K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
I think I have done that thank you biggrin.gif

Please feel free and write all the letters you wish.

People who have been on the site a while have nothing to gauge what we may consider new people by other than their questions and the "Joined:" from date. So that is WHAT I go by when responding to someone here, that is my reference and probably for a lot of other people. So I appreciate your past experiences but now you are here on THIS site and YOUR "Joined" date is your reference date for people who DONT know anything about you, so please understand and respect that, and if you are doing that already then you know what I am trying to tell you.

ITS the INTERNET people you have to take it with a grain of salt and grow some thick skin.

ramos96MaleCanada2007-09-19 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
Agreed Iones,

People who are new to the process NEED to read the guides and LISTEN to people who have been thru the process. ONCE you as someone who is NEW has been thru a particular section of the process then you should provide that experience to others, examples: ADDing to the guides, providing advice to OTHER NEW people, like MOST of us do.

U.S. Wendy your hope is admirable you are NOT to be faulted, but YOU need to be realistic, I'm sorry but life is like that, learn that now or you will have other problems in your life, people BEFORE you have had to wait and now you will also have to wait. Im sorry you dont like the process, suck it up the rest of us did.


p.s. Letters will do nothing but KILL more trees, that the world already needs for oxygen and I'm not even a naturalist and I understand that. As an American, I intend to do what will matter, listen to the candidates and see which is lying the least and CAST my VOTE for HOPEFULLY someone that might change things a LITTLE bit. I urge everyone else if they can VOTE, please do so.

Edited by ramos96, 19 September 2007 - 11:33 AM.

ramos96MaleCanada2007-09-19 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
I have to say this since no one else has!!!

Cant we all just get along..... Rodney King

To the newbies: You all are going to have to wait like the rest of us did, so unless you are an congressman/woman with direct oversight of the funding for the USCIS, sit yer azz down in the bus like the rest of us and enjoy your ride.

To the Old folks like me WHO have been thru some of the process:

Lord forgive them all for they know not what they do - Jesus of Nazereth
We need to be a little more patient and guide them to things like the FREAKIN TIMELINES so they get it thru THEIR Thick SKULL, "WoW im gonna have to wait, im not special, im just an american"


Edited by ramos96, 19 September 2007 - 11:21 AM.

ramos96MaleCanada2007-09-19 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy visa journey is over right here
ramos96MaleCanada2007-10-11 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy visa journey is over right here
who the hell is lola? I thought her name was applewow...... <looking for an exit off of this train wreck>

Edited by ramos96, 11 October 2007 - 10:08 AM.

ramos96MaleCanada2007-10-11 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrage Consent Letter

how come i never get any love.....

ramos96MaleCanada2007-10-11 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrage Consent Letter
OMG peoplez take a chill pill, just answer the poor person's question and move on, stop letting your personal bias interfere.

To the OP: here is a sample for you.

We, <Names of the parents>, consent to our <child's name> getting legally married to <other person getting married>.

<signatures of parents>
<date it>
<witness signature, i would do this just to be safe>
<notary seal>


If there is anything else we can help you with please ask, not all of us will judge you and let our personal views get in the way.

ramos96MaleCanada2007-10-11 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent K-1 Documents but didn't get anythings back to USCIS - Taxas
Hi Kun,

We posted our I 129-F to the Texas center back in late April and haven't heard back yet. We know that we are at least on the system as my fiance called up the customer service line (if your boyfriend wants to try that the number is 1-800 375 5283). Your boyfriend can then at least see if the documents have arrived with them and that your case is in the system.

Good luck.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-24 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions about our K-3 application
Just a slight update of the situation.

I have just called the USCIS and they were very helpful. According to the two people I spoke to, they are likely to ask for the statement of intent to be submitted rather than just denying the case. I presume omissions of some types are pretty regular occurences. That's one small weight slightly off my mind, but we will see.

My fiance has to call them back later today to ask for the NOA1 information.

Please keep your fingers crossed for us. We both want this more than anything. :)
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-25 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions about our K-3 application
Thanks again for all the advice. I'm going to call up the USCIS tomorrow morning and find out what the deal is. Like I say, we haven't had the NOA1 back yet so we also need to clear that up. I'm hoping that they will just ask for us to send the statements that are missing currently rather than deny our petition altogether.

If we have no success then, as you have said, we have a few options. First off we can apply again with everything in tact or we can see about getting married out here. What ever happens, we know that we want to spend the rest of our lives together and we just have to find the easiest way to achieve this.

I'm just finding the whole process really frustrating and a little upsetting right now. Please, keep your fingers crossed for us that we don't have to go through this again and can get our problem with the statement sorted out.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-24 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions about our K-3 application

Sounds like you should consider getting married and starting all over.
Just my 2 cents!

That is one option i suppose, but we are already in the process of planning the wedding out there. Also, it's not really possible for some of his family to travel all the way over here due to health reasons. We really want all family members to attend as this is going to be the most important day of our lives.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-23 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions about our K-3 application
The thing I am most concerend about is the fact that we didn't include the statements of intent with the application form. Obviously, as we both have the same address on the I 129-F, the USCIS should, in theory, realise that we are living together. How problematic is it that we forgot to include these statements with our paperwork and will they deny our application because of this? I am really worried about this.

Has anyone else forgotten to include any of the paperwork and, if so, were you able to submit it late rather than have to go through the whole process again?
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-23 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions about our K-3 application

Sorry title should read "A Few Questions About Our k-1 Application".

Actually, your title should read "A few questions about our I-129F petition." Your husband filed a petition that, if approved, will allow YOU to apply for a K1 visa at a Consulate abroad.

Anyway, it sounds to me like a number of issues are possible. The first thing I would do is have your fiance make that call again. When he does, he needs to speak as if his parent's address is the address of record. It should be, if you put it in the correct place on the form.

It is correct that no USCIS notifications will be sent to Ireland, so it is important the address is correctly noted. You can also check to see if your payment has been deposited. Take it a step at a time.

Thank you for the advice, it is much appreciated.

I was thinking of contacting the US Embassy in Dublin first thing monday morning. I know that the whole visa issue takes a fair bit of time to clear up but I did think we would have heard something by now. Maybe if we contact the embassy out here they might be able to help somehow.

I do think that my fiance should call the customer service line again however, he is really apprehensive about doing that now after the treatment he recieved. I was sitting right next to him and could hear the lady shouting down the line at him. When we call again, I will be sure to remind him to tell them his parents address. We also need to contact his mom to find out if they have had anything sent to them this week with regards to the application.

With regards to the payment issue, I don't know how I can do that. My bank issued a draft directly from themselves to the USCIS. I basically just paid the fee of $170 to my bank and they did the rest, so nothing is tied into my bank account. I tried calling my bank's call center this morning and they said that the only thing I can do is to visit my branch during the week and ask if a manager can track the money order. I think that I need to cover all bases here, so I will definately be in touch with them on monday.

Thanks again for the help.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-23 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions about our K-3 application
Sorry title should read "A Few Questions About Our k-1 Application".
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-23 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions about our K-3 application
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and wanted to say "Thank You" for all of the wonderful advice within. I am so happy that I have found this site.

I have a few questions/problems that I hope someone might be able to help with a little regarding the I 129-F and K-1. My fiance and I met physically back in 2005. We had been talking online and over the phone for a number of years prior to this and had fallen in love with one another very deeply. My fiance is a US citizen and I am a UK citizen. We finally got the chance to meet when I obtained my student visa and studied in the States for a while. Basically, we have lived together since the day we met, in the States, the UK and now we are living in Ireland. We have now decided that we are ready to take the final step and get married. We want to marry and live in the states, and decided that after much deliberation.

We sent off our I 129-F form back in April from Ireland. Obviously, as he now lives here with me, he put his home address as our Irish address and also put his parents address on the form as we intend to live there once we get over to the states. We are yet to hear anything back from the USCIS (we filed with the Texas service center), so he called the customer service line last night and reached one of the most unhelpful people you wan imagine. He was told that no notification could be sent to a country outside the states and the lady refused to give him any more information with regards to our claim. He tried to give the lady his parents address, but she kept interupting him and wouldn't let him continue. We are assuming that they have the claim within their system as the lady kept telling him that the address he was giving (ours in Ireland) was not the correct address attributed to him (we are assuming, therefore, the correct address must be his parent's). He ended the conversation no more the wise as to the progress of our case. We don't know what to do next as obviously we need to know what is going on. If they process our application, we are scared that we will not get any notification at all about it. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do?

Secondly, I'm not sure as to how we can go about proving our relationship as a lot of my old emails were lost when my account was closed for inactivity. Along with the emails, I lost all of the flight information about our travel as that was all in the account. I no longer have any telephone bills to prove we were talking while we were apart, nor do I have any old credit card information as I lost a lot of paper work when we moved from the UK. We do have posts back to one another in our blog forums and social networks, will those do as proof of maintaining a relationship. All of the household bills and rental agreement for our home is in my name, so there is nothing there to prove anything. Would he be able to attend my visa interview with me, if the K-1 is given the go ahead? Like I say, we have lived together in a very serious relationship for over two years.

Also, we looked over the visa form again this morning and realised that I did not send a statement of intent to marry. I am worried now as we sent the form off back in April. I wrote the statement this morning and am wondering what the best course of action is. Do I really need to send this? If I do, should I send it off with a covering letter explaining the omission and copies of our original I 129-F form?

With regards to the interview, can I ask to go to the US Embassy in Dublin, or do I have to go to the London Embassy for my interview. We have lived in Ireland for the last year and I have the social security details to show I am a resident of the ROI now, although I still have my UK citizenship. I don't really want to go back to the UK for this as Ireland is my current legal home.

Just a few more points. As my fiance has been out of the States for almost two years, he doesn't have any documentation to prove that he can support me. His parents have agreed to act as my sponsor, should we get the visa. They have also agreed to let us live with them for however long we need. My fiance will be looking for relevant employment when we get out there, but until then he has no actual documentation of his own to support the affidavit of support. Can his parents act alone as my sponsors in that case?

Finally, my fiance no longer has a US bank account so we had to send an international money order from my bank in Ireland to cover the filing fee. Although the draft is written in dollars, I am a little concerend that this might not be accepted. Will they cash this international money order should our application be approved?

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions. Good luck to all with your applications!
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-06-23 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Still Waiting for NOA1
Thank you so much for getting back to me. It really is just so frustrating when all we want to do is get married. It shouldn't be this hard for people who love one another to be able to get married and be together.

Thank you also for the lovely good luck message. We really need as much good luck as we can get right now.

I think that if we don't hear anything back by the end of next week then we are going to have to call up again and find out what is going on. We actually forgot to include our statements of intent, but when I called the USCIS they said that our forgetting would not neccessarily mean that the petition would be denied or held up, especially as we have been living together for two years now. Then again, who knows. It's not as though we're asking for the moon on a stick, we just want to know what is going on so we can start to make plans.

Congrats on your marriage. I hope the next step goes well for you :).
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-01 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Still Waiting for NOA1

has the check cashed? If so, you can see if the case number is on the back of the check. then you can use it to check the status of your case online.


I have absolutely no idea if the money has been cashed as we had to send an international money order from my bank to them. I basically paid for them to write a cheque in USD on our behalf. In the UK and Ireland, we don't actually get our cheques sent back to us once they have been cashed.

I tried calling the bank to find out if they had any news back on the money order being cashed but, as per with our bank, they didn't get back to us despite promise after promise that they would.

Thanks for the post back. I really do appreciate it. This visa journey is so hard to get through.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-01 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Still Waiting for NOA1
Well, we're still waiting for the NOA1. As I said before, we posted it in late April and we are still yet to hear anything back from the USCIS. As my fiance is here with me, we know now that the information will go to his parents address, as that is listed as the address we are going to be living in when/if (please let it go through..pplleeaassee) we get to the state. His mom hasn't had anything sent there.

As you can understand, this is getting really frustrating now, especially when I read about others who posted a fair while after us who had already recieved something back in the post. We're kind of scared about calling the USCIS again as we are worried that us calling might cause us problems with them rejecting the petition. As I said before, when my fiance called them, the lady was terribly rude to him and we are concerend that getting into a discussion with someone on an off day might cause problems with our petition going through.

Any suggestions?
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-01 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting fiance/fiancee at the time of interview, seen as an issue ?
My fiance and I actually live together. Would it be a good idea if he came to the interview with me, should everything go through for us?
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-03 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquick question about g-235a
Again I'm worried, We filled in a copy with only two forms to it. I guess now that they were the wrong forms, even though they ask exactly the same as the one with four pages. More problems again! Really worried now.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-03 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPregnant
It won't speed it us, but congrats on your pregnancy. I hope it goes well for you. Try not to get too stressed or under too much duress as that can be problematic to the babe.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-05 02:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed advise
True...I also said as nicely as I could that it all seems a bit fishy to me. Regardless, he should see someone about getting his stuff back.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-05 02:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed advise
I am really sorry for your situation. It sounds as if your ex really has some sort of problem and I would consider myself lucky to be out of that situation, if it were me.

If your ex has stolen your items, then that is theft and I recommned you go to the police about it. It doesn't matter about your immigrant status. What your ex has done is wrong and you have every right to not only get your stuff back, but also to have the ex punished.

Unless your ex has been physically violent toward you, it is not considered domestic violence. However, it is abusive to do what your ex has done to you. Call victim support and see what they suggest. I also recommend you talk to a immigration specialist, if you are in a position to do so.

I am also sorry to say that due to the shortness of your marriage, and the fact your ex has acted in such a manner, they didn't have the correct intent when you married them. I am sorry to ask, and you can have a go if you feel I am being intrusive, but was there any incentment for your ex to marry you. Unfortunately, you do hear about situations such as these where people are offered incentives to marry someone from another country and sometimes the other person doesn't know about it until it is too late. I have warning bells ringing when you say that your ex didn't take you to your interview and has retained your immigration papers. There is something really untoward about that and I would contact the USCIS or another immigration body to tell them about that. If the case was that your ex married you and led you to believe that they were commited to you, but really had other motives, they need to be looked into. Unfortunately, a lot of people can act well and then screw people over. In the UK we have a lot of sham marriages that are often covered in magazines and papers, detailing similar situations. Sometimes it is the petitioner who acts in this manner, just as with you.

I don't think you can simply transfer your immigration status to a student visa. Are you in school right now? I actually went to the states on a student visa a few years back and I know that you can't transfer status out of that easily, if at all. To apply for a status adjustment, such as to a student visa, you might need to leave the states. Also, if you are applying for a student visa you need have a lot of money in the bank to cover living and tuition expenses, as well as to have a confirmed place in a school in the states. If you don't have the required amount of cash, you stand no chance of getting the student visa as you will be not be able to get any student support from the US government.

I hope this helps some.

All the best.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-04 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone Ever Forgotten to Include Info When Filing?
Timeline pickiness? Come on now! :P
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 03:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone Ever Forgotten to Include Info When Filing?
Thanks guys! I'm glad it's not just us :D. I called the USCIS and explained the situation a few weeks ago and they said that it might result in an RFE. I was terrified as some nitwit (a general no-body who wasn't even going through this, and no one on here)told us that our case would just be left to rot, but according to the USCIS that's not the case. We've got everything ready to go when/if the RFE arrives.

We're also getting all the other stuff sorted out now. I have had a copy of my son's birth cert sent today and mine should also be on its way. Just need to get the police records, the affidavit and med done now. My fiance needs to contact the tax people as he was a student until recently, so we need to get his tax exemption stuff. His folks are going to be my sponsors. They are so wonderful! They are also allowing us to live with them until we get everything sorted out back there. Not to mention helping with the wedding arrangements.

Anyhow, thanks guys! Goodluck to all :).
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-09 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone Ever Forgotten to Include Info When Filing?
Has anyone ever forgotten to include anything when sending the I-129F, like letters of intent or sent the G325 as opposed to the G325A? If so, what happened? Did you get the RFE?
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-09 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMaking copies of documents...
We scanned and copied ours from a local internet cafe as we don't have a working printer right now. No problems, so far as we know!
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 03:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certs
You know, I think that this is the hardest part, getting everything else in order! So I've got at least my son's birth cert copy and mine's on its way. Next I need to get the police checks done. I think that as we have a national data base in the UK, I only have to send off one request for a police report, even though I've lived in two different "police districts" (met and SWP). I also need to get one from the Guardai out here. Then I need to get my son his passport. He's staying with his gran at the moment and can't get that sorted until he gets back here. AND THEN we need to get the meds done. On top of that, my cat is about to have kittens (and I think I am too :D).
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certs
Cool, thanks guys. Obviously I just want to double check with you all to make sure there's nothing I'm missing.

I'm so glad I joined this community. You've all been really helpful with every question I have :)

Thanks again everyone.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certs
Okay, I know copies of actual birth certificates are fine, but here's my question. I sent off for copies of both my son and my birth certs from the UK a few weeks back. My son's arrived yesterday, but it wasn't an actual replacement birth cert, but a copy printed on official paper from the gov department. Just to make sure, will this be okay?
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 03:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met in person w/in the last 2 yrs
We ended up sending five pics in total, I think :D. I don't know if they want more info from us as we actually live together and, obviously, have the same address in Ireland. Additionally, my fiance sent a copy of his passport as means of identification. This had entry stamps to the UK and Ireland from when he moved over here to be with me. We also have some of our old flight docs and he has all of my old emails (I lost my old Yahoo email account due to inactivity and, as such, lost the emails he sent to me. That was pretty devistating on a personal level for me). I don't know if you leave messages for one another on things like Myspace or livejournal/blogger, etc. If you do, you can print these off also I believe, especially if they refer to time you have spent together.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-09 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE / NOA2 Question
Changing the postal address is something we should consider. As I say, the Irish ostal system is pretty ropey at the best of times (off thepoint, sending DVD's back to netflicks in Dublin from Cork took us over a week!). I'm going to keep an eye on the case progress via the website and see what shows up. If we get notice of possible RFE or NOA2 and nothing comes to either us or my fiance's parents place after 2 weeks of notification online, we'll have to ask for them to be resent.

redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-11 01:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE / NOA2 Question
Hey Yodrak,

Thanks for the reply. I'm about 70% certain we will get the RFE as we forgot to include our letters of intent and sent G325 forms (2 pages) rather than the G325A (4 pages). Others have said that it might be fine, seens as we live together with regards to the intent situation, and we can give those to the embassy, while others have said that we're likely to get an RFE.

We both think that the pluses outweigh the minuses and staying together throughout everything is the only option for us. We can't stand to be away from one another for even an hour, so the prospect of us being apart for any length of time is not an option. I guess we're lucky to be able to stay together and we know that we don't want to ever be away from one another. We were apart for about a month when I returned to the UK as he had some family reasons why he had to stay in the States. That was awful for us and neither of us want to have to go through that again.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE / NOA2 Question
Just a short one. As most of you who have kept up with my constant worrying know, my fiance and I are living together outside the US. Our home address is in Ireland, and that is the address we used when filing out I-129F. We have used his parent's address in the states as the address we will be moving to when we get the K-1, and the USCIS are using this as the US postal address. My question is if we happen to get the dreaded RFE, will it be sent to us in Ireland or to his folks in Texas? If it is sent to the Texas address, it will take almost two weeks for it to arrive here once his mom has posted it (gotta love the Irish postal service!), so obviously this is going to put more of a delay on things for us.

Also, is the NOA2 going to be sent to our address here as well as his folk's addy?

Okay, one more thing. We signed up for the USCIS online case checking service on Friday. We used my fiance's email address for the updates. We didn't get an email back saying that we registed for email updates, although it says on the site we are registered. Is it normal not to get an initial confirmation and am I worrying about nothing here.

Thanks guys and girls!
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite case
Personally, I think it's pretty fair that cases can't be expediated. If you could pay a higher fee to get it done quicker then the vast majority of people in here would have to wait a lot longer than others, which isn't fair. As it stands now, this service attempts to treat everyone as equals, regardless. It should stay that way.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-12 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Question
My fiance (US citizen) and I are in a similar position to you. We're living together in Ireland, having both moved here from the UK last year. Being that we live together, my fiance put our home address in Ireland down for the "A" part of the form, and his parent's address in Texas for the part where it asks where we will be living when we move to the States. This obviously suited us as it is the truth.

As you say that your fiance is looking to go home during the petition process, I would still say that she should put your address down in the UK for the "a" section. She can call up and update the information with the USCIS when she moves back there. I suggest that honesty is the best policy.

Be aware that even though you can put your home address down as the place of residence for your fiance, the NOA1 will be sent to the American address you will include as where you will be living. The USCIS doesn't tend to send this mail out of the states, so just be aware of that.

Again, this is your decision and I'm just telling you what we did, seen as we're in a very similar position.

Good Luck.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-12 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresforgot to put submission for k-1 visa on outside envelope
You'll be fine:) Good luck with the petition!
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-12 00:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew to the forum

If you want to get married and file for AOS make sure you do it before he goes back to England. If you wait until he leaves and then returns you would be committing visa fraud because you would already have the intent to marry. But from what I understand from your post you guys weren't intending to marry when he came here the last time and that it was spontaneous. If that's the case I'd recommend filing for AOS now instead of K-1. If I'm wrong ignore everything I said :P.

That's what I was thinking too but didn't want to say incase I was wrong.:D
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew to the forum

so here i am, needing some advice. my fiance and i don't know where to begin. but here goes. and i know it's long, but i would really appreciate any advice or just moral support because i know you guys understand what all this feels like.

he came here on a B2 tourist visa last june from england. and as crazy as this seems, he actually came here with his at-the-time girlfriend, who is american/english. it was not their intent to get married or commit any visa fraud. it was sort of on a trial basis that they came "together" as their future was on the rocks anyway. she got an apartment and got on with getting a job and a life here (because she could) and he stayed with me and my family. their relationship ended and now we (best friends) have found ourselves in love, and wanting to spend the rest of our lives together. around the end of may he was offered a job and we thought we were home free (so to speak) but when the company learned about how long these things can take then had to turn him down. so, with a mere 2 weeks before his proposed departure date, we were advised by a lawyer to file for an extention to at least buy us some time, not that it would be a final solution. (i should mention that he went home for christmas and so has not violated any visa terms thus far) so, as we understand it, his status is pending and though his situation is not ideal, there arent going to be any serious consequences. now, as we had been thinking that we would save up and he would go home late august, and we would then begin the K1 process, we are now considering the possibility that we should just get married now, and file for AOS and the MARRIAGE visa as opposed to the fiance visa.

so this seems like problem enough, but this is ontop of the fact that there are very few people on our side with this, for too many reasons to say here. i still live at home (still in college, he's out), but i'm taking the steps to move out as we speak. just getting money in order.

i really guess i don't know what i'm asking for. maybe some reassurance that this situation isn't impossible. i guess the thing is we know that it's not hopeless, and we aren't giving up. he is the best friend i have ever had. i know that everyone goes through difficult times in their lives, but we have both had some especially hard times in the years before we met, and now, for truly the first time, i'm feeling like i have something to wake up for in the morning, and he's the same.

i guess that's a good introduction, i'll be back on to let you know how things are going, anything you can tell me would be great

Hello and welcome to the forum! You're in the right pace for moral support, great help and information as it seems that everyone has faced a lot of similar problems to everyone else, and are only too happy to share their experiences. I've only been here for about a month myself and, in that time I've gained some great, helpful information and have spoken to some really wonderful people who are in the same boat.

I wish I could be of some help with your problem, but my situation is different (I've been living with my fiance for over two years now in the states, uk and ireland). I'm not sure, and will most likely be corrected, but I think the fact that if it is known that he came over to the states with his ex, this could be a problem but as I say, I don't know. I know it is going to be expensive, but I would contact an immigration lawyer and explain the situation to them as they should be best equipped to help with your problem. There's other stuff I want to say, but at the risk of giving you potentially incorrect information and building your hopes up, I won't.

I'm sorry that there's not many people on your side there. Be assured that there are going to be a lot of people here who are going to be on your side and that you can talk to us. It may not be the same as having family and friends being there, but we're a pretty nice group and will do our best to support you through this time. I suggest that it's a case that people around you are looking out for what they consider to be your best interest, but they are not always right.

I am really glad that you have both found love with one another and I hope that you can get this sorted out so you can be together for life. It's a tough journey to go through with applying for visas and what not but hang in there! Regardless of which was you decided to go, you will have a lot of ups, downs and some sleepless nights.

Good luck and keep intouch :)
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-10 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am freaking out k-1 petition not delivered!!!!

I know dude I am trying to make us laugh and having a good time together :P

smoke as i said from begining it well be alright and they well get it...

so Help US GOD

I know. You made me laugh! It really cuts the tension when we can all have a giggle from time to time.
redpixieFemaleIreland2007-07-09 23:04:00