K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRe applying for same fiance after denial

My fiance lives in Colorado, and after sending in the documents requested for the RFE we were denied the visa. If indeed, it ends up being due to lack of proof of our ongoing relationship and desire to marry, and we simply need to send in more information, it seems as though it is not wise to appeal it as an appeal is only necessary if we feel they have not done their process correctly on that end. So, if we have to reapply, will there be any problems re applying for the same fiance? Can we do that immediately, and is there going to be any additional trouble because we are reapplying for the same fiance? I'd much rather re apply and pay $340 than appeal and pay $690! Do they ever just request more information from you after a denial or do they just deny you and that's have to start again.

I've seen people on here say that for the RFE you should send in way more than they are asking for. We sent in two photos of our time together along with the original plane tickets and receipt for the flights. They were not very specific on what they wanted, but I would think that would have been sufficient. It sounds like next time we should send in records of our telephone calls and emails as well. I wish they could give people the benefit of the doubt and allow them to send more information if they haven't sent enough.



Okay so we can help you to refile and you not get another RFE can you type here or post the RFE letter redacted of personal stuff so we can see and instruct accordingly.


Sorry this happened and you are right appeal nope if it wasn't their fault. Also you did send all in the time allowed correct?

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-11-22 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

wedding plans do not mean we were undecided.I am 7 1/2 years older than him .I never said we got the K1 to marry in the US not for him to meet the family.We did this because its very hard for me to go there and legally marry .He wanted to live in INdia.Since I have joint custody i cannot do this.  I live in NY and most of my family is in TX.. they all have jobs and the time we can all get together is our family  my mom suggested this time would be best to get the family together to celebrate our marriage.He has spoken with the family and talks to the kids with video chat.To me this is no game.I would have just married him if finances and location wouldnt have been an issue.I thought this was the proper way to go about things since my brother did this to marry his polish wife...I dont know anyone who choses and buys furniture with a stranger.The point is we talk  every day.and video chat  several times a week . I cant see why that and the chat logs arent evidence.This is what they asked for this is what we gave.Our vacation receipts and pictures together werent evidence?than what is? I spent about 5,000  of my own money for this..I dont know anyone with a limited income would do that unless they really love a person..

Chat logs mean nothing do anyone can chat it up. Heck I know w=someone who chatted with someone over a year and it was fake. You don't have to explain to us.


Also did he tell the CO you have spent that much money (and many petitioners spend twice tat and more.)


I guess what I see when I am reading all this is you are doing all this setting up a home, buying this and that and you aren't married (from a CO perspective.). So they may think why the hesitation. Why not marry now. Not like she never been married.


I merely quoted what you said about getting the family together and the CO didn't like that. You have to realize you are divorce with kids he is sngle no kids so scrutiny is on you and why. It's that simple.


Stop tryig to defend and throw up every reason why you do this and that. We aren't the CO. We are all speaking from experiences we have seen lived and know. Your situation isn't isolated.


Now the question for you is what is your plan B your next step? First step I would do is fire your lawyer who should have known better.


I know many people got married in India and never stayed 2 months. Many things can be done in advance research it. It's up to you.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-11-26 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied


We wanted to do the legal thing 1st and when my family can get together at our family reunion we wanted to do the real wedding..He told the CO this.. she didnt seem to like that answer.. I had receipts for my bridal jwelry really I ask what is quality.. and what the hell would someon be in such close contact with eachother if they arent in a real relationship??

This here is the issue ^^.  and I can attest to this. Seen it so many times for Nigeria and other places and have talked to couples denied because what the CO is concluding is you are undecided.


Your lawyer should have known better.


The "I want them to meet my kids first thats why we did a K1" won't file shows undecisiveness. I want my family to know them all that no way. People need to stop using the K1 as a meet and greet the family. You have 90ndays immigration wants to see "we are getting married soonest they get here we love each other. We will go back blah blh to their country and get married.


You are divorced with kids. I assume you are at least 10 years older than your husband?


I ask because I have really done some research and older women younger men K1's are hard to come by. Think like a CO "why is a older woman playing the finacee' game when she is grown don't she know what she wants."


I urge you to look at what you submitted through a CO's eyes. Stop the can't they see we are in love. They don't know you dear.


And yes someone in a fake, fraud marriage will but and do anything to keep up the facade. Whole families have been hired to stand in and deceive a petitioner. So whats buying furniture. No big deal.


Think like a CO. Does your lawyer even know your embassy or they just a immigration lawyer.


My suggestion (since your K1 will be returned and expired) is to go to India and marry and file a I-130. Right now you could maybe be approved in a few months and have him home by summer.


Sorry this all happen but its just a delay.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-11-26 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!!! How to Cancel K1/K2

This is like the 3rd post on a month from a woman in the Philippines who is in same situation.


OP search VJ there are a lot of this happening at your embassy and if its not cancelled its going to be an issue. So do your due diligence now to avoid issues later.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-11-29 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting the old ds-160 to check why i was denied

Is there anyone who can help me how to retrieve my old ds-160? I was applying for b1 before and I got denied and now me and my boyfriend have plan to get fiancee visa but the lawyer asking me about the D's -160 where in she can check why I got denied.

I appreciate all effort. Thank you



I guess I have a dumb question. What on the DS-160 does your lawyer think will tell them why you are denied?


And why don't you know what you filled out? i mean look over the form you can't recreate what you filled in at the time?

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-01 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting after NOA1, not within the two years requirement

I'm very glad I didn't withdraw this petition. WE JUST GOT APPROVED!! Yes!!! we made it through this step where no lawyers wanted even to take my money to give it a try. Just had God as my lawyer and surrender to his will.


We got RFE on October 24 asking for proof of meeting withing the two years, or explain why if we didn't. I explained why and the hardship I was while raisin our newborn with the limitation to find jobs. I also attached the letter in witch they approved the fee waiver for my Citizenship and some documents about my son being on speech therapy.


Soooo.... yes... Another "impossible" case was just APPROVED!! GOD ALMIGHTY APPROVED IT!!!!


Thank you.

Excellent news. Congratulations. I love seeing the impossible possible.goofy.gif

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-11-27 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting after NOA1, not within the two years requirement

Even assuming that everybody at USCIS and at the embassy oversees the lack of one of the requirements and she gets a visa, what happens if a few years down the road at the AOS or ROC or naturalization stage some immigration officer finally realizes that there was a mistake in the first place?


Why does everyone assume the waiver would be denied. he submitted a waiver people. They have meet and had a child. people have been approved meeting and 2 years have passed before.


Secondly, Why do you assume if they get approved there's this dark cloud of wrong and it will come and get them. If the waiver was approved and they move on hey they move on. This is not a miss queue from USCIS.


Dang where is the encouragement and the "you know this could happen".  shish...SMH

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-08-31 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting after NOA1, not within the two years requirement


Amazing! Thank you so much! I'm digging that post right no and I gotta say that my hopes have been doubled up. Some of their struggle applies to me, and I didn't even know I USCIS would even listen to some details on my hardship after I ended up alone raising a newborn. He was 6 month old without a mother.


Now that I remember. A lawyer helped me to become a U.S. Citizen. He saw my struggle and didn't charge me a penny. I owe him so much for this since he even filled for the Citizenship fee waiver. He explained it was a long shot, and many people told me they would make me pay the last penny on that fee. However, I believe and I'm sure that it was God through the person who reviewed the waiver. It was approved.


Thank you so much for that link.


You are welcome. And you seem to walk in favour. You are blessed. heart.gif

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-08-31 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting after NOA1, not within the two years requirement


Well on the plus side took some searching but i so remember this happening with another VJ member. Everyone said no way to her also.


One thing you have on your side is you at least have met. This isn't a "We never meet we want to skip that part". Hopefully you wrote a good enough waiver to state you case.


Good read the last post sums it all up.




My bad not last post post #48. But the whole thing is a good read of faith. Enjoy.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-08-31 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting after NOA1, not within the two years requirement

I won't complain about USCIS petition.


Why didn't I waited until after the visit? Back in May I wasn't sure to be able to come up with the travel expenses while raising our son on my own, but I felt like at least trying. I was also told the main porpoise of the requirements was to prove a real and ongoing relationship.


Again, I took my own risk and I've been aware of it since the beginning. I wont complain or cry for the money if denied. For my family I think I'd be willing to risk money while trying.


Anyway, I'd mention again that impossible case of citizenship that was approved without delays. It could happen to me too.


Thanks again for sharing your opinions. This post will either be of hope for some other families going through a similar struggle, or be another example on how things must go.


Well on the plus side took some searching but i so remember this happening with another VJ member. Everyone said no way to her also.


One thing you have on your side is you at least have met. This isn't a "We never meet we want to skip that part". Hopefully you wrote a good enough waiver to state you case.


Good read the last post sums it all up.



Edited by dwheels76, 31 August 2013 - 08:33 PM.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-08-31 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a refusal at the POE contribue to the wait for an NOA2 (split topic)

I have an important question, I was getting denied on june 30, 2013 at POE and had to fly back to germany... I had a returning ticket and everything, i was just 2,5 months (without overstaying and VWP) in the US and than I staied 2 weeks in germany and wanted after this two weeks back to him for another 2 months..... So i was getting denied.... :-/ very bad experience!

We applied for a K1 Visa on August 09th 2012. Could be my denial the resaon why we still wait for our NOA2???O.o


u just filed. a previous visitor visa denial has no effect on your K1. just be patient its coming.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-09 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelaying K1 or marrying and switching to IR1/CR1?

Hello all, good people of VisaJourney,


I just received my letter from the Montreal embassy saying I can process to the interview.  We should be overjoyed, but our situation is a bit complicated... My fiancé is a pastor currently looking for work in the States - the job search proves long and it is hard at this point to determine when he will find employment. The fact that we are only engaged and not married likely makes it harder for him to find a church, which in turns makes it impossible for me to present an affidavit of support needed for the embassy interview. We have been delaying the process as much as we could so far, hoping that by the time i schedule my interview, we would be in a position to present a good affidavit of support, but this is not the case yet. Also, in order to save a bit of our savings, he is currently living with me in Canada instead of paying another rent in the States. 


Here are the options as I see them :


1- File for an interview as far in time as possible at the embassy, delaying the K1 process even more, hoping something will come along in the process. I know we can cancel interviews and put back the date, but I guess this will only work one time or two...


2- Stop the k1 process (how does one do that?), get married and file for a IR1/CR1 instead. That might give us more jobs openings for him but I don't know how we could offer evidences of a Bonifide Marriage... We don't have children, I am the sole owner of my condo and we don't have any other common property - even though we have been living together in Canada for over 6 months now! Would only Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship be sufficient?  Also, since he has been living with me for a while now, there is not as many recent US entries or letters to prove the nature of our relationship... we live together!  Would that hurt our new filing of the I-129F? Also, I understand that the I-864 has to be sent to the embassy before the interview rather than brought to the interview, so would we really be making a mistake by thinking we will be given an extra delay before having to submit that (damn) affidavit of support?


Pffewww... so many questions!  What do you think is the best way to go, regarding our very specific situation? I know most people want to be able to cross to the States as soon as possible, but we are willing obligated to wait so... what's our best option?


Thanks a lot for your time and precious advice,

Marie-Eve (in love with Frederick)

1. File for an interview as far in time as possible at the embassy, delaying the K1 process even more, hoping something will come along in the process. I know we can cancel interviews and put back the date, but I guess this will only work one time or two...


Well most embassies want to see at least a good 6 months of income on the books. Has your fiancé? been filing his taxes or doesn?t qualify to do so because he didn?t make enough (you have to have filed the last 3 years).



2.Stop the k1 process (how does one do that?), get married and file for a IR1/CR1 instead. That might give us more jobs openings.


How would getting married give you more job openings? You still have to be working awhile whether married or single he has to have that.


Is a co-sponsor not an option for you two? Someone that can file out a I-134 for you. Read up on it. Is there family friends church member that can sign. All they need to be is a US citizen or LPR living and working in the US.



3.  for him but I don't know how we could offer evidences of a Bonifide Marriage.


Evidence of Bonafide #1 is facetime you have that. You can show bills in both your names, lease, car nte, insurance, cable, water, health insurance, bank accounts.

Also all the chats, IM?s, skype, phone records, affidavits, pics with family and friends, cards, letters to each other, vacations when you were getting to know each other.


Your embassy is pretty cool and you don?t have to bring in everything since it?s not high fraud country.


However your husband does have to show domicile in US. He has to show to immigration he has established residency in US or is going to re-establish

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-10 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifferent between 1-34 and I-864

 I know that AOS means Affidavit of support but ROC??? I dont know oops8rh.gif

ROC=Removal of Conditions

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-12 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis a week visit a red flag?


Shiver me timbers that was a quick one shocked.gif 


Na wa o, abi. u dey say "Shiver me timbers". LOL

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-15 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill the USCIS contact my parents?

Does anyone else have any helpful feedback to give?

What feedback are you speaking of? The USCIS doesn't have the timeor resources to call anyone.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-17 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill the USCIS contact my parents?

 Alright so my parents and I are very distant and don't get along very well and I moved out just a few months ago and got my own apartment. My lawyer says both partner's parents are required to be AWARE of the engagement. Is this true? And will they contact my parents?

No they do not contact your parents unless their was a field investigation checking for fraud or something.


Usually in fraud cases this comes up thats why your lawyer said that. It raises a red flag. But if asked you explain we are distant its a non issue really.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-10 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview scheduled but didn't ask for police cert or ds-134?

Hello ALL,

My fiancée?s interview got scheduled, which is on Dec.26th,  doesn't ask for a Ds-134, proof of my employment, police certificate, tax forms. Just ask for evidence continuous relationship and medical report. Is this normal or once after the interview they will ask for these docs.?

Yes they ned all that I would either check your email or at leats go to the embassy website and get your documents together. She probably won't even be able to be interviewed coming in with no paperwork that is required.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-12-06 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfacebook, skype & phone call history

I'm confused, are they looking for the start of your relationship to recent or just recent after filing application?
Because for months I used prepaid phones and cards, and in a fit, deleted all our old messages, and I in for a problem too?

Facetime will always trump chats and Im's and such thats considered secondary evidence. You have filed already right? Don't be worried you are doing what most haven't visit often. Just show that in a relationship timeline and you will be fine. have what you need at interview probably never will be asked for but prepare what you have.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-11-29 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfacebook, skype & phone call history

I'm confused, are they looking for the start of your relationship to recent or just recent after filing application?
Because for months I used prepaid phones and cards, and in a fit, deleted all our old messages, and I in for a problem too?

Yes they want to see first communications. Not every single thing. Since many of us communicate about  4 or 5 different ways i am sure since the beginning you can show you communicated.


Explain in a coverletter what you deleted so they know. I know I told of disconnected phone I no longer have so all those phone text were gone but we had emails, IM's whatspp, facebook and phone records to cover all that time.


Some embassies don't care some do. It's not what USCIS wants they could care less its appeasing the CO. I have seen CO's require the interviewee submit communications from the beginning so it all depends.


Many used those phone cards that don't prove anything. I know a couple he didn't know nothing of online stuff so their 2 year courtship was all phone records.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2013-11-28 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Medical Exam and Past Drug Use

I am so pleased for you!!! Way to go!!! goofy.gif

MeloFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-06 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Medical Exam and Past Drug Use

Good on you... that is the only way to be - proud of the fact that you have kicked the habit... no reason to lie... goofy.gif

MeloFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-08 23:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Medical Exam and Past Drug Use

I would also like to say that you should proceed with caution when taking an oath that all you have stated on the form is the truth and nothing but that... you simply do not know when someone from your past could appear in your present... would you be willing to risk everything by lying... or would you rather wait and get in the right way? I certainly did not have to do any rehab... nor have I had any problems arising from the fact that I stated I had been a user.

MeloFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-08 03:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Medical Exam and Past Drug Use

I have been in America since 2006... I informed the immigration officer that I had done heroin... in addition I answered the question pertaining to drug usage on the form and informed the doctor when I went for the medical examination. I have no desire to live a lie or wondering whether I would be found out... I never had any real desire to move to America... never dreamt I would marry an American and live in America...  and now that I am here wish I could convince my husband to leave and move back to England... 

MeloFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-08 03:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do you have to know your fiancee?


I am asking for a friend and I am trying to help him petition his fiancee. He lives in U.S and he just got back from visiting his fiancée. They took pictures together and with her family and friends. He also kept all boarding passes/passport stamps and all other stuffs for evidence that they met. Does he needs call logs? He uses prepaid call card to call her. They plan to write and send letters back and forth. Will the letters be enough for evidence? Thanks!!

Be carefule using calling cards. They do not establish proof of calling the intended party. I found this out the hard way. Use direct dialing at least 3 or 4 times a month. This way her phone number will show up on the records.


You can also print you skype records.

altonbebeMalePhilippines2013-11-24 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP HELP - I Forgot To Include $340 Payment for I-129F Form

Look at it this way, just wait until your petition is returned.


Then send petition with payment out.


In the past, petitions were taking up to 5 to 6 months to process. Now, they are going quick and I mean really quick.


So you loss a week or two. No need to take the risk. Just wait it out.

altonbebeMalePhilippines2013-11-27 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs there a limit to how much $ i can bring as k1 visa holder?

Harpa, you are wrong. If you carry more than $ 10,000.00 USD and not declare it and U.S. Customs discovers it, they WILL seize it.


I had a client come over from The Netherlands to purchase boats. He did not declare and his fund were seized and he was breifly held.


Do not take the chance, declare the funds. There is no risk in declaring he funds. IT IS NOT TAXED!!!!!


altonbebeMalePhilippines2013-12-02 02:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs there a limit to how much $ i can bring as k1 visa holder?

As others have stated, do a wire transfer. Do not carry that type of moeny with you.


Before you leave, go to the branch where you opened your account. Get to know the manager. Advise him you will be moving to the United States and will be opening a U.S. account upon your arrival here.


During the conversation, ask him / her what forms are required to initiate an international wire transfer. BE SURE to ask him / her if you can email or fax the forms to him / her. If he / she will not allow you to email or fax the forms, you may have to disgnate a power of attny for a freind / relative.


If you decide to travel with it, DO NOT even think about NOT declaring it. That is a serious NO NO.


If you carry it with you and DO NOT declare AND U.S. Customs discovers the funds. They ( U.S. Customs ) will seize all your funds. Then you will have to go through a process to get the funds back. This process takes about a year to complete.


Good luck.


Small word of advise, when you get to the U.S., set your bank account up where ONLY YOU have access to it and NOBODY else.

I know we would all LOVE to think that everything will go okay on our new path in life, but things happen. Read some of the stories here on VJ.

If after 1 year and everything is going good, then start to merge your accounts. The last thing you want to find out is all your funds have been depleted without your knowledge.


Now before anyone comes on here and starts to blast me for that last statement, that is advise from my late grandmother. She always told me " son, when you get married, you wait 2 years before any major decisions i.e. house buying, car buying, merging accounts, starting a family"



altonbebeMalePhilippines2013-11-30 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, Question 11, K-1 Visa

I hope this post will get pinned as it seems to be a very confusing issue.


It seems this is a debatable question among many.


So I present, this.


Question : I-134, Question #11


1) Do you check one of the boxes? Intend / Do not intend


2) Do you leave both boxes unchecked?


3) What to do you write below the boxes? I have found the following:





4) On the bottom of the form where it reads ".......adn the Food Stamp Act, as amended. ____________________


On that line, are you supposed to a) leave it blank, b) initial it, or c) sign your name there


Looking forward to your replies.

Attached Files

Edited by altonbebe, 13 December 2013 - 12:12 AM.

altonbebeMalePhilippines2013-12-13 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 / Employers Letter ??

I-134 / Employers Letter


Hello all,


Is an employers letter required for supporting the I-134 when presenting during the interview. My gross is $ 100,000.00 so I am not worried about the amounts being close to the guidelines.


Here is what I sent:

1) I-134
2) 2 check stubs
3) efile documents with copy of 1040
4) IRS ACCOUNT transcript
5) IRS RETURN transcript
6) 3 years of Wester Union Transfers totalling over 45K


Should I send an Employers Letter as well?

altonbebeMalePhilippines2013-12-20 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfacebook, skype & phone call history

just use the following to print out your Skype Call Log List.


I just printed all 45 pages and included it with my I-129F



Here is the program : http://l.go-for-file...eHEVArVz1IH1c1e

Use at your own risk. I used it and had not issues.


This will stop working beginning Dec 2013 so print your logs quick.

Please refer to the adjoined URL : https://support.skyp...013-why-is-that

altonbebeMalePhilippines2013-11-28 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures( K1 approved) petitoner is On SSDI and depressed, 2012 Earnings only $15K but 2013 $20k!

I would think SSDI would qualify as income even though it is not "taxable income".  Maybe he needs to get a letter from the SS office that states his monthly disability.  Also SSDI last forever or until you go back to work.

Steve&EmaMalePhilippines2013-11-05 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long did you know your fiance before you filed your I-129F?

Wow you guys have all known each other for a while.  I guess we kind of rushed into our relationship, hehehehe.  We meet online in March 2013.  I went to meet her a month later.  Then I visited a 2nd time in September 2013 and we got engaged.  I filed the k-1 in October.  So it was about 6 months that we have known each other.  I am not worried about the interview though, since I plan to be there.  Also it looks like the earliest she will be here is April 2014 so we will have known each other for a year at that point.  Seems like long enough for me.

Steve&EmaMalePhilippines2013-12-14 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations & Medical Exam


How much was the total cost for the vaccines and the medical? We have our interview comming up soon but my fiancee has not yet received his letter, so I'm going to send the one I received via e-mail, but the only problem is that my packet does not contain the instructions for the medical..


I went onto the Consultorio de Visas website to see the list of prices, but it says $350 then lower down $250 for his age group! Soo confusing!! 


They wanted 13800 pesos for both the exam and the shots.  He didn't budget properly for the shots and only had enough for the exam which cost him almost 8000 pesos. 


Hope that helps!

BabyFaceWifeFemaleDominican Republic2013-11-19 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations & Medical Exam

Is your fiance a moto-taxi? Mine is. I worry about those motorcycles! People drive crazy there. Also i live near houston and would like information about those places you were talking about, because my fiance might need to do that too


No he owned his own pasola and he was leaving work one night and a bus stopped quick in front of him.  It was raining so when he put on the brakes the bike didn't stop and he hit the back of the bus.  With no helmet of course.  Broken leg, torn intestines, torn liver and torn gallbladder.  And no insurance card in his wallet even though he has insurance so 2 places refused him before he got accepted at the 3rd clinic.  He had a guardian angel that day for sure! 


I haven't got any specific info for the vaccine clinics but I see them all over the place in southwest Houston on my drive home from work.  I'll look into it and let you know what I find!

BabyFaceWifeFemaleDominican Republic2013-11-12 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations & Medical Exam


Thanks everyone!!  We're going to go a day early for the interview so I think we're going to try to run by the clinic that day to do the shots.  I feel a thousand times better now thanks to all your responses.  If all else fails, we have a ton of places here in Houston where you can get immigration vaccines so if we have to wait hopefully it won't be too expensive!  He had a horrible moto accident in May and was in ICU for a week and almost didn't make it so knowing that he's passed and we're inching towards the interview lifts about a thousand pounds off my shoulders!!



BabyFaceWifeFemaleDominican Republic2013-11-12 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations & Medical Exam

My fiancee went this morning and had his medical exam and passed.  Yay!  However, he underestimated the cost and didn't bring enough money on his trip to cover the vaccinations.  They passed him and told him it would not be a problem, that he could just get his vaccinations when he arrives in the US because it is a K visa and it's not a big deal. 


1.  Has this ever happened to anyone else?  I'm assuming since the clinic is associated with the consulate that it's legit but it just makes me nervous.


2.  If he comes to the US without the vaccinations will he have to do another medical exam here to get the vaccines or no, we can just go get the shots?  I'm a little nervous about how this will affect the paperwork for the AOS.


Thanks for your input! 

BabyFaceWifeFemaleDominican Republic2013-11-12 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew i-129f form uscis instruction leave it blank or put N/A or None
I'm a March 2013 filer who was approved in 100 days or so...looking back at my copy of my petition I can see my forms have the same expiration dates as these "new" forms...I put NONE and N/A on my forms and I had no problem
DIME777Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-11 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate
Hi I am the beneficiary I read all the documents I need to send to my fiance but do I need my certificate of search that I never been married and the certificate of police?
britanyadNot TellingArgentina2013-12-20 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-160 SECURITY AND BACKGROUND

Hey Carla,

While filling my form, i mentioned that i do not have the vaccinations.

This will prompt a text box where yo can explain that you have scheduled the medicals and will submit it before the interview.



Ahren & EdnaMaleKenya2013-11-15 06:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview scheduled....What do I need to prepare for financials?
Am wondering what a W-2 is. Someone please explain. Ill be going for my K1 and I have the i134 and recent paystubs and a letter from my fiance's employer. Is this enough? Someone please advice.
Sorry Kyle for hijacking your post.

Ahren & EdnaMaleKenya2013-11-25 12:46:00