Middle East and North AfricaChanged my name in America, can't go back to Egypt!
This is not likely to get fixed on the Egyptian end. They don't and won't ever care-you didn't follow their rules in regards to name changes, so why should they bother?
The American end of things, in dealing with airlines, is a mess too. This goes beyond a marriage last name change. You can get all the guarantees you want from random airline employees, but regardless of anything you get promised, if the employee working the day you try to get on a plane to the US decides not to go along with your paper work, you're stuck in Egypt. There are so, so many variables that can go wrong there.
Maybe also post your question in the working and traveling during us immigration forum here on VJ for some further ideas? I would be less optimistic about getting this resolved from the Egyptian end of things than the American side. But this situation could prove to be a whole lot bigger of a headache than having an unusual sounding name in the US :(

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-11-25 15:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand .... Moroccan Government won't let him go
So your husband arrived in 12/12 to the US and then turned right around and went back to Morocco that same month? How did he leave the first time? And not only is he not allowed to leave, but he's also had a lost in the mail permanent resident card? That is a helluva string of bad luck.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-11-29 22:59:00


Religiously--do you attend a masjid in your area? Often, no, you can't just walk into a masjid and say "hi, marry us today, please".
Either of you will need to contact an imam and make arrangements with him. Those arrangements will vary, per the imam. You will need to find out if in NJ the imam needs to be certified to perform legal weddings there. If so, then you'll need to get married by an imam who is certified to do that. It sounds like a call to your local registrar would be helpful, for some of the specifics.

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-12-11 15:33:00
Middle East and North Africaneed advice
Yes! I love a good tell-off from a guy who spells stupid wrong twice, in two different ways, in one post.

What happens when you shake a magic jack anyways?

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-12-06 03:40:00
Middle East and North Africaneed advice
Somebody shake a magic 8 ball for him. I would, but mine's in storage.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-12-02 18:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaPaperwork Questions, American wants to marry an Algerian Woman
Wow! I'm glad you came back for an update, and with good news to boot. Hopefully the rest of your process goes smoothly, and you guys can get on with your lives together.
Best of luck :)

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-10-16 23:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaPaperwork Questions, American wants to marry an Algerian Woman
Born Muslim, or converted? Some countries, someone who knows Algeria will hopefully clarify if it's the case there, require paperwork/certification of religious affiliation, such as from a local masjid in the states in order to marry one of their citizens.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-07-24 14:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThanksgiving in MENA forum
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-11-27 12:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThanksgiving in MENA forum

Congratulations on the new baby! We have 3 weeks left until baby girl #2 arrives. Kind of hoping to go late so I'm not in the hospital or toting around a newborn on Christmas.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

We're going to my parents' house for dinner this year. I'll make a side and a couple desserts to bring. Cranberry cake with butter sauce...can't wait!

Hopefully she cooperates :) Is her big sister getting pretty excited?
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-11-27 10:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaThanksgiving in MENA forum

Thank you. His name is Khaled. I think this one may actually get my blue eyes. The other two turned brown right away... I hope this on sticks. I am surrounded by males at least one could look like me.

Congratulations :)
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-11-27 10:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThanksgiving in MENA forum
Happy Thanksgiving, and congratulations to everyone being reunited, getting their visas, and all the other landmarks :)

Not doing any traveling or anything, just eating and sharing lovely times with family. I'm looking forward to making some yummy treats.

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-11-26 15:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat airline did you use to fly your husband/fiance/relative to the USA?
Lufthansa. The ticket was purchased on my card, no problem. He didn't want his POE @ JFK. It was so calm and easy coming in to Portland. I've heard good and bad POE stories at smaller airports.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-11-28 17:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMerry Christmas to my MENA friends
My husband's come across a few people here and there who think he's talking about Monaco when he says he's from Morocco. They'll start babbling about casinos and Grace Kelly, and he's like, what now? Nice people, just not the best geography skills.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-12-22 11:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMerry Christmas to my MENA friends
Because Muslims and Christmas and Jesus are like vampires and garlic or Superman and kryptonite.
That being said, I hope everyone celebrating has a wonderful holiday, with lots of love from family and friends, and lots of yummy treats.

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-12-21 15:12:00
Middle East and North Africaeasy couscous recipe?
If you can't find any locally, you can order it on Amazon. I like the one from Zamouri. My husband bought a couple outdoors tagines from them too.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2013-12-21 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
Shouldn't Cheerios be capitalized?
No one's being fooled by this  "it was just a simple question, OMG" nonsense. And you know that was not the context for your asking if she's a native speaker. The original question was snarky as hell, and not even any of your business to ask in the first place. Newsflash, not everyone does the things they know are the perfect, correct, right way to do things 100% of the time. And no, teachers aren't 100% grammatically perfect on Internet forums all the time. And there's nothing at all weird or possibly foreign about anyone doing that, no matter what their profession may be. 

Since when does a simple question become such an issue that the claws have to come out?  I'm not sure who pissed in your cheerios to feel that you need to attack. 
My question was simple and straight forward; I am not being a grammar Nazi. Most education professionals that I know even in their day to day lives are fanatical about their own grammar and how their words are portrayed to the public. It's a matter of pride which made me think that the poster was a non native English speaker. That in itself is not an insult, after all aren't many if not a majority of the people on these boards’ non native English speakers?  Why would that be offending?

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-11-09 18:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

You really should take a chill pill...clearly you are very sensitive regarding the subject. I apologize. Geesh.

The person who so weirdly brought it up in the first place should probably follow his or her own damn advice.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-11-09 01:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

we have these in our sea.
we eat two stuff in this pics but i don't know why they're called in english.

the spiky sea urchins?
i went to uwajimaya the other day with a friend who bought some for dinner. they're not hard to find here in season. :)
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-20 17:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-20 07:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
Shaun the Sheep is ok, I like Wallace and Grommit better.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-19 09:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
Shaun the Sheep is a kid's cartoon.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-19 07:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

You will be amazed at our parks here for children, even adults enjoy them lol.

so true-my husband's been bowled over with what he's seen just on the west coast. i can't wait to take him to the big national parks, yellowstone is going to amaze him. but even the little city parks in portland, he thinks they're just brilliant. kids, everywhere, need safe, fun, and creative places to play and explore.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-18 16:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
aww, :blush: thank you.
i love seeing pictures of your little cupcake too Mithra.
erika, you can resize pictures, add effects, and all kinds of stuff on photobucket. if you're not sure how, i think they have little tutorials on the site too.
thank you forever_waiting, lol.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-18 16:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??


As I was writing that, I was getting more sad by the moment. This morning, I woke up at 1:30 thinking of those little kids and remembering all the little things that made them happy. I got so upset, I had to get up and I have been up since. I have so many cute stories about the children of morocco and how I believe they are the true ones that change the way you think when you return home.

I know we have children here in the same situation, and every chance I get, I offer help and volunteer in soup kitchens, and help with the donations of winter coats, etc. for those little ones in need.

Your little girl reminds me so much of a sweet girl name salma. She was one of the only girls in my group of little friends. She never wore shoes for some reason, and I had Mohammed ask her why? She said her family couldn't afford to buy all of us shoes, as my brothers grow so quick and they need shoes to wear while on the streets selling things. I had to walk away and just pull myself together.

The next day, I was determined that little girl was going to have shoes and really cute ones too lol. I went to the local markets and found some adorable slide in shoes with stones, glittering flowers, etc. I bought some different styles and of course lol a cute outfit to match. Oh if you could have seen the look on her face that afternoon when I gave them to her, she ran home and came back smiling and dancing and jumping. Her mother came to me and was so grateful for my generosity to her children. I have many good memories.

(L) (L) (L) thank you so much for sharing this here, it was truly a joy to read.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-17 13:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
It's a shame.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-16 21:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

I agree! I live in the Couv and every opportunity my Husband and I get, we're driving down to Oregon for our fun!

Hehe! Hey, I was driving down Belmont St the other night and saw Jerusalem Cafe. It reminds me I still need to eat there. I need to pick up something there after work one of these nights.

Yeahhhh for Voodoo Donuts :dance:

Sesame Donuts and Annie's too, oh my!

I've heard of lots of people bringing argan oil home to the states with them Zagray.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-16 15:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

Oh, but it's the most beautiful green - the most beautiful blue-green. 

The mountains.

The ocean.

And, yes, a volcano.

It's one of the most beautiful (can't stop with that word!) areas I've ever seen.

BUT, it's wet. Very wet. So wet, I call it "The Land of the Wet Pant Legs."

LOL, I know, I'm from Orygun. Only we have better mountains, better green, more huggable trees, better beach towns, better coffee, and our volcano you can ski on! Portland is certifiably at least 75-80% weirder than Seattle could ever hope to be too. :)
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-16 12:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
This made me squee and get all teary. Awww!

Hi, unsure but the forest is about 15 minutes outside Casa, as if your going to the airport. They are building homes and a beautiful golf course. You mentioned I hope you could experience the hospitality of Berbers.... My first trip was with two good friends and a brother who were Berber. I spent much of my time with their family and enjoyed ever minute with them. The food was also wonderful as you said. I have learned to cook both ways from my friends family and of course from my mother in law. Hubby is a wonderful cook, I can't wait for his brother to come home from morocco, as my mother in law is sending me all kind of goodies to cook with, like more spices as we are almost out, a few more cooking tajines, and that one large dish you mix couscous in. I forget the name of it.

Off the topic .... During my visits to morocco, I will never forget seeing small children in the middle of the night selling Kleenex or gum. My heart never felt so much pain seeing a child of 7 or 8 trying to make a small amount of change for their family. One night, which I am sure many will disagree with, I gave out more 500 MAD to a group of children that I became friends with eventually. Each night, they would wait for me and I would go to the local grocery store and buy bags of goodies and visit them and have a picnic. Most of the children had never had some of the goodies I brought to them. Though they didn't go to school, I was surprised how easily they picked up on English very quickly. I would sit with them and speak English to them and they eventually could say simple words like hello and my name and how are you lol. On my last night, I bought dinner for me and my new little friends from pizza hut and about 20 blow up soccer balls that you find in those little stores on the street. They were sooooo happy. Actually, I bought many of those soccer balls lol in Mohammed's neighborhood and gave them to children. I was sad to leave my new little friends, but we would always reunite on each of my visits and they always greeted me with singing and smiles. I hope they will remember me when we go back next year.

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-16 12:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

not just fiancee who's excited but hundred of people in Washington state wants to come to my wedding hahaha.. they always ask when Zyzz will come. hahaha

meh. after the apple harvests there's really not all that much going on in the state.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-15 15:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
Stop making sense Mithra!
I'm a fan of what's good for the goose being good for the gander too. In social situations etc, I've never been less than 100% assured that the behaviors my husband appreciates his wife not engaging in are behaviors that he would not engage in either, or think were totes ok for him to do. Two way street, and all that. How many other cliches can I throw into this mess of a post?
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-14 23:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
i suspect that what you are writing in english is quite different from the ideas that are forming in your head. it takes time, and practice to perfect this in a second language. a little more patience and recognition of that, on your part zagray, would probably go a long way?
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 19:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
i usually see it translated as transgressor.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 18:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

Ok, so what are they called the ones who don't follow the commandments of God?? in one word.. I ask you cause you're native speaker.. i may learn new words from you or from anyone else.

sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 18:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

I don't know what to say but i know an unfortunate thing about Arabic people, they are double faced, living hypocritical life.. This is only my opinion.

you're so right about that. down with arabic people! down with them i say!
srsly, wth are you talking about?
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 18:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
the chances are likely that they are muslim. but?
it does not make their actions islamic, or in any way condoned by islam.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 16:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
i'm obviously kidding about the hating kids part. relax!
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 15:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
actually it's me with the jim-illiterate kid, not WOM. i asked her, cause, she's arab and american, what her opinion was about arabic, and that's the answer she gave me. it was a reflection of our earlier lesson this morning. i didn't realize you hated kids and their opinions so much zagray.
we also had a conversation with her last night, about being the only kid at her preschool who speaks arabic, and assuring her that even though no one else at school speaks arabic, it's still ok for her to say bismillah before she eats lunch there, and she can say it to herself, or say it out loud if she wants to. her choice, if she even wants to say it at all.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 15:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
taking this so personally, and still not getting that you're wrong, and were very politely and helpfully corrected = not cool.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 15:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
what is the deal with the amazigh alphabet? why is it so awesome?
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 14:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

Didn't post ignorant things.. let see if they will ignorantly ignoring me with their unwanted ignorance. :P

i have no idea what you are saying here, or what it has to do with my comment.
this, combined with arguing with a poster directly quoting an english dictionary over what kind of work arabian is full of win. do continue.

I don't want you to give me the examples from a dictionary since you're a native speaker.. give me a good example.

Arabian horse = Noun + proper noun

Never seen this syntax.

my cousins have arabians. horses. they are commonly referred to by people who are into those kinds of horses as arabians. proper nouns are still nouns. but in the context you are using it, arabian would be an adjective.
sandinista!FemaleMorocco2012-09-13 14:34:00