IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

You can post a comment on the blog's page, and sign the petition.


And you can also post to any traditional media and/or social media to try to get the word out. If you're on twitter and/or facebook, I'll be happy to friend you. :)










Just so you know, read the immigration reform passed by the senate... NO WHERE does it have a provision for US Citizens to get their spouse here any faster. Only for Pernament Resisdents does it help and Illegal immigration cases. Also there is I believe a 18 Month Wait time before anything will go into effect AFTER it becomes a law. This immigration reform will do nothing for us. I am not saying it is a bad thing the immigration reform, just stating it will not effect US citizens filing I-130's.

I also posted a complaint on Ted Cruz's Facebook page asking why K-1 Visa's for Pernament Residents are being processed faster than K-3 and I-130's.... Ugh Government fail.

Being a Texas Resisdent I called the senator office for help, Not knowing who Ted Cruz was, at first I thought he was better than the other old guy.... UGH my mistake.... I was told that He will do nothing to help with this injustice about why K-1 Visa's have faster processing times.


I wish I went the K-1 route... but I Wanted to have  a traditional Javanese wedding with my wife my new family in Indonesia...

I did mention that in response to Mrs. Pelosi's answer yesterday. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-30 13:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I don't think for one second it was a mistake. There's no way you could mistake what Kat and I said as to be talking about illegal immigrants. None. And even though they corrected it, it still implies that they're talking about LPR's or illegal immigrants instead of American Citizens. 


Here is what I just posted in the comment section there:


For the sake of clarity, here are the two posts that were referenced discussing the impact that the problems with the USCIS has on families. Please tell me how one can possibly misconstrue them as speaking about illegal immigrants? After re-reading them myself to see if I could figure it out, I have to believe that either the author has no reading comprehension, or she was lying on purpose in order to support the claims in the rest of the article. It appears now that the article has been changed to remove the word 'illegal' but the phrasing still implies it. But you can read the actual statements and make up your own mind:

Kat XXXXX: "Current immigration reform is focused on helping individuals who are already in the country illegally, but no attention has been paid to the immediate relatives of US citizens who are trying to immigrate legally. The standards at USCIS are slipping; currently there is a year long wait projected for approval of immediate relative visa petitions (I-130), instead of the 5 month goal time posted at Throughout the entire process, which may last years, citizens must be separated from their spouses and children. When will the USCIS meet its commitment to American citizens seeking to legally reunite with their family members?"

Jessica XXXXX: "Mrs. Pelosi,
I am a current petitioner with the USCIS for my husband of 7 1/2 years, and have been waiting for any action on my petition since March 20, 2013. I have been advised that as of this point (over 7 months into the process) that I will probably need to wait another 8 months just to have my case adjudicated and moved to the NVC. The USCIS can provide no concrete answers about my case to me except to tell me to keep waiting. The target approval time is 5 months, but the national average for this process currently sits at 16.6 months, and I have been made to understand that they are not adjudicating K-3 visas because they deny there is need for it. My question is this, what will immigration reform do for us, the US Citizens, who have followed the law, but are not being processed in a timely manner and have no recourse through the USCIS? A forced separation of 2+ years is unreasonable to me. My understanding is that there are over 300,000 US citizens currently in a similar situation to my own. I have read that fiance visas are being processed in under 3 months, and for Legal permenent residents to bring their spouse to the US it's taking about 5 months. Why are US Citizens being put on the backburner? What can be done to fix this problem and ensure that petitions will not have to face this in the future? What are your plans to insert some recourse to petitioners, so that the USCIS can't just change the rules instead of fixing a problem that they, themselves, created?

Thank you,
Jessica XXXXXXX"

Edited by Kathryn41, 31 October 2013 - 06:14 PM.
to remove personally identifying/sensitive information

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-30 13:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

You can add the Washington Times to the list of people contacted. :P

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-30 10:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I called the editor, wrote on the actual page that there is a mistake, and I wrote the author on twitter as well. Can other people come and back me up at that article, please.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-30 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I wrote to complain and now I'm going to call them and demand a retraction.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-30 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Her answer to me was thus:  Jessica XXXXX Our bill focuses a great deal on family reunification. We are absolutely committed to approving the process for the immediate relatives of U.S. citizens. HR 15 is not only focused on undocumented immigrants, it's about American families. House Dems are currently talking to USCIS about their growing delays in the family-based immigration system--they need to improve processing times.

Edited by Kathryn41, 31 October 2013 - 06:08 PM.
to remove personally identifying/sensitive information

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-29 12:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I saw someone else posted a similar question to mine right before I did. Someone from here? 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-29 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Nancy Pelosi is going to be on FB in a few minutes talking about what she's going to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Perhaps a few of us can ask her about the I130 backlog? I'll be doing it. Is anyone else online and able to do it as well?

Here's what I just asked: Mrs. Pelosi,

I am a current petitioner with the USCIS for my husband of 7 1/2 years, and have been waiting for any action on my petition since March 20, 2013. I have been advised that as of this point (over 7 months into the process) that I will probably need to wait another 8 months just to have my case adjudicated and moved to the NVC. The USCIS can provide no concrete answers about my case to me except to tell me to keep waiting. The target approval time is 5 months, but the national average for this process currently sits at 16.6 months, and I have been made to understand that they are not adjudicating K-3 visas because they deny there is need for it. My question is this, what will immigration reform do for us, the US Citizens, who have followed the law, but are not being processed in a timely manner and have no recourse through the USCIS? A forced separation of 2+ years is unreasonable to me. My understanding is that there are over 300,000 US citizens currently in a similar situation to my own. I have read that fiance visas are being processed in under 3 months, and for Legal permenent residents to bring their spouse to the US it's taking about 5 months. Why are US Citizens being put on the backburner? What can be done to fix this problem and ensure that petitions will not have to face this in the future? What are your plans to insert some recourse to petitioners, so that the USCIS can't just change the rules instead of fixing a problem that they, themselves, created?
Thank you,
Jessica XXXXXX

Edited by Kathryn41, 31 October 2013 - 06:06 PM.
to remove personally identifying information

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-29 12:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Nancy Pelosi is going to be on FB in a few minutes talking about what she's going to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Perhaps a few of us can ask her about the I130 backlog? I'll be doing it. Is anyone else online and able to do it as well?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-29 12:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

If you send me a copy of the letter, I'll send it out to all the local newspapers/radio stations/tv stations and also NPR.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-29 11:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I contacted 7 On Your Side (WABC) with our story. Maybe we can start contacting other local media outlets as well. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-29 00:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Can we post a condensed version of this letter and upvote it here: ?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-21 22:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I also contacted Occupy Democrats. If we put the petition up on the White House website, please link it here, as I have quite a few people who will be happy to sign, and also get the word out and get more signatures.  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-18 22:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Btw, I have no problem with the people who are finally having a way to get legal status here. I really don't. But they're already here, and with their families. We're separated from our families. Yes, I do think that we should be first in line, ahead of them, because we went a legal route to get here. We shouldn't be penalized for it.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-17 11:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

My kids and I will volunteer for the video. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-17 11:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Oh, I misunderstood. I thought that we weren't coordinating anything as far as date or intent and were just contacting everyone we could with it.  Ah well, I needed to write my reps anyway about my case. :P If we are actually coordinating, then let's come up with the plan here. And who is going to be the main coordinator?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-15 22:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I've sent a copy to all of the reps (congressmen and senator) from NJ, and also Joe Biden, the Huffington Post, Cory Booker, and everyone on my FB friends list. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-15 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Good job.  Keep up the good work!

Perhaps we should contact people ahead of time and set a date to start the petition for the white house on a particular day to try to ensure that we'd have enough signatures? I think that if we can get the word out to the right places, we'd be able to do it. Social Networking could definitely work in our favor. :D

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-14 00:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

That didn't post the way I wanted it to... My response was:


I was just talking about this with my grandmother. I think that if we can get help from the people here on visajourney, we can get the required number of petitions to have the White House look at it.  If you want, En-oh-eh-to, I think that we should work concurrently. If we have permission to use this letter, or come up with something similar to submit, I think we can meet the threshold. I have a lot of people on-board with helping me with this, and there's a large chance that those people will get others to sign. 



KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-13 22:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

At last, I-130 petitioning Vj'ers have had enough! We're sick and tired of waiting for the "flood of approvals" week after week. All we've seen so far is a trickle. Thinking that it is just around the corner, we wait while weeks turn into months! We're certainly not going to just wait around while some petitioners approach one year (even a handful are beyond one year)!


I would like to start a petition on when the time is right (and once the government funding allows the page to function). Though reaching the required threshold will not be easy, the symbolic value of filing an official petition to the highest office in the United States of America could be worthwhile.


If anyone else wants to grab this responsibility, be my guest. If not, I'll borrow content from the letter addressed to Ms. Blackburn. Of course in this case, we'll address the Commander-in-Chief himself.


I was just talking about this with my grandmother. I think that if we can get help from the people here on visajourney, we can get the required number of petitions to have the White House look at it.  If you want, En-oh-eh-to, I think that we should work concurrently. If we have permission to use this letter, or come up with something similar to submit, I think we can meet the threshold. I have a lot of people on-board with helping me with this, and there's a large chance that those people will get others to sign.  


KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-13 22:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Would you like regular non-influential non-politician people to be able to sign their support for us? Because I can get butt loads of those people to back us up. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-13 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Updated Processing Times 2/18/2014

They've been doing that they past several months. It seems like they must be entering in the information manually. Welcome to the 1990's everyone!

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-20 09:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Updated Processing Times 2/18/2014

Have you done infopass, contacted senators, congresspeople, done service requests, contacted the ombudsman? Do you have proof of all of those contacts? If the answer is yes, then you may want to research the term "writ of mandamus". 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-19 00:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC phone line always Busy

I just keep redialing until I get through. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-21 10:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Great response Kaylara. Now if only USCIS would respond to our letter campaign as well.


I think if the Ombudsman's office gets around to sending that email to me, I'll respond with something like, "... it has come to my attention that this response, including an invitation for a meeting to further discuss the grievances described in the December 11 letter your office received, has been distributed to a number of individuals. I would request that the Ombudsman's office arranges a teleconference for all concerned parties to participate and discuss these matters further." Seems like the least they could do for us is offer a "town hall" style meeting, rather than some nonsense seminar followed by limited Q&A run by people who've no idea what's actually going on.

Here's something to see:




Stunning. As of March 2013, there was a backlog of immediate relative applications of 1,062,526. During the time period in question, they received 254,890 cases. They completed: 168,258.  If you compare it to the data available from the past few years that we've been very negatively effected.  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 12:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

I did include the ombudsman in my emails but haven't received this response -- curious to see if I will. It's interesting that it contains an invitation for a meeting since that email is presumably going out to a number of people. I wonder if we could get them to hold a video- or teleconference for a group of us.

That would be awesome!  


I sent them back this response.


 Dear Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman,

Thank you very much for the prompt reply and attention in this matter. That you are taking my information seriously and will discuss it with the USCIS is more of a response than I've gotten from the USCIS in the past 9 months. We really have tried every avenue available to us to bring attention to this problem, and attempt to resolve it. But we have been rebuffed at every turn. 

I can't speak for the other people who sent you this letter, but I know that I, personally, only did so as a last resort. I have used every tool currently available to me in an attempt to get an accurate processing time frame for my application, and every contact with the USCIS has resulted in a different answer. I don't want to write letters, send emails and faxes, hound people on social media, or anything of the sort. I don't want to involve the Ombudsman's office, or attempt to engage my Senators and Congressmen to help me resolve this. 

I just want to be treated equitably and to have accurate answers to my questions, something that has definitely not happened. 

This separation has been extremely difficult because of the lack of accurate time frame. I've been with my husband for 10 years, and married for 8. We have two small daughters. I'm sure that you can understand that my husband being with us here is extremely important to me and my family. The delays that we have experienced have placed an enormous strain on everyone involved. Our lives are on hold, indefinitely, while this problem awaits resolution. 
Thank you again for your attention. Have a good day and a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. 
Kaylara (But actually my real name)

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Besides, my husband isn't here. My kids expect that I'm working hard to get him here, as does my immediate family. I have a lot of free time on my hands when the kids are in bed, and sitting there and thinking instead of keeping busy will make me lose my mind. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 11:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Haha I only skimmed though it and didn't read the last sentence biggrin.png


Sure I could have a tete-a-tete with them. Would they let me in to the U.S. for this meeting? Could visit my husband too! tongue.png


Girl, you keep cracking me up today biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

I have a morbid sense of humor. ;)  But no, really. I've actually gone through and read the past 5 years worth of Ombudsman's reports. (OMG) And I found the numbers for their Family Members completion rates over the past two years. ( I think I posted them in another thread.) I'm a firm believer in using their own data against them. We've seen the trend on here, and we're a tiny portion of the people who have filed. And when you look at the data, it's clear that we've got a pretty good idea of what's has happened/is happening.  I think that we'd be able to use the self-reports on here and other immigration websites as supplementary/secondary evidence as well. At least to show that we're getting very conflicting information when we contact the USCIS, and that the Customer Service is entirely ineffective.  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 11:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Haha I only skimmed though it and didn't read the last sentence biggrin.png


Sure I could have a tete-a-tete with them. Would they let me in to the U.S. for this meeting? Could visit my husband too! tongue.png

LMFAO! Who knows? :P 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

I just checked my email that I use exclusively for this immigration stuff, and found the exact same letter in my inbox.  *rubs hands together*  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

They'd like to meet with you? I'd take them up on that. And bring stacks of proof. I'll even help you gather, and compile the proof if you want. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-13 10:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Awesome! Thank you all so much!

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Faxed everyone on the list, emailed as well. Also emailed Congressman Chris Smith, Senator Menendez. Faxed also to VP Biden, Potus Obama, and Senator Cory Booker. Faxed to the Nebraska Service center, not any of the other ones. 

Edited by Kaylara, 11 December 2013 - 03:50 PM.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 15:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

I emailed and faxed my letters - thanks to everyone for this joint effort.

I emailed and will be faxing shortly. My husband will be sending them out. Shared with friends and family members to send out as well.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 13:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

I inserted them directly into the document, not attached at the end, as I thought that would be too confusing and people were not about to open attachments from a disgruntled USCIS customer.

I made a text only copy with the references removed for use on the senators websites. I will be faxing a copy of the full document with all the bells and whistles to their offices.  The text can be found below: 


Subject: DACA applications are getting priority at the expense of I-130 petitions of US Citizens ? Processing of I-130 applications of US spouses beyond 5 months
Date: December 11, 2013
 Mr. Insert name:
I appreciate that the House Judiciary Committee took swift action on my letter, sent on 11/19, regarding the needless backlog of pending I-130 Immediate Relative petitions. The USCIS issued a response to the stakeholders of I-130 petitions within 24 hours of my letter to you because your committee took keen interest in reuniting me with my spouse.
In their response, USCIS acknowledged the ??extended processing times for Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, filed by U.S. citizens for their eligible immediate relatives?.  Unfortunately, their claim that ??USCIS has been focused on addressing delays in the processing of these Forms I-130 for several months? has no weight.  The existing backlog began when USCIS shifted their focus to process Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) requests in August of 2012.  A letter from the Committee on the Judiciary dated August 7, 2012 identified the risks inherent in USCIS? approach to handling DACA requests, with specific emphasis on the harm it may cause for US citizens petitioning for immediate relatives. This confirms that USCIS was aware of the damage its actions would cause and chose not to take preemptive action that would have mitigated the current backlog.
During the 12 month period, from August 2012-July 2013; USCIS received 573,404 DACA requests and processed 430,236: a rate of 75%.  By comparison, in the first two quarters of Fiscal Year 2013, USCIS
received 254,890 I-130 petitions at the National Benefits Center but processed only 2,755: a rate of only
1%.  Ineffective balancing of workload among service centers and clear prioritization for other case types
resulted in the massive backlog in I-130s that USCIS is now acknowledging.  I believe that reallocation of resources to more fairly balance priorities within USCIS would be of enormous benefit to I-130 petitioners and beneficiaries.
Furthermore, the USCIS claims that petitions are currently being adjudicated in an average of 7.4 months at each service center; however, another USCIS processing table shows that applications from February 2013 are being adjudicated.
The USCIS has blatantly manipulated its ?Processing Timeframe? dates to avoid accountability.  If the 7.4 month processing time in Figure-2 is accurate, the field office processing time in Figure-3 should reflect an April date rather than February.  Due to this inconsistency in data from USCIS, it is unclear what qualifies as being outside of processing time, and petitioners from March and April of 2013 are unable to open inquiries on their cases.  It should also be noted that the current processing figures were altered immediately after my previous letter, sent to you on November 19. The processing times as of September 30 originally were stated as 13 months and October 2, 2012, respectively, and altered to the above with the delivery of USCIS? letter to stakeholders on November 20 ? please see figure-4 on page-3. This demonstrates USCIS? undeniable disregard towards the citizen of the US; it is nothing short of an insult to both their customers and to the elected representatives who should be overseeing their operation.
I deserve honesty and accountability, and seek to ensure that the I-130 petition of my spouse will not be further delayed due to the DACA (I-821D) plan.  I request that processing data be evaluated and brought into alignment across USCIS so that my family may set expectations accordingly.  In addition, I request that the House Judiciary Committee compels the USCIS to bring the processing timeline to 5 months or less by February 1, 2014; given that extended wait times at USCIS are only the beginning of a longer process which will keep families apart for substantially over a year. To meet the administration's goal of humanely reuniting families, these delays must be viewed in context of the broader visa application process, and the USCIS must be held accountable for its role in providing efficient, humane service for citizens and their immediate relatives.
Name Name

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 11:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

I inserted them directly into the document, not attached at the end, as I thought that would be too confusing and people were not about to open attachments from a disgruntled USCIS customer.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 11:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Ok, everyone of those email addresses just bounced my email. Ideas?

I know that via email it will have much less impact not having the pictures, but do you think that we could possibly upload them somewhere and link them in the document to make it less heavy? I'm thinking that the large number of images is what's making it bounce. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 11:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Ok, I had to reinsert the pictures after I saved them to my desk top, but it looks like we're all good now. 


I also added "et al" after the honorable chairman's name. :) 

I'm also getting my family and friends to send it out. They all miss my husband as well and think this is craziness. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

Hmmm, Trying that.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners - Send today!

I'm attempting to send this via email, but the pictures are not showing up in the email. Anyone have an idea of how to solve this? 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 10:52:00