K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp, emergency!
i think it makes sense to delay your fiance's entry INTO the USA until he's recovered from the surgery and the cast is off.

In the meantime you should revisit yer SA visa, see what's up to get valid entry back into SA.

Good Luck !
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-14 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNative alphabet question
wow - what a conundrum.

i say write the address in that block where it asks for 'other characters' in Kanji.
For yer name, use the name as printed in yer passport.
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-15 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding date approaching fast! NEED HELP preparing while we wait for NOA2
so, what did you learn about the legal requirements to getting married in yer state?
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-15 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding date approaching fast! NEED HELP preparing while we wait for NOA2
1. learn the legal requirements for getting married in yer state.
2. see #1.
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-10 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChinese names... first name first or family name first?
Forms is forms, FirstName, Lastname.

Writing a letter, you say?
Use FirstName, Lastname - as the tards at USCIS have no time to be dyslexic.

The IV Folk in Guangzhou, that's ok - but for the tards at USCIS, make it firstname, lastname.

Good Luck !
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-15 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC STAGE
wei - read posts #1 and #7
Dodi - http://www.visajourn...he-nvc-and-dos/

Train up yer USCitizen Petitioner to use the telephone.
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-16 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime after NO2

Busy time now making sure we have all our Ducks are in a row (And a big thanks goes out to Darnell for the various lists supplied, to help)...

I hope you read all.


Git R Done !
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-19 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime after NO2
time and timing is useless for forecast for Guangzhou IV at this stage, because ...

A Human at GUZ IV can decide to use the SAFEFILE version of yer casefile, or wait till the paper casefile clears out of the China Customs Bonded warehouse.

If SAFEFILE solely, then expect another 6 weeks from NOA-2 date to the time GUZ IV has it open, as the casefile still has to get into NVC, some internal processing occurs, then sent out to GUZ IV.

If GUZ IV human decides to wait on the physical casefile, expect a 'dead zone ' time lag between 'NVC OUT' and GUZ IV casefile opened' timeticks of 2 to 5 months.

Calling DoS Hotline is useful, the timeticks for case file status are posted in the 'Dodi' link, post #7. Knowing 'where you are' helps you to pull the trigger on the P3 shortcut, always.

So, sorry, it's one or the other, for 'how much more time' ; I strongly suggest you not purchase tickets until you know of the interview date,
and even then - make them for 30 days out , past the appointment date.

Sorry, I wish I had other news/info for you. It is what it is - There's that treaty between China and USA, where consular documents sit in a bonded warehouse for a period of time.

The fork in the decision tree here, is whether or not a GUZ IV human decides to use the SAFEFILE version of the casefile, solely, or not. If they do decide to use the SAFEFILE version of the casefile, you'll get some speed.
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-19 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime after NO2
not for China.

The P3 packet must be returned. GUZ IV then schedules the interview, sends out an interview letter.
GUZ IV doesn't do telephone. Ever. (Well, you can't call them, but they do call you if someone's in a helpful mood, which is exceptionally rare)

Some things you gotta do...

1. call NVC and ask for GUZ Casefile Number. Call every three days until you get this from NVC.

2. Call DoS Hotline and ask for casefile status, every week. When you here 'casefile opened' or 'Packet 3 Sent' then it's time to use my GUZ IV P3 shortcut, up at GUZ P3 shortcut - http://www.visajourn...GUZ_P3_Shortcut

3. Read this post, #1 and #7 - Dodi - http://www.visajourn...he-nvc-and-dos/

4. Review for red flags - GUZ IV red flags - http://www.visajourn...hl__appointment

5. Get some white books - white books -
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-18 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you send your sexual conversations?
if you are scared of the logs of sexual stuff, change your wording starting tomorrow, to use the latin names for all body parts..

[just teasing]
DarnellMaleChina2012-07-09 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp pls

on February 28, 2012 i sent all the papers for the K1 visa.. till now my Case Status for Form I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) is still on Acceptance. i have called there office i was told everything is fine, but i do not believe them, pls guys how long will this take. i want my man to join me before the end of june, he is from nigeria

When you say on acceptance do you mean you received your NOA2 (approval) from them or is that what you are waiting on?
I'm kind of new but I agree June is hitting it rather early no way. Even if you got approved now you still have the interview queue to go through. All you can do is prepare for the next stage get your forms and paperwork in order for interview and such. :)
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-08 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrying To Understand The Process.

Time for the pic! :D

Posted Image

Love the movie love the pic. And it is so true. I know where mine is. You know another VJer sent his petition in (I-130) 3 days after me and got an RFE last week and just sent back. What the heck. No expedite, No living abroad. So I know mine is in that stack under his. I just know it.:blink: :hehe:
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-11 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in a week and a half

From what you have written you are more committed to the relationship than your boyfriend. If he is drinking and using drugs he is not the man you met and fell in love with. There may be more issues that you don't know about. A man that has started drinking and drugs is dealing with inner demons that may not stay inside under the stresses of living with a stranger. ( love does overcome all stresses of merging lives together ) You two need to have a deep long talk , before you move to the USA . You will be leaving so much behind. If his I love you's are more from habit than feeling you should stay put and pick up the pieces in a place you are familar with.

You are so right. Please listen to NigeriaorBust. Wise words. Sorry was so busy answering the other part of your question and gleaned over a big red flag. You must address this now rather than later.
I also found it odd you are going the K1 Visa route yet you refer to him as boyfriend and found that odd. Have you guys selected a wedding date and maybe that's why he is depressed?
Well dear do talk and find out what is at the route of all this.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-13 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in a week and a half

First of all relax and have some faith in your relationship.
You have already invested so much time why would you cancel now because of problems? Unless you now have doubts you should proceed. But only you two know that.
You have already presented some evidence up front. Just take what you have going forward like previous poster said. Just more of the same just current. It's not like you have to show everyday, minute and hour you communicated. Real couples argue, fight have disagreements. They get that.
I too haven't been with my husband since September.
Just be prepared for explaining the overstay honestly and I am sure it will be okay and you ywo will be together to get m*rried and live happily.

P.S. - you are also dealing with an easier embassy(you are in Canada right. You don't have your country of beneficiary showing but you mentioned Canada) so its not like you have to bring all kinds of evidence. So rest and go to interview. We await the good report.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-13 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in a week and a half
First of all relax and have some faith in your relationship.
You have already invested so much time why would you cancel now because of problems? Unless you now have doubts you should proceed. But only you two know that.
You have already presented some evidence up front. Just take what you have going forward like previous poster said. Just more of the same just current. It's not like you have to show everyday, minute and hour you communicated. Real couples argue, fight have disagreements. They get that.
I too haven't been with my husband since September.
Just be prepared for explaining the overstay honestly and I am sure it will be okay and you ywo will be together to get m*rried and live happily.

P.S. - you are also dealing with an easier embassy so its not like you have to bring all kinds of evidence. So rest and go to interview. We await the good report.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-13 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Delay in Issuance of I-129 Receipt Notices

It's ok. Yes that was my curiosity. I didn't realize how different things were until I started reading posts and responded to something that was fiancé visa related with a spousal answer. Now I see K1 and automatically say " hmmm not for me."

On another note, I get a kick out of reading your enthusiasm. Our husbands would call it "passion"

U know it. M husband says I need to run for a political office in 9ja. LOL. I think he goes nuts with my daily reports on what I read and post. Too funny.

Thanks for the kind words. :D
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-24 23:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Delay in Issuance of I-129 Receipt Notices

It did seem like a good spin on a bad situation - petition delays because of too much love (L)

I will make sure to call Dwheels if I ever have trouble finding the silver lining :thumbs:

Awww beejay you are too sweet and kind. You know in this journey you have to see the good. I know we all have our gripes and frustrations but well nothign worth getting is ever easy. We learn to appreciate it even more. I just am happy that along the way i get to meet and talk to cool people like yourself. (F)
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-24 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Delay in Issuance of I-129 Receipt Notices

Just curious...As a I130 filler, why would you know the delay in I129f?

I think you are asking me why would I want to know the delay in the K1.
Well I am always curious and do have some K1 peeps. Thought I was being informative, but ooops I did it again and didn't realize this wasn't about the K1 at all (much egg on face very embarrassed).
So I stand before apologetically. Sorry for the wrong post information.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-24 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Delay in Issuance of I-129 Receipt Notices

Too bad for the i-129 Non-immigrant worker applications (not i-129F, petition for Fiance]

Goodness my bad. Sorry people for the miss representation.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-23 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Delay in Issuance of I-129 Receipt Notices
Just in case you were wondering. Gosh is there love in the air or what. :)

Due to the high number of recently filed I-129 petitions with USCIS, customers may experience a longer than usual period of time to receive a receipt notice from USCIS.  Usually, customers can expect to receive their receipt notice within 30 days of delivery confirmation.  However, due to an unexpectedly high volume of I-129 petitions, it may be an additional two to four weeks before customers receive a receipt notice. 

Customers who do not receive notification of receipt of an I-129 petition within 60 days of their delivery confirmation date may contact the appropriate Service Center via the email addresses listed on our

Contact Us Web page.  This is a temporary situation and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-23 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat should i say in the interview
Man I wanted to chime in and try to decode all this for him. But troll or somebody being silly. Well at least we all got a laugh for a few minutes. I mean really all these K1's comeing to America gettting married in 90 days going all over the earth amd meet and greet and SEX is their only concern. Maybe he wanted examples. Good grief.:blink:

:dance: :thumbs: Celeste you rock
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-24 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoving cross country while NOA2 is pending
That's craziness why does the service center have to be close to you. Makes me scared to even let them know of my upcoming cross country move also.
Hopefully my NOA2 will come before I have to move.
Good luck to u and do keep calling them.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-05-28 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAppeal

They stated they got a denial, not an RFE.

Well I asked RFE because they are in the USCIS stages if the timeline is correct that's why I asked. Never heard of an appeal at the beginning. Appealing what? If no evidence was sent in I would think there would be an RFE. Just some clarification would be helpful.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-01 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAppeal

Hello VJ.. I would like to know if anyone knows about the appeal process?. I just recently sent my appeal off,. I was denied because, I did not enclose any paperwork with my I129F. I understand that it may take up to six months. If there is anyone out there that went through an appeal process, please advise. Thanks for reading. Have a bless day!

Okay when you say appeal what do you mean? I see you filed your petition in November? So are you referring to a RFE (request for further Evidence)? Also when you say "I did not enclose any paperwork with my I129F". Do you mean you just sent in the forms and no evidence?

The more information the better we can answer your questions as to how to guide and advise.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-01 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$340 I-129F payment

How did you use MoneyGram to pay for it? I thought they only accepted a check or money order?

I'm sorry. I didn't state it. Its a MoneyGram Money Order easy traceable. And very up to date. And cost 99cents. Nice and cheap. :)
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-02 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$340 I-129F payment
I used MoneyGram which you can trace just like you would a check. I have heard that the USPS its a bit slow. But Moneygram was up to the minute. So no stress there,
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-01 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFront Loading the package with the I-129F

That depends on whether you're interviewing in Lagos or in Amsterdam.

JaejayC so true. If Lagos yes yes. It all really depends do u have red flags that may need more in-depth evidence.
But think quality not quantity.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-04 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnotarize affidavit of support

then you not get a USCitizen working at the Embassy IV Unit, you got a human more confused that you are.

Most of the clerks, the Thai Nationals, are that way.. I never understand why they are allowed to answer the phone, much less answer an email, they know NOTHING of the IV process.

China IV is the same way, stocked with idiotic PRC Nationals who make sh|t up.

Darnell LOL you are so funny. Love how you just make it plain.
I do appreciate all your guidance please do not go away at least until my husband gets through Lagos Embassy Interview. I know you will want to stick around for that happy day. :)
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-05 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnotarize affidavit of support
So not needed and does not add to your evidence if they are. Just dated and signed by the people writing the affidavit is all that's needed.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-05 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuscis

Hello everyone..

i went to USCIS website to Check My Case Status.. i have the following things to ask... i filled on March 7, and My Case Status is on Initial Review..

1, how long will it for me to get approved

2, what do they mean with OMB control no. xxx-xxxxx and Expiration date 6-30-2012


Go to your timeline and enter your NOA1 date (the date of receipt notice on your I-797C hardcopy). Then you can get estimates you can track here. Remember nothing written in stone. But as said before 5 months at least you can expect.
In the meantime may I suggest you go to the Nigerian Interview reviews and get familiar with what is asked, said and prep work. There's alot you can do since you have filed (just to keep your self from going insane).

Holla if you need anything. It will be well. And again don't count on USCIS updating a thing. I never got a text, email just hardcopy in mail a week later for the 1st notice so I suspect the same for the approval.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-08 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs my age a disadvantage?
You are oldest enough to file so no issue there. Just have your evidence of proof of a real relationship. Your young age is of no matter. Rest assure.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-13 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresany success expediating I-29F?

Why do they give you the option on the application to pick Abuja or Lagos/

What Application are you speaking of the 129F? There's no choice in City on that it ask,

Your fiance'(e) will apply for a Visa abroad at the American Embassy or Consulate at:

(City) (Country)

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-26 03:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference!
Best thing to do is study your countries embassy reviews and see what has been said at interviews and such. 15 years is a big gap but not impossible to overcome. Just have plenty of evidence more than the average couple when you file. You need to put more upfront. Affidavits of family, friends, pictures with the family and friends. Emails talking of your future together.

also how does your country look upon previous marriage or children from previous marriages or relationships if you have either of those. Just present the best picture of the two of you. Tell your love story. Look at your petition packet but look at it like a CO would that doesn't know you. What conclusion will he or she draw from what you presented.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-27 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Rejected Question

The fee reduction from April 13th is for the Visa processing fee..... The petition which he is sending is currently $340.00 send what's on the instructions from the paperwork.

Sorry. I stand corrected. Posted Image
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-28 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Rejected Question
Yes there was a fee reduction April 13th. Always go by what the USCIS website says. All he needs to do is send back the petition with the new check. No problem.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-28 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDumb question.. Adjudicated?

thx for the quick replies, thats what i thought, but i will admit to being a little fuzzy.

you guys are awesome

And that date will move and move and give you hope and drive you crazy. I just got my N\OA2 and my date was like June 9th or so. But here I am at 3 months 1 week and approved. I am thrilled. Good luck

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-30 00:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Will They Ask
Hopefully your petition is so full of good information you will just be asked the standard fair of questions. just do as suggested and review your countries questions. And every couple have their unique circumstances so some questions may be more tailored to them also.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-30 00:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiance's interview be scheduled inside the US?

K1 interviews are done at the embassy/consulate where the intending immigrant resides. There are no US embassies or consulates within the US.

Can i ask than for K1 and spousal visa if beneficiary lives and is resident elsewhere like UK, China anywhere but his homeland they can interview there right as long as they can show citizenship, or residency there? need to know someone is asking this in a group i am in. thanks
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-07-02 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiance's interview be scheduled inside the US?
No he would have to interview in his country. Is he already here on tourist Visa or was he hoping to apply for one? To get a tourist Visa while you're petition is in process coming from an African country is very slim? Has he been able to get a visa since you started this process? But your original answer is no he has to interview in the country he resides.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-30 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof

what's with the attitude? how about trying to be nice? some people never send cards or mail, does that mean they don't think their love is worth 98 cents? chill out,

for real if their countries postal service is anything like my husbands it may never get there. We wrote each others letters and cards like two teenagers. His never got to me of my about 30he got 1 that took 6 months. So we never did it again.

dwheels76FemaleNigeria2012-06-30 02:36:00