K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325-A minor cross-outs, need quick help/advice

Well it's another post about cross outs on a simple form. Basically I can't sleep and would like some re-assurance...


My fiance signed several (3) forms G325A for me when we were together in January.


I spent a good while practicing on blank forms before i started printing (neatly) on the forms he signed with the information he gave me.


And then i made a little mistake on a form. and another on another. and another. I MESSED UP ON ALL THREE.


dancin5hr.gif Oh dear.


There is one that is the most legible. I've only overmarked one letter in an address (a d that looked like an o now looks like maybe neither as i re-wrote too hard on top so below i wrote 'the letter above is 'd' as in dog')


And in a see attachment note in the employment list item i started to write 'petitio' for petitioner-- that is crossed out twice (not obliterated, just two lines through very neatly) and wrote 'beneficiary'.


I just wanted to make sure it was legible and correct and this one is near as possible without starting over... 

and we are SO CLOSE to being ready to mail in the I-129F packet...

I'd ask him to re-send another signed one in the post but we've already been waiting over a week for an 'express' (HA) delivery from the UK with signed fiance letters photos...

I'm hoping they arrive in the next day or two and I can get this thing done... and NOT have to wait for another form to snail mail its way to me again...


Kicking myself...

Sorry to abuse your support...





JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photos- jewelry

The photos on the DOS guidelines have several photos marked acceptable with people wearing jewelry and glasses.


In the photos I have I'm wearing jewelry.


There are several posts on here stressing no jewelry no glasses etc. whatsoever... even quoting it as 'coming from DOS' or uscis... Was this an old rule that has since been updated??

JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-01 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormatting Evidence of meeting

Only one meeting needs to be disclosed.
You don't get extra credit for extra meetings.
Some have received RFEs for poor evidence for multiple meetings

I had thought this, but feel more comfortable disclosing a small handful-

as we have been together awhile and this selection shows a decent variety of types of evidence

without going overboard.

Each  meeting shown has very clear PRIMARY evidence  associated with it

(passport stamps and/or boarding passes)

so don't see how it could be seen as 'poor evidence'...

And i'm sure I am not the only person to include more than one meeting in the interest of feeling confident in the evidence!


Not trying to get 'extra credit' just trying to do my best and feel that evidence is totally sound...

As I'm sure you felt with your petition.

Thanks for your input.


I would be interested to hear or see about the RFEs you mentioned-- they did not come up in my searches of the site or in perusal of the pinned RFE list.

JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-01 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormatting Evidence of meeting

Thanks for the detailed reply Nich-Nick!

So glad that my sense of logic as you say finally seems of use.

What you describe ('team uscis' separating and mixing up all) had already crossed my mind as a possibility...


So my 'plan' includes not only listing things on an index for that section and having page numbers/cover letter etc, paper clipped sections etc...


but ALSO having a heading on each and every page which clearly states what the collected scanned stuff on that page is 'evidencing'

i.e. something like this example at the top of every evidence page:




1/6/2014-1/23/2014 ?Visit A?- JULIE HILL (Petitioner) visits DANIEL HAYES (Beneficiary) LIVERPOOL, UK'


similar to your red pen idea (i like it)... an in your face label on each page that means even if everything is all mixed up and moved around... well then there is no mistaking what the purpose of that particular page of evidence is and it could pretty much stand alone as to its reason for inclusion.


Doing my best not to editorialise too much with the labels, only typing relevant data bits found in each piece of evidence next to it for extra legibility rather than highlighting, some circling in pencil.



We met in person while I was living in UK and almost all of our good evidence is in person visit stuff so i'm losing no sleep over including a lot of online evidence.

The only thing I was gonna include for ongoing relationship was a page or two of Skype logs and maybe one card from fiance since i moved back US... 
But that's if the packet isn't already too fat!

JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-01 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormatting Evidence of meeting

For initially filing the I-129F they request evidence of having met within the previous two years. You're on the right track, but to what do you associate it? I suggest you use the space provided on question 34a of the I-129F to write: "See attachments 1-6, a-d, or whatever name you wish to give them. Use the first attachment to create a short timeline like:


11-12-2010 -- Met online and became friends. (see attachment 2 to view copies of communication)

11-13-2010 - 4-5-2011 -- Continued communication and planned trip for face to face visit. (see attachment 3)

4-12-2011 -- Met face to face in timbuktu. (see attachment 4 for copies of boarding passes, receipts, and various photos)



Suggest you also create a master cover letter that also explains the various attachments. Make sure you keep everything in order as you list it in the cover letter. 

Such was my master plan-- thanks exexp :)

JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-01 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormatting Evidence of meeting

I am formatting the pages I am sending in as evidence of our meeting...

They include boarding passes, hotel and atm receipts, photos etc. for our several meetings/periods of living together.

I am trying to edit as much as possible to avoid bombarding them with way too many pages of evidence.

I have organised four trips/periods living together and labeled all pages associated with them 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'... And then put the evidence for each of all kinds together for that trip (with the primary evidence like boarding passes first!)

99% of these images/documents are jpgs or tiffs and good quality... and to save space and make connections between the images I have resized many of them so they can fit on a page together.

I.e. -a trip with three boarding passes I made all three images slightly smaller so they fit on one page- stil legible.

I was very proud of myself in thinking it cut down on paper and allowed me to type notes explaining each image if necessary.


Now I am thinking- will having resized receipts, tickets, boarding passes slightly smaller and cutting and pasting be 'too creative' i.e. would they rather everything be actual size to avoid suspicion of them being fraudulent?


I would have to be a pretty talented fraudster to have this much primary evidence but... ???


Perhaps it would be better to redo- less clever, everything actual size (and kill more trees, be less clear...)


Julie (overthinking perhaps but please help!)

JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-01 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecklist for 1-129F Proof of Meeting

I'm sure just the photo of the two of you together with the dated receipts would be enough.
Remember, you're not having to prove your relationship yet, just that you have met in person.

By the way, what exactly is an 'official letter of support for presentation to UK Border Agency'?
No real point to my question, just my eyes pick up weird little things like that.
How exactly would it be 'official'?

oh i just meant that it is written very formally as a 'letter of support' by my fiance as a 'sponsor' for my visitor visa entry...

written to a certain template format i got from a uk visa website that gave advice on proving ties to the u.s.

and that it had original signatures from the parties i listed-- maybe this makes it an affidavit rather or maybe not.

it is the sort of the thing you present when asked about your ties to the u.s. when visiting u.k... usually more needed by people who aren't from visa waiver countries like me.

apologies if my terminology was unclear...


basically i had lived on several temporary residence visas prior to visiting again and wanted some back up docs like this and my proof of job in u.s. in case they thought i had immigrant intent when visiting my fiance then boyfriend... they never asked to see it-- it was just a safety blanket

JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecklist for 1-129F Proof of Meeting

and by not including ongoing relationship 'at this point' i mean at all... just seems like why include if it isn't actually asked for in instructions for petition

JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecklist for 1-129F Proof of Meeting

Good morning VJ!


If any of you would mind looking over this list of the primary and secondary evidence I have to present as proof of meeting in the last two years I would be grateful.


I am trying to make sure it is sufficient, and stop myself from adding in more stuff-- like the kitchen sink!


I have:

Statement of how we first met and crucial dates in relationship- 1 page signed, referencing Q.34a


Summer trip 2013:

-passport stamp for Fiance entering USA


-Boarding passes for Fiance's departure back to UK after visiting USA, for his entry flight I have netflights e ticket with itinerary and luggage tag


-ESTA obtained by Fiance prior to travel stating my address for address while in US


-photo of fiance and I hugging in houston airport arrivals hall


-Dated tickets for Texans game with picture of us clearly at reliant stadium with texans below


-Dated tickets for Moody Gardens with picture of us in 'rainforest pyramid'


-Picture of fiance with my grandfather and photo of me and fiance in mexican restaurant



Most recent trip: (things on same date or with same card # grouped together same page)

-Boarding passes for USC visiting UK (there and back again)


-Passport stamps for USC visiting UK (there and back again)


-Bank Statement showing foreign currency withdrawn in UK


-ATM receipt showing same foreign currency withdrawn in UK


-An official letter of support for presentation to UK Border authority for this visit- noting purpose of my visit and that i would be staying at my fiance's grandmother's house in UK for its duration and had a certain amount of foreign currency on me written and signed by my Fiance and his grandmother

(had this with me if any questions about my ties to U.S., accommodation in UK, or available funds... included here to establish we stayed together and where on my visit, clearly establishes his address/presence in the UK during my visit)


-Hotel Booking Receipt (For 2 adults for 2 nights to celebrate engagement- in Fiance's name only)


-Scan of Fiance's debit card to match with the receipts that lack his name


-four receipts for dinner/lunch for two on fiance's card


-one receipt paid by me in cash on same day as cash atm withdrawal, one receipt/ticket stubs for theatre date paid for before trip on my mastercard and picked up at box office in UK during my trip- date of pick up matches date on one of fiance's receipts


-scan of my mastercard to match with number on receipt above


-engagement congrats card sent by mother to fiance's uk address while we were both still there


-screenshot of engagement announcement/photo on facebook with clear date and responses from family members (one page only)


-fiance's final ring receipt (no name/card number on receipt but says 'diamond ring' and zero balance left to pay at least...) and photo of me and fiance out in liverpool wearing ring


Not including ongoing relationship stuff at this point- only meeting in person associated evidence for two most recent meetings.


There is more receipts and more visits/time spent abroad I could include but feel it would be overkill.

Unless anyone thinks this would be insufficient...


I know we only have to prove meeting once but thought it was good idea to include two trips since it shows me entering his country with passport stamps/boarding passes and then him entering mine with passport stamps/boarding passes...


Again if anyone has time to look over this list and respond I would be grateful.

I still have one or two more days to wait for the last signed thing I need from my fiance to arrive in snail mail...

I have everything else needed done and ready to go and it's very hard not to keep looking over it and over it and questioning too much, redoing, re-editing etc.

When i try to show what I've done to family members they aren't really familiar with the process so their feedback isn't very specific or all that helpful.

YOUR feedback means a lot as you have gone through this same purgatory!






JulieandDannyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes it matter which Tax Return form I file?

The form you use is not important.  How you do your taxes and what is needed for submission is different.  Complete your taxes using the form best for you.  Then, submit that form as proof to the embassy/consulate.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-02-03 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes it matter which Tax Return form I file?

You need to have the most current.  If 2013 is not completed, then you should submit 2012.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-02-02 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Checks

Not that I am aware of.  As long as the document is valid, not expired, you should be good.

One question:  Are you referring to how far back in time, ie years?


Then that is totally a different subject.  If I remember correctly, your fiance has to have police check from each city your fiance since they were 16 or 18 years old.  Not sure about the age, sorry.  Maybe another VJ'er can clarify that.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-02-11 00:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Checks

Not sure how it is in France, but my fiance, Ukraine, checked with her police department and was told it is valid for only 90 days.  It is very quick to get there.  Not sure about France.  Check with them and determine validity and time frame to get it...then make a decision from there.  I think each country is different, but it is good to have a list and then check-off each item as needed.  Even make a timeline as to when to get which item and complete it.  This way you don't miss anything and are better prepared.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-02-10 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm I-134, bank statements and new job.

Does your employer belong to ADP?  If so, you can go right there and print them.  You don't have to wait on them.  


Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-02-20 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm I-134, bank statements and new job.

I have same concern about this.  Situation there deteriorating rapidly.  Not just the embassy, but also the Post Office and everything else.  I am actually thinking about getting on a plane and going to my fiance.  They don't live in Kiev, but there are demonstrations in her city, too.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-02-20 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUkrainian on contract in UAE

JP....she would need to do everything at the embassy in Kiev, unless the situation escalates and other arrangements are provided for.  I pretty positive about this, but I could be mistaken.  The only option you could try would be to file and then request an expedite of the application.  This is not guaranteed and you must show that various points are addressed.  They are:

*Severe financial loss to company or individual;
*Extreme emergent situation;
*Humanitarian situation;
*Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the cultural and social interests of the United States;
*U.S. Department of Defense or national interest situation (Note:  Request must come from an official U.S. Government entity and state that delay will be detrimental to our Government);
*USCIS error; or
*Compelling interest of USCIS.


I just applied for this today and I highlighted/stressed: 

1.  Extreme emergent situation - The current state of what is happening in Ukraine

2.  Financial Hardship - I will be traveling there to make sure they are safe.  The hardship comes in 2 forms:  A.  Due to lack of vacation I will not be receiving any paycheck(s) while I make sure everything is ok with them; B.  The value of the UAH has been fluctuating very badly...this has increased the support level I give and reduced her income while prices have been rigin

3.  Humanitarian - The situation is stressful on her and her kids, if evolves into war then their safety and well-being are at risk


good luck and I hope everything works out for you.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-03-03 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with i-134 affidavit of support

Your fiance's job cannot count towards qualification the sponsorship.  This falls squarely on you, or a co-sponsor.  It is proving to the Embassy that this person won't be a drain on society or coffers.  Your father would have to be the co-sponsor for you and your fiance based on what you described.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-02-27 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa fiance

Retaining a lawyer will do nothing to speed up the process.  All they really do is help with preparing the paperwork.  They have no influence on timing, or judgement of the USCIS.  You are better off to follow the guides here and save the money. My opinion.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-03-05 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFree to Remarry - Texas Divorce Definition Help? will need to submit everything again, like new.  They don't return what you submitted to USCIS.  I had to cancel a petition and I received nothing in return.

Brian&LarissaMaleUkraine2014-03-04 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedited request to process I-129F K1 visa application?

Thanks for the answers.

studioguitaristNot TellingMalaysia2014-02-24 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedited request to process I-129F K1 visa application?

I saw this page at the USCIS website regarding expedited processing:


I don't really see where that applies to my filing an I-129F application for K1 visa, but I want to make sure I am not missing something.  Is there any hope of a speedier process?  I looked at the Premium Processing Service webpage ( ) and don't see anything there.  But again... I don't want to miss anything.  I posted an earlier topic regarding applying for Advanced Parole so my fiancee can attend her daughter's wedding and son's college graduation without us having to delay her entry to the USA.


I am writing a cover letter explaining the situation and asking them to expedite if at all possible -- but if there is something more official I can do, I don't want to miss it.




studioguitaristNot TellingMalaysia2014-02-10 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long is it until the packet 4 arrives and the Interview is Scheuled?

Thanks so much for your help :) !


Actually I just went directly to the embassy today and asked them when my interview would be and they gave me packet 4 with the interview date today :) It will be for the 27th of February so fingers crossed!! :)

katjmember88Not TellingTunisia2014-02-10 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long is it until the packet 4 arrives and the Interview is Scheuled?

Hi There,


I am almost at the end of my Fiance Visa Journey and my documents were approved and sent to the US Embassy in Tunis.


As of now I have received the packet 3 and only due to me visiting the Embassy after not receiving anything yet being notified that my case has been received. After spending two months collecting all the documents as I used to reside in the UK and had to get all my forms from there too I sent off my completed DS-260 and filled out the online DS-160 as instructed, but have yet to receive packet 4 or any interview date. It's been a week and no one has come back to me even to acknowledge that it has been received.


I keep hearing the NVC will schedule and interview but then am told the Tunisian US Embassy consulate will do it but I haven't received anything from either. Please help me to understand what I have to do next.. I don't want to accidently miss my interview date so what should I do?


Many thanks for any help!



katjmember88Not TellingTunisia2014-02-07 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing address for fiance
I can tell you they called my wife first to find out whether the address on the 325A was still a good address to send packet 3 too. It was but I'm hoping they do the same thing and call her first and find out a mailing address so she can recieve the packet 3 information. That is the only call she got was for that packet of information. The packet 4 information regarding the medical exam and interview came to the same address.
prislovskyMaleChina2014-01-21 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet K1 visa expire?
which country for the interview ?

if you time this 'right', you can have an interview 3 or 4 months after the IV Unit actually has the casefile,
then with a recent medical interview, you have apprx 6 months after visa issuance to immigrate into the USA.

So, that's 9 to 10 months, more, without starting over.

Does that buy you the time you need?

DarnellMaleChina2013-12-24 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreturned 1-129F petition for fiance
the validity on the approval of an I-129F petition is 4 months, not 8 months.
Check your approval notice again.

Seriously - you should consider filing a new I-129F, addressing the things that came up during the interview with letters of attestation included in the I-129F submittal.
DarnellMaleChina2013-04-14 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreturned 1-129F petition for fiance
Your petition is going back to VSC, and usually VSC just allows the I-129F petition to expire; you'll get a notice about it after the 'I-129F duration of validity' date has expired.

Suggest, instead, to file a new I-129F (provided you've seen yer fiance within the last 2 years)
and when filing this new one, include more evidence.
DarnellMaleChina2013-03-30 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

File a motion to re-open?


Sorry, it doesn't work that way, so hiring an attorney will be useless.


Instead, wait for the notice to hit your postal mail box. 



DarnellMaleChina2013-10-01 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresadvice
if your fiance is not a USCitizen, is useless to file an I-129F petition, leading to the permission to chase a K-1 visa.
DarnellMaleChina2013-12-29 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have to fly in from my home country?
Does anyone know of any issues that I might face at US Border Control if I don't fly in from the UK?


DarnellMaleChina2013-12-29 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Thailand, DTC Filing, etc.
Again, I would like the stress that I am in Thailand and being forced to file the package in America would just seem impossible considering the need for signatures and color photos. I plan to work (soccer team contract) or study (student visa) which would enable me to stay here.

So, fill it out in Thailand,
and FILE it to the lockbox address in USA. Suggest DHL or FEDEX from Thailand.

I think you forgot about 'how to file', or assumed it's a hand off, from one human (you) to another (USCIS human).

DarnellMaleChina2013-12-31 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Thailand, DTC Filing, etc.
2. Since I am in Thailand, would it be possible to file my I-129 Direct to Consulate in Bangkok or since I am not a permanent resident that would not be allowed? I will have to called but maybe somebody can give me some insight about this. I understand that the ability to do this could expedite the speed considerably which would be for the best (goes without saying).

Not possible, no such thing.

DarnellMaleChina2013-12-31 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1-K2 child changed mind
The IV Unit will snap to, wake up, when the first bit of the K-2 application comes across and the fee is paid.


DarnellMaleChina2013-12-31 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1-K2 child changed mind
No. as long as the visa application is filed and the visa fee is paid, USUALLY there is no problem.
Might be best to include a cover letter with the visa application paperwork stating this 'change of mind'.

DarnellMaleChina2013-12-31 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Lawyer

I'll suggest a coupla things, maybe (maybe...) help you to decide whether you need an attorney or not.

a. read the VJ guides. map the steps out on paper and pencil. See if anything doesn't make sense to you.
b. Read the USCIS web portal about the forms. Map out the steps on paper and pencil. See if anything doesn't make sense to you.
c. Practice filling out the forms, at least 5 times. See if anything still doesn't make sense to you.
d. Have any red flags? Practice writing up attestation letters about each red flag.

Now, after doing (with major emphasis on DOING ) all of the above, if you do NOT understand the forms and the process and potential red flags for your petition,

then I'd suggest getting a good IMMIGRATION lawyer. You are concerned with time, I am concerned with your 'knowledge acquisition', as knowledge is power. You can have 'it' good, fast or cheap - pick 2.

Welcome to VJ, btw - this is a GREAT DIY Immigration Web Portal, with emphasis on 'Y', and 'D'.

DarnellMaleChina2013-12-31 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the K-1 have to be used on the next entry to the USA?
Ya, yer in a unique 'slot' there.

If you are crossing by land, the CBP folk sometimes ask you 'are you activating your K-1 visa today?' and if the answer is no, they'll let you come across.

So, when you are crossing over at a land crossing, tell the CBP goon you are NOT activating your K-1 visa on this crossing.

We've had reports of this working, here on VJ, in the Canada Forum.

DarnellMaleChina2014-01-01 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Denial… pls Advice
File a new petition, showing the evidence of meeting. Include all the other evidence, as well .
DarnellMaleChina2013-12-16 19:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K1 visa while living abroad

1. sure.

2.  that's shown on interview day, never prior.  Still, must to show/prove up USA domicile, USA income for the I-134 by interview day.  That's what, 182 days between now and then, to do all the research and plan formulation you need to do...

DarnellMaleChina2014-01-06 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm from Philippines but currently working in Saudi Arabia

you could certainly do that, 


if you hit dirt in the PI before going to the USA, 

you'll need a CFO appointment, certificate, and sticker, 

or you can't board the plane in the PI, holding a K-1 visa in yer passport. 



DarnellMaleChina2013-10-17 02:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, Affidavit of Support or Form I-864 for K1 Visa?

hey - be a sport,

edit yer profile

and make a timeline,

nowish, please.



DarnellMaleChina2014-01-10 01:16:00