K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134
After searching and searching for the answer on the internet, your answer has put many of my worries to rest. Thank you sooooooooo much for your kind reply.<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 253);">
Mike&LenaMaleRussia2012-12-20 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134

Annual income is gross income from any source. SS, pension,part time work. Where it comes from is not important. It is the amount. You put down what your earnings are at the time you submit the petition.

After searching and searching for the answer on the internet, your answer has put many of my worries to rest. Thank you sooooooooo much for your kind reply.

Mike&LenaMaleRussia2012-12-20 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134
Hello everyone, I am new here, and certainly processing a K-1 for my fiancee is proving to be quite the challenge. I have already sent my I-129F in, and as I try to see what lays ahead, I became concerned when I read about the I-134. Line 7, asks for annual income, and I am unsure if they require the income entered to be based only on last years tax returns, or can I enter my new income which began this month? Because I am retired(effective this month Dec.), and drawing social security, how do I indicate this on the I-134? Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated. This whole process makes me wonder why I didn't just marry her while she was here, then file for her to come over...because all this can certainly make one worry and pace the floor.
Mike&LenaMaleRussia2012-12-20 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C NOA1
I have attached copies of the 2, I-797C forms and of course left certain info blank, but this shows the different Notice Dates
Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-01-23 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C NOA1
Hello everyone:)
I just received another NOA I-797C and everything is identical except the Notice dates on each are almost 20 days difference. Both forms basically say the same thing, but apparently there is a difference where this latest one does not include my fiance's place of birth, and is more detailed about processing times etc. My question is why am I getting 2 I-797C forms with different notice dates and they both are Receipt notices only. Does this mean my place in this long line has been set back?
Any help on this subject is greatly appreciated.
Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-01-23 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDetail question about the I-129 petition
I personally wrote: Petitioner (with name) and beneficiary (with name) Cover both to be specific and detailed is my advice...good luck!
Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-01-29 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Sized Photos

Just wait for the RFE.

:thumbs: Good luck

Thank you very much:)

You both looking nice in this picture good luck

Thanks for making our day:)

Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-03-29 23:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Sized Photos
Hello Everyone:) My I-129F is still in review stage, and I just realized I never included a passport sized photo of my fiance in the packet. Posted ImageShould I send them to the CSC referring to my case number now in an envelope,or should I wait for any RFE's ?

Thanks so much
Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-03-29 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K1 I-129F



Ok, thanks! I guess we are both a little stressed, I have been going through the VJ Guide for the K1 and have everything they are asking, she was just reading some other things saying we needed additional information so I figured I would ask to see what people said.  


Does anyone know at what point she will need to have her birth certificate and if this will need to be professionally translated?

I truly relate to the stress....our petition just arrived in Moscow, and we are really stressing...last leg, and wishing we were already together:) If you read ahead, you can see certain documents will benefit in the long run having them professionally translated anyway...especially once she arrives to you to get married. So we had birth certificate, and divorce/death certificates translated, along with her police copies of these along with your petition now isn't a bad idea....because they are required at the interview anyway. It never hurts to be safe to avoid time delays and getting a I recommend go the extra mile, and you'll have them when you both go to get married. 

Hope this helps....I know some documents they say aren't required professionally, and can be translated by anyone who can verify it's accuracy, but again...the main documents like the birth should get it done professionally and we even had it certified to cover us in the future.


Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-06-28 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K1 I-129F

Hi all, 


We are finishing up your I-129F packet for our K1 visa!  I am hoping to get this mailed off today but had some last minuet questions, sorry if these seem a little trivial but I just don't want to have any delays in this process... Details to know is I am the US citizen and she is Russian living and working in Moscow.  


Payment - From looking at the UCIS website it looks like the current application fee is $340.  Are there any other fees that I need to include at this time? I am planning on mailing a check, I am assuming that I make this out to the UCIS... 


Pasport photo - So my Fiancee was reading on another site that in this first packet the passport photos need to be on glossy paper... hers is on very matte paper and mine is simi matte or standard stuff you get from printing out your photos.  Is this really an issue? I want to think it is not but she is worried so I thought I would ask.


Birth Certificate - So I see here that I need to include my birth certificate to establish my US citizenship.  As I understand it she would need to provide her birth certificate translated and copy of her Russian passport at a later date however she is reading somewhere else that this needs to be included now in the first packet.  From reading here I never saw this included in the packet.  


Amount of Evidence - There seams to be lots of question about just how much evidence to provide to establish a true relationship and also prove having met in the last two years.  My Fiancee and I have known each other for over three years and have written many letters and have 16 pages of call logs from the phone company alone.  We wanted to include personal letters and emails to each other spanning over the last few years.  The thing is even after trying to pick the best letters and emails we are still looking at having around 60 pages of letters.  Would this just be annoying to the people processing these documents or is this considered a good thing to have such correspondence over the last three years?


Any help with these details would be great! Thanks for the support and we will be posting our VJ timeline soon!  



If you look on the I-129F form, page 4, it tells you to make the check out to U.S. Department of Homeland Security. If you look at the VJ Guides tab, it gives you a very good description of all the things you need. I think it will help you in insuring all you need, is up to par...

Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-06-28 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview next week! Hope we didn't forget anything...

Don't forget the Two 50x50 passport photos for the medical as well...good luck

Mike&LenaMaleRussia2013-07-26 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation
what os a NOA??
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-19 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation
yes, i understand the difference, but what i am saying is this: we shouldnt have to prove anything to be together. this whole system is so corrupted that it makes me sick. We have done nothing wrong, and we were unfairly denied. Refiling is a buch of bull. I know we have to play this "game" if we want to be together, and i will play, but- it is not RIGHT OR FAIR.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-19 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation
thank you so much for your support.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-19 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation

Absolutely agree,CR1 route is the best way in this situation

You guys may be correct, but i cant see how a denial will not effect the case negatively. And if it doesnt effect it in a negative way, isnt that more proof that this whole system is sooooo wrong??
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-19 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation
our lawyer doesnt know what to do, lol, sad but true. The only reason given was stamped on the denial " for immigration purposes only." They didnt look at one shred of evidence we produced.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-19 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation
Well, I have been told that once the case gets to USCIS, it willl be reveiwed, and they will determine if the case warrants re-evaluaton. they have 120 days to take action, or kill the petition, and if the original date of approval has passed, it will be renewed. Has anyone had a review that has been sent back to the embassy to be reevaluated?
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-19 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation
no we dont know where the petition is. I have contacted the foreign consulate, the NVC and the USCIS. They have all told me that nothing can be done until the USCIS receives it, and the USCIS says they havn't received it yet. I have done everything I can think of to get the denial re-evaluated. Do you know how the Freedom of Information Act works?? I am not even sure of what it is, but I keep hearing that I should get information from them. I have looked at their website, but I am still not sure of what to do there.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-18 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre-evaluation
Has anyone had experience with a re-evaluation at the USCIS level once the foreign consulate has denied? My fiance was denied in Lagos on November 21st, and the paperwork is being sent back to the USCIS for review. We are hoping to get it re-evaluated, and sent back to Lagos for another interview. We have the help of congressmen, our lawyer, and the ombudsman, but still waiting for the file to get back to the USCIS. Any advice would be appreciated.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-01-18 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

They believe the beneficiary will fool the USC and the USC has no idea of the scammers motivation. They believe the USC
is taken advantage of.
To a certain extend that does happen. The USC never saw it coming and they are shocked when it does happen as we all have seen here. ####### happens.
However, I am a grown a$$ woman capable of making my own decisions, conduct my own back ground searches and investigations about someone and suffer my own consequences without whining to the USCIS about it later crying "deport him, deport him".
The gov needs to stay out of that choice UNLESS they have factual evidence. That is the law. Period. Surely our gov is capable to investigate appropriately during the long AP months and then state a factual reason and opportunity of rebuttal.
This cut and dry denial without factual evidence is wrong.

AMEN!!! that is exactly what I am trying to say!! Give us some clear cut rules and answers, not this guessing game, and stay out of my love life!
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria


I hear you.

So this is my take.

A CO in Nigeria, by giving my Fiance a 221(G) - for non bona fide relationship, has just basically accused me, then tried me and convicted me of a potential felonious crime of commiting an act of immigration fraud and then they denied me my due process of the law. Oh, then they happily told me that I wouldn't be given any opportunity to appeal :blush:

Let's think about that for a minute.

Yes, i feel your pain. It is one of the most painful things i have ever gone through. Hang on, we will get there.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

Yes, I read it Olaskween and I agree with you that the system is broken on the USCIS review side and the CO refusal side.
There are no check and balances, no one to hear our side, they are going against their own regulations and laws and want us to refile. Nice income for their department.
No one can understand what it feels like to be accused of a non bona fide relationship unless they are standing in those shoes.
It is a slap in the face.
You can message me anytime to keep in touch ~ I feel your pain.

thank you friend :)
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

Was it a Lady of dark complexion?

Trust me, I understand where you're coming from.

Hang in there.

Thank you
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

Unfortunately Nigeria is a high fraud country and they try to weed out the scammers as you know already.
A bona fide was not established without meeting. The waiver was approved. Post has the last say on it, that is the way the system is set up.
Though CO's are not to re-adjudicate an approval their dicretionary authority trumps the approval.

However...this is where the "broken" comes in, if a petition has been returned with recommendation to review and it is not reviewed due to the fact that neither the CO nor CSC wants to extend the validity and actually do the requested review, then that's plain and simple messed up. It is sitting in storage and then simply denied.

Furthermore it is "broken" due to irrelevant assumptions and speculation by CO's without factual evidence and solid substantial reasons.

You qualify for the class action with the approved waiver so just go that route until you have saved money saved up to meet.
I understand your frustration. It has been 3 years for us as well.

I hear your frustration also. I will go ahead with the lawsuit. Thank you for pointing out some of the systems flaws, and I agree totally, but I also think there are a lot of other "broken parts" to this system. I just wrote about it in my reply to NigeriaorBust if you care to read it and tell me what you think. Thanks for your support.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

Most US citizens think immigration of loved ones is a right and it isn't. That is why we must petition for the privilege to have them interviewed for a visa. Because some countries are more fraud ridden than others we must pass different levels of scrutiny in the process. Very few people from Canada would lie for the chance to live in the US. West Africans have a lot of people that dream of life here and will stop at nothing for a chance. We all pay the price for the bad behavior of a few. I too am a member of the once denied in Lagos crowd. So I have been there done that. The system is what it is, and is far from perfect. Legimate couples spend years trying to get their point across and some fraudsters slide through without a bump only to leave their USC crying to USCIS ' I have been duped, help rid me of this evil' after being the one that started the whole mess. Most people believe it is impossible to really know someone without meeting and spending face time. You should do everything you can to show you tried your hardest to do this. Failing that you should do everything you can to show you understand his culture. How close are you to his sponsor ? If you have never met the man it is yet another red flag. Don't get postal on me but here is what the CO is probably seeing
A woman in the US that has a condition that makes her partially disabled is befriended by a Nigerian with a well to do relative who doesn't have a petitionable relationship to the Nigerian. They never met, she doesn't understand Nigerian culture. They look at the statistics of such a relationship and smell a runner in the making. You failed to disprove it to them. What other red flags are you dealing with ? Are you white ? Older? Previously married w/wo kids ?

This is why I think the system is broken. (and by the way, I am not upset with you, or anyone else on here, I am just conversing:) ) #1- we wouldnt have sham marriages if it wasnt so hard to move here in the first place. Think about this: a person from another country wants to move here. He/she fills out the required forms for identification, gets a medical report, a clean police record and gets the necessary immunizations, etc. I think if she can prove that she has enough to live on (for say 6 months?) or an amount specified by the govt, or someone here to sponsor her, she should be able to IMMIGRATE HERE. Why should she have to be married, or the child, or parent or sibling of someone here? Why should she have to jump through all the hoops, and pay so much money to come here? This country is built on the idea of a refuge for those who want to be free. AM I CORRECT?? "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. " Most people who want to come here want to IMPROVE things. I say that- if you can prove who you are, that you have means to provide for yourself (or a sponsor), have a clean bill of health, NO trouble with the law, you should be able to come. If you get here and you dont like it, go back!! Make it a law that they will NEVER be eligible for assistance from the govt. Make it a law that if they come here to GET married, then if they are EVER divorced from that person, they go back home. Make it a law that if you have suspected terrorist contacts, or such, you will not be admitted. But for heaven's sake, there are good people everywhere. Stop destroying peoples hopes and dreams. People work years to come to an interview, and in a few minutes, your world it torn apart. We need some kind of straight forward laws- not this mamby- pamby stuff of, "do everything we tell you an pay all the fees, and we will talk to you for 10 minutes, and if we are in a good mood that day, we MIGHT let you through. . . oh, and we wont refund your money if you don't, but you can refile, and maybe next time we wont accuse you of being a scammer." That is a broken system. If people could work hard, save the money, and get themselves here- THEY WOULDNT BE MARRIAGE-SCAMMING. I will work till my dying day to get this system changed, because it is plain, flat out WRONG.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

They waived the meeting requirement but they did not waive the bonefide relationship requirement. You could have a ton of email and not have a bonefide relationship, romance scam victims are a prime example of this, they have a inbox stuff with loving communications, they have sent tons of money to support their "loved one" but there is no valid relationship. What the issue is is that the bar of proving bonefide has been raised and they apparently failed to meet that bar. Starting for the denial , and knowing that not meeting is part of the key and that she can't fly you try to find the next step. It is trying to meet. Can he get to a place she can get to. Chances are no , but they have to try. It is far cheaper to apply for 3-4 visas( US , Canada , Mexico) and be denied than one plane ticket to Nigeria. The money thing is another hurdle they have to overcome. So far I have probably spent over 50k in costs ( travel , petition/visa fees, insurance, clothing,phones,car ) and we still have the last petition ahead in his journey. If they can't afford the upfront costs they may not pass the unlikely to become a public burden hurdle and their progress will be halted again.

We also used his cousin, who lives in the USA, as a sponsor. He works in a nuclear medicine facility in Texas. His income is very lucrative (but he is verrry tight with his money, understandably) The point is, we jumped every hoop they asked us to. Clean bill of health, spotless police record, proof of financial responsibility, all fees paid, received a wavier of meeting, notarized letters from our families, I could go on and on. The system is BROKEN. yes, we will continue down this road, and play this stupid game, because we have no choice. We are dedicated to each other. But it makes me sick that my own country is doing this. Land of the free, home of the brave- a country built on the idea of immigration. This system is a JOKE.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria
I really appreciate all the information,encouragement and kindness you have all shown me. Part of the pain in this process, is feeling so alone- feeling like no one understands. Most of the time I feel like I am screaming in the wind, and no one cares. Thank you all soooo much. We wont ever give up, and I know it is going to be a long hard road, it already has been for the last 3 years. We will continue to fight to be together, and help change the system. I wish that people would realize that in this computer and digitized world, it is so easy to meet people from other countries. It shouldn't be this hard to be with the one you love. THANK YOU AGAIN TO ALL OF YOU. :) AND BEST OF LUCK!!!! KEEP UP THE FIGHT!!!
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

It can take months before they send it back. Lagos likes to sit on the petition until they are sure it is expired.
What happens next depends on your servie center. If you are a Californian you will most likely wait about 180 days and get a notice that your petitions validity has expired and you are free to file without prejudice. They never review your case and if you don't know the exact problem you are on your own next time overcoming it. You are also stuck paying the fees all over and filing another petition.
If you are a vermonter , you will wait about the same time usually but they usually review the case and you may recieve a reaffirmation or a NOID.
No matter what route you take the approval rate at the second time goes up. There have been a few double denials over the years and honestly they aren't always wrong in denying the visa. We didn't wait for California to declare the first petition dead but submitted a new K1, front loaded and covering the "issue" of him not knowing the details of classified work. It was approved and we are almost ready to gather the evidence for citizenship.

If you have to proof that you couldn't travel to meet, did you include the proof he couldn't come to meet you ? Did he try for a visa to the USA and Cananda at least ? Immigration isn't cheap and if you can afford the beginning steps it gets more expensive later on. Unless you have family members that can lend you money you are on your own. You don't find people that think bringing foreigners into the US is a worthy cause.

We filed the petition and were denied. They will not let him come to visit now, because if we are to file a visitors visa, the will deny it because of the denied K-1. They will deny any petition we file, except for a spouse, or K-1, and those are not guaranteed.

Edited by OlasKween, 09 November 2012 - 11:04 AM.

OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria

join suit..??????????? they have not met - there's nothingu to come on!!

Ricardo, the suit is for anyone denied a K-1 visa that should have been approved or re-evaluated. We certainly do qualify, because we were issued a waiver of meeting by the USCIS due to medical issues. I talked to Brent Renison yesterday.
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria
Yes, I have already spoken to Brent Renison. I talked to him yesterday, and I am going to join the lawsuit, but as you know, it will do me no good with my problem. It will however help others in the future who file (hopefully). As I stated earlier, I want to work to change the system, and I will do as much as I can to do that. As for my case, we are going to meet as soon as possible, and refile. We are just praying for a miracle. Our biggest obstacle is money. Does anyone know of any philanthropist, or organization etc. that would contribute to our cause?
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-09 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria
Thank you for your response. I believe you are right. I actually did contact 2 senators and 2 congressmen within weeks of our denial, and their letters of request along with my lawyers information, was sent to Lagos, and USCIS. We also contacted the Ombudsman in DC, and had an appointment with the local USCIS office to ask them for a review or reopening of this case. We had stacks and stacks of evidence of our relationsip. The system is so messed up. Does anyone know of any groups working for reform of the system? I have found some groups claiming to want reform, but they are mostly hispanic people working for hispanic rights, not really reform of the system. thanks guys
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-08 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-i denied in Nigeria
Hi everyone, I have a question about refiling. My fiance and I were denied at our interview in Lagos last year in November. We were not given a reason, other than "FOR IMMIGRATION PURPOSES ONLY-DENIED" stamped accross the top of our petition. We are refiling, but have a few questions. We were granted a waivier of meeting based on my medical condition that prevents me from flying. We think we will have a better chance of approval if we meet in person before filing, but he will have to come here on a visitation visa. Won't this look suspiscious since we already filed for a K-1? How do we go about this? Does anyone have an idea? If he were to come on a student visa, wouldn't that also look bad? How do they expect us to meet? How do we even know what it was that caused them to deny the petition in the first place?
OlasKweenFemaleNigeria2012-11-08 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List


Edited by demarvell, 25 November 2010 - 09:50 PM.

demarvellMalePhilippines2010-11-25 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Hi! I just joined this site and after reading some of the conversations I found out that some people were required to send a copy of their passport to be included in the I-129F application. I did not send a copy of my passport as proof that I met my finace last year. I did however send pictures of us together during my vacation. Will I receive a RFE because of this? I filed the petition last September 16, and I got the NOA1 on September 22. I've been waiting for 2 months now for the NOA2. Any ideas? By the way my petition is being processed in CSC.

demarvellMalePhilippines2010-11-24 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresage diference?
QUOTE (livelong_prosper @ Dec 4 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif laughing.gif

CdnwmnFemaleCanada2008-12-04 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeath of Fiancee
I'm so sorry for the loss of your fiancee.
CdnwmnFemaleCanada2009-02-05 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime Spent Together Before Deciding to Get Married?
Physically - 18 days.

We will be married 7 years on July 1.
CdnwmnFemaleCanada2009-03-29 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNumber of X Wife's
I just made an extra paper...been married 3 times
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-10-24 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help me! I want to cancel my petition!
QUOTE (STEPHnRIA @ Oct 6 2008, 04:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dawgofwar71 @ Oct 6 2008, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i have to agree with CSMITH. did you find a better deal!!!

whats the deal? i would love to hear his side of this story? this man fell in love with you and filed and now he has not only wasted his time ,but also money!! unless there is abuse involved , there should be no excuse. and i feel shamed for you,

we need more then what you gave us , for insight to this situation.

AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!! Its not like the OP has no right to get cold feet?! It happens you know. Duh!

Maybe so but lets hope the OP is nice enough to pay him back the 455 he paid when he thought she loved him to:)
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-10-06 06:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I Report a Scam Artist to INS?
QUOTE (Haole @ Nov 7 2008, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great! Before its coke bottle figures, now its 99.9% tight butts in faded jeans! Why do guys talk like that about women from Philippines? Its so embarassing!!!

Better than talking about big pear shaped cellulite jiggling puti in the US! good.gif devil.gif

WOW I seriously think you and the COKE man are idiots and moronic JERKS. I would rather be chubby OR heavy set then be an insensitive idiot whos brains are in his PANTS then in his HEAD

GROW UP There are people ON HERE WHO LOVE A BIGGER WOMEN YOU (insert BAD word here!)

JEEZ I swear THIS is why animals EAT their YOUNG!
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-11-07 02:35:00