PhilippinesWhat did I do wrong?
Ok, as much as I hate to, I have to mention it. She just got her 10 yr. GC last month. I hope that has nothing to do with the situation. The whole thing about her saying she doesn't love you anymore bothers me. How did she fall out of love with you?

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-07-14 11:55:00
PhilippinesGrass not always greener

I am a filipina and I am here for 3 months plus now... and I am definitely under some kind of depression if that's how you call it, at least I admit it and constantly checking myself...

Anyways.... after the long wait of approval, getting married and settling down and everything hype died down... i guess I felt depleted... the adjustments of coming here... like I was use to working and I can't work yet... everyday my sense of self worth is slowly eroding coz i am not doing anything, I do some sort of cooking and some sort of cleaning in the house and it somehow helps my self worth a little bit...

I think the need of something to do... the need to go out and talk and relate to other people, other than my husband... Travel helps since we do travel at least once or twice a month... just those weekends getaways... there are times though that i sulk... and sullen... and do not want to talk... but after that I explained to my husband why I am like that... like sometimes i just need to be alone with my own thoughts... although having kids around would really help though... we do not have kids yet

So i guess give her time... she will come out of it soon, make plans to go out with the kids or you and her alone... make her feel what she is doing everyday is a great deal for you... My husband always tell me I did a great job for just a simple task as posting our pictures on facebook... or doing something on our ebay account. I do not advise divorce... i think that this is just a simple problem... there are a lot of things I read in this forum that warrants divorce but not this one... Goodluck!!! and stay strong for your kids.

Theresa & OP,

Have you checked out your local community college? At our local college my wife was able to take some adult education classes for FREE! She took english as a second language and certified nursing assistant courses. She's going back for some math and english courses this semester that we will have to pay for but it's not that expensive. There are other free courses available also. Even if you don't need ESL at least it get you out of the house for a few hours and you get to meet new people. Jena really enjoyed it and it gave us something to talk about too!

Some people might use transportation problems as an excuse not to try it but believe me, it's possible. We live in the country and Jena doesn't drive yet. We still made it work. She'd spend the entire day at school while I was at work for only 2 classes per day. The rest of the day she would spend reading and studying. She took drivers education there too. Unfortunately she doesn't like our manual transmission so we're waiting a little longer until our next car.
Hopefully we'll have an automatic next year. As for now, we carpool to work everyday. The CNA classes paid off and now she's going to work on a nursing degree.

Most people need something to motivate them. Find something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and DO IT! :yes:
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-08-09 21:25:00
PhilippinesWhat are your 'friends' saying?

Please speak for yourself. (That's why I have asked you (before) if you are sometimes projecting) My wife and I know many (very happily married) Fil-Am couples that met via IDS.
Please don't stereotype.

Are you guys really buying this stuff from "DFH" :rofl: He changes his name more than most people change their undies. WOW, 24 posts per day man! Congrats!
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-07-19 21:34:00
PhilippinesFilipino Pregnancy Talk
Hi everyone,

Since my wife announced she was pregnant to her Filipino coworkers, it's been a popular topic of conversation at break time. The following are things she's been told. Do you have any others or versions of these?

1.) If you crave a certain food but are unable to get it, your baby will have birthmarks that will remind you of that food you couldn't get.

2.) If you look "blooming" when you're pregnant you will have a girl. If you look "tired and simple" you will have a boy.

3.) If you eat dark colored food while you are pregnant your baby will have dark skin.

4.) If you eat twin foods, for example, two bananas growing together as one, you will have twin babies.

5.) If someone gives a pregnant woman food, they should eat some of it first or they will become sleepy.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-08-28 14:14:00
Philippinestrying to be upbeat

Ok, let's be clear here

1) the agreement was after I BECAME part of the family, not before. There was no way I was going to help them improve BEFORE I was part of the family. The condition was IF Gretchen and I get married. AND we talked about a boat AFTER the engagment WHEN Gretchen and I had already decided to marry. I wanted to know know the families needs and how to help improve the family.

2) I try no to be a "kow-it-all" I still have a lot to learn. there is a lot I do not know. However, I am not one of those "can't do people". I like to say it will be done, and get it done.

3) I brought her parents here to Manila to be with their daughter through the process. Spend some time with her. See Manila, but also to show them how conservative I am on money as well. How I do not just throw money around like people think Americans do. I wanted to treat them well. But also show I could follow papa po leadership. This is more about me being submissive to papa ko leadership then me being "THE MAN". This is showing I can follow in papa ko footsteps. This is a very diifficult week for me because I am taking care of her parents as well as her, but at the same time working to make papa ko feel as if he is the leader.

4) thanks for all of the congrats. gretchen has been reading the threads and seeing what I have written as well as others. She is getting a kick out of some of the things. I think the hard part os using the right words to explain the right things. My goal is to help her family up to earn better, to support them to have a better lifestyle without needing monthly support from us in the USA. It requires a longer committment then just walking in and handing over money. But once you life up a person to erning more, it just cascades through any people. My goal is to lift up a person or two at a time in the village. It will take years, anad very concentrated effort. And lots and lots of patience. but once the snowball starts rolling downhill, it will make sense. All a lot of people have seen here, is just someone coming in and fixing this, fixing that, giving them some food, and then leaving. My goa l is not to leave, but to put in the support structure so they can lift up themselves. It will take longer, spend more money, but in the end, it will change the lives of future generations. I don't want to just change the lives of her parents, or of the family clan. I want to change the lives of the children's children as well.

Gretchen and Darren,

Congratulations on your success! My wife and I can really relate to your experiences. Our story is very similar in so many ways. Your journey is just beginning now.


I can also relate to you wanting to help her family. We have made efforts to do the same. We have helped a lot but I wish we could do more. I think you are right when you say "I still have a lot to learn. there is a lot I do not know."

With regard to helping her family, talk to others in your same situation and get advice. When talking with her father, choose your words very carefully. Things that are said can be taken more than one way. His expectations may be higher than you imagine. Don't leave the wrong impression with him.

Before I end this message, I would be remiss if I didn't address one concern I have. Maybe you don't care, but you did mention it in the post I'm replying to. In my opinion, you do come across as a "know-it-all" in some of the posts I've read. Maybe it's just your writing style.

Again, Congratulations and best of luck in the future,
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-09-07 21:08:00
Philippinestrying to be upbeat
FYI, I was one of the lucky ones that took a gamble and bought tickets before the interview. We flew back together on schedule. I wouldn't have tried it if I couldn't afford to pay the penalty. Just like gambling, don't bet what you can't afford to lose.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-08-26 19:47:00
PhilippinesApply for U.S citizenship or not ?
The provisions of this section notwithstanding, the acquisition of citizenship by a natural born Filipino citizen from one of the Iberian and any friendly democratic countries or from the United Kingdom shall not produce loss or forfeiture of his Philippine citizenship if the law Of that country grants the same privilege to its citizens and such had been agreed upon by treaty between the Philippines and the foreign country from which citizenship is acquired.

Keep in mind this was written in 1936. I have no idea what agreements the US has with The Philippines. We need more and current information about the process. It may be that the Filipino does not lose his citizenship when he becomes a US citizen.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-09-16 20:01:00
PhilippinesApply for U.S citizenship or not ?

Thanks for your was interesting reading.

Yes, a Filipino can reacquire their citizenship: my link. The link is from the Philippines Embassy website.

My own questions have more to do with how/when a Filipino loses their Filipino citizenship. I posted a thread on VJ about the issue here.

I cannot vouch for the validity of the provided link/text




Section 1. How citizenship may be lost. - A Filipino citizen may lose his citizenship in any of the following ways and/or

(1) By naturalization in a foreign country;
(2) By express renunciation of citizenship;

(3) By subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the constitution or laws of a foreign country upon attaining twenty-one years of age or more: Provided, however, That a Filipino may not divest himself of Philippine citizenship in any manner while the Republic of the Philippines is at war with any country.

(4) By rendering services to, or accepting commission in, the armed forces of a foreign country, and the taking of an oath of allegiance incident thereto, with the consent of the Republic of the Philippines, shall not divest a Filipino of his Philippine citizenship if either of the following circumstances is present:
(a) The Republic of the Philippines has a defensive and/or offensive pact of alliance with the said foreign country; or
(b) The said foreign country maintains armed forces on Philippine territory with the consent of the Republic of the Philippines: Provided, That the Filipino citizen concerned, at the time of rendering said service, or acceptance of said commission, and taking the oath of allegiance incident thereto states that he does so only in connection with his service to said foreign country: And, Provided, finally, That any Filipino citizen who is rendering service to, or is commissioned in, the armed forces of a foreign country under any of the circumstances mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b). shall not be permitted to participate nor vote in any election of the Republic of the Philippines during the period of his service suspended to, or commission in, the armed forces of said foreign country. Upon his discharge from the service of the said foreign country, he shall be automatically entitled to the full enjoyment of his civil and political rights as a Filipino citizen; (As amended by R. A. 106, R. A. 2639 and R. A. 3834).

(5) By cancellation of the certificates of naturalization;
(6) By having been declared by competent authority, a deserter of the Philippine armed forces in time of war, unless subsequently, a plenary pardon or amnesty has been granted; and

(7) In the case of a woman, upon her marriage to a foreigner if, by virtue of the laws in force in her husband's country, she acquires his nationality.

The provisions of this section notwithstanding, the acquisition of citizenship by a natural born Filipino citizen from one of the Iberian and any friendly democratic countries or from the United Kingdom shall not produce loss or forfeiture of his Philippine citizenship if the law Of that country grants the same privilege to its citizens and such had been agreed upon by treaty between the Philippines and the foreign country from which citizenship is acquired.

Sec. 2. How citizenship may be reacquired. -- Citizenship may be reacquired:
(1) By naturalization: Provided, That the applicant possess none of the disqualifications prescribed in section two of Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and twenty-seven.
(2) By repatriation of deserters of the Army, Navy or Air Corps: Provided, That a woman who lost her citizenship by reason of her marriage to an alien may be repatriated in accordance with. the provisions of this Act after the termination of the marital status; and

(3) By direct act of the National Assembly.

Sec. 3. Procedure incident to reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. - The procedure prescribed for naturalization tinder
Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and twenty-seven, as amended, shall apply to the reacquisition of Philippine citizenship by naturalization provided for in the next preceding. section: Provided, That the qualifications and special qualifications
prescribed in sections three and four of said. Act shall not be required: And, Provided, further:
(1) That the applicant be at least twenty-one years of age and shall have resided in the Philippines at least six months before he applies for naturalization;
(2) That he shall have conducted himself in a proper and irreproachable manner during the entire. period of his residence in the Philippines, in his relations with. the constituted government as well as with the community in which he is living; and
(3) That he subscribes to an oath declaring his intention to renounce absolutely and perpetually alt faith and allegiance to the foreign authority, state or sovereignty of which he was a citizen or subject.

Sec. 4. Repatriation shall be effected by merely taking the necessary oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth of the
Philippines and registration in the proper civil registry.
Sec. 5. The Secretary of Justice shall issue the necessary regulations for the proper enforcement of this Act. Naturalization blanks and other blanks required for carrying out the provisions of this Act shall be prepared and furnished by the Solicitor General subject to approval of the Secretary of Justice.

Sec. 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: October 21, 1936.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-09-16 17:45:00
PhilippinesApply for U.S citizenship or not ?
Does becoming a US citizen limit the amount of property the former Philippine citizen is allowed to inherit or puchase in The Philippines? *see link*

Is there a way a former Filipino can reacquire their citizenship to avoid these limitations?
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-09-16 16:35:00
PhilippinesVancouver as POE

The flight goes from Manila to Vancouver and then to Las Vegas so that makes it the POE. I know there's a counter to process the people coming off of the flights, but I just can't see it on the map. It's no biggie since I'm sure my wife will find it after getting off the plane.


I actually posted about flying through Vancouver with my wife earlier this year. She has a 10 yr. green card and the experience was awful for several reasons.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-09-16 23:56:00
Philippineshelp with mama
Gosh, more and more information keeps coming out. Darren, from your early posts I got the impression that you felt you were an expert on Filipino culture. First let me say, I'm not, but then again, you certainly aren't. Where did you get your expertise, a book from the 1950s?

So it turns out you got taken advantage of by a pretty smart lady, your mother inlaw. She's got her hooks in you now. She'll probably try to lay a heavy duty guilt trip on her daughter to get more out of you. Before your recent posts I thought you would be ready for that, but maybe not. The guilt WILL take a toll on you both, especially Gretchen since she is so young and has never lived away from her parents. You can't blame them for trying to help themselves any way they can. Opportunities are few and far between from what you've described.

As I said before, now is the time to build a strong and trusting relationship with your soon to be wife. That is all you can do to help your situation.

To others reading this post, I understand that most phil/am love stories do not involve money issues like the ones being discussed here.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-09-20 18:30:00
Philippineshelp with mama

As I mentioned in a previous post quoting you, you have a lot to learn. I hate to say it, but the way you are setting up this relationship I think you are creating some problems for the two of you. I also mentioned earlier not to leave the wrong impression with her family but I may have been too late on that comment. I'm sure their expectations are higher than you imagined.

I think you really need to scramble at this point. It's going to take a lot of long conversations between you and your future wife to set things straight. Concentrate on your relationship with her now. It may be hard for her to open up to you and express her true feelings at first. Be prepared for that. Don't try to control her every move, it will only lead to trouble.

Have you introduced her to any Filipinos here yet? They will be able to help explain things to her in her own language about your relationship with her family. She needs another friend here besides you. Preferably someone who has gone through what she's going through.

Good luck to both of you,
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-09-20 10:33:00
PhilippinesBest Place To in Manila?

Yes, you need to post your budget range. I stayed at the Marriot near the airport and it was really, really nice but it is also $ 150 a night too.

I am also interested in staying in a cheaper hotel not too far from the airport but I want to be safe and I might just spring for the extra security at the Marriot and blow the money. :devil:

My wife and I stayed at the Marriot this year on our vacation. Weekends were $200 per night. We got to the hotel at about 4am on a Friday and had to pay $300 for about 30 hours of room rental. We stayed 2 more nights on our way home @ 150 per night rate. So, we ended up saving some money on our flight but payed for it in extra hotel charges.

Kev & Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-10-29 18:08:00
PhilippinesHow was the first meeting with your fiancee/fiance?

Here's my story: Before meeting, since my flight is at 6am in the morning, I wanted to sleep early so I would look fresh and beautiful the next day. But what had happened was, I was so tense. So I opened my laptop and was trying to entertain myself. But I really couldn't sleep. And it so happened that it was One of the longest night of my lifePosted Image. Not a very good circumstances cause I wanted to look beautiful when we get together the next day. But I certain he was more excited than I do, hehehe, and he cross the world just to meet me if I was real.

It was all tension. My body feel ached, and trembling. Before that, I checked myself before coming out to the waiting area, and I was smiling with all my heart when I saw him standing and was looking for me while I was walking toward him, and give him the sweetest kiss.

The first time we met in person was at the Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao airport. As I walked out of the airport I saw her aunt waving from across the road. As I crossed the road I could see my future wife standing there. She was the most beautiful woman in the crowd.

She later told me that she had lost a considerable amount of weight from being so nervous and not eating or sleeping well for two months in anticipation of my arrival She's about 5'3" and I'm sure she weighed under 90lbs that day.

As I approached their small group under the trees her aunt greeted me and made motion with her hand leading me towards Jena. Jena was standing about ten feet away from them looking at me with a little shy smile. She had never spoken to a foreigner in person. I walked right up to her and put my hands on her shoulders and gave her a kiss on her forehead. I whispered in her ear, "my gosh, you're so beautiful" and we hugged very tightly for a long time. She didn't say a word and I could feel her whole body trembling. We walked hand in hand to the hired car that was waiting for us. The first thing she said to me about 15 minutes later was something like "oh, you need to call your parents" "I need to get load" :lol: .

That night we spent the night together at her great aunts house. She told me it was the first good nights sleep she had in two months.

I had fallen in love with her one year earlier the first time I saw her on camera.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-11-06 16:38:00
PhilippinesMagic Sing

Hello to all, I have a question about Magic Sing. My wife of course is from the Philippines. She and her daughter have been here in the US for over two years now. Every now and then my wife brings up how she would like to get the Magic Sing. So my question is which Magic Sing is a good model to get, and does any one know of a place in the US to get Magic Sing, or should I order one from the Philippines? By the way, I used this web site to bring my wife and her daughter here to the States. This site is very helpful, just do all this site says to do and you will have no problems. My wife has been here for little over two years. We are doing very well, however we resently moved to Houston from New Jersey, but we are not too crazy about Houston so we might move back to New Jersey. I will be using this site again to file my wife and step daughters pernament residence status. We are coming up on the two year mark since Green Card issued. Anyway, any info on the Magic Sing would be greatly appreciated.

We bought ours from Ace Karaoke online. We also have a disc system. She prefers Magic Sing but we do have a problem with one of the microphones. It shuts down and we have to remove the batteries and replace them to get it to turn on again. It's out of warranty so we haven't tried to get it fixed.

Kev & Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-11-09 11:08:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

I am interested to hear from any couples in here, that already have their mate here in the US or have been married for a while. How is it working out ?

Hi Scruffydog,

My wife Jena & I met online in 2005. I visited her one year later in 2006 and she arrived in the US in July 2007. She adjusted very easily to life in the US with the help of my family and friends. She took a couple classes at our local Jr. College and then looked for work. She's been at the same job for two years now. Next year she will work on getting her US citizenship.

This spring we traveled back to Phils for the first time. Shortly after we got home, we found out she was pregnant with our first child. We love each other very much and I think we have a great marriage. Despite our 20 yr. gap and cultural differences we think we're a perfect match!

Good luck in your marriage!

Kev & Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-11-06 03:42:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while

I disagree. I think in many ways it's easier on non-english speakers because it's ALL different.

Unlike most Asian countries, all Filipinos are taught english in grade school. Although some may not speak it and understand it perfectly, most know enough english to communicate here in the US. Most signage and many newspapers in the Philippines are in English too.

Kev & Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-11-06 03:32:00
PhilippinesHow to convert Philippines clothing size to USA size?

Does anyone know how to convert Philippines jean and short sizes to USA size? If I am 25 in Philippines what would my size in the USA be?

Jena just bought a couple pair of jeans in Phils this spring. They were size 27. In the US she usually wears a size 2 or 3 but I've seen here fit into a size 1 on occasion. Like others have said, it depends on the cut of the jeans. You'll be shopping in the juniors section. I guess a 26 in Phils is probably a size 1 or Zero in the US. Good luck finding many in size zero. You can also try large or xtra large girls but the styles will be different.

Kev n Jena
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-11-13 20:51:00
Philippinescfo... disappointing!!!
When someone goes out of their way to be mean to you, rather than giving them the "finger", I suggest making the sign of the cross and saying God Bless You and Forgive You. To a God fearing person this is a much more powerful gesture and will probably shock them and make them think about their actions more than the rude gesture.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-11-24 11:37:00
PhilippinesThanksgiving is here again
This is Jena's 5th Thanksgiving. She's making "angeled eggs" (her name for them) right now from our farm raised eggs. This year we have a whole lot to be thankful and hopeful for. We have a little bun in the oven due in the spring! :D

Happy TG Everyone!
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-11-24 11:15:00
PhilippinesA Very Special Announcement!

Jena had her a sonogram today. She's 21 weeks into her pregnancy. Thank God everything looks great and the baby and momma are healthy. And now...drum roll please...


Now we can get serious about naming HIM! :huh:
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-12-02 22:47:00
PhilippinesA Very Special Announcement!

No worries. When our son was born, I was 50 and my wife was 36. All went well and IS well. Our son is now going on 14 months old.

We have a group of friends that are all fil/am couples. Most of the guys in the group are starting their second family. We went to a kids bday party last Sat. and several of the guys there were older than me and had little kids. The difference between me and them is, I have no other children.

I guess I'm not really worried because of my age, I'd probably be more worried if I was 20 years old. I look around at the state of the USA and it makes a person wonder. What will this country be like in 10-20 years.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-08-22 10:06:00
PhilippinesA Very Special Announcement!
Thanks everyone...Congratulations to Scott and Mhay and goodluck to John&Juvy and spikedog!!! Goodluck to all of us!!!

Jena & Kevin
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-08-20 20:24:00
PhilippinesA Very Special Announcement!
Hi All,

My wife and I would like to announce that she is officially pregnant! (L) :dance: :wow:

Jena came to the US 4 years ago. We always knew that we would try to have a child someday but never really made the decision to try. A couple months ago we were "less careful" and it just happened!

With God's will, I will be a first time father at age 48 and she will be a first time mother at 27 (almost 28).

I'm a little nervous to say the least.

Your prayers are welcome!

Edited by kev_n_jena, 20 August 2011 - 10:13 AM.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2011-08-20 10:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
Received notice by mail. Approved! Waiting for card now.

California Service Center (17 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
PATRICK808 +1......11/06/09..........11/09/09.......12/16/09........12/28/09.... (card received 1/04)
RINGS..............11/06/09..........11/09/09.......12/18/09........01/07/10.... (card received 1/14/10)
MMMM1982...........11/09/09..........11/21/09.......12/07/09........12/19/09.... (card received 12/21)
UCLA CUTIE26.......11/13/09..........11/16/09.......12/16/09........01/07/10....(card received 1/12/10)
JOTS1984...........11/13/09..........11/18/09.......12/16/09........12/18/09.... (early bio 12/11)
DUSTIN NILA........11/14/09..........11/16/09.......12/24/09........01/13/10.... (card received 1/21/10)
PERIDOTGIRL........11/18/09..........--/--/--.......12/15/09........12/30/09.... (card received 01/05/2010)
SYEDI01............11/25/09..........11/30/09.......01/05/10........--/--/--.... (early bio 12/21)

Vermont Service Center (23 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
JVK N' CVO.........10/30/09..........11/03/09.......12/16/09........--/--/--....
DAVID & HRISTINA...11/03/09..........11/05/09.......12/04/09........--/--/--....
YURIKA & JIM.......11/04/09..........11/09/09.......12/11/09........--/--/--....
KARI LINA..........11/05/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
HELEN G............11/10/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
NYTE...............11/11/09..........11/19/09.......01/08/10........--/--/--.... (early bio 01/05/10)
REACH 449..........11/12/09..........11/23/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
F@RSC@P3 ..........11/12/09..........11/16/09.......12/10/09........12/30/09.... (Expedite Letter, husband is deployed) (Card received 01/22/10)
CHERRY23...........11/20/09..........12/08/09.......01/05/10........01/22/10.... (Expedite Letter, husband is deployed) (Card received 01/28/10)
BORA BORA..........11/23/09..........11/30/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--.... (early bio on 12/29)
CANDELARI..........11/24/09..........11/27/09.......12/23/09........--/--/--.... (early bio 12/11)
(former EBRULI)
NICKLES ONLY.......11/25/09..........12/01/09.......01/12/10........--/--/--....

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
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Approved = The Date your case was approved

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kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-31 15:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
Bio will be 01/15/10

California Service Center

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
MMMM1982...........11/09/09..........11/21/09.......12/07/09........12/19/09.... (card received 12/21)
UCLA CUTIE26.......11/13/09..........11/16/09.......12/16/09........--/--/--....
JOTS1984...........11/13/09..........11/18/09.......12/16/09........12/18/09.... (early bio 12/11)
DUSTIN NILA........11/14/09..........11/16/09.......12/24/09........--/--/--....
SYEDI01............11/25/09..........11/30/09.......01/05/10........--/--/--.... (early bio 12/21)

Vermont Service Center

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
JVK N' CVO.........10/30/09..........11/03/09.......12/16/09........--/--/--....
DAVID & HRISTINA...11/03/09..........11/05/09.......12/04/09........--/--/--....
YURIKA & JIM.......11/04/09..........11/09/09.......12/11/09........--/--/--....
KARI LINA..........11/05/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
HELEN G............11/10/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
REACH 449..........11/12/09..........11/--/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
F@RSC@P3 ..........11/12/09..........11/16/09.......12/10/09........--/--/--....
NINA+MATT..........11/19/09..........11/23/09.......01/04/10........--/--/--.... (early walk-in failed, rescheduling bio)
BORA BORA..........11/23/09..........11/30/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
CANDELARI..........11/24/09..........11/27/09.......12/23/09........--/--/--.... (early bio 12/11)
(former EBRULI)
NICKLES ONLY.......11/25/09..........12/01/09.......01/12/10........--/--/--....

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
*When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly*
*If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2009-12-26 23:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
Corrected NOA1 date

California Service Center

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
UCLA CUTIE26.......11/13/09..........11/16/09.......12/16/09........--/--/--....
DUSTIN NILA........11/14/09..........11/16/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
JVK N' CVO.........10/30/09..........11/03/09.......12/16/09........--/--/--....
DAVID & HRISTINA...11/03/09..........11/05/09.......12/04/09........--/--/--....
YURIKA & JIM.......11/04/09..........11/09/09.......12/11/09.......--/--/--....
KARI LINA..........11/05/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
HELEN G............11/10/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
REACH 449..........11/12/09..........11/--/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
F@RSC@P3 ..........11/12/09..........11/16/09.......12/10/09........--/--/--....
BORA BORA..........11/23/09..........11/30/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
*When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly*
*If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
ask another VJ member to help you do so.

Edited by kev_n_jena, 09 December 2009 - 06:04 PM.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2009-12-09 18:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
Updated: KEV_N_JENA

California Service Center

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
UCLA CUTIE26.......11/13/09..........11/16/09.......12/16/09........--/--/--....
DUSTIN NILA........11/14/09..........11/16/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
JVK N' CVO.........10/30/09..........11/03/09.......12/16/09........--/--/--....
DAVID & HRISTINA...11/03/09..........11/05/09.......12/04/09........--/--/--....
YURIKA & JIM.......11/04/09..........11/09/09.......12/11/09.......--/--/--....
KARI LINA..........11/05/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
HELEN G............11/10/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
REACH 449..........11/12/09..........11/--/09.......--/--/--........--/--/--....
F@RSC@P3 ..........11/12/09..........11/16/09.......12/10/09........--/--/--....
BORA BORA..........11/23/09..........--/--/--.......--/--/--........--/--/--....

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
*When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly*
*If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2009-12-08 19:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
got NOA1 on 12/05/09

Edited by kev_n_jena, 08 December 2009 - 07:56 PM.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2009-12-08 19:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
Check cashed, I guess they liked that part of the application dry.gif

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2009-12-01 18:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
By the way,

We included a short letter requesting that Jena be allowed to complete her biometrics in Indianapolis IN even though her local office is in Chicago. That's where she did her first biometrics and it's a lot easier and closer for us. I really hope they allow it. We've heard stories from friends of her's that were sent 3 different places 3 different times. I just figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2009-11-28 11:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
I-751 sent to California 11/24/2009, signed for 11/25/2009.

GC expires 01/15/2010

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2009-11-28 11:10:00
Philippines35 days till medical, still no packet
Her packet came today May 25! She will be traveling to get her passport next week, she already took the CFO seminar and has all the requirements for her passport. After that she will go with her mom and little sister back to their home in Samar. She's lived in Mindanao for a few years for work. Her mom is from Mindanao but their home is in Samar where her dad is from. The family will be back together finally! Her mom's been in Mindanao with her for a few months helping out her family.

Thanks for the replies!

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-05-25 08:27:00
Philippines35 days till medical, still no packet
We're still waiting on her packet to arrive. According to the website her medical is in 35 days. She really wants to travel to her parents house in Samar now but she needs to wait for her packet to arrive in Mindanao. What happens if the packet doesn't show up in time for her to make it to Manila for her medical? I noticed at least one person didn't get their packet until one week before the interview date. The medical is scheduled for 8 days before the interview.

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-05-24 19:41:00
PhilippinesEvidence of relationship
Is it appropriate to use western union receipts as evidence of a relationship? I would hope that the embassy would realize there is no way my fiance could afford to go through this visa process without my help. She was going to copy some of her WU receipts and take them to her interview. Is this a good idea?

Thanks for any replies,
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-05-29 09:59:00
PhilippinesAnother Address Question
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-05 10:26:00
PhilippinesAnother Address Question

My fiance has moved since we filed the I-134. She had her new address put on all of her ID's. She's filling out her DS-156, DS-157 and DS-157K now and we are planning to put the address that all her ID's have on them instead of the address that the packet 4 was sent to. Her interview is in early July. Will this present a problem? If so, what should we do? :help:

Thanks for any replies!

She will us the same address that is on her CFO documents, Postal ID, NBI Clearance, Cenomar, Police Clearance, and passport application.
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-04 22:42:00
PhilippinesAnother Address Question
My fiance has moved since we filed the I-134. She had her new address put on all of her ID's. She's filling out her DS-156, DS-157 and DS-157K now and we are planning to put the address that all her ID's have on them instead of the address that the packet 4 was sent to. Her interview is in early July. Will this present a problem? If so, what should we do? :help:

Thanks for any replies!
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-04 22:28:00
PhilippinesCFO Sticker

I have a friend who had her CFO sticker done here at Quirino, Manila but she took her counselling at Cebu prob at all! to be sure why not call at CFO manila?!

THANKS ALL, it's getting closer now!

kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-02 11:02:00
PhilippinesCFO Sticker

My fiance took her CFO seminar in Cebu and she has the documentation proving that. Does anyone know if she can get her sticker in Manila after she receives her visa? I sure hope she doesn't have to go back to Cebu but it would really suprise me if she did!

Thanks for any replies!

i think ive heard a couple of girls did that and they have it stamped in manila. let your fiancee call the CFO office in quirino (manila) to make sure

oops, i meant to say it WOULDN'T really surprise me if she did. :P

(I can't spell or type.....waaaaaaa)
kev_n_jenaNot TellingPhilippines2007-05-31 11:34:00