K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusing husband/wife it will to deny your fiance' petition?
Ack--response was messed up.

Edited by EminTX, 30 December 2012 - 01:29 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-30 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusing husband/wife it will to deny your fiance' petition?
What if you called your fiancee "Sister" or "Auntie"? What if you called her "Mommy"? "Daughter"? Those would indicate very specific relationships to ANYone looking in from the outside. So does any word that is reserved for spouses. The titles you use for each other really do state your relationship.

Because we here are all subject to being examined under a fine microscope, we have to be a bit above reproach. If you are not spouses, don't use incorrect terms. It may seem sweet and you are excited about it, but really, a high fraud country doesn't need much to suspect you are liars. And demonstrating a lie in your terms of affection is certainly not going to help your case.

Hope for the best and be prepared to admit that you were wrong to use incorrect terms to describe each other if questioned. Please follow this up in a few months and when your AOS interview is complete to let others know IF it was addressed at all.

Something that you may not be aware of is that in many places, common-law marriages are absolutely legal and acceptable. Here in my own state, it is still used by many people. Here is some information from an official site:

evidence of the existence of a common law marriage; for example, you can testify that your partner introduced you in social situations as his wife, or that you introduced him as your husband
Even one instance of publicly declaring yourself married can be sufficient to place you in such a marriage.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-30 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGREAT INTERVIEW QUESTIONS TO PRACTICE!!!
While we were waiting for our K-1, my then-fiance and I had a list that was compiled from all over the 'net. We practiced a few every night as part of our regular Skype "dates". It really helped him to feel more confident when he had his interview to have gone over and over and over so much basic information and for both of us, it was good to get to know each other better. Now that we have an upcoming potential interview for AOS, we have been discussing these types of questions again. Sometimes, our answers don't match only because of our perspectives. (Example: Who asked whom to marry? My then friend was humming the wedding song in the early afternoon. I freaked out but then in the late afternoon, after thinking about it all day, I knew that it was right and asked him to come home with me. From HIS perspective, he initiated our formal relationship by singing that silly song. From MY perspective, I actually stated the words. So what is the correct answer to the question? It is really good to look at questions like this to see your other half's point of view and thinking processes.)

VJ has a list to get started but there are many--look through them. Some dating sites have some good ones, too. Make a collection in a file or an email draft and tackle them a few at a time.

Edited to add: Read through the intervie reviews on here for your embassy and others as well to see what things are often asked. My husband was directly asked why I wasn't there for the interview. He simply stated that I had to work (with confidence and without hesitation). That was acceptable enough and the interview continued.

Edited by EminTX, 27 January 2013 - 08:23 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2013-01-27 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSO CALLED RED FLAGS Im worried about
All the interview evidence that you can gather and make happen during this visit will make it so much easier as the interview draws nearer.

Examples: Save ATM receipts, tickets that have your names on them, hotel receipts, anything from a third party that would not care to help you cheat the system whatsoever. Take photos with other people in them. Take pix at church, with family, with friends. If anyone can write affidavits for you in English, get a photo of the two of you with that person. (It just reinforces that this person is real.) Some folks take a photo together holding up a newspaper with the date clearly visible in front of a notable landmark. This can't hurt. If you fly anywhere together, save those receipts and have him give you his boarding pass and luggage stubbs to take as evidence of the visit, too. Any documents that you can have hand delivered is much more secure so make sure taxes are done for 2012 already and that can be safely and securly be in the interviewee's possession.

It would have saved us a WORLD of frustration if we had known to do this as we were having all our fun. It is a pain to try to figure out what is what and to kick yourself for tossing things like those boarding passes.

Read through some RFE threads here and see what people have been asked to provide--gather that together in case you do get RFE'd so you don't have to waste time trying to gather that when you could just send it right on in. If you don't need any of this stuff, you will at least feel more prepared as the time draws nearer. Good luck!
EminTXFemalePeru2013-02-02 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSO CALLED RED FLAGS Im worried about
I think that most red-flag issues seem to be addressed at the interviews. If your case is suspicious, be prepared with quality and varieties of evidence. 30000000 pages of printed chat is not a good example.

Write a few letters, send a few post cards, send birthday and Valentine cards--things that lovers really do in the real world to put in your evidence notebook. Gather about 10 photos of y'all with other people. If any of those specific folks speak English and can write an affidavit, get it while you easily can. (We were RFE'd for this.) When my now-husband went for his interview, he had some gum and candies and other items in the pocket of the notebook that obviously came from the US as a little phycological/subliminal hint. I had also made a map of his country (or city) with small photos of us in various places with lines pointing to those places on the map that was in the back of the notebook (facing up when he went to the interview window and clearly visible to that interviewer--it wasn't submitted, but it WAS clearly and easily visible), and read the reviews for the past several years on this site for the interviews to see what was actually looked at and taken as evidence (we had zero chat evidence and one of our lovey-dovey things was looked at). The people who have been to your embassy can give you the best information of all. If you can look at the packet that someone else has gotten, it can help you to gather everything together.

There is no way not to be paranoid throughout this process. The very nature of the delays and uncertainty make it very stressful and lonely. Expect that. Stay as busy as possible and get as prepared as possible while waiting.

The thing about "red flags" is that they simply alert to possbile problems/scams--they don't confirm it. If you are prepared to with evidence that each of your "red flags" is unfounded or not at all true in your case, it souldn't be a problem.
EminTXFemalePeru2013-02-02 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProofs of meeting in person and ongoing relationship

Are the documents below adequate to show the proofs?
Thank you. I'm about ready to file my I-129F.

The more variety, the better--just remember that this doesn't mean VOLUME--it means different examples.

Do you have any hotel or travel receipts?
Do you have any other proof of being in the same town together (receipts for ATM's or dining or whatever)?
Do you have tangible mail--postcards, letters, romantic or Christmas or birthday cards (Valentine's is next week! This is a perfect example to have in the folder for the interview. We included ZERO email or chat "evidence" and the interviewer did take the time to look at the physical correspondance.)?
Do you have your declaration of intent? (We printed a copy and then handwrote the exact thing below that then signed so that it would be clear that it was from each of us and also legible.)

There are many different varieties of things to include. Something to look at are some of the RFE threads--the biggie, unfortunatly, seems to be so full of fluff that it is all but impossible to find any real information, but other threads where the specifics of what was asked for might help you to know what kinds of things are often looked at/looked for/missing.

Good luck.
EminTXFemalePeru2013-02-09 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help me.
When my husband and I agreed to be engaged--he had hummed the wedding song earlier in the day and then that evening, after thinking about it all day, I just asked him to come home with me. (I was visiting him there in his country.) This was our "proposal". From his POV, he was the "instigator" because of the song. From my POV, I was the "asker" because I actually used words. We have talked about it so that if this comes up in the interview, we can have our stories straight and not give conflicting answers.

As far as the ring goes, I know it is super popular, but honestly, I am a very practical person who has to work hard for every penny we have. I would much rather have a washing machine or furniture or a trip than a rock to wear and show off. I do love my wedding ring very much but I can't imagine why I would want 2 rings to wear. Besides, the smile on my face when I think about my husband indicates the love I feel and enjoy is more of a testament than any expensive symbol. Be sure to ask your lady what she wants--she might be like me and prefer something else. (There are lots and lots of us out there. :) )
EminTXFemalePeru2013-02-16 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview tomorrow..
Take a couple pieces of candy in your pocket to pop in your mouth in case you need some sugar.

Take something that reminds you of your sweetheart in your other pocket so that you can reach in and touch it for comfort during the questioning and waiting.

Wear comfy shoes. You may have to stand in line.
EminTXFemalePeru2013-02-18 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiancee move before NOA2??
The municipality where my now-husband lived re-addressed the houses (and re-streeted his corner house--effectively changing the address completely except for the postal code and city). When I called, I was told that this is not a big deal at all and calling is cool. Because it takes sooooo cotton-picking long for anything to happen with USCIS, people end up moving all the time.

Be sure that the applicant gets notifications to help ensure that you can know what is going on. Most people do have success with the online status checking and/or cell phone notices. (These are not perfect, though--some folks never show up on the online status check--if you don't it is not a reason to worry, but if it does work for you, all the better!)

Good luck!
EminTXFemalePeru2013-03-31 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F package lost in mail?
Many times I have sent or received packages USPS that were delivered but the tracking never showed, for whatever reason. It is possible that it's been delivered but you haven't got confirmation yet. I don't know how quickly the check is cashed--can you check that as an alternate confirmation?

Oh yeah, my copier makes crystal clear copies. I didn't realize that the forms had to be originals so I sent copies. I didn't get dinged on that. My other half has the originals of everything in his folder over there in his home. If your copies are perfect, this may be okay. The time delay to get new originals killed us between May and July (His city changed his address.) (I included in my cover letter that everything except the photos were copies and that originals would be submitted upon request.)

Edited by EminTX, 21 December 2011 - 03:02 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-21 14:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGreen card after entering US
You folks can't be serious. Entering the US does not get you a green card at all. APPLYING and PAYING for the greencard gets you in line to eventually hopefully be granted one. We filed in May and it is now just about April and we are still waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

We did get AP (travel permission) and work authorization in 3 months--but we had to call and request expedite to get that. As far as the right to stay here, we are still in limbo and well aware that it is NOT a guarentee.

For our SS cards (mine, too--name change), it was 2 weeks. That was actually the easiest thing we had done. I still haven't had luck getting my professional liscense changed. Sigh.
EminTXFemalePeru2013-03-31 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas Anyone Waited OVER 5 Months For Their NOA2?
I know this is not a real solution, but I wish that I could get a 2nd job working for them. ** I ** know what it is like to deal with the waiting and the silliness. I like to think that I would work more efficiently and productively than the average.

I used to deal with insurance referrals and verifications and that was such a mess. At the end of the day, I could leave between 7 minutes 'til and 7 minutes after. I always tried to throw in 2 more of the easy ones just to get them done and to get 2 people to their specialists faster. It was so stressful and really seemed to be non-productive. There was absolutely nothing to show for the work completed--only a list that I wrote in a spiral notebook to prove to myself that I was working my tail off.

I wonder how long it takes to actually input the information on each one or, perhaps, more correctly, to "process" one visa request. At a number at over 6 1/2 million visas applied for each year, I am genuinely curious at the numbers of employees, how much is automated, and other things.

Another thing to note, I work in a business where I have to ID many immigrant people. I'm guessing that at least once a month, someone tells me, "My birthday is xxx but they messed up my paperwork and my documents say that my birthday is yyy." They = either immigration or social security. Apparently, once it is written in type, it is set for life and that is your unchangable ID.

Sigh. Very heavy sigh.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-09-17 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the best way to organize everything for the interview?
We have binders also. They are close to identical. His has all the original documents (each with a Post-It Note that says "original"), copies of everything (each with a Post-It Note that says, "copia"-this way if they require either a copy or an original, he still has the other one and he can note on the Post-It Note what was taken and then stick it on the section folder), both are in the front section that is designated for the first application and all that was sent with it. A second section has information for the interview and medical exam including everything I could find with a translation, when available. There is another section with potential documents that may be requested, but according to many who have had their interveiws, were not always looked at--photos (with the location and date written on the back of each one) to accompany the entrance tickets/train tickets that goes with each one. (Example--ticket stubs to the zoo include a pic of us there, train tickets have a pic of us at that location, too). I have a section for future documents that will be needed--information on obtaining a SS#, driver's liscense, going through customs in the airport, etc. Because I am guessing that he will have to hurry up and wait, I have also included a map of our city, some general trivia information to read about Texas, and a few other "entertainment" items. The binder also has a zippered pencil pocket with a pack of chewing gum, some pens, additional Post-It Notes, and general note-bookish items.
The outside clear cover has a map of his country with pix of us together at each location on the map that we visited. (This is just to be schmarmy and to make it easier to identify the owner of the notebook if he gets seperated from it while there.) His name is down the long side of the binder.

My own contains copies of everything that is in his along with additional photo prints. The sections are the same.

I spent probably about 20$ each on them buy the supplies and prints of the photos and stuff. I then shipped his to him at a cost of 35$.

Note: We took a train trip together and they designated my nationality as Brazilian. I am not submitting that document!!!! Make sure that your information on your documents that were typed by some bored clerk is accurate.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-09-25 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview questions is Lima Embassy
Soooo...what did they ask you? Share what you've learned, please. Fair is fair.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-09-27 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBury them in paperwork ???

court? what was he filing? i have a lot of paper work for my fiance's interview coming up

His was a very complicated case. He was a fraud victim.

He was married to a US citizen in another country. She sat with him and directed him to fill out paperwork for a K1-fiance visa. His questioning of it got the response that the US was her country and that marriages from outside the US were invalid and to trust her. It went downhill from there. (Of course, his English wasn't so hot back then).

He was a doctor and stupid and in-love. After he sold everything he had, moved here, and was ready to make a new life with her, she told him to pay her off or else she would report him for being a terrorist. He thought it was a sick joke. Then she split, taking everything they had.


And she DID report him as a terrorist. He was taken into custody while we were at work in front of an ER full of patients and coworkers.

The thickness of his file was because she had called every senator/congressman she could to report that her husband was a terrorist who had committed fraud and used her to gain access to the US. She also reported him as abusive to the police. Called his two jobs and told them things, etc. Privately, she told him that if he wanted her to stop, he'd have to pay her 70,000U$. (I'm guessing that she didn't consider that if he couldn't work, he wouldn't be able to earn her fees.)

THAT is why his file was so thick. And why he had multiple court dates, each one, of course, adding more and more pages to that file.

My first horror was when I saw his file as the bailiff was bringing it in. All the other folks there in immigration court were snickering over it, too. The judge was obviously very annoyed at even having something with that much trouble in her courtroom and verbally open with her disdain.

I would expect that a little extra to be sure is good, but I keep reading people who say, "I sent the entire chat history over 2 years--teehee!" or "Every phone record and our entire photo album together--let them deal with that!" or "I'm so proud because I needed a box for my stuff--an envelope just wouldn't do!" It seems to me like shooting yourself in the foot.

There is a list of exactly what to send, if they have to search specific things out (and too many flags/markers/post-its to make important things stand out will make anything just as difficult to find), it can't be good for your case, IMHO. It seems interesting to me that several people here are often advising to completely ignore what is actually requested as evidence and "send in lots of....." instead.

(Side note--I do see where now, letters with references to specific dates and locations where you were together are requested evidence, but apparently 4 years ago, there was a direct statement that letters will NOT be accepted as evidence. Sigh.)

(Side note #2 -- When this occurred, you could be granted an emergency divorce in Kansas. Call the police and claim to be abused. Go to court, be granted the divorce before your spouse returns home from work/school for the day, Arrange to have the house emptied and get someone to go get his car while you are in court and he has no idea whatsoever. Perfectly legal. I hope this has been done away with now.)

Edited by EminTX, 17 November 2011 - 09:18 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-17 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBury them in paperwork ???
Just out of curiosity, for those of you who plan to "bury them in paperwork", I personally witnessed a close friend with a file that was over 6 inches thick in court. His court appointment was for 8am. The judge took one look at the outside of his file and told the bailiff to put it on the bottom of the stack for the end of the day since it was obviously so full. At the end of the day, we ran out of time and were rescheduled.

If you plan to irritate the person handling your paperwork, I don't think that can help your case any. Seriously, I know that if I were the person with a stack of case folders in front of me, I'd always pick the ones that looked manageable first.

Who has done this and had a positive result?

Who has sent only what was asked and had a positive result?

What are the outcomes that are negative either way?

(Please don't respond at all unless you have finished the process and have a visa in hand. Anything else is just space/time wasting clutter.)
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-16 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview tommorrow
Ack! Forgive my silliness in the question about the days--like a doofus, I didn't bother to look at the date.

Soooo..... Update us! How was the interview? How long, how many question, and most importantly, how scary?

EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-19 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview tommorrow
Congrats on getting to this point, but I've got a question: Your interview is on SUNDAY?!?!?!?

I thought this was an official US government controlled situation with Sundays as sacred as five o'clock on Fridays.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-19 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat needs to carry/bring before Travel?
Also--Double triple quadruple check the fees for flying--airport taxes or baggage fees--I got hit with that last month--the policies changed while I was on the trip and I had a big hassle in the airport.

Edited by EminTX, 19 November 2011 - 04:24 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-19 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat needs to carry/bring before Travel?
I've read that later on, you'll need to provide your vaccination records (in 2 years? I can't remember.). If you can bring those with you, it would be an good idea--especially any records that you got in your physical exam for the interview.

You may also consider bringing anything with information that you refer to within a year--addresses of relatives/friends, photos, property documents, education records, professional liscenses, any (legal) paperwork that would be a nightmare to get copies of.

Good luck!

(Oh yeah, and for the flight itself, it is a good idea to bring some gum. It will prolly make your ears more comfortable.)
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-19 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled the USCIS Hotline: What do they say about waiting?

I've been reading a lot from the forum and been checkin on the VJ timelines and I see that most people get their NOA2s on their 4th month of wait.

I've never seen this as typical. Perhaps it might be an idea for you to make a little list with tally marks on it to see if you are seeing what you wish for instead of what is actually there.

Also, keep in mind that this forum has been online for some time and there have been changes. It appears to me, also that about 5 years ago, the wait time for the NOA2 was much shorter. Always check the date on any post you read--old ones must be taken with a grain of salt because of all the new stuff.

Your file is most likely in a box on a shelf with several others waiting until someone has gotten to it. It is the nature of the beast.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-18 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter Only 9 Months...


You will need ... ORIGINAL W2 forms.


My HUGE company did not send them out last year except when requested. Ours were online. If you wanted a copy sent to you, the cost was 12U$.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-19 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStuff for interview
It might be a good idea to have everything easily organized in a notebook or folder so that you can quickly turn to each item. For us, I prepared identical notebooks with all originals in his to take with him to the interview. We each have copies of everything.

I also included a little bag that snaps in with post-its, pens, gum, paper clips, and other office type stuff. In the back pocket, I included some stuff about the US and interesting places to travel to read over while he is waiting. In the front cover, there are a couple of photos of us together and on the back I included a map of his country with a picture of us together next to each place on the map (about 6) indicating that we traveled together all over the country. Schmarmy? Yes. He can look over that while he is nervously waiting. Almost everything is in protective pages, too. You never know if that day is going to be rainy or whatever.

All the information that might be useful to him on the immigration site was translated by Google and I made one section with that in his language for looking over, too. I figure that while he is there for that interview, he will be verrrrrryyyyyy interested to see what all is said.

It has everything in there that we could include for the interview. Hopefully.

Good luck! Please let us know how everything goes.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-26 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion for Newbie :)
Wow. What a great question! Look up the information on people who have or are coming from both his country of citizenship AND where he is working. This will give you a heads up on the things they ask for.

If you get an RFE, they will ask for proof from 2 years BEFORE you file. If you elect to file after his visit, this would be a golden opportunity to give them exactly what they are looking for. For example, a photo taken while celebrating New Year's Eve with those silly 2012 glasses on and other people in the photo would be an excellent photo that documents the date! Photos with other people in them apparently are a big bonus.

Write some paper letters to each other mentioning things you have done together and the dates and places they occured. One possible example: "I am including a copy of one of the pictures we took together at the zoo in Dallas on your aunt's birthday to give to her." Whatever. That is something that is specifically being asked for in my RFE.

Be sure that you have friends that know you both that can write affidavits about your relationship in English.

Get tickets to things with your names on them, if you can. Train rides, boarding passes from flights, concerts together. If you stay together in a hotel, try to register under both names. Get a legible receipt showing that. If you each have debit/credit cards, ask at restaurants to have the bill divided and pay that way. Include each of those receipts together to show you were in the same place at the same time.

Go ahead and copy every page of each of your passports while you are together.

Lots of people also have stated that they were requested to have phone records of calls. You might go ahead an get a calling plan (or he can) where you can have a printed record of actual, regular-timed phone calls to show how often you contact each other.

Go ahead and fill out EVERY document for immigration that you can while together. In duplicate. This way you don't have to wait for snail-mail which can be a killer emotionally.

Ask other people about their experiences. Especially if they are from those two countries.

Get as much as you can, but be careful about oversubmitting overwhelming volumes of stuff. Choose the best based on what you learn. Some people have complained that they are being asked to resubmit stuff that was included in the mess of papers they had already sent in. If the person working on your file has to dig-dig-dig to find something, that is probably not going to work in your favor.

When you get answers or when your process is complete, please come back here and share what you've learned to make it easier on the next couple in your same situation.

Good luck!
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-26 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing for Interview-Phone records?
Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have never seen any place ever that says you need phone records outside of this forum. It is a popular topic, but I don't remember it in any of the official lists that I have and it is certainly not requested in my RFE.

Is this something that an official actually looks at or is this something that many people include for comfort in thinking that it is more proof or something else?
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-20 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship - Skype, Viber, Whatsapp
I got an RFE (request for evidence of relationship). In this
I posted EXACTLY what my RFE letter stated. I have a bit of advice, based on that, but you should do what seems best for you. If you are preparing in advance, it is really nice to know what they might ask for so check it out and start working on gathering that stuff up.

One thing that I had jussssssst thrown away was my boarding passes from traveling there before filing for the visa. It was one of those, "if only" kinds of things. I tossed it after 7 months because I was traveling again. I remember standing there holding my special wallet for traveling and thinking, "I've gotta clean all this ####### out. Okay, into the trash you go." hahaha. I do have other tickets and such, but this process tends to make a person a bit paranoid.

Good luck!
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-26 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOriginal documents
Have her make copies of each document before sending and then you copy everything, too. She has to send passport type photos anyway, just have her send everything thing together.

While you are looking at everything, it is not a bad idea to start being aware of various possible RFE requirements and frontloading. I didn't know anything about that when we were filing and it probably would have helped prevent the delay we are enduring right now.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-27 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNearing the end
Personally, I made up notebooks for each of us with every possible document that I could find so that if anything is asked for at the interview (or in RFE), we've already got it.

Some people get moved through the lines very quickly so having it ready is probably a good idea. Besides, how long does it take for documents to travel snailmail. For us, from me to him is one week, from him to me is one month.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-02 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling a K-1 Visa for Fiance who was found inadmissible to the U.S. recently

And obviously every single person that has used drugs is also guilty of sharing and dispensing the substances to others.

Huh? Everybody shares/sells?
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-02 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help!

A child born to a USC, whether here in the USA or abroad is a USC, and as such receives a US Passport (after positive proof of paternity has been established)...

It appears more complicated than that. I didn't realize there were so many routes to citizenship for the wee little folks that we create.

Wikipedia page about this topic-covered in top 1/3 of page

Very interesting stuff.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-20 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help!

My daughter is now a US citizen and has her passport.

Your daughter is a citizen and has a US passport? I thought that was possible only for military or those with proof of being actually born on US soil. Can you explain a bit more about this?
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-20 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS and the IMPOSSIBLE R.F.E.
Is it possible to print out SOMEthing showing that you have searched vital statistics and that no record exists?

This request confuses me.

Is this the same woman now that is listed on this K-1?
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-06 10:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExcessive Chat Log - Too Many Pages
Skype free chat has no easy-to-view breakdown but if you actually use their call feature, you can look at that from their web-page after logging in. I might print out some examples from ours but I have no intention of irritating them with a mountain of ####### to deal with.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-12 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespicture of your K1 interview packet
I have a notebook with dividers for each step. There is the Application folder with copies of everything including the envelope in the first section. The the medical interview section. Then the interview section. Then the...

I put pocket folders in there also for unexpected stuff, like the RFE that we got. The copies of that are in the pocket folder. In the back of the notebook in the built-in pockets, I included "entertainment" for him to look at while waiting at the enbassy for his interview to begin--trivia, maps, stuff like that.

Having everything organized this way has been helpful for us since it has been so long since we filed that I have forgotten lots of details. Sigh.

Note: In the interview section, Post-It's are used to indicate originals versus copies. If they want a copy of any of our "proof", they don't even have to run to the copier, it is right there. The less time they have to spend (waste) on our interview, the better, IMHO.

Note#2: We haven't actually had the interview yet.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-17 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos and software
I used no software. The requirements state to write the information on the BACK of the photo. That is what I did for both the individual prints and the sheets with multiples.

While altering the photo may seem great, I just can't see what is wrong with following the directions. My Bic pen teamed up with my right hand seemed to work just fine.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-17 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI scheduled my fiancee's interview for Jan 16, but this is a USA holiday.. Will there be a problem?
How could you schedule this if there wasn't an opening the in "books" or schedule for that day? An error is possible, but it is also possible that things are a bit different due to being outside the border.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-18 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelays are so discouraging

If he is denied for a tourist visa you could marry in Peru and maybe have a ceremony later when he gets here (if that's important to you). It would mean abandoning the K1 and refiling for a CR1 but with your timeframe it might make more sense.

People in Perú don't elope. There is an official process that takes, I believe, 3 weeks or more. It has to be announced in the paper in advance,the entire paper has to be taken to get a document like a marriage license from an official, there's a group civil ceremony, etc. You have to be very deliberate to marry there. I could easily be wrong, but it seems that less than half the couples that claim to be spouses are legally married.

Once we decided to marry, we looked into it. We also looked at Chile and Bolivia and it doesn't look so easy in those places, too. After the 2 trips that I have already taken this year, I can't get enough time off to go there and jump through the hoops, even if I had the money for another flight.

When you read about someone getting married in Perú, it seems to always be about some mountain tribal shaman wedding ceremony that is as legal as a 3 dollar bill.
(We looked at those, too, out of curiosity.)

He wants a formal wedding in his country, too, but it will have to wait, most likely, until after we live there. I still have some more saving for retirement to do! I've only got 47k and for us to retire there in 16 years, we'll need 250k. Why-oh-why didn't I start saving when I was young? (Young folks--DO IT!!!!)

Thank you, everybody for your input. Here lately, I feel like we are playing a poker game where our opponent is openly cheating. I know he is worth it, but dang it, why do citizens of foreign loved-ones go through this...?
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-21 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelays are so discouraging
Susita, Thank you for your input. We already know that his field of study won't be useful here whatsoever. It is possible, but then again, we could also win the lottery. My own personal opinion is that his degree isn't necessary in either country for what he plans to eventually do, but that is not the point. He wants this and is adamant that he finish. I can certainly empathize with him on that, but practical doesn't always dictate what our hearts demand.

He asked me this morning why he can't just apply for a tourist visa, marry while here, return to finish school, then start over with that visa, instead.

I think that would be considered fraud, even IF he COULD get a tourist visa, so I told him that isn't a good idea. His friends are also asking why he is bothering with the legal route anyway since such a small percentage bother to try it the right way. GGGGGRrrrrrr.......

Now, isn't there a lottery drawing tonight? I probably should go buy some tickets.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-21 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelays are so discouraging
He'll finish school in DECEMBER of NEXT year. We already started this process. Right now, it feels like we have a 50/50 chance of it working out. This may or may not be accurate.

I am 40. Each month later reduces fertility. We are not 20 year old kids with all our years ahead of us. Tick tick tick. If I could earn a decent wage there, I'd move in a heartbeat.

When we filed originally, we had no idea of the delay in his graduating. One silly class. A professor that flunked 1/2 the class out of spite. (Honestly, I always thought that if 50% of your students can know the material enough to pass then it indicated you are an incompetent instructor and need to be fired, but, of course, we do things differently in the US. Sigh.) This instructor apparently has a reputation for bragging about this months before the end of every December. We learned of this possibility once the wheels had begun on this visa journey. Right now, we are just idling. Wasting gasoline. Baking in the hot sun while suffocating slowly.

So..If he gets the visa in march/April/May, it is only good for 6 months. We are STILL screwed!
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-21 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelays are so discouraging
We began our process in May. Unfortunately, the day I was sending the initial packet, I was actually leaving for the post office when my fiance in Perú called me and told me to hold off--the municipality had changed his address--both the street and house number. The notification was only for the change--it didn't actually include the new address. I didn't know that you could simply call to change an address, or I would have filed then. As soon as he had the official address, he mailed off the new originals to me. That delayed us by almost two months (a month to get his new official address and a month for the documents to arrive by mail). We had planned for him to be here in January, so this was still an acceptable timeframe.

The original packet included EXACTLY what they asked for. Getting an RFE seems like a punishment for following directions.

It took a month to get the available documents that were requested. "If only I'd have known..." then I could have gotten the damned things when I was traveling back to Perú in October. (I've requested a list of RFE document requests to be compiled for us to do while twiddling our thumbs, but apparently that is too difficult to compile. It would have been nice. The RFE sticky is so full of fluff that it is difficult to find any real information in there. Perhaps we could all start scanning in our RFE's and post them online for others to see and potentially prepare for.)

This, of course, only adds to the frustration.

My problem now is this potential timeline:

RFE sent in November--they COULD respond to it positively in January with me receiving notice in Feb.
His interview could be set for March or even April.
Visa could be issued in March, April, May.
Can't buy the tickets until the visa is in his hands. The cost is so prohibitive that there is a month delay on that. He could arrive in April, May, June.
He is REQUIRED to return to Perú in August to finish his degree that he has been in school for the last 4 years. It is one single class. There is no option for online or delayed class or anything--this is a one-shot-deal.
AP (travel document) can take 90 days. He could possibly not get it until September.

So, we are looking at a possibility that he has to say "screw you, profession that I have devoted 4 years of my life to" versus, more than a year from now of delay plus expenses. The delays could affect his earning potential, meaning his TAXPAYING potential. (Just thought I'd throw in that politically motivated thought.)

I genuinely believe our paperwork is on the desk of someone who is off for the Month of December. I could be wrong, but there is certainly no proof otherwise.

It looks like the delays by USCIS can very easily mean that we lose out and have to start over again. I have no problem being patient for 6 months, 9 months, one year, but if we have to start this again, that is too frustrating.

It is especially frustrating when my job requires me to care for the cheaters of the system who can't even respond to "What is your name?" without telling me, "No inglisss"--not even an attempt to try because they know they don't have to follow any rules and can thumb their noses at our laws and citizens. (Honestly I may see 40 "customers" a day at over 1/2 can't respond to that most basic question.) People are always saying to me, "Why don't you just bring him illegally and then change his status. It worked for my 3 cousins and 4 uncles and so-and-so's 2 ex-wives."

I am very, very depressed because it really looks bleak.

I feel like we are all in a bus stop waiting. Some people get on the bus and go. Others of us can see our buses but aren't allowed to get on. We see new people walk into the bus station and then brag about how easy it was to get right on because (tee hee), "we are just so lucky (ha ha ha)" while others are simple punished with the timeless time-out.

Okay, enough of my ranting. That was slightly cathartic.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-21 08:09:00