IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

FOr me now to even come here I  feel so bad becz It is been since so long in NVC and can't wait anymore.I got checklist now again have to wait that is too much to wait 30 business days for one document (checklist) to revie......

We feel your pain. Our NAO2 is of January 29th. NVC received last checklist reply in their system on June 11th and it is past 30 business days but they have not reviewed it. Stay strong and hang in there.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-25 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

I just called and spoke with Don at NVC.. i got a case complete as of yesterday.  I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.  I told him to reconfirm that i had a case complete!
The NVC Site doesnt show n/a for AOS yet. 

Congratulations Dwipal.

Please report back when you notice N/A for AOS fee.



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 20:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Thanks! seems like they are reviewing all packages once they get to the first scanned date.   I had two packages waiting, June 11th and June 20th. They probably reviewed both when they got to June 11th document. 

Congratulations and it is a good news that are reviewing all scanned messages. This seems to be an improvement in their reviewing process.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 17:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Did they request you to send it electronically??? or did you just send it like that?

Our case is being processed electronically. Lisa and Octavio wanted to see my wife's email of April 30th as NVC database was missing these emails and had asked to forward them. They confirmed receipt to her while she was still on phone with them but could not help as the original email was missising. She was asked to resubmit I-864 to NVCElectronic which she did.

My wife called ( 5 minutes ago) NVC to find if her first email in their system of a June 11th has been reviewed. Mia from NVC told her that it has not been reviewed as of now. It is 30 business days for this document for review but I guess they are taking more than 30 business days to review. Mia told that NVC is working overtime and the documents are being reviewed till 8 PM on working days and also on Saturdays.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 16:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Honestly , they don't care about the emails. They have to attach them to your file. What they care about is if all the documents are there.  If your email is explaining why the document is not there, you will probably get another checklist or if you are really lucky, they will give you a CC and you will have to bring the missing item to the interview.   Did you request a supervisor review? 
Sorry if I am asking a question that has already been answered...,.

Thanks 'LoveMyTico'. Yes, there were two supervisor reviews on June 9 and June 10 for the missing email of April 30th. My wife attached new I-864 form in her email. She also attached the corrected I-864 form in her correspondence with these two supervisors. So, all three emails that she sent have corrected I-864 form.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 16:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Read LoveMyTico's response below :)
And don't bother mentioning anything about AOS fee changing to N/A to indicate case complete. They won't know that. That's just something us VJers have noticed ;)
Aha, I thought it was you!  B-)

Thanks Saylin. We hope they review Ripu's first email and give a cc. It has been stressful as we have waited too long for the resolution of this checklist.



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 15:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014
[quote name="LoveMyTico" post="7146814" timestamp="1406234435"]

Yep, it was me !!
If they have all documents for your file, they will give you a CC.  If they send a response  to your inquiry, that will show up as an unidentified piece of mail.  I can't tell you how many times they would tell me there was still mail that had to be reviewed when the last piece of mail I sent was scanned on May 8th.   If you ask for a supervisors review, the response they send to you will show up as an unidentified piece of mail too. If you sent 3 emails, probably there are a few unreviewed pieces of mail.  They will tell you that all mail has to be reviewed before a CC  but its all a lie.   Don't worry !

Thank you 'LovemyTico'. Your post has been of great help and also a stress reliever.

 We hope they give a cc after reviewing the first email.



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 15:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Not sure if it was a typo while writing the above post, but the correct email should be NVCInquiry, an i not an e.
Anyways, not sure about those two mysterious emails. IIRC, I think it was LoveMyTico, but could have been someone else, they also had mysterious mail logged in their account and I think they ended up discovering it had something to do with a supervisor adding a note or that their review counts as mail. I'm a little hazy on this as it was a month or two ago (which means like 10000000 posts ago, haha). I do remember that there was some connection to supervisors though.
Now, whether it's true they have to review the other two "pieces of mail", I don't know. You may just have to wait and see what happens after they review the AOS checklist.
Yes, if you called and verified the AOS package was reviewed and accepted, that's what this "checklist" is based off of.
There's nothing to worry about as this is normal of false checklists. Just continueto keep an eye out for the IV fee for when it gets invoiced and pay ASAP since if NVC receives your documents before the bill appears as PAID in their system, there may be a delay (and a possible loss of documents).

Thanks Saylin. Yes, it was a typo. She sent to NVCInquiry. The supervisor yesterday was very rude and did not want to listen. She insisted that Ripu would need to wait until NVC reviews all the three emails in their system. We both had same checklist and replied using same computer from our different emails. My case file is complete but for Ripu it has become a never ending story.

This supervisor had no knowledge of AOS fee status changing to N/A once the case is completed.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014
Saylin, my wife sent an email reply for I-864 checklist on June 10th. She also talked to two supervisors on June 9th to find about the status of the checklist email that she sent on April 30th. NVC maintains that they did not receive her April 30th emails. She forwarded the April 30th emails to two supervisors (Lisa and Octavio) on June 9th and 10th at NVCEnquiry.

She called yesterday and talked to another supervisor, who told her that there are three emails in the system for review (dated June 11, June 25 and July 11). Ripu however sent only one email to NVCElectronic on June 10th and forwarded her April 30th email to these supervisors at NVCInquiry on June 9 and 10.

This supervisor, yesterday told her that she cannot get a case complete until NVC reviews all these three emails in the system. Her case should be completed if NVC reviews only one email of June 10th.

Is it true that NVC will wait till all the three emails are reviewed? This will push our cc by almost one more additional month.

Would they not complete her case with the email that she sent to NVCElectronic on a June 10th? We have no knowledge of what these other two emails are as she did not send any email on these dates.

Kindly advise.



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

IV and AOS were both e-mailed on June 6th as we used a lawyer.  NVC said (on phone) that they were "pending" as of June 23rd.
Those are just the numbers.  Afaik, they aren't up to the 23rd yet but it's likely that the 23rd was not considered my scan date.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I saw this in your previous posting. For our VJers, we should consider this June 6th EP (no predictable scan date like in snail mail). We may want to use email sent date for better time calculations.

They will be soon booking for September interviews and you should get this info soon.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 10:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Hi folks,
I did EP (Canada) and I submitted my AOS / IV electronically on June 6.  I called about a week ago and the mail was received on June 23rd.
For what it's worth, I just checked my CEAC and the "AOS Fee" portion is a gray "N/A" BUT the IV is still "PAID"
I used a lawyer, so both were submitted simultaneously.
Does this mean that the AOS is accepted but the IV might be a checklist? 
On hold now, hoping someone can shed some light before they finally pick up.


NVC uses email date as scan date (as in case of for snail mail). So they are not on June 23rd for EP. It makes sense as my wife sent a checklist reply on June 10th and still waiting. If NVC was on June 23td then her case would have been reviewed by this time. I guess we need to wait a little longer than snail mail.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 10:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014



When was your last email received by NVC? Please share as my sent checklist reply on June 10th which was entered on June 11 at NVC. We are doing EP as well.



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-24 10:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

How has this delayed my case by 45 days?  I didn't get a checklist, I sent files in for Electronic Processing and got an email that they couldn't open the files I sent on Saturday (3 business days ago)
I'm working on reassembling a new email with the fixed files, I figure I've lost a week tops.  If it's 45 days I think I'll cry  :crying:
Reading Saylin's wikis are always a good idea though... such amazingly helpful info to be found.  You are right I should probably read the checklist one just in case.  Thanks
Jaz :-)

Sorry, I did not mean to scare you. In your case it seems to be a better situation as I did not know that you sendt email 3 days ago and found the problem immediately. We are doing EP too. We had a checklist for I-864 ( a very miner thing). We received NAO2 on Jan 29th and are still here just because NVC could not find my wife's checklist reply in their system. She sent it twice.

I know in one case for (Lukiduki ) another VJer the PDF file was password protected and the matter was resolved in one week. I misread your post and thought that you got a checklist. I still suggest that you send whole package again to avoid delays in processing from NVC. Once again, I did not mean to scare you but was speaking from personal experience with NVC.

Wish you good luck and best wishes !


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-23 20:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

How has this delayed my case by 45 days?  I didn't get a checklist, I sent files in for Electronic Processing and got an email that they couldn't open the files I sent on Saturday (3 business days ago)
I'm working on reassembling a new email with the fixed files, I figure I've lost a week tops.  If it's 45 days I think I'll cry  :crying:
Reading Saylin's wikis are always a good idea though... such amazingly helpful info to be found.  You are right I should probably read the checklist one just in case.  Thanks
Jaz :-)

Edited by Jag & Ripu, 23 July 2014 - 08:43 PM.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-23 20:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Yikes it took me 2 days to scan everything and get the file sizes small enough that they could be sent by email!  I guess that could be a good last resort, there goes my weekend...
Yes they were PDF's, no I didn't check the security properties, that didn't even occur to me.  I just tried opening them on another computer and it worked so I figured we were good to go.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this suggestion :thumbs:  :)  :D  :dance:
(for others who may be reading this later, to check security properties on a mac, go to "finder", right click on the file > "get info" > in the pop up box "more  info">"Security" (about halfway down))
I clicked on all 33 of my files, 3 of the 4 PDFs that were generated by my bank said "Password Encrypted".  Weird that I didn't need to a password to open them, and weird that the 4th one didn't say that, but that is what the security info said.  
I think before I rescan all 33 files, I will try just doing those 3 and resending the package first.  I sent the first email Saturday and got the email reply today  so if more scanning is needed I should know by early next week.
This information was EXTREMELY HELPFUL and is something everybody doing EP should check before emailing in their documents.  Thanks so much!!!!

This surely has delayed your case by another 45 days. It's good that you found the files. Make sure that you resend whole package again as a checklist reply. You may want to look at Saylin's WiKi for replying to a checklist.

All the best!


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-23 20:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014
My wife called NVC this afternoon. As informed earlier, we have two IR5 cases. We are both EP processing. We both received a checklist on April 30th for same reason ( I-864 - petitioner put Adjusted gross income instead of Total gross income). We both sent replies to checklist attaching revised I-864. My case was completed on June 4th but NVC informed that they did not receive her email reply. Supervisor review did not help, rather delayed sending response for a week. My wife resent checklist reply on a June 10th. She confirmed of NVC received her email and was informed that an email was in system (no way to find the contents). She had forwarded her email of April. 30th to two supervisors that she talked to on June. 9th.

She called this afternoon and talked to another supervisor (Matty). She was told that NVC has three emails in system: June 11, June 25 and July 11th. She only sent emails on June 10th only. Supervisor told her that she would not get a case complete until they do not review all the emails. They have not looked at her June 10th email as of today. We are tired of this process.

We are not in a rush to move to US but this process has caused severe stress. EP processing sucks and so does NVC.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-23 19:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Yikes you got your NOA2 in JANUARY!!!???  I'm so sorry you are still hanging around here, that must be awful! :cry: 
I appreciate the heads up, it is definitely better to err on the side of caution with the NVC, thanks!  :)

Thanks. We are not in a rush to move to US as both have jobs here but still the process has caused undue stress.
I hope that the EP process for you goes smoothly. NVC is back logged now and it is taking 30 business days for each step.

All the best!

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-19 19:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Good idea!  How long should I wait before I call? 
Our attachments were 8.6 mb (compressed from 40mb)... it is under the 10mb suggested in the EP wiki so I'm guessing we should be okay with that but you can never be sure.  How big were your attachment files?

Also make sure that the PDF file is not password protected. We had our petitioner's job letter in PDF and were not aware that it was password protected. I am also not sure about compressed files. As per Wiki you can send your i864 in parts. NVC would read all emails received. You can put part 1,2,3 etc.

Edited by Jag & Ripu, 19 July 2014 - 07:36 PM.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-19 19:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Good idea!  How long should I wait before I call? 
Our attachments were 8.6 mb (compressed from 40mb)... it is under the 10mb suggested in the EP wiki so I'm guessing we should be okay with that but you can never be sure.  How big were your attachment files?

You should call next week sometime to confirm. My wife's i864 was also around 8MB. We have two IR5 cases. NVC completed my case. We sent emails from same computer and wonder how could they not receive from one person. NVC is a mad-house. They don't care or listen to our side of story . You can resend the same email next week . I don't want to scare you. Some VJers had no problems. We received our NAO2 on Jan 29th and are still waiting. It is almost 6 months for us at NVC and still no case complete.

If I were you then would resend the same email sometime next week as it does not hurt and saves on time.

All the best!


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-19 19:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Ok I did it I DID IT!!!!! I just clicked "SEND" on the email to  This was for my I-864 package, electronic processing.  There is no more proofreading, no more double checking, no more overanalyzing anything anymore, it is all now in the hands of the NVC.   :clock:
For the last week, I've been second guessing myself over every little detail, no doubt I'll be completely grey before we ever make it to the USA LOL!!! :blink: :rofl: 

I suggest that you call and check if they received your email. We waited for 30 days to find that the checklist reply was never received ( or went to spam). My wife had sent it twice but NVC did not find it in their system. She had to resend it resulting in more than two months delay.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-19 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

I have no idea. Maybe the case got in the system as of June 2nd when the EP enrolklment took plce and since they had our AOS at that point, perhaps is queued starting from the EP date. NVC agent told me that they have recieved it June 19th and that's what was 2 weeks to open their emails?!  
June 2nd would malke a lot of sense since this is the dates they are processing now.....
I'll cross my fingers for you! Never know!

June 2nd makes sense as your AOS documents were already there before you received EP enrolment email.

Hope you get an interview soon!

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-10 18:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Just confirmed on the phone... it's CC for us! yahoooooo! :dance:
case recieved at NVC mid-march
IV completed sometime early June as we have a lawyer
Send AOS documents by email May 30th
EP enrollment confirmation June 2nd
NVC received ("scanned") June 19th
CC July 9th
So EP is not following the same timeline obviously....


Yes EP process is much delayed. My wife sent checklist reply on June 10 (second time as NVC lost her earlier email). Still waiting for review.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-10 18:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

IIRC, June 16th one you saw is  from Canada and they did EP.   They seem to be reviewing EP documents much quicker than the regular ones. 

No, they are not reviewing EP Canadian cases faster than scanned. One person that got CC had sent all the documents but NVC did not find their one attachment. They resent this document on June 16th however I strongly believe that NVC found their old document and issued CC. We have two IR5 and both had checklist for I-864 and sent reply on April 30th. NVC claims that they did not receive email attachment from my wife (we sent it twice). Their system might have put it in spam. My case was completed on June 4th. My wife had to resend the same email that she sent on April 30th. She was told that NVC received one document on June 11. We have no way to find but to wait until they review that email. Our case got delayed for almost 3 additional months due to this mixup by NVC and we are still waiting............

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-10 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Hello All,
So I have a  query about Police Clearence Certificate. I am an indian citizen living in Canada as a Permanent resident. I have police clearance (for India) from the local police station in india. Do I need to get a police clearance from the indian consulate too here in Canada also or just the PCC from the local authorities is good enough.

Yes, you will need a Police clearance from Indian Consulate. It takes 4 weeks to get hence you may want to apply. Look at Bls-canada weblink:

Make sure you have all the documents before you go to BLS office.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-10 18:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

CASE COMPLETE as of today!  thanks to all for the help and support, Saylin you are an angel! what a great Canada day for me!    

Congratulations and Happy Canada Day!

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-01 17:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Sorry to hear you can't resolve the issue with NVC.  I am doing EP too and it was the worse mistake, its longer than snail mail and you don't know which day they are reviewing.  Every time I call they give me the 30 business day.   It is very stressful and I hope VJ people that are contemplating EP, PLEASE DON'T  DO IT!
I hope soon you get an answer and get CC. Good luck!

Thanks for your kind words. The system needs to be fixed. The checklist are being issued for very small matters pushing the whole case to next 30 days. Why can't they have an exclusive division to deal with checklists and review them within a week? Good luck to you too and Happy Canada Day tomorrow!

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-06-30 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014
We have lost trust in NVC's ELectronic Processing system. My wife and I received checklist for AOS column 13.a.1. We both sent response same day. My case was complete on June 4th but my wife's checklist response email was lost or went to junk mail at NVC. She talked to three supervisors but in the end had to resend the same email on June 11th - pushing it next 30 days for review. We sent emails to attn. PI Supervisor but no response.

We are not in a rush to move to US but NVC process has caused unwanted stress.

I am sharing our story so that other VJers are aware of such things.

All the best to new to NVC. Please read and re-read Saylin's WIki as many times as you need to.

And congratulations to all CCs.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-06-30 21:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews
Medical done today. Dr. Lyndon Mascarenhas was very nice and quick to the point. Lab and X-Rays in the same building. We recommend this doctor for Canadian VJers. The parking flat rate of 10 dollars seemed expensive as we needed to park for an hour or so. There is street parking but it was full.
Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-29 14:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews

We have the same interview date and time =)  :joy:

Congratulations!!! We booked our flight to Montreal and hotel for September 16th night. We hope to see you at Embassy on the 17th:)

Hello all,


So I finally got my interview letter from NVC for Montreal on September 17. 

I keep reading that I have to register to courier prior to my interview; however, my letter mentioned nothing about this.


What should I do?

Will this info come in another letter from the Consulate? 

Sorry if this was already asked before =)



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-15 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews

I'm quite calm about it, beyond excited that it's FINALLY happening!! LOL! I was teasing my hubby because he tends to forget things ;). I'm the "over organized/prepared" one.  :lol:

Yay! Congrats on your interview date. All the best. So glad you finally got a date :D.

Thank you:)

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-15 14:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews
Just called NVC and YES the interview is scheduled for September 17th at 10:30AM. She told that email has not gone out yet.

To all other Canadian VJers waiting -call NVC right away and all the best!!!

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-15 14:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews

I have added you to the spreadsheet. Welcome to the family. :goofy:

Thank you. You are awesome:)

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-14 13:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews
Called NVC this morning. No interview date yet. She told that they are booking September dates and interviews are granted as per availability at Embassy.
Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-14 13:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews

I see that on the spreadsheet, and someone else said they got their date scheduled on the 2nd (which was a Saturday). I'm wondering if they were actually scheduled during the prior week when the rest of round 1 was done and are reporting the date they received the interview letter?
ANYHOO, hopefully you hear some news this week!!!!
Edit: I do wonder if it's an Embassy that isn't that busy, they may get scheduled right away as opposed to other Embassies?

I called NVC this morning. No interview date yet. The agent told me that they book interviews through the month and there are no phase 1 and phase 2. It depends upon individual Embassy and openings available for interviews. She told me that they are still booking for September interviews. She could not give me any definite time frame and asked to call back later in the week.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-12 07:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews

There's usually 2 rounds of scheduling, so far they've only done 1 round. Hopefully round 2 starts on Tuesday!!!

Thanks Bdrew612. I saw someone whose case was completed on July 30 received interview date on August 4th. Our case was completed on July 31st and we were hoping to be in first round.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-11 16:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews
Hey guys,

We are new to this thread. We have two IR5 cases. Both were completed on a July 31st. Received confirmation email on August. We are doing EP and were kind of stuck at NVC due to a small error on I864 form.

We are waiting for an interview date for Montreal Embassy. Does anyone know if they are still scheduling interviews for Canadians for September month?

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-10 16:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Was he at medisys in Montreal?

No, he is in Toronto.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-30 09:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014
Medical done today. Dr. Lyndon Mascarenhas was very nice and quick to the point. Lab and X-Rays in the same building. We recommend this doctor for Canadian VJers. The parking flat rate of 10 dollars seemed expensive as we needed to park for an hour or so. There is street parking but it was full.
Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-29 14:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014
Still waiting for interview date. Our cases were completed on July 31st. Received confirmation email on August 7th.

Anyone knows if they are still scheduling interviews for September in Montreal?

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-08-10 15:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014
Hey Saylin, checking in. We are very happy today as our case was completed at NVC this morning. A big and special thank you to you.

I think we'd be moving to interview thread but keep checking in to report progress.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-07-31 19:21:00