K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestexaslock box
last week I sent a moneyorder for the k1 fees my question is has anyone seen a moneyorder be rejected for not having enough room to write out the receivers full info by the visa office?
Sveta & RonMaleUkraine2012-03-08 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor Entry with a K-1 Visa is a round trip ticket required
from what i had seen round trip in many cases cheaper then one way
Sveta & RonMaleUkraine2012-03-11 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures-=[ So the process begins...
as i have read and many visa lawyers have tell everything goes by GROSS not net income and being self-employed and I use my ssn for business and my business is my name makes the gross easier to prove ;) might have to send a dba show you are owner imo
Sveta & RonMaleUkraine2012-02-29 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresworkers
I been tring to think why and how uscis could get so far behind if for most part only 30 mins per file how few people works in the service centers? i kinda think sine uscis knows such back log why not transfer people from other departments the usa not need and not want to get things on track
Sveta & RonMaleUkraine2012-03-18 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuscis tracking site
just today the uscis status site found my file so now will be notified of any change if any lol
Sveta & RonMaleUkraine2012-03-18 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuscis tracking site
it will not let me sign up for notices untill my eac number is found on site ;(
Sveta & RonMaleUkraine2012-03-17 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuscis tracking site
confused almost 2 weeks has past sine got noa1 and still on uscis site says no record i called one person said give it a month seems weird since have to use computer system for letter seem should be same as uscis system? is this the morn? also the uscis man did say was acepted and was able see in his screen
Sveta & RonMaleUkraine2012-03-17 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

^^^ Would you like to continue with your transparent avoidance technique, or would you like to respond to the points in my posts...if you think you have the intellectual horsepower to do so. ;)

The points in your posts are NONSENSE and you were better off not responding. As I said, and am repeating again, go find something more productive to do with your life.
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-30 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

Totally makes sense. So, it'd be the postal service over there that's slowing the package down. But, even that long with Express mail? wow o.O

Eh, I guess FedEx is the best for people who are shipping packages to the PI. Too bad they're insane expensive.

Obviously you're clueless on how the Philippine GOVERNMENT works. I sent my fiance something that should have arrived there in 5-7 days yet took 5-7 WEEKS to arrive, and that wasn't even the fastest shipping method.

Gees, that's funny. If all info is the same from when you signed it, then what's the point of mailing it back and forth? Sounds like people who give advice like this have either too much money or time, or both :whistle:

Exactly, makes no sense at all either to me... names dont normally change, so what gives on the DATE that you put on it, right? :whistle:
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-29 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

It's amusing watching you try to talk yourself out of doing what you know you should do. :lol:

How old are you, 5? If you find amusement by reading a forum then I honestly feel sorry for you. Go tell your wife to fold your dirty clothes, for example.
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-29 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

I just got back 2 weeks ago, so no plans right now for another visit anytime soon. As for the passport pic, that's not an issue, because she'll have an electronic version that she can email to me and I'll just print it out here. Here's hoping that we can find a more affordable and timely way to get it done.

Oh, so why didn't you just take care of all that paperwork when you saw her instead of spending all that $$ on the postage?
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-28 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

Okay, I have questions about this subject. Several people have said to email documents, have the fiancee sign, then scan and email or fax back. However, if a form instruction calls for an original signed document, does a scanned or faxed signature meet the requirement for being original? If yes, then great! That would save us a lot of time and expense.

As for mailing to and from the Philippines where the OP's fiancee lives, yes it can be a problem. Last summer I mailed my Pinay something via USPS international flat rate priority mail and it took SEVEN weeks for her to receive it. It cost me $14US but had I wanted to send the same thing via DHL or FedEx to get faster delivery, it would have cost me $150US. Expensive! And while the USPS got it there in 2 weeks, it sat in the Philippine postal system for five weeks before it was available for delivery.

And now we're looking at mailing back her letter of intent and G-325a. Wish I'd thought of all that while I was there with her because it would save us some time. She and I just chatted about this last night (my time) and she was saying it might take a month or more for me to receive the documents.

I sure hope that a faxed copy is acceptable!

I agree with you! It DOES say originals when it comes to the forms so that's another thing that worries me. Do you not have the opportunity to go see her? In my case, when I last saw her the beginning of this year, I had her sign the fiance letter of intent as well as G-325A. But.... while I was already there it totally skipped my mind (or i didn't see?!) that she needed a passport pic too! So she just mailed that to me recently and yesterday I spent the entire day making copies of hotel receipts, passport stamps, bus tickets & airline receipts!! Now I'm ready to mail my packet in.... (YEAH!!!)

If all the information is current, has not changed, and is accurate, I believe that is the most important part. I had my then fiancee sign several blank copies when I visited her and took them home. When I was going through this, I had gone through several revisions as I was correcting mistakes and so forth, and when I was finished, that was the date I put on the paper. I see nothing wrong, or fraudulent in putting in a date when you actually submit the paperwork.

Well said! Cant agree with you more, even though most people "sign and date" on the same day, I've many times dated something much more current than when I actually signed the form, and dont ever remember that being an issue, so why should this right?
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-28 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

If you're already set on doing it, then why are you asking for advice on it in the forums?
I'm telling you what is actual laws about signatures and forms you turn into the government.
So yes, if someone told you to give a false date, then they are giving you advice that endorses behavior which goes against laws regarding signatures.
Will you get caught? It's another story. Is it still fraudulent if you do it and don't get caught? sure is.

You sound like one of those people who will report to the IRS even if they find 1 old, ragged red cent on the street corner at the worst part of your city. Am I right?
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-27 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

Again, that is fraudulent. You should not be doing that.
It is against TOS for any members of VJ to agree or advise in doing something that is unlawful.

And you dont think what babygurl recommended above is "fraudulent" advise? Gimme a brake.
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-27 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question
Okay so I'm thinking of just putting a month or a couple weeks ago.... they wont know if I sent it to her then she just signed it then sent it back to me anyway, right?
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-27 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question

Have you considered telling them the truth? :unsure:

What do you mean? I've never lied on anything, and if i DO tell the truth on the 2 forms by putting the date that she actually signed it, then it's going against what you all recommend so that's why I'm a lil confused...
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-27 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question
But guys, cant I get in trouble for false information? I am here in the United States, she lives in Philippines and has never been here so if I put a current date (example today), then what if they ask how she signed it while I am here and she's there? I'm leaving to see her soon but want to submit my I-129f package before I go....
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-27 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDates Question
Hi all!

I'm a new member here and was wondering about the dates. My fiance signed both G-325A & Fiance Letter of Intent when I was there in January of this year but left the date blank because we weren't ready to file it yet. Now I am ready to file, so what date should I put? The present date or does it not matter? Just want to make sure everything is perfect!
Thank you so much in advance.
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2011-12-27 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd K-1 VISA application/I-129Ff
So I sent in the I-129F (first packet) and paid the $340 fee already BUT........ if i decide that this girl really isn't for me and want to cancel is there anyway to get the 340 back or part of it even? also, if we really dont work out, and i find another girl here and really get to know her and eventually decide to petition her too, will i look bad or will they be more strict the 2nd time around since i would have canceled my 1st application then am trying to marry another girl from philippines? i know it sounds messed up, but sometimes ones true colors dont showup for awhile.....
all HELPFUL advise is appreciated! :/

thx in advance....
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2012-01-15 21:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! COMPLETE change of personality.... :(

BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2012-02-17 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! COMPLETE change of personality.... :(

Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry but I'm going to give you the reality check! You had already noticed a change of personality/behavior towards you when you visited last time and now it's worse??? YOU are answering your own questions! This girl is DONE with you and you should be DONE with her.

I'm sorry if I'm coming across too harsh.. I just think you need to snap out of whatever story you are making up in your head, to try and find an excuse for the way she has treated you before, and the way she's treating you now.

I'm not making up any story... what im telling you is all the truth.... yes of course, ppl change, she has obviously changed for the worse, but why give up hope that she could change BACK FOR THE BETTER? Why are the majority of responses here wanting me to QUIT, after so much we've both been thru? She has about 100 "1sts" with me... do you REALLY think she can easily forget me that easily? Or do you instead think she needs to WAKE UP and be more MATURE and REALIZE the wrong she's been doing to me?

Again, I completely concur with Orando's post. Anyway, I'm gonna go grab some lunch and get some fresh air. Reply to you all later... pls feel free to call/text me on either of my #'s! Lets meet!
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2012-02-17 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! COMPLETE change of personality.... :(

Hello ! I think she is not worth keeping. A relationship should be two-way. She may change for a while, but might go back to her old self. You have to be very careful -- what is really her intention of you ? Is it true love? Please get to know her better first before you finally decide to marry her. Thank God that you discovered her true self now than later. You will be fine -- MOVE ON ! Upon reading your concerns, she doesn't deserve your best love and efforts. I know it is painful-- it hurts, but -- in time you will find a good woman who truly deserves your loving and sincere heart. God loves you and I'm sure he has someone better for you. Have a safe flight back to the US and may God bless you! (F)

That's the thing!! Before this January, i never saw this side of her... our 1st year was the best though.... so sweet, caring, thought she's the perfect girl.... then last year when I visited her she acted less close to me and acted extremely jealous.... then this year is the worst. So.... what is her "true" self? The one that i saw who was COMPLETELY SWEET? Or the new one, who has did a COMPLETE 180 degree change? We can work, IF, she accepts her faults, and completely changes her ways..... yes, it hurts a lot.... but i dont feel like quitting just yet.
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2012-02-16 23:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! COMPLETE change of personality.... :(

Well this saddens me as it brings back some memories of myself as well as other friends as I have lived in the RP different times. I do not know your financee but all you have told is she is Self-Centered and Selfish etc. So ask yourself do you want to put up with this when there are so many women that would cheerish you? I have personally been scarred many times by women of Asia. And in their defense sometimes I was the wrong one too. But in your case since you are early on in this process I suggest as many for you to cancel. This process is stressful enough with two partners that love and cheerish eachother. When one is acting the way she is now then time from my experiences will not improve. I have many friends that have and are going through this process. One friend stopped his wife's allowance as she would not finish her medical and papers for Canada. She told him she was affraid and did not want to move. Honest but he wasted 16 months of marriage and waiting (I attended his wedding Sept 2010 in Cebu) and she still is not with him in Canada. He reduced her money down while "she figured everything out" then poof she had a change a heart adn wants to go. She then went MIA for 8 days (hmmmm). Now IMO is she coming to Canada for love or money? I would not want to be in his shoes either as he loves her and spent thousands of dollars on a nice wedding as well as now 4 trips to Cebu. All I can say is I made a lot of bad decisions, marrying an American Filipina, engaged to one and broke it off. Now my fiancee is picking up the pieces from my past hurts. She was patient with me for one year while I figured all this out whether I wanted to do this again. We seldom fight and in my heart I feel I finally found my true one is the conclusion of this story. Met many wrong ones before. I know you will meet your true love as you appear to be patient and a good man. As Darrell mentioned, you are now in the perfect position to find your true love. YOU ARE STILL IN PARADISE! And yes I slept alone many nights when I was heart broken in Cebu. It helps sort our mind out and think clearly. Good Luck. Matters of the heart like this are never easy.

Well it's really really quite sad bec before this trip, she NEVER acted as bad like this... running away multiple times, EASILY getting upset over the smallest issues & unwilling to communicate/sacrifice at all for our relationship... as i'm older, i try to help her and tell her what's right and wrong in issues but when i do, she doesn't wanna listen and keeps on trying to contradict my advise..... again, if i didn't spend so much time, money and effort on her i wouldn't even think twice but to leave her but that's not the case.... she's completely unwilling to even TALK things out as she's hiding from not only me but her own family!! but maybe, just maybe in May things will be different....
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2012-02-16 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! COMPLETE change of personality.... :(

I am sadden to hear this man, but it is very good that you deal with this behavior now, but that does not make it hurt or suck any less.

Yeah man, I would keep the papers, you can always ship them back if needed.

I would disagree slightly with some other posters, there is a chance that she can use this opportunity to mature into a woman suitable for marriage. She sounds young and immature with her behavior, not ready to be married, not ready to immigrate to another country, but we were all there at some point in time, young and immature, she needs to mature, maybe she will mature by your side, maybe she won't.

Thank you everyone for your prompt replies...

Out of all the replies yours I feel the most partial to. I've spent TOO MUCH on this girl, this is the 4th time in 2 yrs I've came to spend time with her, and obviously is HANDS DOWN the worst. From the entire time I've spent here, (since jan 6) you can almost count on 2 hands the # of days she's stayed with me. Not to mention that on my 2-year anniversary trip to Cebu, she left me there, along with all of her baggages and things in the hotel room, and absolutely FOOLISHLY paid P3300 (using her original return flight mind you for the next day should be) to rebook the flight. And NO she/her family dont have money either, so how stupid could she be to do that? Even a BAR GIRL wont do what she did.... i never physically hurt her, but this just goes to show you how PROUD and how ULTRA-STUBBORN a girl she is.... only reason why I didn't drop her right then and there is bec I'm a FIGHTER and have spent the most on her out of any girl i've been with and before this trip to Pinas everything was SO GOOD & we were even talking about marriage.... otherwise if she gave me ANY signs at all that this how she really is within the 1st few weeks (or even months!) of dating her i would've NEVER wasted any more time on her but.. it's diff. when you've lived together and done absolutely everything together as if husband/wife already but i've tried sooooo many things already and am near my end. Orando, that's why I'm thinking of coming here in early May ONLY IF i haven't already found a new one by then... bec she needs a DRASTIC CHANGE and 1 day she will realize that her actions were so wrong.

Btw, if anyone is in Metro-Manila (currently i'm in cubao) and wants to meet up with me in person to help me cope with this problem (or if you have a similar prob i'd love to talk to you). It would be much appreciated. Pls contact me on either of my #'s:
SMART: 0947.583.6992
GLOBE: 0906.260.3393
BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2012-02-16 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! COMPLETE change of personality.... :(
So... I came here to the Philippines ONLY for my fiance, i've sent the initial I-129 packet off end of Dec, got notification of NOA1 around jan 4 but sad to say i just wasted all my time, money, and effort for her.... almost EVERY DAY we're arguing and she's too damn stubborn to listen or work out or anything..... all she does is run away and she thinsk that's the solution to our probs when it just makes it 10x worse!!! She is even avoiding her own family and doesn't even sleep at home anymore.... and dont even mention to text/call her as she doesn't ever reply to anything even V-day i just stayed by myself.... i even made up a story that i got snatched and you guessed it! she didn't even care and just hungup the phone on me bec she's too damn SELFISH and SELF-CENTERED & only remembers the negative parts of our relationship... really never met a more HEARTLESS girl then her it's quite sad bec before this trip she wasn't like this AT ALL otherwise i wouldn't have invested so much into her.

Anyway...... so needless to say, she doesn't have a copy of the I-129F i made for her.... and she also doesn't have the original receipts i brought.... im THINKING of coming back here in May 10 to surprise her in time for her bday later in the month and as a last resort to fix our relationship as by that time maybe i would already receive notification of NOA2...
i need to know what i should do with her complete copy of all the i-129 papers, and also the original receipts that she should bring to interview, if ever... should i leave them with a trusted person here? or should i bring everything back home with me and play the waiting game.... :/

i even took many pics of us in our few times we hungout together as "ongoing proof of relationship" as required by the NOA2, but didn't make any copies of anything.... including the hotel receipts. I just dont wanna waste EVERYTHING which is why im trying to utilize all my options esp. while im still here.

BughouseMasterMalePhilippines2012-02-16 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbirth certificate
Sorry, I meant affidavit of Birth is not accepted in lagos US bad :bonk: :bonk:
Nne & VicMaleNigeria2011-07-16 03:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbirth certificate
Affidavit of support is not accepted, go to the National Population Commission in your Local Govt Council to obtain the birth certificate...
Goodluck.....:thumbs: :thumbs:
Nne & VicMaleNigeria2011-07-15 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrong address
BobbyA - aiyo - tis time for updates, to be certain - I'll do some edits over the weekend, tis time, I've been putting it off. But, at least I have big collection of edits to do.. eek and yay.

xie xie !
DarnellMaleChina2011-07-08 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrong address
If you were checking in with DoS Hotline for casefile status,
you would have gleaned the 'P3 sent' timetick.

Once you've heard that, can use the GUZ P3 shortcut, at http://www.visajourn...GUZ_P3_Shortcut

and be adamant with the address change when submitting the packet 3 documents back, including a cover letter about it.

Please review http://www.visajourn...he-nvc-and-dos/

Dodi's posted who to call, and how; further down, I've posted what you can get, and when. Timeticks are important to know, to cover silly sh|te exactly like this. (No, the building burning down wasn't silly - the loss of address change is what's silly)
DarnellMaleChina2011-07-08 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will you marry?
I'd say

Tuesday, at 11 AM. Now, as to WHICH Tuesday it is, that all depends how fast I can get through the rest of this stuff, but I'm betting it'll be prior to the 90 day expiration date on the I-94. We both like Tuesdays, so we're picking Tuesday, 11 AM.
DarnellMaleChina2011-06-08 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview today, denied due to U.S. Citizen father
transfer the knowledge you've gained to paper,
in the form of an affadavit,
listing the facts and the timeline,
have yer father sign it, get some notarial stamp on it

then present it back to the IV unit.

Good luck !
DarnellMaleChina2011-07-10 01:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview today, denied due to U.S. Citizen father

They TOLD me directly at the US Consulate in Vancouver that I would be able to have dual. I don't know anything about the card, but if I get a copy of my father's birth certificate and he passes the residency requirements (Which is what I need to prove) then I can go from there.
The one difficult part is that if anyone saw the website and looked under the Citizenship Claim part, it says one of the things on the Checklist is
-Certified copy of the Parents' Marriage Certificate

My parents were never legally married.. There are so many loopholes in this system right now that I'm finding and I don't know what's happening or what to do..
I talked to my dad today and he told me he met the residency requirements, but now I need to prove this, how do I go about doing that?

Review the CRBA guidelines for the US Embassy/Manila IV section - that web portal covers what to do about illegitamacy (sp?) of birth. Vancouver's website covers the basics, not the deep INA, law, and regulations about eligibility for CRBA.

If you have a birth certificate with your father's name on it - that's the place to start.

[there is still, no such thing as a dual citizenship card. It doesn't exist.]

Edited by Darnell, 08 July 2011 - 11:44 PM.

DarnellMaleChina2011-07-08 23:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview today, denied due to U.S. Citizen father
This doesn't exist, regardless of what you've read or have been told -> dual citizenship card.

Perhaps, to 'get a USA Passport' - you are skimming over the section that points to 'Consular Report of Birth Abroad' ?? CRBA is the determining factor for 'who you are' - so

if you qualify with CRBA, you are allowed to apply for USA passport.

Time to dig around on Dad's travels, to nail down the '5 year rule'. Yes?

Edited by Darnell, 08 July 2011 - 11:38 PM.

DarnellMaleChina2011-07-08 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespersonal talk in proof of relationship documents
I've not heard of any denials at USCIS based on inclusion of sexual talk or sexual perversions (For clear definition of perversions, look up the fetish list at )

I've also not heard of any RFEs that are focused on sexual conduct/congress.

But hey - I only hang out here at VJ and CFV - we're a bit looser at CFV, is talk of bungee cords with toilet seats there.. ;)

*** Duplicate Topics Merged ***

Edited by Darnell, 09 July 2011 - 12:48 AM.

DarnellMaleChina2011-07-09 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2... the Beaurocratic Form Nightmare
forms for Guangzhou IV - http://guangzhou.use...and_packets.htm
GUZ IV red flags - http://www.visajourn...hl__appointment

If you want some speed, you'll need to know about P3 shortcut and calling NVC and DoS for casefile status:

Good Luck !
DarnellMaleChina2011-07-10 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 dumb question
you are chasing a K-1 visa? The Embassy IV unit requires a I-864?

What's up ?
DarnellMaleChina2011-07-10 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdministrative Review
ah - sorry, I had forgotten you wish to withdraw the petition.

If it's under administrative review at NVC - IMO it's a great time to get it withdrawn, as NVC is holding it for a bit, THEY HAVE IT, you should make arrangements with NVC to withdraw the petition whilst they have it.

As to how I am - eh - normal standard Saturday Cranky Curmudgeon mode, missing my wife, missing my big gardens, but writing up a storm for my work.

Good Luck !

Edited by Darnell, 11 June 2011 - 10:55 AM.

DarnellMaleChina2011-06-11 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdministrative Review
DarnellMaleChina2011-06-10 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i delay sending DS-230???
i've always been unsure about 'current income' for affadavit of support stuff .

re: tracking the casefile - see http://www.visajourn...he-nvc-and-dos/
Dodi's posted how to call, and further down, I've posted what you can get, and when

re: Mike's dilemma on delaying - I know is possible, but must keep in contact with Manila IV, usually via email, to ask for delayed interview appointment.
DarnellMaleChina2011-07-12 07:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i delay sending DS-230???

Thanks ... I'll call NVC in the morning.

What did you learn when you called NVC ?

What's up with contacting or not contacting the Manila IV Unit, to ask about later scheduling ?
DarnellMaleChina2011-07-12 06:30:00