PhilippinesCFO Sticker

My fiance took her CFO seminar in Cebu and she has the documentation proving that. Does anyone know if she can get her sticker in Manila after she receives her visa? I sure hope she doesn't have to go back to Cebu but it would really suprise me if she did!

Thanks for any replies!

i think ive heard a couple of girls did that and they have it stamped in manila. let your fiancee call the CFO office in quirino (manila) to make sure

oops, i meant to say it WOULDN'T really surprise me if she did. :P

(I can't spell or type.....waaaaaaa)
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-05-31 11:34:00
PhilippinesCFO Sticker
My fiance took her CFO seminar in Cebu and she has the documentation proving that. Does anyone know if she can get her sticker in Manila after she receives her visa? I sure hope she doesn't have to go back to Cebu but it would really suprise me if she did!

Thanks for any replies!
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-05-31 10:47:00
PhilippinesPort of entry? on medical form?

It really doesn't matter what POE is listed. wont be required to use the one listed on the form.

Correct, just note the one you usually travel through when you the US citizen travel through when returning to the USA. You can use any other POE.

Thanks very much, thats what I thought but better to ask than go in uniformed.

It's getting close now!
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-11 15:22:00
PhilippinesPort of entry? on medical form?
According to the guide, there will be a question on the form my fiance will receive at her medical exam asking which port of entry she will arrive at. We haven't bought airline tickets yet. How is she supposed to know which port of entry she will be arriving at? :help:

I told her to ask for help on that question. It's possible she will be flying into one of three different airports. We may arrive at Detroit, Dallas, or Los Angeles. I told her if they force her to specify to put LAX but to make sure and ask if thats the only port she can enter if she puts that on the form.

Any Advice?
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-11 13:52:00
PhilippinesAsian Spirit Manila/Catarman

We used Asian Spirit several times and never had any problems getting tickets. We would just go to a travel agent in the mall. The plane we were on was a turbo prop but I don't know how many people it held but don't think it was very many, maybe 20 or so.

I received conformation for our flights. All is well :D The "airport" we will fly into at Catarman sounds quite interesting to me. I read a news story from 2002 about a flight from the same airline we will be flying going into the same airport at Catarman. The back wheel of the plane clipped a power line. The plane landed safely but some poor guy was killed by the falling power pole! :o I guess that just tells me those planes are pretty tough. :D
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-27 08:18:00
PhilippinesAsian Spirit Manila/Catarman

I've tried to contact them on their website, and i've been calling tonight. All I get is "all circuits are busy" over and over. Now i just emailed them again, we'll see I guess.

I received a reply with link to automated purchasing. I completed the form but it didn't really seem like it worked. I went to a screen saying it was processing and just sat there for about 15 mins. Now I don't know if the purchase went through or not. The tickets have to be paid for by June 30, Phils time. If I don't receive conformation tomorrow I guess I will try to purchase again, but I don't want to end up with 4 tickets instead of 2.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-26 08:35:00
PhilippinesAsian Spirit Manila/Catarman

HI, Just wondering if anyone has flown Asian Spirit. It's our only choice from Manila to Catarman Samar. I emailed them from their website but they haven't got back to me yet. I'm wondering how full the flights are from Manila to Catarman and how far ahead I need to pay for tickets. Also wondering if i can pay for the tickets with mastercard.

They have 3 flights per week from Manila to Catarman Samar on a 60 seat turbo prop. I guess I might have to call them instead of emailing. We need seats on the plane for July 7th, I hope its not too late to get 2 tickets.

I have flown Asain Spirit before. I have flown from Manila to Surigao city. Ailene works at the airport in Surigao so its easy for her to buy tickets in advance. I don't know about the flights to Catarman, but i know the times i have flown to Surigao the plane is usually almost full.
I wish i could help you more.

I've tried to contact them on their website, and i've been calling tonight. All I get is "all circuits are busy" over and over. Now i just emailed them again, we'll see I guess.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-25 23:51:00
PhilippinesAsian Spirit Manila/Catarman
HI, Just wondering if anyone has flown Asian Spirit. It's our only choice from Manila to Catarman Samar. I emailed them from their website but they haven't got back to me yet. I'm wondering how full the flights are from Manila to Catarman and how far ahead I need to pay for tickets. Also wondering if i can pay for the tickets with mastercard.

They have 3 flights per week from Manila to Catarman Samar on a 60 seat turbo prop. I guess I might have to call them instead of emailing. We need seats on the plane for July 7th, I hope its not too late to get 2 tickets.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-25 20:59:00
PhilippinesWhat to do while waiting for our flight home

beach with family i guess. not the whole relatives of course but you know her mom and dad or siblings. have her spend most of her time with her family coz she might not feel that "longingness" too much, but i know like every other filipinas whose here in the US (correct me if im wrong ladies lol) they're dying to see their family, friends everything back home lol when they've been here after a couple of months or so... days that she's gona cry for homesickness, for filipino food, so you have to be ready for that hehehe... but for now have fun in Phil coz you're surely gona miss it!!! congratz by the way :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: and have a safe trip

to edit:
i saw your pics guys and some of them are taken in CDO airport, is she from CDO? just curious coz thats my beloved city. lol. we've been to timoga falls/resort. lol oh well pls say hi to my "people" (my kababayans) hehehe

Actually she's originally from Samar where her dad's family is from. Her mom's family is from around Illigan City. I flew into and out of CDO when I was visiting her in Illigan. We took ferries to Samar and back and stayed in Cebu for the day each time. It was a great trip and I can't wait to go back, I miss her so badly but it won't be long now!
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-27 10:09:00
PhilippinesWhat to do while waiting for our flight home

Bohol is very cheap and so much fun!

I'm not much of a tourist and I don't dive. Anyplace off the beaten tourist path that is safe is fine for me. I guess near the beach would be nice but I don't require dive facilities.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-27 08:30:00
PhilippinesWhat to do while waiting for our flight home
Hi, I'm just wondering what we can find to do after the visa arrives. There is a good chance we will have 7 days to wait if the visa arrives in a timely manner. Best case, we can pick up the visa on tues. the 10th, our flight home isn't until the 17th. I was thinking if the visa comes early, on the 10th, we will try to get on standby and come home early, but if we can't do that we will need to find something to do. We're talking something cheap to do! LOL There are a few relatives to visit near Manila but after that I'm thinking we could hop a bus or boat somewhere and find a cottage on a beach for a few days. Any ideas about a low cost relaxing location not too far from Manila?

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-26 09:55:00
PhilippinesFlying into Manila late at night

Is it part of the Mansion Group? My fiance and his family usually stays at Gilarmi, part of the mansion group. If they have the same property management group, then i guess it's also going to be nice.

yes, its part of the mansion group
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-22 11:02:00
PhilippinesFlying into Manila late at night

Hi everyone,

I will be arriving at the Manila airport at 10:30PM. My 23 year old fiance and her 21 year old brother plan on meeting meeting me when I arrive. My fiance and I are a little concerned about safety that late at night. What precautions can we take and what advice do you have for us to maintain our safety.

My parents neighbor from Phils told me not to take a taxi at that time of night, but I don't think we have a choice. Surely the three of us won't have a problem. What are your thoughts?


First thing is to dress "low key" especially if you are puti.
Don't mess with the regular cab drivers no matter what time of day it is if you are by yourself.
If you do don't let the driver use his cellphone whether you are with your lady or not!
Best bet is to have your fiancee get a GOOD hotel and have her pick you up with the hotel transportation.

Bayview ain't much! Forget the Swagman.
Heck you're on vacation and why not go as first class as you can.
Get an extra room for brother naman!
They may both end up in it but who knows?
My fiancee was planning on sleeping on the couch my first trip!
We still laugh about it!!

Actually I don't consider this trip a vacation. Its more of a final leg on a long quest. My vacation was last November when I spent 15 days with her at her grandparents and parents houses.

I'm not willing to spend much on a hotel per night at this point. Since my fiance lived in Mindanao and her parents live in Samar its been very expensive these past few months with all the traveling involved to get the requirements for the visa. We also have alot of wedding expenses not to mention the airline tickets.

At the moment we are thinking about staying at the Boulevard Mansion for about 1850P per night. I'm going to have my fiance make arrangements at whatever hotel we choose since I'm told the "local rate" will be better than what I am charged. My travel agent who is from Phils told me that.

Any thoughts on our choice of hotel?

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-22 10:28:00
PhilippinesFlying into Manila late at night

Hey Kevin,

I would be more worried about them waiting for you at airport. They will have to wait outside so I hope they will not be carrying valuables with them.

If I were you I would have them wait at hotel for you and use Hotel Taxis across the drop off lanes. They will cost you about two or three times as much, but they are registered and they keep track of who takes who where. When I stayed at Bayview they had a driver there waiting and looking for me. The stand will load your luggage and lock it and your doors before you leave the stand. After you exit airport, it is at the right end across the street.

If you get with the hotel, they will allow you to have fiancée check in first, I have done this at the Heritage, BW Astor, and the Bayview. I probably still have the contact names if you decide to stay at any of the above hotels.

Best of luck at interview and have an enjoyable trip!


Thats a nice thought Robert, but you try telling her not to show up at the airport to meet me. I just tried it on SMS yahoo and she said "NO WAY, I'm coming to the airport to meet you!"
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-21 13:59:00
PhilippinesFlying into Manila late at night

Hi everyone,

I will be arriving at the Manila airport at 10:30PM. My 23 year old fiance and her 21 year old brother plan on meeting meeting me when I arrive. My fiance and I are a little concerned about safety that late at night. What precautions can we take and what advice do you have for us to maintain our safety.

My parents neighbor from Phils told me not to take a taxi at that time of night, but I don't think we have a choice. Surely the three of us won't have a problem. What are your thoughts?


I haven't picked the hotel yet. If picking the correct one will be safer for the night I arrive, i'm open to suggestions.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-21 11:59:00
PhilippinesFlying into Manila late at night
Hi everyone,

I will be arriving at the Manila airport at 10:30PM. My 23 year old fiance and her 21 year old brother plan on meeting meeting me when I arrive. My fiance and I are a little concerned about safety that late at night. What precautions can we take and what advice do you have for us to maintain our safety.

My parents neighbor from Phils told me not to take a taxi at that time of night, but I don't think we have a choice. Surely the three of us won't have a problem. What are your thoughts?

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-21 11:07:00
PhilippinesPicture Idea for Interview
BTW the pic of my mom and dad holding the welcome sign was a BIG hit with the pre-screener and CO. If its possible for you to do it I would say it's a good idea.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-07-11 01:32:00
PhilippinesPicture Idea for Interview
Well, I'm all packed and heading for the airport to fly to Manila in the morning.

My mom had a nice idea for a picture that we're going to do in the morning. She made some signs welcoming my fiance "We're waiting in Chicago for you Jena!" and a couple others. In the morning we will take pictures of Mom and Dad and my sister holding the signs and I will give them to Jena to take to the interview. I think its a nice touch and shows how much my family already cares about her and have already accepted her into our family. They have also sent her several cards and letters along with pics over the past 19 months that she will bring.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-07-02 21:09:00
PhilippinesCalling Cards to Phils
Okay, after reading another post this seems very trivial but I'm gonna post it anyway.

We've been trying to use calling cards for my fiance to call her parents. The last one we tried was "hello asia". The quality of the calls was so bad that its unusable. Her parents are in Northern Samar and the cell phone is on the Globe network. It was the same when she was in Mindanao on Globe. The cards we tried never worked well enough to use them. I'm thinking its just the Globe phone network there not being compatible with the way the cards route the calls. Does anybody know?

When we call direct from our cell phone to her mom's cell phone it works fine, just not with the calling cards.

CP to CP is .20/min. plus $5/month access fee.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-09-05 13:54:00
PhilippinesAcclimatization, Philippines to USA
My wife Jena has been here for 4 months now. She's been absolutely awsome when it comes to adapting. I think 3 factors have really helped her.

(1) I got her a room in a bording house in the city before she came here so she was living on her own instead of with her family. The reason we did that was for comunication purposes (internet), but I think it really helped as sort of a "midway point" when leaving her family.

(2) She's young and a little less set in her ways than she would be if she had lived as an adult for 20 years before moving here. (that's just my opinion)

(3) I found a very nice phil/am couple near me and introduced them to my wife via the internet. The actually met her in person in phils before my wife got her visa. The woman stood as her matron of honor in our wedding.

We attended the local Phil/Am picnic one month after she arrived and she made a couple friends there. An older couple became like surogate parents to her and gave her away at our wedding. We will attend the Phils Christmas party at the Catholic church in December.

We visit my family often and my wife has really become best friends with our Border Collie. The keep each other company while I'm at work.

As I type this, I'm on my lunch at work and my wife is painting our livingroom! She was really suprised to see a picture of a lady painting on a paint can. She said, "hun, you know, in Phils the men to the painting." Not everthing womens lib did was that great! LOL just teasing!

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-19 14:09:00
PhilippinesAnybody Tried Getting CFO Seminar in Cebu & Stamp in Manila?
Bill, That's not a problem at all. That's how Jena did it. I was with her at her interview and we asked where to go for the stamp in Manila. They actually sent us to the wrong office. To get the actual stamp you have to go to the main office rather than one of the satelite offices. I had to wait outside for about 2 hours for her.

The first place they sent us couldn't do the stamp. They could only give the seminar. Go figure.

Kev and Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-30 11:22:00
PhilippinesSurvey Says?
Anybody else want to add to this?

BTW we added Jena's YM to our profile. If you are new to the USA or coming soon and want someone to chat with, just message her on YM. She online invisible a lot of the time during the day.

Kev n Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-30 16:28:00
PhilippinesSurvey Says?
QUOTE (Ken & Marife @ Oct 28 2007, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (spidergirl @ Oct 26 2007, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
langgam -

langgam means Ants..we called it in Western Samar"harumigas"..IN some part of Northern Samar they call it "kutitob"..but in somewhere in think in Bohol "langgam to them is bird..

Jena says, "In my area of Northern Samar we call ants "TIGASAW". In Iligan City, Mindanao, we called them "AMIGAS". LANGGAM is tagalog." Bird is "TAMSI" in N Samar.

She is suprised langam would mean bird somewhere.

ahhh, i just found this on another thread.

Bird and Ant in Two Languages

In Tagalog:

1. Bird - Ibon
2. Ant - Langgam

In Cebuano

1. Bird - Langgam
2. Ant - Holmigas

Now and Later in Two Languages

In Hiligaynon

1. Now - Subong
2. Later - Karon

In Cebuano

1. Now - Karon
2. Later - Unya

Edited by kev_n_jena, 28 October 2007 - 11:22 AM.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-10-28 11:21:00
PhilippinesSurvey Says?
QUOTE (AUREA @ Oct 26 2007, 06:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'M A wARAY-wARAY. I was born in Eastern Samar. I know how to speak Waray, English and Tagalog. I can't talk Bisaya but i understand it. Samar has different waray dialects with different tones, intonations and some words. My father came from San Jose Northern Samar(near Catarman). THat's why I could speak Northen Samar's waray dialect fluently... biggrin.gif

Jena and I flew in to Catarman when we went to visit her parents last time.

Sometimes I tease her and say she is a waray warrior woman, then she gets all "Manny Pacquiao" on me. She can be scary for 105 lbs. laughing.gif

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-10-26 20:49:00
PhilippinesSurvey Says?
QUOTE (spidergirl @ Oct 26 2007, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was born in Iloilo (Western Visayas) so i speak " Kinaray-a" and "Hiligaynon". When i was 16 we moved to Koronadal (Mindanao) and this City is composed of diffirent kind of people from other provinces of the Philippines, they speak different dialects too, so from there i learned to speak "Ilokano", "Kapampangan" and "Bisaya". I speak Tagalog too which is the our National Language and English.

Wow, THANKS FOR THE REPLY! That is the kind of reply I was hoping for! The difference in The Philippines languages is fascinating to me.
Kevin and Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-10-26 14:02:00
PhilippinesSurvey Says?
I'm curious, would people be interested in sharing where in The Philippines they immigrated from and what language is native for them?

Jena is from Northern Samar and was raised speaking Waray. She is also fluent in Tagalog, Bisayan, and English.

The following is from Wikipedia

The Philippines

According to Ethnologue, a total of 171 native languages are spoken in the country. Except for English, Spanish, Hokkien, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Chabacano, all of the languages belong to the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family.

There are 13 native languages with at least one million native speakers: Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilokano, Hiligaynon, Waray-Waray, Kapampangan, Bikol, Pangasinan, Maranao, Maguindanao, Kinaray-a, and Tausug. One or more of these is spoken natively by more than 90% of the population.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-10-26 11:46:00
PhilippinesShopping for Clothes..OMG!!
We've had trouble finding Jena clothing too. I ended up buying small size cudle duds brand long underwear but they're too big. They make XS in certain styles but we can't find any, even online. Personally I think its a myth that the make them in XS...LOL. Junior sizes fit her pretty well or the large girls sizes for most clothes. For sweat pants for around the house, the best deals we've found are boys large sizes, she really likes them and they're very cheap at Walmart.

Kev & Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-13 17:55:00
PhilippinesAvoid Philippine Airlines -- Possibly UNSAFE
Here's a more detailed news story.

I've flown both Phil Air and Northwest and I really liked Phil Air better. This downgrade is directed at the Philippine government not the airline IMO

Philippine Airlines President Jaime Bautista said the downgrade dampened hopes of increasing its 33 flights a week to the U.S. Also affected will be the delivery of six new Boeing 777-300ER airplanes ordered by the airline, he said.

He said the FAA rating does not reflect on the airline itself, but is an assessment of the government's compliance with international safety rules.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-16 14:41:00
PhilippinesPicking Up Visa at Embassy - What If US Citizen Accompanies?
QUOTE (Roserick @ Jan 23 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lhedyjoe @ Jan 23 2008, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am with my husband during my interview and it went smoothly as possible.. smile.gif
We already had my plane ticket scheduled for Nov 28 and my interview was Nov 21..
After hearing we are approved, my husband seemed so excited and forgot to asked about the visa pick-up..
We went to window 38 where our proofs of bonafide marriage will be return and asked the lady there about our planned flight, she just said that its not her right to decide but she will ask our CO about that..
She called us again and said that the CO said yes regarding our request..
The same day somebody called me and said that my visa was ready for pick-up on Nov 23 since Nov 22 is thanksgiving and embassy will be close..We are so happy..I guess nothing matters if u are with her besides it will help her not to be nervous.. Good luck.. smile.gif

You were very lucky Lhedy.. You were very lucky..

It seems like in a matter of month everything has change.. Like I said... It seems like their trying to test a system that might work and eliminate Document Fraud..

But it looks like its not working.. Even from paying this Docs Verification fee.. Visas are still getting delayed..

Sorry to hear that the process has changed recently. I'm not aware of the change since we are concentrating on AOS right now.

I can't find our original letter that we submitted at the interview but it was simple and mentioned that she would like me to accompany her on her flight to the US. I also remember that it said "IF" she was granted a visa and didn't assume that she would be.

Kev n Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-23 19:11:00
PhilippinesPicking Up Visa at Embassy - What If US Citizen Accompanies?
I think we addressed it "Dear Consular Officer". I'm going to see if I still have the letter that we submitted at the end of Jena's interview when I get home from work tonight. It might still be on my computer.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-23 13:59:00
PhilippinesPicking Up Visa at Embassy - What If US Citizen Accompanies?
QUOTE (ILoveJoy @ Jan 22 2008, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for all the responses... I have one more question. If the CO does approve my request for Joy to pick up the visa, to they give her some sort of document to show the guard when she returns for the pick up, or will she simply be on some sort of pick up list?

After the interview we were told to wait until her number was called again. At that window the person gave her a card to bring back with her and show the guard at the front gate. They called her on her cell phone to let her know the day and time to come back for pick up. Keep in mind, this was July 2007.

Kev n Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-22 21:59:00
PhilippinesPicking Up Visa at Embassy - What If US Citizen Accompanies?
QUOTE (EddieandChe @ Jan 21 2008, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ED*Riza @ Jan 21 2008, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I plan on attending interview with my Fiance also .
Do you need a formal letter to give consulate or can you ask at end of interview !


QUOTE (ILoveJoy @ Jan 21 2008, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Folks,

Regarding picking up the visa at the embassy...

I will by accompanying Joy to the embassy interview, and hopefully flying with her to the US a week later. Does anyone know if it is more likely that the consular officer will approve visa pickup if the US citizen fiance is with her? Thanks.


My fiance now my husband was with me during interview and he asked for a visa picked up and it was granted . we waited 4 days for it.

We gave the CO a written request signed by both of us and she said, "no problem, we will expedite it but make no promises on the number of days it will take." I think it took 4 working days to be ready for pick up.

Good Luck,
Kev n Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-22 12:21:00
PhilippinesAirline Travel
The last time I flew to phils I used "Gateway Express" in Seatle, they specialize in travel to Asia. Ask for Miss Chen. She saved me over $100 from what I could find online. Please tell her Kevin sent you. biggrin.gif

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-25 16:39:00
PhilippinesYour Favorite Mode of Transportation in The Philippines
I chose none of the above. I think our choice would be a FERRY BOAT WITH PRIVATE SUITE! How else can you get where you're going and get what you got together for at the same time? yes.gif laughing.gif

Kev & Jena

Attached Files

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-13 17:46:00
PhilippinesVisa Pick-up Request Letter
We typed Jena's letter and we both signed and dated it the day of the interview. It's not unusual for a couple to forget to mention that they want to pick up the visa. A letter in my hand helped to remind me.

Roserick, why would you suggest not to bring a letter? Do you think the chances of getting permission to pick up the visa are better without a letter requesting it or that it doesn't make any difference? Writing a letter seems like a very easy thing to do and costs almost nothing.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-02-01 11:28:00
PhilippinesUSC going to USEM for the interview .. how fast can you get the visa
QUOTE (Roserick @ Feb 1 2008, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (David-Mae Forever @ Feb 1 2008, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your presence during the interview is not going to complicate anything. As a matter of fact, it can show a strong proof of a bona fide relationship. Most of the time, the CO asks the petitioner some questions too. I even met a couple during my interview and it was the petitioner who answered all the questions because the applicant got so nervous and tongue-tied to speak. It's comforting for the applicant to have the presence of his/her petitioner/fiance(e).


Is the petitioner Obligated to answer the question the CO Ask?

Probably not by law, but I'm just guessing. If you go to the interview, maybe you could refuse to answer any questions and report back on your results.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-02-01 12:09:00
PhilippinesUSC going to USEM for the interview .. how fast can you get the visa
I was asked several questions at Jena's prescreening and interview and the CO really liked the pictures I took of my parents the day I left for the Philippines to be at the interview. I also helped Jena understand a couple questions from the CO that confused her. All in all I'm very glad that I attended the interview. All that said, it's possible that you won't be let in. I Hope you get a nice CO!

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-02-01 11:38:00
PhilippinesAny guys try Tuba (coconut wine) before?
QUOTE (Steve_Donna @ Jan 1 2008, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was going to try it on my trip to the Phils back in April. My fiancee told me that it's not a good idea to drink it because you could get tape worm. I still might try it when I visit in March/April this year when she comes back with me.

Wow, I didn't know you could get tapeworm from Tuba. Actually Jena was told that it was a cure for tapeworm. I have no idea. Does anyone else know anything about this?

kev n jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-01 15:46:00
PhilippinesAny guys try Tuba (coconut wine) before?
I had the opportunity to try Tuba on my first trip to Phils! It ferments while hanging in the tree! Jena's Grandfather had his worker climb the coconut tree and get the wine. I'm not sure how long it had been fermenting. The man brought down a piece of bamboo that is used to catch the juice from the coconut tree. They strained the juice into a glass and we drank it! Not my favorite, it was a little sour.

Kev n Jena

Attached Files

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2008-01-01 13:48:00
PhilippinesWho among you have tried eating BALUT?
My wife always told me she wouldn't eat balut, only pinoy. On my second trip there the opportunity presented itself one evening. We were sitting on her uncle's porch drinking SMB and along came a man selling balut. I had drank at least 6 SMB by that time and told her uncle, "we gotta try some balut!". I said, Jena and I have never tried it! Her uncle said YES we must have some and we bought enough for everyone. I ate the entire thing and remember it was quite hard like it was cooked too long but the taste was good. I later found out that Jena didn't really eat the chick, only some of the egg around it. grrrr she fooled me! LOL

I also tried durian at her lola's but neither Jena nor I enjoy it.

I found a funny thing about San Miguel. You have to be carefull how you order it or they will give you SML (San Miguel light). I always drank SMB (San Miguel Beer). They charged an extra 10P for light at the hotel we stayed at near Subic Bay. If I wasn't very careful I wound up getting the light version.

Funny how they use the abbreviation for everything in Phils. My wife says BF for boyfriend and GF for girlfriend. Thats just a couple, she has many many abbreviations she actually says outloud instead of the words.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-10-02 20:55:00