K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGuess what
Congratulations! :thumbs:
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-14 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

I think you have a complex case with your parents being the issue. Your pay is very close to the line, and from my understanding they do not really let you count the house you are living in as assets to offset your living expenses they are looking for a second home and second car not the ones you are currently using. If you have a boss who is willing to sign an I-134 or I-186 I would say you have a great boss. I think best thing is if your boss would let you have some time off and you go to the interview with her so you can explain the case with your parents. I think with you there being able to explain it you will have no problem. But if your not there and she gets the wrong CO I think they will deny her.

Hi.. Thank you for your response and yep.. I am planning to go to my fiance's intrview but with regards to my parents... I think i'm good with that as they already have abandoned thier green card and filed I-407 and have copies of it... here's the reference of why i can take them out of my support... this is a quote from page 3 of the I-864 instructions:

How Long Does My Obligation as a Sponsor Continue?

Your obligation to support the immigrant(s) you are sponsoring in this affidavit of support will continue until the sponsored immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen, or can be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of work in the United States.

Although 40 qualifying quarters of work (credits) generally equate to ten years of work, in certain cases the work of a spouse or parent adds qualifying quarters. The Social Security Administration can provide information on how to count qualifying quarters (credits) of work.

The obligation also ends if you or the sponsored immigrant dies or if the sponsored immigrant ceases to be a lawful permanent resident and departs the United States. Divorce does not end the sponsorship obligation.

Thanks.. :)
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

have u tried asking this trusted boss for a raise? he's willing to do and sign other financial actions, why wld 3K be harder? if he gives raise, then u can take ur dec, jan, feb weekly pay stubs along with tax return to interview.. gdluck

I work for an agency that's why.. and the agency sends us to my boss to work for her, so its the agency who can give me the raise and not my boss.. :) I do have some cash income though... maybe I can add that to my income in 2011... and for sure this would make me meet the 125% guideline... I will just pay whatever taxes is owed. I will talk to my tax preparer on this when i get my W2's and 1099...

Thanks for the advise :)

Best of Luck to you.

Thanks.. :) :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

Hello Sir ! I have read all your posts and some great replies from our VJs. I do believe that you are doing your best as you can. Keep going-- and leave the rest to God. I'm sure -- your Fiancee would get her visa approved. If there is a will, there's a way :) Trust God, He will make it happen ! :)

Tahoma gave you a wonderful and very encouraging advice. I will keep you in my prayers that your Fiancee would have a nice consul during interview.:) Nothing is impossible with God !:)

Thank you.. I really feel that I have everything in place though... Thanks for your prayers and I will keep on paying too and will keep on fightting :)
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

Whenever someone is flirting with the minimum income requirement and is going through the U.S. Embassy Manila, I recommend they build the best financial case they possibly can...and I think you are doing exactly that. I think you have an excellent chance for approval. The reason I say this is because you seem to have it together, you're asking the right questions, and you're putting together a thorough financial case for yourself.

Keep in mind that the consular officer will be looking at the totality of the circumstances in regards to your financial picture. I hope the consular officer sees the same things I'm seeing. True, your income may be a few grand shy, but you are showing yourself to be a saver who has money in the bank, and a responsible homeowner who is building equity for the future. I'm guessing you have a steady job too...another plus in your favor. You are also a father who provides for his children. I believe these are some of the things which will win over the consular officer.

I particularly like your idea of attempting to submit both an I-134 and an I-864 from your joint sponsor. I realize it's not standard operating procedure, but it worked in Manila last year for a friend of mine, and I have seen it work more than once here on VJ.

Regardless of whether the CO accepts your home equity as a liquid asset, I believe it's important to include it in your case because it helps paint the picture of you that you want the CO to see. And yes, include the letter from your bank from January or February, and a year's worth of bank statements. Maybe the only things I wouldn't include is your boss' cash bond offer and the quit claim idea. I don't think you will need them anyway.

In the three years I've been following Visa Journey, I've seen many cases approved by Manila which were not nearly as strong as yours. Other than building the best financial case you can, my best advice would be for you to attend the interview in order to have the chance to make your case, and to show the CO that you care about this important event in your life. I have seen here on VJ that the petitioner's personal appeal to a CO in Manila can make the difference. I don't think your fiancée will become a public charge in the U.S. and I don't think the CO will think so either.

You can do this. :thumbs:

Thank you so much.. Very Encouraging and yep! i wil try to be there on her interview.. maybe i'll get one week vacation and accompany her on her interview. I also dont want to have the quitclaim deed as this also establishes the solid realtionship bet ween me and my BOSS. Who would want to co sign a condo for you if that somebody doesnt trust you and if that somebody is not close to you.

I will take out the cash bond thing then on her sworn statement.. :)

Thank you so much and I will keep on trying my best.

Any inputs on additional ways to get through this would be greatly appreciated... Approved, 221G or denied, I will come back here and share my experience, this has been a very tough one for us but I know we can do it. LOVE CONQUERS ALL! :)
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 03:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

A cash bond is not acceptable as a source of income and that is what the affadavit of support is all about.

You have a great boss who it sounds like really cares about you and your happiness. So that being said, why don't you ask her for a raise to bring your income to the 125% of poverty guidelines? It computes to about $65 each week to make up the deficicncy and you'd have the required income to put all your fears to rest.

The Consulate will consider your CURRENT income at the time of the interview. SO... If your boss were to give you a $65 per week raise, you'd meet the income requirements and would not need to sweat whether a co-sponsor is acceptable...

And yep! My BOSS.. is the best BOSS that you can have.. very nice and treat me like a part of thier family... this is the reason why I made a sworn statement signed by her stating the realtionship between me and my BOSS, she is like a mother to me and me like her SON. As previously, I've read a correspondent here in VJ in response to a question regarding a Co sponsor on a fiance's petition.

The correspondence says the FF:

Reference: Fiancé(e) Visa Information

Date: April 24, 2009

This is in reply to your inquiry of April 24, 2009, regarding your visa concerns.

Petitioners in fiancé(e) (K1) nonimmigrant visa cases are generally expected to provide the adequacy of their own financial resources to ensure that an alien, after admission into the United States, will not become primarily dependent on the US Government for subsistence. While our immigration law does not disallow joint sponsorships for K nonimmigrant visa applicants, the mere submission of an I-134 Affidavit of Support from joint sponsors is not sufficient to establish that the alien is not likely to become a public charge. Accordingly, we make a thorough evaluation of other factors, such as the sponsor's motives in submitting the Form I-134, the sponsor's relationship to the applicant or petitioner, the length of time the sponsor and applicant have known each other, etc. An I-134 Affidavit of Support submitted by a casual friend or distant relative who has little or no personal knowledge of the applicant has limited value. Unlike the I-864 filed by joint sponsors in immigrant visa cases, the I-134 is not legally binding and imposes no legal obligation on the joint sponsor to make good on his or her promises. Please be assured that we look at the totality of circumstances in assessing the credibility of joint sponsorships.

For information about financial sponsorship guidelines, you may visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website at

Information regarding fiancé(e) and immigrant visa petitions may be found at our website at http://travel.state....types_1315.html or http://manila.usemba.../wwwh3204.html.

Please direct future fiancé(e) and immigrant visa inquiries to this web link: http://manila.usemba.../wwwh3230.html.

We hope this information is helpful to you.

Immigrant Visa Correspondence Unit

Consular Section

U.S. Embassy, Manila

1201 Roxas Boulevard

Manila, Philippines

Telephone: (632) 301-2000

Fax: (632) 301-2037

I got this from this thread..
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 02:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

A cash bond is not acceptable as a source of income and that is what the affadavit of support is all about.

You have a great boss who it sounds like really cares about you and your happiness. So that being said, why don't you ask her for a raise to bring your income to the 125% of poverty guidelines? It computes to about $65 each week to make up the deficicncy and you'd have the required income to put all your fears to rest.

The Consulate will consider your CURRENT income at the time of the interview. SO... If your boss were to give you a $65 per week raise, you'd meet the income requirements and would not need to sweat whether a co-sponsor is acceptable...

Actually, I make more than what my W2 and 1099(as i have a small online business) .. I also have cash income but I dont know how to declare that on my tax return. Is it OK to just add it on my tax return? just to get above the poverty line? and just pay whatever tax I owe? If this will be feasible, I can easily do this on my 2011.. tax return.. here's my previous income 2009 .. may be about $28,000+ ; 2010 is about $26,430

Isn't that they will get an average income for 3 years? or they will just need the 2011 for fiance? which is which? :)

Thanks.. :)
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 02:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

I think that parent issue is an non-issue as you have proof that they abandoned their US residency.

As long as you include statements from the bank that substantiate the money in the bank was not just dumped there right before the interview you should be fine with that also.

The condo however is a sticking point. Obviously, you stand a better shot at having the Consulate consider your home equity if you are the only peron on the deed, but even then it is a 50/50 chance that the Consulate will consider the home as an asset due to the fact that it is not liquid and selling it in order to repay the government should your wife ever collect means tested benefits could be a difficult endeavor.

The bottom line is that with MOST Embassies you'd probably be ok with your income, the money in the bank and your co-sponsor as an ace in the hole, but with Manila you just never know.

Thank you... I think this really needs divine intervention :) I will pray everyday that they would not give me a hard time on this.. :( I will just stick to what I have now and for whatever reason, they will deny it, then it's God's will. I did my best but it didnt fly. Maybe we would go for CR1 route if ever this wouldn't go but I really hate to see this fly away just because of $3k short on income :(

My last question for you too is that my BOSS is willing to deposit a CASH BOND for my fiance if needed... have you heard about an embassy that's willing to take this? Money is not an issue with my boss.. :) It's only me that has an issue with money.. hehehehehe :) Thanks.. :)
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

First, provide evidence that your parents went back home and gave up their green cards.

You can show the last few months worth of bank statements to prove you have $10k in savings, or get a letter from the bank stating when you opened the account, average balance and current balance. The 10k is technically enough to cover the amount of your income's shortcoming, but the more you can add to your savings to show for the affidavit, the better. You can also list your condo's net value too, if you wish. But just know they might not accept it because any assets must be able to be turned to cash within a year and not be a hardship on your family or a financial loss, and the fact that you share the deed with someone else might make the CO decline to include it.

"You may include the net value of your home as an asset. The net value of the home is the appraised value of the home, minus the sum of any and all loans secured by a mortgage, trust deed, or other lien on the home. If you wish to include the net value of your home, this, you must include documentation demonstrating that you own it, a recent appraisal by a licensed appraiser, and evidence of the amount of any and all loans secured by a mortgage, trust deed, or other lien on the home."

Thanks .. and yep! I can have my parents Philippine passports and passports stamps that they left US but most importantly, I have a copy of their filed I-407 Abandonement of Lawful Permanent Resident Status which supports that they went to the US Embassy in the Philippines personally and surrendered their green card.

I will also ask my bank to provide me the average daily balance and current balance of my bank account. One last question? if my fiance's interview will be on feb 29? when would be the best time to ask the letter from my bank? What day and month of the year :) Thanks.. :)

As far as my condo, It's kind a hard for me to include this unless my boss will sign a quit claim deed and just leave the name under mine? do you think this would be feasible too? as I still have time to let my boss sign a quitclaim deed... :) What do you think guys?
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 01:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

If another person is on the deed then it is less likely that the asset will be accepted because a forced sale would effect another person. Plus your share of the home equity would be cut in half (assuming a 50/50 ownership arrangement).

I understand the 50/50 cut as it's jont tenancy but, i am only short $3k.. which even a 50% on the equity is sufficient enough to cover the negative :( and i do have cash though that could also cover it... Hmmmm... i hope this works. but again, this is really up to to consulate, I just pray that my fiance will get a CO thats in a good mood.. :)

Thanks for your reply guys... and if there's any input that you guys can share, i would love to hear from you. :)

Edited by merkin78, 18 December 2011 - 01:09 AM.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 01:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFilling up I-134! Confused! Need Help!

The money in the bank still may not be enough to satisfy the Consulate at Manila. If you read through the forums you'll find MANY situations in which the Consulate at that particular Embassy has been especially difficult to deal with when it comes to the affadavit of support.

Regarding your question about bank statements, I'd send at least a year's worth to show a money trail and that the funds didn't just show up in the bank right before the interview.

As far as the equity in your home, it is especially difficult to ascertain the true value of a home today, and even though your housing market might not be as bad as Las Vegas or Florida, unless you have an apprasial performed on your home (a recent one at a cost of about $500), the Consulate most likely will not consider all of the equity you claim on the I-134. Additionally, I believe you stated that your boss is also listed on the deed of the home, so the Consulate may not be inclined to allow the use of the home equity in their decision.

You might be well suited to email the Embassy directly with these questions. As I stated before, Manila is famous for not permitting co-sponsors except on a case by case basis, and then when I've seen co-sponsors approved it was close relatives not an employer.

OK... I will post this on the Philippines thread, and Yep! my boss is on the Deed and I have the recent Appraisal (the $700 appraisal) made on the Condo as this was just purchased about 2 months ago... I thought that if they do include the value of the condo, that they will just divide the equity by 2 as its joint tenancy.. :)

Thanks.. :)

Edited by merkin78, 18 December 2011 - 01:00 AM.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-18 01:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)received 221g, what to do?

yes, they are asking about his 2012 tax returns (but he only made 8thousand) because he just work summer that time.
This 2013 taxes he will be making 26,000 already and thats above poverty level. and we will be passing that together with his 2012. Hope they will consider his 2013 taxes.

You guys will be OK... 2013 tax return is what matters... Just make sure you have the 2013 tax return, W2, pay stubs and letter of employment.

Just don't let those people judge you, Do what you have to do. No married couple starts being rich. We struggle, work hard and succeed.

Good luck!

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-01-15 03:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I 864 or I 864A

hi.. i need your help again.
im still confused, my FIl and i needs to fill up separate I864 for my father and another for my mother? plus in part 3 #9 i dont need to write something there cos they are separate form right?

You leave # 9 empty as that's only for derivative visas. And yup both you and your Father in law needs to fill up I-864 for each parent.

Good Luck!
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-06-07 15:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I 864 or I 864A
You will be the petitioner and your father in law will be the only joint sponsor.

You can state your part time income but if you have your father inlaw who makes more that the guideline, you don't really need it but it's always good to specify all of your current income.

Good Luck!
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-06-06 22:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I 864 or I 864A

The father in law of the petitioner is not eligible to use the 864A. An in-law is not a qualifying household member.

In this circumstance the Father in Law will complete an I-864 for the person(s) being sponsored.

Thank you.. I guess you're right. Only parents of the principle filer of I-864.

Thanks for the correction.

Your father in law can fill I-864 as a co sponsor but his income must meet the poverty guideline based on his household plus your parents.
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-06-06 15:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I 864 or I 864A
He doesn't have to, since he's unemployed but you still count him as part of your household size in figuring out your poverty line.

You need to fill up and sign another I-864 and let your father inlaw sign I-864A.

Count the total household size and compare it with the poverty line If it meets.

Pls don't forget that your father in law needs proof of citizenship or legal immigrant status, so don't forget to send them together with any financial proof and employment verification.

Good Luck!

Edited by merkin78, 06 June 2012 - 02:31 PM.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-06-06 14:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I 864 or I 864A

hi.. thank you for your reply.

i have my 2 kids and husband from last income tax return.
my income for 2011 is 24,043 and my husband is 31,479.78 (but unemployed nov 2011) :(

for my individual annual income is currently 29,120 (only from full time work)
and my part time job is 8 per hour i dont know if i need to add it

If your husband was still working, it couldhave been fine. Your household size is 4 for you and 2 parents.. You need to have at least an income of $38712 if you are living in the contiguous states.

You can ask your father inlaw to sign for I-864A since he's living on the same household but your household size will increase + his household size. So make sure that with adding him up you still can reach the poverty guideline.

Here's the link of I-864P (2012 Federal Poverty Guidelines)

Good Luck! :)
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-06-05 19:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I 864 or I 864A

I submit the I 864 for my parents and im the only sponsor. NVC told me that i did not meet the minimum income requirement even though i have 2 jobs. They want me to submit again an I864 for another joint sponsor but my husband is unemployed since nov 2011 last year. Do he need to fill up the form I864?
and my father in law is willing to help me if i need him as a sponsor, and we are leaving in the same house. if ever which form should he needs to fill up? I864 or I864A?

We would love to help you but we need more info... How many dependents you have on your tax return, + your parents.. We need to figure out your household size, so that we can have the income needed to support your parents.

When we have the household size, we can get the magic number you need to come up with.

A joint sponsor could be anybody willing to sign I-864 and should meet the poverty guideline by itself.

An I-864A is a sponsor that's within your household and would want to combine his/her income to come up with the magic number from the 2012 poverty guidelines :)

Good Luck!
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-06-05 16:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Sponsor forgot to Sign I-864A. Very Bad Mistake. What will I Do?

Btw...they don't consider your visa application complete until all of your documents (AOS/864 & civil) along with your fees and on line visa application are all together.   note:  you don't have to wait to finish your application on line to send your civil documents in.   you can send them with your 864 documents, just make sure you have the cover sheet with the bar code they send you with the instruction emails.

Got it.. this is for my stepson, so you suggest that I request his picture already and have it sent to me? I don't have the DS-260 yet though. I can't pay for it yet as its not available yet.


I'm worried in getting pictures too soon as it have to be taken with in a certain period of time right? I already have a copy of his original birth certificate  and a copy of his passport can easily be scanned and be emailed to me.. The only thing that takes time is his picture as it will have to be mailed here in US from Philippines.


Thanks for your suggestions and help.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-18 17:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Sponsor forgot to Sign I-864A. Very Bad Mistake. What will I Do?


Thanks :)

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-18 12:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Sponsor forgot to Sign I-864A. Very Bad Mistake. What will I Do?

Hi Everyone,


I just made the worst mistake in my visa journey. :(


I just compiled my AOS for my Stepson and I realized that I, the sponsor only signed my I-864 and my wife signed I-864A but I didn't sign my part on the I-864A. :(


Am I screwed? What will I do? Pls help.


What I plan to do is send another I-864 and I-864A (I'll make sure I'll sign both) together with our cover sheet and write a letter explaining what happen. Do you guys think this is a good idea?




I mailed the AOS Package today, March 17, 2014 and I plan to send another one tomorrow, March 18, 2014 but just the signed forms I-864 and I-864A because all my supporting documents are already in the first AOS package that I Sent.


Any advise would be great appreciated.



merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-18 01:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ppleease help !! Do I still have to include form DS230 with my IV package?

Log in to your account at NVC, once your IV payment is PAID, you can start filling up DS 260 online, this is the former DS 230.


Good Luck.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-28 21:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864
Anyone they or you know can be a joint sponsor, it doesn't have to be a relative nor be living with them. As long as the Joint Sponsor signs for the I-864 and meets the poverty guideline by him or herself.

They should be good to go.

Good luck to them and I know how it feels missing your love one.
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-01-07 02:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit in Lieu of a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage

I will be traveling in July to see my fiance' and get married Lord willing. I arrive July 12 at 10am. Appts all look like they are only available in the morning until 9:30am and they are closed the next day. I cant stay over the weekend. Is there any other way to get the "Affidavit in Lieu of a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage" before or will they take a walk in for this?
Thanks for any help....

Usually these affidavits are given also at extension consulates in some provinces in the Philippines, where are you going to get married coz I know someone who did it on a walk in basis in Cebu Consulate. Good luck :)
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-05-08 16:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpetitioner attend the interview..


It's up to the consulate. According to the Manila consulate info, the petitioner can attend. But I would definitely verify this with the consulate before I planned a trip.



You are right.. Manila US Embassy allows petitioner to attend the interview coz my USC husband was with me during my K1 interview :)

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-01-17 21:53:00
US Citizenship General Discussionvoting

do you think there is any way for me to still able to vote in next year elections .lets say if i become citizen in next few months.
i feel like this will be really important year and i would love to be able to cast my vote.

YES! The minute you sworn oath and naturalized, you are entitled to all the rights of an American Citizen, which includes voting rights. :)

Good Luck!
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2011-12-31 22:29:00
US Citizenship General Discussionn-400- CITIZENSHIP BASE 5YRS

i entered in the u.s based on MARRIED , i was divorced after 3yrs of married.. i understand that in order for me to qualified for citizenship atleast 5yrs the date of residency, now i submit my application of n-400 3before the date of my residency. i dont understand why its denied..

You need to file.. 5 yrs or more after and not 3 months b4 your 5th year.. You filed early that's why you got denied.. You can't get the 3 yr requirement for citizenship as a spouse coz you are divorced..

Pls read the link below for spouse to qualify. Goodluck!
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-04-28 18:23:00
US Citizenship General Discussionn-400- CITIZENSHIP BASE 5YRS

how do i know if i am qualified for citizenship

You need to file.. 5 yrs or more after and not 3 months b4 your 5th year.. You filed early that's why you got denied.. You can't get the 3 yr requirement for citizenship as a spouse coz you are divorced..

Pls read the link below for spouse to qualify. Goodluck!
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2012-04-28 18:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI got my green card several months ago... Now what?

Hahaha! That's good that her country allows dual citizenship. I will have to check with mine.. Thank you for the information and congratulations in advance to your wife!

If you are Filipino? Yes! our country allows dual citizenship.


Good luck!

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-02-06 15:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat's going on? No NOA1

It could have been lost in the mail. I remembered my NOA2 took forever to arrive at my address, so I called USCIS and requested a duplicate copy. If i remember it right, you can only request duplicate copy if after 30 days and you still didn't receive the hard copy yet.


Call USCIS and see if you can get a duplicate copy rather than waiting for something that might not come ever.


Good luck!

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-01-03 21:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS monthly update: January 12014

Hang on there guys. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Believe me, when both of you are together, you'll forget that a year+ of wait did happen. It will be overwhelmed with the happiness that you guys are experiencing together.


Good luck to all!

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-01-21 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny I-130 case here got transfer to Nebraska Service Center

NOA1 date is December 31, 2013


My son's I-130 was directly rerouted to Nebraska Service Center & got approved 17 days after NOA1.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-01-17 21:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.

Just got the AOS Bill and DS 261 (Choice of Agent) via email. Filled it up, submitted and paid AOS bill online the same day I got it. Yeey!

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-12 15:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.

I don't know. How to find out when they shipped or received my case. Could anyone help me?

Call NVC now and give them USCIS receipt number.. they should be able to tell you when they got your file... They should have it by now.. just waiting for it to be inputed to their system, and then you get a case number.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-11 13:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.

I got approved on January 15th. Still no case number at Nvc . Who has the same problem?

Looks like you are still within thier timeframe.. If you know the date your petition was recieved by NVC, it will be 20-30 business days from that date, before they can give you the case number.. Deduct holidays and the snow storm as they were close on those days.

Good Luck.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-11 01:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.
Wow! NVC recieved our approved petition last Jan 29, 2014.... After calling NVC everyday, we finally got the NVC Case #, last March 7, 2014.. Weeew!

Now waiting for AOS bill & choice of agent email.

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-03-10 22:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.

I received NOA2 approval on January 14 2014 and was notified on January 24 2014 that my package was sent to the Department of State for further processing. Is this the NVC that will be handling this or the DOS?

NVC is under DOS... So they're one... It'll be NVC who process' your Visa.

Good Luck!

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-02-08 14:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.

How do you know when your case reached NVC or when it shipped to NVC? Where do you get that info? By calling USCIS or NVC?

After your approval from USCIS, they will mail it to NVC, call NVC with you USCIS reciept number and they will tell you if they got it or not.
merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-02-05 22:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.

We just received our case number after 5 weeks since our case was received by NVC (Jan 6th) :) Yay!! x


Now, I have set my mind to 5 weeks :(, but will keep on bugging NVC every other day anyway :)

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-02-05 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNvc Case number.
Great! All VJ members with NVC Receipt date within Jan 2014... Let's keep all of us updated here.

Good luck to all of us! :)

merkin®ineFemalePhilippines2014-02-04 22:36:00