Philippinesfrom AP now Your case is ready/open



wow im so happy for you MJandJON!!!! finally!!! your wait is over!! i really hope the next thing i see is "ISSUED" are helping me stay positive tongue.png thanks for your reply! i sure will update you guys! smile.png

I've been following timelines of people who are ap for a long time like me. And I notice that once it changed to ready open case, thats it pancit!idea9dv.gif  haha There are few recent issued status this week (people with 221g like me) seems like they are working on it. dancin5hr.gif

MJandJONFemalePhilippines2013-10-03 06:42:00
Philippinesfrom AP now Your case is ready/open

Congratulations MJandJON. I read your timeline smile.png I'm hoping to get my visa soon, too smile.png

Thanks! There is hope. Let's just be thankful that our case was not that worse like the others who had gone to 2nd interview/FPU (i saw some cases on visa journeys facebookpage). Our wait is worth it. May pag-asa. hehe

MJandJONFemalePhilippines2013-10-03 06:24:00
Philippinesfrom AP now Your case is ready/open

i had an interview last sept 11,2013 and the co said she wants to see my fiance's paystubs. they didnt give my passport back. i sent the docs they needed and the embassy received it last october 1,2013. from "Administrative Processing" yesterday, my case status now is


Your case is open. Please check your status after two business days via the CEAC launch page at

For more information, please visit U.S. Embassy Manila.

is this a positive sign or what? thanks

Yes thats a good sign! Me after being on review for over a month, it changed to ready open case then ap then issued. yours will be issued tomorrow! update us!

MJandJONFemalePhilippines2013-10-03 06:13:00
PhilippinesCFO Interview Experience (Manila, September 2013)

I had my CFO interview in Manila on September 2, 2013. As expected, when I came at CFO building about 6:30am there were already alot of people on the line (maybe about 30). Make sure that you queue on the right queue for Fiance & Spouse which is at the RAMP!CFO, started to let the people in around 7am. You will be asked for 2 valid ID's and its photocopy. You will be given a form that you have to fill up, an ID (F and and pink color for fiancee)in exchange for one of your ID that you will leave on the guard and you will be told either where to go (if you were one of the first 15 applicants) or what time to be back (for those who are scheduled for the afternoon session). In my case, I was scheduled on the afternoon session and was asked to be back at 10am. They have a waiting area but me and my friends whom I just met there decided to take our breakfast at Jollibee near the CFO building.
We came back at CFO around 9:30am, I read on VJ that it is better to walk on the stairs than wait for the elevator which is truly the best! I happened to be the first one in the line on the registration! I was asked to subit the copy of my passport biopage and visa and theyhad given me another form to fill up. Picture will be taken here as well. After I flled up the form I came back at the reception to submit it and I was asked some questions... make sure you know your fiance's birthday ( i have heard one who doesnt know her fiance's birthday headbonk.gif  and was asked to know the information before proceeding on the registration), middle name and mother's maiden name. After submitting the forms you will be asked to go back at 1:30pm for your 2pm schedule (one on one interview and seminar.)
We went back before 1:30pm and were ushered to the "USA" room... we waited a few minutes here until the CFO interviewer called my name for a one on one interview ( I am the first one since I am the first one who register). The Interviewer asked me questions (not some but plenty of questionsyes.gif )... name of the fiance, birthday, where he was born (my fiance is fil-am), when did he arrived in the US, how did he got his citizenship, how is my relationship with my fiances parents (here, I said "we are ok" but the intrviewer will ask you "how ok" and "what is ok"... you have to tell stories), did your fiance met your family, how many time did he visted you here in the philippines....anyway, you can answer all just relax! the interviewer is nice and friendly... wink.png ! I was also asked about, "what if you encounterd problems in the US?" well... i answered "hmmm... what kind of problem? legal or personal?", she laughed at me... but then I answered, "if it is legal, we always have the Phil. Embassy for that and if it is personal, settle it with family and if there's no solution, we always have the Philippines! we go back home! (i dont know if this is a correct one but she accepted anyway tongue.png )
During the seminar, you were just grouped to answer some questions and after that discussed. it's all helpful... just enjoy!  I think we were finished around 5:10pm... then, we went down at the first floor to pay and claim our passport with CFO sticker and certificate!
Reminder to those whom their fiance's have been divorced... be ready that you will be asked about it... so better know things regarding your fiance's divorce...
You will be put on hold if your papers and other informations are incomplete.
Bring 2x2 picture and proof of relationship; i.e. pictures, letters/emails, chatlogs...
All in all, the hard thing about CFO is the waiting time... questions that you might be asked depends on your case but then you can answer all as long as you know your fiance and everything about him/her!


Do you mind if i asked how old are you? Im 23, and as i have been reading recent cfo reviews, i have not heard of the parental consent or advise. Did you know someone that was asked for this?

MJandJONFemalePhilippines2013-09-04 05:25:00
PhilippinesK1: 3 Weeks on READY status and found out we are on Administrative Review

Thats it girls! tomorrow it will be issued im sure. then youll get your visas on tuesday or wednesday nextweek. congrats!!

MJandJONFemalePhilippines2013-10-10 07:20:00
PhilippinesK1: 3 Weeks on READY status and found out we are on Administrative Review


My case status just changed to Ready - case ready for interview.

Anybody experienced this? Just tried to call the embassy but no one is answering earlier. smile.png

I hope this will be the last step lol


thats a good sign. look at my signature :)

when it moves, it will really moved. hehe

MJandJONFemalePhilippines2013-10-08 09:52:00
PhilippinesMy Passport & Visa Issuance Date = same month & date


No. My POE is on Sept 12 but I was playing with the wedding date to make it Oct 16, originally 15. I didn't make it because 15 is my lucky number and 16 is just a coincidence. Wahaha !!



Yes, but if you get married on the 15th in America, that would most likely be the 16th in the Philippines!

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-05 12:45:00
PhilippinesInterview Calendar...

Personally I think it's BHM back, same style, and account created on 25 Aug, about the same time BHM got shwaked.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-06 14:54:00
PhilippinesInterview Calendar...



So, on that note....I'm out.  NO soup for you!protest6wz.gif

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-06 13:21:00
PhilippinesAny Vj'ers ride a harley with thier fiancee/wife from Philippines?

Got a 2010 Sportster, set up for solo riding.  Asked the Awawa-to-be if she wanted to go riding with me, she said no, didn't want to get dark! So I guess I will be saving the $$ to set it up for two-up riding!

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-10 02:36:00

I prefer the Gen-Ji-Mai brown rice, but before I started using that, I'd mix half white, and half brown.  I've actually brought back some real premium rice from Japan.  You wouldn't think there would be a big difference in rice quality, but Boy you'd be wrong!! I could really tell the difference, texture, aroma, and flavor was much better.  I have one of those cooker/warmers and the Japanese rice would stay white and fresher longer.  But really expensive!  Be sure to check the bags carefully, a lot of brands have Japanese sounding names, but are actually US grown.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-10 19:52:00
Philippinesflight plans

I may not work for a major airline, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-15 22:14:00
Philippinesflight plans

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Niblet on this one.  Second things first, Non-Rev tickets, are basically standby tickets, at least she will be traveling with the employee so they will be using his seniority, but 24yrs at a major airline like United, really isn't that high on the seniority lists.  Just be prepared to spend a couple of days en-route waiting for an opening.


As for the first point, getting thru immigration at Clark, I'm pasting an article I remember reading somewhere else.  Although it doesn't apply to this exact situation, it does reflect a certain bias at the Clark Airport. It basically shows that the immigration officers at Clark seem to feel that they can bar legal travelers from departing at their whim.  I have heard, that it is getting better at Clark.


BTW, I actually had a similar situation at Manila the first time I took April to Singapore, she was pulled aside for secondary inspection, had to fill out a form, and questioned for about 30+ min.  We barely made our flight!



Clark BI officers hit for alleged abuses

CLARK FREEPORT ? The president of the Clark Investors and Locators Association (CILA) here decried yesterday alleged abuses committed against him and his girlfriend by personnel of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) at the Clark International Airport (CIA) here.

CILA President Jeff Pradhan, director for business development of Peregrine International, said he dropped plans for a business-related trip last Thursday after his girlfriend, Marites Rosales, 26, was off-loaded from their Tiger Airways flight to Hong Kong even after her passport was already stamped for departure.

Guy Hilbero, tourism department chief of Mabalacat, Pampanga which covers the airport here, urged Immigration Commissioner Ricardo David Jr. to look into the case which, he stressed, ?does not seem isolated.?

?Some Immigration officers at the airport seem to have developed an unusual delusion of power that they now wield arbitrarily. It?s getting to be scandalous and will eventually affect tourism,? he said.

Punto tried to get the side of Immigration officials at the airport, but no one was available. The operations chief of the Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC) could also not be reached.

Pradhan said he and Rosales were bound for Hong Kong to witness a boxing bout upon the invitation of international boxing referee Bruce MacTavish. He said the trip was related to his firm?s plans to launch boxing promotional packages here.

Rosales said he was ahead of Pradhan at a counter line 8 a.m. last Thursday when an Immigration personnel they identified as Omar Yunus asked about ?personal matters?, including her relationship with Pradhan before stamping her passport for departure.

Introducing himself as from CILA, Pradhan said he inquired from Yunus why Rosales was asked personal questions. 

?That was when all the Immigration people there started being confrontational from beginning to end. 

Most of the Immigration personnel refused to identify themselves and we came to know of their identities only from their name tags whom some of them tried to cover,? Pradhan said.

Pradhan said his query apparently infuriated Yunus who told him to go to the pre-departure area and leave behind his girlfriend.

Rosales said that while her passport was already stamped for departure, Yunus again told her to fill up a form, but she failed to state how much her plane ticket cost as Pradhan had paid for it.

Rosales said she was then told to go to the desk of another Immigration personnel she and her boyfriend later came to know as one Jeffrey Pinpin. She said Pinpin again asked her about her family and documents about her being a local student.

?I had been abroad before and I was never asked to produce such documents, so I said I did not carry such documents at that time,? Rosales said.

She said another Immigration personnel, a woman who covered her identification card on her breast when asked to be identified, demanded another requirement that included a seminar by the Commission on Filipino Overseas (CFO).

?She got furious when I said I would call Jeff (Pradhan) who was still in the pre-departure area. She said mine was a hopeless case,? she said.

Pradhan said he opted not to proceed with his trip to Hong Kong without Rosales.

When he asked to talk to higher airport authorities, Pradhan said one Zenaida Cruz showed up with a torn piece of paper on which she underscored with ballpen stating the need for Rosales to first seek certification from the CFO.

?She was evidently perturbed when she later saw my girlfriend?s passport already stamped for departure for Hong Kong,? Pradhan said.

He said that the CILA is also investigating the case amid similar grievances aired by other foreign investors in this Freeport.


Steve, seems someone found another great way to piss of investors. I am almost certain Jeff Pradhan doubles his effort to find investors and promote the PI as it is more fun in the Philippines

Last edited by Rhoody; 05-02-2012 at 05:47 AMReason: added source

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-15 22:06:00
PhilippinesPoint of Entry

You could meet them with a welcome basket! 5lb bag of rice, Spam, couple balut, and a jar of bagaong!

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-15 22:12:00
PhilippinesLeaving On A Jet Plane

Yup, been in the military too, funny thing least for the Hawaii guys, people you wouldn't give the time of day to back home, become your best buds when away, just because...


And yes, as with most groups (or clicks) once you can prove that you can fit in, you'll be part of the gang too.  Did you ever think that maybe that association might have made it easier to fit in with the filipino lifestyle?  lots of similarities, hell some of them might have be filipinos.

Ummm, sushi IS rice...

sushi is to rice, as french toast is to bread

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-18 04:04:00
PhilippinesLeaving On A Jet Plane

Screw you haole! rofl.gif Just joking!  Really!!


Have you ever noticed that it's usually only the white people that say that? IMHO, When they come from the rest of the US, where whites are the majority population, and then come to Hawaii where now they are no longer the majority it just screws with their reality.


Maybe we're not so politicly correct most of the time, but we are aware of the differences different cultures bring to the stew pot, most of the time we celebrate them, but also have fun at their expense, even long assimilated cultures. 


If there is any real anger towards the whites, it's among a vocal  minority of Native Hawaiians (using that term loosely, cause there are very few, if no pure Hawaiians anymore).  But I think you could understand, since a group of American business men over thru their Queen, and when the US President told them to give it back, ignored the order and still took over the government, aided by US Marines. Oh, and brought in western diseases and killed off more than 50% of the population.


What really gets me are the non-locals who move to Hawaii for the great natural beauty, weather and, "aloha spirit". Then proceed to block access to the beaches, trails, and try to turn Hawaii into the mainland.  There was actually a pretty good South Park episode about it.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-18 03:43:00
PhilippinesLeaving On A Jet Plane

But I know when I'll be back!  


Flying out tonight to pick up my sweetie, so we can start our new life together.  


Just spent the last couple of days trying to clean the Hale (guess it'll be the Casa now).  Of course I know it won't be up to her standards living alone for all these years, you tend to pick up a few bad habits. Keep teasing her that I wasn't going to clean, so that she'll have something to keep her occupied while I"m at work.content.gif


Got everything set on her end, visa in hand, CFO completed w/sticker stuck, got our reservations for the 25th all set, just trying to get us upgraded to business class.  That I don't understand, flight is almost empty (13 in business class) according to the seat selector, but they are still asking for 90k each for one way! While the flight out only has 4 seat left in business class and it's only 45k.  Guess I just have to keep calling, or we'll have to suck it up in steerage with the rest of the cattle! 

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-16 20:40:00
PhilippinesVisa being processed for delivery???? now what

Aww, you got to get the one with the warm air so you can get blow dried too! But, do you like that model? any feedback on quality or reliability yet?  Was leaning towards one of the Japanese brands (after all, they invented them) but talk about expensive! the Toto brand, basic model is around $400, and for the ones with the warm air blower are over $700! 

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-18 03:50:00
PhilippinesApproved! Yay! But confused with the next steps..

I'm using safari on an apple, also tried with my windows PC at work, also firefox...always got the same response.  I just went ahead, filled out the form online, then when printing I just printed to a PDF file instead of the printer.  Saved a e-copy, then I could print out as many from that file, and had a back up just in case.  Think we still have to write in a few N/A's and nones in some fields afterwards.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-19 20:31:00
PhilippinesGift basket for my fiancees POE---any ideas??

Verizon huh, If she decides to get the iPhone, I think the GSM portion is unlocked, so if she returns home, I think she can just pop in a local sim card and use the local networks (don't do this in the US, or you'll get hit with a huge charge) on the same phone.


If she wants to roam her in the US with her Phil #, make sure she enables roaming before leaving for SMART you text ROAM ON to 222, not sure about the other providers.  I usually buy a bunch of load cards to top it up every couple of months (your load expires after 60 days), or maybe she could get a friend or relative to e-load her every couple of months.  It will cost 20p to send a text, free to receive, normal charge for the sender.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-16 21:14:00
PhilippinesGift basket for my fiancees POE---any ideas??

OMG! I'm agreeing with Niblet twice! I'm going to let the Asawa-to-be pick out her own phone too.


Nibs, you should consider posing for your sweetie on the bed while she's freshening up, ala Burt Reynolds (lets see if any of these young kids can figure that reference out!)


And Leon, she might actually be able to use her same phone, depending on what provider you use.  If T-moblile or AT&T, and assuming her phone is unlocked (most in the PI are) you could just pop in a new SIM card and she'd be set.  But who doesn't like getting a new phone? dancin5hr.gif  Don't throw away the old one either, she can still use it when she goes back to visit, or she can set it up to roam here in the US so she can still get text (free to receive) as long as she keeps 100p loaded, and she won't loose her number back in the Phils.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-16 20:52:00
PhilippinesGift basket for my fiancees POE---any ideas??

balut? dried fish? oh, and take the toilet seat off! But seriously, like the previous poster mentioned, flowers, bubble bath, I'm planning on making a nice steak and king crab dinner

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-15 23:48:00
PhilippinesChecked in Luggage and Flying Internationally Connected Flights

What passport stamp?


When you enter at the POE as a K-1 visa holder (probably all foreign arrivals) the Immigration Officer will stamp the passport, and write in the expiration date, and class of admission I think, you'll need that to print out the I-94 later.  At least, that's what I think.  I'll know for sure on the 25th!

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-17 04:42:00
PhilippinesChecked in Luggage and Flying Internationally Connected Flights

Oh, in that case you can forget most of what I posted!rofl.gif oops8rh.gif   


Shouldn't be a problem clearing customs, I brought some of April's stuff when I went for her interview.  I'd put "Personal goods" and NCV (No Cash Value) on the back if you want.  As long as you're not bringing in a lot of the same items, that might look like you're reselling them.  If they question you about the women's clothing, just tell them you're a cross dresser.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-16 21:38:00
PhilippinesChecked in Luggage and Flying Internationally Connected Flights

OK, no you probably won't have to recheck bags in Tokyo, the airline will confirm when you check your bags in.  "Rent-to-Own" is my term for the K-1 visa process (90 days rent to own), Since she'll have to thru the secondary inspection for all K-1 visa holder (hand over package, finger print, , passport stamp, etc) , and hopefully your process should be much shorter, you can use the time to collet the bags, clear customs, and recheck the bags.


If you have time, you can alway run over to In-N-Out Burger for a double-double! But I guess you have them down in San Diego

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-16 21:22:00
PhilippinesChecked in Luggage and Flying Internationally Connected Flights

That's what I'm doing also...human pack mules! 


On the way out shouldn't be a problem, as long as your on the same airline, or the airlines have a interline agreement, they can check it thru all the way to your destination. 


On the way back, same thing...except.  Since you'll be arriving in the US in Los Angeles, that will be your POE, after clearing Immigration, you'll need to collect your bags, clear customs, then recheck your bags in for the last leg.  Not familiar with LAX, but most will have a drop off  for transit passengers just after customs, or in the same area to drop off your bags again. Maybe you can use the time while you wait for the Rent-To-Own to clear secondary at Immigration to collect the bags and clearing customs?

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-16 21:02:00
PhilippinesMissing/Missed a Step?

That's pretty much what we did, originally requested home delivery, then changed at the last window, to have it delivered to the 2Go location near her home instead.  Interview was on Tuesday, she had the visa in hand on Sunday.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-24 02:42:00
Philippinesyeeeeeeehaaawwwww---2GO has picked up the package!!!!

My Honey got her braces in the Phils, unfortunately she didn't complete her treatment before we got her visa approved, and she moved here.  I'm really not looking forward to paying the cost for the adjustments here in the states. Probably another years worth to go.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-27 17:00:00
PhilippinesGetting the CFO sticker

oops, just got a correction for the brains of the outfit...lunch break is 12-1.


April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-30 21:15:00
PhilippinesGetting the CFO sticker

Think they take their lunch break from 11:00am to 1pm, at least that's what my fiancee said.I actually went with her to get the sticker, took us about 20 min? but we took a little longer because we had a couple problems.  1st she forgot to make a copy of the visa from her passport, then a couple of mistakes on the form she got from the front desk, then we missed that there is more to fill out on the back of the form! haha.  The signs say to sumit the forms to line #2 for US applicants, but no one was there, so the took it at counter 2.  After about 5 min, her name was called at window 4 to pick up the passport with sticker attached.  Remember to bring a pen, the ones they had there  sucked! no ink left.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-30 13:37:00
PhilippinesVisa "Issued", Traveldocs says "With Post"

I actually had pretty good results with the 2Go website.  Once I started using the correct tracking number that is! I used the UID # from the appointment letter to first start tracking, then after a few hours the other numbers started working too.  If I remember correctly in our case the 2go site actually was ahead of the traveldocs tracker.  April was actually able to pick up the visa on a sunday from one of the 2GO branches near her house.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-27 17:05:00
PhilippinesBest airlines to fly to Manila now that Hawaiian airlines is done?

Yup, went up for both the interview and to bring her back.  Did I have to? Probably not, but kind of wanted to make things easier for her. Plus we had the extra luggage space if we needed it and she never really flew internationally by herself before.  If I were to bring her by herself, I'd probably have used Phil Air so there would be no stops.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-10-03 17:40:00
PhilippinesBest airlines to fly to Manila now that Hawaiian airlines is done?

I just did the HNL-TPE-MNL routing myself when I went down to pickup my sweetie. Hwn to/from TPE and China Air to/from MNL.  The Hawaiian flights were pretty empty, China Air's seat seemed really narrow for some reason.  Bags got checked all the way thru, but needed to get boarding passes and the China Air seat assignment in Taipei at the transient desk. I managed to get mileage upgrades for our trip back, the China Air Business class lounge was a little bit away from the gates, but was real nice! large, clean, and pretty good selection of food and drinks, plus wifi.  Only strange thing happened at the departure gate on the way back to Hawaii, all the transient passengers were pulled aside for a secondary pat down, at the gate, just before boarding.  I would think it would be better to do this as you enter the gate holding area, like they did it at Manila.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-10-03 01:17:00
PhilippinesFlying to Manila for the Big Day

Good Luck to the both of you! You'll be interviewing as me and April wing our way to Hawaii to start our new life together, you'll be there too before you know it!

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-09-21 02:35:00
PhilippinesVisa Status Check


Doubt it, 2GO isn't open on Sunday as far as I know.

Actually some of the branch offices are open on Sundays, check their hours on their website.  April was able to pick up her visa on a Sunday at the branch near SM North.  Not sure, but think most of the Mall locations might be open.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-10-09 22:12:00
PhilippinesAirline ticket and Docs to bring. Questions.

I actually have quite a bit if experience with the 3 major brands of prescription sleeping pills, not sure of their availability in the Philippines.  I do know thay are considered controlled meds here in the US, I think Class 3 meds? So not automatic refills, only a few pills at a time, etc.


Ambien, probably the least "strong?" usually knocks me out for about 4hrs, fairly gentle effects, kind of makes you drowsy and lets you drift off to sleep.  I ususally only take 1/2 a pill at a time.  I've never had any side effects, and usually awake feeling fairly good, no groggyness or feeling drugged up afterwards.  People have reported side effects, sleep walking, doing things that they don't remember later, etc Usually when they combine with alcohol.


Sonata, I've only used it a couple of time, since it's a capsule you can't easily take a half dose.  About the same "out" time as Ambien, maybe a little longer, felt a little more groggyness upon waking.


Restoril, this is the biggy! I take this when I really want to be knocked out, 6-8 hrs down time, I usually don't take this one untill I'm ready to sleep, acts pretty fast.  If you are awaken before you're ready you will feel groggy and out of it for awhile.


Again, all of these are prescription meds, and need to be carfully used. Ambien claims to be non-addictive, but still would treat it as so.  I would try to test whatever one you decide to use before hand when you know you have full day to recover.


On the non-med side, I have used melatonin with pretty good results.  Your body actually produces melatonin naturally and it regulates your sleep cycle.  Mostly as stated befroe, it just makes you drowsy to let you fall asleep naturally.  I use it fairly regularly, especially after trips to get my wake/sleep cycle back on track.  I have used it in conjunction with OTC sleep med like Tylonol PM to get rid of those little aches that can make sleeping harder also.  Other things that will help are a sleep mask and ear plugs

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-10-11 12:48:00
Philippines350.00 rice cookers

Well, I have been know to call the wife the 100lb rice cooker!

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-10-11 13:52:00
Philippines350.00 rice cookers

Okay, I'll admit it...I paid about $100 for my rice cooker.  Most of the more expensive models are computer controlled with tempature sensors vs. the less expensive ones that basiclly use a weight controlled switch at the bottom that shuts off when the water is mostly gone.  It's got delayed start timers, so can get everything ready in the morning to start just before you get home in the evening, or the otherway around, or you can let the rice soak for 1/2 hour before cooking which makes for a fluffier rice.  It also has settings for brown rice, sprouted rice, white rice, and for making rice porrage (i.e. jook/congee). I've used it to make jambalaya and japanese donburi, and  I can also make bread in it, actually comes out pretty good!

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-10-11 12:58:00
PhilippinesVisa status: Issued!

Ho Brah! sounds ono! I like come too! haha

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-10-23 19:28:00
PhilippinesHonolulu Civil Surgeon

Steve, I hope you find one soon, so I can follow in your footsteps in a couple of months! If not I may follow DavenRoxy's advice and use my HawaiianMiles (that I can't use to go to Manila anymore!) and get it done while "Honeymooning" in Vegas, or somewhere on the West Coast.

April-n-GaryMalePhilippines2013-08-15 00:59:00