IMBRA Special TopicsFiancee Visa?

You do not need to send in anything but you papers from the Court about your assault charge.. I'm sure you did what you had to do. :thumbs:

I just got approved in 4 months and I have an active restraining order.. 5 Criminal convictions and a 2 page criminal jacket.. I make you look like and Angel.

They approved me. They will approve you...As long as you didn't kill anybody you are OK. Just send in the ORIGINAL certified court records..DO NOT send in copies..

You do not need an Immigration lawyer.. That is for perverts and sickos who like kids only!

Don't waste your money.. I did not use one. People her tell you that because they did it that way.they have no clue as how to read instructions and believe everything people tell them here. Believe me you are going to be OK.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-10-02 13:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA Filer got approved

Listen i found a big piece of evidence that works great is a updated polygraph test stating you have not re offended since completion of probation or treatment. POLYGRAPHS are considered great sources of evidence when showing truthful intent in your seriousness of behavior. Treatment providers use them for sex offenders to make sure they are not re offending in the community.

Polygraphs are also greatly respected in the immigration officers eye's because that is also part of there hiring process from my understanding. So it's looked at as seriousness from the petitioner. When I was at the interview with my wife it was mentioned it was very intelligent on my behalf.

Shane Y Angie


I had my risk evaluation today

I will need to find time for the polygraph and find someone to administer it.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-12 21:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA Filer got approved

Hi is it just safe and okay to send additional evidence like polygraph exam and psychological update after we sent the noid response? since our case is not yet decision?(over 60 days already) are you planning to send one? coz we are still planning to send those to make sure and help us get approved and bcoz we just able to save some money for those...May God bless us all.

That is what my attorney has done which is why i think it is taking us so long to reciev any notification.

Not that it is a bad thing
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-10 10:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsI-129f was denied due to past criminal convictions (falling under IMBRA), is I-130 an option?

is this true for us? we are not affected by AWA, but by the specified crimes listed under IMBRA. so do you think that if we file an appeal instead of filing a new petition, we'll have a good chance of winning the appeal? the concern we have about taking that route is the indefinite amount of time we may have to wait to get a decision. even if the outcome is an approval of the appeal, it may take years. that's why we think the I-130 route is the best to take. what do you think? thanks for replying.

thanks, it's good to know that IMBRA will not have an effect should we decide to file an I-130.

1 thing that is for sure if you have been denied for a criminal back ground I would consult an Immigration Attorney before moving forward. Most people here have great intentions in their advice but that can not replace what an experienced attorney will tell you.

I am not sure which is best for you; I do wish you the best of luck.

In my case my attorney states we will move forward with a k-3 visa if the K-1 is denied and use the court appeals for if that fails.
If the K-1 fails I will be moving to the Phillipines where we own a house in Cebu and she owns the property.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-11-07 18:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsI-129f was denied due to past criminal convictions (falling under IMBRA), is I-130 an option?

IMBRA has no effect on the I-130 and does not make a petitioner ineligible like AW does....

Changes in the wording of how the AWA affects petitioners does not make them ineligible.

They must prove they are not a threat to the applicant if they fall under the AWA.

Also if a petitioner is denied the best recourse is Court where more and more cases are being heard and the court is siding with the petitioner and applicant.

The AWA is a farce that is failing horribly in the community, legal system, political system and yes the court system.

Community - Many US citizens including children under age 16 are being thrown into the sex offender classifcations due to ignorance of politicians/media personalities and hatred of victims towards their victimizers.

Legal System - AWA is cutting the floor from under prosecutors and judges alike for the same reasons as above

Political System - ignorant politicians greedy for votes do not give a ####### about your child or their saftey or else they would educate themselves on the truth anf prevent BS laws like this and others which is bankrupting our states and country while hurting the futures of our children.

Court System - Courts are being flooded by cases against the unjust laws being past hindering appropriate prosecution of offenders and other criminals alike

Everyone needs to read and educate themselves on these abusive laws that are creating a 2nd class citizens of not only the offenders but their families or future families. Reform Sex Offender Laws Sex Offender Solutions and Education Network
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-11-07 14:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnything new???

Stress is natural for us. I cried and sleep and eat too.. heheheh! I also study and make myself occupied. That's how I deal with it.. :). I hope you will hear from her soon.

About us we communicate through skype when his working and yahoo while at home. I sleep with headset on my ears it's funny. My fiance also sleep with his webcam on ( just when both of us are at home).. Love makes us crazy but super fun.. I hope we guys will be approve very soon.. :)

We also had a weird touch. Just one touch and no more..Let's see what happened... :)

Work keeps me occupied and she works on her own cooking and relling items.

She would watch and talk to me as I fell asleep with the webcam on . ( I do not feel as strange now)

We used to be on Skype everyday and we would sleep with it on too. She took a job as a live in caregiver so she may be just busy and trying not to think about it. She is really worried about it not being approved. She doesn't have internet where she is and can't let her employer know that she has American fiance or they would not hire her if they knew she might be leaving, jobs are hard to get there. Her Facebook still says we are engaged and last time i had message from her it said to just give her time. We had a fight (my fault) a week after getting the NOID. I think if she wanted to end it she would tell me, but i'm still worried. I got my Psychologist results back yesterday and yes i'm no threat to my adult fiance. I'm just gonna give her some space and let her do what she needs to do. The NOID said a decision would be made in 87 days, that would be about 12/27/10, if approved I don't think she will turn it down.
I hope all the AWA filers get approved, most people made one mistake and learned from it, mine was 15 years ago and i'm off probation so i was shocked when the NOID came. This law was not well thought out.

I agree

Thanks for your support. I have an immigration attorney with experience handling AWA cases representing me, and i've gathered everything that i've seen the others on this forum use. I spend a lot of time in prayer and that calms me. If anyone needs a good attorney PM me and i'll forward you the contact info. 2007 wow that is a long time, the 2 of you are really in love, I hope it happens soon for you guys.

I will send a PM my attorney very thoughtfull and experienced has almost none with AWA and will yield to an experienced attorney if needed.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-11-24 18:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnything new???

Hi AWA... is there anything new?.. what keeps you busy?.. I just feel bored at home. You can share you thoughts. just like mine sharing nothing..LoL... If you feel bored too post anything here.. OK?..

Yes we had a touch on Saturday 11/20...kind of a weird day to recieve a touch.

I haven't heard from my finacee for 10 days, i'm hoping she is just stressed and working, but i am worried about her. How did the stess affect your relationships?

Whoa 10 days is an issue do you communicate by cell or land line or something like a majikjack?

We use majik jack and talk multiple times a day sometimes for hours.

I hope all is ok
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-11-23 16:26:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont

My case hasnt been touched in over 60 days so I opened a service request. I spoke with an "officer" that claimed once transferred to vermont that they re-run background checks again????????? Which, I dont care how many times they run it, I do hate the fact that its taken so long and no one has any answers as to why they can't follow the time frames given

Any other vermont filers get any updates or approvals? I just don't want to sit here for the next 4 to 5 years being handed excuses. I want a reasonable time frame and it be done in the time they say.

Any estimate on how much longer we will be waiting ?

Here is what my Congressman's rep told me about the additional back ground check.

In answer to your question, CSC runs general background checks. VSC specializes in VAWA cases and would likely run a more specific background check. My understand is that USCIS can run whatever checks they feel are necessary before approving an application. I hope this makes sense, let me know if you have further questions.

Jennifer White
District Aide: Immigration/Visas/Insurance

Congressman Tim Johnson

I know it doesn't make us feel any better but there ya go.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-09-15 19:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont

My case hasnt been touched in over 60 days so I opened a service request. I spoke with an "officer" that claimed once transferred to vermont that they re-run background checks again????????? Which, I dont care how many times they run it, I do hate the fact that its taken so long and no one has any answers as to why they can't follow the time frames given

Any other vermont filers get any updates or approvals? I just don't want to sit here for the next 4 to 5 years being handed excuses. I want a reasonable time frame and it be done in the time they say.

Any estimate on how much longer we will be waiting ?

This is new to me.

I just wrote a letter to my Congressman or atleast his representative and asked her to look into it.

I find this very unfair in the adjusication process and asked her to find out if this is a practice the USCIS is to be using.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-09-13 23:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont
last touch for us was 5/14
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-21 20:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont

S.O. Filers transferred to Vermont, how long have you been waiting so far , and has your case been touched a lot? Anyone that was transferred to Vermont been approved and how long did it take?

transfered 4/14 about 10.5 months after filing.

no word only touch is when I call.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-20 20:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont

I ask my fiance a while ago and he read me again the content of the NOTICE OF TRANSFER and It's the same as what you have as far as I understand.. :)

then it could be 1 of 2 scenarios

1. It is just standard on the letter
2. we are moved to expedited processing for some reason
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-02 09:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont
Did anyone else receive a notice of action letter stating the transfer of the petition to the Vermont Service Center?

And did this letter have the same statements regarding Premium Processing?
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-02 04:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont
I returned home today and had a letter from USCIS - I-797C NOA which was notice of the Vermont transfer on 4/22.

Also noted was that a 15day premium processing clock would start once the correct office received the petition. with a Premium processing phone number that was provided for information which is different than the customer service number.

What is premium Processing?
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-04-30 22:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont

My attorney sent everything we had available regarding my conviction and my sentence and completion of the sentence and registration.

Also a letter from me stating exactly what I was convicted of and how I have lived my life since. The letter contained when I first discussed this with my fiancée and how my family that I lost...children ex wife have been very supportive of my lifestyle.

BTW not only will my children all of age be writing a statement but my ex wife as well who has had verbal communication with my fiancée.
This also with friends other relatives and co-workers.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-04-26 17:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont
I still have not received a NOID or a RFE but my case has been sent to the VSC.

We are still in the initial review of the process they may do a RFE from VSC.


Do you expect they will give me an RFE after scheduling an interview with me?

I have seen and read people having gotten the NOID or RFE before an interview and some have gotten an RFE at the interview; so I am somewhat confused.
I am trying to read and learn as much as possible before posting questions.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-04-25 19:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont
Also in regards to the timeline

I filled it out but where do you add the touches in?
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-04-21 14:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont

Thank you for the reply.

We are not married and I Have disclosed my entire history to her prior to becoming fully involved together.

Today I received a text saying our status has been updated. The Website did not show anything but the auto phone service stated our case has been transfered to Vermont for processing.

Is this good news it has been 11 months.

I sent in everything available in regards to my case; my Probation officer has retired, the counseling place where I completed the required counseling has destroyed all regards after 7 years, so it will take a letter from the Psychologist.

As for the Polygraph I am confused to what they need that for, I am not denying my offense.

I can get family fiends and co worker/letters from the employer as well.

I too notice the hostility towards SO but I understand their hatred or anger that is mostly from ignorance and that the people are far to lazy to learn the truth

Edited by evli1966, 21 April 2010 - 02:48 PM.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-04-21 14:43:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont
Hi there

I too fall under the AWA because of past SO; we filed May 29 2009. Since Dec 2009 I have been calling regularly for service calls and did a Infopass appointment in March (which was a waste of time, the person was rude and short with me) I was there in front of the window for less than 3 minutes.

My last Service call which was before the info-pass appointment received a response that to expect up to 6 months more for extensive background checks which is preformed by the FBI.

Last week I made a service request once again and received the following response via email
"Type of service requested:
-- Outside Normal Processing Times
The status of this service request is:
Your case is currently being adjudicated. You should receive a notice of action* within 45 days.
*A notice of action may be in a form of Approval Notice, Denial Notice, Transfer Notice, Request for Evidence, Notice of Intent to Deny or Intent to Revoke."

My attorney is optimistic but everything I read here brings me down and makes me pessimistic. I have not been asked to prove I am not a risk to her but now you are say they do that after they invite who to an interview?

If they do respond this would be the first response since setting a Biometrics appt for me back in January.

any information would be appreciated.

to clarify NOA1 is the receipt of the I-129F and acceptance.
NOA2 would be one of the listed up above not necessarily the Approval or denial.
There could feasibly be multiple NOAs leading up to the decision

Is this correct?


Edited by evli1966, 20 April 2010 - 05:39 PM.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-04-20 17:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsGot Approved ( k-1 AWA filer )
I have still booming with Happiness for you.

I called Josephine and told her you guys made it through the 129f process.

The interview is it and shouldnt be a problem.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-10-06 20:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsInitial Review

I have no criminal record.....!!!!!!

Wow wish I could help you.

Sorry to assume but mostly AWA and IMBRA people post here.

Not sure why you would be waiting so long.
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-05-19 21:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsInitial Review

How long does it takes checking the background " Initial Review'' ? Is there anyone here and give us advise what to do, We tried as we can send letter and follow up our application I-129F even though the secreatary of Senates in Missouri try to help us but nothing happen. its been 15 months my application is pending as the stage of INITIAL REVIEW. Need Help

16months here.

I do know there is the first Background check and if your flagged whether you sent all evidence initially they still flag you for the more extensive BG check.

Vermont specializes in AWA cases and that is where they are sent to now.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-10-06 20:09:00
IMBRA Special Topicsquestion about AWA time frame
Back ground checks pending for 1 year 11month 6 days.

Selling Rentals I have and purchasing taxis in the Phills I will move there and USA can do with out my cash flow here.

Made mistakes in the past paid for them and refuse to continue to do so, so that uneducated peopel in this country can allow the media hype to terrify them with untruths and poilitical parties who exploit those fears.

If we get approval so be it if not; the USA can flush itself down the toilet - wellit is already doing that.

The funny thing is my family was huge Bush supporters until they learned the truth of the AWA. now they work hard against any that support that law and any laws that are derieved out of lies and exploited fears. The masses are growing gainst the idiots who support laws like these.
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-05-12 10:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDistrict court judge dismissed this adam walsh I-129F lawsuit

ok, two wrongs! But one is punished and the other is'nt? One is shamed, the other honored! So i guess its good ole american hypocrisy! Very intelligent!

I am assuming you refer to times of war and what we as americans did to the innocent that were slaves etc....How do you punsih this? not that it should ever be forgotten or left unchallenged.

Acts of harming other people by an uindividual should be punishable; but let those that serve time and that work towards a safe live trying to reintegrate to society do so.

We as a nation live in uneducated fear because the mass populace feels better hating and harming someone else, so the uneducated politicians or those who forget the wrongs they do each day exploit you the uneducated person.

The Media such as Nancy Gray prey on the populace fear because it makes her rich and her network because suzis mom wants to live there and hear these media personalities justify the ignorant, hurtful laws passed by those politicians which in reality protect no one.
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-06-07 17:58:00
IMBRA Special Topicshi all
Not sure if it helps.

I beleieve it is worded as "if convicted"

Therefore like the DCFS in this country they retain records and hold over your head forever more which is what the fear mongers want to do.

But it certainly could be used as evidence of a non threat to your potential spouse.

Conviction vacated = you committed the crime but the courts set certain conditions to remove the crime from your record.

Pardon = you comiited the crime and you were pardoned from it

In both cases you were convicted of the crime but you were given some sort of repreive from the consequences but the court records will show you were convicted. I would bet that is the record they would hold in your face.

I good question for more knowledgeable people than myself.
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-09-19 08:12:00
IMBRA Special Topicsgot denied after 3 yrs and 8 months of waiting..

And exactly what are you adding to this conversation?

Don't ignore inconvenient facts. It's a fact that the US has failed on EVERY FRONT to do anything real or effective protecting children (or anyone) from sex offenses.

The SOR (Sex Offender Registry) is worthless because it contains people convicted of Peeing in an alley behind a bar, skinny dipping, walking from their own bathroom to their own bedroom naked after a shower whilst a neighbor kid was peeking into their window, 18 year old having sex with 16/17 year old girlfriend, unlawful restraint (Yes in Illinois Unlawful restraint conviction gets you on the registry).

The Registry and current laws have parents looking at the stranger down the street but "Stranger Danger" is in fact the lowest level of threat to our kids despite the fact that those are the cases that get all of the press. 90% of Child Sex Offenses are committed by relatives or close trusted family friends.

If the Registry was working then please enlighten me as to why over 90% of Sex Crime arrests are of people who have no previous sex crime record?

evli1966MalePhilippines2011-10-12 20:36:00
IMBRA Special Topicsgot denied after 3 yrs and 8 months of waiting..

Since you're married focus on the I-130, drop the I-129f.

You'll find some successful AWA filers in the IMBRA Special Topics Subform under the K-1 forum (where your thread is).

Polygraph, therapy reports, confirmation of successful completion of sentence, Sex Offender Evaluation are all good bits of evidence to counter AWA Denial or NOID.

OP I agree with this.

Also if you need more information regarding AWA issues please PM me for place to visit for support and knowledge
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-03-01 21:38:00

Wow, hold on to that hate because it's so healthy for you.

As a victim of any abuse or crime you have the choice as to when you stop being a victim. I was a victim for many years and in my victim mentality I wasn't a very nice person. I didn't care if my actions hurt others because there was always justification for it.

When I finally found it within my self to forgive my abuser (though I will never forget it) I found that a change occurred within myself.

I've seen the issues of Sex Abuse from all sides within my own family and I can tell you from years and years of personal experience working with both victims & offenders that the common stereotypes are wrong.

There will always be those offenders who are beyond redemption but they are in the minority. If the stereotypes were correct then the SOR should have curtailed sex crimes (especially against children) but instead the list just grows and grows. Do you know why? Because about 90% of Sex Crime arrests are previously unknown offenders.

In my life I have:

Known men who have gone over 20 years offense free and are still counting.

I have seen victims forgive their offender and find happiness after recovery.

Been involved in conversations with offenders who simply don't understand how they got to the point where they would do such things.

Seen recovery groups where members have called-out other members in denial of negative patterns and helped support each others' recovery.

I even know a man who after being convicted of molesting his female cousin who was 8 (he was 16 at the time) went on to raise two happy daughters as a single father. They were never abused for the record.

People can heal, victims & offenders, if they want to and most offenders want to heal if given the chance. Part of the problem is that if someone admits to having "offender thoughts" even if they've never offended then Law Enforcement is called in and they are subjugated to interrogation and not left alone until they admit to committing a crime (even if they never did). You tell me where is the support for prevention?


Double AMEN!
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-10-13 20:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS answers to AILA's on AWA processing time

Refer to Question 2 of this link....


8 months


Total Bureaucratic BS

2.5 years here = 30 months
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-10-31 19:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsBiometrics x2

If they do this to me, im screwed because im living in the philippines with my wife. I doubt i can do them here , so i would have to fly back to the usa just to do finger prints all over again. Let us hope this isn't the case! It wouldnt make any sense to do them over again.

My case was recently transferred to vermont again, listed as " other office" what about you?


You mean they transferred them to Vermont then sent another letter saying they are transferring them to Vermont?
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-12-14 06:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsBiometrics x2
So it has been 2.5 years with no word just back ground checks and now they want me to do Biometrics again.

Comeon sheesh my fingerprints did not chnage in 2 years they wont chnage in my lifetime unless I cut off my flesh.
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-12-12 17:24:00
IMBRA Special Topics1st K1 - 221g refusal - expired no NOIR

Posted Image

I see you question but I am not sure what is the correct answer.
So to avoid giving you bad info I did not respond.

Anyone else out there that could help?
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-01-19 07:52:00

For those that wait long time , is it because you did not include detailed documents for them to review? I am just thinking out loud here..

Not me disclosed everything available through my attorney
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-02-03 23:00:00
June 6 2009
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-10-12 20:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph

I'm not sure but in the state that I live in, not all licensed psychologist are qualified to conduct a risk assessment in relation to a rehabilitated former sex offender (RFSO). It is the same way with polygraph examiners. Both must be licensed by the state.

Using the same line of reasoning you used for doctor of medicine: Not all doctors are the same. Your family doctor that has been treating you all these years may suggest that you see a specific specialist if your medical situation is beyond what the family doctor can handle.

You should first establish that the credentials of your license psychologist is in line with what your state requires in relation to RFSO. I would do the same thing with your polygraph examiner.

I just found out yesterday that I'm in the same battle. Be strong. Stay the course!

That is correct they must be state certified to perform a risk assesment and the counslers office would acknowledge this once you make the inquiry or they would agian be liable.
State licensed Polygrah Examiner/tester is still executing a polygraph which in either case hold up in a court of law. so again the Adjusicator could keep the test if it shows your a risk and toss it if it shows innocence or no risk; it is up to their descretion.
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-03-27 07:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph

I have trouble understanding how our petition adjucators can disregard documents from a licensed psychologist? If USCIS disputes a licensed psychologist then shouldnt they offer to send me to one of their own?

It would be like me, telling a doctor of medicine that he is wrong when i am not a doctor of medicine. So my question is, who are they to determine by just reading documents that a psychologist (appointed by my state) word, isnt good enough for them? Seems like that type of thinking would not hold any legal weight for USCIS

They are not qualifies but the bogus written law allows them to make uninformed or uneducated decisions regarding the petitions.
They must make these decisions and will be held accountable by their bosses and so forth; agian there isnt much information given to anyone and this is to protect the USCIS from lawsuits for making liable decisions that can come back to haunt them.

They most likely have a little checklist and if your AWA case does not get all the checks then they deny. Of course if the situation was reversed such as their license revoked or denied a new one afte rbeing revoked they would cry foul and cry very loudly.
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-02-16 21:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph

evil, are they the same? Risk assessment and polygraph? Who would do risk assessment and what do I tell them to do a risk asseessement? and what do I tell polygraph people about this?

No they are not
A risk assesment is doen over a period of time where you see a qualified Counselor who will then submit a battery of tests which combined with the sessions with you allow the counselor to follow certain standards and write a risk assesment.

It takes into account your current lifestyle

Your emotional state

Your Social life

Your Family Life

Your use of Risk indicators

Your professional career

Your ability to analyze and resolve possible trouble issues in the above categories and resolve those issues safely with out risk to yourself or anyone else

There is much more envolved than I know about These counselors for the most part are trained and qualified where our petition adjusicators are not

A Polygraph is a lie detector test and although they will take it it is up to them to believe it; the Polygraphs have always been unreliable. You could fail a Poly and be completely innocent.

The adjudicator can toss it if it shows in your favor and yet keep it if it is not in your favor.
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-02-12 08:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph
Get new ones that are conducted after probation to show your commitment in their eyes to remain safe.

A new Polygraph could be used as well.
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-02-11 00:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsNo Decision on our Answer to NOID

In background check since Nov 2009? And they haven't even sent you NOID?

evli1966MalePhilippines2012-04-26 19:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsNo Decision on our Answer to NOID
I hope you the best of luck and that they return soon.

The good part is you are together here.

Most of us have our loved ones overseas still.
I have been in back ground checks since before November 2009

My attorney and my congressman both state there is no given time frame for any background checks they execute and they can take as long as they like or is needed because no precedence has been set to force a time constraint.
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-03-31 21:46:00