K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelays are so discouraging
We began our process in May. Unfortunately, the day I was sending the initial packet, I was actually leaving for the post office when my fiance in Perú called me and told me to hold off--the municipality had changed his address--both the street and house number. The notification was only for the change--it didn't actually include the new address. I didn't know that you could simply call to change an address, or I would have filed then. As soon as he had the official address, he mailed off the new originals to me. That delayed us by almost two months (a month to get his new official address and a month for the documents to arrive by mail). We had planned for him to be here in January, so this was still an acceptable timeframe.

The original packet included EXACTLY what they asked for. Getting an RFE seems like a punishment for following directions.

It took a month to get the available documents that were requested. "If only I'd have known..." then I could have gotten the damned things when I was traveling back to Perú in October. (I've requested a list of RFE document requests to be compiled for us to do while twiddling our thumbs, but apparently that is too difficult to compile. It would have been nice. The RFE sticky is so full of fluff that it is difficult to find any real information in there. Perhaps we could all start scanning in our RFE's and post them online for others to see and potentially prepare for.)

This, of course, only adds to the frustration.

My problem now is this potential timeline:

RFE sent in November--they COULD respond to it positively in January with me receiving notice in Feb.
His interview could be set for March or even April.
Visa could be issued in March, April, May.
Can't buy the tickets until the visa is in his hands. The cost is so prohibitive that there is a month delay on that. He could arrive in April, May, June.
He is REQUIRED to return to Perú in August to finish his degree that he has been in school for the last 4 years. It is one single class. There is no option for online or delayed class or anything--this is a one-shot-deal.
AP (travel document) can take 90 days. He could possibly not get it until September.

So, we are looking at a possibility that he has to say "screw you, profession that I have devoted 4 years of my life to" versus, more than a year from now of delay plus expenses. The delays could affect his earning potential, meaning his TAXPAYING potential. (Just thought I'd throw in that politically motivated thought.)

I genuinely believe our paperwork is on the desk of someone who is off for the Month of December. I could be wrong, but there is certainly no proof otherwise.

It looks like the delays by USCIS can very easily mean that we lose out and have to start over again. I have no problem being patient for 6 months, 9 months, one year, but if we have to start this again, that is too frustrating.

It is especially frustrating when my job requires me to care for the cheaters of the system who can't even respond to "What is your name?" without telling me, "No inglisss"--not even an attempt to try because they know they don't have to follow any rules and can thumb their noses at our laws and citizens. (Honestly I may see 40 "customers" a day at over 1/2 can't respond to that most basic question.) People are always saying to me, "Why don't you just bring him illegally and then change his status. It worked for my 3 cousins and 4 uncles and so-and-so's 2 ex-wives."

I am very, very depressed because it really looks bleak.

I feel like we are all in a bus stop waiting. Some people get on the bus and go. Others of us can see our buses but aren't allowed to get on. We see new people walk into the bus station and then brag about how easy it was to get right on because (tee hee), "we are just so lucky (ha ha ha)" while others are simple punished with the timeless time-out.

Okay, enough of my ranting. That was slightly cathartic.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-21 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHOW LONG DOES POE PROCESS TAKE?
In my signature below, there is a link to look up the airport you are entering at and see what their averages are for processing incoming folks. That should give you a baseline for minimum time (I'd add to that, though, especially if you possibly have to re-check in for a domestic flight also).

Good luck and please, report back here when you have gone through this. It is a "popular" concern.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-10 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
What does the official website say? What are you told when you call?

I have my RFE at home (that I rcvd this week) and can double check what it says about people who haven't seen each other in that time period, if you'd like.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-19 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa - Things to be aware at customs?

Had an Intl flight recently disembarked when you took the photos?

Um...I had just disembarked, I had a super heavy carry on (luggage policies were changed while on the trip, 2 suitcases checked to fly out, and only one allowed to come back -- I had to carry as much as a pack animal--gggrrrrr) so I was the last one to disembark. As I was walking, the flight crew passed me by. I stopped to use the restroom. I doubt that it was longer than 20-25 minutes from when they opened the door on the jet. Everyone in the room that was not an employee there was from my flight. I am pretty sure that qualifies as recently. I can't imagine having another opportunity to take the pix. It's not like anyone can enter that area.

I was guessing that between the three selections (actually it is two lines), that citizens--no, residents-yes (he is moving here and has the visa for that purpose), visitors--no. It is not a tourist or work visa and he is not a citizen, but as of that day, his address will be changed. I know it is impossible for them to make a sign for every situation and thew 3 cover almost everybody. The flight crew automatically went to the visitors side, I think. Perhaps, the visitors side should really say this, "EVERYBODY THAT'S LEFTOVER, GO THIS WAY-->".

I have no doubt that the options are questionable to others, too and they are used to dealing with it.

Edited by EminTX, 09 January 2012 - 04:34 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-09 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa - Things to be aware at customs?

Ask the officer, you should have no problems.

There was NOT an officer. There were 2 cleaning ladies but they didn't know (and didn't speak English). Look at my photo. The other people were passengers who were filling out paperwork or waiting.
I did a picture walkthrough of the airport for my fiance so that he can see what everything looks like when he arrives (link is in my sig). There were no other people.

He'll most likely be on the early flight like I was, so I am guessing that he'll pick "residents". What are they gonna do if he is in the wrong line? Yell at him? Stand him in the corner? Make him even more nervous?
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-08 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa - Things to be aware at customs?

I just returned from Peru in November and asked a supervisor of CBP this exact question for when my finacee and I come to the USA together he told me " no problem, it is perfectly ok to stay with her in the non-citizen line. This was at Houston airport

This has been my question: Which line do visa holders get get in? I have never seen anyone available to ask, just other passengers.

He's not a citizen (yet), he will be a resident once he is through customs, and he is not a visitor. The resident direction seems the best choice, but then again...

Posted Image

Taken in Houston Intercontinental Airport October 21st, 2011.

Edited by EminTX, 21 December 2011 - 02:52 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-21 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
They state they received our submissions on December 5th, touched it on Dec 6th, and then let it marinade until today when I got this:
On January 10, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).

Thanks for the encouragement from those who offered it and good luck to others.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-10 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
Oh yeah, I wanted to add--Yesterday my printer/copier died outright. I went to get a new one. I got an HP Photosmart 5510. Total setup took me maybe 15 minutes. It uses individual ink cartridges that are around 11$ each at Fry's, and best of all it is wireless so no digging for cables when I wanna print. It was 70$ including taxes.

(I tried to edit that to add this paragraph but I couldn't.)
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-29 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS

WOW - that's what is all about - VJ'ers helping others. That is awesome! :thumbs:

You are absolutely correct!

I met with Tito yesterday and he handed off the documents to me personally. He took the time to answer questions about his experiences and to give advice that he has gleaned through his immigration adventures. This means that Tito is officially my hero for November.
Tito--you ROCK!!!

I have copied them and edited my cover letter to include that and paper-clipped a photo of the both of us with one of the writers to one of the affidavits for good measure.

I wrote RFE on the back of the envelope as suggested by another member in a thread here to make it a tiny bit easier for someone sorting this out along with the case number.

Hopefully, this will make the anonymous face that deals with this satisfied and we can move forward with no more stressors than usual.

Good luck to everybody who is in the same boat and congrats to those of you who have "safely landed ashore".

EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-29 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS

think most people on here were trying to help and you seemed to be getting really worked up about it.

Just trying to bridge the gap and keep the peace.

This site is such an excellent resource, but there are way too many fluff posts with no actual usefulness in them. Example, I have been wading through the RFE-stickied-thread in this board and it is difficult to actually get any real information because of:

1.) All the "Yeah!" "Me too!" smilies, "I hope I am okay" "Oops!" and other non-contributing comments
2.) People who quote (repost) an entire post without editing. (I can see where that is a bit confusing on this board with the option to reply without doing this below everything else) Folks, you can simply delete what you don't need when posting.
3.) Hijackings
4.) "What should I do because I am too lazy to bother reading for myself before asking a question?" type space-fillers
6.) "I am going to give advice even though I have no experience and I don't have a visa and my advice is contradictory to what is requested by the Department of Immigration"

To be stickied, it really needs to be cleaned up. I have been reading a few pages on this site every day since I discovered it, but those time-suckers really make it like a needle in a haystack most of the time to find any real information or experiences.

My intention was for this to be short and sweet and to give a bit of possible advice. I just really wish I had known about the request for letters with references to specific places and dates 7 months ago. Then we would have legitimately had them. I also wish I had known about the affidavits. I would have had those also. If I would have had them, I would have sent in the stuff for the RFE yesterday. Because I didn't know about them, we will now be delayed maybe a month more while we gather them together. (I know, I know--several more people will suggest that we just ignore that. YOU can ignore whatever you want, we will follow the directions the best way we can and submit as-complete of evidence as possible.)

I get worked up with people who waste my time (or expect me to do all the work/find all the answers for them, or give me outright stupid advice).

Now, I think I have an online Scrabble game to win. Good luck, everybody.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-16 22:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS

the way you worded your original post that has made it seem you were going to retroactively write letters between you and your fiance....

I never stated that I intend to write any future letters anywhere in that post. I can't see how you would assume that. I simply stated what I received in the RFE and what I suggest for others based on that. I then stated that I don't have any letters that can provide what they want. I also quoted the RFE about supplying affidavits and stated that I am going to try to provide them. Are you assuming that an affidavit is a love letter?

Dinner not required, very happy to help. I know first hand how excruciating the delays are in this process.

It would still be lovely to celebrate our visa milestones here in this great city. If y'all are interested, pm me. :)
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-16 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS

Even in some tribe today in Nigeria and so in some other country, a man is legallly able to marry more than one wife...
Hope i was able to clarified myself a bit better..........

Oscar, please let me thank you for taking the time to offer advice, but....


When you are responding in a thread about something, please do try to make it sensible. Marital advice, lawyers, lying, cheating, plural marriages, etc have NOTHING to do with writing letters to your beloved

Oscar, when you are on a message board, write your responses to reflect the topic. Sometimes the topic has changed and that is okay because conversations naturally flow,but this one hasn't. You are doing what is called hijacking the thread (like hijacking a plane--you are trying to take it over and do something completely different). This is very rude.

Please quit.

Also, please reread this thread from the beginning. Perhaps with a review, you can then understand why your posts are so irritating and contribute better in the future.

If you want to say more that has nothing to do with the topic of preparing for an RFE, then please send it to me privately. Don't post it here.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-16 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS

Making up evidence dosent really help relationship rather it backfires...

No one here is doing any of this to help their relationship. We are all here trying to deal with a bureaucracy and to make sure that the paperwork is done right.

If you, personally, think that filling our forms and jumping through hoops is the secret to a long-lasting marriage, more power to you.

BTW--"making up" is an idiom that means LYING. You are the one referring to being a liar, no one else.

BTW, in your earlier post, you seemed to have derided people who use lawyers. If I did not speak English and had no one trustworthy to help me, you can bet your butt that I'd use a professional. That only makes sense.

If YOUR paperwork went through easily, then that is a wonderful blessing, but for the rest of us, we are patiently doing what is required.

If I can easily do what may be required while I am waiting anyway, then I can save time later. Is this really that hard to understand? It is not rocket science.

Most Americans that visit there fiancee abroad soley do so becus they knew or might have tried getting a visiting visa for the person in question

Now, I will openly call you a liar. You are, in fact, making this up. It says a lot about the validity of your intentions with your visa application.

I visited my fiancé the first time because we were friends. It was then that we decided to marry. I visited him last month because I love him and I had the means to visit. I am pretty sure that the majority of folks here can state the same.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-16 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS

...But is all about honesty and just following instrusctions as stipulated...People that basically use lawyers are people that have worries on things maybe that have misuse the immigration benefit ...

Actually, if you got your interview done and completed in 30 days on a typical K1 visa, then you should buy a lottery ticket.

We DO intend to be honest. What is with the people insinuating that we are not?

Forget the letters and affidavits

This document requests them and, if we can obtain them, we will. If this proves to be impossible, then we will send without it. It doesn't make sense to me that you, a stranger on a message board, are advising me to ignore what is requested in the RFE from the Department of Immigration.

The RFE will be responded to with everything they have asked for except the letters, which simply don't exist with information they require.

I am really wondering why the RFE. It seems that you had enough evidence to begin with.

I am curious how you know what was sent in my original packet.
Actually, I thought that sending exactly what they asked for would be enough, also, but the person sitting behind the desk is exactly that, a person, who can make decisions based on whatever experiences and training and ideas s/he has.

Do you think that because he used esposa when refering to you had a lot to do with the RFE?

The RFE that I got 2 days ago was the first request for letters between us. They had never seen them. Again, we do NOT have letters that follow the requested format--stating in a personal letter any reference to a specific time and place when we were together.

I work for Continental Airlines and go to Lima often and will be going around the 7th of Dec. I also am willing to help you with getting documents to Peru.

Thank you so much for your offer. Also, thank you again to G&T. My fiancé has told me that he would rather trust express mail (I am guessing DHL maybe) instead of individuals. I really do appreciate this offer. I also carried items to someone when I was there last month to somebody. I am getting the feeling that this sort of passing-stuff-on-to-someone-there is a normal part of the traveling back-and-forth routine. After we are all here together with our beloveds, we should arrange a Peruvian night with roasted chicken, aji, rice, taters, salad, and some smuggled grenadillas (ha ha--just joking, of course. I sure wish I could find them here.)

You don't have to start writing snail mail just to provide evidence, if you use Skype/Yahoo/Google you can do screen shots of of your chat screen and save them on your computer to print later.

Perhaps I could have, but we had not and, when going through our Skype transcript, we didn't do a lot of typing--the majority is speaking. When we did type, it was usually clarification of things that I would really rather not have associated with me in any official's hands. (Trying to understand slang or more romantic writings are not things that I can send to them.) Remember, we could have had all this done if I had only known about it. We have been twiddling our thumbs for 7 months.

On my first visit to my fiance I was advised to take pictures of the two of us holding current copies of local newpapers with the date clearly visible.

We actually tried to do this. Newspapers are different in Perú. They are not always available in the early morning. On my last day there, we spent 2 hours walking around (from around 7 am to around 9) with the intention of doing just that. We couldn't find a single place selling a newspaper. (This was near the embassy--we went there before a doctor's appointment so that he could see the place. There were a few families going in together for their various situations.) We got sidetracked and never actually got the photo taken. Besides, this was after I had originally filed. the RFE is very insistent about dates involving the time BEFORE filing.

BTW--You can't take pictures of/near the embassy (in Lima--elsewhere??). If you even have your camera in your hands, security will come running at you like you are on fire.

Thank you, everyone for your input. Just for the record, though...

I am not asking for advice. I am OFFERING advice for new filers, so that they can have the evidence ready in case they get an RFE.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-16 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
I just now received an email telling me that I would be getting a letter for the RFE. hahahaha

The best line in the email is this:

<<<"Your application or petition will be held in suspense during that time.">>>

Suspense? Whomever wrote that line has a sick sense of humor that I can appreciate.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-15 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
JK, thanks for the info. I was unaware of that.

C&A, Our letters don't usually include our names, just our petnames or terms of affection. They could appear to have been letters from other people altogether. Besides, I don't have the required information where I mentioned any specific dates and places in them. They are silly romantic poetry or postcards of specific places we have traveled to without each other.

When I was preparing to file, I made up notebooks for each of us with the same information in them (originals went to him to take to his interview) and copies of everything submitted or to be submitted in the future.

I already was prepared with copies of:
travel documents/ticket stubs/flight confirmations/etc
photos (I did NOT have any that included other people, though--thanks to everyone on here that have already lived through rejection on this detail and told us about it! I now have pix with other people in them.)
Copies of my passport

I don't have letters because they simply don't exist.
I don't have affidavits, but...the person most difficult to get a hold of actually checked his email today and has already written one and emailed me a copy for my approval. My other half can go to him and they can get it notarized and then, thanks to the generous offer of G&T, we can have this (and hopefully one more) in my hands and ready to mail out in less than 2 weeks--woohoo!!!!!!!!

Hopefully they will be convinced of the truth in this relationship. Crossing my fingers for a smooth ride the rest of the way!
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-15 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS

Do not fabricate evidence. Just be honest.

And don't make stuff up. If you don't have letters that meet their needs, do not write them for the RFE. one said didley squat about fabricating evidence. My suggestion is for other people who are filing. Especially people who rely mostly on emails and/or Skype for communication may not have any letters or letters that are not good enough to send. The request states to send in letters. You can't submit them if they don't exist. If you are filing, you can do that during your wait time.

Also, I don't get your reference to multitudes of photos. Where did that come from? Certainly not a response to anything I have said!

Your idea that I am planning to be a liar is very insulting.

I wish I would have known to do this before now--in the last 7 months, we could have gotten these things done and I would not be scrambling now.

G&T, thank you so much for your offer. I will see if my fiance can get the affidavits from the people there and then hand them off to you. I'll promise you to a dinner out, if you want, in exchange for helping me out.

As a side note, the RFE is from Vermont, not Texas. I am not sure why.
EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-15 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
I got a request for evidence. Sigh.

Here is my recommendation. Start writing letters to each other that are not embarrassingly mushy or inappropriate that state in them specific times that you were together.

Possible examples:
" Baby, remember when we were at the beach together on your mom's birthday and I lost my sunglasses? I finally got a new pair."
"Honey, when we were in Moquegua for Easter, that was the best time ever. I want to celebrate one of our anniversaries there with our future children."
" I think I still have cramps in my legs from dancing with you so much at that wedding of your crazy classmate on the first of July."
Whatever. Just be sure to include that you were together and refer to a specific date.
My own fiancee was jumping the gun and referring to me as "esposa" in all his letters and finally quit when I got nasty about it, but every one of his letters, cards, etc refer to me in that way.... sooooo.

In addition, go ahead and gather a couple of affidavits (probably best if they are in English) also.

For your own ease, if you must do this and it takes weeks for mail to cross the ocean like it does for us, just go ahead and do this now.

Here is the body of the RFE:
Submit evidence that you and your fiancé(e) have met each other in person at some time during the two-year period from July 13, 2009 until July 13, 2011, the filing date of your petition.Evidence should include, but is not limited to:

--Copies of travel documents (itineraries, tickets, hotel accommodations, etc.)
--Photos (date and place of the photo must be handwritten on photos)
--Letters written to each other after your meeting(s), referencing the specific date and place of your meeting(s)
--Photocopies of your passport and/or your fiancé(e)'s passport, (including biographical data pages and pages showing entry and exit stamps)n showing that you have both been present in a given location at the same time.
--Affidavits of friends, neighbors, or other knowledgeable associates. All affidavits must conform to the guidelines cited below:
Written statements sworn to or affirmed by two persons, other than yourself and the person you are petitioning for, who were living at the time the event(s) occurred, and who have personal knowledge of the event you are trying to prove. The persons making the affidavits may be relatives and need not be citizens of the United States. Each affidavit must contain the following information regarding the person making the affidavit: his or her full name and address; date and place of birth; relationship to you, if any; full information concerning the event; and complete details concerning how he or she acquired knowledge of the event.

I don't have letters that I can send and the only people who can write affidavits for us in English are also travelers that I can't get a hold of. This has to be submitted within 3 months. With it taking a full 30 days or more sometimes for the mail to travel from Lima to Houston (I don't know why, but this has happened more than once!), and the difficulty accessing people who were with us that can verify our relationship, I really, REALLY wish we had done this first. So, everybody else, get busy. The other stuff I already have.

Edited by EminTX, 15 November 2011 - 01:30 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2011-11-15 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone successfully use composite photos?

I attended my fiance's interview and they did not ask for one piece of evidence of relationhsip.

Please forgive me for going off-topic, but doesn't showing up with your fiance demonstrate an incredible amount of evidence of the relationship?

As pix, I printed 3 on one page and 4 on another with the details handwritten on the backs of each as per the instructions that were sent to me (this was for my RFE). For the travel documents, I included a paperclipped snapshot of us in that location to copy of the tickets. Again, I handwrote the info on the back. There were two of these.

Apparently, this was sufficient for the photos, but we haven't been through the interview process, yet.

Everything I sent in, both with the original application and then with the RFE, easily fit into a single mailing envelope.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-14 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE pls help!

The RFE will come with a return envelope and return documents. Use them.

My RFE did NOT come in any special envelope. It was the same envelope type that my NOA1 and NOA2 were sent in.

I did read on here to write in big letters on the back of the envelope "RFE" so that it would be absolutely clear what was in there. I did that, but I don't know if that helped.

Really, the RFE should have had instructions in it. It is probably best to follow those instructions. Mine asked for 5 things--I was only able to provide 4 of those and we got the NOA2 after 39 days. Apparently the weird thing they asked for wasn't something that they actually cared about.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-19 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresList of Q's possible at the interview for her?
I have collected all of them as I have come across them on here. My fiance and I have a weekly routine of going over 10-15 of them. I copy them into an email and send them to him. I then send an email to him with me answering all those questions about him and he does the same with answers about me. Later, we discuss these answers. We've actually enjoyed doing this as it gives us some tangible information about each other that our lovey-dovey discussions seem to leave out. My collection is from the ones listed by people from everywhere, not only Perú. Since everything is fair game, it seems worthwhile to cover as much as we can in this long long wait.

Going over these routinely has helped my fiance to not be as nervous. As we have covered the same questions in different ways, he is more confident that he can answer them correctly. I have been really impressed at the details he remembers.

If you want, I can look later and paste them in here.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-21 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExport Skype Chat Logs

That hurts my fingers to scrolling downPosted ImagePosted Image

Ummm... You can use window's short cuts of
CNTL + A = highlight EVERYTHING
CNTL + SHIFT = highlights everything between the cursor and mouse
CNTL + C = copy
CNTL + V = Paste what you've copied. (I think of the V as an arrow pointing to that spot.)

That Windows tour on your computer that you ignored when you bought the thing, that is the kind of stuff in there.

EminTXFemalePeru2011-12-12 22:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this be a red flag?

i am filing through Nigeria and not UK.I am not a resident in the UK.

Ummm...then why did you state in your profile that the UK is where you are coming from. Look at your image over there to the left. See that flag? That is why everyone thinks you are looking at the requirements from England.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-21 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this be a red flag?
7 years? Are you serious? That is pretty typical. A 25 year difference, now THAT might raise an eyebrow or two, but not all of them. A 60 year difference, well, that would probably get a question, but maybe not. Look through the pictures on here that folks have posted in the gallery (upper left corner) and see how common an apparent age difference is. That should give you all the peace of mind you need. :) (My sister's Brittish husband is 8 years her junior.)
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-21 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestax returns 2011??

I was lost myself

This is how I am explaining taxes to my other half:

Taxes are due in the following year. Taxes for 2011 are due this year-2102. Taxes for 2010 were due last year-2011, and are the most recent ones available for most people because documents for filing taxes don't even have to be MAILED until the end of January. (This is what I am waiting on--documents from my mortgage company. Also, apparently some types of companies have until mid Feb to mail theirs out.)

Forms to fill our are available online , at public libraries, most post offices, and by calling 1-800-829-3676. Here's the link to the site in Spanish:
El IRS en Español

The person filing has the option to do this online, usually for free:
Free filing information from the IRS

If you are driving around a city and see folks dressed up as icons of the US (Statues of Liberty, Uncle Sam, dollar signs, etc), these are walking advertisements for places that charge you a HUGE percentage to get your overpaid tax refund back faster. Example, if you paid 2000U$ too much last year, you might be able to get that issued back to you online very quickly. You can pay these places to file for you, deposit the check into their accounts, and they cut you a check immediately for a majority of it. You might get 1500U$. If you've got you finances together enough that you are not living in crisis mode, you can always wait. (In other words, using places like this is a sign of stupidity and lack of self discipline.)

Taxes are frustrating and, like most working people, I am paying a bigger percentage, even though my income has held steady over the last 5 years. Currently less people are paying taxes than are pulling money out.

**Edited to add:
Any person who has filed should have copies saved from past years, absolutely on paper and possibly online. You can request copies from past years, but it is smarter to keep up with your stuff. If you file online, you might have a copy in your emails as an attachment. This is pretty uncommon, though.

The Social Security Number, that is used for taxes and is illegal to require for non-financial business (dr's offices, for example), is very personal and very private. You should guard that as much as the private parts on your body--it is THAT important and in the hands of a criminal, your life can be devastated.

Edited by EminTX, 27 January 2012 - 10:34 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-27 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy RFE ?

Is "RFE" a USCIS term or a VJ term? If the latter, I don't think writing "RFE" on the envelope will help.

Check out this official USCIS link:
RFE Project
See that clickable link right there above the word PROJECT?

While writing that on the envelope didn't seem to help me (or maybe it did--who knows, maybe when my aprover got back from a month's vacation, then s/he said--"Oh, this should be easy..."), I don't see how it can hurt.

I am willing to do anything that is cost-free or pain-free, if it can help. (That is why I have a link to MY RFE ADVICE in my signature. It is something K-1 filers can do while they are waiting and writing back and forth to each other anyway and would only cost them the amount of ink it takes to add one or two lines to any of their letters. This was something that was requested, and to be told to get something in a hurry that I could have done painlessly several months ago, well... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.)

Edited by EminTX, 27 January 2012 - 11:21 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-27 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy RFE ?
You got an envelope????

I read on VJ to mark the outside of the envelope (the side with the flap) with RFE in big letters so that there is no doubt what it is.

Mine would have fit in a normal envelope, but it would have been a bit tight. How many pages are you sending? Is it what was requested or are you fluffing it up with extra stuff?

I just used a typical full-sized envelope (so no pages were folded or bent) and sent ours return-receipt so that I would KNOW they got it. They didn't touch it after that for over a month.

Good luck.

Edited by EminTX, 27 January 2012 - 10:42 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-27 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Help Needed
Are you serious that they only wanted one thing? How strange.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-27 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Help Needed
I am also curious about the entire actual text of the body of the RFE. Mine had 5 things requested (a link to the actual text is in my signature) and I only was able to get 4 of them. We already had 3 in preparation of such an occasion and we scrambled to get the 4th. The 5th thing was something weird that probably doesn't exist for anybody. 4 out of 5 was good enough and ours has now been sent on.

You can take a photo of the document and edit out private info to upload here or just copy it by typing the info in, if you want to show us.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-27 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow much is enough!!
One thing that was pointed out in this exact same topic recently was that any evidence you take with you is something that you can be questioned about. I believe the example used was that if you and your fiance discussed in chat about a specific event and that is what is pulled out of the stack at random and you don't remember didley-squat about it, that alone would make you seem suspicious.

If YOU plan to re-read the entire thing within the day before and you can successfully do that, then that might be a good rule of thumb about volume. For us, I know how paper-workers feel about getting a huge stack of obvious fluff and how I, personally, respond to that. It is inconsiderate to the person that you are expecting to look at it to be intentionally overwhelming and this action demonstrates a clear lack of respect.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-29 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSKYPE
Here's the discussion 3 different times in the last 30 days. When I do a search in this board for the word "Skpye" in titles only, I get 36 different options. For the word "Chat", I get 40 options.

Skype logs 1

Skype logs 2\

Skype logs 3

Here is another one from 6 weeks ago that looks like it was rather lively:
Skype logs 4
EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-29 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime from interview until Visa is actually in hand, ready to cross
My other half is nervous about flying, too, but he'd rather we have the money in our pockets instead of paying for another round trip ticket.

If you can get a direct flight at all, this would be a loving gesture, and most likely less expensive than two tickets. If I lived in Garden City Kansas, I would be willing to drive to Dallas (or any other major hub with a large international airport) to pick up my other half so that he could have the decreased stress of a direct flight. I know this isn't always possible from many places around the world, but since I am able to do this for my beloved, I absolutely will. (Being considerate when you can and don't have to be is, of course, one of the secrets to successful marriages.:) )

Here's a list of direct flights from Cozumel (I think this is where y'all are coming from, right?):

Atlanta, GA 2h 56m Delta
Charlotte, NC 3h 9m US Airways
Chicago, IL 3h 42m American
Dallas, TX 2h 30m American
Denver, CO 3h 45m Frontier
Houston, TX 2h 21m Continental
Minneapolis, MN 3h 59m Delta, Sun Country
Montreal, Canada 4h 47m Sunwing, Air Canada
Toronto, Canada
(For anyone who thinks it is easy-peasy to deal with being rerouted and getting the run-around, try seeing this from the perspective of someone who is already nervous like crazy and then may not communicate the best and then is getting more tired and more exhausted and... On my first trip to South America, the 3rd leg got rerouted--it was a nightmare and the trip ended up taking about 28 hours-no sleep, pseudofood, and I was very physically ill upon arrival. )


I didn't realize it was so easy that you are seeing each other so often. That is outstanding! Your plan to bring him back with you is the absolute best, IMHO. I can't justify that at 850$ a pop for me plus I can't get any more time off work.

Edited by EminTX, 27 January 2012 - 12:38 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-01-27 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre letters needed from friends?
Affidavits were requested by USCIS in our RFE. If you can easily get these and there isn't more trouble than the postage, I'd say to go ahead and do everything that is a possibility when it is easy and not when you are scrambling. For us, we had everything ready in case of an RFE except for such letters (they'd have been easier to get 2 weeks earlier when I was in that country rather than after returning home--delays are excruciating) and another weird thing. (Details are in the link in my signature line.)

They should NOT be asking you for this, but it does happen sometimes and if it is painless, I'd say do it. I also wear my seatbelt in my truck even though I don't anticipate an accident.

Before filing, check out "frontloading" threads. This could save a world of frustration down the line. Good luck.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-04 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long would it take for you to know if you get an RFE?

Between the first notise and the second notice the mmigration services are doing a background check of you and your fiance,

Actually, after your first notice (NOA1), your file goes on a shelf until it is gotten to. Months later, when it is finally looked at, that is when things start moving and an RFE or NOA2 will be sent.

For us, NOA1 was the first week of July and an RFE was in November. NOA2 was January. Nothing more since then.
EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-08 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing to houston with baby and fiance
I have photos of the walkthrough of Intercontinental (as its called by locals) linked in my signature, if seeing what it looks like might make you more comfortable. If you'll be driving in Houston, the video link explains a little bit about our local roads at the end.

From what I understand, since you have a citizen passport and visas, you can pick whatever line since you'll be together. I would, personally, pick the the shortest. When I flew in last time, that was the visa holder line. After y'all have your documents checked, there is an area on the other side. That is supposed to be where she is checked. Others have written that they waited for the visa holder at the end of the way by the escalator. If you go down, you can't come back up. The luggage claim area is below and you could wait there for her with your belongings, if you want.

The wait could be as long as 2 hours. The average times are cited (another link is in my signature below--for processing times)so you can have some vague idea about how long. Take some magazines. Seriously. It would be a good idea for both of you.

After you get back together and have your luggage, there is a last customs checkpoint. Then you have the option to head back into the airport to catch a different flight or exit. The exit is into a room that is not too big where someone could be waiting for you.

If you have any questions about Houston itself, please feel free to ask. I am a transplant here myself so I might be able to help you out.

I am very excited for y'all. And jealous!

Edited by EminTX, 13 February 2012 - 12:26 PM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-13 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresonly take documents needed in interview?
I agree. I have heard and read too many times of being asked for something that you have already provided. It won't kill you to carry that stuff so why not? (Unless you are sure that between the zillion people who have had their hands on your stuff that not one single thing could have gone missing...........)
EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-15 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! COMPLETE change of personality.... :(
Let me see if I understand your rational. You have invested lots of time, love, and money in this relationship and you don't want that wasted. If this was a sports car and you drove it joyfully for a year then the next year the transmission went out, you cracked the block, and then your car was stolen by a drug smuggler and when the police had returned it to you, it was ripped apart because of getting the bad things out, and it was in horrible condition and not drivable, would you say, "I enjoyed the car and now its time is past and it won't benefit me to spend another minute, dollar, or emotion on it and move on" or "Oh noooooo....I LOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEDDDD this car and MUST HAVE IT!!!!" ?

What would it take for you to treat someone the way she has treated you? If you did that to anyone, would that relationship be salvageable?

How mature are you? You want her to change but it seems to me that you are the one that needs to change. Holding on tight to something dead doesn't bring it back to life.

What exactly do you want from her? Really. Make a list of what she needs to do, say, and give to make this work. (You don't have to actually give it to her. Is she capable of that? If she doesn't respond to you now, what do you really expect to happen later on, if you do manage to work this occasion out?

Edited by EminTX, 17 February 2012 - 12:21 AM.

EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-17 00:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion...
Is this serious? The fiance knowingly broke the law and doesn't care that breaking the law is what criminals do and he was caught and now wants the ones who caught him (the US) to just say, "Okie dokie. I guess that since you intentionally demonstrated that you can't be trusted or even try to be respectful of our country, come on in."

On a related note, how much did that cost him? Wouldn't it have been cheaper for him to go visit you? Or was the plan for him to not get caught and just live here illegally forever?
EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-17 01:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmail & messenging pseudonyms
How about writing and sending some real letters, postcards, and cards? Those certainly won't be hacked. You have several months of time to kill and nothing beats getting something in the mail that your beloved held in his/her own hands. If you absolutely must write something that you don't want seen by any official person, put it on a Post-it note that your beloved can just take off. I like to perfume the stickies then he can stick that on his headboard and enjoy the fragrance for a couple of nights.

(Hint: Screen shots taken periodically during live video chat are also popular to include. It's typically FN + PRT SC and then paste it into Paint or a document or whatever.)
EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-17 01:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis is really annoying....
We had our I-129F ready and sealed in May, I was literally getting dressed to go to the post office when my fiance received notice from his municipality that his address would change (the house was re-streeted and re-numbered) and to begin preparing to make changes in all official documents and blah blah blah. He needed to be here in January. We had plenty of time, statistically. So, we elected to wait until the city got its stuff together and he had an official new permanent address so that all documents would be accurate. That was the first week of July. Excellent. We still had plenty of time statistically. We got the NOA2 in mid-January. He has his embassy appointment on March 14th. The average number is an AVERAGE. Some get less but just as many get more. We are possibly really screwed because he has to retake one single class to graduate from college and it is only offered beginning in July and if he doesn't go this year, he will forfeit his education. WE have to marry IMMEDIATELY when he arrives and file immediately after that so that he can travel. The possibility if very real that we may have to go through all this all over again. (Or, of course, he can give up his education and profession completely.)

On top of that, we would like to have a child and since I am almost 41, the odds of pregnancy are about 12% of that of a 25-year-old in the best of circumstances. There is no fighting biology. Every month more that we are apart is a like a slap in the face to our dream of a child.

We feel like we are hitting roadblocks that we have to hurdle over again and again.

Our situation is annoyingly frustrating. Yours, IMHO, is looking pretty good.

I had no idea that it would take over a year from the time we decided to marry for him to arrive here, yet there are many, many stories of people who die during the wait, or the pregnant fiance gives birth and the baby gets sick over there, or some other tragedy that is only compounded heavily by the delays. We are very blessed in this situation--both of us AND both of y'all. Hang in there.

(I do feel your pain. I know also just how aggravating it is to read tales, especially here, where people say, "Tee hee. I messed up so much but we still had our interview in 2 months and we are together already, and oh, we are just so lucky. It is sooooo easy. You don't have to bother following directions for the forms. Ignore what they say. Just print out all your Skype chatlogs and photos to take with you to the interview. They don't really want all that other stuff. It's just secondary evidence." I keep waiting to read one of this type of report where the person states that upon arrival, the visa-holder bought a lottery ticket and won the Power Ball because s/he was just sooooo lucky. )
EminTXFemalePeru2012-02-17 00:58:00