K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPeople make up your mind before bringing someone here!!
I agree with many of the sentiments here. But, being new here, one thing really jumps out at me and that is financial aspect so many posters talk about. As most of you know, it is expensive to live in the US and money is the number 1 reason for divorce. Regardless of where your fiance may be coming from, I believe you should be able to provide for your mate and it seems hard to believe that that it could be done on 125% of the poverty guidelines, that's like $1600 a month to live on for two people, rent, food, transportation, etc. I understand that love will conquer many things, but, as I heard someone say once "You can't eat love."
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-24 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresafter noa2 NVC

ok thanks. should i call them after 2 weeks of noa2? or just wait for them to mail me a notice.

I called 10 days after I got our NOA2 and was given a case number. Now I check every other day or so to see if has been shipped. Have been told that it is undergoing additional processing (I understand that is what everyone is told) and I will receive an e-mail as soon as it is shipped onto the embassy. Given the short time (and long) that some of the petitions are there, I continue to believe that you are at the mercy of whatever clerk gets your petition and how fast or slow they process it. Good luck!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-24 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresafter noa2 NVC
Short time? I've heard 2-4 weeks. My NOA2 July 2, 2012. Entered in to the system at NVC July 6, 2012. As of today, July 24, 2012 still there for additional processing (rountine criminal background check on the petitioner.) I've got prints on file with the DOJ so I figured I'd be in and out, not so. :unsure:
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-24 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp
I wrote a one page letter that explained how we met, when I first visited, time with the family, some of our other visits, why we decided to marry, how and where we got engaged etc. They say keep it to one page but I believe the more detailed the better. Good luck!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-29 07:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?

No worries. Just make sure it is original, meaning your ink on the application. No photocopies. I have yet to have anything notarized. Keep copies of everything. As I have mentioned, you will basically fill out the same forms again after you get married and file AOS.
Yeah, it does make one nervous when worrying about these forms. But, the instructions on the website are separated by commas and has an "or" between them. If an instruction on a form states needing to be notarized, then it applies. But, on the I-134 form it states
"Form I-134 must be signed in your full name. (Note: Signing Form I-134 is under penalty of perjury under U.S. law). For this reason, it is not necessary to sign Form I-134 before a notary, nor to have your signature notarized after you sign it."
Good luck, you will be fine as you are trying your best to pay attention to the details.

Thank you. Yes, we are both trying to pay attention to the details that is why she insisted on getting the Marriage Certificate even though she was never married and has no children because as she said, "Better to have and not need", who am I to argue with that logic! And, as you you suggested, I have made heaps of copies, I have our file with with coipes of everything, a dummy file of that and a third back up! I will take no chances!

Attached Files

khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-29 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?

Your I-134 does NOT need to be notarized. You MUST submit an original I-134 application. If you feel the need for further clarification, please feel free to email the consulate in question and see what they have to say. Posting another thread will not get you different answers.
When filling out these applications, fulfill the instructions of the individual form form. You, as the USC, are signing the I-134 under penalty of perjury. If you lie, you go to jail. (or some version thereof).
A notary only certifies the validity of a signature, not the contents of the document.

Thank you. I just wanted to check to make sure we are doing everything by the book so to speak. And, I was not looking for "different" answers, it occurred to me after posting here that maybe I should try the country specific forum. I posted a general question and was expecting general answers from someone that went through the same process. I was just referencing what it said on the web site.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-29 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?

There is nothing wrong with what you did but it wasnt required. Notaries verify signatures and have nothing to do with content of a document. It would serve no purpose to turn in someone elses divorce docs for example.
The "certification" of the translations can be done by anyone competent in both languages. The actual certification is the statement they sign indicating they are.
See the sample form I copied here. Something like this is all thats required.

Certification by Translator

I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.

Date Typed Name

I had to get certified copies of her birth certificate, name change with the red stamp and signature from her Amphur so they could be translated and I then used the United States Certified Translation Services to do the translation as they were recommended by U.S. government. They then provided me with a certified/notarized translation.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-29 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?

I was just remembering that Mari's birth certificate had to be an "original". Hence it was signed and certified from Brazil (portuguese). The translation to english had to be certified, we got that done here in the states. Out of the K1 process, that is the only thing I remember that had to be certified/notarized.

Thanks! Yes, we are submitting the original signed I-134 with Packet 3. Likewise, I got my fiancee's birth certificate, name change certificate and her marriage certificate signed and certified by her Amphur (local government) and had them translated by a certified translation service. I also had a copy of my divorce decree notarized (certified true and correct copy).
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-29 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?
I noticed on the embassy web site the following:

"We will contact the applicant only after we receive all the requested documents. Please include contact information with any documents you submit to us by mail or fax. For certain documents, such as the Affidavit of Support, we must have original, notarized documents and cannot accept fax copies."

Is this true? I had not heard this before. It is not a problem, just don't want to get to the interview and find out. And, does it have to notarized at the embassy or can I use a state notary here in Calif.?


Edited by khwaidee1, 29 July 2012 - 10:05 AM.

khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-07-29 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime between NOA2 and Reaching NVC
CSC NOA2 July 2, 2012, received hard copy July 6, 2012. Called NVC July 16, 2012 and was given case number and told was entered into their system July 6, 2012. Called NVC July 26, 2012 and was told our petition had been sent to the embassy. August 4, 2012 received letter from NVC dated July 27, 2012 confirming the petition had been sent.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-06 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about I -134
We haven't had our interview yet so I can't be specific other than to share what I am doing (and will take no chances). Our Embassy requested "an employment letter and a copy of petitioner's tax return (Form 1040) for the most recent tax year." With our Packet 3 I am submitting 2011 IRS 1040 and 2011 Tax Transcript, copies of my paychecks from January 2012 until present, 2009, 2010 and 2011 K-1 Form 1056 (like a W-2), letter from my employer and the I-134. At the interview I will also have available tax transcripts for 2008, 2009 and 2010 as well as 1040 tax returns for 2008, 2009 and 2010. I am well above the poverty line so I reckon the above will suffice. However, I will also have my most current bank statements should they want to see them. All of this documentation is readily attainable as either I had it or with the tax transcripts I ordered them on line and got them in about a week. I'm kind of going belt and suspenders into the interview. As I read other instructions it looks like all embassies require a tax return for the most recent year, I could be wrong but again, I don't want to take any chances! Good luck to you.

Edited by khwaidee1, 07 August 2012 - 04:33 PM.

khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-07 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

It IS tough, but the site is full of success stories. My wife and I married nearly 7 years ago. She's from a completely different cultural upbringing but not so completely different values. We decided to marry BEFORE meeting in person, and arrived at the marriage office the morning after my arrival in China. Lots of stories like that here. Lots of the others too.

Very nice to hear, and I have no doubt there are plenty of such success stories. I guess the concept just seems a bit foreign to me. However, I flew half round the world after only a few phone calls, texts and video chats so I guess I kind of understand. Best of luck to you and your bride!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-06 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(
Joining this site has been an eye opening experience. At first I thought it was a bit strange that someone who could not meet the poverty guidlines would want to bring a mate from a foreign country to start a new life here (the U.S. is expensive!)And, now to read about people who have never ever met in person wanting to commit their life and love to that person. While I'm sure it can work from time to time, it just sounds like a recipe for disaster from the start. You're picking a mate for life with a completely different cultural upbringing and set of values, sounds tough to me.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-06 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemployers letter at london interview

are the online ones good? he has that but he doesn t have legal copy of it .

I believe the Tax Transcripts you get from the IRS are good. You order them online or by phone and they mail them to you. As far as being legal, I don't know what that means, they come from the IRS so Isuspect they're legit. Also, if you submit them with a copy of the 1040 they will be able to see that AGI matches up.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-08 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemployers letter at london interview

Im in the same situation, freaking out cz i don t know what to do. they say to give legal copy of tax return??where does my fiance gets that ,,he needs to go to IRS? aslo they are asking for a letter from the employer but he is self employed , run his own what???:(

Just another comment. I am not self employed and make well above the poverty guidelines. In Packet 3 I will be providing my I-134, 2011 IRS 1040, 2011 IRS Tax Transcript. 2009-2011 IRS K-1 Form 1056 (like a W-2), a letter from my employer and copies of my paychecks from January 2012 to the present. For the interview I will have available for my fiancee all of my most recent bank statements, tax returns for years 2008-2010, investment accounts etc. Is it overkill? Probably but, I have all this stuff so why not have it available just in case? And as I said above, I've yet to read of someone being denied for having too much evidence. This is serious stuff and I am preparing it accordingly. Good luck to you.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-08 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemployers letter at london interview

Im in the same situation, freaking out cz i don t know what to do. they say to give legal copy of tax return??where does my fiance gets that ,,he needs to go to IRS? aslo they are asking for a letter from the employer but he is self employed , run his own what???:(

He can order tax transcripts on line and he will get them in about a week, no charge. I ordered the past four years. I think for self employed you go with your tax returns and maybe a letter indicating self employment.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-08 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemployers letter at london interview
I believe if you are the Petitioner you are required to provide proof of support which can very from Consulate to Consulate. However, from what I have been able to glean from the DOS web site and here is that at a minimum you, as Petitioner, must provide the I-134 Affidavit, your most recent (2011) Tax Return and a current letter from your employer stating dates worked, F/T or P/T and your salary. I will be providing much more because in perusing these boards I have yet to see anyone denied or given a 221g for providing too much evidence.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-08 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out I-134

I will sent her everthing except the original NOA 1 and NOA 2 she will get the original receipts and signed paperwork... Thanks

I made two sided color copies of the NOA1 and NOA2 and sent them to my fiancee. They look pretty damn good and when she went in for her Police Clearance the officer was thought the NOA2 was the original so he just made a copy. For all the documents that have color in them (birth certificate, name change, translations, etc.), I have also made color copies of those. Good luck.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-14 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax return for interview - Been told by attorney proof of income is enough for now
Just curious as to how your letter of employment as to what you earn woudln't correspond with your tax returns, won't that create an issue later? I thought all consulates wanted at least the most recent tax return but I would check what is specifically required for your consulate.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-15 19:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 in the mail tomorrow!
Correction: the DS-157 was not signed yet by my fiancee, to be done at the consulate at the direction of the CO after she takes the oath.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-15 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 in the mail tomorrow!

It will all depend on Thailand's packet 3 requirements. These are Country Specific.

Cross check with whatever they requested from you Posted Image

I did, like 6 times! Went over everything with her again this morning as she will send it off EMS tomrrow.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-15 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 in the mail tomorrow!
Here is what my fiancee has ready to submit per the Packet 3 Instructions she got on Tuesday (I had everything already ready to go) as well as some additional documentation. She's paid the application fee and had her medical exam Tuesday with the results and x-rays given to her. Here's what we're submitting with Packet 3:

-Form DS-2001 Notification of Applicant Readiness (signed original)

-A copy of my Thailand Passport

-A copy of my Thai birth certificate and certified translation

-A copy of my name change and certified translation

-A certified copy of the Petitioner’s Final Divorce Decree

-Application Form DS-230 Part 1 (signed original)

-Application Form DS-156 (signed original)

-Application Form DS-156K (signed original)

-Application Form DS-157 (signed original)

-Two color photographs of Applicant

-A copy of the receipt for the application fee of US$240

-A copy of Form I-134 Affidavit of Support (signed original)

-A copy of Petitioner’s Passport, all pages

-A copy of Petitioner’s 2011 IRS Form 1040

-A copy of Petitioner’s IRS 2011 Tax Return Transcript

-A copy of Petitioner’s 2011 IRS Schedule K-1 Form 1056

-A copy of Petitioner’s 2010 IRS Schedule K-1 Form 1056

-A copy of Petitioner’s 2009 IRS Schedule K-1 Form 1056

-A copy of Petitioner’s Employment Status Letter

-Copies of Petitioner’s Paychecks from January 2012 to present

-A copy of Form I-797 Approval Notice

-A copy of my Thai Police Clearance Certificate

-A copy of my Marital Status Certificate and certified translation

Since Bangkok has been setting interviews within 10 days to 2 weeks after getting Packet 3, here's what we have for Packet 4 to show evidence of meeting in the last two years (I've been there January, April and June of this year) and heaps of evidence of an ongoing relationship (about 60 photos over the last 2 years with dates, location and people written on the back, phone and text logs with selected months over the last 2 years, all boarding passes and passport stamps, e-mails, engagement ring receipt, cards to and from each other with envelope showing cancelled postage, a few train and plane tickets around Thailand and Cambodia, Express Mail receipts for packages I sent her/she sent me).

Trying to be prepared as possible and will accompany her to the interview although I know I cannot attend. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Edited by khwaidee1, 15 August 2012 - 12:02 PM.

khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-15 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment letter question
My fiancee is submitting our Packet 3 today. My employment letter that she is submitting (along with all the tax returns, K-1s, paychecks etc.) is dated July 20, 2012. I have been with the same firm since 1991, basically stayed with the same firm right out of law school. We reckon our interview will be in about 2 weeks time or so. Should she bring a more recent letter or is within the last month good enough? Thanks.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-15 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot the end of the world
Here's a thought and just my .02 cents. In many places in the world there is the "official" way of doing things and the "other" way. Maybe you could contact an Argentinian immigration lawyer to see if they could assist. It may cost a couple of bucks but you also might get it quicker. Maybe one of the Argentinian VJers could chime in.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-15 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat comes next...?

My package #3 was sent today to my local US Consulate!

Seems like the next step is getting an interview date...

How long between the two?!

I'm getting antsy! :)

I would say it depends on the Consulate. I was absolutely shocked by what happened to us. Sent in Packet 3 by EMS (Thai Expree mail) on August 16 (Friday). Got an e-mail August 20 with an interview date of August 27. Good luck!!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-22 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question


I'm like you too, I must have everything organized! I don't want to send your brain into overdrive but I would advise once you have been approved to read about AOS and ROC. ROC requires documents that span over your marriage and collecting them as they come is far easier than worrying about it later. It's nothing overly complicated, you just need proof that you live together so when you get documents like that, you can put them (and copies) into a file for later. Anything official with both of your names are what you need. For example, lease/mortgage agreement, airline tickets showing you sitting together, tax transcripts, joint health insurance cards, car insurance, vehicle titles. Make sure you add her name to as many utility bills/bank accounts/etc as possible too, and keep the paperwork. This will make your journey much easier! :)

Thanks for that. We will get her SSN straight away and then get a joint checking account. I will also add her to my health insurance. Once she gets her license I will of course add her to my auto insurance. I tend to save stuff, often too much so I will start a new file with a view to the AOS and ROC. Thanks again!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-22 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question

Oh dear! lol You sound like me LMAO Posted Image

Too funny. :rofl: I guess because of my profession (trial attorney), I'm used to preparing everything 3 times and then re-checking it. Since this is one of the, if not the, most important things in my life I will leave nothing to chance! I had our Packet 3 ready to go by the time I got our NOA2. I've just been adding paychecks and phone logs as the months passed by.

Edited by khwaidee1, 22 August 2012 - 01:33 PM.

khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-22 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question

Yeah, don't stress to much about. Just make sure you fiancee understands your organization method and that she knows what each piece of paper is for. That's really important! I'm sure you have it all down to the T.

Yes, we are going to go over the stuff several times hence my getting there 3 days before the interview. I am also going to have her prepare an Index in Thai so she can find everything. I started prepping for this once we got our NOA1 LOL! Thanks
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-22 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question

Try not to worry too much, I know it is easier said than done! I took a huge binder of stuff and an enormous photo album and was somewhat put out when I found out I didn't need 90% of it. :lol:

Yes, no doubt about worrying! I took the photos out of the album and found smal 4 X 6 albums. However, my 3 binders weigh 7.2kg! When she gets her visa if they don't need 90% I will be quite content. I've yet to read of anyone here having any problems from having too much stuff.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-22 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question

I would put the copies with the originals, that way it will be much easier for her to find. Only present paperwork when asked. She should show them the original document of anything they ask for, she can always explain that she has the a copy if they want to keep the document. Good luck, have a safe trip.

That's exactly the way I have it set up. I have those clear sheet protectors with the original in front and a copy behind so she can easily slide them out as opposed to popping the rings open. The sheet protectors are clearly labeled. I have prepped this stuff several times as I want to be prepared as possible. Thanks.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-22 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question
Our interview is next Monday. I will be flying out tonight to bring all of the necessary documents and to be there for moral support (and hopefully bring her home with me.) We front loaded our petition with photos, boarding passes etc. I put together a pretty comprehensive Packet 3 with heaps of financial stuff which we submitted on August 16. We were given our interview date on August 20 for August 27!

As I understand it, the CO is behind glass kind of like a bank teller. We have all our documents in 3 3 ring binders (Financials, Evidence of Relationship and Original Documents) In each binder there is sheet protector with a an additional copy of each document.

Here's my question: should I just make 3 stacks of the copies of the documents and clip them together for presentation to the CO or wait for him/her to ask for a specific document? I really don't want my fiancee to have to be leafing through the binders. I'm hoping someone that's done this can offer some suggestions. Thanks.

Edited by khwaidee1, 22 August 2012 - 10:50 AM.

khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-08-22 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE and SSN

Does K1 visa holder wait in the line of Immigration Visa or Non Immigration visa at POE?

Can we get married before getting SSN?

It all depends. When came through POE at LAX the person organizing the lines told us we had to get in the visitor/non-citizen line. Three flights from Asia came in at the same time so it was a little crowded. The U.S. citizen lines died down so they sent us down there and we sailed through in minutes. The CBP agent was super nice, welcomed my fiancee to the U.S., congratulated us and reminded us twice to get married in 90 days. Good luck!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-07 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBurmese living in Thailand

You may not have and I didnt but in at least 4 recent cases the police insisted on the USCs bio page.

Agreed, they requested that of my fiancee last month as well as a copy of the NOA2 and Packet 3 letter. Cost 50bht postage to mail it to her.

At the very least they will require:

"Requesting letter from the embassy of the country that the applicant plans to travel. A
notice from the US Embassy regarding your case (i.e. a packet 3 cover letter) can be
used for this purpose."
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-06 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got back from my Congressman's office
I didn't enclose any "personalized" letters and I got no RFE. I've never heard of that but maybe someone more learned than I knows for sure.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-07 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService Request for 129-F
I put in a service request and got a confirmation number and e-mail confirming same. Don't know if it changed anything as far as processing for CSC. Also e-mailed the ombudsman, got an e-mail confirming that as well. Got our NOA2 within the normal processing times so I don't know if it made a difference. Good luck.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-07 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce and Red Flags

Most of the time the issue is people file the i-129f prior to divorce being final. For example, even though they divorced, they do not wait required WAITING PERIOD to be FREE TO MARRY, ie some states are 6 months!!. Be sure all waiting periods are complete, and your fiancee is FREE TO MARRY before you file the petition. Ask yourself this, is your fiance divorced and any waiting period complete to be free to marry? If you can't answer this question, do not file yet.

Exactly. I was never "legally" seperated, just filed and waited the 6 months per Calif. law. We then filed our 129F 12 days after it was final and I was "free" to marry. Good luck!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-12 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce and Red Flags
My ex and I were seperated for a number of years and remained best of friends so we never really felt the need to file for divorce. Then I met my fiancee and we looked into the K-1 and I realized I would have to file! I filed in June of 2011. In Calif it takes six months from when the repondent answers for the divorce to become final. My divorce was final December 29, 2011 and we filed our 129F on January 10, 2012. Was never an issue and never came up in the interview.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-12 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa taking too long...
As someone else suggested, why not have a wedding "celebration" with all the family in December and then once the K-1 is approved and she is here you can make it legal. My fiancee and I had a big party for her extended family several months ago because we didn't think we would be able to pull it off once we got notice of the interview (they gave us 7 days!). Anyway, nothing filed nor signed, just a big party with family and friends with the monks from our temple. We have our legal ceremony in 2 weeks here. Good luck!
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-18 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGlossy OR Matte ?

It matters so little that some have even printed them side by side on plain paper and gotten approvals, allegedly.

I submitted a mix.

:thumbs: Agreed. We put about 60 photos in 2 small 4 X 6 albums. We also used a color copier and printed 2 to a page. The CO only wanted to look at the copies and never asked to see our ablums. And even then he only asked a couple of questions on maybe 3-4 pictures.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-18 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 & SSN #

Ok thanks, does anyone know how long it usually takes once you apply?

Applied for my fiancee's on September 4, 2012. We got her card in the mail with the # on September 10, 2012 so for us, 6 days. But, they tell you at the SSN office it takes two weeks.
khwaidee1MaleThailand2012-09-20 18:30:00