USCIS Service CentersBeing citizen is worse than PR for processing times?

Oh yes, there's just a horrendous backlog. Calling and asking about our cases has not been productive at all. Senators/Congressmen/Ombudsmen have all yielded nothing. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-10 01:10:00
USCIS Service CentersALARMED! I-797 Received 12/4/13 case transfer NOA1 05/09/13

I wouldn't break out the party hats just yet. They're transferring a bunch of the I130 cases which have been collecting dust at the NBC to the California, Texas, and Nebraska Service Centers. In the IR/CR forum, we're tracking the transfers for each month, and how long it takes until approval.  In theory, you should have either an approval or an RFE within the next 60 days. But the different service centers have been moving at different speeds, so it really will depend partially on which service center you're being transferred to.  I hope for your sake that it's California. Right now, that seems to be the fastest. Nebraska and Texas are slow, and the PD of the cases that they're approving appear to be all over the place.  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-05 21:54:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

Just to be clear, at some point in this process we were being given a processing time of 16.6 months. If they consider more than triple the stated goal to be acceptable, then they will have no problem with doubt it either.  However, that is one of the points that we've been making repeatedly in our communications with the government and media. :) 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-16 13:19:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?



Kudos to you for trying to change your situation.  However, that's just it, it's only your situation.  OP suggests something that will bring the attention of the government to a whole group of people.  And (not being rude at all) what you are doing the government will not take seriously because as far as they're concerned, you are just one person contacting the media and handing out flyers.


In order to fix a broken system, things need to be done on a mass scale.  No historic change took place without the help of thousands of other disenfranchised people pooling together.


But, to me, any action is okay.  So long as we aren't stagnant, we are doing something!

Yes, I've been working for my case specifically. But most of my attempts at fixing things have been aimed at the entire situation, and everyone involved in it.  It's all fine and dandy if it helps my case. But I'm fairly sure that it's not going to benefit me too much, regardless of what kind of positive change is accomplished. I want to prevent other people from having to go through this in the future. And that has been what I've been working for. That my case still hasn't been approved, and so I am still working for it as well, is immaterial. 


It's not just me, either. There are plenty of people on here, and family/friends of those people currently going through this that have been helping.  Yes, I'm just one person. But I have a large social network. And they also have large social networks. Working together en masse, we can effect change.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-15 15:09:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

Hey, why not?  It's certain that the case will be a loss, yes.  But, if OP has the money to organize something like that, more power to him!  It's not about winning the case, it's about getting attention.  That's what the people who pushed for DACA and Dream did.  They got a bunch of people together to make noise.  They probably didn't have hopes of winning, but went on with it anyway.


The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Again, you don't need to file a lawsuit to make noise. And we've been making noise for several months at this point. If we want attention, then we need to be contacting everyone possible to get our story out. I know that I have been. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-14 23:41:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?


And so.. dont then.


What is up with the constant telling-off of others trying to think outside the box ?


This suggestion isn't outside the box. But it's also not going to go anywhere or get any significant attention, which means it's going to have no positive impact on the situation. Flat out, it won't work. You don't have any grounds to sue.  You might be able to do a Writ of Mandamus, but the OP has only been waiting a month, it hasn't been long enough to do so.


You want to make a difference? Join the rest of us who have been working on this for months already. We are being concise, calm, and reasonable, but firm and focused. I do believe that we will get attention directly on our problem, and we will have some positive influence on the overall situation. We can't just go off all half-cocked and crazy. No one is going to listen to us and take us seriously if we're behaving like crazy people.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-14 10:48:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

Nobody- like some insenstive posters here- have a right to question a citizen's intention to remedy a broken system through legal means.


You're wrong, you know. We all have the right to question anything we want. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-14 10:39:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

I think those of us who have been waiting for (not me) at least 8 months deserve better then federal lying and whitewashing. His sentiment comes from seeing the endless wait the american citizens are having to go through while illegals, who, in any other country would never see a chance at gaining passports get priority processing. 


Nice to see everybody complain about the one person trying to fix the problem.


I guess you guys believe the bullcrap about May 2014 showing a 5 month processing time as well. 

He's not the one person trying to fix the problem. Plenty of us have been working on it. But that doesn't mean that we're going to join him if it doesn't seem to make sense to us. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-14 00:17:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

OP, I think part of the problem is that you haven't even hit their stated goal of 5 months yet. Personally, I think 5 months of processing time is completely understandable given the nature of the work that they have to do, and of course, the volume of applications. I was willing to wait a reasonable amount of time for adjudication. We have to give them a reasonable amount of time to do their job. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 13:17:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

I've been waiting about 9 months for my I130 approval. I expected that it would take about 8-9 months from the beginning to the end of the process based on all information available when I sent in my application. I'm not going to make light of your situation, because being separated from your spouse sucks no matter how long it's been. But I don't think that the particular lawsuit that you mentioned had anything regarding anything similar to our situation. There were a lot of other factors involved there, and that may or may not be relevant to the USCIS, but did have to do with how the delay in processing the AOS petition was effecting other government related programs in relation to the AOS petitioners. 


I just don't think that at this time a class action lawsuit would go anywhere. Despite the ridiculous gaming of numbers that the USCIS has been applying, there is not enough proof of maleficence as far as I can see. 


We have other channels open to us, and we should utilize them to the fullest extent possible. I think that any of those options will be better received and have more chance of a positive outcome than a lawsuit. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 13:15:00
USCIS Service Centershow to speak to a person at uscis

Do you mean on the spreadsheet? 

Another way is this:

Press 1

Press 1

Press 1

Press 1

Enter in your MSC#

After it reads your number back to you, press 3.

After you dial the USCIS NCSC's phone number, obviously.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-18 11:23:00
USCIS Service Centershow to speak to a person at uscis

Another way is this:

Press 1

Press 1

Press 1

Press 1

Enter in your MSC#

After it reads your number back to you, press 3.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-18 00:59:00
USCIS Service CentersIs there a rule for case transfers vis-a-vis choice of service centers

I'm from NJ (april file) and my file went to CSC. I don't think its based on state though, as I know a March NJ filer got sent to NSC.

Waves! That's me!  


Yeah, it seems like it's random. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-18 15:02:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

You might need go to the white house's contact page in order to get a message to them. I needed to remove the paragraph about out of order processing and tweak the letter a tiny bit for it to be short enough to get through.

Also sent it to

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-20 07:09:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

You might need go to the white house's contact page in order to get a message to them. I needed to remove the paragraph about out of order processing and tweak the letter a tiny bit for it to be short enough to get through.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-20 06:42:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

Ok, sent my emails out. Also emailed Chris Smith, Cory Booker, and Robert Menendez. If I can think of anyone else, I'll post them too.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-20 06:31:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

I just tweeted it. :P

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-20 05:56:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

Heh. It their pending case numbers are correct, then they've collected $181,070,400 for work that they haven't completed. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-20 05:37:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

Woke up early, and going to start sending it out in a few minutes.  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-20 05:35:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October


Yeah, but what I don't get is that they appear to have really cleaned up the K-1 issue and those are flying through. Why haven't they been able to do the same for Spousal Visas? Doesn't make sense to me. So I don't think you can liken both situations given USCIS' terrible response to ours. Make sense?

I understand what you're saying. That backlog got a much faster resolution, which only shows that they can do it when they want to. What I'm suggesting is that we show it's impact on the K1 visa last year, and then the I130's impact to show that this is a standard of behavior that they, the top level USCIS people endorse, including Mr. Mayorkas.  I know that the Ombudsman commended him and the whole USCIS on the quick processing of the DACA applications. Perhaps the USCIS was unaware that the USCIS had diverted nearly all adjudicators from first the K1's and then the I130's.  


I think that we need to be clear that we were not the only people who had to suffer because of the way the USCIS dealt with the DACA applications. I believe that showing what the K1's had to go through last year will strengthen our case and garner us more support from our representatives, as we have no vested interest in the outcomes of the already adjudicated K1's. We do have a strong interest in the I130's outcomes at the moment and that may be perceived as bias, even if we don't intend it that way.


If the point is that we don't want them to continue behaving like this, we should provide the relevant data. K1 visas are family visas too, imo. Their suffering was just as important and just as bad as ours. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 16:04:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

Darn, I ran out of reputation today. I'll make up for it tomorrow. You guys are just awesome!

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 15:56:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

I'm not sure if everyone is aware but Mayor-kas is up for nomination as Deptuty Director of D.H.S. in the Senate. I suggest a targeted letter to Senators this time asking him to provide transparency of DA-CA impact on USCIS, specifically the I-130 backlog. Time is running out as Congress is going to recess.

Add Senator Grassley to the top of the list and use this email:



If we are going to do that, then we also should mention that they first impacted the Fiance visas to process DACA, and then moved that over to the spousal visas. That shows a pattern of behavior. I believe that one of the K1 filers compiled pretty compelling information regarding that particular situation last year. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 15:47:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

I don't know that they would consider that data because unlike the other data we're referencing in the letter, it does not come from the USCIS directly. I think it would be too easy for them to dismiss it. We do mention that they're processing out of order. I think our crowd sourced information might need to wait for the letter after this one. :(

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 14:41:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October


How about something like this (new text in red):


"This appears instead to be yet another manipulation of data to prevent petitioners from filing service requests and receiving the consideration and compassion they deserve. This tactic further prevents elected representatives, liaisons, and individuals in the Ombudsman's office from acting on behalf of their constituents. USCIS has effectively closed off every method of recourse the I-130 petitioner has available."

I like that!

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 14:37:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

And the Ombudsman's office told me they are not allowed to get involved until we are out of  normal processing. So, they "fix" the date so they won't get bothered. Its a lovely process they have set up.

Yes, exactly. 


Perhaps we should actually mention that in the letter? That the Ombudsman is unable to help us because of these ridiculous processing times? I know that the letter mentions Service Requests specifically, but is there any way that we can show that their manipulating of data means that there is actually *No one* who can help us? Not Senators, Congresspeople, or the Ombudsman?  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 14:27:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

I am on board.


But the timing is not going to work in our favor - most of the high ranking officials are either already on vacation OR going on vacation starting Monday, 12/23.

I know this is hard for all of us, but my humble suggestion is to postpone this letter till Tuesday, Jan-7-2014.


We know that USCIS have started adjudicating May applicaitons (and they are doing this out of order); so there is a peace of mind (to some extent) that they the pendulum has swung in our way; although I agree that this change in processing-time from 7.4 to 8.7 is complete BS from USCIS.

I know that the timing is not going to work in our favor. But as was pointed out to me before, we can always send out another letter later. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 14:23:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

I agree with that. I'll be able to recruit more people on twitter and FB in the meantime.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 13:20:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

thats a good idea Kaylara... how about news outlets?

I think that news outlets would need a different style of letter. Perhaps we could write an opinion piece or a letter to the editor style article and submit it to various news outlets across the country.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 12:54:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October


Definitely emails to everyone who received the previous letters:

Bob Goodlatte;;;;;;;;;;;;


Anyone else we haven't thought of?


Are there enough people who could fax today or tomorrow to make that worthwhile, too?



Transfers started in October, yes. But USCIS stated in November that it had been focused on the backlog for "several months," which means to me that we shouldn't be seeing data get worse.

Does it make sense to also sent it to the Public Engagement people at the USCIS, as they were the one that sent out that stakeholder letter?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 12:49:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

We actually have seen that members here started being transferred sometime in September or even August. But that's neither here nor there. This is the information that they had available to them when they sent out their letter stating that they were making significant progress over the preceding weeks and months. This information shows that they were keeping their processing dates back artificially, and that, in fact, they processed half the number of cases in Oct. than in March.  (And the trend chart shows that the number of completions has been going down, not up.)  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 12:46:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

All right, I've done a quick first pass to use as a jumping off point. Please read, comment, suggest changes and additions. I want to keep this under a page -- we're responding to a very specific set of data, so let's stay on point.

I think that it's perfect. Who are we sending it to?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 12:34:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

Please do. I'm seeing red atm. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 11:50:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

I'm trying to formulate a response, but my brain is screaming in frustration. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 11:46:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

I think, honestly, that we need to put together this new information in a new letter and reference their statements from the Nov. 20th letter, and send it enmasse out to everyone what we've sent the letters to previously, as well as to the public relations people at the USCIS and ask for an explanation. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 11:44:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

Before it was Feb. 12, 2013. It means that none of us who filed after that can file a service request or get help from the Ombudsman, and probably not from our Senators or Congresspeople. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 11:37:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October


Wow, that's just awful. I'm so sorry.


What did you tell the tier 2 the other day? Were they empathetic to your plight at all? Sometimes I think we need to be frank with these people, because I honestly don't think they realize the damage they're doing to families. It's pathetic.

Yes, I did. They don't care. That's why I got the lecture. Obviously, I'm being ridiculous.

Processing times updated: Feb. 13, 2013



KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 11:22:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

NSC. Yes, I saw the stats. They're extremely sad.  


I shared them on FB and Twitter... Do you want me to post them here as well?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 09:45:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October


Wow, one year? That's really harsh. sad.png I hope that it won't take one year. Do you think it will take a little under a year after your NOA2? I'm just curious how you came up with that additional year number. 

I just got told the other day by a tier 2 that it could very well be over a year before I get my NOA2 and he wouldn't consider that outside of normal processing times. I'm already at 9 months. Three more months does not seem at all outside of the realm of possibility. Best case scenario has the NVC and Consulate portion taking about 5-6 months cumulatively. So even if I get approved tomorrow, which is probably unlikely, then it's basically the luck of the draw when they send it out to the NVC, could be the same day. Might not be for 2+ months. So yes, my fear is that my case will be stuck in limbo for many more months with no answer, and then we have the rest of the process to go through. Of course, by that point we'll run out of money and lose our house, so maybe I'll be able to ask for an expedite. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-19 02:49:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October

Doesn't seem like they're going to update their processing times today, despite having updated their dashboard. Don't they usually update them at the same time?


Who wants to bet that they don't update them until right before they all go on Christmas vacation?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-18 17:59:00
USCIS Service CentersNew USCIS Processing Numbers Our on Dash for October


My original question was not posted to VJ in general but to the OP in particular. He seems wound up with statistics and petitions and lambasting the US government at each and every opportunity.


Since you brought up your relationship I will comment on that.


IMHO, those that have been married for a period of time such as you and especially with kids should have a fast track section.

I appreciate that. But even though I want to be done with this, I honestly want the people who have been waiting longer than me to get their approvals first. I don't think it's right that they're approving people randomly, while still stating that they process petitions in the order in which they are received. I just want them to actually do what they state they are doing, and stop lying to us. 


I'm wound up with statistics, and petitions, and complaining about the USCIS a lot. I've had a long time to get to their point where this is the case.  I was fine with waiting, up until about the 6 month mark. At that point I started trying to figure out what exactly was happening with my case, and kept running into this wall as far as information goes. 


I don't want to fax, write letters, and call them out on social media. I really don't. I hate having to prod people to do their job. But I really, really dislike being lied to on a regular basis by my government. I dislike there being no accountability, transparency, or recourse for us in this process. I hate that people are in limbo and not given any kind of a reliable timeline. I think it's wrong.  And if I see wrong, I have an ethical obligation to try to improve the situation. (That's just my personal ethos, other people have to behave how they think is best.)


My husband is worth fighting for. My marriage is worth fighting for. I just find it sad that I have to fight so hard for even the most basic of information. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-18 12:44:00