Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Ever heard of Limburg Liz? Well Den Bosh or 's Hertogenbosh is right next to it. North Brabant is the Province. ^^ I really like that province because it has lots of nature in it.

Congratz Johnny and Lindsey!!!! Was about time, good luck with the interview!!

Welcome Adriana ^^

DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-11-05 08:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Happy Halloween!!!!
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-31 06:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Thats awesome, thank you for your reply. It helps a lot. ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-27 19:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Hello all,

I would like to hear some experiences from people that arrived on a k-1 visa at New York JFK airport or any other airports. What do I expect? Is it like waiting in line for the (tourist visa) or are they gonna ask more questions?

I'm arriving at 8pm. What time should Bill arrive there to pick me up? Like how long will it take for me to get out and be able to step in the car? This is probably most important since parking at JFK is very expensive. I don't want him to have to wait for me for hours but I also do not want to have to wait there too long for him. So is 8.30 or 9.00pm a good time? Or anyone has other suggestions.

Now I have the "do not open" envelop. Do I also give them the big envelop with the Xray photo in it? Also the "do not open" envelop can only be opened by an immigration officer... How can I know if that person that wants to open it is an immigration officer?

Like last year, they asked me questions before going on the plane. Is there anything I need to do? Just show them the visa?

Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, I'm just so afraid something will go wrong and I have to go back again. I don't think I'll survive being without Bill any longer. I posted this in the moving here forum but no one replyed huh.gif

Thanks in advance.


Edited by DeniseBill, 26 October 2009 - 07:26 AM.

DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-26 07:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Nope, you don't have to submitt. Only submit what's on your list you got from the Consulate.

And what Letty says is correct ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-23 15:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Congratz!!! ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-20 07:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
I'm very sorry you have to wait such a long time. At least you know that they didn't lost the file or anything horrible like that. unsure.gif

Good luck and I'll cross my fingers for a fast interview date for ya good.gif
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-16 04:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
I was wondering how long it took for ya guys that got the visa to recieve it in the mail? I've gave them a postage stamp of 7 euro. and I got a little note with a code so I can track it online, but the website says they didn't recieve that package to send.

So I pressume they haven't send it to the postoffice yet.. so... how long? rolleyes.gif
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-14 12:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Thank you!!! No, I bought my ticket today though, I'll be going on the 20th of november, so I can do my last things here in Holland.

I had tons of evidence, pictures, etc. They didn't even ask for it. lol
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-13 14:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Interview done, Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-13 09:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
I have my interview tommorow!!! I'm so excited but oh god so nervous. I think I haven't had a normal night of sleep for almost 1 and a half week lol.

Wish me luck!!! I'll let you know how it was.

Oh btw, I am just wondering, at my medical I met someone that went through the k1 and went to Connecticut also, just wondering if she is on this website and want to wish you all the luck!! ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-12 06:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Congratulations. Mind telling how your interview went and what you brought for evidence? kicking.gif secret7vf.gif
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-08-25 14:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
I haven't send it back yet... And Bill got another notice from the VSC that the package was sent to the consulate 3 days after i recieved it.

We'll see how fast it goes ^^ 8 months since I last seen him, i guess i can survive another 2 months =X
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-08-24 15:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Oh that's great!! Thanks for your reply. Also, good luck on the interview. =]
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-08-24 07:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Hey guys, I got my package 3 last thursday, but I had a small question. Appearently I have to send in a police record??? Where can I get this? I'm not sure what it's about.... any help is appreciated ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-08-24 04:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Yeah that'd be good but then I need to know which vaccinations I need. Because I've asked my doctor once before and they didn't know anything about it.... I'll give dr Schulte a call ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-18 06:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Thanks a bunch guys!! ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-17 10:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
I called the GGD and they can do it for me.. But I do not want to spend money on something when its not neccasarry. This process already costs a lot.. And we don't have much. Is there something I can call. To know for sure?
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-17 09:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
So what vaccinations should I ask for?? I got a vaccination passport with all the neccesarry vaccinations for children born after 1989.

And what is cheap? lol
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-17 09:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Anyone perhaps know if I need an hep B vaccination? Well known in Holland only children that are born after 2002 (03 not sure) get one. Do i still have to get one? since Holland is not an high risk country

DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-16 18:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Ahh!! Getting so excited!! First march filer got the NOA2. And I'm a march filer as well ^^ Let's hope I'll be one of the lucky people
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-01 12:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
It can get pretty hot in Connecticut. But the air in America is different. When I was there for 3 months I was able to breathe a lot better then here in Holland. It's like when you go to Spain or Greece, the heat is just different. Hard to Explain. lol
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-01 06:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Yeah it's pretty hot here. But able to deal with it. I don't go out too much since I don't like the summer. Gimme fall or winter ^^ But hearing the birds and such does make it pretty nice ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-06-30 14:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Free bumps XD
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-06-30 10:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Ofcourse ^^

Bill (22) and I (20) met on a videogame called Priston Tale. We were in the same group ("clan or guild") And from the forums of that clan he added me on msn (01-29-08) . We started talking, and every day a little bit more. Eventually started using an webcam. (Got him to buy a webcam haha) I was still in my "being depressed time" but talking to him really helped a lot and he always loved to listen. On 26th of april 2008 he told me he had feelings for me. And I said I felt the same. Talking more and more, talking about meeting and such. Somewhere in march I bought a new bike, lol I bet you think right now, what does that have to do with it haha. But that bike was like 300 euro. And somewhere in August it got stolen and I was all crying at Bill. He said he'll send me money for a new bike. But the day after he came with a surprise that instead of buying me a new bike he would get me a plane ticket so I could be with him for 3 months. ^^ So I bought the plane ticket and the 24th of October 2008 I was sitting in a plane towards a country I never been in and to a guy I've never met In real life. Really exciting, But somehow I was just afraid of the security there not letting me in then to meet him.

Everything was Amazing and it was hell when I had to leave to go to Holland again. In march we filed and till now we're still waiting.

oh btw, He lives in Connecticut and I live in Leiden (South Holland)
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-06-29 13:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Haha, Thank you. And no answer is better then a other ^^ Might give extra information but not better. At least that's what I think happy.gif
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-06-29 10:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Heya guys, My name is Denise and my fiance his name is Bill ^^ We filed for k-1 petition back in march. I got a few questions about it, maybe you guys can help me out. I'll send the link: http://www.visajourn...p;#entry3073576

Thanks ^^ and good luck everyone on their Journey
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-06-29 10:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat do you love about your fiance?
I think the stress makes it different for people. If someone all the sudden asked me what I love about my fiance, Seriously? I don't know the answer because there's so much I love about him. Afraid of saying the wrong things can be a burden XD
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-07-01 06:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat did you bring to your Consulate interview as proof of engagement?
I think you applying for a fiancé visa is enough as proof of engagement. I don't see why you should proof that you're engaged since you HAVE to be engaged for this visa. Proof of bonafide relationship on the other hand is very important. A baby is not always proof of your relationship with the petitioner. As for me, I'll be bringing:
- my engagement ring
- the reciept
- my other ring I got for Valentines day (with his name and the date on it, The date we told eachother how we felt.)
- my necklace (with his name and date on it. Different date, this time the date of when we first met irl)
- The letter I send him
- the one he sended me back
- emails
- maybe some msn conversations
- Photo's of him and me
- Photo's of the place where we want to get married
- Photo's of him, our friends and me
- Pictures of Halloween with our friends
- Emails of our friends
- And the rest that is necasarry.

DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-08-16 10:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions about forms from pack3
Oke, I just recieved my package 3 and I was wondering if we can write it (hand writed), or HAVE to type it.

The following forms:


Or should we download the forms again and type in those?

*confused* unsure.gif
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-08-20 10:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother Question about co-sponsor
Thanks, ^^

I'm laughing at him =P
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-09-23 08:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother Question about co-sponsor
So we are filing the paperwork, and I have a question about the last part. The Oath.

I swear (affirm) that I know the contents of this affidavit signed by me and that the statements are true and correct.
Signature of sponsor .........signature.......... Subscribed and sworn to (affirmed) before me this
at ....23??........ day of .......september??........... . My commission expires on .........???........
Signature of Officer Administering Oath ..........???........... Title .......??.......

Could someone help us here? Fill in the blanks or exlain what to write there?

DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-09-23 08:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother Question about co-sponsor
Thanks a lot, we'll get right on it!! ^^
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-09-23 08:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother Question about co-sponsor
Hi, me and my fiancé are close to our interview, now I was wondering.

We have a friend of him to be our co-sponsor. But does Bill (Petitioner) also have to fill in I-134 even though he doesn't have a job? Or only the co-sponsor?

Thnx in advance
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-09-23 07:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support send to Consulate
Our friend has send the affidavit of support to the consulate itself with a coverletter stating my name and case number. She did this because she is always very carefull with her personal information and she felt more secure doing it like this. In the paperwork I got from the Consulate was written down that you can send to the consulate with a cover letter.

Now I'm wondering if anyone else did this and if I can call the consulate to ask if they recieved her paperwork?

Anyone has idea's?
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-04 13:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDocuments needed at Interview
Hmm, here at my consulate I have to send the money to their bankaccount and bring proof of the payment. Didn't know it wasn't like that everywhere.
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-05 13:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDocuments needed at Interview
Don't forget your bankstatement that you've paid for the Interview!!!
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-05 07:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions about Packet 3 for K1 visa?
Like I said, maybe not for your country but I got a full list of what I needed at the medical
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-08 17:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions about Packet 3 for K1 visa?
Erm, maybe not in your country but I´m filing for k1 and I needed vaccinations.. and yes I know because I had my medical 1 week ago, I had all the required vaccinations though. So what you say is not true, Vaccinations ARE required for K1

Edited by DeniseBill, 08 October 2009 - 10:55 AM.

DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-08 10:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions about Packet 3 for K1 visa?
Send to the consulate:

2x DS 156, 2x DS 156k, 2x DS 230 Part I only ( I do not know if maybe in your country you have to send Part II also, please let her read the documents, it's all listed on it.), A copy of your passport biographic data.

I sended a double copy signed of each document. This is all you have to send, rest for the interview:

Take to the interview: Photo's 2x, I-134, Birth Certificate, Police Records, Marriage Cert. (If any) Evidence of relationship, Passport.

And maybe some helpfull information: To the medical, bring 2 photo's, vaccination passport. (A record of all the vaccinations your fiance had in her life) Passport, etc.

Good luck

After sending all this you will recieve Package 4 with the interview date/medical instructions

Edited by DeniseBill, 08 October 2009 - 06:36 AM.

DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2009-10-08 06:31:00