K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Dec 5 2008, 06:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Corinthians @ Dec 4 2008, 07:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between The Second Coming and When Hell Freezes Over.

If you are within these dates, we are actively processing your case. Please wait 60 days and call again. mad.gif headbonk.gif

thats odd, my adjudication time is between: When Pigs Fly and When Monkeys Come out of My Bum! unsure.gif

really? Mine says yesterday was a good day to pay the lottery and your luck ran out a while ago


I have my interview today and HOPEFULLY my other boss wont be a total #### about it
I will work from 7 am to noon and then 130 to 10 pm every day my boss will let my sister leave to come get me from her job (she works in the same place) then turn around drop HER back off and then come home for a few and then to work

hope i get it
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-05 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Corinthians @ Dec 4 2008, 10:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between The Second Coming and When Hell Freezes Over.

If you are within these dates, we are actively processing your case. Please wait 60 days and call again. mad.gif headbonk.gif

Omg I laughed and was drinking milk...THANK YOU for having me SPEW milk out of my nose HAHAH

burned but hella funny!
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-05 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Krystle + Tiago @ Dec 4 2008, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 4 2008, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Dec 4 2008, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krystle + Tiago @ Dec 4 2008, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just to add to my other post....this is what my Senator sent me.

I just followed up with the Vermont Center and they informed us that they do process the cases by date. I talked with the supervisor there and she said the only reason those other applicants would have received their approval notices before you is if their case had been expedited. If this is not the case and you know this for sure, she suggests you provide us with the receipt # and name of another applicant you know that received theirs before yourself but had a later received date and they will look into this. You can email me the information if you like….

I am not quite sure how to go around that BS claim that they process cases in order they receive them with the exception of the expedited ones. We all know it's a bunch of BS. There is no way bunches and bunches of people who got approved before you were all expedited. Additionally, we all know that expedited cases usually take 1-2 months to process vs. 4+ months for regular cases, so it's really easy to tell the difference. I don't know if people would be willing to share their receipt numbers since it's a sensitive information, but maybe tell your senator to take a look at Igor's list and when they see last 20 filers who were approved were all July/August filers, common sense will take over. Hope this helps at least a little bit.

Why not post the senators name and then have folks call him to tell him they did receive it at that time???

great idea! Thanks. It is Senator Lamar Alexander....ask to speak with Heather Downs. There are several numbers to call. She gave me 1-865-545-4253. Or I can give you her email address. It is

sweet!! hope it all works out for you!!
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Dec 4 2008, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krystle + Tiago @ Dec 4 2008, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just to add to my other post....this is what my Senator sent me.

I just followed up with the Vermont Center and they informed us that they do process the cases by date. I talked with the supervisor there and she said the only reason those other applicants would have received their approval notices before you is if their case had been expedited. If this is not the case and you know this for sure, she suggests you provide us with the receipt # and name of another applicant you know that received theirs before yourself but had a later received date and they will look into this. You can email me the information if you like….

I am not quite sure how to go around that BS claim that they process cases in order they receive them with the exception of the expedited ones. We all know it's a bunch of BS. There is no way bunches and bunches of people who got approved before you were all expedited. Additionally, we all know that expedited cases usually take 1-2 months to process vs. 4+ months for regular cases, so it's really easy to tell the difference. I don't know if people would be willing to share their receipt numbers since it's a sensitive information, but maybe tell your senator to take a look at Igor's list and when they see last 20 filers who were approved were all July/August filers, common sense will take over. Hope this helps at least a little bit.

Why not post the senators name and then have folks call him to tell him they did receive it at that time???
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Ev&Saya @ Dec 4 2008, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and i are really getting tired of waiting. I see others around me with same filing date give or take a few days getting approved. I really hope something happens soon because i am really getting restless here

US to...but it gives me more time to get a job to meet the 125%
I might have a job ..there is a job interview at noon tomorrow SO cross your fingers
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Rob&Dawn @ Dec 4 2008, 03:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 4 2008, 05:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob&Dawn @ Dec 3 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 3 2008, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 3 2008, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whilst we could never condone "fibbing" GO FOR IT innocent.gif

And if thats what you could make then I guess thats all there interested in after all you could earn $90k a year but if you only work 4 days a yr you'll never get paid that. Does that make sense???

well WITH OT I can make up to 18, 200 and she is going to put on there that they are willing to give me the OT to make up the difference...

*bangs head..* I dont know what to do I am almost tempted just to have him come here get married and hide out for 10 years...we been through so much BS i feel like im drowning in it...I am BUSTING my ### to get an extra job and a lil peaved that my son could NOT tell me sooner SO i could have done SOMETHING sooner...Its not fair and I feel sooo crapped on...I do not care WHAT i have to do I will get him here even if I have to sell my soul to the devil.

I am SO depressed my head is pounding and I have to work today...I wish I had another day off to deal with this ####...I feel sooooooo dead inside right now..I try not to feel as if I failed him but I do BIG time

Get her to do the letter, especially if she is happy to do the letter which details your overtime, what a great boss you have that she is trying her hardest to get Kai here for you. Based on the 100% would you still come up short?
I know where you're coming from on having Kai with you no matter, i've said to Rob that if i was refused for any reason sod it i would be over with him anyway. whistling.gif
You have the determination to get it all sorted out chick, and i don't doubt for one minute you will suceed.
You have NOT failed him, you are trying your hardest to get it sorted and he knows that. rose.gif

Hey all I cried reading this you all...I really needed to hear it!

I make 16,232 approx to 16890 is what we figured WITHOUT overtime tonight...THAT is over the 14,000 aka 100% for 2 people and SOOOOO close to 17500. GRRR
BUT I can make overtime and that happens about every other month...I have some checks that DO show the OT
It puts me OVER the 17500 so she said she will change the letter to state that I will make over 17500 with OT which she is happy to give me.

I MIGHT have a job for 12 to 15 hours a week. SO CROSS your fingers...I KNOW it will burn me OUT BUT i have to do what I have to do.

ALSO I have a question. I have not worked except starting last year for WAY over 10 years due to that accident
SO I have a REALLY low tax return and amount... I do not have ANYONE to be a Co sponser now AT all and lord knows I asked
I do still get SSI for 572 a month until I make OVER 18500. Some folks SAY you can count it AND others say no...

I PRAY they do not say WELL your tax return is BS and guess what because YOU dont have a super long work history its a no go...I am so lost right now I want to SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Have you heard back from the Embassy as to 100% or 125%?

Regarding the SSI...count it, IMO you get it so it is revenue in. Regarding not having a long work history, you can prove the reason you didn't work and the fact as soon as you can you did...that has to count for something.

SEE that is what I was thinking!! Add it and it can prove I am disability and working toward not fully having that anymore for a better life.

Kai will be about to put in about 1k in the bank soon so he is saving hardcore and I will be having about 3 to 5 k with income tax return.

We contacted them (embassy but NOTHING yet and nothing yet

will keep you all informed
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 04:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Dec 4 2008, 02:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Weird PMs... I haven't gotten any like that so far. You did the right thing by letting an admin know.

It's getting really hard to keep my spirits up, but I'm trying. I just want a touch, or an RFE, or something to see my case will get looked at soon. These last couple of months I've worked my tail off with group project #######, getting my portfolio together, and my internship (which I'm glad is over!!!)... I'm just thinking it's about time something went in my favor. At least if I have to sit and wait longer for an approval, I hope Andy will get this job on Tuesday. He's been looking for 2 1/2 months, pounding the pavement every day... can't even find a job at McDonald's. It's really hard to keep my spirits up, like I said.

OK, back to trying in vain to get spry to work on my damn website. Ugh...

Sweetie I can completely understand how you feel!
I been bawling hard for two days now over this #######. I know we will get him here but its just FUSTRATING. I would love to see a touch as well.
Don't worry dear one IT WILL HAPPEN!!! Lots of hugs and prayers for us all!

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 02:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
I hope with my boss showing that she will give me the OT they will say OKAY to it...BUT thinking JUST in case I should get a job (few extra hours a week) JUST IN CASE!

Not sure I do not want to wear myself thin as this job is hard sometimes and makes me so tired. I will do it though to ensure he comes HOME.

Also I am going to claim my sisters kids as they are living with me and she JUST started to work where I work. So taking THAT money from income tax and putting it in the bank

HOPE it makes a HUGE difference to them..I will do whatever it takes to get him home

NO NO I will not become a hooker though...SIGH good.gif 50 cents an hour WONT cut it folks whistling.gif whistling.gif blush.gif
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 02:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Terri and Seb @ Dec 4 2008, 01:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 4 2008, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

here is the letter she prepared...what do you all think???

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to confirm that Merilee E. Hartell is employed with us since May 15, 2008 on full time basis as Laundry Attendant/Housekeeping. Her annual salary is Approx. 16,892/year. With overtime it can be more and be between 17,750 to 18,400. Merilee E. Hartell does work overtime when we ask her and we are willing to give her more if she needs it to make over the 17,500.

I just do not want them to go well SO what you do not get the visa because of lack of work for 10 years...
PLUS I was married to some moron who would NOT work and he was an abusive control freak...SIGH I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Well, I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to professional writing (nursing/English double major right here!), so I'll show you how I would word it. Feel free to ignore my advice if you think it would offend whoever wrote the letter, this is just the part of my university writing center mentor coming through smile.gif. First of all, "is employed" should be "has been employed" since they're talking about the month of May. Also, "approximately" does not need to be capitalized. Saying "annual" and "/year" is redundant, so I'd choose one or the other. They're missing a few dollar signs. And the rest of it could just use a little tweaking to sound a bit more professional.

"Dear Sir or Madam:
This letter is to confirm that Merilee E. Hartell has been employed with us since May 15, 2008. Her Laundry Attendant/Housekeeping position is full-time and her annual salary is approximately $16,892. However, Ms. Hartell often works overtime, which may increase her annual salary to between $17,750 and $18,400. We are more than willing to accommodate Ms. Hartell in her requests for overtime so that she may reach the set federal financial requirements for her foreign fiance to join her in the United States."

I hope that was helpful! And know that we're all wishing loads of good luck your way smile.gif.

A bit off topic, but have any of you received private messages from the newly registered member godwill? I got a slightly creepy message asking for me to email him/her pictures and it said something like, "Remember, love knows no color". I got a little freaked out and sent the administrator a PM. I hope they ban people like that. Ugh.

YOU ROCK!!! Thank you dear one!

No but I got a creepy letter from someone asking me for nude photos!! I have NO idea who this MORON IS!!!
AND he used a name I know! ALthough it was not him! I would have killed the guy!

I swear! OR what about these ones: My mother is dying and I need your help with money one! I swear SCAM CENTRAL!
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers

here is the letter she prepared...what do you all think???

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to confirm that Merilee E. Hartell is employed with us since May 15, 2008 on full time basis as Laundry Attendant/Housekeeping. Her annual salary is Approx. 16,892/year. With overtime it can be more and be between 17,750 to 18,400. Merilee E. Hartell does work overtime when we ask her and we are willing to give her more if she needs it to make over the 17,500.

I just do not want them to go well SO what you do not get the visa because of lack of work for 10 years...
PLUS I was married to some moron who would NOT work and he was an abusive control freak...SIGH I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 01:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Rob&Dawn @ Dec 3 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 3 2008, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 3 2008, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whilst we could never condone "fibbing" GO FOR IT innocent.gif

And if thats what you could make then I guess thats all there interested in after all you could earn $90k a year but if you only work 4 days a yr you'll never get paid that. Does that make sense???

well WITH OT I can make up to 18, 200 and she is going to put on there that they are willing to give me the OT to make up the difference...

*bangs head..* I dont know what to do I am almost tempted just to have him come here get married and hide out for 10 years...we been through so much BS i feel like im drowning in it...I am BUSTING my ### to get an extra job and a lil peaved that my son could NOT tell me sooner SO i could have done SOMETHING sooner...Its not fair and I feel sooo crapped on...I do not care WHAT i have to do I will get him here even if I have to sell my soul to the devil.

I am SO depressed my head is pounding and I have to work today...I wish I had another day off to deal with this ####...I feel sooooooo dead inside right now..I try not to feel as if I failed him but I do BIG time

Get her to do the letter, especially if she is happy to do the letter which details your overtime, what a great boss you have that she is trying her hardest to get Kai here for you. Based on the 100% would you still come up short?
I know where you're coming from on having Kai with you no matter, i've said to Rob that if i was refused for any reason sod it i would be over with him anyway. whistling.gif
You have the determination to get it all sorted out chick, and i don't doubt for one minute you will suceed.
You have NOT failed him, you are trying your hardest to get it sorted and he knows that. rose.gif

Hey all I cried reading this you all...I really needed to hear it!

I make 16,232 approx to 16890 is what we figured WITHOUT overtime tonight...THAT is over the 14,000 aka 100% for 2 people and SOOOOO close to 17500. GRRR
BUT I can make overtime and that happens about every other month...I have some checks that DO show the OT
It puts me OVER the 17500 so she said she will change the letter to state that I will make over 17500 with OT which she is happy to give me.

I MIGHT have a job for 12 to 15 hours a week. SO CROSS your fingers...I KNOW it will burn me OUT BUT i have to do what I have to do.

ALSO I have a question. I have not worked except starting last year for WAY over 10 years due to that accident
SO I have a REALLY low tax return and amount... I do not have ANYONE to be a Co sponser now AT all and lord knows I asked
I do still get SSI for 572 a month until I make OVER 18500. Some folks SAY you can count it AND others say no...

I PRAY they do not say WELL your tax return is BS and guess what because YOU dont have a super long work history its a no go...I am so lost right now I want to SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 00:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 3 2008, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 3 2008, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 3 2008, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whilst we could never condone "fibbing" GO FOR IT innocent.gif

And if thats what you could make then I guess thats all there interested in after all you could earn $90k a year but if you only work 4 days a yr you'll never get paid that. Does that make sense???

well WITH OT I can make up to 18, 200 and she is going to put on there that they are willing to give me the OT to make up the difference...

*bangs head..* I dont know what to do I am almost tempted just to have him come here get married and hide out for 10 years...we been through so much BS i feel like im drowning in it...I am BUSTING my ### to get an extra job and a lil peaved that my son could NOT tell me sooner SO i could have done SOMETHING sooner...Its not fair and I feel sooo crapped on...I do not care WHAT i have to do I will get him here even if I have to sell my soul to the devil.

Hunni, get her to write a letter as you've stated. What do you need to make to meet the 100% ?

I meet the 100% for two folks (me and him Im at 16,292 BUT some embassys want 125% SO not taking ANY chances
THATS approx BECAUSE i get paid bi weekly so some checks show 13 days some show 10 some show 11 per check...
SO it can go UP TO over 18k WITH ot as I do work that a lot...but the last two checks NOPE..IF I can show Im working OT about 7 to 10 a check THEN it puts me at 18,120 WHICH is WAY over the 17,500

She also is looking into giving me 5 extra hours a week so I can meet it and show it on the next three paychecks as well...
I have a GREAT BOSS!



Edited by Cham, 03 December 2008 - 04:05 PM.

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 3 2008, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whilst we could never condone "fibbing" GO FOR IT innocent.gif

And if thats what you could make then I guess thats all there interested in after all you could earn $90k a year but if you only work 4 days a yr you'll never get paid that. Does that make sense???

well WITH OT I can make up to 18, 200 and she is going to put on there that they are willing to give me the OT to make up the difference...

*bangs head..* I dont know what to do I am almost tempted just to have him come here get married and hide out for 10 years...we been through so much BS i feel like im drowning in it...I am BUSTING my ### to get an extra job and a lil peaved that my son could NOT tell me sooner SO i could have done SOMETHING sooner...Its not fair and I feel sooo crapped on...I do not care WHAT i have to do I will get him here even if I have to sell my soul to the devil.

I am SO depressed my head is pounding and I have to work today...I wish I had another day off to deal with this ####...I feel sooooooo dead inside right now..I try not to feel as if I failed him but I do BIG time

Edited by Cham, 03 December 2008 - 03:39 PM.

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
hey all Im out looking for an extra job.
I am also going to write a letter to go with the visa stuff I send him EXPLAINING WHY I have no income tax for prior years except last year AND why its sooooooo small.
I pray they do not hold that against me as im tempted to have my boss write an extra letter saying what a great worker I am she has offered.

I do not know what to do...she said she would also redo the letter and make it more saying the max i make will be around 17,690 (with overtime) WHICH I work a lot of...min is 16262 SO not sure what to do...
If I add up all of it I come out with 17620 for this year ALONE as I get paid bi monthly so some days will have 13 days on a check some 11 some 10 some 12...SO should I change it...I went through the weeks and so did she we got the same number???

I dont know HOW they go about this and I am SOOOOOOO CONFUSED
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (cdneh @ Dec 3 2008, 01:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We appear to be stuck at NVC.

Petition ariived there on Nov 24th. And as of yesterday still there.

We've rung. They say it isn't AP. They say nothing is wrong with it.

Just not sent on. mad.gif

I hate limbo!! I hope they send the damn thing for you soon..I heard it can take up to 6 weeks to send...BUT thats rumor...Will pray it gets there fast for you!!

Francie!...fingers crossed!
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Dec 3 2008, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Terri and Seb @ Dec 2 2008, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aaaahhh, it's already Tuesday and we've hardly seen any approvals or touches this week, plus hardly any last week. It's making me antsy, and I still have a few weeks until I should be expecting an approval!

I hope you can get everything worked out, Cham. While I'm not sure if they'd take your letter into consideration (I get the impression they just want to see the numbers), it can't hurt to include it!

I hear ya, getting restless myself. well we normally see most approvals thurs and frid. I hope it picks up soon. My timeline keeps going was late november now it says january. everytime i get to the adjudication time, they move it just out of my grasp! its like they are playing mind games! wacko.gif

Thanks All
us to...its coming to the point that if he is denied he is STILL coming no matter if I have to drive to another damn state to get him. We refuse to go through this BS again to only be denied due to a lack of a lil funds...COME ON
I have read that most go for the 100% not the 125% SO im hoping Australia is that as well
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 04:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Corinthians @ Dec 2 2008, 08:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's another interesting thought Cham...I got this from the State Department's Website:

Should K-1 fiancé(e) visa applicants use the I-864 or the I-134?

Since fiancé(e)s are nonimmigrant visa applicants, they should use the I-134. They will need to submit an I-864 to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) when they adjust status to conditional immigrant in the United States after they are married.

Do the same income requirements apply to all immigrant visa applicants even if they use the I-134?

No. The 125 percent minimum income requirement, the most recent year's tax return and other requirements only apply when an I-864 is needed. Applicants using the I-134 will need to show that their sponsor's income is 100 percent of federal poverty guidelines as required under Section 212(a)(4) of the INA.


Well I thought of that they want 100% and if we tell them and can show them the bank statement of the balance FROM the savings well that would be cool! I could handle that...

Should I write a statement on why I was not working for the last 5 years??????? I think I should to explain why
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-02 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Koakland @ Dec 2 2008, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 2 2008, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
as you some of you know my co-sponser back out on me and now we are scrambling to find a way to get him home.
I make 16,292 min and up to 17540 max (with overtime which I get alot of )
I also only have one tax return from last year which shows ####### on it because I was released by the doctor to go back to work finally. It only was 5k on it as it was the end of the year. Before that I never worked and my ex was the one who filed.

Can I use my SSI of 546 a month as well to add to it. I dont know what I can use for car is not in my name yet ( almost as I making payments...) I dont have much in savings and I fear this will break us if I cant get him home..we are both bawling and pissed off right now.

My son was a complete jerk about the whole thing and I tried to explain to him about it...yet he made me feel as if I was a burden to him.

I feel horrid inside and feel like dying I do not know what to do.
I JUST WANT HIM HOME and I have no one to cosponser at one

I've been thinking about ways to get around this. I have some but I'm not all too sure how ethical it is. It looks like you're only about $3600 away from meeting the poverty guidelines. Can you temporarily borrow that from a friend or family member? If you put that money into a savings account then you can count it as assets for the affidavit of support. Additionally, if you file your 2008 taxes right away - beginning of Jan - you could submit that with your affidavit of support and your income would be higher than previous years. Is your employer at all flexible with your hours? I don't know how much OT you can pull in the next month but if you can do alot that may pull you over the poverty guidelines in your 2008 tax return. I hope that is helpful. I'm really sorry that you're having a difficult time.

Thing is I been at this job going on 7 months now and the raise is FINALLY showing up.
Someone from Oz said I dont need the tax return that they just asked for bank statement (which I will file and claim my neice and nephew as they been here 6 months and their mom (my sister) wont make enough to get squat SO we are going to file that into the bank (which should be around 4 to 5 k) and THEN mail that over night (3 to 6 days to kai for his interview)

BUT from what the post said that aubry posted it looks like I can use my disability pay i get as well and I am working on getting a second job
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-02 19:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Rob&Dawn @ Dec 2 2008, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 2 2008, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
as you some of you know my co-sponser back out on me and now we are scrambling to find a way to get him home.
I make 16,292 min and up to 17540 max (with overtime which I get alot of )
I also only have one tax return from last year which shows ####### on it because I was released by the doctor to go back to work finally. It only was 5k on it as it was the end of the year. Before that I never worked and my ex was the one who filed.

Can I use my SSI of 546 a month as well to add to it. I dont know what I can use for car is not in my name yet ( almost as I making payments...) I dont have much in savings and I fear this will break us if I cant get him home..we are both bawling and pissed off right now.

My son was a complete jerk about the whole thing and I tried to explain to him about it...yet he made me feel as if I was a burden to him.

I feel horrid inside and feel like dying I do not know what to do.
I JUST WANT HIM HOME and I have no one to cosponser at one

Sweetie i feel really bad for you, this is the last thing you needed to go tits up!

Have you explained to your son that the i-134 affidavit is not legally binding?

I know people keep saying that you need the last 3yrs tax forms, but it doesn't state that on the I-194 destruction sheet?? Have you or Kai contacted the Embassy he will have his interview at to see what guidelines they go by, will they accept 100% or must it be 125%??


I contacted them so waiting for a reply back...WISH US LUCK because we need scared I would lose him over this but he said NOPE it will only make us stronger baby...How the hell did I get so lucky!
I PRAY they accept 100%
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-02 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Dec 2 2008, 05:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 2 2008, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
as you some of you know my co-sponser back out on me and now we are scrambling to find a way to get him home.
I make 16,292 min and up to 17540 max (with overtime which I get alot of )
I also only have one tax return from last year which shows ####### on it because I was released by the doctor to go back to work finally. It only was 5k on it as it was the end of the year. Before that I never worked and my ex was the one who filed.

Can I use my SSI of 546 a month as well to add to it. I dont know what I can use for car is not in my name yet ( almost as I making payments...) I dont have much in savings and I fear this will break us if I cant get him home..we are both bawling and pissed off right now.

My son was a complete jerk about the whole thing and I tried to explain to him about it...yet he made me feel as if I was a burden to him.

I feel horrid inside and feel like dying I do not know what to do.
I JUST WANT HIM HOME and I have no one to cosponser at one

I did a search, and maybe this post about SSI helps you. I found another post that relates to SSI from death benefits of a spouse, if that is more appropriate.

Try not to be too hard on your son. I've read the affidavit paperwork, and it all sounds terrifying to someone to sign. I wouldn't blame anyone for being hesitant to sign it. I fully understand why my father flipped out about it, and I'm just lucky that begging and pleading and negotiating worked. People can say terrible things when they're afraid.

Best wishes, and I hope one of those posts helps you.

He called me and feels like a jerk due to his harsh words...So he cried I cried. Thanks Aubrey I been on a hunt and also I am trying to obtain a second job.

I have a question..I was given jewelry after my grandmother died...can I use that as assets
There is jade, turquoise diamonds sapphire and opal jewelry and some of the stones are not even set yet
I had it all appraised for insurance purposes and it comes to 2, 341 can I use that as well???
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-02 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
as you some of you know my co-sponser back out on me and now we are scrambling to find a way to get him home.
I make 16,292 min and up to 17540 max (with overtime which I get alot of )
I also only have one tax return from last year which shows ####### on it because I was released by the doctor to go back to work finally. It only was 5k on it as it was the end of the year. Before that I never worked and my ex was the one who filed.

Can I use my SSI of 546 a month as well to add to it. I dont know what I can use for car is not in my name yet ( almost as I making payments...) I dont have much in savings and I fear this will break us if I cant get him home..we are both bawling and pissed off right now.

My son was a complete jerk about the whole thing and I tried to explain to him about it...yet he made me feel as if I was a burden to him.

I feel horrid inside and feel like dying I do not know what to do.
I JUST WANT HIM HOME and I have no one to cosponser at one
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-02 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
AWW chelle it will be okay!!

just for you!

I know I have to call my son and get our co sponser stuff done as well BAH!

Edited by Cham, 02 December 2008 - 11:19 AM.

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-02 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
My Beautiful VJ family
I wanted to send you this to those who are sad like I am and missing your SO...listen and remember SMILE..its ALMOST over loved ones!!!

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-01 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 1 2008, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 1 2008, 08:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 1 2008, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 1 2008, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AWWWWW thank you guys so much for all the well wishes! We are so thrilled! smile.gif

But we also know how agonizing waiting is, and exactly how it feels to *still* be the ones waiting.... we truly hope that you all get your approvals soon. We really do.
You've all been like family thru this with us, because as much as family and friends "think" they know what we're going through, they don't. You've been amazing!!!

Sooo, here's to all of us going through the next exciting stage of medicals and interviews TOGETHER!!!! smile.gif

AWWW we love you guys so much!! You are family...WE are family

Hope you get sorted soon, got my fingers crossed for ya!!

... and toes and arms and legs and EVERYTHING! laughing.gif

and me tushy HAHAHAHHAHA

Oh i needed someone to get an approval today I was getting BUMMED!

WOO HOOO according to the time line csc is at july 19th now SOOOOO lets HOPE!!!
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-01 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 1 2008, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AWWWWW thank you guys so much for all the well wishes! We are so thrilled! smile.gif

But we also know how agonizing waiting is, and exactly how it feels to *still* be the ones waiting.... we truly hope that you all get your approvals soon. We really do.
You've all been like family thru this with us, because as much as family and friends "think" they know what we're going through, they don't. You've been amazing!!!

Sooo, here's to all of us going through the next exciting stage of medicals and interviews TOGETHER!!!! smile.gif

AWWW we love you guys so much!! You are family...WE are family
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-01 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 1 2008, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Vermont has FINALLY found the box of petitions that someone was using as a footrest!! kicking.gif
We got our NOA2 today! (email notification)

So check your email ladies and gents - I wanna see LOADS of us getting approvals this week!!!
Rob&Dawn, Aubrey, Cham, Ev&Saya, PB&JAM, terri & seb, Juliette, Corinthians and the rest of you VJers we know and LOVE ~ we are SOOO pulling for you guys! SOON very VERY SOON you'll get your NOA2s!!!!

We can't wait to schedule our VJ get-together once everyone is in the States!

SWEET!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks doll...I really want him home...i need some hugs HAHAH
SO happy for you both..its ABOUT DAMN TIME!! WOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO kicking.gif good.gif kicking.gif good.gif
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-01 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Koakland @ Dec 1 2008, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ Dec 1 2008, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really hope there is something wrong with all of our timelines and they are wrong. Mine says anywhere from January 12 to February 6!!!!! FEBRUARY! crying.gif

I don't have any clue but a guess - maybe they're taking into account all the days the USCIS will be closed in December. Probably not, i dont think that igors makes predictions based on things like that - but that is something to consider. I will be off from work Dec 24 - Dec 26 and then Dec 31 - Jan 2. I bet most companies have holiday schedules like that. That's alot of days with no USCIS work.

WELCOME BACK!! happy to see no issues for you at all!

Ya I have to say I wish they would slam out the July NOA2s so we can get going on this!! GRRRR
here I expected him to be home by Feb and now maybe march or April??? I HOPE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway thanks all for your kind words...His dad is such a pompous a$$ if you get my meaning..its his way or the highway and if you have an opinion he hates you. He blasted us soooooooooo badly That we had to laugh because 99.9% of it was BS and #######.
I really do not think they know how much they pushed away Kai. They think we do not have money for the visa (even though WE started it already and We refuse to even discuss it with them..its not worth it..they wont listen anyway.
I had at one time was going to move there but we chose to have him come here instead because of the issue with his parents. THEY are very vindictive people and its sad because they will miss out on some important things

anyway I am STILL SMILING!!! you all know me by now Life is to short to dwell on negative #######
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-01 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Koakland @ Jan 1 2009, 02:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy 2009 everyone! I just spoke with my honey a few hours ago. He was on his way home from a NYE party and was quite tipsy tongue.gif but very happy because after many years we will finally be together! 2009 is the year that we'll get married!!! Congrats July filers and Happy New Year!!!

Kai got smashed last night on homemade ginger beer and has no clue what he said he told me he was so tired he was having an heartache LOL..he feels like a moron...I now call him captain heartache...ROFL

its his last hoorah.. so I dont mind but was pretty funny...SIGH..I am sick and threw up so I dont dare drink tonight..throat is soreeeee
ChamFemaleAustralia2009-01-01 02:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I pray this new year brings NOA2s and our sweeties home
ChamFemaleAustralia2009-01-01 00:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Dec 31 2008, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 31 2008, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Dec 31 2008, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just received an e-mail reply from the Embassy that they haven't RECEIVED our case yet. I'm a bit shocked now, because NVC confirmed once again that it was sent on 12/12. I called DOS, but all they could tell me was it was sent by NVC, but not received by the Embassy and it's nothing to worry about. They told me Embassy has the electronic file, but not the physical one. sad.gif

Now, I looked everywhere and some people ASSUME that until case is entered in the system, it will be considered as it was not received yet. So it could be sittng on the shelf at the Embassy somewhere and they would tell you they don't have it yet because they didn't process it. This is just an uneducated guess though and DOS employee apparently doesn't know anything about the way the process works.

Does anybody have a knowledge on this? This is certainly not the kind of news I wanted to hear right before the New Year, but maybe I'm freaking out for nothing. helpsmilie.gif

they did the same thing to us..saying it was sent out on the 13th..THEN i get two more letters from NVC one on the 15th and one on the 19th saying it was sent out..SOOOOO I called they still said the 13th BUT could not explain the letters!! SO FINALLY sydney said they DID receive the packet BUT are waiting on the paperfile. They did send an email with all the info finally that we can print out. I sometimes think that nvc and the embassy have no idea how to communicate

Sorry, Cham, now I'm even more confused. blush.gif So if they are still waiting on paperfile, then what was in the DHL package that they received and signed up for??? The way DOS lady explained it to me, the Embassy had our electronic file (e-mail), but they didn't have the paper file in their possession yet. wacko.gif I don't know, I might be reading too much int this, but I assumed that our case was already at the Embassy and interview date was coming up and now I have no idea what's going on. headbonk.gif

me either here is what I received

Following our email response to you, please be advised that we have received the electronic transfer of your data file but have not yet received the paper file from the National Visa Center (NVC). If we receive your forms and documents and have not yet received your paper file, an interview will not be scheduled until the paper file is received. We are in the process of requesting NVC for an update as to your paper file.

then the SAME dang day i got THIS email about 2 hours LATER:

Thank you for your inquiry.

The Consulate has received your approved petition. You may now download the initial set of instructions, known as “Packet 3”, from the following website:


Forms required:

Form DS-156 — Nonimmigrant Visa Application (2 copies)

Form DS-156K — Nonimmigrant Fiancé(e) Visa Application (1 copy)

Form DS-230 Part I— Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration

Form DSL-1076 — Applicant’s Statement of Readiness to be Interviewed

Form I-134 — Affidavit of Support

A medical examination is required. For further information please refer to the following website: http://canberra.usem...iv/medical.html.

To obtain a list of the Panel Physicians, please refer to the following website http://canberra.usem...iv/doctors.html . Medical forms are only obtained from the Panel Physician.

If you need to obtain a police certificate for Australia, please refer to the following website: http://canberra.usem...ertificate.html.

If you need to obtain a police certificate for another country, please visit the State Department website on

The visa applicant should complete and return form DS-230 (Part I only) as soon as possible to the U.S. Consulate General, Sydney. We only accept original forms, not faxed or scanned copies.

Please note that you must be interviewed and have your visa issued within the four-month validity of your petition.

When you have obtained all of the documents required for your case, complete and mail all of the documents(do not fax or scan) with Form DSL-1076 to advise the U.S. Consulate General in Sydney that you are ready for your final visa interview.

K-1 visa processing times vary. There may be unexpected ineligibilities that become apparent only at the time of your interview which require additional time and processing. For this reason, you should not make any irrevocable arrangements, such as purchasing non-refundable tickets, selling your home, or quitting your job, until after your visa is actually approved and issued to you.



Immigrant Visa Unit

U.S. Consulate General, Sydney

Kai has not received ANYTHING in the post yet so not sure WHEN That will come SIGH

I am JUST as confused!!!!!

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-31 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Dec 31 2008, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just received an e-mail reply from the Embassy that they haven't RECEIVED our case yet. I'm a bit shocked now, because NVC confirmed once again that it was sent on 12/12. I called DOS, but all they could tell me was it was sent by NVC, but not received by the Embassy and it's nothing to worry about. They told me Embassy has the electronic file, but not the physical one. sad.gif

Now, I looked everywhere and some people ASSUME that until case is entered in the system, it will be considered as it was not received yet. So it could be sittng on the shelf at the Embassy somewhere and they would tell you they don't have it yet because they didn't process it. This is just an uneducated guess though and DOS employee apparently doesn't know anything about the way the process works.

Does anybody have a knowledge on this? This is certainly not the kind of news I wanted to hear right before the New Year, but maybe I'm freaking out for nothing. helpsmilie.gif

they did the same thing to us..saying it was sent out on the 13th..THEN i get two more letters from NVC one on the 15th and one on the 19th saying it was sent out..SOOOOO I called they still said the 13th BUT could not explain the letters!! SO FINALLY sydney said they DID receive the packet BUT are waiting on the paperfile. They did send an email with all the info finally that we can print out. I sometimes think that nvc and the embassy have no idea how to communicate
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-31 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Sorry had to yell! Just makes me want to choke something! My relationship works JUST like any other and what right does some moronic judgemental closeminded donkeys bum have to judge me???

GRRRR making coffee...just grrr

sorry all had to vent

how is everyone this morning?????????????????????????

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-31 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (JulietteDumont @ Dec 31 2008, 05:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 30 2008, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JulietteDumont @ Dec 30 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 30 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JulietteDumont @ Dec 30 2008, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know what ? We received our RFE on 13 dec. I ran everywhere and spent 55euros to send the document to Jamie in 2 days. He sent it back to uscis the day he received my mail on 17 dec. He checked the tracking number today and the USCIS received the document yesterday !!! ####### ? It takes 2 weeks for the letter to travel 100 miles !
I'm depressed I want my NOA2 TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on the brighter side girl...THEY RECEIVED IT...better to have them finally have it instead of going where is the rfe we sent,,hang in there its coming good.gif

Aubrey...Oh great LOL I think I will go get one of those vapor things saw them cheap at walmart...I feel horrid and my ears hurt:(

To be honest I don't think that I can find any brighter side in this process anymore. I'm losing hopes, time and patience. I'm feeling sad and alone without my man, he feels the same way. What is the brighter side on that ? Like I said before, I'm ok with the USCIS taking time to give visas, but at least I would love to be able to travel to the US to be with the love of my life during the waiting time...

sweetie if ANYONE knows what it is like to be away from her man is me it has been a year and a half now almost 1 year 7 months now since I got to kiss him hold him and laugh with him face to face. I understand that..oh boy do I..BUT if you do not stay busy stay positive, then you are not only failing him you are failing yourself in this knew..well you both knew it could take up to 6 months JUST for the noa2..some got lucky some did not..its a gamble...BUT its close and you know its close..YOU had an went faster then some I have seen on here...a few couples waited 2 long horrid months until USCIS did something or even let them know they were working on the case. You have proof they receive it..It will come..

One of you has to stay me..with both of you being so negative and not saying hey babe it will happen..things like this are expected it could be worse and so will both fight and we do not want it to lead to that...

Now hold your head up and just know THEY have it..they FINALLY do..and YES it is okay to be sad or mad BUT stay positive..KNOW they are working on YOUR case and not letting it sit for another 6 months and using it for toilet paper devil.gif whistling.gif

We love you to pieces but get busy planning a wedding IT WILL HAPPEN...YOU know it will..WE know it will be okay sugar!!!


Thanks for you support Meri smile.gif
Just wanted to say that Jamie and I know how to deal wit that. Even if we are sad and frustrated we always stay positive for each other.
He is my soulmate and I'm his, and we never fight, we just love each other so much that we can't stay apart anymore...

I know sweetie I feel the same and even though I got our noa2 it still feels like FOREVER!
I hope the new year brings you joy and that dang noa2 shows up..when it does I am going to cheer sooooooo hard for you alL!!

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-31 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Dec 31 2008, 01:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 30 2008, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Dec 31 2008, 12:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 30 2008, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
never mind found it and the uscis says to go here for updates on closures

uscis is only closed new year's day, this thursday, january 1.

QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 30 2008, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
never mind found it and the uscis says to go here for updates on closures

uscis is only closed new year's day, this thursday, january 1.

no, dont have chelle's email but i will try to email her...that option is on her profile!

Ok...I emailed her. Hopefully will hear from her soon!!

Let us know if you find out anything and send her our love please.

yes i did sent her all your love n i'll let u know if i hear anything. maybe she'll post on here.

hope u feel better cham!

well I hope so!! I really miss chelle:(

Thanks Pb love...I have had this almost 2 weeks now. Stupid me went to work with it BUT next check will have ot and I want to show that to the embassy..this check I missed two days due to this ####### already so it was under 500 BLAH...i do not want them holding that against me BUT I am including checks that are over 600 and some 700 soooooo that should help along with a letter..I am sure they will understand (I HOPE ) that folks will miss a few days due to the flu

My ears are killing me and my throat BUT I do not dare miss more work.

Then she tells me my cellulitus is going into the bone so I need to SWITCH jobs. Its a staff infection I will forever have BUT can control IF I stay off my feet job requires tons of standing..SO I am taking secretarial courses so I can get out of there.

anyway back to bed I have to work if you all hear anything from her PLEASE

thank you and lots of loves to all

also hold your heads up it will happen. I just hate seeing sad faces and I completely understand:(sad.gif I pray it happens SOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-31 00:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
yes please do:( wanna know if she is doing okay and what is going on with her
thanks ahead of time!!!! heart.gif heart.gif

going to lie down a bit my left ear is killing me.
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-30 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
never mind found it and the uscis says to go here for updates on closures
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-30 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
I miss her!!!!!! i hope she is okay anyone have her regular email???????

also was told today I have to find a different job where I am not on my feet so much..the celulitis is now going into the bone and if it gets worse I can loose part of my muscle or my leg so am on the hunt for a better job..I wanted one anyway sigh

anyone know if USCIS has been open this week after xmas at all??????? or they going to wait till after the new year..I was trying to find out if they were open or dates closed but cant find #######

Edited by Cham, 30 December 2008 - 10:45 PM.

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-30 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (charity&mounssaif @ Dec 30 2008, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif fiance called today got interview date 01/21/09

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-30 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Dec 30 2008, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well as easy as is it for everyone thats been approved to say stay strong etc etc look back 6 weeks ago when we were all in the same boat waiting and getting more and more frustrated every day. Waiting for the NOA2 to magically appear- you know out of mid air with no se4nse or reason!!! lol
Spare a thought for those that are still waiting, we're all in this together and we all need to stay positive and help each other. good.gif

true but what I was saying is one has to stay positive or they will fight..If I was negative kai was positive if he was negative I was positive.

I was not trying to be rude or mean just saying that it will be okay stay busy or you will go MORE crazy then you already are

I know I was there..I wanted to hire thugs a dog named fido and granny to go streaking in the windows of USCIS!
BUT the dog was lazy the thugs were in jail and granny was out drinking with some guy named guido..SIGH

QUOTE (Corinthians @ Dec 30 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Waiting is kinda bad though. At this point I can't decide whether or not to go back to Brazil cause we could be approved today or 3 months from now. It's looking like the March wedding isn't gonna happen either. This far after NOA1 with nothing going on is like being in limbo.

agreed and i got everything i can crossed for you all!
ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-30 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (JulietteDumont @ Dec 30 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Dec 30 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JulietteDumont @ Dec 30 2008, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know what ? We received our RFE on 13 dec. I ran everywhere and spent 55euros to send the document to Jamie in 2 days. He sent it back to uscis the day he received my mail on 17 dec. He checked the tracking number today and the USCIS received the document yesterday !!! ####### ? It takes 2 weeks for the letter to travel 100 miles !
I'm depressed I want my NOA2 TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on the brighter side girl...THEY RECEIVED IT...better to have them finally have it instead of going where is the rfe we sent,,hang in there its coming good.gif

Aubrey...Oh great LOL I think I will go get one of those vapor things saw them cheap at walmart...I feel horrid and my ears hurt:(

To be honest I don't think that I can find any brighter side in this process anymore. I'm losing hopes, time and patience. I'm feeling sad and alone without my man, he feels the same way. What is the brighter side on that ? Like I said before, I'm ok with the USCIS taking time to give visas, but at least I would love to be able to travel to the US to be with the love of my life during the waiting time...

sweetie if ANYONE knows what it is like to be away from her man is me it has been a year and a half now almost 1 year 7 months now since I got to kiss him hold him and laugh with him face to face. I understand that..oh boy do I..BUT if you do not stay busy stay positive, then you are not only failing him you are failing yourself in this knew..well you both knew it could take up to 6 months JUST for the noa2..some got lucky some did not..its a gamble...BUT its close and you know its close..YOU had an went faster then some I have seen on here...a few couples waited 2 long horrid months until USCIS did something or even let them know they were working on the case. You have proof they receive it..It will come..

One of you has to stay me..with both of you being so negative and not saying hey babe it will happen..things like this are expected it could be worse and so will both fight and we do not want it to lead to that...

Now hold your head up and just know THEY have it..they FINALLY do..and YES it is okay to be sad or mad BUT stay positive..KNOW they are working on YOUR case and not letting it sit for another 6 months and using it for toilet paper devil.gif whistling.gif

We love you to pieces but get busy planning a wedding IT WILL HAPPEN...YOU know it will..WE know it will be okay sugar!!!

ChamFemaleAustralia2008-12-30 19:51:00