VietnamValentine's Day

those foreigners think they understand Vietnamese women more than Vietnamese people

THOSE foreigners?????? I will let you in on a little secret, listen and read closely. THOSE foreigners we DO know OUR wives, and maybe JUST MAYBE we treat our loved ones a bit better than some of THOSE VIET KIEU that keep trying to say they know our women better than we do. Instead of trying to say pay for the honey, and that this person thinks he knows Vietnamese women more than Vietnamese people do, maybe both should start to think and realize that your wives/fiancee's/servants/scammers/what ever you consider them are infact people. People like to be loved, even the scammers, they need love as well. The sad thing is that with all the hate it is hard to see through. Put the shoe on the other foot if you were in a different country all alone and had a husband that told you to do this or do that, you must, and you better, you might get offensive and hateful. So when you do valentines day this year, think about them, give them a massage, some flowers, something from YOUR heart, because this is all someone really wants is something from the heart. It could be some ugly paper machete thing, with third grader writing on it, but if it came from the heart they will love it, that is unless you have hardened their hearts with all of your anger and hatred. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-27 20:16:00
VietnamValentine's Day

Btw Jerome, ask Binh this and let us know her response "Does the saying "Buc leu tranh va 2 trai tim vang" (a straw hut and 2 golden hearts) work in your book?"

I'll bring you the truth. The only reason she's still with you, even at the moment you "think" living there is better than in America, is because she KNOWS her children (with you) are automatically USC by can guess the rest of this story.

I just love how you know SOOOOOOOOOO much about all of our loved ones. I think the only thing you know is your life experiences. Some of us are not idiots like you and we actually know what real love is. Who ever said she or I could even have children, you just assume so much it is funny. If you know SOOOOOO much, then you would also know that yes our children would become a USC IF I file the paperwork, but hmmmmmm guess what just because they are a USC this does NOT mean that my wife would become a USC. I know a few people that have children and their mothers were STILL DENIED, and OHHHH guess what my wife also knows these same people. SOOOO once again, look at the previous website and learn how to become a REAL MAN instead of what you are, also go to lawschool, immigration law might help so that when you try to say some of the things you say you will know they are pure BS just like most of us here on VJ know they are.

The only way that you have to pay for honey is if you are not a real man, the only way you will have a wife/fiancee leave you once they find out they arent going to America is if you are an idiot. As for me, I am a real man, and far far from an idiot, so when you try to tell ME what MY wife WILL do, remember that I am not an idiot and I am a REAL MAN so if this would happen to you it WONT happen to me.

For valentines day, the recordable song cards are great, I did them for all the occasions, other things you can do is send something like a little card with sweet nothings written on it, put it in the pocket of a shirt or have it tied around a button and then when she opens it if she does it on webcam then you can watch as she finds it, or even put something like look at the webcam and then hold something up or show her a bigger gift and then mail it. All sorts of things you can do to make it fun and exciting. I had a friend that had his fiancee's mom cook a specific dish and then he mad the exact same one down to the last detail, and they ate together, it was kinda like they were together yet far away. If you can think of something do it, because they are from the heart, and this is what really matters, unless of course you are like Dau Que, and if that is the case, find another woman or send your paycheck.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-25 21:13:00
VietnamValentine's Day

Wire her your entire paycheck for that V week. That'll make her extremely happy.

They say "No money, no honey" righty, right?

Dau Que, some of us are real men and to get the honey we do not need to send them all of our money. There are classes out there that can help you out with this, and if you actually take them, maybe you will stop having to pay for YOUR honey like most of us already do not need to do. Also after taking some of those classes maybe you can come back on Visa Journey with a better view of Vietnameese women. Check out this link Dau


To the OP, the last two years I sent a card, and then made sure I had plenty of webcam time so that we could talk, the first year we didnt have much time on the webcam, so I made sure I called and talked to her. Most women will tell you dont send me anything, some might not but honestly what matters is that you make the attempt to be closer with her on that day anyway you can.


Edited by jeromebinh, 24 January 2011 - 08:16 PM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-24 20:14:00
VietnamBringing money to the US

from VN you can bring 7k per person. Transfer from VN bank is limited to 7K a year. This includes from a family member. you could have many family members send to you. Check your messages for more info.

Listen to Fred, he just went through this so he is the one that would have the best details. Glad to see you are still hanging around :thumbs:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-14 05:17:00
VietnamBringing money to the US

Thanks Everyone. I really need to hear specifically from the Vietnam forum members because I believe there are some Vietnamese Government regulations around transfers of money. I doubt money-gram would work because the Vietnamese Government forbids the transfer of any amount of money between Vietnam and the USA (eg. I could not transfer anything to Vietnam via Western Union). I know how much money can be carried into the USA without being taxed. However, what if my fiance wanted to bring $50,000? I would never want her carrying money on the plane and it would be better to do it by bank transfer. So, for those Vietnam forum members whose fiancees came to the USA, did any of them bring money (ie. a lot) with them?


Vietnam does NOT like money leaving, I am a foreigner and I have to jump through hoops to simply send money western union, and if you try to leave with alot, expect them to try and "tax" it. So in my opinion the best way to get money out of the country is to have her open a bank account here at HSBC or EXIM and get a VISA or MASTERCARD debit card. The reason for this is that I have used it to purchase things overseas like my college books $800 and other big expenses with NO problems at all. You might get hit with a small transfer fee here and there, but there is NO hassle at all and she will be able to use it in any country. Hope this suggestion helps, but if you are wanting to do the cash thing, just check with the local athorities and make sure you claim every bit of it, especially when you land in the USA or they could say you were smuggle it into the country then seize it and say it was drug money or any other thing they can think of costing you time and money trying to get your money back.

As the others have said it is assetts so there is no tax on it, the problem is that you have to claim it and bring extra attention to you during the entry and exit to Vietnam

Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-14 05:14:00
To busy enjoying it to post about it. I love my work, but I also love vacation! Happy new year!!

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-02 20:51:00
VietnamViet Nam Devalues Dong 9% against Dollar

Perhaps these kinds of comments belong in the Politics & Religion forum where we are supposed to keep those opinions.

Pay him no mind he is just off one ban and will probably get another one before too long. He always has hated comments.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-12 20:31:00
VietnamViet Nam Devalues Dong 9% against Dollar
Mark, lets see when we get paid if our bank gives us that rate. Since I have been at VStar they have always paid 19500, right now the website shows 20,890 we will have to watch that at work a few days prior to and the day of our pay. I have learned not to put anything past them these days. Sad but true. good post :thumbs:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-11 21:02:00
VietnamIs age an issue?

FACT: I'm 3 years older than my husband.
FACT: We were approved.

You cradle robber :blush: :blush: 2 years shouldnt be an issue, if they make one of it then there are other reasons, maybe a gut feeling of the CO, and they would then use something trivial like this, but I truly doubt that would ever happen. After all they have many other reasons to nit pick. It might be a cultural norm, but they use that term whenever they dont like something so dont sweat the age, just make sure she is comfortable and knows about you, your work, friends, and home town Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-16 06:34:00
VietnamIs age an issue?

A few is 2. And I'm definitely needing Vietnam specific info here since it is a. a hard consulate and b. not a cultural norm for older women to marry younger men.

I would say there would be NO problems because it is only 2 years old, and even with the culture it is only 2 years old. My wife does say it is a bit strange, but she even said it is only 2 years, and that usually it is not agreed on by the families, so as long as her family accepted you then it is not an issue. As far as the consulate sees the relationship it is very close in years which looks better than a big age difference, now IF........... she was VERY rich and you were not far above the poverty lines there might be an issue, but this would be an issue no matter if you were 2 years older or even 20 years older. Basically, you should not worry about this and worry about other things that are more serious in nature such as photos with different clothing (Ho Chi MInh CO's seem to think people come on vacation with 100 pairs of DIFFERENT clothing) or how many trips, and personal information that they think she should know about you and your work and town. Good luck Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-14 05:05:00
VietnamSelling in Viet Nam
She can also sell on ebay to the US, there are many things that are cheap here that in the US are expensive. Westerners eat up Asian things, and if it looks Japaneese or Chineese they love it. All that is really needed is for her to set up a pay pal account or for you to do it and use that for her ebay account. Lacquers are cheap here, between 20 and 50$ and sell for $300 to $600, also the bags, and little things sell good as well
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-16 06:39:00
Vietnamwith a criminal record

Lucky, there was no jail time.

Clearing the record doesn't solve the problem, b/c it asks if you're ever been arrested.... then describe... regardless of a cleared record, the story is gonna be the same.

If the record is expunged then there is no record of it, and when they are expunged then you do not even have to admit that you were arrested or charged or convicted, but there is a time limit on how soon you can have any record expunged and it is only viable for certain crimes and you have to not been convicted with or arrested for any similar charge during said time period. This is how it works in MOST states but NOT ALL states. Regardless of the state laws expungement means that you do not have to admit to any crime, or arrest once your record has been expunged and it can only be done with the help of a lawyer.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-19 20:45:00
Vietnamwith a criminal record

Jerome, I don't think you're seeing my point. The laws you're referencing are for the petition, not the visa. They are not denying petitions based on that... if your complaint is about denying VISAs, you can't use the PETITION minimum requirements as a standard.

You are not seeing my point. With our CO they outright lied to deny us a visa. I know this because I hired a lawyer and got all the information they had including the notes the actual CO took. In these notes it clearly said over 100 photos, and he noted that I was in Vietnam 3 times before the denial was issued, and on the denial we WERE denied for not enough photo proof that we had only been together 2 or 3 days, and that I had only made 1 trip to Vietnam. These issues are also now being currently looked into with a class action lawsuit. If these are the minimum requirements to get an application approved they are ALSO some but NOT all of the minmums to get a VISA issued. My friend the CO in HCMC has said as much, that they are not allowed to deny a person when minimums are met for the minimums. They can deny for other reasons but they are NOT supposed to deny for people just meeting the minimums. This is why many petitions are reaffirmed because when they get back to the US the review board sees the reasons for denial and knows that the minimums have been met, depending on what other reasons they are denied for and what service center it goes to the petition stands a very good chance of getting reaffirmed.

To the OP, NEVER LIE PERIOD if you lie and they find out you WILL be banned for life from getting a visa. Just having a child is no reason for the CO to give you a visa, and with the current conviction it is all the reason to deny you. If your loved on has attacked you before with all the studies about domestic violence they would be in fear of not only your life but that of your child. Being convicted of assault even a misdemeanor is serious. What if it happens again? What if they issue the visa, he comes to america and assaults you again, but this time so that he doesnt get into trouble he kills you instead because he does not want to get sent back to Vietnam? I am not saying this would/will happen, but this IS what the CO will more than likely be thinking. If you are serious about this visa then I would say you need to get a lawyer ASAP and in the mean time DO NOT LIE! Fill out the sheet, you can add extra paper and try to explain what happened, but if what you say does not match police reports once again this is material misrepresentation which could lead to a ban. Before you fill out the DS 230 it would be wise to get a copy of the police report on the incident so that any explinations you give on the DS 230 OR at the interview match. I am sure that they will have a copy of the police report since it involves the both of you. So as others have said get a lawyer ASAP and get the police report.


jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-19 20:41:00
Vietnamwith a criminal record

Jerome, Those "laws" are the minimum requirements to have a petition approved, not to have a visa approved.

I'm in no way implying that this is just going to be okay. But at least it could be up to the CO instead of dead-in-the-water if this is not classified as moral turpitude. (As for who cares about the maximum sentence... apparently Uncle Sam does if he included that rule.)

As far as your suggestion to ignore it, what I think ScottThuy was getting at earlier in asking about DS-230 is that it straight up asks you if you fall in this category in question 40 and asks in 41 if you've ever been charged, arrested, or convicted of any crime and please explain... so there is no ignoring it. It's either answer truthfully or lie (commit visa fraud).

(Of course having filed K-1, which I believe you did too, I didn't know about the DS-230 and had to look it up based on his comment... so I'm assuming you didn't know that ignoring it would require fraud.)

I mean, Jerome, I'm with you on this, I think the chances are slim-to-none of this being accepted.

By the way, specifically excludes simple assault from moral turpitude for immigration as well.


Based on that, if the charge was simple assault, then if I were filling out the form, I would say NO on 40b, but on 41, there is no ignoring it... and so, IMHO it is not going to exclude him from immigration, but is going to make it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get him a visa in HCMC.

The DS 230 is an immigrant visa form, I thought they were doing a K1 visa form which is a non immigrant visa. According to the DS 230 if it is moral turpitude then there is a serious problem. In no way shape or form would i tell anyone to lie, but if they are not required to mention something then DO NOT mention it. This is NOT visa fraud and would never be considered visa fraud, like the militarys dont ask dont tell policy, if asked tell them, if not asked dont tell them.

Those laws are for the minimums, so if the minimum is met according to the law then why are they denying visas based on THOSE LAWS????? This is why there is a class action lawsuit currently going on right now, the consulate is denying people based on 1 trip and not enough photos which by some people is wrong and not legal thus the class action lawsuit, so..... this is why I say who cares about the sentence, if it is not classified as moral turpitude the CO will STILL do what he wants to do, and even if it is not listed or considered as moral turpitude in the United States, the CO can and probably WOULD consider it spousal abuse and deny the visa.

Edited by jeromebinh, 19 February 2011 - 07:02 AM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-19 06:59:00
Vietnamwith a criminal record

Jerome, what you say is true, but, and as is the case at hand, there are strict restrictions on people with certain criminal records being allowed into the country at all.

Scott, I definitely agree with you that it is a gray area. But the OP said "definitely" MT and I wanted to point out that it's not definitely.

Any word on what the max penalty for assualt is in your state OP. Or what state are you in and I can try to look it up. (What state did it happen in?)

Who cares about the maximum sentence, they do not allow murderers, sexual crimes, and domestic violence into the United States. If you have one of these three crimes on your record then it is not happening. In some states Domestic violence is still not considered a felony. If the charge was a felony then it will come up. This check is done on the petitioner, since he is in Vietnam he will have his police clearance done in Vietnam which would not show a US arrest record, but...... Since he was convicted in the United States while ON a VISA there might be a record of it on his file, if this is the case and because it involves assault on the petitioner they very well might consider it domestic violence simply because she called the cops on him and he was arrested. That being said if it comes up they will very likely deny the visa regardless if it was only a 12 month maximum sentence. The last thing that the US consulate would want is to allow fraud into the united states, and even worse than that to allow someone into the united states with a history of violence against the petitioner and then have the benificary do another crime causing the death of said petitioner which on file has already called the police for her protection.

This is what it boils down to at HCMC, nothing else matters. If the HCMC consulate finds out about his crime it will be a long road with lots and lots of explaining period. No waiver will do them justice, it will come down to the interviewing CO and what they feel. You can state laws and regulations all you want, but the fact is they can and DO deny for reasons that the law clearly says they cant. Look how many people have been denied for 1 trip, for not ENOUGH photos, there is no law that says you must make more than one trip, no law that says you must have 100 photos in different clothing, the laws/regulations clearly state the oppisite, all you MUST do is prove you have met ONE time wihin the previous TWO years of filing, and PROVE you have met in person. So try to argue that you had a waiver or that what he did years ago to his girlfriend was an accident and that he felt bad about it, do you really think this will go over with the CO??

OP in my honest opinion, I would NOT file a waiver I would NOT mention what happened at all, but I WOULD be prepared to answer questions about it. If his Vietnam police background check comes back clean drop it and dont say anything about the conviction in the US if you do you are giving them a reason to deny based on safety concerns for YOU. Depending on the rest of your case if this does not come up at the interview then you will more than likely be fine on your visa application.

On another note, there are many studies that have been conducted all over the world, most people that abuse ones spouse/girlfriend do it repeatidly, not all end in death, but most about 85% continue to abuse their loved ones in one way or another so what ever happened that night, it might happen again so what I suggest is to make sure you do love him and know that this might happen again no matter how much he says that "I would never do that again, I am so so sorry, I love you so much, please forgive me It wont happen again I prommise" There is the chance it wont, but be prepared if it does happen again. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-18 20:54:00
Vietnamwith a criminal record

I am new here.Please bear with me for a lil intro. I am a US citizen and my husband is a vietnamese. I gave birth to a son in HCM and came back to the US with my son 4 months ago and I applied for the immigration visa for my husband and just received both the approved I130 and I129F letters. Now what bothers me is when we were still dating,( we met in the US while he was on his student visa ) I pressed charge on him and he was charged with second degree assault, and he pleaded guilty when he went to court. The final disposition was PBJ. SO my question is "will the criminal record affect his chance of getting the visa in Vietnam? How tough is the HCMC consulate when they interview beneficiary with a background like this? and how do the officer define PBJ since I heard it varies by country. Anyone who knows anything about that kinda issue, please advice !

Usually the criminal reccord is done on the petitioner which is you not him. If this charge is a felony they would have a serious problem with it and it MIGHT come up at the interview. To keep immigrants safe they look very poorly on anyone convicted of a crime against a spouse (spousal battery/domestic violence), as well as rape and murder. If the petitioner has one of these there is a very high chance you will NOT get a visa. The last thing they want is a person to come over to the USA and have a husband or wife start hitting on them and turning them into hostages/slaves or even killing them.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-18 07:44:00
Vietnamvietnam visa exemption

Hopefully someone with experience can help... How can I extend a visa without crossing any borders? My brother's visa is expiring in a couple of weeks and needs to get his visa renewed. I tried searching, but no luck. THANKS!

Linda, go here and download the form Then he will need to have the police where he is registered at to sign the form, then take it to the immigration office, and pay $10 it usually takes about 7 to 10 days to get everything done and your passport stamped. I just got mine extended for the 3rd time. hope this helps

Jerome and BInh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-16 06:18:00
Vietnamvietnam visa exemption

This link was very insightful for me, it might help you out or others. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-06 07:40:00
Vietnamvietnam visa exemption
When I read that link, it says for Vietnamese living abroad, what do I need to do to get visa exemption after our marriage is final?
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-05 20:46:00
VietnamMeeting Up in a Third Country

Ok, so the options are...

1. She was lying to me.
2. She didn't know she could go to Singapore without a visa.
3. She didn't want to go to Singapore, and was trying to find an easy way to weasel out.

We ended up taking most of her family to Hoi An and Da Nang in a big bus we rented. No way I would have paid to do that if we went to Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, or anywhere else.

I'm going with option 3. :whistle:

Hmmmmm..... I take it you wanted to go to Singapore with your wife and she said she had to get a visa. Hmmmmmm............ Possibly she didnt know or she would rather have a nice family trip with you and her family :whistle: :whistle: Well when you go back you can now for certain with her newly acquired american status visit Singapore. :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-19 23:50:00
VietnamMeeting Up in a Third Country
Japan is expensive, it is not a developing country. I would say to try China, go see some history maybe the great wall or something. Other choices would be the phillippines, or Australia, maybe Indonesia, or even south Africa, go on a safari or something. These are countries that are farily easy to get a visa to from Vietnam
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-16 06:42:00
VietnamInterview Blue Slip

Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the support. We are CR-1. K-1 would have given us a chance to refile. Now we need to win the rebuttal. Marc Ellis already has all of our paperwork. Wife met with him today . . . I'm hoping he can keep it HCMC. if not We are already preparing for a rebuttal.

Just want you to know that Marc Ellis vary rarely trys to keep ANYTHING in Vietnam, I have talked with at least 10 people that have used him when they were denied, each one said he told them to let it go to the US and prepare to do a rebuttal. So be prepared to wait a while longer, but if it is any help Huong and Phung were denied on a CR1 and they were just recently approved, so it is far from over, just a bit longer before you will be able to be together. Good luck Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-26 20:06:00
Vietnamjust wondering
If you can speak english you can teach english. You are smart enough to do that. As Mr. Saigon said you dont need much money to start out. I came with quite a bit since I sold everything before I moved here. I did plan on moving here later in life, our denial just made it sooner rather than later.

looking for a job for me was easy. I waited until after I finished my TESOL, and then I started to apply, within 1 week I landed a good full time Job. I had no formal teaching experience, I have a B. A. in business management, and i am currently 1.5 years into a 4 year certified Teaching degree through Ashford University doing online classes. 2 months back i got a guy from England hired on and all he had was a TESOL, and no degree, he is 22 years old. So even if you do not have any degree, if you take a TESOL course ($1400) you can find work. There are also still places that hire people with no degree at all. But if you do think you need to move here, the only thing I would say is get your degrees if you have them authenticated BEFORE you come. I had to spend $800 to get my degrees authenticated since I was not there. The process is not easy when you are over a thousand miles away.

What ever you decide, dont worry about the little things, the best jobs here are teaching, and if you really dont want to teach, you might be able to make money off of ebay, or open a shop in your wifes name and sell food like Ralph and Hanh did at the Big Grill (which for all of those that dont know is no longer open) They seemed to like it, but it took alot of time, and I think that is the hardest part about running such a business. But seriously teaching is easy, the hardest thing is how to tell them what you want them to know where they can understand it, but if you are at a learning center they will be placed properly and this becomes less difficult. But seriously, you teach from a book, it is not that hard, and you find games or other activities that are about the lesson and incorperate them. My 3rd and 4th grade class absolutely love me, and when my class is over they all run and give me hugs, it is hard to get out of the class, no better reward than teaching in my view.

Good luck with what ever you decide to do
Jerome and Binh

If you can speak english you can teach english. You are smart enough to do that. As Mr. Saigon said you dont need much money to start out. I came with quite a bit since I sold everything before I moved here. I did plan on moving here later in life, our denial just made it sooner rather than later.

looking for a job for me was easy. I waited until after I finished my TESOL, and then I started to apply, within 1 week I landed a good full time Job. I had no formal teaching experience, I have a B. A. in business management, and i am currently 1.5 years into a 4 year certified Teaching degree through Ashford University doing online classes. 2 months back i got a guy from England hired on and all he had was a TESOL, and no degree, he is 22 years old. So even if you do not have any degree, if you take a TESOL course ($1400) you can find work. There are also still places that hire people with no degree at all. But if you do think you need to move here, the only thing I would say is get your degrees if you have them authenticated BEFORE you come. I had to spend $800 to get my degrees authenticated since I was not there. The process is not easy when you are over a thousand miles away.

What ever you decide, dont worry about the little things, the best jobs here are teaching, and if you really dont want to teach, you might be able to make money off of ebay, or open a shop in your wifes name and sell food like Ralph and Hanh did at the Big Grill (which for all of those that dont know is no longer open) They seemed to like it, but it took alot of time, and I think that is the hardest part about running such a business. But seriously teaching is easy, the hardest thing is how to tell them what you want them to know where they can understand it, but if you are at a learning center they will be placed properly and this becomes less difficult. But seriously, you teach from a book, it is not that hard, and you find games or other activities that are about the lesson and incorperate them. My 3rd and 4th grade class absolutely love me, and when my class is over they all run and give me hugs, it is hard to get out of the class, no better reward than teaching in my view.

Good luck with what ever you decide to do
Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-05 01:10:00
Vietnamjust wondering

Hello everyone
My wife is always trying to think of business ideas in case i end up living there in vn and i was wondering is bingo legal? theres not much to do in her town and i thought that would be a good idea. i was also wondering how hard it is to get a home loan in vietnam if anyone knows? and third when i try to print my emails on my kodak printer the font was tiny tiny and i tried to fix it but now when i click print my email closes. Anyways i hope everyone is doing good and hanging in there

I have just looked into it, and HSBC wants 30% down with a minimum 900 million dong loan, and you must make at least 10 million a month, this would be combined income yours and hers. It is actually kinda simple and painless. Hope this helps! Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-02 10:22:00
VietnamHoly Coprolite, Batman! ---APPROVED!
congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-06 21:02:00
VietnamAnother PINK in HCM
Congrats!!!!!!!!:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-08 18:29:00
Vietnamproof of exwifes adress

could i send a certifid latter to heer adress and send in the reciept for evidence or do i need to get a lawyer . also relitives in u s a , how detaile does the list need to be? does it have to include her aunts kids and does it have to include phone numbers? thanks so much

For relatives, if they will send a copy of a drivers liscense as Scott said, or even a utility bill. As far as where your ex lives, if she/he wont help you, then sign an affadavit to that extent, and if you have any contact information for her give it to them. My ex was in prison, and she would not help me, but the prison due to safety concerns will not write letters conforming or denying where they house inmates, at least that is what they told me, so then I did a online search, found her online doing a prisoner offender search (funny you can find out things online but the prison will not confirm it), I printed it off, then in my affadavit, I put the website link where I found her information, and they never said one thing about it again.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-11 18:19:00
VietnamSmart Phones In Vietnam

Hey thanks everybody I appreciate the replies. Based on what I read here I think I'll bring her an iphone.


Contact Clay from Visa Journey, he brought a bunch of Iphones already, I heard he went back home but the last I knew he still had a few from the US here that he was going to sell, I think all of them were unlocked already Clayr1 I think was his name, if you cant find him, pm me and I will send you his personal email address

Edited by jeromebinh, 13 November 2010 - 07:36 PM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-13 19:36:00
VietnamSmart Phones In Vietnam
I just got my new Galaxy S samsung from the US today, and it works great, it was locked to T-Mobile, and the shop unlocked it took 3 minutes, and it works great
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-13 06:44:00
VietnamSmart Phones In Vietnam
any GSM phone can be unlocked over here (well almost any) I would say yes to all the HTC phones being unlocked, right now Samsung galaxy's are the hot ticket, Iphones have dropped off unless you have a 4g iphone. I had an older LG phone that was unlocked no problems, but once again it was a gsm with a sim. It was more expensive to unlock the LG phone than it was my Iphone because it was not very popular, but with the HTC you will not have any problem, and if you are wanting to make sure, just order an unlocked phone, and you will have no problems. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-11 23:21:00
VietnamHCMC FAQ Confusing
It generally takes 10 years of being a US citizen for a person to bring over family members. Our neighbors just got a visa to go live with their brother in the US, So what this means is IF they think your marriage/relationship is fake and you are only married/engaged to a foreigner so that you can immigrate to be with your family then they will deny you, the same goes for student visa, and visitor visa as well. Most people dont want to wait 10 years, so that is why there is some of the fraud there is, sad but true fact.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-14 18:45:00
Vietnamanother one approved!
Congrats Ronnie and Hang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frank and Phuong also got the pink this week as well once they turned in police and Medical.

Great news for the both of you, congrats again both of your long journeys are almost over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-16 07:55:00
VietnamTemporary Stay Registration

Granted. I've seen it go both ways. The 4 star I stay at in Hue prints out a list of guests every morning, and a cop comes to pick it up. Phuong's cousin owns a small hotel in Tan Phu district in Saigon, and he says the cops only come by occasionally for his guest list.

If the hotel knows you as a prior guest then they often won't keep your passport. They mainly keep it to ensure you won't skip out on the hotel bill.

The family she was worried about isn't related to her. They're just the neighborhood busybodies who get their noses into everyone elses business.

That sucks, if it WAS family and not neighborhood busybodies, then you could have chipped a little of that 10k gift when you come back :blush:

Strange how different it is from hotel to hotel and city to city, sometimes cops never come by, and then other times they are there every day. With where I am living now, they refused to let a foreigner live there right before us, but they allowed me, go figure. I think it had something to do with the 98 year old woman across the street, when we were looking at the house the cops came up as I was siting beside her and she was talking in Vietnamese to me, and I understood what she was saying so I replied in Viet. The cop looked at me, asked the woman a question, and told my wife we could stay there.

They even missed my visa extension by a month, we figured once I was registered I was registered, but if you are staying or get a visa renewal I guess you are togive them your passport each time so they know you are not overstaying.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-15 04:18:00
VietnamTemporary Stay Registration

If you stay in a hotel then you are registering with the police.

I never stayed overnight at my wife's house. She was concerned that a particular family in her neighborhood would report her if she didn't register my stay, and foreigners are specifically not allowed to stay in family homes in the district where her house is. She suggested that I stay in her home a few times without registering, but I declined. I didn't want either of us to get into any trouble. Frankly, I also found the hotel to be a lot more comfortable than her home. Since visiting Vietnam was also a vacation for me, I wanted to be pampered. :blush:

The hotel was a little reluctant to allow her to stay overnight in my room, and they questioned her about it a couple of times on my first visit. On my second trip they just sort of looked the other way, but they did put her name on the hotel receipt. After our engagement ceremony on my third trip they sent champagne and flowers to our room. From that day on, they treated us both like royalty. :D

This is not always true. Maybe at the fancy hotels, but most hotels do not actually register you with the police, they simply have your passport and IF the police show up they can show who is there.

BTW is that the same certain relative that thinks 10k will do it when you return??:blink:


Edited by jeromebinh, 14 November 2010 - 06:41 PM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-14 18:39:00
VietnamTemporary Stay Registration

Did you guys register with the Vietnamese police while you stay in Vietnam with your wife or girlfriend? It is essential to have this document during the interview?

I never signed in either where I stayed, and this was never an issue at our interview, and I have not heard of anyone getting denied because of it, so dont sweat it you are golden. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-14 07:03:00
VietnamWe got PINK
congrats!!!!:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-17 19:47:00
VietnamVisa Pick Up Times

Thanks, guys.

Those chimps are tricky...

I'm so excited that I was going to tell my to buy the ticket now so that she can get here on Thanksgiving. I've been plotting flights and everything.

Now, after your comments, I've come to my senses.

Unless the visa in issued, nothing has changed.

Smart move on your part waiting. As Scott has said, I also knew a couple that were issued a visa, then they were called to return it. Needless to say they didnt, and from what I heard was there was some issue in the US, but because they did have the approval notice and the VISA there was nothing they could do, however if they had been dumb enough to turn it in then all bets would have been off.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-12 05:27:00
Vietnamabout to submit my timeline (affidavit)
Congrats, glad that it all worked out for you! :dance: :dance: :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-19 21:50:00
Vietnamabout to submit my timeline (affidavit)

No doubt that people are judged by the words they use. It's also very probable that my reading of my friend's timeline was affected by the fact that I knew him already, and I could hear him speaking in my head as I read it. The CO will not know my friend, and won't hear the same voice in his head when he reads the timeline. In my friend's case, I thought it was pretty clear from the grammar that English was not his first language, and that was the primary reason for the grammatical errors, and not because he was a native born American with a double digit IQ. In other words, he didn't come across as uneducated - just not very well versed in English.

It also occurred to me that my friend might have reasons to contact the consulate at some point. If the CO reads his correspondence and compares that with what is written in his timeline then the grammar should be consistent, and the CO won't be wondering who wrote the eloquent prose in his timeline.

Even if the CO does read the emails (many people say they do not read the emails just look at the dates) then in my opinioin it stays the same, the Timeline is almost ALWAYS read while the emails are either denied and never looked at or in many cases just simply "looked" at for dates or for number of emails at the interview. regardless I still feel that the timeline should be grammar checked some errors I say leave in, but for the most part they should be fixed. My feeling is that if it slows the reader down any then fix it, but if it is a simple "went to Hue" instead of "we went to Hue" those can be left in, but if it causes the reader to stop and go back because they feel they missed two or three words then it needs to be fixed, even with English being a second language there will be people that judge people based on this. Once again this is my view, and there is no way to prove or disprove my assumptions, but if history repeats its self (which it usually does) then I would not want to take the chance of being judged well before my interview, I would personally want to go in with as clean a slate as possible, remember this is HCMC, they lie, deny for no reason, some feel there is a quota system, and the list goes on and on, this is not ANY consulate I would want to mess around with. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-16 19:22:00
Vietnamabout to submit my timeline (affidavit)

Honestly, I personaly thanks to all the advices in this forum. I have a friend that already went throught my papers. My question is any important items that I missed out in this timeline?. I still need for the advice. thank you

It looked good, you can add detail to some of the entries like you did with the sticky rice, this can work both ways, it gives them more questions to ask, but at the same time you are giving them details of your love, things that you remember and not just the big things, but the little things as well. Good luck, and the timeline does look good. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-16 10:41:00