Asia: East and PacificLiving Situation
Living with your parents will not be a problem, the main concern with them is that if you make enough money to support her and you. With that being met you should have no problem at all, accept for the privacy issue when she gets home :-)
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-20 06:02:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 24 2009, 09:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Linda and Dai_tx, please stop baiting Jerome. Several people (including me) have posted in this thread that they also choose to stay in a hotel, even though they are welcome at their in-laws home, and that they have good reasons for making that choice. Whether this is an acceptable choice according to the "cultural norms" is for their family in VN to decide. If their family doesn't have a problem with it, then you shouldn't either. To carry on like you are makes it appear like you are just trying to pick a fight. Please let it rest.

If it makes you feel any better, I'll stay at my future mother-in-law's home next time I go to VN. Of course, the hotel is lot closer to Phuong's house than her mother's home on the coast. blush.gif

Back on topic, I can recommend the Tam My hotel in the Tan Phu district (not too far from the airport). I'd say it's a high 2 star. It's new (only finished this year), so it's very clean. No breakfast, but you can get a banh mi and ca phe at the street market at the end of the block. Tell Men (the owner) that Anh Jim sent you. He'll definitely try to make you comfortable.

Khach San Tam My
19 Doc Lap
P. Tan Thanh
Q. Tan Phu
(08)38 107176

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 03:13:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 25 2009, 02:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay almighty ruler who makes all the rules about how people must post as to not offend others...apparently only one person does it right around here and the rest of us are just ignorant.

No, not everyone, there you go putting words in my mouth, my post was directed only at YOU!!! And as I said in MY opinion you were directing your comments toward me. I do not claim to be the almighty ruler, but if you think that highly of me then by all means call me that. You are so combative that you can not even begin to think that I might have a legitimate point, or even try to explain to me why I should not think that your remarks were not intended to me, the only thing you say is that you did not mention my name so it was for everyone. I feel good that I have now gotten you as mad if not madder than you had me at the start of all of this. If you are so right and I am so wrong, then can you explain to me how and why and the logic behind what you wrote that it was not intended to be about me? Can you explain why when i post on your post it bothers you enough to bring that up, but why it should not bother me when you did it first???? Can you explain any of these things???? If you can why don't you send me a pm so that we can stop acting like children on a public forum, or if you want you can keep acting (in my eyes) ignorant with your posts. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 02:00:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 25 2009, 01:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 25 2009, 12:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you really that ignorant and stupid????? Not trying to sound mean, wait yes I am. When you reply to something someone writes and you make specific remarks regarding those things it is directed at the person that had the original post. No names are needed your reply was for that person. You can say it is a public forum, and you are correct. I might have not been correct in the way I worded " did not see Jim's or Scott's name in your post, only mine" but this is only semantics, when Jim posted he stayed in a hotel did you reply to that post in the same manner that you did to mine??????????? Or what about Scott's??????????????? NO YOU DID NOT!!!!!! I also see that you did some removal of posts, where you stated that it looked like 75% stayed at the in laws. If you want to keep arguing back and forth until a admin steps in that is fine with me. If you stay on topic, I will do the same as long as this is a public forum you do have the right to post what ever you want to post and if someone deems that not acceptable then they will take it up with a admin and they will ultimately decide what is acceptable, with that in mind this also gives me the right to use your posts like you use mine. You want to say why do I post on your post??? Give me a FREAKING break, you did that to me on this thread and so did Dai, and with those remarks in my eyes they were attacks toward me, and if you say they weren't, then maybe you should stop posting replies to what I write, then I will do the same, but as long as you keep going then I will that is until a admin finally gets sick of us fighting. My belief is that you are a suka through and through. Jerome

Sorry all for the Off Topic posts. I just feel that this being a public forum that I should be able to defend myself from personal attacks when I feel one was made.Jerome

So then you're saying that when people "quote" things is is only directed to the person that posted it? Hmm...I don't think public forums work that way. When you post something in a public forum, it is generally directed to everyone. Unless someone specifically say "@NAME" their comment isn't for that one individual--it's for all who choose to see/read/believe what they want...I don't have anything against anyone choosing to stay at a hotel. What you do is your choice. AGAIN, what we were trying to point out is that the norm for married couples is to stay at their in-laws. If you don't choose to do this, whatever...

And BTW...I didn't remove that post. I stand strong by my posts and what I said in them.

...GEESH...don't get your panties in a twist. It's not a personal attack.

QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 25 2009, 12:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is fun isn't it??? But drop the overlord bit. I am on a roll as of late, and I am having fun. You are the one that stepped into this thread and called me out, but yet when I threw it back you had to make a chicken cuc remark? come on man give me a break. If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen!! Jerome

@ JeromeBinh - Are you sure you're having fun? devil.gif

As I said before, if you are that ignorant not to be able to see the logic in it then there is no help for you. When you use a quote and add to it it is not directed to that person, yes you can remark to the entire quote and it not be for that person, but... this is very unlikely the point of quoting someone, I will not quote you or anyone if the intent is not to make a point to that person that I am talking about them. If this is the case then what some if not most people do is say something to the extent " I agree with John Doe" then reiterate what that person posted. In your case you did not do any of these things, you used my quote then made remarks to that post, they were not general remarks like " people in Vietnam when you visit it is usually considered rude not to stay with the in laws" or " I think that most people really only want privacy to get their freak on, and if this is what you are looking for you can find a cheap hotel for bla bla bla" If you had done this then I would not have considered it directed at me. Once again you will throw your spin on things as I have also explained my reasons for my beliefs. Any person can argue any point. A person can even argue a point that is wrong and no way provable, the trick is to get that person to believe in what cuc you are shoveling and once that is done then you have gotten somewhere. But sometimes this is impossible. as Jim said " we have to agree to disagree" and as I have said " I will defend myself from any remarks that I feel are aimed at me or my family" Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 01:35:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (Canh Sat @ Oct 25 2009, 01:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Last word. Had to get it in.

LoL noooooooooooo!! I have to get the last word in devil.gif
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 00:41:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (Canh Sat @ Oct 25 2009, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 25 2009, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Canh Sat @ Oct 24 2009, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 25 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 24 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do we get that same special rate that you get if we say you sent us? he he he...

Geez! I could answer that question if I had any clue what rate we actually pay! I just hand Phuong my wallet, and she gives Men whatever she thinks is fair. In total, I think we're probably paying more than most guests, but we're getting more than just a room. Men drops what he's doing when we're in town, and is our guide in HCM. He knows the best restaurants and interesting places to go, and makes sure the cab drivers don't rip us off. He meets us at the airport, and takes us back to the airport when we leave. He also goes to the market to make sure our mini fridge is well stocked with Pepsi Lite! He even handles the cameras when we're doing tourist stuff. smile.gif

The room is technically 'free' for us. We're giving Men a tip for all the assistance he gives us, but Phuong makes sure it's enough to compensate for the room as well.

I knew it was free from conversations earlier in the year, that is what I was pokin at... good.gif I am the same way with $ there.... I like the idea of having the wife manage the money and distribute the $. Thuy isnt used to it yet as her mother has always been the one to do it, so she is learning.
In HCMC I have been staying at the same hotel for years after the university had me stay at the Rex the first time, I decided I would find somewhere more our style... and price... They charged the University 160 per night for my room at the Rex... more than 4 times what it is worth...

I am with you Scott, I let Binh handle the money, this way they don't try to cheat me when I pay for things. This morning she went to work and I stayed in the hotel for another hour or so when I went to leave, I could not find my wallet anywhere. I think it is better this way, they are used to dealing with people and getting better prices. And they feel it is our money and they do not want to be cheated as badly as we don't want to get cheated. Jerome

You are telling Dai_Tx and lindal24 that what they post has nothing to do with the topic but you post something like this? Why you being hard on them when you are doing what you preach not to do. Don't be so hypocritical.

I see your point, just like this post does nothing for the original topic, so I now ask you why did you post??????????? But..... I did not start the off topic attack, I defended myself from what I saw as a attack on only me in a manner that to me was not on topic, this topic was not "Why does Jeromebinh not stay at his in laws" it was "Places to stay in HCMC" so before you ask people to not be so hypocritical you need to do the same. Jerome

Scott, I honestly have no real clue what is going on when it comes to money here, Binh knows what it costs and before I could even figure out what is going on she usually has it paid for or she is asking me for a amount, and when they return with change I have no clue as to how much we were supposed to get. Last trip we bought 2 cartons of Cigs for my mom and she did not pay attention to the amount and as we were in a different market she realized she had been cheated and just as we started to talk about it the vendor caught up with us and gave us correct change. I think I might be naive at times, but things like this make me like staying in smaller hotels than the bigger ones. Yes sometimes they might be roach motels or have bad service, but most of the time they seem to have great service and are willing to go the extra mile in hopes that the next time we come that we will stay with them again. The first trip I stayed in a really nice hotel, great room and good service, but it was not very personal service. The second trip we stayed in a family run hotel off the beaten path and the service was more personal, they would talk with Binh and ask what we did that day and so on. I felt better also knowing that the money was probably going to a person that needed it mope than a richer person. Jerome

I am sorry I don't have the authority to tell people which post is on topic or not like you do the overlord... I was just comment on this conversation which has been interesting and a fun read from the beginning and it keeps on giving.. This whole thread is just so entertaining I just wanted to join in on the fun a little. eb0dfafc.gif Awesome jeromebinh, you are just too awesome.

It is fun isn't it??? But drop the overlord bit. I am on a roll as of late, and I am having fun. You are the one that stepped into this thread and called me out, but yet when I threw it back you had to make a chicken cuc remark? come on man give me a break. If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen!! Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 00:08:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 25 2009, 12:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 24 2009, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First off Linda, you did attack me, you singled me out, I am not a Vietkieu. So if you look at it from my standard 100% of the people that are not Vietkieu do not stay with in laws. But you did not question why everyone stays at a hotel, but you only questioned why I did not stay with MY in laws, you did not question Jim, or Scott, only me, so you need to stop lying to yourself. Then you make accusations that I needed privacy only for sex, then mention how much I spend while staying at a expensive hotel, so I ask you how is this not a attack directed at me?? I did not see Jim's or Scott's name in your post, only mine. Jerome

Please point out to me where I singled you out. No where in ANY of my post in this thread did I mention your name specifically. In fact, all we were trying to say is that the norm for married couples is to stay with their in-laws--I don't understand why you take such offense to this. I mean, even you said it--you're not this "norm" has nothing to do with you. And it has nothing to do with just Viet kieus because yes, I'm sure even foreigners stay at their in-laws. This also has nothing to do with you choosing to stay at a hotel--I'm sure I didn't say "YOU SHOULDN'T/CAN'T STAY AT A HOTEL, YOU'RE MARRIED!"? No, I didn't think so. No one, including myself is judging you--we're just point out the norm of married folk typically staying with their in-laws, if you choose not to, great for you.

So please, if you can show me where I personally threw YOUR NAME into my posts and attacked you for your decisions, please post it. And please be smarter than posting my comments to your posts because thats why we call this a forum--I could just as easily say you are attacking me...

Are you really that ignorant and stupid????? Not trying to sound mean, wait yes I am. When you reply to something someone writes and you make specific remarks regarding those things it is directed at the person that had the original post. No names are needed your reply was for that person. You can say it is a public forum, and you are correct. I might have not been correct in the way I worded " did not see Jim's or Scott's name in your post, only mine" but this is only semantics, when Jim posted he stayed in a hotel did you reply to that post in the same manner that you did to mine??????????? Or what about Scott's??????????????? NO YOU DID NOT!!!!!! I also see that you did some removal of posts, where you stated that it looked like 75% stayed at the in laws. If you want to keep arguing back and forth until a admin steps in that is fine with me. If you stay on topic, I will do the same as long as this is a public forum you do have the right to post what ever you want to post and if someone deems that not acceptable then they will take it up with a admin and they will ultimately decide what is acceptable, with that in mind this also gives me the right to use your posts like you use mine. You want to say why do I post on your post??? Give me a FREAKING break, you did that to me on this thread and so did Dai, and with those remarks in my eyes they were attacks toward me, and if you say they weren't, then maybe you should stop posting replies to what I write, then I will do the same, but as long as you keep going then I will that is until a admin finally gets sick of us fighting. My belief is that you are a suka through and through. Jerome

Sorry all for the Off Topic posts. I just feel that this being a public forum that I should be able to defend myself from personal attacks when I feel one was made.Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 00:02:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (Canh Sat @ Oct 24 2009, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 25 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 24 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do we get that same special rate that you get if we say you sent us? he he he...

Geez! I could answer that question if I had any clue what rate we actually pay! I just hand Phuong my wallet, and she gives Men whatever she thinks is fair. In total, I think we're probably paying more than most guests, but we're getting more than just a room. Men drops what he's doing when we're in town, and is our guide in HCM. He knows the best restaurants and interesting places to go, and makes sure the cab drivers don't rip us off. He meets us at the airport, and takes us back to the airport when we leave. He also goes to the market to make sure our mini fridge is well stocked with Pepsi Lite! He even handles the cameras when we're doing tourist stuff. smile.gif

The room is technically 'free' for us. We're giving Men a tip for all the assistance he gives us, but Phuong makes sure it's enough to compensate for the room as well.

I knew it was free from conversations earlier in the year, that is what I was pokin at... good.gif I am the same way with $ there.... I like the idea of having the wife manage the money and distribute the $. Thuy isnt used to it yet as her mother has always been the one to do it, so she is learning.
In HCMC I have been staying at the same hotel for years after the university had me stay at the Rex the first time, I decided I would find somewhere more our style... and price... They charged the University 160 per night for my room at the Rex... more than 4 times what it is worth...

I am with you Scott, I let Binh handle the money, this way they don't try to cheat me when I pay for things. This morning she went to work and I stayed in the hotel for another hour or so when I went to leave, I could not find my wallet anywhere. I think it is better this way, they are used to dealing with people and getting better prices. And they feel it is our money and they do not want to be cheated as badly as we don't want to get cheated. Jerome

You are telling Dai_Tx and lindal24 that what they post has nothing to do with the topic but you post something like this? Why you being hard on them when you are doing what you preach not to do. Don't be so hypocritical.

I see your point, just like this post does nothing for the original topic, so I now ask you why did you post??????????? But..... I did not start the off topic attack, I defended myself from what I saw as a attack on only me in a manner that to me was not on topic, this topic was not "Why does Jeromebinh not stay at his in laws" it was "Places to stay in HCMC" so before you ask people to not be so hypocritical you need to do the same. Jerome

Scott, I honestly have no real clue what is going on when it comes to money here, Binh knows what it costs and before I could even figure out what is going on she usually has it paid for or she is asking me for a amount, and when they return with change I have no clue as to how much we were supposed to get. Last trip we bought 2 cartons of Cigs for my mom and she did not pay attention to the amount and as we were in a different market she realized she had been cheated and just as we started to talk about it the vendor caught up with us and gave us correct change. I think I might be naive at times, but things like this make me like staying in smaller hotels than the bigger ones. Yes sometimes they might be roach motels or have bad service, but most of the time they seem to have great service and are willing to go the extra mile in hopes that the next time we come that we will stay with them again. The first trip I stayed in a really nice hotel, great room and good service, but it was not very personal service. The second trip we stayed in a family run hotel off the beaten path and the service was more personal, they would talk with Binh and ask what we did that day and so on. I felt better also knowing that the money was probably going to a person that needed it mope than a richer person. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-24 23:33:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 24 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do we get that same special rate that you get if we say you sent us? he he he...

Geez! I could answer that question if I had any clue what rate we actually pay! I just hand Phuong my wallet, and she gives Men whatever she thinks is fair. In total, I think we're probably paying more than most guests, but we're getting more than just a room. Men drops what he's doing when we're in town, and is our guide in HCM. He knows the best restaurants and interesting places to go, and makes sure the cab drivers don't rip us off. He meets us at the airport, and takes us back to the airport when we leave. He also goes to the market to make sure our mini fridge is well stocked with Pepsi Lite! He even handles the cameras when we're doing tourist stuff. smile.gif

The room is technically 'free' for us. We're giving Men a tip for all the assistance he gives us, but Phuong makes sure it's enough to compensate for the room as well.

I knew it was free from conversations earlier in the year, that is what I was pokin at... good.gif I am the same way with $ there.... I like the idea of having the wife manage the money and distribute the $. Thuy isnt used to it yet as her mother has always been the one to do it, so she is learning.
In HCMC I have been staying at the same hotel for years after the university had me stay at the Rex the first time, I decided I would find somewhere more our style... and price... They charged the University 160 per night for my room at the Rex... more than 4 times what it is worth...

I am with you Scott, I let Binh handle the money, this way they don't try to cheat me when I pay for things. This morning she went to work and I stayed in the hotel for another hour or so when I went to leave, I could not find my wallet anywhere. I think it is better this way, they are used to dealing with people and getting better prices. And they feel it is our money and they do not want to be cheated as badly as we don't want to get cheated. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-24 22:33:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 24 2009, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (vietnamluver @ Oct 24 2009, 06:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to post this for all of us vietkieu that are not rude like some here on visajourney, sorry that this is not what was asked, but I feel it my duty to shut her pie hole.
I am vietkieu, and I understand why jeromebinh would stay in hotel. I do not like to sleep on the floor, it is to hard on my back, Linda24 you give vietkieu a bad name, you make me ashamed to be vietkieu. Hotel pay police so that they do not harass the guests, when I go for visit we stay in hotel we sleep better on soft bed than hard floor. I do not think that jeromebinh is getting angry for no reason, if you did this to me I would say much worse to you. I think you are a con quy cai.

jeromebinh, do not pay her any mind she not bright and very rude. I also go through same thing you going through. I had Dam Hoi on second trip to vietnam and when I come home I file K1 visa. When my fiancee have interview all go well. They give us stupid blue for almost same thing you get for. She turn in and we wait almost 3 months and get visa. Just calm down, I like you do not like when people say things that not true, I just do not say things back like you do. But this timee I have to say something I hope you do not mind, but she is wrong and she not good person in my mind. Hang in there you will soon get visa. KienAnh.

First of all--I did not personally attack anyone. We come on here to post facts and that is exactly what i did. I simply posted that the norm is when foreign spouses come home to visit their spouses in Vietnam, they usually stay at their in-laws. No where did I say that ANYONE MUST stay at their in-laws and not a hotel. And you can call me a con quy cai, but alot of people can already see though the bs that is your post--which makes you just as lao cao.

I have stayed at hotels during my stay in VN too...when we travel outside of HCM or when we get too drunk to safely drive home or when we stay out after the house locks up...but for the majority of my stay, I stay at my in-laws.
Dai_TX also stays at his in-laws.
Icarus stays with in-laws.
I stay with in-laws.
You stay at a hotel.

So based on this thread alone, the "norm" of staying at your inlaws when you go home to VN is so far 75% proving accurate. I am NOT saying people can't stay at hotels when they go to VN, all we OTHER Viet Kieus were trying to say is that the norm is usually staying with the spouse's family. If people are "TECHNICALLY" not married, then why would they get so pissy about this?

This is NOT a personal attack on anyone..geesh!

...Congrats on joining VJ just to post a reply to this...I hope you remember it always! devil.gif Too bad you came two years too late to post something meaningful.

First off Linda, you did attack me, you singled me out, I am not a Vietkieu. So if you look at it from my standard 100% of the people that are not Vietkieu do not stay with inlaws. But you did not question why everyone stays at a hotel, but you only questioned why I did not stay with MY inlaws, you did not question Jim, or Scott, only me, so you need to stop lying to yourself. Then you make accusations that I needed privacy only for sex, then mention how much I spend while staying at a expensive hotel, so I ask you how is this not a attack directed at me?? I did not see Jim's or Scott's name in your post, only mine. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-24 22:29:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is hilarious! All of a sudden folks coming out of the woodwork... hmmmm went through HCMC 2 years ago but feels the need to jump into this discussion out of the blue and only this one...
mui ca...... eb0dfafc.gif

I guess mui ca means fish? I do know what cuk means whistling.gif
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-24 08:59:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 24 2009, 07:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seriously. You just joined today and you post this? That's not what a person who would join VJ would do on their very 1st post... Don't make it so obvious.... awww are you defending your husband.

Not defending my Fiance I did not post. Jerpome said what he wanted to say and needed to say. I dpo agree with what he called her though. Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-24 08:11:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 24 2009, 05:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> way to stay on topic is if you drop trying to prove yourself right ALL the time...this topic only goes off topic because you feel you have to post an explanation because you think people are accusing you. If you always think/do this you may wonder why people think things that may or may not be true...

Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif Off-Topic2.gif

this is not on topic, if you have something to add to this topic please do so, and if not please do not act like Linda. There are many hotels all throughout the city to stay at. some nice some are roach motels. Thai Ha Huy on Phu Nhuan costs about $35 a night It has a small bar, and a elevator, and they also offer food services if you request them.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-24 04:58:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
First off the topic is"places to stay in HCM" NOT why does Jerome not stay at his in laws house. If you can not see that then you need glasses. Yes I am hot headed, just as you are all up in peoples business that you do not need to be in. Am I hot headed all the time, no but when someone insinuates something about me that is not true, you are darn right I am hot headed as most other people would be. Is it fair game to remark on something I post yes, but the fact is that the initial post by Dai had nothing to do with this topic, you can try to twist it any way you want, but my sleeping arrangement has nothing to do with "places to stay in HCM" Point blank. You say that I need to look at it from all sides, I will when you ask me a question instead of confront me with accusations or try to tell me what I am doing is wrong. ARE YOU MY MOTHER????? If you are, then I want to be adopted!!! But first you need to also look at it from all sides and truly read what you wrote then you would see my point of view. I will not bow down to anyone that I feel is attacking me in ANY way. SO lets try to stay on topic. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-24 03:26:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 23 2009, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mr Vong NC @ Oct 23 2009, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am first tim post to this place I cant believe some guy say things like this. You sure her family don't want nobody see you at the family house? I know some woman don't want US guy to know they have a man at home. You know husband from before wait for you to make everything OK for him to come living in the US..
I always stay at my wife family house. No problem. Something wrong when the family don't want you there.

He said (several times, I think) that her family always asks him to stay at their home. He never said her family didn't want him to stay there. It's his choice to stay at a hotel. It sounds like he's got some valid reasons for making this choice.

Also, I don't think that he and his fiancée spend all of their time in the hotel. If they are anything like Phuong and I, they spend a lot of time during the day at her family home, and just go to the hotel to sleep.

That is exactly what we do Jim. Most of the time we are at her home. Her family would like for me to stay here, but they know that it would be uncomfortable and they want my time here to be comfortable. Half of the neighbors all come to visit when I am here as well. Her mother said that when I am here her house is the busiest it ever is. I am actually there now while posting this. I just know her mother takes care of the entire family already, and I feel bad that I am adding another mouth to the equation. Before i come her mother gets very worried, and tries to plan all sorts of dishes for me and every morning she goes and buys fresh fruit just for me. I have even been allowed to actually cook for her mother. Binh told me that I was the first man to ever cook a entire meal. I also know that her mother liked my version of hot pot. The reason I know this is because the next morning she did not offer left overs to any of us and she kept them all for herself the next morning and bragged that it was all that was left. There are some days that we will relax at the hotel in the afternoon, but usually we are up by 6 am and bone by 7 we usually get home about 9 pm. Well family just arrived and we are going to go and eat buffet. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-23 22:59:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 23 2009, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dang Jerome calm down. My fault I started this but no need insult Linda for something we thought was out of the norm. I didn't mean to cause all this hostility in you.

It is not your fault that you started this or anything like that. It is that she wants to make accusations that we only want privacy to get our business on is down right insulting to me and I am sure to others. There are other things that are also needed to be taken in affect like the laws. We are not legally married so for me to register with the police to stay in her house one is not possible, but the hotels we stay at she knows, and they know that we are engaged so they allow us to stay together. I get tired of people that think they know every situation when they don't, and when my name or my personal life gets brought into it I will reply. I could care less when people say things just to blow smoke, but when my name and my relationship gets brought into it I take offense. I said her family wants us to stay, they also have the bamboo mats to sleep on, not a bed, and they respect our decision to stay in a hotel, not only for my comfort, but they realize when I am here I am also showing them that I am taking care of their daughter. It is customary for newly weds to live at the grooms parental home with the mom, this is so that the mom can see if the new wife can take care of her husband and vice versa. my trips are similar as they show that I can take care of my fiancée and that all is good in our relationship. But regardless of any of my explanations, this was totally off topic, however Scott and Jim did make some good points about registering with the local authorities out of this mess. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-23 18:46:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 23 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 23 2009, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait so you are staying in a hotel right now? You said you had a full blown wedding but your wife's family is making you stay in a hotel close to her home not at her home? That's not the way your in-laws should treat you. When I go to my mother in-laws house she sets aside a room for me and my wife. She makes my sister in-law who use to stay in my wife's room with her and makes her sleep somewhere else. When I get there that room is for me and my wife.

yes.gif This is "norm" in don't let family stay in hotels...they actually think it's rude and inconsiderate and a waste of money. Staying at a hotel gives off the image to family members that you think you're better than them or their living conditions just isn't acceptable. When I go to VN, we're fortunate that my husband has his own need to move anyone out...haha.

QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 23 2009, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First this has nothing to do with this thread. Second this has nothing to do with the way my inlaws are treating me. They have a full house, and we want our privacy. Yes we could stay at her house, yes they offer it each time I come, but it is our choice to stay in a hotel, this way there is less work for her family, I respect her family and her mother already takes care of 2 aunts, 1 son and also Binh, then when I come she cooks most of the meals for us. I actually think to stay with them is just inconsiderate. Especially if someone had to move to a different room while a quest is there. mad.gif

First, this has alot to do with the's appropriately titled "Places to stay in HCM".
Second, Privacy is one thing, but you can't say that it's inconsiderate to stay with them because VN people are VERY accomodating--and I emphasis VERY. VN people will bend over backwards over there to make you feel welcome--that is not an issue. I would think they would want to do it even more so with you since you are literally taking their daughter away to a foreign country (soon). You're her protector in a place where she'll know no one and nothing. While you're in VN (her country) she and her family would want to provide you with the same comfort and security of "HOME". If you want privacy, they have the "nha nghi" that you can rent for CHEAP (10,000-30,000) to get your business on, but to spend 500,000+ ($30) per night on a hotel is outright ridiculous for VN.

You are very wrong Linda, how the heck does me staying with my mother in-law have anything to do with someone wanting to know where to stay in HCMC, get off your dang high horse. This has nothing to do with the thread regardless of what you have to say, go post the same thing 4 or 5 times in a row on a pinned topic again. If you were not so arrogant, you would see your own answer to your own remarks. I am her protector, and they trust me to be alone with her. It is truly none of your damn business where I stay as well. I have money when I come to Vietnam, so I stay in a hotel, this way there is one less thing for her mother to do. regardless of how you feel, I could care less. Our privacy has more to do with love than getting our business on. Ignorant people would think that we only want privacy to get our business on, a person truly in love knows there is much more to love than that. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-23 18:27:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 23 2009, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait so you are staying in a hotel right now? You said you had a full blown wedding but your wife's family is making you stay in a hotel close to her home not at her home? That's not the way your in-laws should treat you. When I go to my mother in-laws house she sets aside a room for me and my wife. She makes my sister in-law who use to stay in my wife's room with her and makes her sleep somewhere else. When I get there that room is for me and my wife.

First this has nothing to do with this thread. Second this has nothing to do with the way my inlaws are treating me. They have a full house, and we want our privacy. Yes we could stay at her house, yes they offer it each time I come, but it is our choice to stay in a hotel, this way there is less work for her family, I respect her family and her mother already takes care of 2 aunts, 1 son and also Binh, then when I come she cooks most of the meals for us. I actually think to stay with them is just inconsiderate. Especially if someone had to move to a different room while a quest is there. mad.gif
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-23 09:41:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
It depends on what you want to spend. If you want something cheap, or expensive, how nice does it have to be for a cheap price, where do you want it to be, in a popular tourist area, or off the beaten path? There are more hotels here than you can shake a stick at. I have been here 3 times and I have stayed in 4 different hotels. The first hotel cost $35 us per night, it had INTERNET and was very professional, we stayed in the VIP part, it is called Thai Ha Huy, it is located at Le Van Sy, district PN, the second trip I stayed at a hotel that cost $15 us per night, it is called Hoa phuong do, it is located same street and district, the 3rd hotel I would not recommend but so far the 4th hotel is doing great and it only cost $11 us per night, same street as well. All of them have wifi and were clean . This hotel offers drinks and food as well as the first one did. The second offered water, but no food. They are all easy access to taxi service and have small mom and pop food services close to the hotel. If you are like me, we do not spend much time in the hotel, so to spend lots of money for a fancy one is a waste. My main concern is close to her home and INTERNET as I have on line classes that I have to stay on top of
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-21 02:03:00
Asia: East and PacificIs bank letter needed for I-134 in Vietnam?
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 20 2009, 05:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wratran @ Oct 20 2009, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
here is the clip from the I-134 instruction sheet....

A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial
institutions where you have deposits, identifying the
following details regarding your account:

As the sponsor, you must show you have sufficient income
or financial resources to assure that the alien you are
sponsoring will not become a public charge while in the
United States.

Evidence should consist of copies of any of the
documents listed below that applies to your situation.
Failure to provide evidence of sufficient income or
financial resources may result in the denial of the alien's
application for a visa or his or her removal from the United

You must submit in duplicate evidence of income
and resources, as appropriate:

1. Date account opened;
Supporting Evidence
2. Total amount deposited for the past year; and
3. Present balance.

That is from USCIS, The HCMC consulate has a higher expectation since it would be very easy for someone to shuffle money into and account that was payment for the fraud. and we are dealing with a high fraud consulate.. I have yet to see anyone post saying they got a blue slip for no bank letter, but there have been blue slips for tax returns or tax transcripts or w-2's... Funny how tax records are not mentioned in that section unless one is self employed but they require them from anyone...

With what you said, it is not required, but if you can get one with HCMC and their higher standards, I would get one if possible. Needed, maybe not, but, necessary, maybe not, helpful and worth the effort, I would say so just because this is HCMC, the more evidence you can provide for financial security the better. I submitted every single thing they asked for, and things they did not. I do not want to risk my future on something that I could get and spend a couple of dollars on for it. I think you will be fine without one, but if you can talk to them and get it easily enough I think it would not hurt to have it. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-20 22:48:00
Asia: East and PacificIs bank letter needed for I-134 in Vietnam?
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 19 2009, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wratran @ Oct 19 2009, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 19 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (vietazn @ Oct 19 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just went to my bank. They informed me that they don't write letters. So is a bank letter needed for for affidavit of support for fiance visa in HCMC? Would I need to address this or how do I address it?

If your income is enough to satisfy the requirements, you usually don't need to declare assets. what makes you think you need a bank letter?

In package 4, it stated that the bank letter is one of the required DID NOT state.."if..." or "but..."

I have a copy of the packet 4 instructions here in front of me. Bank statements are not mentioned even once. This is what it says regarding the affidavit of support:

17. Evidence of support: The petitioner must submit a complete original signed and notarized Form I-134, Affidavit of
Support for his/her principle applicant and one copy for each accompanying applicant. This form is also available at: . The original form I-134 must be accompanied by records of the petitioner’s income for the most
recent tax year. The preferred record of income is the Complete Income Tax Return Transcript from the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) (formerly IRS Form 1722). However, W-2s and/or a certified copy of a complete federal tax
return (Form 1040), including all pertinent schedules, might be acceptable in some cases.

When applicable, join sponsor must include all of the documents listed above plus proof of immigration status such
as photocopy of his/her U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, Naturalization Certificate, or Lawful Permanent
Resident Card. The officer will make decision whether a joint sponsor is accepted at the interview.

There are also instructions on the HCM consulate website, and those instructions add that a letter from the employer is required. However, neither the packet 4 instructions, nor the website instructions, state that a bank letter or bank statement is required.

There are also instructions in packet 3 for the I-134, and they are virtually identical to the packet 4 instructions.

Jim, I think he got ahold of a old 134 application, the old one I had said that you needed supporting evidence for it, and they listed many things that were considered "supporting evidence" However on the new version it did not say it was required, but with HCMC I went ahead and submitted the affidavit that I had my bank draw up. I wanted to dot all my I's and cross all my T's. The old 134 form even required that it be notarized, and the new one did not require that, and I went ahead and had it notarized to be on the safe side. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-20 07:58:00
Asia: East and PacificIs bank letter needed for I-134 in Vietnam?
QUOTE (vietazn @ Oct 19 2009, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just went to my bank. They informed me that they don't write letters. So is a bank letter needed for for affidavit of support for fiance visa in HCMC? Would I need to address this or how do I address it?

I did not get a "letter" from my bank, I had them look up all my deposits for one calendar year and then put the total amount that was deposited for the last 12 months along with a current account balance and it was done on the bank letterhead and then notarized by the bank. You just need to explain to them why you need this and if the teller or first person will not help get what you want ask for a supervisor, remember you are a customer, it might cost you some money for them to print off old bank statements that you do not have, but they should do it no problem. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-20 07:46:00
Asia: East and PacificPassport Issue
QUOTE (Anh map @ Oct 29 2009, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are over thinking everything. Slow down, live your life normally. Yes, you want to save everything you can that shows the development of your relationship.

A used visa, passport stamp, boarding pass are all expired items. But they still document your travels.

Yeah slow down, don't base your decisions on what people tell you here, we are all wrong. What I mean, is that just because something worked for Roger, or Linda, or John, this does not mean it will work for you. You could have an exact case as mine, and do it the very same way as we did and get approved. Mark Ellis said that with our case it "SHOULD" have been approved, but they did not look at the evidence. I have a rebuttal for every thing they said, and the funny thing is that it was ALL in front of them, they just choose to read between the lines and ignore the proof, come on how can they say that I live in Kansas and that there is no way to "PROVE" I live where I live? All my tax forms, bank statements, pay stubs, even phone bills are all showing my name and being mailed to me at this addy. Not to mention that on my first visa filing over 2 years ago I did infact put in a change of address with USCIS because i moved while it was being filed. So remember, don't look so far into it. If you want to make 4 or 5 trips before you file, then do it, if not don't wait. All the things they require are straight forward, easy, and simple, just fill out the paperwork and submit it. If your fiancée leaves with a blue at interview, and also with some documents that you feel they should have looked at, have her go back the next day and give them all to the consulate, this way they have to look at it. If your CO still wants to deny it he has to forward ALL evidences that you submitted to his supervisor with a reason for denial, and with all the papers, his supervisor will think something is up and not pass off on the denial, with our case I did not do that, and we had proof of what they said we did not prove. Just take it easy and take a deep breath, sit back and relax, then do what YOU want, not what I say or someone else says to do. This is YOUR life, not ours, we will ALL be here to help you if you need us, at least I know I will. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-30 07:27:00
Asia: East and PacificPassport Issue
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 29 2009, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They won't ask you for your passport (unless your going to see the consulate officer in HCMC, in which case they'll ask you for a valid passport).

When you renew, they won't make you turn in your expired one. But just in case, make a copy of the whole passport book.

A friend of mine just got a new passport and she was mad because they DID take the old one from her, this may or may not be normal, just one instance. I feel as Linda does that they would not make you turn the old one in. But as Linda said make a copy, and have it certified this way you can show your old passport visa's, but plane tickets will work just as good as a passport. Jerome

Edited by jeromebinh, 30 October 2009 - 07:11 AM.

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-30 07:10:00
Asia: East and PacificCant rush the system
Scott, calm down, you need a appointment letter, also if you look at it like a "CO" would, they might wonder why you are trying to push this case through, what are you hoping they miss something? If you rush them before it is time to rush them, it can make them wonder why. A educated man would know that the reason why was simply because you love her and want to be together as soon as possible, but I think most CO's are not educated, or they just get some sick perverted joy out of denying people that they know they should not have denied. But just relax and take a chill pill. At this point there is nothing and I mean nothing you can do, if they do not admit to having it, no matter how much proof you have that contradicts that, there is nothing you can do, they say it takes time to update the system, this means the person that emailed you did not feel like really checking on your status, but if it had not been checked in yet and they accepted it, you would think you were golden, what if it would have been set aside not with your case?? Can you smell a blue coming or a straight denial for lack of required evidence?? I can, best thing is to wait, or at least this is my opinion. Once they update then you can be impatient, but I would simply wait until they ask for it, even if you get it sooner, they still have their processing times, and with the packet 3 even there they tell the beneficiary to contact them ponce they get pother information needed, then they send pout packet 4, so trying to rush this will not speed anything up, if you do have all the things already for packet 3 the minute she gets it she can call, this will speed it up some, but I feel nothing else will do that. Just try to relax and concentrate on your perceived red flags, not trying to get something submitted that they have yet to ask for. Just my opinion, but good luck. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-02 06:26:00
Asia: East and PacificPackage from NVC to Embassy
QUOTE (NancylovesAhmad @ Nov 2 2009, 01:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello. My husband will be having his interview in about a week and I tracked the case through the DHL website and according to it the package arrived in Cairo on the 19th of October, but when I contacted DOS they told me that my case has not made it to Egypt yet. Is this true or should I just go with the information I found through DHL. I just want to make sure that all his papers will be there in time for the interview so that they don't reschedule it. Thanks in advance!!!!!

It takes time, they are usually not the fastest when it comes to updating the system, people you talk to on the phone usually try to hang up fast as humanly possible, so they usually do not actually investigate anything and if the computer says they don't have it they tell you that, even if you say that dhl says they have it. Crappy but true fact of life around the embassy's. Good luck Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-02 06:33:00
Asia: East and Pacificevident of relationship
QUOTE (wratran @ Nov 1 2009, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading thru package 4 info.

Evident of relationship (#18) this info get submit at the pre-screening window?.....or get submitted to the actual CO during the interview?

I want to get an idea from those that had been thru the K1 interview i know how to group the pictures to fit in the window.

What this means is all evidence you have about you two together, plane ticket stubs, chat logs, phone bills, photos, hotel receipts, travel receipts when you were together, all things like this. If you get a blue, i strongly recommend that when you submit what they ask for that you submit everything you had at the interview at the same time. All your photos that they did not keep, chat logs, bills, and other such receipts as well. If you THINK it is important then submit it. To many people are getting denied for BS reasons, like no proof of ongoing relationship when they do not look at chat logs, or the CO says not enough photos, they show only 4 or 5 days together, ect. ect. ect. So if when you resubmit you add 100 photos, 300 pages of chat logs, new plane tickets, anything like this when they try to deny it this will be in the file, when his supervisor signs off he has to look at it, and you just disproved what they tried to deny you for. This is my opinion only, but to me at least it makes sense, this is also why I say make copies of everything. Good luck. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-02 11:17:00
Asia: East and Pacificevident of relationship
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Nov 1 2009, 11:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
no, just submit the original evidence, you do not need to make copies.

Make copies for yourself, this way if they take something, you have copies, worst case scenario you get denied and want to refile or do a rebuttal and they loose what you submitted you will not have it. Copies of everything is a must, maybe not take 2 copies to the interview, but have copies of EVERYTHING. My opinion, but with our case getting denied, they have not given us ANY thing back like others, if we did not have copies we would not be able to prove what we submitted. Good luck Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-02 11:11:00
Asia: East and PacificDecision
Everyone here knows my opinion on this matter, I feel you fell into the horror stories and they scared the cuc out of you. It is good to get to know her better, and to address all your red flags, all dating websites you have to pay to be introduced to women on, and if your agency that you went to offers its services to more than just Americans, and/or if a woman went there looking for a man to meet, then it does not fall into the marriage broker category. I think there are many ways to do it differently, if you are planning so many trips, will you be able to afford to do the same next year? If not, then the consulate will possibly think you just dropped off and did not come back after our last visit. I would file sooner and use one trip just for the interview, have the dam hoi on the first or second trip and save the 3rd for the interview or maybe the 2nd for the interview, but any way you choose, good luck and god bless. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-03 07:13:00
Asia: East and PacificDid anyone see this Thai movie?
QUOTE (thongd4me @ Nov 2 2009, 06:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got back from BKK and sorry I missed it.

Looks great; one of my favorite movies was the one titled "Chocolat" by Lasse Hallstrom set in France.

This one has nothing to do with that; it's a combination of Muay THai meets autism
which seems interesting.

I have not seen it, it looks messed up, but also interesting at the same time/. I will have to get her brother to download it for me
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-02 06:30:00
Asia: East and Pacificwe got ViSa
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Oct 29 2009, 06:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear scottThuy and all VJer
After a few months of preparations and waiting (AP 67days) , and weeks of sleepless nights, we finally made it! my wife she got Visa, today at 0430pm

I just wanna thank you,Scotthuy and all you guys for all the help and assistance. Foremost, I am sooo grateful to God ( Quan the am Bo Tac)for making this possible for us. Kim Hai and I wouldn't have gone this far without She help. and worth remembering. Had I not only gained friends around, I also find the people inside VJer so accommodating and friendly.
I wishes you best luck like scotthhuy,Jimphuong toantien art&vi million good luck to you
kicking.gif good.gif kicking.gif

Great to hear for you, good luck to the both of you and thank god you are done with HCMC consulate!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-29 06:01:00
Asia: East and PacificK-1 Visa - Submit now or later?
QUOTE (dnxt @ Oct 26 2009, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all! My name is Long and I, like many of you, have fallen for a special lady that resides in VN. Her name is Diem and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her! I was preparing to submit the I-129F for the K-1 Fiance Visa, but after finding this forum and realizing that many cases are often delayed, I'm considering visiting VN at least one more time before filing the K-1. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

I was introduced to Diem by her sister Thi and we began talking over the phone in Nov 2008.

TET 2009 - I decided to go to VN to meet Diem..Thi and her boyfriend John joined me in VN. I am Vietnamese and speak English and Vietnamese fluently..Diem has been studying English, but we currently communicate exclusively in Vietnamese. I proposed to Diem while in VN and we ended up having a small (50 people) engagement party before I returned to US.

July 2009 - Spent 7 weeks with Diem traveling Vietnam and introduced her to a few of my family members still living in Vietnam.

- Calling card used from Nov 2008 to TET did not have retrievable call records
- Did not retain any hotel receipts while on first trip
- Currently unemployed, but have some promising prospects and should be employed very soon
- Had engagement party on first visit to Vietnam
- Was introduced by her sister

- Income is stable over past few years despite current unemployment
- Have call records on Skype, SavingCall Calling Card and Yahoo Messenger
- took many pictures while in VN
- Have all hotel receipts for 2nd trip in July 2009

My questions are:
Do any weaknesses stand out and are a cause for concern?
Are my 2 visits to VN sufficient for K-1 Visa?
Are there any other steps that should be taken prior to filing for K-1 Visa?

I'm very anxious to get the paperwork submitted, but I just hope to be able to avoid the dreaded Additional Processing.

Thank you in advance for reading my story!


The worst thing I see is that you are unemployed, they will want to know what you made last year, and if you file this late they will need to know this year and with you being unemployed you need to know how much you have made this year. Without making enough they say that HCMC does not allow for a co sponsor, so this should in my view be the main focus on what you look at. The second thing I would look at is that you were introduced by her relative, and the first visit you propose and get engaged. Even though you made a second trip, this might be considered moving fast. I had the engagement on my first trip as well and I just got denied, I do not know if this is one of their reasons or not, I did not have family introduce us either. Good luck and choose what makes you feel best. There is no clear line that anyone can file, each case is different. Some get introduced, go there within a month or two get engaged, and do not get AP just a approval, some go 3 times before they file and get denied, it is anyones guess, I think the make or break point is the interview, if you are confident and show it this looks better, if all your answers seem sound and nothing strange, or out of no where like a ex wife in prison, or a ex husband living next door, or other strange things it should be fine, but again what I did hasn't seemed to help with my case, but the same things I did, did work for other people. Good Luck Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-28 18:49:00
Asia: East and PacificPhone Calls

You can fake the screenshots because you could change clothes 50 times on one session. With a green card at stake, these are small prices to pay.

I beg to differ, if you have done a screen shot with yahoo and have the web cam opened up, there is no real way to fake that even with changing clothing. When you look at the web cam you are viewing, it has the Date, and time. It even counts down the time to seconds, this is all in black and white or in color if you print with a color printer. The CO's may or may not like to look at them or some people might say they can be faked, point is if they do not accept them at interview it is your right to submit them later, and if this is your proof as it is in most cases with most people, then you need to put forth effort and go back to submit the chat logs, and screen shots. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-06 16:57:00
Asia: East and PacificPhone Calls
QUOTE (Tezzaa @ Nov 6 2009, 06:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are filing the K1 at the end of the month as we are waiting on my final divorce papers...we have started exporting all our calls from Skype, downloading phone bills & highlighting the relevant ones and blacking out the rest. Our chat logs have been printed in advance & as we are going to print off at the end of each week now & add them to the file. The phone calls are going to be harder to prove as I call him more as it is much cheaper for me to call him then the other way around and we use video chats all the time..but msn keeps a log of when the clal starts & when it finishes..I turned on the time stamp feature too to make it easier to see the timing.

Good luck with your visa application, just be thankful you are not going through HCMC, with you "Waiting" for a divorce to be finalized they would probably think your relationship was a sham. I am not sure how your consulate will feel about you already being engaged before you are divorced, but I would make sure that you try to address this issue and address it early. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-06 07:06:00
Asia: East and PacificPhone Calls
QUOTE (BurningFinger @ Nov 5 2009, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Trang and I barely talked over the phone. In fact most of our communication is through Yahoo chats. We also use the Yahoo Messenger Phone Call feature which is kinda like Skype. We use this alot as well. So basically we make phone calls to each other over the internet. I made screen shots on the webcam of both of us wearing our headseats as well as the call durations for our conversations on the headsets. Will the CO think this is strange or will they want copies of actual phone bills instead?

-Travis & Trang

The CO will not look at them, I even said in our time line that is what we did, Binh also had screen shots as well with us both in the picture. They should, but what you will have to do is MAKE them take them, they will not do it on their own. I suggest doing what you are doing, and keep taking screen shots, and just stress to your fiancée that she try to give them to the CO at the interview over and over and over again, and to stress to them that you use Yahoo and Skype, not the phone. If this does not work, and they give you a blue slip, when you get what they want turn in all of those as well. At this point they will have them no matter what, and I do not know if it is possible to do this or not, but ask for some sort of paper that shows you submitted "blank number of pages" this way if the CO lies as they did in our case you can say "Hey where did all those papers go? DID you file them in the trash receptacle??" but as I said I am not sure they will give you any type of receipt, but if you turn it in they have to accept it. Good luck Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-05 20:24:00
Asia: East and PacificOff to Thailand Today
QUOTE (thongd4me @ Oct 31 2009, 05:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
10/14/2009 I-129F NOA2 approval notification by e-mail - in Thailand!
10/15/2009 Package received at NVC, Portsmouth, NH
10/16/2009 NVC sends package to BKK consulate
10/20/2009 package received at BKK consulate
10/31/2009 packet3 instructinos received at her address in BKK

Update of my timeline - events in October.

Oh what a feeling!

Today before going to Chulalongkorn U. to have lunch with her son (also with her ex)
I was standing outside her house and saw the mailman drive up on his motorbike.
She came out to greet him and I thought (no, this couldn't be possible) but YES!
The letter from the US Consulate with our case number & packet3 instructions.

On the very last day of my visit, just before leaving for NYC.
Thanks again to all my VJ friends, especially D & T who we
met on Thursday in BKK. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it goes great and you have a great trip home. Good luck Jerome

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-31 05:32:00
Asia: East and PacificSlow to get an interview in HCM...
Good luck Jim! Hope Christmas comes early for the both of you!! Any luck on plane tickets?? Have you considered getting a 1 way then a 1 way home? If all the tickets are taken this sometimes works. A friend of mine travels all over the world for business, and he said half the time he has only a few days notice and the only way he can get out of paying for a first class ticket is to do it that way. He even told me once that one of the flights he wanted was full accept for first class, when he did it 1 way he got the exact same flight and he did not pay the premium. Maybe this will help, but good luck and hope you get pink. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-10 10:06:00
Asia: East and PacificWE GOT PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
QUOTE (wratran @ Nov 18 2009, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (b_weeks @ Nov 18 2009, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wratran @ Nov 17 2009, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
our timeline is very different from everyone else here. CO did comment they like they way timeline was arrange. I had 1 page to show the summary...just date and events. The next group is pre engagement with detailed description with picture captions. After that...the post engagement timeline

She could tell that CO was asking questions from the timeline summary.
I will try to find a way to post an attachement for everyone

How to attach your timeline to a post:

When you reply to a thread, there is a section under the box where you type you text called Attachments. Click the BROWSE button under the reply window that will allow you to select the file you want to attach. Once you have selected the file, simply click the Upload button. Once the upload is finished, then you can click Add Reply to post your response and attachment.

here is the timeline format that gave me pink.......its a 3 sections timeline
1) notary
2) summary
3) pre and post-engagement detailed timeline

WE beleive that if we just submit the summary timline, he would of made us submit a detailed longer version. The summary help him ask a lot relevant questions

I give you props that is a great timeline. I think you are truly lucky. when looking at your time line, we got denied for some of the things that you did. Hopefully your life together will be as lucky as your visa was! Good luck and once again, that is a truly great timeline. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-18 19:57:00
Asia: East and PacificWE GOT PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

I agree the decision is made before the interview, Binh said she saw pink when the Co was interviewing her, but when they asked about my ex wife, and Binh said she was in Prison and what for he got a frown on his face and left then came back with blue. But great news for you!!!!!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-17 20:04:00
Asia: East and PacificEx's wife problem. What to do?Im lost
I feel for you, you seem to be in between a rock and a hard place. I would say to take care of your self, because no one else seems to be doing this. What I mean by this is simple. If you think she sees his disability in the future and is trying to clamp down on it, then put your theory to the test. He does not have it now, so I would talk with him and tell him you both need some time apart to figure where you are both at and where you are going. You are making it to easy, if my wife was to kiss or be kissed by her ex and she did not get mad over it, then she would be gone, no questions asked. But if you take time apart, he will possibly see what you do for him, and then he might realize his ex is a "EX" for a reason, also while you support her children, she has more money for her "DRUGS" make her pay for them. Not trying to sound rude or mean, but point blank take care of you and him, that is it, don't go out of your way to take care of them. This might cause problems with your husband, but seriously if you explain that it is taking away from him and from you, and you are not doing it to be mean, and prove how much it is costing the both of you then he should understand. But this is just a opinion, it all could back fire, if you leave, he might not want you back, or he might see the error in his ways, who knows, but one thing is for sure, if you keep taking it, and he does leave, you will be left with nothing, the only thing you will have to show for it is that you know you were a good person. Take care of yourself, honestly, with all the people that are truly "Bride Shopping" to have a woman in America from a different country would be easier to get than to go what we all have gone through, not trying to say just get married to get married, I am however saying that there are plenty of men that you might like, and fall in love with that would treat you far better than your current husband is doing. As far as your other issue, I have no suggestions other than talking to an attorney that specializes in such cases. Good luck on what ever you decide to do. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-21 21:41:00