is way behind. There are others who seem to think there are many deeper complications.

But it's not ok, it's not right. I do believe everyone here says hang in there and you will find the rainbow at the end of the tunnel - I believe this is true, as you said there is nothing negative in your background to find. I am sorry you're suffering through this, I too feel my life is on hold. I wish I was qualified to give you some real helpful advice. If I hear anything Truly helpful in my experience I will send you a msg.

Take Care.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2009-05-14 16:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarried 2 years separate/visa denial strange circumstances
Thank You for your thoughts, interesting that people don't notice the wording of petition etc.. I had read your profile and I have to say your situation has really been heart breaking. It sounds cruel to say this but I'm glad to be in company with many others. I really am hoping and praying I can go be with my husband for as long as possible - you're right that is bona fied. Thank you so much for your thoughts and post.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2008-12-28 18:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarried 2 years separate/visa denial strange circumstances
That's terrible what happened to that friend of yours. Thanks so much for sharing, I think I may have gotten the answer to my question on another board.
Afrilaskan QueenFemaleNigeria2008-12-28 15:02:00