K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproval
WOW! I am so glad that touched turned into an approval so quickly. Congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-04 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Approval
Congratulations!! (F) :dance: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-03 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJoey and Fernanda are APPROVED !!!!
Congratulations~ :dance: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-06 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow soon can I expect approval?

Why are you so impatient Majizee?


:thumbs: Good call Jenn!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-04 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I the only Marcher left?
Wish there were words for this situation. (F)
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-05 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!!
Congratulations and thanks for the well wishes! (F)
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-05 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got approved today too!
Congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-06 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthanks for your support, all of you
Woo-hoo! Wishing you a speedy and easy interview! (F)
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-06 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell, finally reached NOA1

I finally got my NOA1 and a login so I can see how many times my application gets touched. I have a quick query, how many times did you guys get touched on average before hitting NOA2? I don't want to get excited at each tiny movement if it's not important :)

I'm so glad to finally hit this point, it's taken us a long time to get here so it's fantastic to have actually filed!

:dance: :dance: :dance: Congratulations on your NOA1! Yeah! You can look at my signature line to see how touches came in early after acceptance of the petition. My touches seem to be related to the check being cashed. Remember some people never see touches before approval while others get touoches that can not be explained. Personally I still check the USCIS website every other day or so knowing I wont see a change this early in the game. :blush:

Edited by mybackpages, 07 October 2006 - 08:21 AM.

mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-07 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTHEY TOUCH ME TODAY
Wow lots of touches for you lately. Hope it means an approval is coming your way (F)
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-10-07 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing abroad before submiting 1129F
I am new to the board, but I can begin to express how helpful all of you have been in helping me understand the process through your experiences and postings. I am leaving for Morocco in two weeks. When I return I will be submitting the petiton for the K1 visa.

I was hoping for some last minute advice on what I should do while I was there or bring with me to make filing the application as complete as possible. Here is my list so far-

Since we met in Morocco last December, I have some documents (boarding pass, passport stamp, a few photos). Since I left Morocco before making the decision to become engaged, it isn't much. This trip we will be together three weeks and meeting the family. I plan on keeping as many records as possible (hotel receipts, boarding pass, lots of photos of us together.)

I will also bring a copy of the G-325A Bio form for my fiance to complete. he needs 4 copies each with his signature not a photocopy right? I'll also take the other forms just so we can both go over them while we are sitting together.

I plan to get his passport photo taken while there to bring back with me.

any other suggestions?

When I return I will need to get a copy of my birth certificate and divorce papers. I am already gathering phone recorsds and e-mails, so I am hoping to have the whole petition ready to go in the mail by September. Then I will get in line with the rest of you.

After spending the last two weeks reading on the boards, I feel I have gotten to know many of you and I hope your journey ends well. Luckily for me the new forms to comply with IMBRA just were released so may I can avoid the RFE that so many of you cuaght by this change have been dealing with.

Thanks for everything you have done with your posts and inadvance for any advice.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-06-22 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched

Me too...They're touching me a lot, I'm starting to worry :lol:

Don't worry...this is bound to be good news! Good Luck!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-06-25 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of meeting/ongoing relationship

Hi everyone!
By the time we send in our packet, I will have gone to see Craig three times, and him to see me once. I have a few momentos from each of the trips, but before I went on all of these, I had no idea the kind of proof I would need for a K1. I am going on a one more trip before we send in our packet, and I plan on collecting everything I can (boarding passes, luggage claim tickets, receipts, photos with local monuments, etc.). So, when I'm explaining our proof of meeting in the last two years, would it be best just to focus on this most recent visit (the one that I have a TON of great proof for) or our first visit (which I pretty much only have pictures) or should I list all of our visits and include proof from each one?

Let me give you a better idea of what I have:

First Meeting (Craig came to see me):
-Greyhound bus ticket with Craig's name + date showing trip to/from Thunder Bay, On to Louisville, KY
-Itnerary printed from showing Galt House hotel room reserved for the dates of the trip
-Photos from meeting
-Affidavit from my friend saying that she saw us together in the living room of her home (visiting)
-Timesheets from both of our employers showing the time taken off during dates of visit

Second Meeting (I drove up to see Craig):
-Photos from meeting
-Timesheets from both of our employers showing the time taken off during dates of visit
-----NOTE: I am thinking about leaving this one off the list. I drove up to see him, so I have no proof of travel and I didn't keep any of my receipts. Also, WE didn't take any of the photos, so we are having a hard time getting them from his friends.

Third Meeting (I flew up to see Craig):
- Boarding passes to/from Louisville to Thunder Bay
- Luggage claim tickets
- Itenerary printed from showing booking of ticket
- Photos from meeting
- Receipt from Canadian/American money exchange
- Receipts from Minneapolis/St. Paul airport (where my connecting flight was, and my POE)
-Timesheets from both of our employers showing the time taken off during dates of visit

Fourth Meeting (Upcoming, I'm flying to see Craig):
- Boarding passing to/from Louisville to Thunder bay
- Luggage claim tickets
- Itenerary printed from showing booking of ticket
- Receipts from MY debit card showing purchases in Thunder Bay
- Receipts from Craig's debit card showing purchases at same places/same times in Thunder Bay (we are thinking going to the movies and each paying for our own ticket with our own debit cards and other things of the such)
- Statements from both our accounts showing above transactions
- Professional photos (we are getting our engagement shots done at a portrait studio while up there)
- Photos with miscellaneous people and city monuments.
- Affidavits from his friends and family saying that they have met me on multiple occassions
- Western Union transfer, with both of our names on it, when Craig gave me a portion of the money for the plane ticket
-Timesheets from both of our employers showing the time taken off during dates of visit

Now that I write this out, maybe I should just include all of it? And explain all the meetings? Any individual meeting doesn't look like a whole lot of proof.

I would send in copies of a few key documents and pictures from each visit. From what I understand by the time it gets to the consulate it will also show the on going nature of the relationship (plus all the evidence you will have post submission. Good luck!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-06-28 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview

I hope someone can help me. I think most of our paperwork is filed and my fiance will be granted an interview soon. She has found that a wedding announcement is good to have for the interview but I do not understand this. How can I do a wedding announcement when I have no idea when she will be granted a visa? Also is this something that you do in a local newspaper or what?

Thanks to anyone who knows anything about this!

You can have printed or print your self and mail out engagement announcements. Or announce your engagement in the local newspaper. Check any kind of wedding website for more info. I agree with the other posting, its not a necessary piece of evidence and USCIS tells you not to make actual wedding date plans in advance of the visa approval.

But if a newspaper clipping announcing your engagement would give you piece of mind, there is no harm and could be submitted as intent to marry.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-07-02 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got my VISA!!!!! :-))))
Always glad to hear the good news for those of us in the process and waiting and waiting.

Good luck and Congratulations!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-07-02 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp k1 visa fiance

hello to all
wish anyone help me about how i do this declaration
wish anyone help me and write me any example about this declaration.

Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years. This should be a single typed page regarding question 18 of the I-129F. Make sure to sign and date it.

You only need this extra page if you can not fit the info into the very small box on the I-129F form. I added a supplement sheet which simply followed the sample form from VisaJourney and clearly stated how and when we met including specific dates and locations.

Most important is you MUST remember to SIGN and DATE this additional sheet and title it with the following information:

I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of meeting in person

It was much easier to attach this supplement sheet to the I-129 than tyoe it in the box. If you want to know more just PM me.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-07-05 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa and becomming a student

Okay, but then that might depend on the university I suppose.

If anyone else has any experience of it?

Let me just add that as a F-1 student you will also need an affidavit of support to qualify for the visa. It could be quicker than the k1 but also much more expensive with international tutition and the risk of USCIS questioning your original intent of coming here. Maybe.

Because Temple is a private university, there is no difference in in state and out of state tuition only resident and non-resident. If you arrived on the K-1 and then married, more than likely you could enter the semester following the adjustment of your status.

Good luck!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-07-06 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa and becomming a student

Hi folks,

since this is my first post I'd better explain a bit of background.

We've been together for coming up to 2 years (officially) and I've been over to the US (philadelphia) to see her 7 times now. The last time, 2 weeks ago, I got sent for secondary questioning and I figure that I stand a good chance of not being allowed in if I go over on the visa waiver again. So, first of all, I wondered if I'm right about that?

We've always felt that the K1 visa would be what we eventually end up doing, and for a couple of reasons we've held off doing that for now, but we were looking to apply for that by October, with the plan that I would eventually be over there by this time next year. BUT, we also found another way... the F1 Student Visa. Because of my age and lack of experience in the field I want to work in we now think it would be a good idea to do a Masters degree. I saw someone at Temple University in Philly when I was last there for an informal chat and have found a course that is perfect, but my worry is affording it. Funnily enough, if I was a resident then the cost would almost half. This is where my question comes in...

What if I go over on a K1 Visa, as we've planned all along, and then start the Masters once I'm there? The only way this would work for us would be if I was classed as a 'resident'. Looking at this website and how things work with a K1 Visa I'm not sure at what point I would be considered a 'resident'. Would that be once we're married? Once we do the AOS thing? Or would it only be once I become a 'permanent resident' with a 10 year greencard? If anyone could help with this it would be fantastic.



Every university sets its own residency requirements. For some its just proof that you live in the area and can show proof of residency such as a utility bill or rental agreement. Check with the website of the school and you should be able to find your answer.

If you can get admitted as as a F-1 Visa student and then get married while legally here, you could change your status at midpoint in the degree process and start paying resident tution. But you would definatley need to pay international student tution until that point.

If USCIS suspects you came on a F-1 visa to get married and change status, I think that would cause you a lot of problems. It depends on how much info you give them when you apply for change of status and what questions they ask.

Someone here might have a more clear answer to what USCIS would consider fraud.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-07-05 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally Received NOA2

Today is a VERY happy day!!!!

Love to hear news of a happy day! Congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-07-05 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?

Am dead serious. I know they will understand my situation or call me with questions. I gave my phone number on there.

I dont think they can hold the whole application just because of one paper! thats not only because am an American, but am also paying them to process the papers. Its not afavor they are doing me.

Thanks for the entertainment this saturday morning! I was wondering what I would do until the mail arrived with my netflicks. :hehe:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-12 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending k1 packet to Africa

I've read about at least 2 cases reported by VJers who've sent forms and documents by DHL to their fiances and DHL's managed to mail the packages to totally different countries causing a great delay. So... I'd say go with FedEx or USPS.

I know it can happen with anyone. I once mailed a letter to Morocco. Several weeks later it was returned to my mailbox as undeliverable in MONACO. This was USPS.

You have to watch the code of the country they put in and double check before sending off any package.

I've had great experience with DHL but maybe only because DHL was more active in the receiving country than FedEX?
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-24 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending k1 packet to Africa

I know once the visa application is approved I will send my finace the entire packet and all information used as evidence, my visa, and passport. Does anyone know of a good (low rate) company to send it with? Experience?

Good advice from everyone above. Fed EX or DHL is a good option if your fiance lives in a major delivery area. These companies do not go to my fiance's town so I use the US Postal International overnight service. It is a good price if not too large a package. It takes less than a week to most places and it works like DHL in that you can track it and your fiance will need to sign for it.

I thought the fiance would need originals of the birth certificate, divorce paper, boarding passes at the interview possibly. I am sure some on here will clarify.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-23 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 petion in the mail

Hopefully I'll be following in your footsteps in the next week or so. Meep! Now the wait. Goodluck and best wishes for fast processing!

Let me know when you get it in the mail. It will be nice to have company at the end of the line :D
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-25 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 petion in the mail
Well...finally the petition is on its way to the Texas service center. I have this strange mix of feelings- first relief that its finally completed and in the mail and second dread that I forgot to sign something. left a blank or made some other mistake.

I know its been said before, but everyone on this forum made the process of compiling everything so much easier. Not sure I could have done it alone. Thanks to everyone for all the great advice and experiences shared here.

Good luck to evereyone ahead of me and to those who will be getting in the line right behind me soon.

Have a wonderful week-end! :dance: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-25 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!

I came home today, guess what i found in my mail box? Our NOA2 letter :thumbs: :yes: WE GOT IT!!!!!! i am so excited and USCIS did not even send me an update. We got approved on August 18th. That was my daughters. I am so Happy.


WOO HOO :dance: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-25 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129F package in the mail

Just mailed out my 129F package today let the fun begin!

I'm 24 hours behind you. Mine went in this morning. Here's wishing us (and everyone else here) a speedy journey!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-25 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshas gary c been approved yet ???

I think they lost my petiton! I don't know, it's getting to the point that I don't know what to do. I have been bugging the hell out of my Senators and I just finished a letter to my congressman. So far all I have been getting is lip service. It's gotta happen someday. I just wish that day would come soon!!

Thank you all for your thoughts and support!! You guys are GREAT!!

Don't even think the word LOST! All those July touches in your timeline have to mean something positive! Here's to hearing the good news at any moment now. A little mojo dance to push you forward..... :dance: :dance: :energetic: :dance: :dance: :yes: :dance: :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-25 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved
Congratulations! Nice to see the approvals coming through. For everyone else still waiting...hang in there. Everyone on this board is pulling for you.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-26 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing location moved from Nebraska to California

Just wondering if anyone has had this experience, and if so, what should we expect. We initially sent our K-1 Visa paperwork into the Lincoln, NE office (I'm the US citizen, Omaha, NE, my fiance' is filipina). They received, and sent the N01 on March 31. On June 1st - over two months later - I received a letter from the Nebraska office informing me that the case had been transferred to the California office for processing because "the record indicates that office has jurisdiction over this case". Hmmm . . . did I miss this when I sent my case work in??? Anyway, shortly after that, I received a notice from the California office that they had received our packet for processing. But my impression is our time began when California received the paperwork, which means we lost two months. To make matters worse, I've been checking California K-1 Processing time, and they've been stuck on March for quite a while now. Checking this morning, I see they've moved to February! So, I don't think we're even moving in the right direction. Anyone have any thoughts on this or experiences to share. I'm a pretty patient man, but I pay a truckload of taxes for something. Is there a number to call where you can actually speak to a human? What about a chat with a local Congressman? Thanks!

There has been some reorganization of CIS. Texas and Nebraska are forwarding all K1s to California. I just sent mine in to Texas- knowing its going to end up in California. So Don't worry about that. Your case is exactly where it needs to be.

Also don't worry about the processing date. There are a lot of people on this board who have dates close to yours and have not received their NOA2 yet. I've sure you will get some good advice from them here at VJ. I know its hard but have a little more patience. Everyone is cheering for the March and April filers to be getting their approvals sooner than later.

Good luck!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-27 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Approval on Aug 24

I just wanted to update you that I just received an email stating my case has been approved yesterday. I am happy and very sorry for guys who's been waiting since March and April. I wish you the fast turn around. My thoughts are with Gary C, Wolf, Icey, and everyone who has been waiting longer than me.

Congratulations! Always good to hear about approvals.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-25 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures*takes ticket and stands in line*
good luck on the journey. There are quite a few of us here at the end of the line this week. Nice t o have the company. :D
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-26 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout To Submit First Petition
Good luck getting the application in the mail. My just went off Friday. I felt so overwhelmed with all the originals, xeroxed copies, and instructions sitting all over the place, but once it was organized into the application to be sent, the copy to be kept and sent to the fiance and all originals , it was better.

Let us know when its on the way!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-27 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1, the waiting begins......Texas - London

Well, here we go....
Finally got our NOA1 today...YAY!!!!
we are on the road, hopefully to a quick approval, but hey.... how long is a piece of string?

well, all the best to absolutely everyone..
heres to UCSIS, maybe positive thought will speed things up????
erm, its worth a try..


Congratulations on the's to a speedy NOA2! :thumbs:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-25 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYAY!!!

"Status: Delivered

Your item was delivered at 11:09 am on August 28, 2006 in LINCOLN, NE 68501 to INS EXPRESS . The item was signed for by F HEINAUER"

I know, I know, this is nothing as big as an NOA1, NOA2, interview date, etc., but godd*mnit, I am EXCITED!!!! :D

Mine arrived at TSC today also. Not a NOA1, no check cashed, no transder to California, but yeah I'm excited too...feels good. :dance: Let's hope both our petitions land on the right desk in CA.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-28 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long for NOA1
All good advice..give it a couple of more weeks. In the mean time if your fiance sent a personal check you can check to see if its been cashed and get the case number off the back of the check (even online if your bank allows this).

The case number then can be used to register with USCIS even before the paperwork arrives in regular mail.

Good luck on your journey. We are right behind you in the process.
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-27 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy K1 Application was just approved,,91 days !!!
congratulations. Wishing you a smooth journey the rest of the way!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-26 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI HAVE MY FIANCEE VISUM..........YIEHAAAA
Terrific news! Happy Reunion! :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-28 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinally getting the I-129F together

Thought i would let everyone know that Ziamara and i are finally to the stage we can put together our I-129F
I just spent the last several hours scouring my files looking for all the information. and i would also like to take the time to say a big thank you to everyone here for their help. We found alot of information here at this site.

Looking forward to you joing the line. We have popcorn :pop: to ease the waiting
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-27 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdoing the happy dance
Great News! Congratulations! :dance:
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-08-28 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOFF TO POST OFFICE

I am heading offf ot the posr office to mail my I129F, and so my "VISA JOURNEY" starts today.

There are many of us here at the end of the line. Good to have the company!

I've noticed my timeline estimated date for adjudication moved up a week....from last week. Hope that means all the waiting for the March/April filers are getting good news. I know the date is just an educated guess on approval based on the timelines here, but still was nice to see it.

Come on CSC cash my check!
mybackpagesFemaleMorocco2006-09-01 13:48:00