Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia

We have had a few brief comments about marriage but not an extended conversation, yet. As a scientist, I tend to over-analyze things and also plan every detail. We have just under three months to get more involved in the conversation and for me to learn the requirements for all different plans. I leave for Russia April 30. By then, I will know if we will do the K1 route or the marriage route. If K1, will take the forms along and we will complete them during my visit.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-10 17:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia

Thanks for the detailed description. I lived in Russia two years as a wildlife photographer. I photographed one wedding and observed a couple more in Russia. The one wedding I photographed was a very religious ceremony, of course, with ZAGS but also church, dinner party, toasts, etc. It was very beautiful. The other weddings I observed were more like what you describe.

You know, I prefer a quiet celebration wedding with little fanfare but my bride is 46, has been divorced for a long time and I want to do what will bring her happiness. We will discuss it more but this is going to be her decision.

Edited by moosescape, 10 February 2013 - 02:32 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-10 14:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia
Turboguy, I remember well the pain you endured. I am delighted to see that all worked out well in the end, that helps put balm on the memories of the long period and the endless waiting.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-10 11:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia
Thanks for the input. Turboguy, I have been on the forum long enough to remember you dating period and I remember your trip to the Carib. It has been a long journey for me also. I started this journey in 2006.

My primary reason for thinking marriage in Russia is best is her family and friends. A wedding is for the women, it is certainly important for me but the celebration and the glamour is basically for the bride. I want this to be special for her and for her family.

I understand the extra waiting period, that will suck, no question. I understand the problems with getting married in Russia, waiting period, multiple trips, etc. That is a consideration but any extra trips is just a bit more time together.

I also do not like the impression of a 90 day period to get to know each other but I understand it is a big move and some need the time to adjust and make sure this is the correct decision.

I have looked at the requirements, it is going to be a pain but much of life can be a pain. There is getting the permissions, the application, providing all the documents, etc. I will be in Russia May 1-12. This is a period of national holiday, at least part of the period so government offices may be closed part of the period. One permission takes 10 days from Moscow so that will make the initial application a tight schedule. So many considerations...
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-10 09:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia

5 extra cents: CR1 on average takes several months longer from beginning to the end of procedure, compared to K1. And unless u're living in Russia it would result in time apart after you've been married.

Might be more practical to get a big engagement party in russia, and do all legal things in US

I have been reading up on the procedures and trials of this all day. Much will depend on her desires and whether she wants to remain in Russia (me move to Russia) or her coming here. Yes, I would move to Russia in a heartbeat if that is what is best for us. We have a lot to discuss over the next couple months.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-01 19:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia
What are the advantages and disadvantages of marriage in Russia. I am familiar with the 31 day wait and the application at ZAGS. I know it will mean two trips to Russia to get the job done or a longer stay waiting for ZAGS. She as so many friends and family in Russia, I think it will just be better for her to do the wedding in Russia where her friends and family can attend. I know this will entail a K3, not K1 visa.

Have I missed anything?

As a guy, the marriage ceremony is important but not to the extent that it is for the bride. I want this to be special for her and her family (both immediate and extended).
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-01 16:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal


Alla has no use for anything between my eyes. :P

:rofl: :devil:
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-25 21:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal

I agree. But meeting Alla was like WHAM!!!!!! Like a hit with a 2x4 between the eyes! :lol:

Better analogy, 2X4 to the crotch; been hit both places, the crotch is more eye opening
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-25 20:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal

Hey Moosecape.... We have been in AP for 77 days. We don't know why for sure. They never tell you. We have our suspicions but will probley never know.

I hope my marriage is as good as Gary and Alla's. Some of the things he wrote has brought tears to my eyes. They are truly in LOVE......

This is everyone's worst nightmare, other than being denied. Actually, being denied would be better for me because then I would just move to Russia to be with her. But this endless waiting, worse than waterboarding.

Gary and Alla have it good but I know of many others on here that also have done very well. It is very encouraging to see it work well for so many, gives us all encouragement that it will also work for us.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-12 19:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal

May Day and Victory day are always a good time in Russia. We seem to have forgotten about the 2nd War, they sure haven't!

I have been in Russia for three Victory Day celebrations, very moving.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-12 19:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal
I guess it is time I put forth my timeline. We met online, via Elena's Models, on January 20. We exchange multiple emails each day and my trip is planned for May 1-12 (May day and Victory Day time period).

My arrival will be fairly late on May 1, then we will take the train to Kirov (an all night-er). My emotions run wild and fast, she is much more conservative but has not attempted at all to put the brakes on me. We have discussed a life together, where to live, important personality traits, etc.

If all continues according to current conditions, I hope to do the proposal May 5 during an intimate dinner together.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-12 15:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal
Thanks Gary, not corny at all, I totally understand!
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-12 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal

Starting talking an Skypeing in Nov.2011. Met in person one year ago today. Feb. 11,2012. Married Feb.21,2012.. Maybe fast but you can't sit still and watch the world go by.

Phil, what is your status, I see by timeline that you are AP, any word when visa will be issued.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-11 20:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal

Starting talking an Skypeing in Nov.2011. Met in person one year ago today. Feb. 11,2012. Married Feb.21,2012.. Maybe fast but you can't sit still and watch the world go by.

Not fast at all, very tender!
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-11 20:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal

Three months from start of correspondence to meeting in person and agreement to pursue the K-1.
Filed within two weeks of return home from that meeting.
Had interview first scheduled later that year in September but had to reschedule it until later November.
Arrived December 7, a date that will live in Infamy!!

Thanks so much, very helpful!
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-11 20:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal

start talking to sveta via website in aug 2011 met in person nov 2011 start k1 feb 2012 formal proposal may 2012 as wanted it proper return visit aug 2012 for 6 weeks then dec receive visa and dec 18 met in houston 10 later was married jan 15th file aos

Thanks Ron, so you met online in August 2011 and filed K1 in February 2012. Thanks so much for your post.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-11 15:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime: First meeting to Proposal
Questions for the RUB forum

What was the time between first contact (email, snail mail, other type of contact) and your formal proposal for marriage? I know we all move at different paces, I do not wish to turn this into a judgement session for those of us that are fast compared to those that take more time. So, please, no judgmental posts about times posted. Just curious where I fit in the overall population of RUB VJ'ers
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-11 13:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusApply for (B-2) tourist visa while waiting for K-1
I am going to take the opposite track to the others. I agree she will be denied but I also feel it is worth the investment. The journey is difficult, we all suffer with the separation and sometimes, hope is all we have to tied us over till the next day. Yes, for those that are together now, it is much easier to have hindsight and say-use the money to make life better for her when she arrives. For those of us currently waiting, the pain of separation can cause us to look for shortcuts. Provided the shortcuts are legal, I believe it is worth the effort to try.

I wish you the best of luck in your decision and her possible acceptance of visitor visa. Whatever the decision, during the wait there will be a glimmer of hope, even with a denial, you will still have the K1 in the works so the disappointment will not be tramatic.

Edited by moosescape, 25 February 2013 - 10:50 AM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-25 10:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian electrical outlet

Russia seems to use both Russian and European plugs and sockets. They sort of fit into each other most of the time. As far as adapters vs. transformers, most devices that use a power supply (cell phones, laptops, etc.) are tolerant of 100-240VAC and thus only need an adapter. Other things such as kitchen and bathroom appliances and power tools often require the correct voltage. Also, some AC to USB adapters are not designed to work on a wide input voltage range.

If you go to the country, villages or Far East, the european plugs will not work, at least in the places I was located. Need the thin sockets
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-27 17:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruscustoms question
I can not speak for Ukraine but in Moscow, I have been through green line pushing one card full of baggage and pulling another. Well over $40K in camera gear and tons of personal stuff (knives, bear spray, clothes, tons of books, etc); never a problem.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-03-01 16:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDid I screw up?

all this brings up a question for me . last summer I flew round trip to kiev thru moscow never was asked for visa to pass thru moscow and yes went thru passport control both times the trip back had tobe transferred to another terminal via van around 3am to other end of air port on dark runway ( whole time hoping no stops before reaching the term lol ) but had never been asked for a transit visa. maybe it was my honest baby face look?

Ron, that does seem odd. Seems you would need a transit visa for Russia as no visa is required for Ukraine.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-11 15:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDid I screw up?
Yes, this would definitely be called a screw-up. Same situation applies if you ride the train from Russia to Europe passing through Belarus. Even if you never step foot off the train, you still must have a transit visa to cross through Belarus. When I was on a train from Moscow to Vitebsk, Belarus, they stopped the train at the border, checked all the passports them proceeded into Belarus.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-03 18:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYours. Mine and Ours

You need to write a book. Change that, you have written a book, it is documented in the pages of VJ.

Thanks my friend. You and Alla are the lighthouse for all in this program.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-17 11:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYours. Mine and Ours
Thanks Gary and Alla, Thanks!!
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-10 09:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus3 Year Russian Visa Accepted
Mine is in the works with VisaHQ; I have used them for at least 10 other visas. Overall, have been very happy with them. When I sent mine off, they called me because I did not have two consect. pages free and the visa would have been denied. They directed me to the portion of the site to get more pages and submitted the passport to the US site for more pages. Painless, simple and efficient.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-13 13:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShipping to Russia
In the past, I have used USPS but it takes a long time for the boxes to arrive. I was in Far East Russia and had boxes shipped from USA. It would take 3-6 weeks for the boxes to arrive. Once, I had box shipped express USPS and it still took 4 weeks.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-11 18:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHomestay visa for spouse of Russian citizen residing in the U.S.

travelled 4 times with that requirement, there are plenty of websites that help with visa application that will also issue an invitation and a confirmation of hotel stay for like 30$; out of 4 trips only one time someone asked about it when I was leaving, and I responded with something like: "I did not liked this hotel, so I moved to another one, and already tossed receipt"

The goal of that system is to force tourist to register as soon as he/she plans to stay for certain amount of time in one place, never did this on those trips. Same thing, once was asked about this, and responded: "I never stayed in one city for more that the minimum duration, so I did not had to register"

I have been to Russia over 30 times, 4 times without a problem is not surprising (I lived over in Russia for two years as a wildlife photographer). I would never lie about tossing the receipt or changing hotels on a wim. I have been detained for hours in Sochi because my invitation said Moscow hotel, not a Sochi hotel-it was issued by VisaHQ. It was not a major problem and I was allowed to pass, but they called and checked everything. If I had lied, it would not have gone well.

I would also always register no matter the length of stay. I have seen to many problems with folks that have not registered. It is relatively painless step even for a homestay. You go with your sweetie, stand in line and fill out paperwork, go to the bank and pay a few rubles for registration, go back and fill out more paperwork and then sometimes have a short interview. It can be fun if you keep you sense of humor.

Edited by moosescape, 31 January 2013 - 12:26 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2013-01-31 12:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion Re: 3-Year Russian Tourist Visa

but it's sooo cold over there! :wacko:

Cold is only a temperature, love is all the warmth one needs.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-03-01 21:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion Re: 3-Year Russian Tourist Visa

no matter, when i'm in Russia...i'm just thinking about how soon i can return to the U.S.

And when I am in America, I am thinking how soon I can return to Russia
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-03-01 19:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion about spouse visa; I-130 vs K-3, etc

Thanks Phil

Edited by moosescape, 13 January 2014 - 12:19 PM.

moosescapeMaleRussia2014-01-13 12:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion about spouse visa; I-130 vs K-3, etc

Good morning all;


Can someone give me a bit more information about the I-130, Petition for Alien Relative? I have read some conflicting information; some information seems to indicate that this is a faster way to bring you spouse to USA (Russian citizen is beneficiary, USA citizen is petitionier). Another site seemed to indicate there was sort of a lottery involved, one must wait for an available visa number before being able to bring the spouse on I-130. Irina mentioned she had read something about an immediate marriage visa that was enacted June 2013 for humanitarian reasons (getting families together faster, not because of any emergency). Had anyone heard of this?


Is there currently a faster method than the K-3/CR-1 visa. According to the timelines, the K-3 seems to be running at about 7 months. This is a real improvement from a couple years ago but still a long time to be separated.


Thanks for all assistance.

moosescapeMaleRussia2014-01-13 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhen should I follow-up with USCIS?

That is something people should be doing before they file an I-130 or I-129F. :thumbs:

I agree, but I am trying to find a glimmer of hope in the long wait. Learning the language, chatting, etc certainly helps pass the time as we wait.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-04 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhen should I follow-up with USCIS?

So figure 10 months!

During the initial wait, we kept busy and had an almost daily Skype schedule and made the best of it. All this does is, usually, strengthen relationships.

Actually, I agree that the wait has benefits. It gives us time to get to know each other better, time to communicate, time to bond to a person-not a photograph, time to learn the language, and time to explore the depth of our relationship. I agree that 10 months is an accurate estimate of the process from filing to arrival. We all want it done yesterday, we see some approved in a couple months and we see others take years.

I will not even start my journey for another three months. Olga and I decided on May for my visit. We wanted to have time to spend together, not just waiting for her to get off work for a couple hours each evening. I will be there May day and Victory Day. I have been in Russia three times during this period, it is one of the most emotional periods to be in Russia. I love Victory Day and the celebration with our allies.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-04 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhen should I follow-up with USCIS?

You really have to learn to be patient since this is only the beginning, you have similar waiting for AOS and then ROC and then of rGC renewal and maybe Naturalization.

Chill out and relax, your documents are just fine and should be worked on soon.....more or less.

Phil, you're correct but try to remember when you were going through the NOA1/NOA2 wait, you were also a bit nervous about the timelines, also. Of course, now it is a bit easier when your sweetie is here with you as you wade through the paperwork.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-04 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Petition
Good Luck!
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-05 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe had our interview! APPROVED!!!!
Wow, that is super news, it is always exciting when a fellow VJ'er makes it through this stage.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-07 14:53:00
Wow, hope the rest is smooth sailing
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-06 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmonth 6
Indeed, tell him you are past halfway. If he is a sports fan, tell him he is in the third quarter of a four quarter game. He will understand that the end is near but there is much more game to play.

The wait is impossible but typically it is approx. 10 months, you are at month 6 so 4 months or less to go. If you can afford a visit, that would be great for both of you. The best thing for loneliness is time together. Otherwise, get creative. Skype (not just conversation but watch a movie together, dance together, something...). Find a way to pass the time with each other so you become closer.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-13 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmailed in petiton (i-129f)
Usually, the fastest thing is to check with your bank for when the check is cashed, that is your first indication.
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-13 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview tomorrow!!! nervous now!!
Good luck, this is the day you have waited for, all will be good
moosescapeMaleRussia2013-02-24 13:37:00