IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

We received an auto response when we sent out the AOS packet, but we submitted it on Saturday which is what I chalked it up to. I didn't receive one for neither the ENROLL or IV packet email, as both were sent on business days during business hours. 

Thanks for your quick response. We did receive Enroll confirmations and also auto response for AOS package but no response for DS260. It is frustrating as NVC does not respond and the call centre representatives cannot confirm the receipt of emails.

All the best to you. Our timelines are same.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-04-01 17:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

As of today, all of our fees have been paid, both packets have been submitted via EP, and the DS-260 has been taken care of, as well. :) We decided to send them in without receiving the confirmation of the enrolment email, as we figured the worst possible case scenario would be that we'd have to resubmit them at a later date. 

Hi, did you receive an auto response for your emails for support documents. We submitted yesterday afternoon and did not receive and 'auto' response. We resent the emails once again based on suggestion from VJ members. Please inform if you received an email back from NVC.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-04-01 17:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


I don't know the answer to that question?  I know if you call NVC they will tell you that they can only tell you once something is entered into the system.


Hopefully someone else has a suggestion??


Are you sending the documents from the emial you registered on your DS-261? If you registered a secondary email address on the DS-261, maybe trying sending it from that account?




This is the response I got immediately after each email I send NVC - the ENROLL, AOS, IV supporting documents. It is how I knew they got the email I sent because when their inbox receives an email it generates this automatic response.


"Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for your recent inquiry to the National Visa Center (NVC).  This e-mail is an auto response.  Please do not respond. 

We review and reply to e-mails in the order they are received. ".




Thanks for an immediate response.


We did receive this email for i-864 support documents but did not receive for DS-260 documents. We had registered for EP and did receive OPTIN confirmation before emailing these documents.


Since, we've sent two times for DS-260 (from both of us separately) hence will wait for a few days to see NVC response.


Thanks again, best regards


Jag & Ripu

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-04-01 10:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


When you submit documents electronically there should be an auto response that is sent right away.  If you did not get an email right after sending in the documents, I would send them again.


For me the the actual confirmation email that the I-864 documents were received/in the system was 17 days after I emailed them to NVC.




Hi Gwenstar,


Thanks for your suggestion.


We resent the IV DS 260 Support documents email this morning but did not get an automated response.


We sent these documents to the email address:


What should we do if we do not get an automated response?



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-04-01 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Greetings All,


An update for those using Electronic Processing (EP). We have paid our AOS fee and the following information available on the receipts page would suggest that the Bar Coded Cover Sheet is not required for those using EP:


Next Steps

Payment Receipts for IV Case MTL2014xxxxxx
Status of All Fee Payments


Unless this case has joined the Electronic Processing Program you will need a Document Cover Sheet. You may use the Print Document Cover Sheet button below to print one now. If you cannot print a copy now use the Email Document Cover Sheet button to send an electronic copy to an e-mail address where it can be printed later.




Hi mattandinga,


You will need the cover sheet to send your AOS & IV DS 260 documents via email in EP. Sometimes you can't print the cover page but if you email the receipt to an email (Not NVC) then you get a PDF cover sheet attached to that email.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-03-31 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Hey Saylin,


Does NVC send a confirmation email for i-864 and IV support documents sent by email for electronic processing?


We received an auto 'Out of Office" notice for i-864 documents sent on Friday. Not sure if this automated reply was due to office closed for weekend.


We sent IV documents this evening (8:30PM) but did not get an auto response.


Do we wait for confirmation email or resend these documents again?


Please advise.



Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-03-31 20:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I agree, it seems to be taking longer for those invoices, even for people to access the DS261.  How frustrating for everyone!  


Congratulations for your CC and interview date!!!

We sent checklist reply via email (EP) on April 30th but still no response. NVC is approving paper based cases of May 6th but have not uploaded/reviewed our email of April 30th. Did you do EP or snail mail?

Congratulations once again!!!


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-31 08:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Electronic Processing:
I emailed my AOS on April 10th; I didn't receive an auto-reply at the time.  However, I did receive confirmation on May 7th in an email that states: "We received electronic documentation for this case.  Please allow up to 20 business days from the day the email was sent for the scanned attachments to be uploaded to the electronic case file and reviewed."
Anyone else receive the same message?  When I call the NVC, they say that they don't have my AOS and that I need to wait 30 business days (instead of 20) for it to be uploaded.  I am worried that I may have sent to big of files and they didn't actually recieve them, even though the emails says that they did.

We are enrolled in EP. We sent response to a checklist on April 30th but they have not reviewed it. Emails are being opened after 30 business days and then reviewed in next 2-3 days. The NVC rep that we call to find updates cannot see the emails that we sent until it is loaded by EP department. There is too much delay and the call centre representatives are not trained on EP process. It is frustrating as we don't know anything about our email status and then they would issue checklist for something stupid. Just pray that you don't get a checklist. Your email is there as you did receive an automated confirmations.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-29 13:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Are you sure you put the correct link? Cause that one's domain is for sale :P

I think it is: Saylin.

Hope you are doing well. Still waiting for AOS checklist of April 30th. We replied same day but I guess EP is slower than snail mail.

Have a nice weekend!


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-24 16:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Topic - EP or mailing for NVC. Which is the better option?
Hello, So i got approved with NOA2 on may 14 from NSC and I am practically ready with the AOS and IV packages already. All thanks to information i have gotten here and from Saylin's wiki page. Thanks a lot.
I am filing from Canada so I have both EP or regular mailing system for processing. I wanted to know people in NVC stage, who are submitting their AOS and IV packages, is EP better or worse than mailing documents to NVC? As per saylin's wiki page, once you submit for EP (with the email) you should submit your AOS and IV packet only after you receive confirmation from them. If that is still true, then can any of you who did enroll for EP tell me how much time it takes for them to send the confirmation? Also, is it quicker or the same. I saw the timelines on NVC spreadsheet for the past couple of months, and it didn't make much of a difference in time. Would most people say its true or my estimate is incorrect? Thank you.

We opted EP thinking that it would be better and faster. While we are still awaiting cc snail mails are being approved faster. I have seen VJers waiting for more than a month for EP registration. You however save on courier costs.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-22 12:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
You may print and send this cover sheet without delay to avoid delay. Attach a cover letter explaining the reasons.
You may print and send this cover sheet without delay to avoid delay. Attach a cover letter explaining the reasons.
Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-20 19:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
For IV documents you needed to attach the DS 260 bar code sheet, which you did hence don't worry. That is the cover sheet you needed to attach. Which other cover sheet are you talking about?
Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-20 19:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I didn't know that we have to put a cover page on the iv packet. I did not do so and realize it now.
Does anyone have any knowledge as to what will happen to my case? I hope they don't loose my original documents and that it doesn't get delayed. 
Your thoughts? 

You do not need cover sheet. It is nice to have one. You are OK as long as you have attached bar code cover page. So do not worry and Relax!

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-20 19:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Thanks !!   My husband told me not to call til later today  ..   Everytime I call the NVC I get a different schpeel.  One says my file is with a supervisoer, another says they found my mail and added it to our file and the supervisor is going to review, another says there are two pieces of mail waiting for review ( totally not the case. I only sent one package)  another says since the supervisor already looked at the file and the mail was not in it, the date for the mail received May 8th was changed to May 12th.  I was like  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?  she says  please allow 30 days for review from the 12th.  then another says there is mail waiting to be reviewed from May 8th.   right back to square one...  
I'm not expecting anything this week.   I can't stand this anymore

I called this morning to check our case status. We sent the checklist reply on April 30th ( Electronic Processing). I was told that we need to wait for 30 business days for checklist review. I requested to talk to supervisor but he was too rude and of no help. Same 30 business day ratting. This is ridiculous. EP was supposed to speed up the process. I see that VJers who opted snail mail are getting case complete.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-20 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I'm starting to get worried about my EP enroll email. I sent it on April 18 and I still have not received a confirmation. Today is May 19. They say it takes 30 days for email to be read. Is that 30 business days or 30 regular days? Do you think I should call and get a supervisor to check on it? I'm scared they will tell me no and that I have to wait longer.
Problem is when I sent it I wrote that my surname was the same as my husband's but in their records it is still my maiden name. Does that mean I have to send my ENROLL email again with my maiden name instead? I should probably just call NVC and ask. I may have just cost myself 30 days :(

You should email your AOS and IV documents and resend when you get confirmation. We emailed before receiving confirmation and they reviewed the 1st and 2nd both. Unfortunately we had an error in I-864 hence the checklist. This will save you time.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-19 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Also,  :ot: but, I got my first, very own car yesterday and thought I'd share the great news with you awesome folks :) It's a brand new, 2014 Prius. Only had 1 mile on it! I've wanted this car for years and years and finally got one! Although, I definitely wasn't expecting to get one, lol. I've been having car issues with the hand-me-down I received 2 years ago and my husband merely suggested I test drive one (since I never had before). Few hours later, ended up driving this off the lot  :jest: The 50 mpg is nice though :D
(Sorry for me squinting, but the sun was bright, and this was the less squinty photo of the bunch  :lol: )
Also thinking of getting a personalized license plate: Saylin! Not only do I use that name here but pretty much on all sites as my username :D


Both you and your car look amazing.

Blessings and love!

Jag and Ripu

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-19 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Speaking from experience, a checklist will go to all email addresses on record.

We got checklist for AOS and the emails were sent to Petitioner, benefitiary and choice of agent.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-17 16:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
Well, I don't know the answer but I searched the threads for you. Some VJers answered that CMR is: consolidated mail room and DR is Delevery Room. I am not sure if these are correct answers.
Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-17 11:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I have a question on cover sheets;  specifically the ATTENTION TO-
the AOS had attention to CMR AOS
the IV package had attention CMR
on the checklist I had the cover page said attention DR
what is CMR and what is DR
any knowledge of that-- 
obviously the attention to determines the track it runs on and HOPING that checklists dont just get put back of the line. already waited once..  

Sorry, I do not know the answer for this as we are doing Electronic Processing. You may want to read Saylin's 1st posting in this thread.

Edited by Jag & Ripu, 17 May 2014 - 09:44 AM.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-17 09:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

And can my husband re send correct cover sheet or he have to re send entire AOS package. Any idea.
 Any advise will be appreciated 

Resend entire package with right cover sheet - to be safe. We got checklist for AOS form (one box was incorrect) but we're asked to resend entire package with new I-864 form.

Edited by Jag & Ripu, 17 May 2014 - 08:12 AM.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-17 08:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

 Hey guys!! I have a question... :idea:
My husband sent wrong Bar Coded Cover Sheet for AOS, he sent one for Packet 4 instead. Will we get check list????

You may want to re-send corrected barcode sheet again and do not wait for checklist as it may delay the process.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-17 08:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

The 28th of last Month 
ok i found the mistake on the return where the tax transcripts do not have the cents but the W2 does have the cents ....the checklist was for a .07 difference 
Should i just not add the .07 cents on the 1-864 ???
and can i know just fill out the i-864ez now and mail it to them with the checklist instead of the regular i-864

It is painful to get a checklist. We got a similar checklist. You need to make sure that you send make a rift correction. If you used filed taxes by using 1040 form the you need to put. ( total gross income - line 22) if you filed taxes by using 1040 EZ then you need to write ' Adjusted Gross income'. You need to write exactly same amount as per your tax return or tax transcript. We sent reply to checklist on April 30 the and still waiting for response. It was a minor issue but NVC goes by book. This checklist added one additional month in our Visa journey.

Do not rush to respond. Send correct response and re-send all nine pages of I-864.

All the best!


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-16 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I hope so! Although that totally made me think of the comedy sketch (I think Jimmy Fallon may have played the character) "Your Company's computer guy"... "MOVE!"  - Anyway, it made me giggle.
I sure can't imagine what it must have felt like before Saylin's guide... just filled in DS261 and now seeing the "Your case is in the process of termination...." message on the payment portal. Had I not known to expect it, I would have been FREAKING OUT! Even knowing that it's normal, it's a little disconcerting. You'd think they could develop a less nervewracking message. 
You know, maybe something that said what was actually going on??? Maybe???? No, I know... that's just crazy talk.
Anyway, hope everyone's having an awesome day - Sun is shining here in BC (although last night it poured rain and our house leaked. A lot. I'm glad we're going to be getting out of here soon!)
Hey, do you think they might optimize their website for something other than IE, now that the government is telling us not to use it? I'd really like to not be forced to re-download such a crummy browser!

We did not use Internet Explorer. Firefox worked fine for us.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-09 16:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
[quote name="justojai" post="6996249" timestamp="1399586051"]

I just received a checklist written in Greek and all I can make out of it is the number 260 written in the context of the checklist. I've seen people here with same type of message written in Greeks,  what was your findings when you called NVC?[/quote

You can use Google Translate. We also got Checklist in Greek. The agent told us to ignore but send reply to the original checklist.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-08 18:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I knew it!

And in other news, come on NVC, I want to fill in forms and give you money!

My wife called NVC this morning to find about review of our checklist response. She put my wife on hold and talked to supervisor and told that they are reviewing today emails of April 7th ( Electronic Processing). We sent checklist response on April 30th. I guess we have no choice but to wait.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-07 17:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hi VJers!
I have a question regarding the mailing address required in DS-260.
I am the petitioner and the choice of agent. I want to receive any document mailed by NVC and therefore I opted to be the choice of agent in DS-261. Now if I report beneficiary's (my wife) address as the mailing address DS-260, what sort of documents will be mailed to her? Will NVC be mailing all document to her? Will the embassy mail all documents to her?
I am little confused as to what documents are mailed by the individual centers (i.e. NVC, Embassy) and from which form do they pick up the mailing address?  
Thanks much,

DS260 is about beneficiary hence you need to have her address. There is another column asking for 'where to send green card'. Your address can go there. Also, you will also be getting emails as choice of agent.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-07 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

(((((((CASE COMPLETE)))))))) 
Just got off phone with NVC. I almost cried when the lady said your case was completed today, just waiting for interview to be scheduled. I had to ask her to repeat those magic words. And they are still scheduling for June interviews in Montreal


It is nice to see your case complete. Gives us a big hope as we are in same situation. Wishing you a June interview.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-06 21:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
[quote name="Jag & Ripu" post="6990862" timestamp="1399423599"]

Yes, attach photocopies and originals of everything if sending by mail as per NVC instructions.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-06 19:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Can anyone tell me if we need photocopies of EVERYTHING for the IV and AOS packets? Or just certain documents?

Yes, attach photocopies of everything as per NVC instructions.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-06 19:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
So, we called NVC this evening. Everything else is fine except AOS line 13.a.1. We already sent a new I-864 form on April 30. Why can 't they open that email and 'complete' our case? How does it matter if petitioner put Adjusted Gross income instead of Total gross income? All they need is if petitioner has sufficient income.

Wait for 20 working days for this? Why?

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-06 19:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
[quote name="ArthurandMarcela" post="6990698" timestamp="1399417674"]

My story:  Met my husband on a dating site, first he wrote to me and told me how attractive I was and I said the same about him.  Then he wished me good luck in finding my other half( because he was in the US and I was in Canada). That was in 2005, from time to time he will write to me and we decided to email each other to see how our dates were going.  After a year of emailing and telling each other of our horror dates, I said to him why you don't come to visit me in Montreal.  He booked his ticket and was here in 2 weeks, the first moment we saw each other and we kissed I knew he was the one! I told him I loved him and he said he loved me too.  Since then we were inseparable and my friends and family could not believe how could we have a long distance relation for so long.  I should say we talk  on the phone twice every day and we see each other every month.  I am the luckiest girl in the world.  We got married last year in the Cayman Island and I can't wait to be with him.  HURRY UP NVC... [/quote

I wish NVC agents were reading your post and had some heart to understand your love. I wish you good luck . Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on land. Wishing you good luck.
[quote name="ArthurandMarcela" post="6990698" timestamp="1399417674"]

My story:  Met my husband on a dating site, first he wrote to me and told me how attractive I was and I said the same about him.  Then he wished me good luck in finding my other half( because he was in the US and I was in Canada). That was in 2005, from time to time he will write to me and we decided to email each other to see how our dates were going.  After a year of emailing and telling each other of our horror dates, I said to him why you don't come to visit me in Montreal.  He booked his ticket and was here in 2 weeks, the first moment we saw each other and we kissed I knew he was the one! I told him I loved him and he said he loved me too.  Since then we were inseparable and my friends and family could not believe how could we have a long distance relation for so long.  I should say we talk  on the phone twice every day and we see each other every month.  I am the luckiest girl in the world.  We got married last year in the Cayman Island and I can't wait to be with him.  HURRY UP NVC... [/quote

I wish NVC agents were reading your post and had some heart to understand your love. I wish you good luck . Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on land. Wishing you good luck.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-06 19:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


I think B2 is a visa as on B2 visa you were allowed entry into for business purposes. If you have dates available then you may want to add this in your DS 260. I had a TN visa but did not remember the visa number. I added TN visa info in my DS260 and had no problems.


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-05 16:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
When I called NVC on Friday (before this checklist) I was informed that my civil docs were reviewed and were fine. My wife did not get this checklist email ( we have two IR5 cases at NVC). Her IV docs were received and were under review.

Hope this information is helpful!


Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-03 14:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hi all, I received the following message from NVC

The nvc has recieved the requested ds-260 online immigrant visa application however we are still waiting for the response to the checklist letter fornthe affidavit of support please return the requested information so that we may complete processing your case

No I sent the checklist for AOS couple of days ago. Do you guys think that means my ds260 and the civil docs have been accepted?

We received exactly same checklist reminder this morning in Greek. LOL!!!

We had to use Google Translate to read this checklist. We sent the original checklist response same day - April 30th. I guess they do not check emails to remove the checklist and go by date to review.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-03 13:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

It's false. I am doing EP and have received 3 of these now. Each time I've called NVC and was told they are just reminding you to send in IV documents. You have already sent them so you can just disregard this email.
And this kinda makes me chuckle. We are both Canadians one EP and one none EP. Received my case # a month before you, yet your neck and neck with me for case complete. It's a race to the finish line. LOL. Looking at this I now know for sure that EP is much slower.

Yes, it is false. We also received similar three times before we got an actual 'Checklist' on April 30th.

You are right - EP is moving slower than non EP.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-03 09:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I hate weekends!  Well...I hate the WAITING on weekends!
For those of you who called and found out you had a checklist, how quickly did you get the "official" checklist email?

Hey Sukie,

We received email within 24 hours. Not sure, if it is due to our case being processed electronically.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-03 09:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

:wow: :rolleyes: greek?

Thanks goodness, the translation is available online. They are closed for weekend and I will call them Monday.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-03 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

That is very very odd. I'd be calling them monday. Did you not get email a couple days ago saying they had received and are reviewing your IV docs??( I could be confusing you with someone else) But If you did, this checklist could be because they have reviewed and accepted the IV but have not yet received the corrected AOS. Why it would be in a different language though has me stumped.

Yes, we received emails confirming receipt of original AOS and IV support documents. IV documents are OK and have been reviewed. The mistake was in I864 form which we sent reply on April 30th.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-03 08:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

NVC sent Checklist at 1:12 AM. They used a different language or Font that i could not read and had to use Google Translate to read it. Is it common? This letter was sent as a reminder to the checklist they sent on April 30th. We responded same day. They don't open the emails and send a reminder in a language that you can't read. WXX?Attached File  NVC - Checklist screen shot.png   479.3KB   7 downloads 

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-03 06:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014
We got two checklists on April 30th for AOS and support documents:

1. One for the PDF attachment (petitioners' job letter PDF was password protected).

2. I-864 - item 6 (13.a.1) - petitioner used 'Adjusted Gross income'. We were asked to resend I864 all nine pages with correction and change this to: Total Gross Income (line 22 of Petitioners'1040).

We emailed response to checklist same day.

Called NVC this evening and talked to Mel. He asked us to wait for 20 working days.

We have no choice but to wait. If there were no checklist then we'd have got the case completed by now.

Jag & RipuMaleCanada2014-05-02 20:03:00