IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my I-130 approved within 5 monsths :) :)

Good to know that they can process F2A's this quickly. smile.png Good luck with the rest of your journey!


Edited by Kaylara, 07 February 2014 - 11:00 AM.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-07 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew Letter Campaign

We can add those to the letters we send. :) I'm sincerely hoping that this article will make more people take notice, and that will put the amount of pressure we need to accomplish some real positive changes.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-09 00:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew Letter Campaign

That last paragraph is problematic. I would remove "(all brought into being unconstitutionally, without the express permission of the Congress of the United States whose job it is to draft such measures) "  and other such wording. Personally, I would focus on the actions of the USCIS, and not mention the actual applicants aside from acknowledging that they broke the law and should not have been put ahead of those who are following the law. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-06 17:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthose waiting for the 60 days after transfered

My understanding is that the courts will not entertain a WoM until it's been a year, despite congress's note that a petition should be done in 180 days. If it's been under a year, my understanding is that they will respond by just denying your petition.


But I was considering exactly this for if my case looked like it was going to go over a year.

Edited by Kaylara, 17 January 2014 - 01:16 PM.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-17 13:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthose waiting for the 60 days after transfered

I think that we should actually come up with several directed letters. Maybe we can send them at the same time (and copy the other people on our list) or send them out on consecutive days for a week.  If that doesn't work, we can contact them EVERY day until they start taking us seriously and friggin' DO something to fix this bullcrap. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-17 13:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthose waiting for the 60 days after transfered

I strongly suggest emailing your service center with the details of your case, politely reminding them that you are now past 60 days (or about to be past 60 days) and asking the status of your application and what kind of a time frame you are looking at now for an answer. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-12 16:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi-130 filers transferred to NSC

I waited 58 days for approval. There are some who are still waiting that are beyond the 60 days. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-11 13:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

YAY! Thank you for posting it!

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-08 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I just got word that the article will be running tomorrow on the front page of that National Section! I'll let you know if I get a link online for it. (I'm going to go run out and get a copy, just because.) YAY! 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-02-08 12:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

You're welcome. :) 



KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-15 03:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

The best thanks I can get for this is to see the situation improve dramatically and for some light to be shed on this shady government agency. (And hopefully, real fixes applied so that this behavior will not plague future petitioners.)  But I truly appreciate the support! I just hope I did a decent job! Now I'm nervous!

Edited by Kaylara, 14 January 2014 - 11:53 PM.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-14 23:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I had an hour long interview tonight on the phone with the very nice reporter from the NY Times, and she said it's possible that they will send out a photographer. (I also told her she was welcome to use the pictures on my FB account if she thought it would be helpful.  I not only discussed the details of my case, but also detailed our cumulative theories and exactly why we have them. (Proof from the USCIS's or Ombudsman's Reports data specifically, and also that we were following the transfers and approvals here. She seemed surprised to hear about Overland Park and what happened there, btw.) I also told her about the crazy RFE's, obnoxious Tier 2's, and the complete inability of the Congresspeoples or Senators offices or even the Ombudsman to help us due to them playing with the Processing Date. I even referenced the long wait that people in certain countries had with AP, and yes, even the bullshit going on down in the Equadorian consulate and the situation with the Stokes interviews down there. (Much thanks to Tbone for all of his work with informing people about that, btw. I just read all the threads on it the other day, and it was fresh in my mind.) Also I told her that several people had stated that they wanted to participate in an interview, but were afraid of possible retaliation from the USCIS. (She seemed angry at the idea that people were so scared of that; I think it really was a pretty powerful statement in and of itself.) But it is the right thing to do. (Besides, I have friends who are lawyers who I'm sure would help me out, and also two cute little blonde girls who need me to do everything I can to get their Daddy here. Cynical, maybe. Probably. But realistic, I hope.)


So, if all goes well, expect an article in the near future. Possibly with pictures.  I hope I did a good job of representing the problems that we've had over the past (almost) year. And I really hope that this results in the situation as it stands being fixed. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-14 23:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

You might want to start a topic asking for volunteers as I know not everyone reads this thread. :)

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-09 16:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I don't know who's in charge of the committee but can you please message me ASAP as looking to get one or two heart wrenching cases possibly to be interviewed.  I am not familiar with all members and the committee may know of some eye catching examples in this situation... I need to get stories ASAP.....

I already got my approval, but I will be happy to volunteer.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-09 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Found this one:


Interesting read. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2014-01-02 23:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I'll be doing it Thursday, then. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-31 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

My friend also suggested: White House Comments line 202-456-1111


We could all start calling them. 

Edited by Kaylara, 31 December 2013 - 10:49 AM.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-31 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I think that we should put together a good story together, and submit it to them. 

I think that we should put together a good story together, and submit it to them. 

Posting in the comments here:

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-27 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

The sad, sad thing is that there is no one at USCIS that will be held responsible for this mess. I truly think that they DO NOT care at all about our suffering. Adjudicators have no feelings and the upper management are probably just politicians looking to further an agenda. Did any media outlets do a story on the push day?

No, they haven't. We've been trying to get the story out via the media as well, but thus far have had no luck. I am working on writing up an editorial/opinion piece to send to my local papers. I've actually have had luck with gaining support from people in the public just by talking with people IRL, in social media, and in the comment sections on immigration articles. 


One of my mother's friends suggested that we put together the facts, the figures, and a bunch of case stories, including our treatment by Customer Service people at the USCIS, and what our separations are doing to us and our families, and send it to 20/20 or another such investigative tv program.  If we do that, I think it should be a group effort, and one that we should start working on very shortly. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-27 10:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Ok, the group is https://www.facebook...68272816733181/  I'll write the description for it later tonight, but any ideas are welcome. You're all welcome to join. The group is an open one presently, but we can close it if we have problems.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-24 11:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I've been sharing the info on social media. Actually, the thing that got the most response was when I told people the treatment that I got when I called last week and the obnoxious response I got from the Tier 2 I spoke to. When I coupled that, with the fact that I've been waiting 9 months, with the screenshots of the dashboard info, I managed to get several more people who'd been passively watching what was going on to join us in our last email/fax thingie. I've been using the hashtag #I130 (Which gets a lot of use by lawyers) and #FamilyUnity . If you guys want, I'll start up a facebook group for the Backlogged I130's to help get the message out there.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-24 02:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

So... When are we going to work on this video, guys? I know that we're all busy with Christmas and the Holidays, but perhaps we can start brainstorming to figure out what we want to do in January?  I know that we're planning another letter, but perhaps it's time to start on the video and get as much of the public involved as possible. I also think that we should write editorial/opinion type pieces and start sending them to local newspapers to see if we can get attention on our situation that way.


What do you guys think?

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-24 00:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee


What else can I do to help?


Donate some money to Congressman/Senator? Get some face time with them? It seems with these people money gets you access. It's about getting a policy issue addressed and FIXED. These people keep talking about family values, what kind of family values is USCIS promoting by preventing our spouses from being with us? 

I think Senators and Congressmen are functionally useless in this process. At least mine have been.  Ombudsman's office has also been fairly useless despite the fact that they're supposed to help us when something goes wrong with the system. These are internal decisions and policies from within the USCIS and they are directly responsible. They have no incentive to change their behavior.  This is why we've been getting the word out, contacting media outlets, and trying to contact those people within the hierarchy that might be able to effect some actual change.  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-12 23:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Just sent my Congresswoman an email complaining about the long process. Not sure if it'll help at all.


There has GOT to be a way for all these citizen forum members to petition all at once, together.

We have been. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-12 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Any of my fellow number crunchers on here?  Found more data.


June 2012 -


Sept 2012 -


Dec 2012 -


March 2013 -  


Btw, no other reports from the rest of this year up on the website.

Edited by Kaylara, 12 December 2013 - 12:02 AM.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-12 00:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

You know, a few months ago I honestly was wishing the same thing. That those who were processing our applications or delaying them would have to feel the same pain they were inflicting on us with their inaction. I've had a long time to think since then (and still no approval for me, yet.) and honestly, I don't want them to have to go through anything like this. I don't wish this on any other person. It's absolutely horrible. I wish that they would act from a position of fairness and empathy. But I can't knowingly wish this pain upon another human being. 

Edited by Kaylara, 11 December 2013 - 10:47 PM.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 22:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I'll try to get my wife in there, see if she can wrangle some straight answers out of them smile.png

Sent my video!

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-11 14:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I'll try to get my wife in there, see if she can wrangle some straight answers out of them smile.png - Partners  


Ask the Vice President about an immigration issue! Is anyone else going to do this? 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-10 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Just found this on Twitter: http://immigrationim...ommittee-again/

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-12-02 23:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Not sure if this was already suggested before but what if we do a coordinated effort to share our plight with influential news agencies like Huffington Post, The Atlantic, Fox News, etc.? We could send them (a reporter, correspondent or news editor) personal anecdotes of how difficult it has been for us and how messed up it is that we did things legally and we're suffering for it.


My husband sent in our I130 packet 2 weeks ago and we're still waiting for NOA1. Meanwhile my pregnancy is progressing and because he will still be under probation by my due date, he won't be able to witness the birth of our first kid. He wanted me to stay in the US and just do the AOS route but I was in the US using a tourist visa and while it's technically legal to do AOS since we didn't plan on getting pregnant or getting married, I decided that we should just do I130. Finding out that the delays were this long makes me regret my decision and all I really want is for my baby and my husband to bond as soon as possible. Our baby might be halfway to his first bday before he even sees his daddy. Yes it's depressing. That's why I'd rather do positive actions since there's really nothing else I can do at this point.

Well, you have a couple of things in your favor. You're in the Philippines, and they appear to be speeding all of those applications through because of Hurricane Yolanda/Typhoon Haiyan. And also, you're probably not going to get stuck in the insane backlog that so many of us have. (I really hope that you won't.)  You will probably have a wait time of much closer to 5 months. 


We've been sending our story out to news agencies. So far, very few writers are interested. But you're certainly welcome to join us in making noise by sending letters out and/or tweeting information or posting/reposting information on FB about what's happening.  

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-28 03:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Hehehe! Glad u found it! I'll go retweet, (i'm Lily on twitter). I don't necessarily agree with bashing Obama for everything in general, my view is that it takes a lot more ppl than any poor scape goat president to do a crappy job at any given function.... But i diagress....
Anyway, hang in there, i'm rooting for ya and ur family! Hope it will all be over soon. Very very soon.

Me either, but it's getting some attention to our plight, and honestly, we need accountability and transparency and apparently many more employees at the USCIS before we throw several million more people at it. If the media picks up this story and runs with it, there's much more of a chance that some actual positive changes will be made.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-25 23:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Thanks Kaylara!!!

No problem! I was looking for something else, and found it.  Then I decided to tweet a whole bunch of people about it and this &^%^$^#@@!@#$% Backlog.  :)

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-25 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Finally getting a bit more attention: http://www.breitbart...for-Immigration

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-25 21:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

We're all wondering that. Honestly, I'm less than optimistic about this current turn of events.

We're all wondering that. Honestly, I'm less than optimistic about this current turn of events.

I just posted on this article: http://www.huffingto..._b_4181998.html

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-04 14:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee


Kaylara, I'm lost... what was sent to Michelle Obama?


Btw, you rock girl. Everything you do is very appreciated.

Oh, sorry. I sent a message and the link to the blog page to her. I may try emailing it to them again next. (I seem to be getting tons of emails from people who work for them since I signed up for the White House's Petition site.) Twitter doesn't allow for a lot of text even in private messages. :P 


You rock too! I appreciate everything everyone is doing to try to get the word out and make the USCIS accountable for this problem, and to make them fix it. Even if it doesn't get fixed for us, the idea that they could continue doing this to other people with absolutely no consequences is obscene to me.  I really think that working together is our best bet for effecting real change and making things better. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-02 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Sent to Michelle Obama.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-02 15:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Ok, can get get a final wording on the petition, etc and get this petition on the White House website? The holidays are coming, and these people are going to get to be with their families, something that is not true for most of us. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-02 10:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Maybe someone can work with that as a base.

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-01 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Sorry, didn?t have time to finish writing this post until now. I think the length of my first post and this one will tell you why I don?t use twitter... writing in shorthand is, unfortunately, not one of my skills. But here are some of my thoughts about social media, getting people to CARE about our message, and the road ahead we?ll have to navigate in order to affect a change in the process. Apologies for the verbose nature of it.


We truly live in a unique time in history, one which many people have not yet fully adjusted to. In today?s digital world, where nearly everyone has both an opinion about something in the world, and the digital means with which to express that opinion, getting that message heard above the deluge of noise is an increasingly difficult task.


We use terms like ?going viral? to describe one of those rare messages that are successful at breaking through the noise. Just about every person with a message, also has dreams of it ?going viral? and their problem heard. But it is not such a simple task. There are messages that have, simply by luck, struck just the right chord with people and, almost accidentally, gone viral. This is what most people with a message aspire and hope to have happen to them, HOWEVER the reality is that this is not like trying to win the raffle at your local supermarket. This is more akin to the odds of winning the state lotto.


There is another way that things go viral, and that is one that is purely intentional. A brilliant, carefully crafted marketing campaign, spreading just the right message, exquisitely tuned to strike just the right chord with people who see it, supported by meaningful and accessible engagement activities which people can participate in afterwards. None of this happens by accident, or with only a little organizing. This happens with very careful and coordinated planning, and even then, the internet is littered with well organized and well funded campaigns to take something viral that, despite appearing to be well designed, never made it off the ground and never got noticed.




That is the sandbox we?re playing in if we want to talk national petitions. We need more people to sign and get involved than JUST the people waiting for their CR/IR visas to be processed. Which puts us in the same realm as business and marketing --> define the market, figure out what product we have to sell to the market, and then market it in a way they?ll buy it.


Target market: If we?re talking petitions, then we?re talking about getting people involved who are not directly involved or had prior involvement with immigration visas. The fundamental principle of activism is first and foremost, make people CARE. People already involved in the visa process obviously care. But someone who has never applied for a visa before has no idea of the hell that we have to go through just to be with those we love. And note that just telling people about it doesn't automatically mean they'll care. knowledge of the facts doesn't mean caring about them. It has to be a message that strikes a chord in people in a unique way.


Making someone care? that?s the tricky part? I?m not sure how we go about doing that. Immigration is a hot button issue in America today?. LOTS of people care a lot about it? but generally only the part they see as affecting them. Lots of other people hear the word ?immigration? or ?visa? and have a strong negative association with ?illegals crossing the border?. A successful message has to make the issue relevant and relatable to people, WITHOUT getting lumped in with the illegal immigration issue which a lot of people are tired of hearing about, or simply want to ?throw them all out and be done with it.? (I?m not starting a political discussion here, just observing the climate in which we have to spread our message). Pushing the family separation issue like we have been seems like a good direction.


All of the above that has to be balanced by the fact that anyone not already involved in the immigration issue has a very short attention span. ?tl;dr? is a common internet saying, which means ?too long; didn?t read? ..... This post easily qualifies as such. It is way too long. Talking about CR-1 visas and K-3 visas and i-130 forms is a great way to lose people who are uninformed or uninterested in the issue, which is the majority of people. In the end, there?s just a few short steps to getting signatures. Yeah, it?s oversimplified? but frankly, this post is too long already!


Step 1: Get people to read or listen to the message. If it?s a wall of text, most people get bored after 4 sentences and close it.  I skip watching youtube videos that are more than 4 minutes unless it REALLLLLLLY interests me. Don?t have time.

Step 2: make the message such that the people who read it understand it enough in that limited exposure to become motivated and care about it.

Step 3: give them something to do with that motivation (sign the petition).




The letter that we have written is very good. VERY GOOD. I like it. It is very detailed and informative, for those that wish to LEARN about the issue. Let me pause here, so no one misinterprets me. I LIKE IT A LOT. It is well written and sums up our plight, as completely and succinctly as is possible for an issue as complicated as ours.


BUT I think we ALSO need a short version. 2-3 very short paragraphs. Something small, marketable. No mention of confusing CR-1/i-130/K3 form numbers. It?s got to be simple, natural language, digestible and understandable by a 10 year old. Anything longer, and it?s ?tl;dr? for too many people... people we need signatures from and cannot afford to alienate. People uninformed about immigration should FEEL informed and motivated to help us out with a signature after they read it. The truth is WE know that you can?t learn much about this issue in 3 short paragraphs. But that?s not the point. The goal is not to thoroughly educate everyone, because frankly, most people don?t care enough to spend the time and learn it. The point is to get them motivated enough to lend their signature, so that we can build up a mountain of signatures that cannot be ignored, and get our voice heard! I imagine the formula for the youtube video would be similar to this letter. The letter could in fact be a modified form of the youtube script, or the other way around.


Well, that?s more than enough rambling for one night.


There.... I said.... something! .... I feel better, I feel like I at least tried to contribute!


I have tried to lend my perspective on the issues we face. I don't guarantee I'm 100% correct, in fact, I'm probably not! It's the internet, everyone has the ability to write something, no matter how wrong it is! BUT HOPEFULLY amongst my ramblings, at least something will prove useful in our fight.

I can sum it up pretty easily.


I am a US citizen and should not have to wait for 2 years to bring my husband to the US just because the USCIS messed up and created a backlog of 400,000 files. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-11-01 10:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

You can post a comment on the blog's page, and sign the petition.


And you can also post to any traditional media and/or social media to try to get the word out. If you're on twitter and/or facebook, I'll be happy to friend you. :)










Just so you know, read the immigration reform passed by the senate... NO WHERE does it have a provision for US Citizens to get their spouse here any faster. Only for Pernament Resisdents does it help and Illegal immigration cases. Also there is I believe a 18 Month Wait time before anything will go into effect AFTER it becomes a law. This immigration reform will do nothing for us. I am not saying it is a bad thing the immigration reform, just stating it will not effect US citizens filing I-130's.

I also posted a complaint on Ted Cruz's Facebook page asking why K-1 Visa's for Pernament Residents are being processed faster than K-3 and I-130's.... Ugh Government fail.

Being a Texas Resisdent I called the senator office for help, Not knowing who Ted Cruz was, at first I thought he was better than the other old guy.... UGH my mistake.... I was told that He will do nothing to help with this injustice about why K-1 Visa's have faster processing times.


I wish I went the K-1 route... but I Wanted to have  a traditional Javanese wedding with my wife my new family in Indonesia...

I did mention that in response to Mrs. Pelosi's answer yesterday. 

KaylaraFemaleNetherlands2013-10-30 13:45:00