K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone from CSC get a touch today?
Yup, I apparently had a quickie today....
PlatyPiusMale02006-07-27 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing crazy with the waiting......

It's a violation of the TOS of this board to condone any legal activity....

No, we definitely don't condone any sort of legal activity.....

PlatyPiusMale02006-07-27 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched on 27th and 28th
I was fondled yesterday and today too.

Likewise, not getting my hopes up.
PlatyPiusMale02006-07-28 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI've lost hope

Hi Everyone,

I have officially lost all hope. I really, really, really, REEEAAALLLY, thought that I would be getting my NOA2 sometime this week. Tomorrow is Friday and I haven't received a thing. I've contacted both senators (filled out the authorization form when sending letter the first time) and haven't heard anything from them. I contacted my rep. in congress and haven't heard from her either. I've contacted UCSIC to get the same "call back in 30 days" bull.

I've seen people with NOA1s of April and May, but yet I who have an NOA1 of March 10 get nothing. I know, I know, I should get this depressed, but every night when I speak with my fianceé it just seems like she is farther and farther away. Our relationship has grown as have we and yet it seems we are prisoners to this process and our relationship cannot progress.

I am seriously on the verge of just simply giving up. Lord knows what I will do if I am denied. Most likely I will just give up. At one point or another we must admit that we are doing ourselves more harm than good by staying in this sort of relationship. Obviously every bone in my body tells me that breaking up is just simply not an option, but I don't know how long that can last. 2 years, 3 years, 4???

Maybe I will cheer up once the processing times change, but even then it will only mean that I have to wait until the processing date reaches 30 days after I got my NOA1. :crying: :(

Wow... giving up on a lifelong commitment of 50+ years just because of a 5 month wait for a visa that can be expected to take about take 6-8 months! I'll bet your fiance will be proud of you!!!

Sorry, but somebody had to say it.

No....nobody had to say anything negative.

No, really..... someone did.

If someone would throw away a relationship because of impatience, then someone HAD to slap the OP in the face and ask "What the bloody hell's wrong with you?!?!?!?!"

The OP didn't just say that he was depressed about the wait, he specifically mentioned breaking it off. I can't even fathom breaking my engagement to Sian off just because it was taking a little longer than expected. The thought of ending it with her has never, ever crossed my mind.

I own two houses here; one of which has EXTREME sentimental value. I would, however, move my ####### to England if that is what I needed to do to be with her. That would happen LONG before I would even give breaking up a thought, let alone giving it voice where thousands of people could read it.

Edited by Cian, 27 July 2006 - 07:06 PM.

PlatyPiusMale02006-07-27 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust now received call from Senator Lugar's office
Wow! You actually got a reply from Lugar's office! I've heard nothing from them. Bayh got back to me within 2 weeks, though.

Good luck!
PlatyPiusMale02006-07-30 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreally dumb questions about nationality and being british
We used "UK" for the country of birth and country of citizenship, but for her actual address (Q:15 on the old I-129f), we used Sutton, Surrey, England.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-01 06:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved on the 31st!!
Congrats! We got ours today/yesterday, too.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-01 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresw00t! |\|0/-\2 4 C!@n & 5!@n

Sian and I got our approval email today!
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-01 06:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG! We are approved!
Congrats! We were approved today also. Looks like CSC is planning on cranking them out now!
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-01 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWilliam33 are you approved yet?
I have no idea how they decided which ones to approve and which ones to "think about". Dartboard, maybe? The only thing I can hope is that with the rest of us cleared out of there, everyone else will be approved within the next few days.

Wishing a speedy approval to all of those from March who are still waiting.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-01 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceipt number on check
You're right. Sorry.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-02 05:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceipt number on check
If you click on the link on the page after you log in, it should take you to a copy of your NOA1, which lists your names.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-02 04:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceipt number on check
Mine started with LIN.

I don't get my checks back, I can only look at them online. The numbers on the back were almost illegible. However, I knew I had to find LIN (or 3 letters of some sort), so I guessed at the rest. First time I entered the numbers on the website, I came up with someone's app for a worker visa from 1998. Second time was for someone's visa for a fiance/spouse from the Middle East (2002 or so). Third time I finally got it. lol
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-02 04:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone else been touched on a Sunday?
"Has anyone else been touched on a Sunday?"

Sorry. I'm not Catholic.

*waits to be chastized by the fluffy brigade*
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-06 23:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhats moral turpitude?
I replied to your other, identical, thread....
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-15 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?
Nope, not me.

I'm not THAT original......
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-13 06:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes having child with fiancee mean auto approval?
In case no one guessed, I'm adopted too. I love hearing the "Adopted kids don't have that "thing" with parents like "real" kids do....." comments. Maybe that's a persons' way of justifying adding more spawn to an already over-populated get that "connection" that you just don't get from buying a used kid.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-08 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes having child with fiancee mean auto approval?

Cian you seem a bit angry the op was only asking a question and if you look closely he is new to vj so why not be a bit more considerate and show some restraint.
That was his first post here after being new member for only 10 minutes.
Its not like he is trying to cut in line at the local mcdonalds and get the last hamburger and fries and leave you with none.
He is just asking a valid question that any concerned parent would ask.
This is supposed to be a support forum not a venue for spewing your anger and attitude towards other people.

Quoting the the famous words of rodney king "why cant we all just get along"

What anger? What attitude?

The OP made a pretty nasty remark about adopted kids vs. "real" kids. I mentioned it. I didn't blast him/her about it; I mentioned it. I also pointed out that asking about having kids together equaling auto-approval wasn't likely to go over well.

All I did was make a few comments and ask a few questions. I didn't act "inconsiderate" or show a "lack of restraint". And yes, VJ is a support forum. It isn't a place to support attempts to "streamline" the process by getting pregnant though. Read the first few posts again. The OP zeroed in very specifically about his/her main concern - that having a kid together would show "validity of relationship".
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-07 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes having child with fiancee mean auto approval?

wow... not this ####### again.

Oh, you love it and you know it.

What's life without a little Drama Du Jour?
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-07 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes having child with fiancee mean auto approval?

chill out. Asking questions is not a crime!!!

I thought I would confirm what I know.

If you know so much about how the people at USCIS think, how they feel, what they consider important.....then why, may I ask, did you post here asking if getting pregnant by a USC would be "instant approval"?

What you know? That people get a little suspicious and testy when someone posts asking about methods of "auto-approval"?

I AM chilled. Didn't accuse anyone of any crimes, either. Although I did have an issue with your statements about adoption; me being adopted and all. Oh, and your assertation that people with kids are more committed or whatever than couples with no kids. But I'm just posting opinions and observations. I haven't accused anyone of anything or gotten "un-chilled"....
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-07 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes having child with fiancee mean auto approval?

I thought I would confirm what I know.

If you know so much about how the people at USCIS think, how they feel, what they consider important.....then why, may I ask, did you post here asking if getting pregnant by a USC would be "instant approval"?

What you know? That people get a little suspicious and testy when someone posts asking about methods of "auto-approval"?
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-07 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes having child with fiancee mean auto approval?
If you know so much about how the people at USCIS think, how they feel, what they consider important.....then why, may I ask, did you post here asking if getting pregnant by a USC would be "instant approval"?

Edited by Cian, 07 August 2006 - 11:25 AM.

PlatyPiusMale02006-08-07 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes having child with fiancee mean auto approval?
I'm just curious as to "Why?" Is the OP trying to expedite the K1 process by getting pregnant? I'm just curious as to the why of the adamant statements that a couple with a child is somehow more valid than a childless couple. I have a child with a woman whom I haven't seen in 18 years. Haven't seen my son either - she saw to that. Does that make her and I more "valid" than Sian and I? If so, then we're screwed since we plan on never ever having any more children. I'll be sure to tell her on the phone tonight that we should receive slower processing and less "preference" since we haven't created spawn.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-07 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresseriously everyone think about this.........
*Someone blows sunshine and cotton candy up Cian's #######*


*Sunshine and cotton candy comes back out - forcibly...and loudly*
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-24 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresComplete view of March to June timelines for CSC
...and here I thought it was pretty quick for Sian and I.... 94 days. Then I see someone from Iraq was approved in 45 days, Morocco in 50 days, Russia in 40 days..... Unbelievable. I'm sorry, but I cannot possibly fathom their logic behind approving all of these (including Sian and I) before the people who applied in March.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-26 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresZijn hier belgische vrouwen aanwezig die een amerikaanse verloofde hebben ???????
Ah.....the age old belief of those with superiority complexes everywhere..... "apparently bothered some folks... maybe its too close to the truth"

If we don't like what you said, then it's obviously because it hit too close to home and our frail little minds just couldn't take it.

Screw it. I'm done with this one.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-27 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresZijn hier belgische vrouwen aanwezig die een amerikaanse verloofde hebben ???????

where does it say anything about this being an english only board? i cant find it... and frankly, this is a website about ppl from all over the world, not just english speaking countries... anyone can post their questions in any language they want (are able to speak)... if you dont speak that language, then just dont respond... there are plenty of others (for whatever language is needed) that can give assistance... there are certainly plenty of dutch/flemish

im amazed at the intolerance on this board... you would think that a website based on bringing together unions from different cultures would be a bit more accepting of diversity

ewok, if i am wrong, please correct me

Dfgrerr gjfd grertr kgriof!!!! Cfjkfr fdsk wosdjr!

(Hint....that's total jibberish, just as many foreign languages are to many US citizens. This is a board concerning visas to the US. As such, I would guess that at least 50% of the people here speak English only. I would further suggest that if any non-English-speaking people are on this board and intending to immigrate here, then they need to learn English if they intend to get a job, make friends, function in society, etc. Ergo, shouldn't English be the ONE thing everyone here has in common? Regional forums are a different matter. General topics though should be made in English so that everyone can read and understand the post.)

WOW!!!! thanks ewok!!!!!!!! i didnt know you changed your user name!!!! :blink:

from her other posts, it seems she can speak english... but even if she couldnt, she would have plenty of time to learn it when she arrives... she wasnt asking for language lessons... and if anyone couldnt tell that because it was in a different language, then they just shouldnt answer her

Oddly enough, others are allowed to reply too. Or did you really expect no one to reply until Ewok had done so, so as to not interrupt your (apparently) private conversation with him?

I didn't answer her, did I? I would have breezed right over this topic if I hadn't seen your "OMG u're all so rude and intolerant!!!!111" post. That's what made me respond. I suppose all of us in the US will be considered intolerant if we demand payment in American currency, rather than shiny shells from Elbonia, too, eh?
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-27 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresZijn hier belgische vrouwen aanwezig die een amerikaanse verloofde hebben ???????

where does it say anything about this being an english only board? i cant find it... and frankly, this is a website about ppl from all over the world, not just english speaking countries... anyone can post their questions in any language they want (are able to speak)... if you dont speak that language, then just dont respond... there are plenty of others (for whatever language is needed) that can give assistance... there are certainly plenty of dutch/flemish

im amazed at the intolerance on this board... you would think that a website based on bringing together unions from different cultures would be a bit more accepting of diversity

ewok, if i am wrong, please correct me

Dfgrerr gjfd grertr kgriof!!!! Cfjkfr fdsk wosdjr!

(Hint....that's total jibberish, just as many foreign languages are to many US citizens. This is a board concerning visas to the US. As such, I would guess that at least 50% of the people here speak English only. I would further suggest that if any non-English-speaking people are on this board and intending to immigrate here, then they need to learn English if they intend to get a job, make friends, function in society, etc. Ergo, shouldn't English be the ONE thing everyone here has in common? Regional forums are a different matter. General topics though should be made in English so that everyone can read and understand the post.)

Edited by Cian, 27 August 2006 - 07:51 AM.

PlatyPiusMale02006-08-27 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTOUCHES ARE OVERSTATED BY VJ MEMBERS

from wwwiiigggiiii!!!!'s timeline:

Service Center : California Service Center
Consulate : Warsaw, Poland
I-129F Sent : 2000-05-15
I-129F NOA1 : 2006-05-19

Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated as early as September 30, 2000*.

5 years for a NOA1! Is that a record?


A touch is a touch. It doesn't matter how it was generated, and a TOUCH MEANS NOTHING. So, basically, who gives a flying purple ####### what does or does not constitute a genuine touch according to wwwiiigggiiii?

P.S. Please fix your timeline, as you're screwing up everyone else's estimates.

Well, without starting a heap of further argument. Touches do infer that someone handled your file.....

They do, yes. I was saying that, in regards to what is actually happening, - how close you are - they mean nothing. For the reasons you stated. Whining because people are counting touches following phone inquiries is just stupid. In the overall scheme of the visa process, touches are insignificant.
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-28 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTOUCHES ARE OVERSTATED BY VJ MEMBERS
from wwwiiigggiiii!!!!'s timeline:

Service Center : California Service Center
Consulate : Warsaw, Poland
I-129F Sent : 2000-05-15
I-129F NOA1 : 2006-05-19

Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated as early as September 30, 2000*.

5 years for a NOA1! Is that a record?


A touch is a touch. It doesn't matter how it was generated, and a TOUCH MEANS NOTHING. So, basically, who gives a flying purple ####### what does or does not constitute a genuine touch according to wwwiiigggiiii?

P.S. Please fix your timeline, as you're screwing up everyone else's estimates.

Edited by Cian, 28 August 2006 - 07:25 PM.

PlatyPiusMale02006-08-28 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow comes???

Judging by timelines, some who sent later then us already received Noa 2, but us not yet. Why so? Why that happen. Shouldnt be IMBRA, we sent new I-129F form. RFE?'s been an ENTIRE month! Obviously, someone at VSC hates you.


Come on, I just asked. We are all messed up here. So if my timeline dont look like tragedy yet, i should feel shame i asked what others think about this?
Its normal question - how comes?

My reply was made more in jest than in disgust.....
PlatyPiusMale02006-08-28 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow comes???

Judging by timelines, some who sent later then us already received Noa 2, but us not yet. Why so? Why that happen. Shouldnt be IMBRA, we sent new I-129F form. RFE?'s been an ENTIRE month! Obviously, someone at VSC hates you.

PlatyPiusMale02006-08-28 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP, URGENT !!

You are a citizen of belgium right? You dont even need a Visa to come to the U.S.A as Begium is one of the 27 countries that participates in the V.W.P. with us (Visa waiver program). You can just get on a plane and go to texas.

Dangerous to listen to this kind of advice. While it's true that Belgium is a participant of the WVP, it is NOT true that he can just enter the USA when he's going through the K-1 visa process. He needs to clearly establish that he will return on this temporary visit. That is why we've suggested he obtain the police report. More than anything else, I believe the border agent will take into account a police report the most. Even a fax letter from a hospital can easily be faked, but a police report is much harder to fake--doable of course, but much harder than a faxed note from a supposed hospital.

At any rate, you don't just visit the US while under going a K-1 visa process. You better have damn good reason why you need to be in the US and better have documented proof why it's an important reason to be in the US temporarily and have proof you're going back to your country of origin to wait it out during the K-1 process.

What kind of crack are you smoking? Many of us here have had our fiance(e)s from the UK and the EU visit us while the K1 was in process. They usually only ask why you're visiting, and if you have any evidence that you'll return to your home country. Sian came here in late June. She told the officer that she was here to visit her fiance, and that there was a K1 application in process. The officer looked at her letter from her employer, and told her to have a nice visit.

This happens a LOT. I haven't read of many people from the UK or EU being turned away. Yes, I'm sure it happens, but not at all frequently. Where the hell do you get the "you don't just visit the US while under going a K-1 visa process." thing?
PlatyPiusMale02006-09-01 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm so sorry!

B.F.D. = Breaded Fish Dicks

(Available at a Long Dong Silver's near you....)
PlatyPiusMale02006-09-01 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScared Cos Fiance Has Had Arrests..
Well, considering you replied to a topic that is 8 months old......
PlatyPiusMale02006-09-08 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnd of the road

Gee, thanks.

While I appreciate SirLancelot's understanding and agreement with my reasoning, I must say that his mother dresses him funny, and he smells bad. Oh, and he has cooties.

Yep, and you continue to demostrate why your personality is to be loathed.

Let's analyze this....

You say to me:
"I still think he's a pompus jackass with some sort of wanna-be superiority complex..."
"As much as I hate his personality, I have to agree with what he's saying."

I reply with a few humourous 3rd grade put-downs, and you say that it's MY personality that is to be loathed???

Why? Because I haven't resorted to calling people names like "jackass"?

You're calling ME pompous? I haven't posted anywhere on the board telling someone that I hate their personality, or that their personality is to be loathed.


Cian, STFU and quit being an a$$. Let it go.

Since you asked nicely, I will STFU.
PlatyPiusMale02006-09-10 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnd of the road

Yes, I did correct most of that (As Alex pointed out, I missed a couple). It is grammar, but it is also chatspeak - using the lower case i, especially. It was my way of making a point....that some people might have less of a grasp of English, and that we should all try to keep that in mind when posting.

And yes, I am a sh!thead.

This is an interesting point. At first, I was going to ###### out Cian for his pompous English correcting posts as well, but after his explanation of why he is doing it, I have changed my mind. I still think he's a pompus jackass with some sort of wanna-be superiority complex, but he does make a valid point. When one is first learning English, slang and vernacular is bad. IM chatspeak is even worse. As much as I hate his personality, I have to agree with what he's saying.

For the foreign SOs who will eventually immigrate to the US, it's to your advantage to learn English and learn it properly. If you want to secure any kind of decent jobs later on, you'll need to be able to write clearly and properly in English, not IM chatspeak.

Gee, thanks.

While I appreciate SirLancelot's understanding and agreement with my reasoning, I must say that his mother dresses him funny, and he smells bad. Oh, and he has cooties.
PlatyPiusMale02006-09-10 06:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnd of the road
Yes, I did correct most of that (As Alex pointed out, I missed a couple). It is grammar, but it is also chatspeak - using the lower case i, especially. It was my way of making a point....that some people might have less of a grasp of English, and that we should all try to keep that in mind when posting.

And yes, I am a sh!thead.
PlatyPiusMale02006-09-10 05:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnd of the road

CIAN..I am gugu's USC fiance and even I take short cuts when I type. Reading your post really pisses me off. I bet if someone uses the word "AINT" or spelled "a lot" as ALOT it would send your ### into a frinzy! Yeah this is a forum so keep in mind that it's not an English class room! If you want to spend your minutes,hours,days,and such correcting other's grammer then why not get an English Professor's degree. Then you can correct all your students while lowering their self esteem.

You are concerned with your own convenience. I am concerned with the ability of others to read posts on an immigration website. Who's being selfish and who isn't?

Funny you should mention the English degree.....

For the last time; my issue was with the chatspeak, not the grammar. Have you seen me ever correct someone's spelling or grammar on this site before? No, you haven't.
PlatyPiusMale02006-09-10 03:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnd of the road

"I hope u you guys will work things out. (L)
I sometimes feel the same way about my relationship. Me and my SO are both 21, and I still think it's too early to get married. We both still got have a lot to learn. Sometimes i feel like his love is just too much for me to handle. He loves me with all his heart, and he wants nuttin nothing more than being to be with me for the rest of his life. For me, this means leaving my friends and family behind and starting a new life. Sometimes i really do feel like it's to too early; but marriage its is the only way for us to be together. Don't get me wrong; I love him more than anything else in this world and I culdnt b couldn't be without him cuz because he is making my life complete. but However, getting married scares me."

OK Now read these words:
I going to Fuking yor gremer.
The sentence is totaly wrong but you know what CIAN>>>> who cares. So keep your stpd corrections to yourself and if you realy want to correct someone, send an IM. I never put any harsh posts on the board and most of the users know about it. But I realy felt offended in here bcz it seems like you want to correct every foreign fiance.

Oh really? I've corrected EVERY SINGLE foreign fiance on VJ? Sorry.... this is the only one. And it wasn't because of her grammar; it was because of the chatspeak. She obviously speaks English as a second language, and does it well enough to be able to use chatspeak too. What about those who can't, though? What about someone from a non-European background who might really have trouble understanding real English words, let alone chatspeak jibberish? That is my concern. That and the "who gives a sh!t" attitude that using chatspeak conveys.

Thank you for the enlightened suggestion that I piss off. May I return the favour and suggest that you engage in an impossible act of self-copulation? Yes, I think that I may.

Good day.

Edited by Cian, 09 September 2006 - 06:23 PM.

PlatyPiusMale02006-09-09 18:22:00