K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need your help......
QUOTE (rocksteady @ Oct 20 2008, 12:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1. Should we get married here in Thailand and try to get the K1 visas from here or would it be faster and easier for us to married in the states?
No. The K-1 is a fiancee visa...intended to be used to enter the US one time to marry your US citizen fiance. So you cannot be married at the time the visa is issued to you.
2.If I go with a tourist visa does that allow me to get married and file for a K1 visa there?
No....using a tourist visa, for another purpose besides "visiting" is considered visa fraud.
3.If he ever decided to divorce me ,how do i deal with it? Is there anyway for me to stay there legally?
This is a personal issue, and should be discussed with your fiancee before any decisions are made. The second portion of your question is confusing, what do you mean is there a way for you to stay here legally? If you are the wife of a US citizen, you are eligible to apply for that you would have legal right to reside in the US.
4.Once I get a green card I am save for another 3 years is that true?
Safe for 3 years? Safe from what? Once you get the initial green card, it will be a 2 year conditional green card. After those 2 years, you will again apply to remove the "conditional" status.
5.During the time that the green card is being process/arrive will i be able to work?
Yes, if you apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD).
Please help me....Thank you!

I think you need to do further research to understand what is involved. You're using terms that I'm not sure you quite understand. Please read the guides available here on this site for more information, and have your fiancee also look here. Once you are better informed you can make the best decision regarding your future.
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2008-10-20 01:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to cancel approved K-1?
QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 1 2008, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just love how you guys make selecting a Filipina sound like going to the best butcher to get the best cut of meat.

But it has to be meat from the provinces....cuz meat from the city rank. laughing.gif

Yes, beautiful how some of the advice is directed towards how and where to find a suitable replacement for the 'scamming' fiancee. (Though we know not the other side of the story.) All the while not really answering the OP's question. How do I cancel my approved K-1?

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2008-10-01 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoving fiancee' here on B-2 while awaiting K-1
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Oct 15 2008, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (payxibka @ Oct 15 2008, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Customs does not deny entry....

Your point? payxiba is still right....
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2008-10-15 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApply for marriage in an other country while KI ongoing?
QUOTE (Sher&Alex @ Dec 3 2008, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everybody !

I hope to get here any experiences about this question :

I would like to know what consequence from USCIC for my fiancé ans me if we apply for a process of marriage in my country while process of visa K1 is ongoing?

In fact, my American fiancé and I applied for visa K at end of october 2008 but we still have no NOA1 in knowing the $455 checked... So, we wonder if the process is lost or will take a long time, we don't know. Of course, if the K1 doesn't work for us, we would like know soon, to apply for marriage in my country and avoid to lose too much time because we wait a baby... The problem is to apply for marriage in France, my fiancé must come in my country a first time at the city hall of my city to apply in person for marriage with me and a second time for the marriage but she has not enough week off to come in France !
So, is the USCIS can see if we apply for marriage in France? And versus, is my country through US Ambassy, can we already applied for visa K1 in US?

Last question, is the fact we wait baby is a good argument can help us to get a visa K1 approved?

Thanks a lot by advance your answers.


By itself, the fact that you're expecting a baby is an good argument to prove that you and your fiancee had sex....not that you are engaged and in an ongoing relationship, which is what you need to successfully prove at the consulate in order to be issued your K-1 visa. Taken as a whole, with all your evidence, it can help convince the CO further of the merits of your visa application.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2008-12-03 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresage diference?
QUOTE (paullybear @ Dec 4 2008, 09:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Then why come on this site and ask if your age difference will pose a problem in getting the visa?
Methinks you wanted advice on this its not all about 'God wouldn't let us be together for over a year if this weren't a real relationship'. You got some very good answers to your question, especially from KimandRuss and pusbrk. The fact is your now fiancee was under the age of 18 when you began dating her, which is cause for concern. The consul could give a flying rat's a$$ that she doesn't look her age. Be prepared to justify your relationship on all levels, and count on the possibility that some very personal questions may be asked regarding your relationship.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2008-12-04 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo sponsor. Any suggestions?
QUOTE (KellyandNino @ Jan 14 2009, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yup, that makes sense.

I read the same thing on the USCIS website. Just a bummer that she has a legit job and the U.S. would probably cause her to lose that job just because of the red tape she has to go through to secure a permit.

I wonder approx how long the process would take provided we marry immediately, file the I-485, and then file for the work permit immediately. I might be able to ask my friend at the company to give her some leeway while applying for the visa. But I doubt they would wait more than 30 days or so.

Let me give you our example. My husband arrived on a K-1 on August 1 and had an EAD approved in early February of the next year. Now we did wait a month and a half before we married, but even took a few months.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-14 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo sponsor. Any suggestions?
QUOTE (KellyandNino @ Jan 14 2009, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I understand the reasons why the U.S. makes it difficult to bring immigrants into the country. But geez, if you are approved for a K-1 visa, why not let the immigrant work instead of going through more red tape. Sheesh.

Because the K-1 is a non-immigrant has the 'immigrant intent' attached to it, but not all the 'benefits'.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-14 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo sponsor. Any suggestions?
QUOTE (KellyandNino @ Jan 14 2009, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Joe&Noi @ Jan 14 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
According the statement that you sign a sponsor must:

1. Provide the intending immigrant any support necessary to maintain him or her at an income that is at least 125 percentof the Federal Poverty Guidelines for his or her household size.
2. Consider your income and assets available to that person, in determining whether he or she is eligible for certain Federal means-tested public benefits and also for State or local means-tested public benefits.
A. This provision does not apply to public benefits specified in section 403© of the Welfare Reform Act such as, but notlimited to, emergency Medicaid, short-term, non-cash emergency relief; services provided under the National SchoolLunch and Child Nutrition Acts; immunizations and testing and treatment for communicable diseases; and means-tested programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
3. If the co-sponsor does not provide sufficient support the immigrant can sue them for that support.
4. If they do not supply the support and end up receiving a means-tested public benefit then the government can sue you for reimbursement.

So my reading of this is that this would not mainly include means-tested public benefits. You can also call the NVC and just ask. The last few times I have called them I have gotten the nicest and most helpful people on the phone.

Take care.

Thanks for that information.

It seems like it would greatly help our chances if I can find a way for her to keep her U.S. job when she enters the U.S. She is currently working as an Independent Contractor and paying taxes in her country of residence. I would think the U.S. would welcome an immigrant on an approved K-1 visa that currently holds a job in the U.S.

I'm going to do a bit of research on what she needs to do in order to keep that job. But I welcome any input that you all may have in terms of foreign immigrant coming into the U.S. with a job already secured. Seems like a unique scenario I suppose.


Its not a matter of having a job already secured, it is a matter of eligibility to work with the K-1 visa, which is where the problem comes in. Coming to the US on a K-1 visa, you are work authorized for the initial 90 days(the period you're allowed to be in the US before which you must either marry your petitioner or leave the country) but only w/ DHS authorization. This means either a temporary work authorization stamp in your passport (only given out at JFK as far as I know, and even there....I don't think its done all the time) or applying and getting an employment authorization once your fiancee arrives here. Since it can take 90 days to receive said employment authorization it can be a complete waste of time and money and still no authorization to work. Once you marry your [now] wife will be applying to adjust her status based on the marriage to you and will receive work authorization/green card upon approval of that application.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-14 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo sponsor. Any suggestions?
QUOTE (KellyandNino @ Jan 14 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

As I said, I would recommend you put your travel plans on hold, get a decent job to support your new wife to be, then make plans then to travel once she is married with you.


On a side note, my girlfriend has a job in the U.S. that she is able to perform remotely. I secured this job for her before I left the company a while back. I did this before she left to South Africa last year, so that she wouldn't worry about work. She is a customer service agent that works from home.

So when she comes to the U.S., she will most likely have a job
. Just wanted to add that info.


Unless she gets a temporary work authorization stamp at her POE, she will not be able to work in the US when she enters w/ the K-1....not until after your marriage and adjusting status(AOS).

Also something for you to keep in mind, while the I-134 (the affidavit of support document for which you're looking to have your brother serve as a co-sponsor) is not binding, the I-864 is. The I-864 is the financial support document you will need when you're doing the AOS. For that, your income will have to be above the stated poverty guidelines for the size of your household in the year in question. So upon your return from your travels, your focus will not only be getting "some sort of job", but getting one that will guarantee you an income above the stated poverty guidelines.

Perhaps the reason you're getting so much advice telling you to re-think your extended travel plans, because the K-1 visa is only step one, so to speak. The AOS that follows is where you as the USC will have to more clearly prove that you're able to support your intending immigrant. Taking an extended 'vacation' before you even start this process may not put you in the best position to sponsor an immigrant, especially with the current state of the economy.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-14 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo sponsor. Any suggestions?
QUOTE (*Len* @ Jan 14 2009, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

my sentiments exactly....
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-14 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about "the two people must have met in person within the past two years" rule,
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 15 2009, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Jan 15 2009, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 15 2009, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Jan 15 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Push, no reason to be condescending. Why not try actually answering the OP's question....since that's what this forum is for right? rolleyes.gif

The 'must have met in person within the past two years' rule outlines the eligibility to file the I-129F petition. In order to be eligible, you must have met face-to-face with your fiancee at least once in the two years before you file your petition. How this applies to your specific situation? The last time you saw your fiancee was January 5, 2009, right? You can file your petition any time from now until January of 2011(2 years) and you will be eligible.

Good luck,

It's a fair question. The OP's specific question had already been answered, but no, I don't agree that the purpose of the forum is to answer questions. It's certainly one of the purposes but the real purpose is for people to get the help they need to have a successful visa process. If that were limited to asking questions and getting answers, the success would be limited. When attempting something new and complicated, people don't yet know what they don't know, so they don't know what to ask.

My suggestion was a sincere effort to assist the OP or any other reader to have a successful visa process and I stand by it as not only valid and sincere but actually "critical" to success. All those who read something else into it are just off base. I meant exactly what I said, nothing more, nothing less and I've said it before and will say it again because it in fact IS a critical issue.

so EVERYONE who has read it is off base? not you? you called him an idiot in a nice way not to break the TOS, as you do whenever you insult anyone on VJ. Your being called out on it, and you dont like it.
All you had to do was answer his question, he didnt need the condesending remarks along with it. and as you sd, his question had already been answered, so why do you feel the need to belittle ppl even after they already recieved their answer? something you should prolly work on, answering questions without insults. whistling.gif

I don't think the OP is an idiot. I think there's a good possibility he or she will need the assistance of somebody with more of the combined skill of reading carefully and interpreting literally. Many highly intelligent people need similar assistance. Yes, anybody who failed to read carefully and interpret literally sufficient to think I was so much as questioning the OP's intelligence, is WAY off base.

From your initial response:
If your language skills are not sufficient to understand the requirement to meet within the past two years, you are likely to need assistance from somebody with better skills, whether an attorney, friend or family member.

The OP's misunderstanding of a requirement does not necessarily mean faulty(inadequate) language skills. It could very well have been that he read too quickly and went off on an unnecessary tangent because of it. It was the tone of your statement that was may not have meant to insult the OP's intelligence, but that's how it came me at least.


Edited by Minya's wife, 15 January 2009 - 05:26 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-15 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about "the two people must have met in person within the past two years" rule,
Push, no reason to be condescending. Why not try actually answering the OP's question....since that's what this forum is for right? rolleyes.gif

The 'must have met in person within the past two years' rule outlines the eligibility to file the I-129F petition. In order to be eligible, you must have met face-to-face with your fiancee at least once in the two years before you file your petition. How this applies to your specific situation? The last time you saw your fiancee was January 5, 2009, right? You can file your petition any time from now until January of 2011(2 years) and you will be eligible.

Good luck,
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-15 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding I 129F, question 16
QUOTE (neil685 @ Jan 23 2009, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone. Let me say right off the bat, this site has been exceptionally helpful. I am just starting the K1 process and so far all the paper work seems pretty straight forward. My only issue (and it may be a stupid one) is question # 16 on the I 129F states:

If your fiancé(e)'s native alphabet uses other than Roman letters, write his or her name and address abroad in the native alphabet.

My fiancee's name and address both contain an Ä/ä. Not roman, I filled it in (haven't mailed anything yet) and I also filled in the rest of the page using the correct spelling. Is that going to be any sort of problem? Maybe I'm just neurotic.

Thanks again for the incredible resource you folks provide.

Actually the Finnish language does use the roman just has extra letters w/ accents on it. That question refers to those languages that use other alphabets, like the Cyrillic, for example. My husband's name has the letter a with an accent on it, twice in his name. I just used the letter a (without accent) and was approved all the way without problems.

Good luck,

Edited by Minya's wife, 23 January 2009 - 10:18 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-23 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

You've received an RFE (Request for Further Evidence). You'll receive a letter in the mail detailing what further documents USCIS requires before they can resume processing on your case. It can be anything from copies of certain documents, or further evidence of having met your fiancee withing the necessary two years before the date you filed your petition.

Once you've satisfied USCIS' request, they will take up your petition again, and continue the adjudication process. The VJ timelines I've seen, which had RFE's at this stage, indicate that shortly after USCIS received the petitioner's response to the RFE, said petition was approved.

Good luck,

Edited by Minya's wife, 23 January 2009 - 10:04 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-23 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa
QUOTE (Danu @ Jan 23 2009, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> here is a good question. What if the beneficiary is paying for the fee? Due to my bf's mugging he doesnt have the funds atm to put the petition through because he had to replace a bunch of things, but I do have the funds already set aside..Should I
a) contact the embassy to see if theres anything special I need to do? I was going to make a bank draft (which means its secured money from my canadian bank, in US funds payable to them)
cool.gif send him the money instead and get him to get a money order before he comes?

I didn't even think of it being an issue of me paying with a bank draft until I read this one today. I'm going to have to check that out quickly. Thanks!

How about sending the money via Western Union or some other such service directly to your fiancee. He can then deposit in his account and pay the petiton fee. I don't know of any legal obstacle to the beneficiary paying for the petition, but I do believe that the sum has to be in US funds, in the form of a personal check, money order or cashier's check. Your idea of a bank draft may work, but I would still send the money to the USC petitioner, for him to send the petition fee along with the petition.
It would be useless for you to contact the embassy because there is nothing they can do at this moment. The I-129F gets sent to USCIS, not the Dept. of State which is where Consulates belong.

Good luck,
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-23 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnot married, the 90 days expired
QUOTE (luckytxn @ Jan 26 2009, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just think about this. If she goes to get advice from lawyers. Each will give her different info and could also be wrong.

Yes, that's very encouraging to the OP, isn't it? She's got replies indicating that she's up $hits creek and to think about legal consultation, and you come along telling her that its not necessarily a good idea to do that either....BUT you offer no better alternative either. good.gif Way to go!
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-26 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnot married, the 90 days expired
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 26 2009, 11:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please try to control your "premature postaculations".

As opposed to your 'premature postaculation' (bolded below for your convenience)?

QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 26 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Both your posts contain misinformation. Since know you're "not sure", why not refrain from the errant speculation.

There is no legal way for this poster to stay unless she marries the petitioner but there is a legal path after the marriage. Unless she can successfully claim abuse, she'll remain illegal and already has sufficient overstay to be banned from future US entry for 10 years.

There is nothing in the OP that leads us to safely assume this. The OP states that they've been together now for 9 months, but that could be since they met, not since she's entered the US. Because the OP does not qualify, your assumption that she's garnered sufficient overstay for a 10 year ban is just as 'premature' a 'postaculation' as you claim Laura's posts are.
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-26 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce papers and interview
QUOTE (Yader&Sarah @ Jan 27 2009, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we are in the final stages (!!!) getting ready to schedule interview, SO's medical is tomorrow, etc.

My question is concerning divorce papers. We received what we thought, were the final papers in June 2008 (from Nicaraguan government), then when I went down to Nica in september, SO handed me another document he said were delivered to his house the week earlier. These appeared to be divorce papers, too, dated Aug 18, 2008.

The problem is, we filed for the K-1 on Aug 6, and received NOA1 on Aug 11, 2008, and we are not sure which is the 'final document' and what, honestly, is the difference between the two.

I was majorly freaking out the day about this the day before we got the NOA2, but now I have kind of forgotten. Is that something that would make it past the USCIS? (they have only received the first document...)

We have both documents translated and ready to go for the interview. My lawyer said it shouldn't be a problem, just be honest and explain that we weren't aware that the first document wasnt (if it's not) the final document.

Any input?

Is the first document not a final divorce decree??? What is the difference, why did you think the first one was final?
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-01-27 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 CAse Cannot Be Found
Sometimes it takes a while for the online case status system to update, so you may not actually be able to view online. If you have a paper NOA1 it means that USCIS has received you petition. Wait a while and check in a few days.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-03 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate
QUOTE (ramin @ Feb 3 2009, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,
The Guangzhou consulate emailed to me has a mistake my fiance last name is not ZHANG, and I emailed last night to consulate, and requested they should issue us a visa as soon as possible, there is no reason to wait for our new K-1 to get to Guangzhou from NVC their mistake cause our visa to be denied. I am waiting for their responed.
What's my next step?

Thank you for your message regarding the case status.

Please be advised that this case has been returned to USCIS, where the
petition was filed, on December 11, 2008 for possible revocation. We
have mailed Ms. Zhang a notice with this information along with steps
she may take to appeal this decision. We suggest you to contact the
USCIS directly if you have any questions about the case.


Have you had your interview yet and it was denied? Have you been given a reason for the denial?
If your case is being sent back to USCIS, your chief task should be to keep the petition there and trying to get the CO to look at your visa application again and have a second interview. Stating that because you were sent a wrong e-mail you should be issued a visa ASAP, is not going to get the consulate to reverse their decision to deny your visa.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-03 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI129f sent to the wrong country !
QUOTE (malishka36 @ Feb 5 2009, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I received a letter from the Visa processing center 1/26/09. They sent the case to be processed in Iraq (where my fiance worked when we first applied). We do have a lawyer and I notified them that he had left for Nepal (his home) in October that was 3 months ago. I'm not sure how it didn't get corrected.
Your lawyer did not contact NVC before the petition left the US to have it sent to the right consulate. If you notified your lawyer before your NOA2 (petition approval) he probably forgot all about it by the time he needed to contact NVC to do this.

I notified our lawyer of the error. He said it was a typical error when people move that happens. I got a notice from the lawyer a few days later he couldn't get a hold of the visa center and would keep trying. I wasn't to worried about it as it seemed like a simple correction.
Well it seems he did not keep trying....the petition left NVC and went to the consulate that it was initially supposed to go to. It may be a simple corrections, but it should have been done to not incur a delay.

I got an email from the Lawyer (assistant) yesterday saying they would contact the embassy and request patition for removal and that would "TAKE A WHILE".
You may want to investigate this 'take a while' a little further. From what I've seen, it can take some time for the petition to reach the right consulate after it has been mistakenly routed. I would call NVC myself, and try to speak with a visa specialist. Give them your case number (careful, as this is no longer your USCIS issued number, once the petition gets approved at USCIS and sent to NVC, another number is issued) and explain your situation.

as anyone been through this before ? I sent a letter to the law office asking how long a while is but of course I got no response from them as of yet.
Your lawyer needs to account for why the address change was not done if you notified his offices well in advance of this.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI just mailed off my I129 F, but I still feel like I left something out.
Given that USCIS will mail your application back to you since you did not include payment, I would make copies of your passport, particularly the photo page and the page containing the visa/entry stamp from having visited your SO. This is primary evidence of you having met your fiancee within 2 years, and it is the piece of evidence that your boarding cards and photos support.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-04 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp us please:)
QUOTE (jca @ Feb 6 2009, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i have few questions:

1. when the NVC sent it to manila embassy how long the manila embassy will received it?
in our case it took a week to get to budapest, expect at least a week time
2. how should we know that the manila embassy already received it ? do they send me letter ?
the embasy sends the beneficiary a packet(commonly called packet 3) of papers containing instructions on what to do next.
3. wondering wen you calll the first time for appointment how soon will they schdule you for the interview.
You do not call for appointment....the packet sent to you by the consulate will explain what to do, but your interview date/time is appointed by the consulate and you're notified via letter, of this.
Do they will schedule for interview right away or they will schedule you for medical exam.
The medical exam will have to be completed before the interview happens.

posting your question twice in the safe forum will not get you double the answers. wink.gif
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-06 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJoining VJ and my issue.
QUOTE (Crescent @ Feb 5 2009, 09:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ah.. Alright, only reason I was considering sending is because the customer service at the USCIS said I should, and that it couldn't "hurt' my petition..

Guess your right. Being nervous over this -will- drive people insane ><; Just beating myself up thinking I should have done this when the time was right.

we like to call it customer diservice at USCIS....they tend to give answers demonstrating a strong ingorance of the difference between their a$$ and their elbow. whistling.gif

Edited by Minya's wife, 05 February 2009 - 11:11 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJoining VJ and my issue.
QUOTE (Crescent @ Feb 5 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be honest I hired someone who promised me he had done the K1 Visa process many times with his other clients, and while I do in a way blame him for not adding all the information I submitted to him.
He told me the USCIS didnt usually fondle with much evidence as it's the actual I-129F 's information, your being able to be married freely, and your sponsorship financially that truly mattered.

Mmm...this would be a lawyer I would be firing, but that's just MHO.

QUOTE (Crescent @ Feb 5 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(Didnt think the stamps is what would REALLY be useful)

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied a k1 visa? Mothers have the same last nmes?
You need the assistance of a qualified immigration attorney at this point. From the communication you've received from the Consulate, it looks like your petition will be sent back here to the US with a recommendation that your petition be revoked.

Therefore, pursuant to 9 FAM 41.81 N6.5, the reviewing officer has decided that the petition should be returned to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with the recommendation that it be revoked. The case will next be reviewed by the Immigrant Visa Chief and will be returned to USCIS for review and possible revocation upon his concurrence with the reviewing officer’s decision.

Something however is confusing. Upon you first interview, you received the first 221g letter which stated what information they wanted from you, i.e. more proof of the bona-fide ongoing relationship between you and your fiancee.

* Based on the information ascertained through the visa interview and through documentary materials, consular officers do not believe that there is a bona fide fiance’(e)/spousal relationship between Petitioner and Beneficiary. If you have any other evidence to present which would convince a reasonable person that the relationship exists for a reason other than immigration, please submit it. Please label and itemize all materials submitted.

Why did you think that it was your mother's birth certificate they wanted? That is not what they asked for the first time. When you submitted the birth certificate in response to the first 221g letter, you still did not prove what they asked you to prove. You have not proven to the Consulate's satisfaction that your relationship is real and ongoing. Phone records and photos may not be enough. That is why they are intending to revoke your petition. AT this point your best bet is to try to stop the Consulate from returning your petition back here to the US. If you're not able to do that, you may have a very long road ahead of you. Please consult with a very qualified immigration attorney, preferably one with immigration experience specific to Vietnam or one with experience no denied/returned petitions.

Good luck!

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2007-07-27 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinding an acceptable excuse (LIE) so that i can escape work for a month ............. HELP
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Feb 5 2009, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Feb 5 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
take leave without pay.

Some employers are encouraging that now. We have that option here and a few have done just that.

In some situations that is the most appropriate, but does not work for all. In my job for example, they would not approve LWOP for too long because there is nobody else in my dept. that does what I do....and what I do is in regular, high demand. So the employer would def need a replacement if I'm gone too long. A month is the longest I've been gone, and that was during the slower [for us anyways] month of December.


Edited by Minya's wife, 05 February 2009 - 03:03 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinding an acceptable excuse (LIE) so that i can escape work for a month ............. HELP
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 5 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kirsten UK @ Feb 5 2009, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I made a suggestion, I didn't tell her, I could have suggested she jump off a cliff to get out of work for a month...I doubt she would have done it...mind you, it would probably do the trick. Get off your high horse.

LOLOL Are you flipping serious?!?!?!

Just. Plain. Wrong.

Yeah, you made a suggestion alright, a suggestion to LIE. Smooth move. wacko.gif

You don't learn do you??? Falsely claiming(and getting a doctor to agree with you) that one is physically and/or emotionally impaired in order to claim extended medical leave benefits such as FMLA constitutes FRAUD. As L&N aptly stated above, just.plain.wrong.
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinding an acceptable excuse (LIE) so that i can escape work for a month ............. HELP
QUOTE (Kirsten UK @ Feb 5 2009, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Feb 5 2009, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kirsten UK @ Feb 5 2009, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Feb 5 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kirsten UK @ Feb 5 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anxiety. Theres no way they can prove aren't suffering from it as long as you can get a Dr to write a note. My Dr would be sympathetic and do it wink.gif

#######? STOP ADVOCATING FRAUD. Seriously, VJ is not a place where we advise people to lie their way through things. I find it disgusting that people abuse laws like the FMLA based on bogus claims like this one. The OP needs to grow up an face the music.

Getting out of work and the K1 process are two seperate things. People go off sick all the time.

Being sick is a legitimate excuse for perhaps not going in to work. FMLA is not approved for your common is for documented long-term illnesses anyways, but others' abuse of the system doesn't give anyone else the green light to do an end-run around the system because he hasn't seen his fiancee in 6 months.

Like I said, no idea what this FMLA business is, in the UK you are allowed time off work for family issues without having to go to the lengths of needing to dream up excuses. The end.

Right, after you've justified for 4-5 posts you clarify that its allowed in the UK? As you stated, you have no clue what FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) but you suggest the OP find a sympathetic doctor to give him a note for a bogus psychological affliction? Lacking full knowledge of said subject, perhaps no suggestion would have been better. The end.


Edited by Minya's wife, 05 February 2009 - 02:07 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinding an acceptable excuse (LIE) so that i can escape work for a month ............. HELP
QUOTE (Kirsten UK @ Feb 5 2009, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Feb 5 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kirsten UK @ Feb 5 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anxiety. Theres no way they can prove aren't suffering from it as long as you can get a Dr to write a note. My Dr would be sympathetic and do it wink.gif

#######? STOP ADVOCATING FRAUD. Seriously, VJ is not a place where we advise people to lie their way through things. I find it disgusting that people abuse laws like the FMLA based on bogus claims like this one. The OP needs to grow up an face the music.

Getting out of work and the K1 process are two seperate things. People go off sick all the time.

Being sick is a legitimate excuse for perhaps not going in to work. FMLA is not approved for your common is for documented long-term illnesses anyways, but others' abuse of the system doesn't give anyone else the green light to do an end-run around the system because he hasn't seen his fiancee in 6 months.
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinding an acceptable excuse (LIE) so that i can escape work for a month ............. HELP
lock time?
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinding an acceptable excuse (LIE) so that i can escape work for a month ............. HELP
This is not grammar school, where the only thing you have to fear is is detention if you get caught skipping school. You're [presumably] an adult and congnizant of your responsibilities. If you feel you can't do without the physical presence of your woman, state that to your manager and request another leave of absence to see her. If denied, take into consideration the consequences and either remain at your job or quit and go see your fiance. Either way, be an adult and don't ask for advice on how to lie to your employer.


Edited by Minya's wife, 05 February 2009 - 01:03 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-05 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied- K-1 Petition: Any options?
Any idea why they were denied? They should wait for the denial letter, that will let them know what is the reason for denial. Once they know that, an alternative plan of action can be formulated. There could be various reasons for the denial, and they have a bearing on what they can do next.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-03 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of an ongoing relationship
QUOTE (haleywynne @ Feb 21 2009, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AnnexoxShay @ Feb 21 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (apeters @ Feb 22 2009, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> do you preserve the whole convo?? it seems that you can only print that little part of the combo that u did the print screen for, right???

Ohh I dont think they care about what you talked about and dont need to see the entire conversation... but the logs will show a time, date and by selecting several to print it will show that your contact has been consistant...

How can I show the date and time if its just a print screen?

You creencap the window showing your chat-log, which shows the date/duration of the conversations, and you paste that into a word document, and print. If you have a very long chat-log you may have to do this a few times to print your entire log.

Good luck,
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-21 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRisk of denial into U.S. after repeated trips on non-immigrant tourist visa
QUOTE (rockyourd @ Feb 22 2009, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Basically, here's the situation:

My girlfriend is in the Czech Republic, and I am in Los Angeles. She has a ten-year tourist visa which allows her to come and go 6 months at a time (I realize, not a guarantee). She has been here (Boston, actually) once already in November for a month, and is coming in two weeks to LA, for three weeks. She then plans on coming again in June, and we plan on getting married a couple of months into her being here, and then apply for an Adjustment of Status. I have consulted an attorney and I know that my option is either this or a K1 visa, which I cannot begin to imagine having to wait for. My question is simply this:
What is the likelihood that she will get denied entry upon her third trip to the States? She will say she is visiting a friend since she recently finished school and will not start working until September, and she will have a return plane ticket home.

So, has anyone here been denied entry based on coming too frequently/too many times?

Many thanks,

Your attorney just advised you to commit visa fraud, I would be wary of accepting advice from such a one.

There is no specific answer to your question, because a visa is no guarantee for entry into the US. A tourist visa holder can be denied entry at the POE anytime. It depends on the decision of the CPB officer at that time. I know people this has happened to. IMO, its not worth the come all the way here and to be denied entry would break my heart worse than the long wait for the K-1.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-23 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm just not sure... I need some help...
QUOTE (*Len* @ Feb 23 2009, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
shame on you Minya's Wife. shame on you. Noob. headbonk.gif

tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif
Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-23 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm just not sure... I need some help...
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Feb 23 2009, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Feb 23 2009, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Feb 23 2009, 11:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Alixhilary @ Feb 23 2009, 09:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Amy&Aldo @ Feb 23 2009, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, it won't hurt his chances of obtaining the K1 visa. He can be in the US for the entire process if he has another visa that allows it. He would just need to go back to the UK for his embassy appointment. smile.gif

You just made my day!! thank you so much!!! star_smile.gif

The terminology is blowing in the wind here. First USCIS doesn't handle visa applications. Second, you haven't made it clear whether he's applying for a J1 visa or already has one. The answer quoted above assumes he already has it. If that's the case, it's correct.

According to the OP, the fiancee has has J1-s before and never overstayed, but from what I know of J1's issued for summer work, he would probably need to re-apply for it so that he can work at said summer camp during this coming up summer.

The question really is not how many visas can be applied for simultaneously because you could apply for every kind of visa there is and still be granted no visa(s). USCIS is not the place to ask questions about applying for visas. For your fiance, they would deal with YOUR petition, not his or anybody's visa application and then later with his applications to adjust status, work authorization, advance parole, removal of conditions and naturalization.
The OP states in the original post, that she not only contacted USCIS, but also the "local State Visa office", so she did not only contact USCIS.

If he has a J1 visa for the purpose of working at the camp, chances are he can use it regardless of where things stand with his K1 case. If he's needing to apply for a new J1 visa, that could get much more complicated, depending on timing and other factors we have no knowledge of.

There is no such thing as a local state visa office. Perhaps she asked a local USCIS office.

I'm aware of that....and I don't think she would have phrased her sentence "Now I called the USCIS and the local State Visa office and they both said you can have apply for as many visa's as you want" if she had contacted two different offices of the same entity (USCIS). Her phrasing indicates she contacted USCIS and another entity, which she names incorrectly. I was merely pointing out that the did not just contact USCIS to get an answer to her visa related question, which is what your post implied. Perhaps you should not speculate on what local office the OP contacted to get her information and just answer the original question.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-23 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm just not sure... I need some help...
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Feb 23 2009, 11:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Alixhilary @ Feb 23 2009, 09:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Amy&Aldo @ Feb 23 2009, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, it won't hurt his chances of obtaining the K1 visa. He can be in the US for the entire process if he has another visa that allows it. He would just need to go back to the UK for his embassy appointment. smile.gif

You just made my day!! thank you so much!!! star_smile.gif

The terminology is blowing in the wind here. First USCIS doesn't handle visa applications. Second, you haven't made it clear whether he's applying for a J1 visa or already has one. The answer quoted above assumes he already has it. If that's the case, it's correct.

According to the OP, the fiancee has has J1-s before and never overstayed, but from what I know of J1's issued for summer work, he would probably need to re-apply for it so that he can work at said summer camp during this coming up summer.

The question really is not how many visas can be applied for simultaneously because you could apply for every kind of visa there is and still be granted no visa(s). USCIS is not the place to ask questions about applying for visas. For your fiance, they would deal with YOUR petition, not his or anybody's visa application and then later with his applications to adjust status, work authorization, advance parole, removal of conditions and naturalization.
The OP states in the original post, that she not only contacted USCIS, but also the "local State Visa office", so she did not only contact USCIS.

If he has a J1 visa for the purpose of working at the camp, chances are he can use it regardless of where things stand with his K1 case. If he's needing to apply for a new J1 visa, that could get much more complicated, depending on timing and other factors we have no knowledge of.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-23 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranlator
QUOTE (kurt53 @ Feb 24 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I speak fluent spanish and I am cabable of translating documents from spanish to english and vica versa. I would use a licensed translater because then there is no question as to the veracity of the translation. There are many inexpensive translaters listed on the web. Just do a google search for licensed translaters and they'll pop up. the entire transaction may be handled over the internet, it is quick and painless. good.gif

What kind of license? Issued where? Your logic for why to use a translator is a bit skewed IMO. AFAIK there is no International Association of Document Translators that issues licenses to translate documents from one language to another, heck, I'm not even sure there is a US based association like thatt. Given that there is no such thing, how would using a translation service, picked off google no less, result in no questions regarding the veracity of said translation? To me there would be more questions regarding such a translation, than one done by a myself, a friend or someone personally recomended to me.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-24 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranlator
QUOTE (Joe & Nadya @ Feb 23 2009, 12:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you didn't understand.. I answered JPmirage's question "YES" but it's better to find a translator. That's all. You upside down all thread.

No, you upside down all thread. JPmirage's question was whether being fluent in both his languages did he still need to find someone else to translate his fiancee's divorce decree for the K-1 petition? Your answer was:
yes, it's better to find other translator because you are interested person in your case.

we have pointed out to you that such a question has a case specific answer, and is not unilateral as you presented it. You have to remember that this thread may be read by someone in the future who may have the same question, and will need the accurate info in this thread to know what to do.

Edited by Minya's wife, 23 February 2009 - 01:14 PM.

Minya's wifeMaleHungary2009-02-23 13:14:00