K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
Mailed ours to CSC on the 18th Certified but have not got the signed receipt back. Checked USPS web site just an hour ago with receipt number and see that it was delivered on the 19th at 1045 AM.

Will be making a visit with the soon to be Mrs SqdnGuns in Sept, w00t w00t!! :innocent:

I am hoping to have her here for a Christmas present!! :thumbs:
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-06-26 21:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Story
Change your fonts and sentence structure, can't read it.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-06-28 22:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaConcerns and Trust

I feel your pain, But please don't waste a year like I did. This is my story,

I also was with a man from jordan I am muslim smart attractive funny. I loved him and thought he loved me. I waited for him for almost five years during that time I sent him money took care of his family when he came ect...

You name it I did it. I look Arab I speak Arabic and I cook Arabic I took on the role of being the perfect Arab wife.
I been around the culture my whole life trust me when I tell you this I did nothing wrong.

I went to see him every year his family loved me everyone treated me with respect and kindness inviting me for dinner going shopping with me ect...

We I thought where in love. He alwasy told me how much he loved me and I was his everything.

Behind my back last year I found out he got engaged to another women in his country!
When I first heard of it I thought the person telling me was jealouse of me because she is not happy wiht his brother so I thought our relationship made her jealouse.
When I comfronted him I was laughing and told him what she said.

And that is when I found out it was true! I could not beleive it! And even after I found out he said "I was his love blah blah blah"

I hung out even after that thinking maybe his family put presure on him ect...

Well he just had his wedding and I did nothing but feel misserable for almost a year thinking it was not true because he continued to lead me on making me think that he was not going to go through with it.

I am telling you those men from Jordan will lye cheat steal anything to come to the USA. And the sooner you realize it the faster you will be able to move on!

I have a hard head and I could not believe someone would use me like that. I also thought I am very attractive smart have a little money know the culture religion why would he not want me??????

But it is true they marry thier own kind no matter what and if they do stay with an american women it is because papers then the kids come and they are very loyal to thier children.

I was married before to a Palestinian that is how I know so much about the culture we had 3 children together whom I raised muslim and when I ended up divorced he was on a plane ASAP going back home to marry a women from over there.

Let me put you in the head of a middle eastern man

They are raised in an enviroment (remember I lived over seas for two years) watching the fatther go off to work all day long and left alone with the mother (Arab women have a hate for american women just like some black women do for white women because they feel like we take thier men) So the kids are at home being raised by women who dislike american women then they are raised seeing the mother never leave the home not even to shop. In thier country women do not leave the home unless she is older or escorted by a man. And most men do not want to escort their women out because they don't want to have a problem with other men.

The men are raised that women are below them and women are here to serve thier needs.
Now this will raise eyebrows but I am telling you this is a true statement (remember I am muslim) But the islam they practice in the middle east is to thier likeing.

They think of american women as slutty and they will date have fun with us but when it comes to staying married long term(unless you get knocked up when he is trying to get his papers) they want to marry thier own kind.

When they marry thier own kind they know the women will take care of them cook clean ect...and never complain.
They then have affairs because they look at the wife like the virgin marry who is the mother of thier kids so it is kind of hard for them to be sexually wild with the mother of thier kids.
If you look at the culture unless your blind you will see most Arab men secretly have affairs but will never leave thier wife.
Because they know 100% thier wife will never leave them it is thier culture and if she does her family will not accept it she will be an outcast.
The Arab women will cook clean take care of his mother bare his kids carry heavy thing and never complain!

She is bread like that. I know I live thier thier husband is thier life they are not a real women unless they are married.

And the women know if they do not do what they should he will take another wife.

They dont like american women because we dont listen.

If you want to go back to him start kissing his butt and he will take you back.

In the Holy Quran GOD promissing them virgins in heaven that is the ultimate heavan so what do you think then they want on earth???

Trust me when I tell you this I am telling you because I have a very very big heart and I hurt and had pain for almost a year living in a fantasy and it took me a real long time to get it in my head that this man used me.

The last words I had with him I was crying and told him I heard he was getting married this summer and he said yes his whole family was there for the party, laughing eating having a good time and then he said could he call me later?

I said no I want you to be happy good bye.

And that was that after five years of my life of doing nothing but giving and doing.

It made me sick to know that his family whom I did everything for and acted to me like I was so special behind my back was finding him a wife.
It made me sick to know that all his sisters and mother where dancing at his wedding and everyone laughing having a good time why I was hurt and crying.

This culture is monster have no feeling for man kind. I am not the only one that this has happen too. I just thought I was specail because I was muslim and I looked Arab but I am telling you the family will pretend to like you just to get what they can.

Thier whole purpose in life is to come to america! I lived in the middle east I was all over the middle east they are very very poor culture imagine you live in poverty where you are living 10 people in a house no one making decent money you will lye cheat steal to get what you want.

I beleive his plan was to marry her come here live with me and us work here make good money so he can support his family there.

I know a few Arab men(remember I been around the culture 20 years) that are married in thier country and living here in america with an american women that has no clue!
When the american women goes back home they send the wife to her mothers house!

The Arab women does not care because she is convinced her husband loves her and using the american girl.

Arab women are bread from little on to STAND BY YOUR MAN! They will never question him they are just happy to have someone take care of them.

I have arab friends now that are men and they tell me even though they are married when they go back home the mother is begging them to marry another one.

The women themself beleive they are not worthy they are convinced that they are nothing without the husband and they will do anything in thier power to keep him happy including letting him marry another women.

When I was over sea's my sister inlaw had 3 kids she went home one day and found a young girl in her home her husband married and told her to bad deal with it.

She left but ended up living in a very poor situation with her father and mother who where old so she ended up going back and accepting it.
When this happen all the women in the family where extra nice to thier husbands for fear it was going to happen to them.

PLEASE REMEMBER don't try to think like them they think different we marry for love they marry to reproduce!

Thier love thier life is not a women it is thier kids!

And they marry a women for her to bare kids and take and raise them to be good muslims.

If you go back to the middle east you will see the men have tons of male friends women are not thier friends we are just to bare kids.
They hang out all day with other males go home at night eat have another baby and then go back to work and to hang out with the guys.

Once a week they will stay home relax and family members will come to visit.

Think about it when ever you see an arab man here in this country he is with his friends and if he is with a women she is walking with the kids and he is rushing her through a shopping mall ect...

You will never seee them holding hands walking hugging. It is a rare thing and if you do you better beleive they are young or just got married.

I feel bad for you but I wrote all this in hopes that I help you because I was stupid and I really thought that he loved me.

I cannot beleive that another human being could use you but they can they are not like us american people have compasion for life.

God will protect you and will give justice you will be ok.


this was not intended to offend you I am trying to help I wish someone would have told me instead everyone did not want to hurt me so they kept telling me he loves me but is confused. In the end that only hurt more because I lost allot of good oppurtunities waiting for him.


NOT A FLAME - It's no wonder why the middle east is the way that it is..........

tikbj - Good Luck and don't be hard on yourself.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-07-19 21:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaInternet Casanova's
Dump 'em, plenty of other fish out there.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-09-03 19:48:00
Middle East and North Africaround trip ticket
This post is a ggod example of why you should have a round trip ticket. Anything can happen in 90 days:


Yes, it does suck. I had to deal with the same thing while living in the Philippines and brought my fiancee to live with me there.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-07-21 11:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
QUOTE (aisha kandisha @ Nov 17 2007, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you and Badr are a perfect match and deserve one another.

I think you hit the nail on the head.............. devil.gif
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-11-17 20:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
Buwahahahahahahahahahaha, MENA is awesome for entertainment purposes.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-11-17 19:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
Alwasy some good comical reading in MENA jest.gif
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-11-16 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaOh Crap.....
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Nov 19 2007, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wouldn't use whiteout, cross out the incorrect part and write in what is missing

I would add, initial what you line out..........................

Wong Address WSG
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-11-19 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's camel time again!!!
Damn, misread thread title, thought it was Camel Toe Time Again.................... blink.gif
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-11-28 22:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAll Americans marrying Arabs from Morrocco, Tunisia, Egypt, etc...
Thanks moody, good thing I didn't type Lesbian Dude wacko.gif

Edited by SqdnGuns, 06 December 2007 - 07:33 PM.

SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-12-06 19:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaAll Americans marrying Arabs from Morrocco, Tunisia, Egypt, etc...
My Aunt got screwed over by a Lebanese dude. She was the homliest looking thing in the world, always had an urge to give her a carrot or some sugar cubes. We all knew she was getting used............

Edited by SqdnGuns, 06 December 2007 - 07:31 PM.

SqdnGunsMaleThailand2007-12-06 19:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaAPPLICTIONS FILED AFTER 6/2007
................................... good.gif

QUOTE (Paula&Minya @ Jan 22 2008, 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's an unfooked link to the story.


SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-01-22 18:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaAPPLICTIONS FILED AFTER 6/2007
QUOTE (Kezzie @ Jan 22 2008, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is a link to the original press release from USCIS....


Link is fooked....................

Looks like it was parsed.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-01-22 17:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaAPPLICTIONS FILED AFTER 6/2007
It would be nice to have a link to the source story and this is something that has an impact on all at VJ, not just MENA. MOD's please move......... whistling.gif
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-01-22 16:29:00
Middle East and North Africavisa in hand !!!
Get him a burqha??
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-01-27 18:33:00
Middle East and North Africa3 guys in my husbands family had these pants
I got me one of these............

SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-02-19 22:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaRendition
QUOTE (tammy sue kay @ Mar 2 2008, 04:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That was some of my point. I doubt if this had been a real situation, and I am sure it has been so in many cases, there was NO explanation as to why any of this happened. I doubt seriously that if this were to ever happen to any of our husbands there would ever be an apology, explanation or any way to retaliate against what amounts to an illegal seizure and imprisonment. Not to mention the torture tactics that were portrayed in the film, of which I am sure were at least somewhat true.
First, it scares me to death to think that somewhere down the road there may come a time when someone knocks on our door and my husband is whisked away to God only knows where for questioning about something he may have no knowledge of. All because someone he knows may know someone who knows someone who may be a criminal? Not saying that is the case, my husband has brothers on the police force in Jordan, and passed his security checks without any problems. But who knows what could happen and what phony excuse can be made up for the Government to justify their actions?
Second, I can't say that it bodes well with me to know that our government can be so underhanded and sneaky as to do this to human beings without any fingers being pointed at them.
Third, terrorism comes in all forms. From buildings being blown up, to the boy that bullies your allowance from you on Friday afternoons. Terrorism is terrorism, no matter how big or small it is. What makes any of it right? What makes any of it "politically correct"? Maybe this just hits me hardest because my husband is Arabic, maybe it hits me hardest because of the injustice of all of it. Will there ever be a time when the world can live at peace with one another? When what someone else holds dearest to them is not taken from them in war and killings? I just see no rhyme or reason for any of it. Maybe it is just time for me to take off my rose colored glasses and see the world for what it is, and stop hoping for a better place.

Why not move to your SO's country so you and your family will not be potentially exposed to this type of situation?
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-03-02 03:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHALT, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YR DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Mar 19 2008, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bridget @ Mar 19 2008, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok then sorry i brought it up. fyi i have asked for this thread to be removed.

i think we all need to take a mena pause. innocent.gif


Maybe there are so many threads in MENA becasue the MENA women need a lot of attention?

1.....2.....3.....4.....5......Flame retardant suit is on now.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-03-19 21:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaInteresting Pork Topic I saw
QUOTE (julianna @ Mar 28 2008, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ETA: Jen-- I've heard the weirdest things too! But at any rate, the pig is a "good" animal-- it's useful and it in itself isn't "unclean" according to Torah. It is "good." G-d made it and said so. He then just said to not eat it... along with most other things-- including our fluffy kitty pets-- and most people don't throw a weird fit over that.

SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-03-29 00:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaIgnored
QUOTE (terrie/kamal @ Jun 2 2008, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am writing this topic becuase i hope i'm am not the only one who feels this way. I feel when i go to a vj party i get everyone to say hi to me, then the rest of the time i am totally ignored. I may comment on something and nobody comments back or say good by and nobody else says anything back. I get this from work and get it from home, and know its not my imagination. So i think i will stop the parties and if i continue to feel this way may quit visa journey all together.

If you get ignored at work and home as well as VJ parties, do you need a bigger clue?
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2008-06-02 21:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA2 but again a transfer notice e-mail and Text
USCIS is broke.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-02-27 23:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport???

not only are people thinking every pakistani is a terrorist but now even the philippines is the Philippines the new terrorist origin this time around?

Zamboanga and surrounding areas suchs as N. Cotabato get scrutinized.

Edited by SqdnGuns, 04 March 2011 - 03:52 AM.

SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-04 03:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview scheduled!!!
Just got our notification tonight, interview will be March 18th!!
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-04 03:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich one gets approved faster?K1 or CR1?

I am wondering that both K1 and CR1 takes same time to get approved. Or CR1 gets approved faster than K1 because it is a spouse visa.
just wondering guys. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

It's a crapshoot, no one answer is correct. Each case is different, each Service Center is different and each Case Office is different.

We did K-1 in 2007 and it took 9 months. Our CR-1 was screwed up by USCIS as well as 36,000 other filers, details in signature.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-09 01:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 and wait for NVC


Anyone from CSC (california centre) who got I-130 approved and got NOA2 around Mid-Feb?
I have still not heart anything from NVC. Is that normal?
Usually, how long is the wait for i-130 approval and 1st letter from NVC to pay the fees?

Thank you,

Have you called NVC to find out what's up?
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-09 01:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFor November & Decemer fillers

Arent all csc-tsc-csc filers have been approved yet ?

Nope, plus they still have to complete the RFE's for the CSC-TSC-CSC.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-12 14:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview after April 15 and taxes 2010

Personally, I don't think it will be an issue if you have 2009, 2008 and 2007 along with the past 3 months pay stubs and letter from employer. they just want to see a history of you earning income and are above the poverty guidelines.

Just my 2 cents.......................

Corrected the the filing years..............
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-13 00:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview after April 15 and taxes 2010
Personally, I don't think it will be an issue if you have 2010, 2009 and 2008 along with the past 3 months pay stubs and letter from employer. they just want to see a history of you earning income and are above the poverty guidelines.

Just my 2 cents.......................
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-12 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation Services.
99.999% chance that there is a Translation Service a stones throw from the Embassy. Every US Embassy/Consulate that I have been to had tons of them just outside the perimeter.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-14 22:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespacket-3
Varies by Embassy/Consulate.....................Thailand emails a link to Packet 3 and IV to the beneficiary.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-14 21:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 what's our date?

March 17, 2011.

SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-26 20:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReally hard!!!
It sucks, try waiting 7+ months because USCIS screwed up.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-27 01:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Applicant from Visajourney in the News

Link to Article in OC register

Disabled ex-Marine struggles to bring Thai wife legally
"Some might think Grant, a quick-witted U.S. citizen who served his country as a Marine and is now a disabled veteran, might have the odds stacked in his favor. Instead, the born-and-bred Orange County resident has been forced to navigate through an immigration bureaucracy governed by a law as complicated as the tax code. Exasperated with his ordeal, he's taken to the Internet to detail his experience. He insists on bringing his 28-year-old wife to the U.S. legally by petitioning the government. "I want to do it the right way," Grant said. But what was supposed take a few months has become an ordeal of more than a year that's shaken his trust in the immigration system and tested his convictions." O.C. Register, Mar. 28, 2011.

Thanks for posting....................

One correction to your post, not ex-Marine.................Once a Marine, Always a Marine
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-28 21:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS Questions and Past Tax Returns
I think you would be good to go but that's just me. 2010 Tax year and current income would probably be most critical.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-26 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChances of getting approval in 3 months?

Hate to be wasting electrons on you Raj, but you have to admit you are kind of a pain

SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-04-07 18:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories

LOL I will never burn a bridge with USCIS or NVC... At this moment they have the control and the power.................

But they MUST be held accountable.......
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-02-17 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW PREPARATION

you dont need to post your question twice within the same thread.


SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-26 20:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long is long? Interview date

So finally we were granted an interview date... for MAY 3rd. By then we will have waited FOUR MONTHS for it since case was completed in NVC.
I am floored.
Are we holding a record or are there others out there that share our pain? :crying:

Feel fortunate, some have to wait 9+ months for an interview.
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-03-09 01:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

That's Great news, Wade. I'm glad they are finally here... sorry about the Immigration/Customs agents. Did she flight straight in to LA?

6 days and 10 hours until our interview... but who's counting :whistle:

Thanks bro...............

Direct flight from Bangkok to LAX, only 15 hrs. Last night was the first night that they were able to sleep so I'm hoping their internal clocks are not calibrated!

Our son has his 1st Dr. appt in a couple hours, he's getting a complete checkup!!

Good luck to the rest of ya!!
SqdnGunsMaleThailand2011-05-17 13:58:00