K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphone records
We submitted/provided zero phone records. That is only one (very popular) type of evidence and it really doesn't prove much.

If you are a legit couple, there should be plenty of other varieties to submit so don't sweat this one.

If you want to make sure that you have good stuff for the interview, how about writing some letters/sending cards regularly? It is a nice thing to hold something that your beloved actually touched and in the several months it takes to get to the point of the interview, delivery should be no problem. My fiance took almost every letter and post card that I had sent, including ones that I sent his parents for mother's/father's day and birthdays. The interviewer did take the time to look at some of those. It seems to me that handwritten itemsthat are signed with postmarked envelopes are probably more convincing than a log of phone calls/chat that could honestly be from/to anybody. Besides, it's cheap. And romantic. And so easy.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-09 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial if receiving public assistance?
Fiances can't work from Day 1--there is quite a delay where the fiance is supported until AOS.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-09 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat are the strong proof of relationship that can be shown in US embassy

My process was very fast and i miss one more because of the RFE

The question is about the embassy interview, not the paperwork to submit before (where you wold experience an RFE).

I do agree that tickets for travel, proof of being in the country, and all the others that are on every well-organized list are pretty much what you need. You can also do a search to see what others use--there might be something you have but wouldn't have thought of including without seeing that someone else submitted it.

Whatever you do, don't be stupid about it or make excuses. Submit what you have and work on making sure you have the things to take with you. If you'll be together before the interview, MAKE SURE you take pictures of the two of you together with different people in different settings and have proof of being there that is non-biased (example:a bus/museum/tour/concert ticket with a picture of you two together at the bus station in front) of the sign for the building. We included a photo of us standing in front of the dr's office with my receipt. Almost every document that we had, we included a photo of us there getting/doing/whatever-ing. )

If you have friends/family that y'all took pictures with, it would not hurt to ask them to write up affidavits stating that they know you and have witnessed your relationship. If this is asked for, you'll already have it and if no one asks for it, it wouldn't hurt. The writer could be a family member, friend, or neighbor. We went to church with one of our affidavit-writers and included a photo of us in a group of people (fine, upstanding citizens!).

The above suggestion to call each other "husband/wife-to-be" is dangerously stupid and could result in being considered a fraud. While it is technically correct, it is too easy for a listener to hear only the first word.

All this comes down to this being a unique relationship between you and your fiance. Any normal, legit relationship will, by default, have a variety of types of evidence that is available to produce. Document what you have in a way that is clear and easily-understood and take that with you to the embassy for the interview.

And please don't assume that chat logs are evidence of anything more than your hobby of chatting online. (Something that was pointed out in earlier posts this year, if each person in this situation will take the time to read back several pages in the forum thread title list, is that if you submit any evidence, you better know it backwards and forwards because you can be questioned about that at any time. Do you really think you can remember the details about any given chat that happened more than a week ago?)
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-16 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat are the strong proof of relationship that can be shown in US embassy
The title of this thread asks for examples of "strong evidence" but the initial post only talks about FB. WHAT??? I certainly hope there is a lot more to your relationship than online chat.

If you have time, write actual paper letters to each other. Since this immigration process takes many, many weeks, there is plenty of time for postage delivery. It is cheap and this is one thing that was looked at in the interview for my fiance. (Plus it is very sweet and romantic to send the love of your life something that you actually touched with your hands.) My fiance took with him almost all the cards, postcards, and letters that I'd sent him along with the birthday cards I'd sent to his parents (for good measure). Seeing the notebook with the well-organized documents, photos, and letters, the interviewer didn't bother to check much else. I'd bet that it was clear that we weren't out to waste his time with stacks of repetitive ####### and had everything super easy for him to find. Keeping things simple and easy for the person who has so many people to "process" is probably going to make them feel better about you in general and can work in your favor.

A tip that I read on here that has seems to help tip the scales in the favor of the foreign fiance is to be sure the USC is there and for the foreign fiance to take the passport of the USC with him/her to the interview (if the fiance is not allowed to attend). This is some very distinct evidence of relationship to travel to the country of the loved one and to entrust one's documents with that person.

Good luck.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-16 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS Adjustment of Status
It is better to post enough details in the title to attract readers who can help you. EVERY time that you post a thread that relates to your specific country, put the name in the title, please.

We filed AOS on our K-1 last month, so I opened this thread--only to see that you really want answers about Guam. :(

It is possible, although, that your answers may very possibly be completely contained in the guides.)
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-17 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSetting a Date!!! Are you kidding?

And yes, it does take all the fun out of the wedding plannig process. I go back and forth with whether or not I want to even bother with it.

Every bit of the wedding planning we had done (all tentative) was out the window. The venue was no longer available. Because we had to change everything, we elected to go to an informal restaurant afterward to enjoy each others' company and celebrate as opposed to a reception, and we did something silly after that (bowling--we passed around the veil for good luck--haha-the piz are great!).

If we couldn't have a "dream wedding" we were certainly going to have a "FUN wedding". We made sure the occasion was celebrated in a way that was special to us and everyone who attended said that it was the most fun they've ever had at a wedding. (This is what I heard about them saying to others in the family and in my job.)

Do what you can with what you've got and don't worry about the rest. Demonstrating your love and commitment to your beloved doesn't require an effort to impress or compete with fashionable, modern weddings. Besides, those are so common that they really are borrrrrrrringggggggggg. :) (I really do understand the mourning that goes along with this--it is a dream and it hurts to give it up. Your future spouse is totally worth it, right?)
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-23 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSetting a Date!!! Are you kidding?
Research YOUR consulate.

If you really do need proof of wedding planning, there are many, many things that go into it. How about:

Receipt for the dress
Receipt for the rings
Receipt for consultation with professional wedding planner (Could include your beloved by using the phone)
Copies of documents from consultation with pastor (Could include your belived by using the phone)
Prepared samples of the wedding invitations with a tentative date (print the word SAMPLE across the front maybe)
Official engagement announcement with a photo of the two of you in the newspaper
Has anyone in your family traveled to that country to meet your beloved? Passport stamps proving that might be good.

If you do have to have a reservation somewhere, pick a place that has a low cost cancellation fee. We had our wedding at Chapel Dulcinea Wedding Chapel
We paid a 100$ reservation fee (that was refunded when we arrived for the wedding). You can see that the schedule is visible (and printable!).

Please let us know how this works out so that others who have to go through the same embassy can benefit.

Good luck.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-23 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F How we met question
From my understanding, a "marriage broker" is a business that introduces people for the sole purpose of getting married.

Internet dating sites are for meeting people.

In my husband's (then fiance's) interview, he was directly asked how me met. He told the person that it was a website named "SharedTalk". He was then asked what that is. He explained its purpose and the interviewer said, "What's that site again?" and then wrote it on a page in her notepad and tucked that paper in her pocket (apparently interested in its purpose).

So many people here making the visa journey have met online that it is not a surprise to anybody except maybe your parents. Don't fret about it a bit.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-17 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich is better getting married outside The US....

We did K1, but in retrospect we both would have gotten married in China, cheaper and no rerun of AOS in USA.


This thread is not about Perú, but it might give you some insight that is useful (tax return!):

Good luck.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-06-24 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof

EminTX: but getting a credit card was no problem.

You telling me that anyone could go online posing as you and do a chat via computer to change your account access is not just scary, it is downright terrifying. It makes it very clear how B O A values the security issues of its customers. Yikes and double yikes!

Edited for lack of typing skills

Edited by EminTX, 28 March 2012 - 06:30 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-03-28 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof
I am not exactly clear in reading these. Are y'all preparing for another interview in person or is this to be mailed in?

If it is in person, certainly cull it to something that no one would groan at when seeing how much is submitted to deal with. Put that together and carry the rest separately that you can pull from only if it is asked for. This way, you and the interviewer won't be overwhelmed by volume but you'll still have every last scrap with you just in case.

If this is to be mailed in, I don't even understand. There is no specific list of what is to be submitted?

(On the side topic, I asked at one of my banks this morning about adding someone to the account. I was told that person has to show up face-to-face at one of the branch offices, that there is absolutely no other option ever. It is screamingly suspicious that in the "some banks do it" assurances, only one has stated "I did it with someone who was not in the country." )

Edited to add:
Is it possible to go with him to the interview? If not, can you be in the country? I read of one account on here recently where the foreigner, when asked about the USC, stated that he was waiting outside and pulled out his passport to provide proof. I don't know if that would help, but I thought that was a very blatant "we are a real couple" thing to do.)

Edited by EminTX, 28 March 2012 - 03:05 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-03-28 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof

I work for a financial institution and I know some banks allow customers to add an overseas person

Some banks? That is very vague. Can you specify what is required to do this in your bank? Can you specify an actual name of a bank that allows this?
EminTXFemalePeru2012-03-26 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof

i know some k1 filers that have a debit card for their fiance for in case reasons...

This has been covered several times in other threads. Legally, only a person whose name is on the account can use a debit/credit card. I know that is not the custom, but it is the law. If I admit to the interviewer in the embassy that I am committing fraud or theft by using someone else's bank card, I can't imagine that would help my case. Until I can take my fiance to my bank and put his name on my account, he should not be using my debit/credit card. Until his name is on the account, it is not ours--it is only mine.

When my son was living at home, I asked at my bank about having a second emergency card for my son and was told that he could not be named on my account until he was of legal age and that he had to come in personally at that time. He opened his own account and that was fine, but again, he did this personally, face-to-face. Perhaps it is possible to do this if a bank has international branches, but it seems unlikely for the average couple. I have only had accounts at 2 banks so I am certainly not an expert, though.

From the response that I got, even though the OP stated that he'd be "grateful for all suggestions", his fiance made it very clear that she only wants discussion of video evidence. All I can say is good luck with that. And good luck with the marriage.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-03-26 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof

I'm John's fiance, and I have to tell you that you may not be getting the full picture here. He mentioned that we sent chat logs yes, but if you think that we are stupid enough to JUST send chat logs, then you're sadly mistaken.

We can only respond to his post by reading what he says. He stated that he submitted a phone book of volume of

500-1000 pages chatlog,phonelog,pictures

Apparently, we are all too stupid to realize that what he had was not a successful example of proof. Instead of being hostile, consider gathering the other evidences and, as you see each other, continue gathering. I took a trip to see my fiance 4 months after submitting the original application and we certainly were making sure to save examples of evidence that time. It was tougher because we stayed and traveled with family and had no receipts for most things--but we did use the ATM and we did go to the doctor and I certainly did have my boarding passes.

If you are absolutely convinced that your evidence was good enough, consider the presentation. It should be as easy and clear as possible for the poor schmuck at the desk to deal with.

Because many people do successfully bring their fiance(e) here, then it certainly can be done. It might be a good idea to copy them. But then again, if you don't want to bother getting suggestions from others who have had their interviews or gone through the process, what is the point of being here?
EminTXFemalePeru2012-03-25 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof
1000 pages of chat logs? You have got to be kidding.

When there is only one kind of "proof", that alone is enough to be suspicious.

We had:
  • photos of us with other people in a variety of places
  • tickets to different places in different cities indicating travel
  • tickets with photos of us in those places together on a single page (plastic pockets) (Example-ticket to a museum with pic of us together outside, in front of that museum that would be clear to anyone that lived in that city where the embassy is located)
  • letters (with envelopes)
  • cards (with envelopes)
  • postcards
  • Christmas/Mother's day/Father's day/ birthday cards that were sent to his parents (wtih envelopes)
  • boarding passes for flights there/home
  • itinerary of travel plans together
  • bus tickets of travel together
  • medical receipts from seeing a doctor/dentist in his city
  • NO chatlogs
  • NO evidence of a single phone call

Seriously, there are several months of wait time between filing and the interview, you couldn't write a single letter or send a romantic/birthday/holiday card in all the time? Your beloved wasn't worth even a 98 cent stamp?

You actually met, right? But you didn't bother spending a dime to go to the movies/out to eat/a museum/any place where you pay and have a ticket or receipt?

Huge volumes pages of anything is an insult to the person you are handing them to. If you expect me to look over your file, you need to make it clear what is important and not waste my time. I am absolutely sure you didn't win any points with the whole "let me overwhelm them: attitude. Anyone who gives me hours and hours and hours of ####### to deal with will automatically have a major strike against him/her and I will be suspicious that it is all fake.

My guy took many things but each type of thing was easily accessible and ready to offer in a second. There was no digging, there was no wasting time, and most of it was not requested.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-03-25 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I go with fiance visa, or just get married first? (baby involved, too!)
I brought my fiance here on a K-1 in April. With this experience, I, personally, would recommend the spousal visa. Before filing out original petition, it seemed like a 50/50 option. Now that we are in a time crunch for him to travel back for that one single class that has to be repeated to finish his degree (we had no idea of this possibility when we filed over a year ago), the waiting for permission to travel is more stressful than I can say.

The 2nd thing is that, for us, if we had been married, I could have claimed him on my taxes last year-- a 3000$ difference. The cost of the visa. Sigh. If only someone who had already been through it here on VJ would have simply stated such things plainly. Maybe they did but I couldn't find it through all the posts from inexperienced others who wanted to put in their opinions.

See what you can do to get opinions from others who have been through the process but had difficulties. See what was easier to deal with, because that is your potential near future experience.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-07-24 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChat logs
Do a search on "Chat logs". The "anyone" that you are asking for has responded to this very issue repeatedly every week. "Search" really is your friend.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-23 00:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?
As far as paternity suits go, it can be a real challenge to get anywhere with them when the two parents and child all live in the same city. It gets crazier when there are state lines crossed. It gets really crazy when international borders are involved.

If the USC paid for the visa application, does it seem like the foreigner really will be able to pull enough money together to hire a lawyer and file suit for paternity. DNA testing is much, much more than just a simple swab. It is also a court order. It is also fees paid. It is also waiting on a judge. It is also serving the papers to the custodial parent (or noncustodial parent). It is travel costs. It is parking fees. It is time off work.

My own experience took almost 3 years and we were all in the same state. When it was all said and done, there is a court order to change the birth certificate. That never occured. When I inquired about it, I was told that it has to be paid for before it is changed. It is not part of the fees paid during court.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-08-25 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

All between 10-14 days. I only met a few of his family, his brother and his mother.

No friends? No coworkers? No neighbors? No grandparents? No uncles? No father? There were only two children in his family?

He says that is is sooooo difficult to survive there--well, how has he done it up to this point? I would hope that he has a job currently. I would also hope that "you" are not his job.


Off topic: We need a smiley that is of a red waving flag.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-08-24 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?
I concur with the offer-to-move-there advice. Look for legit jobs that you could do there (that you could ask him about with enough details to sound convincing)and ask him to help you find out about the immigration policies to his country. Tell him you have read so many horror stories of visa denials, that you are trying to prepare to move there if the visa doesn't work out. A genuine fiance will want to be with you no matter where you make your lives together.

If you need to stall for time and haven't sent the documents yet, don't send them or leave out something completely necessary so that he has to try to reschedule. This could buy you some time.

If there are issues now, waiting for another period of time won't make things better, but it could reconfirm how legit this is. Time is usually a requirement for working through problems of any kind in a relationship.

Doubts are normal for both parties. Immigration only adds an extra level to the stress.

(Here is a trick I learned many years ago: Ask your date/lover/whatever about his exes. If he trashes them and can't say good things about them, then this is how he treats women in general. If he has positive things to say along with perhaps negative things or explanations, that is a good sign. If he blames every break-up on the women, he is a creep and a liar. If he questions you about why, as his potential spouse, you have the right to know if there was some crazy jealous woman in his past--just look at the news.)

Good luck.

Edited to add:
No matter how much a visa costs, a spouse is much more expensive. For the visa related costs and travel expenses for our first year, I could have bought a nice used car or had the best dream vacation ever. That first 340$ is only the tip of the iceberg.

Edited by EminTX, 24 August 2012 - 07:50 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-08-24 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAppt Date but no packets in the mail
See if you can find a recent download of the documents somewhere on the web or see if someone posted scans of theirs on here. (We did that for my fiance's packet.)

Good luck!
EminTXFemalePeru2012-08-24 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresform i-94 or i-95?

Most CBP officers staple it into the passport themselves. My husband's was stapled into his passport by them. It is so the small piece of paper does not fall out and get easily lost. No destructive damage of any kind. It is actually still attached in the back of his passport and in good condition after nearly 2 years, since they did not take it at our AOS interview.

Does this mean that you have not used it to cross an international border since then? We do. My husband's profession is in his home country. Stapling one in when he enters then tearing it out (because this document is to be returned) when he leaves then stapling a new one and tearing that out and on and on every 2-6 months is certainly destructive.

If this was meant to stay in the passport forever, I could understand the staples, but this is not a permanent part of the passport.

I would expect that having multiple staple punctures/tears might raise a question with customs officials/police in certain other countries.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-08-29 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresform i-94 or i-95?

Yes, do not lose that "little white card" (Form I-94), it is important. It seems a bit incredible to me that such an important document is just stapled (or should be stapled) into your fiancee's passport.

Stapling is destructive and I can't imagine stapling anything into your passport unless you never plan to use it again. Especially since it is a document that must be copied and shown to various entities (we had to show both the passport and this document, for example, to get a state ID for my husband), and it also is taken in the airport when flying out. A new one is issued each time you enter the country.(My husband freaked out when they took it from him when he was flying out--they assured him that he will have a new one when he comes back.)

To keep it secure, my husband has a passport cover (like any book cover) where he can tuck it into the side "pocket".

Edited by EminTX, 25 August 2012 - 03:12 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-08-25 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresform i-94 or i-95?
I think the document that you are referring to is a small card. (square and about the size of a note card)

It should have probably been tucked in to her passport.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-08-24 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 problem
It's too bad when an organization that affects so many people doesn't spent much effort with quality control. We've had the same problem on 4 computers--2 here in the US and 2 in South America. Different OS's and different browsers. My other half went to a cheap internet cafe where apparently nothing ever is blocked for any reason and had no problem printing the form.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-03-06 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecondary Evidence Quantity? Tips?
Think of the person who has to handle your submissions. Don't send a packet that is physically heavy--actual, real people have to touch and deal with it. If it looks like a mess, human nature says to do the easy ones first and put the messy ones on the bottom of the pile.

Overloading is not necessary. If you want to include chat logs, do it, but sparingly. Everything you submit is something that you can be questioned about later so if you send it in, you better memorize every detail. (I have heard of people being asked in an interview about a random page pulled out of the immense chat logs that the submitter couldn't even remember. Pretty stupid to use it if you can't remember it, right?)

We were RFE'd for more photos and affidavits. It was a PITA to get people in the foreign country to write and them make available these affidavits in English in a timely fashion. A kind individual to whom I will forever be grateful from this site offered to hand carry them from there-to-here for us.

From what I understand, most professional foreign match-making companies only take one or two photos of the couple that they are submitting the paperwork on. I think I did 2 pages with 4 or 6 printed to a page with brief captions beneath each one. It was recommended to me to include other people in each of the photos to indicate your acceptance in your beloved's family/friend circle. I put in ones with us at a family party, at church standing with a group of missionaries, in a park in front of a famous statue near the embassy, in front of the doctor's office, with the individuals who wrote the affidavits, etc.

Be sure to close up your packet without sealing it and waiting a day or two to go over it and review for omissions or errors before actually mailing it--it is so worth the stress it saves to do this.

Above all, hang in there. The uncertainty and waiting will be torture. Your beloved is totally worth it. (To kill time, I made a ring for my husband without machines using a hammer and very basic tools over several months. The work that went into it make it a total winner of evidence of my love for him plus all that banging was very therapeutic. If you can find a similar stress-relieving hobby, absolutely do it! Getting an extra job in the meantime is very good too, because you will absolutely have good use for the money.

If interested, here is a link with how-to and other links on how to make a ring:
DIY-Make a ring / wedding band
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-07 00:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE-Do i have to translate CHATS, Convos, Emails into English
I know the RFE feels like a disheartening obstacle, but in the long run, for most folks, it doesn't seem like much more hassle than the rest of the immigration stressors.

It seems to me (my opinion only) that they ask for a variety of things, knowing that not everybody will have each thing available--this way there should be enough that you can send for them to make a decision. We never sent or offered any chat logs or samples at all. When my husband went for his interview, he had almost all the letters/cards/ and postcards I had sent to him in one section of his evidence/document notebook.

When I got my RFE, after seeing what they requested, I posted this thread here in the K-1 forum with my suggestions so that future potential "lucky" RFE recipients might already be prepared with possible items to send in-hopefully reducing delays. The thread got off track and you can clearly see my frustration in my responses but the opening post quotes what our RFE stated, if you are curious. The last post, I believe, gives the timeline for us receiving it, responding to it, and when the paperwork was deemed acceptable and sent on.

Em In Tx's RFE thread/rant from late 2011 (One of the cards I had sent him was taken and looked at as evidence during the interview.)

As frustrating as the RFE is, it means that your paperwork WAS touched, looked over, analyzed, and is in the actual queue for that person to deal with so you ARE actually moving forward and you are that much closer to the next step in this crazy process.

I am guessing that you are feeling helpless. Once you get this stuff sent in, make a list of all the possible interview questions that you can find and spend time each time you talk to your beloved reviewing some of them. My husband and I felt like we really knew the details of each others' lives better after practicing that every night for a while. This really helped him to feel more confident going in to the interview, too. Keep your chin up and remember that your sweetheart is worth all the RFE's in the world.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-16 17:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE-Do i have to translate CHATS, Convos, Emails into English
Why are you submitting more pages of chat than you are translating? More does not equal better.

When I got my RFE, they asked for 5 separate "categories" of things. I could only get some of them. It was enough.

For our affidavits, I included pictures of us with the people who wrote those documents. I don't know that it helped to verify the legitimacy of the affidavits, but I like to think it did. It was recommended on here by a very active member to simply forget about the affidavits and not bother with them at all (it was "liked" by 7 people). I wasn't comfortable not providing anything that I acutally could get.

A couple of the things requested in the RFE were for (more of?) things I had already sent in with the original application. Sigh.

Whatever. I just sent in everything I could of what they asked for and we got the notification of it being sent on a few weeks later. Good luck.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-15 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE-Do i have to translate CHATS, Convos, Emails into English
One warning that I read on here and was cautious about was to be careful about what you send in. You need to KNOW the details of what you submit for evidence. Every thing you give them can be asked about. If you, for example, are discussing in your chat log about XYZ happening on a certain date, the interviewer can pull that out and ask about it. If the person in the interview has no clue (any more) because of submitting a mountain of documents, it could look bad.

I would suspect that evidence of "conversation" could include a record of phone calls/texts as well, if your phone provider keeps records of this (and you use your phones for this, as opposed to calling cards--I am curious and will check for myself--we text each other daily so that might be something I want to include while beloved is out of the country).

Would letters/postcards/greeting cards count as converstaion, also? We made sure to send these regularly and included those to take to the interview.

Was this the only thing requested in the RFE?
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-15 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawing K -1 petition

a man is always eager to come into a peaceful loving home

Always? Um, no. Untrue. There are just as many manipulative, childish men as women. Just as many who thrive on conflict. Just as many who don't realize that marriage is a team effort and takes work and loving kindness from both sides.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-18 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawing K -1 petition
After reading the original post, I was thinking, "So, if dating and dealing with immigration makes him disappear and pout, how is he going to deal with marriage? Then more importantly PARENTHOOD???"

The experienced side of my heart/brain says to tell you that he has already clearly shown you through his actions that he will NOT be around for the long haul.

The emotional side of my heart/brain says to wait it out. Maybe he is just scared/lonely/carrying his own baggage/etc.

In my experience, waiting it out has only prolonged and intensified the pain in the end. And the problems. A runner in small disagreements certainly won't improve when situations gets really intense.

What if a friend of yours was going through this situation? What would your advice be?
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-18 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about RFE - HELP!
The affidavits don't need to be complicated and they are unnecessary at the original application stage. So many people have had them requested in RFE that I, personally, recommend having them, if possible. Here is the text of our affidavits:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My full name is
My address is
I reside at
I was born on in Lima, Perú
I am a friend of both Carlos and Emily.

I know them because Emily and I met online on a language learning website in February this year. When Emily traveled here to Lima recently, we all spent time together on October 16th. We met-up at my church on Sunday 16th at 10am. After having a good time with my Christian family we went to the Larcomar mall in Miraflores, there we watched the Pacific Ocean and we three hanged around the mall. After a couple of hours we left the place to take us some pictures and spoke for a while in a big park in front of the beach.

Carlos and Emily were enjoying their time together that day which was making me feel that I should leave them alone, but they told me it was nice for them to have me there so I stopped feeling guilty not to go. What I could notice was that they used to say to each other how much they love and in my personal opinion I think that is pretty good in a relationship because although some couple are falling in love they don’t show their real feelings very much and it turns a relationship off. They seem to be patient each other and be very available to understand anything from the other. If they keep being and acting like that I’m sure they will be very happy forever.



RE: Application for visa for Carlos
by Emily

My full name is-

My address is-

I reside at-

I was born on in Pasadena Texas.

I am a friend of both Carlos and Emily.

I know them because we spent time together in Lima on October 7th, 2011. I went to Carlos house in Lima to meet up with Emily and Carlos. Emily had just arrived in Peru and had brought me some items of mine from America. We ate breakfast and proceeded to Plaza De Armas near the University that Carlos is attending. Carlos helped to direct me to an eyeglass store so that I could repair my sunglasses. We then went to an electronics store where Carlos put minutes on his cell phone. Carlos then went to his classes and Emily and I walked around downtown Lima until Carlos was out of class. Emily had bought Carlos an apple pie in which she gave to him upon his return to Plaza De Armas. We then headed in different directions.

Carlos and Emily are a very nice couple who complement each other well. At the time spent at Carlos house, I noticed that Emily got along very well with Carlos father. After talking with them, I came to find that they had travelled to several places around South America, including the Colca Canyon in Peru and the country of Chile. Although Emily's native tongue is English, the two of them strictly spoke Spanish for the time that I was in their presence.


These aren't profound in any way, but the letters details that indicate our time together and the accompanying photos were acceptable.

The term for sending in extra stuff is FRONTLOADING. Do a search on this and you will have so many ideas that you will not run out of options. Be smart about it, though. More than a few pages of any particular unrequired evidence will probably get your fat, heavy, and unappealing file put on the bottom of the stack.

I went to court with an ex-BF many years ago. His file was in two FAT folders that each had giant rubber bands around them. The time was scheduled for 8am. When the bailiff brought out all the files for the day, the judge pointed at those fat ones and said, "Put those on the bottom. I don't even want to bother with that until this afternoon." Seriously. Then, to make it even better, the bailiff dropped them and one of them exploded apart and flew all over the place. This BF's ex-wife had called homeland security immediately after 9-11 and reported that he was a terrorist. She was demanding 100,000$ in cash to stop making false claims. That was my first personal experience with immigration fraud. He couldn't help but have a monster file. It should only be heavy after years in the system and multiple problems.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-19 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about RFE - HELP!
Do you have a printer at home? They want to see pictures, not necessarily the traditional individual prints. We put 6 or 8 to a page with captions underneath citing the date and location/situation (example: October 16, 2011 in Iglesia Evangelica Bautista de San Isidro in Lima with missionaries from San Antonio, Texas) then we wrote the name of each person on the back in ball-point pen (so as not to bleed through). This was accepted without question and is probably easier for them to put in the file since it is a sheet of paper like the rest of what is sent in.

Dated simply means to provide the date that the photo was taken. That is not complicated at all. Don't assume that things have to be digital or typed or technological.

How do passport stamps NOT prove anything? They do indeed prove that you have been to the country of your beloved. They are dated (mostly--lots of mine are crappy and not so legible, though). You didn't save any souvenirs from the time you were with your sweetheart? That is uncommon. We had ticket stubs from travel, receipts from hotels, tour tickets showing that one was paid for a local and on for a foreigner, etc. Did you rent a cell phone while there?

The UK is a low-fraud country so it is normally a lot easier.

We were RFE'd also--a month after I had returned from a visit there. I sent in the most recent boarding passes that I had still tucked into my passport wallet and had some ATM receipts and other stuff that I hadn't gotten around to shredding/discarding. You probably have plenty of stuff but need to look for them or print them (from 3rd parties like your cell phone company).

Hang in there. Lots of us have been through this already and can give you confidence that it is normally just a bump in the road--not a wall that blocks everything.

You are right to be frustrated about this being asked for NOW when you would have happily submitted it all in the first place. I followed the directions from USCIS to a T but it wasn't good enough. It seems pretty impractical and downright stupid for them to knowingly "ask" to RFE everyone who doesn't send in extra stuff because they didn't learn the realities from sites like this or friends or a lawyer. I found this site about 3 months after sending in our original packet. I am a master Google-er but with all the lawyer ad pages and such, it is a super-power to be able to filter ALL those out to get to really useful sites.

Edited by EminTX, 18 December 2012 - 11:35 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-18 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance's surname misspelled in the 'annotation' field
There was an error in my now-husband's information at the NVC and then at the embassy. He emailed them to inquire and got a response very quickly saying that they'd make corrections at the interview. They did and now everything is correct.

It IS important to get it changed before the visa is issued as I have seen with many patients over the years in the ER that, when asked their information, they ask me: "Do you want the real name/birthday/whatever or the one on my documents?" Apparently, once that visa is issued, it takes hell and highwater to get it corrected.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-30 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help with interview documents for Peru
My husband and I were talking about this topic yesterday. If she has anybody that she can stay with for a few days while collecting these documents, it would really help to reduce the stress of trying to get them all at once, not to mention when it is time for the interview or the medical appointment(s) before that interview.
EminTXFemalePeru2013-01-05 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do we start?
My own husband got his work and travel authorization (highly advised to get these!) in August but we are still waiting for AOS.

If your AOS is held up for a long time (there is no way to know when ours will happen) then at least life isn't on hold for the foreign person. My husband has gone back to his country and finished up a semester of college and graduated in the time from receiving his advanced parole (travel auth.) and now. We are seriously almost to the point where we can use a birth certificate with both our names listed as the parents as one of the pieces of evidence. That's too long, IMHO!

Good luck!
EminTXFemalePeru2013-01-19 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do we start?
You are going to find lots of helpful (and a few not-so-helpful) suggestions from many folks here. The best thing to do is to read through the forum that applies to your situation. It looks to me like you want the K-1 forum. There are so many issues and aspects that you can't even begin to anticipate and the experiences of others who have recently been through it all will help you to avoid potential problems and just be aware of some other issues.

When I first discovered this site, I started reading through any threads that were popular or had titles that interested me. I did that off and on each day for a couple of months. Almost every single possible question that is asked each day has already been covered in the last month.

Whatever you do, with the frustrations and delays, remember that you are doing more to prove your love for each other during this process than almost anything that is depicted in romantic movies or novels. Keep your chin up and stay positive and don't give up.

EminTXFemalePeru2013-01-13 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusing husband/wife it will to deny your fiance' petition?

I did the same in many of my chats/emails and I got approved.

How did you get approved already if your interview isn't until next month?
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-30 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusing husband/wife it will to deny your fiance' petition?

there is no word or term in the native language of the Philippines (Tagalog) to differentiate between a fiance and boyfriend/girlfriend ... The Philippine CO in Manila will most likely understand.

The original post-er didn't state that they were referring to lovers or fiances. The specific titles that were submitted as evidence were terms for spouses.

If you openly present something as evidence that is absolutely false in a country that is known for high fraud, it is probably not something cute or smart. The people working there are looking for examples of fraud and lies so if you are legit, then use the correct terms.

The information about common law is useful here because this is a blending of cultures. Most couples on this site are not from the same country of origin and need to be aware that things that to them might be cute but can have legal ramifications in some places. There is no way for any of us to know if this couple, in their past, traveled outside the Philipines for a romantic elopement. The visa is to the US from the Philipines and therefore, laws from the US actaully do need to be considered. Every person conducting the interviews will be looking at the situation through the filter of their own pasts and experiences. Presenting any lie is probably not a good idea.

Again, we are all being looked at under much more scrutiny than other couples. We each can exercise our rights to decide to use the information to make wiser decisions or we can be silly and throw caution to the wind.

Good luck to everybody in your own visa journeys.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-30 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusing husband/wife it will to deny your fiance' petition?
Ack--response was messed up.

Edited by EminTX, 30 December 2012 - 01:29 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-12-30 13:28:00