VietnamBest way to learn English (for now)

Hello guys,

Can you guys recommend some techniques to teach English? I am trying to teach my wife English. So far, she has used Rosetta Stone but she find it boring.

Not trying to sound rude, but if it is important to her even if it is boring she needs to stick with it point blank. I installed a few programs on Rich's Fiancee's computer when she stayed with us for 2 weeks, and it is working great for her. Boring as it may be, if she wants to go to america then she will need to learn english, and she will have to deal with it being boring, that or hire her a tutor, or send her to a language center, there are tons of them in HCMC, another option is I dont know much about this site, but if she goes there, she will hear my voice and Mark (MekongMark) as we both work there.

Yes you shouldnt have laughed at her I teach young children at V Star, and if you laugh at them, they loose confidence and desire to learn. No matter how bad it is, if she is trying that is WHAT matters. She just needs confidence, and this means you need to compliment her when she says something right, and NEVER laugh at her again. Also get her to start doing little words, hold up something in the webcam and tell her what it is, get a small box, and save the things she knows and quiz her on them, when she gets them all right, get new ones. Make it fun, and let her know she is doing good.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-12-12 23:30:00
VietnamContents of the blue slip
Seperate pages for each thing requested. Even if there is room, always do seperate, and make sure each is labled as what it is. Make it clear and understandable. As far as cousins living in the U.S. list everyone she knows that she can get in touch with. Even if this means calling around, and then everyone that will send info/proof of where they live I.E. phone bill/water bill or even a copy of a drivers liscense, submit all of those as her relatives, if she cannot contact one of them or they do not send what is needed then leave them out, as long as this is not everyperson on her list. The reason for this is that if you list one and dont have proof, it looks fishy, but if you dont submit any relatives this also looks fishy. It isnt too hard to understand, give them what they want. Good luck Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-24 09:09:00

The day Jerome posted this thread, I saw myself SayHaorBust was ACTIVE browsing threads in here. How come he/she didn't bother to post the "good" news or even say thanks to the folks who congratulated them?

Oh that's right, like most ppl, once getting the Visa, who cares.

It doesnt matter who comes back to VJ after getting advice or not. I could really care less if people act like a sponge or not. It is a person's choice if they want to hang around after an approval or denial. And with posts like yours and many others, people are just plain scared to even post, let alone come back once they are done. After all this is a public forum and if we choose to help people that is our right, just like it is theirs to come and stay or come get what they need then leave. I know some people that are on this forum that have never filed for a visa for a foreign person, yet they have been around and offer advice. i also know people that had not even filed and were giving advice to anyone who would listen. It is what it is, a public forum, and if people choose to post it is their right, and for those that come and leave that is also their right

Rich, if she is coming by on the 25th, at 5 then I will make sure I go into work later that night, or if possible I will go in early and get my hours in. I am on TET holiday for 3 weeks starting on the 25th. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-22 06:00:00
Congrats to Rich and Sayha. Sayha went in and got the pink!! Way to go!!!:dance: :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-18 07:29:00
VietnamWhat job does your wife has?

She can speak the northern and southern dialects, but as you say, she speaks with a central accent. I speak very little of the language, but I've heard her switch gears and change to a different dialect when it's obvious someone she's talking to is having a hard time understanding her.

The other teacher who offered her the job is her second cousin, I think. She's not exactly sure where the family tree connects, but she knows they're related and thinks they're cousins. He and his wife live only a few miles away from us. Obviously, they're originally from Hue. Their friends, who will be bringing their kids over for tutoring, are also from Hue, but not related. I think they'll probably want the kids to learn the central dialect since that's where they'll be going when they visit Vietnam, and what they'll be speaking with other family members in the US.

Jim, there are online schools like the one I am going to for an accredited teaching degree, it isnt that expensive, and she can get it done in 4 years or less also check this link out http://www.riosalado...quirements.aspx they offer a teaching certificate through Arizona, and they might accept her previous degree where she would only have to do a teaching practium and do their online part. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-26 22:44:00
Vietnamresults of interview 1/28/11

Anyone else had this?? My fiance went to her second interview 1/28/11 and got a white sheet since she is pregnant. They want DNA and gave her paperwork concerning the procedure for this, basically they want the results but my question is will they ask for anything else after I prove I am the father? This is adding another 180 day wait to an existing 903 days since I first filed for K1 so my confidence is waning. At this juncture until she gets a visa I think they are still playing the waiting game.

Clay not trying to sound rude, but you had only been here for a week or two and she was telling my wife she thought she was pregnant the first time they met. It sounds like the timing of her pregnancy is what has caused this delay, and you really cant blame the consulate with the first denial for being critical. When the test results come in, there shouldnt be much of an issue with your visa, or there would have been much more on your slip so think of this as a good thing, get the test done and then submit the evidence they need. regardless of what they want, you have to dance for them, and I know you are used to it by now. Sounds like you are finially getting close to the finish line. Good luck Jerome

Edited by jeromebinh, 28 January 2011 - 01:12 AM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-28 01:10:00
VietnamSending $$ to her family in VN
I wanted to throw my two cents into this conversation. I do not like it when any family member "expects" anything, but guess what they are family, and if I can help them, I will gladly help them. My wifes family has never asked for money, granted I am living here in Vietnam, but that is the funny part. I have more money to spend here working as a teacher than I did in America, and this is with supporting my wife here. When MY mother needed money for a lawyer to get a divorce, I asked my wife and she said she is family, and had no problems at all sending her 2k for the lawyer. So it is a two way street, those people that refuse to help family when they can help, to me are well, that is another topic, and subject all together. The point is that Vietnamese culture is set to help family, and family is family, here or there. My mother had a stroke, and my wifes mother keeps trying to get my mom to move here so she can help take care of her. This is not some ploy to get money from my mom, it is just the way my wifes family is. If someone gets hurt and is in the hospital, it is not "Who's turn is it to go sit with the hurt person?" it is " I will go there now, and then the next person says I will go there at 5:00" and so on. So it is fair to say that if her mother needed money that we would help, and I guarentee that if we needed help they would help us if they could as well.

Regardless of a 10 year GC or not, family is family, and another major point is simple. If everyone on the planet would help family and friends when they could the entire world would be a better place. Regardless of if you do or if you dont send money, just remember one thing, where will you be when you need something, and you were always the person that refused to help others when you could???? Jerome

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-20 09:41:00
VietnamBlue slip interview

Been done and does not increase the chance for a pink. The best chances for a pink are taken before one even submits the application for a visa and then when that application is sent and prepping the fiancee/married for the interview. Now it is just needed to get that requested info sent in and see if a pink is coming.

I disagree. It is not REQUIRED to make more than ONE trip, however, ANY trip adds to the legitimacy of a relationship. Telling someone that it wont help is bad advice as far as I am concerned. It might not be proven that it helps because the requirement clearly states you only have to have met once in the previous 2 years when you file. You make good points about interview prep, and things PRIOR to the interview, but once the interview is complete, and even once you have sent in the petition any and every trip does still have an impact on the case. In our case our CO lied but baring a bad CO each and every trip prior to, and after a person files does have some sort of affect on any petition, and anyone thinking differently really needs to look at it objectively.

When you are here for your 4th trip, bring what they need, and prior to her submitting the evidence I would have you go in, and ask about the required items, and just to talk to the CO if possible, and even have the evidence that you are to submit with you and if possible you might be able to submit it at that time in person. One this will allow them to have in their case file that you were there prior to her submitting things, and sometimes this can affect the outcome, be for warned that if you do show up and talk to a CO they might ask you questions and if your answers differ from hers, this would hurt greatly. But the choice is yours as to what you do. Either way, right now you are the one that will always wonder what you did or did not do, and could have or should have done. This is your life, take control and good luck! Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-30 07:34:00
VietnamWow, how long was it?
It is about damn time for the both of you. Congrats!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-28 01:17:00
There are many options for you, but first and foremost you need to figure out the exact reasons they gave you the denial. If you do not confront them then you will most likely fail again. There are many reasons one could fail, maybe you thought the interview went well, and it really didnt, maybe you had a bad CO, maybe there was something that can be explained. It sounds like the interview did NOT go as good as your fiancee said since they did not even wait for the requested evidence, this basically meant they did not want to look at anything. So for this I really must ask what the denial said. This is the key before you start to do anything else.

Options are as some said, refile, a K1 or Cr1, The NOID (notice of intent to deny) will only happen if they choose to issue it if you refile again. First before you file anything you have to wait and see what the US side of things does. They might actually allow you to do a rebuttal, and if they do, you need to make sure you can disprove their reasons for denial. Then they might also reaffirm your case, and if this happens you have to wait for it to go back to Vietnam and do everything over again, the interview, possibly medical even since if they do reaffirm it then it will probably take well over 6 months to get back to HCMC for the interview. They might even let your petition expire then you are free to try for another K1 or a CR1, but first you must wait until this petition is actually finished, and this can take a few more months.

About the NOID, they might not issue a NOID, this is not set in stone, there are even a few that have resubmitted that have not recieved a NOID, and one that did get a NOID when they refiled, faught it and won, and just this week they got their visa. Another is waiting on an interview and is here now named Clay, this is their second go around and they did not get a NOID.

Basically, let us know what the reasons they denied you are, and make sure you can get proof that it was a bad judgement call ready because no matter what you do you WILL HAVE to address these issues when you file again no matter what type of visa it is for.

Good Luck
Jerome and Binh

Edited by jeromebinh, 04 November 2010 - 07:50 AM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-11-04 07:45:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
Since I moved here I have had more experience with what I do like and what I dont like, to top off my list it is Bun Bo Hue, Banh Hoi with pork, carrots, and cucumbers with the sweet fish sauce, Banh Xeo, Pho Bo, Cha Gio (fresh spring rolls), almost all seafood soups, Hu Tieu Mi Xao (noodles with mixed vegetables and meat) and last but not least Banh Cuon. On another note, had some mixed vegetables with meat, and I ate cauliflower for the first time, kinda good reminded me of baby corn with a slight after taste. I also know since I have moved here even with the stupid traffic :bonk: my blood pressure has dropped greatly and that has to be because of the new foods I have been eating.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-02 08:01:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-09-22 21:04:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
They are Frozen and cleaned. I am glad that I dont need to clean them as I have no clue where to begin. Thanks for the tips, I will try that
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-09-08 17:21:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
I ordered some squid and got it in today. It still has the tentacles Any idea on what I can make with them? I figured most of the Squid would go into hot pot, and maybe fry some, but I have no clue about the tentacles. Also any idea on how to make a good batter? Can I do like I do with chicken some flour and milk?
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-09-08 14:49:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
I am glad that I am past my drinking days. One Christmas party in Missouri and I drink NO MORE!! I swear I had only 4 drinks, but my friend said I had over 40 and it was Captain and Coke all night long. I almost committed a party foul on the way home, but instead I got back to the hotel without a shirt! I have to admit every time Mike sees me he has to mention how much I puked and he can never leave out that I lost my shirt so that I would not stain his new car. I could slam them with the best of them, but I guess I just our grew that stage.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-26 17:31:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 25 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Anh map @ Aug 25 2009, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Aug 25 2009, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (betazed @ Aug 25 2009, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm relatively easy to please...

Gio Cuon!

It is speeled GOI CUON.

tastes good no matter how you speel it. whistling.gif

Thats on the menu for dinner tonight.. will post pics if am able to keep from eating them before I take pictures...

Good luck on not eating them. They are good. I think maybe I should have made a post of worst foods eaten in Vietnam. Everything I ate was great, and I do not remember half of what it was I ate, then when someone posts a photo it brings back mouth watering memories!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-25 17:45:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
QUOTE (betazed @ Aug 25 2009, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm relatively easy to please...

Gio Cuon!

It is speeled GOI CUON.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-25 07:35:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Aug 21 2009, 06:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I almost forgot, I agree the cart food is really good a well. The first time I was there I was seeing these whit things all the time. Well Binh's mom got some for us one night and the Dumplings are really good. It is a rice flower with a small egg inside and some sausage. It is surprisingly filling and it only cost 50 cents. SO for a big stomacher 1 buck will more than fill you up. I would love to see MC Donald's try to put something on their dollar menu that would fill you up like those did!

the spell check on here sucks. It changes words that you do not want changed like my "flower" troi oi!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-21 06:05:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
Binh just reminded me that she loves FRESH spring rolls!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-21 05:50:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
I almost forgot, I agree the cart food is really good a well. The first time I was there I was seeing these whit things all the time. Well Binh's mom got some for us one night and the Dumplings are really good. It is a rice flower with a small egg inside and some sausage. It is surprisingly filling and it only cost 50 cents. SO for a big stomacher 1 buck will more than fill you up. I would love to see MC Donald's try to put something on their dollar menu that would fill you up like those did!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-21 05:44:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
QUOTE (NQT1976 @ Aug 20 2009, 04:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thit ran, thit chuot, thit cho an rat ngon, american can't find these.

So ve vietnam ma khong an may mon nay la uong tien ve may bay do.

QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Aug 20 2009, 12:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the best food I ate in vietnam is this special part from the female pig and it's the breast. The place where they sale items for those drinkers. They tasted so good over a low grill. I also enjoy all of the seafood over there and the food that my mother in law cooks. She made the bomb azz mam me and ca keo chien. Oh man, 1 more week and i'll be devouring these special items again. hehehehe That's just a few items. Gotta get off work and will post more later.
my mouth is all watering.

da an vu heo roi thi khong the bo qua vu de duoc.

happy eating

Hahaha, my Jerome doesn't eat dog meat and he doesn't drink or smoke. My brother eats thit cho to tease Jerome. I love Vu De near the airport is the best place to eat called Cuong Tau. Binh.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-21 05:18:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 20 2009, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bryonm4 @ Aug 20 2009, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This was a place I go to everytime I am in Ho Chi Minh. Its my favorite food there. Fried rice and shrimp.

That pic reminds me that I miss those cold hand towels here as well...

I miss everything that is there, even the crazy people on the motor bikes!!!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-20 17:45:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 19 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ronnie&Hang @ Aug 19 2009, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh my, you guys are becoming a pro on Vnese foods..and Rau Muong Xao Toi does bring back good lady is Bac Ky too Scott, and that is all she has on almost every meals..and Ca Phao too tongue.gif Darn, I miss her, 3 more weeks..hehe

I have 99 days till I am back in Ha Noi... I wish I knew a place here to get Rau Muong Xao Toi... actually its slim pickings when it comes to VN food in SW FL.

Scott, there are all sorts of Vietnamese communities all over the usa. I would ask around, and if you can find one it would be a big help once she is here, and you might also be able to get some of the food we all crave!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-20 05:17:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 19 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Aug 19 2009, 09:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I almost forgot, for all of you out there that are scared to go to a real Vietnamese place to eat, go to KFC they are everywhere in HCMC and try a Shrimp Burger. I have to admit there was better food in Vietnam that that, but that is truly the best "FAST FOOD BURGER" I have ever eaten even in the United states

depends on time of day and where I am...
Love Bún bò Hu? ...

and if I am having a snack ?c h??ng n??ng or Bánh cu?n ru?c tôm,

and veggies has to be Rau Muong Xao Toi

that looks sooo gooood! bringing back memories!!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-19 20:56:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
I almost forgot, for all of you out there that are scared to go to a real Vietnamese place to eat, go to KFC they are everywhere in HCMC and try a Shrimp Burger. I have to admit there was better food in Vietnam that that, but that is truly the best "FAST FOOD BURGER" I have ever eaten even in the United states
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-19 20:07:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
I know this is off topic, but I wanted to post it in this forum. With all the talk about blue and pink, I want to know what some of your favorite foods were in Vietnam. What things you saw/ate that you did not understand or care for.

My favorite food the first time I went was a seafood hot pot and other dishes that my fiancee's mother made. I am telling you all her mom can cook!!! The second trip I really loved her moms cooking. It was just a white and yellow noodle that my fiancée insists only had some vegetables, but oh my it was so good. I was craving it last night,but I only had the rice noodles here and some nappa cabbage and onion, not enough to make it like her mom did. I also have to admit I really love the Vietnamese pancake. The first one I ate I was not really happy about, I found out that they leave the skin on the shrimp. Binh was worried that I was mad, when in fact I was thinking the waiter pulled a fast one on me. I asked my fiancée if hers was OK, and she said yes. I watched her eat a bite with shrimp in it and she just chewed and swallowed. I felt bad that Binh was worried over the meal, but that was a really quick learning experience. I also did not care for the chicken there. If you are used to the us when you eat chicken noodle soup there is no bone, and the chickens are very fat with tons of meat. The chickens in Vietnam were skinny, more bone than meat. It really tasted good, just not used to pulling things out of my mouth while I eat. Let me know what you think!! Oh the fruit is to die for. I love Dragon Fruit, mang cut, chom chom. I missed out on jack fruit the second time, it was out of season grrrr. Have any of you tried the squid jerky? Ben Thanh Market has the best. You can look at it and get the amount you want. I recommend that you hold your nose or just not smell on the first bite. It smells very very fishy, but if you can get over that smell it is really really good. Let me know your dishes, and any recipes you might have from Vietnam. I am all about trying new things!! Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-08-19 20:02:00
VietnamPresentation of Evidence at Interview
A table of contents is great, but they wont take everything you bring, so the main thing is organization, and having your loved one know where EVERYTHING is so that if they ask for something she can get to it pretty quickly, sticky notes dividing what is what is fine, no hard binders since they wont bend, unless it is just to hold it in. Remember they might look at everything or nothing, the main thing they do look at is phone bills and photos. They say emails can be faked, but intodays world everything can be faked. Just be as organized, and highlight things on the phone bills, dates and duration, as well as other things that you think are important, so if they skim through them it is easier, also if possible put dates on the back of photos, as well as who is in them, and any short caption of what happened also helps. Good luck Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-04 20:57:00
VietnamThe HMC Consulate
All notices say no one allowed in the interview, but there is no actual law that forbids a USC to sit in the waiting room while an interview is taking place, but the guards and other people try to stop it from happening, so as i said in the initial post, go in like you are going for U.S. citizen services, then either go the other way, or stop in the citizen services, take a look then go to the interview waiting area. A USC is allowed to make inquiries to the case which actually does allow a foreigner to go into the actual interview area and then also talk with a CO, or someone in the interview area. The main key to getting in there is to make sure that you do NOT show up together in front of the embassy because the guards will not allow you entry if they know you are there with someone, this is BS, but they are the ones holding the guns. This does not mean you can even go with her up to the window and if you tried they might have you removed from the embassy, or they might just tell you to sit back down and wait. The OP was not acting like he wanted to talk with a CO, just be in the waiting room for moral support, and I would say this is a very good thing, nothing worse than waiting in a crouded room for over an hour with no one to talk to and no one to tell you it will be ok. Good luck, and hopefully your being there will help calm her. Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-05 03:31:00
VietnamThe HMC Consulate
Yes you can, but there are ways that it has to be done. Some say you have to sneak in, and basically you do, but not really. First you need to make sure you do not show up at the same time, you are allowed to go in for US citizen services, and instead of going there you would just go in and wait in the interview area. People will probably get mad and say you cannot do this, but you can, are you supposed to, yes/no they do not want you to, but if you were not allowed and it was forbidden then I am sure there would be someone checking everyone that came in to the interview waiting area. If you do go in there, just sit with her and dont make a big deal out of it, or disturb people, or they will make it harder to get in. I personally know 8 people that have done this and everything worked out fine, but if you cause a scene they will make changes. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-02 08:08:00
VietnamRequest Interview Information

Instructions for the I-134

Execution of Affadavit
A seperate affidavit must be submitted for each person. You, as the sponsor, must sign the affidavit in your full, true and correct name. You are signing this form under penalty of perjury under U.S. law.

Supporting evidence
The sponsor must submit, in duplicate, evidence of income and resources, as appropriate.

A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial institution in which you have deposits giving the following details regarding your account:

  • date account opened
  • total amount deposited for the past year
  • present balance
I highlighted the part that says why you need a full year. Of course the key word is where it says to submite this AS APPROPRIATE.

YES READ IT!!!!!!!!!!! It does NOT say a years worth of bank statements. THANK YOU for posting this. When the bank officer fills out a letter with ALL of those things located she will write out a paper telling the CO how much money was deposited for the entire year, and the present balance. Remember me saying in my post that my deposits totaled more than what I made??????? The statement you posted is for the Bank officer to fill out with that information being what is wanted and needed. Thanks Lucky, you proved my point it does NOT say 1 years worth of bank statements, simply the TOTAL AMOUNT deposited which is what a bank officer would sign and then you would have notorized. :blink:

Edited by jeromebinh, 10 February 2011 - 09:41 PM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-10 21:39:00
VietnamRequest Interview Information

Guess them saying and asking for a years worth is meaningless then. Surprised I was able to get a visa.Posted Image

I think you already know the answer to that one, your pink was ready before you ever submitted the evidence, think about it. Look at the guides on what is accepted as "Proof" and it states an OFFICIAL IRS tax transcript, it does not say 1 years worth of bank statements, it says "current" bank statement, and last years w-2. What is required, and what they ask for are different things, do you have a copy of your blue where they specifically asked for 1 years worth of bank statements? I just talked to my friend yesterday about this simply because I had been following this thread, and his exact words are the only things they are supposed to look at is an official IRS tax transcript, and most people submit far more than simply that, sometimes they might not ask for the IRS transcript because people have submitted other things such as one years worth of bank statements, but to prove income one years worth of bank statements are not legitimate and exact, simply because of how people deposit and withdraw money, there is no way to prove it was all income and not any way to prove they were not cashing checks for people just to make it look like they made more.

Case in point, my friend denied a person last year for this same reason. The benificary submitted 1 years worth of bank statements showing total deposits of over 90k the petitioners w-2's (from 3 companies) showed total income of only 26k gross, and on his affadavit of support he said he made over 90k because his bank showed that, well through investigation his official IRS transcript showed he only made 26k. He has also said this has happened to many other CO's.

Once again, Lucky, didnt you get the pink when you went in to submit?? So to me it sounds like they did request something that was meaningless Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-10 02:51:00
VietnamRequest Interview Information

Hi, we received our NOA2 on December 1st and Packet 3 January 10 (in the Packet 3 letter from the HCMC Consulate, it said the interview would be scheduled in 1-3 months). Packet 3 submitted the next day. I was told by our attorney that with regards to finances, you need an official IRS Transcript (which is free; you can call the IRS and get it). I was also told we should include our tax returns for the past 3 years, W-2s from the past 3 years, and 1 year's worth of bank statements. In addition, I was told to get a letter from my employer (on their letterhead) which says how long I worked for them; what my status is (ie. full-time, permanent, contract, temporary, etc.), and my current salary.

Yes all of those things are good things to include. The only thing that the consulate must accept is the official IRS transcript, as what you made 2 years ago is not supposed to have anything to do with the current visa application, even though we all feel the CO's do in fact look at past years earnings. The reason why they only accept the official IRS transcript is that is what clearly shows what you made last year.

I am not sure how many of you keep all your money or most of it in the bank, but I do, and there has been a time or two where I have taken money out to buy something, then got something different and put money back in the bank. The reason I mention this is that when I went to get my current bank statement my bank officer had to look at a years worth of bank statements before she would sign off with her signature, and it showed that I had deposited far more than what I had made which I though was kinda odd, then I started to look into it and seen why it was like that. Other reasons were for me to cash peoples pay checks, they would deposit their check into my account because they didnt have an account, and then I would take cash out, but since the check was not in my name it had to be "deposited" into my account.

These are the reasons that the website shows an Official IRS transcript, and this is why some people have had it listed on their BLUE slips requesting more information

You CAN submit anything you like, anything your lawyer tells you to submit, either a current bank statement, 3 years worth of returns and w-2's, but the thing they accept is the Official IRS transcript, they might look at everything else and believe, but they do NOT have to, this is the choice of the CO, my friend who is a CO has even told they are told NOT to look at the other things because of the possibility they might be made, but he even says that the CO really does what the CO wants, and some CO's do in fact look at past year tax returns as well as yearly bank statements. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-09 22:37:00
VietnamRequest Interview Information

I thought they required the past year of bank statements. If not then I sent that in and showing a year of activity shows that you are not putting in a lot of money at one time and then pulling it out.

They do not require a past years worth of bank statements, they list a "CURRENT" bank statement signed and notorized by a bank officer, but not a years worth of bank statements, simply because a person can forge them with all the internet banking printouts and everything.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-09 22:25:00
VietnamRequest Interview Information

Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it.


Michael, remember any tax documents that you submit will not be looked at accept for an official IRS transcript as far as support paperwork goes. W-2's, old tax forms, none of that is accepted. People can fake all of them, so the only thing they accept is an official IRS transcript, this way people would be less likely to lie on it. Also as far as bank statements go that is also not really looked at, you could go borrow money from people prior to getting the bank statement and do a big deposit then pull the money back out and give it back. All of these things have happened in the past which makes them less likely to believe anything. With your first denial, I am sure you are not wanting to risk a second or even be put into AP for more processing while they are waiting for paperwork. I would still submit the bank statement and the w-2's but make sure you do not forget the IRS transcript. Good luck, and hopefully this time gives you a better outcome. Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-09 05:12:00
VietnamRequest Interview Information

Congratulations on getting the interview scheduled. I hope it will go smoothly.

My wife is still waiting for her interview which I hope will be in March. She's asking me to have a copy of my recent tax return so she can include it as evidence. She wants to have it stamped by a notary. Is this really necessary? Has anyone else done this? It's probably not a big deal to have it stamped, she just wants to be extra sure.


They will not accept it, you can contact the IRS for an official IRS transcript, this is the only thing that the consulate will accept. Just go online to IRS website and request it. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-08 04:34:00
VietnamRequest Interview Information

Hello, everyone
Can anyone let me know what other evidences do I need for my wife's interview on March 16 2011. I have gotten 10 year residency, timeline, phone bill, explaination letter, chat photo, honey mood photo, and money reciept. Therefore, I have wish to have more ideas to help my wife pass the interview
Thank you all

Anything that you feel is important and shows that your relationship is legit. It sounds like you have almost everything, and most of the things that you have they will probably not even look at at the interview, then request them in a blue sheet IF they do not give the pink the first day. I would also say possibly get information on any of her relatives in the U.S. where they live and proof of it, as well as if you are divorced where your ex lives. Possibly even get information on where you will be married if this is a K1, I know you mentioned she is your wife, but many people do that with K1 so I threw that on in for GP.

The most important thing for the interview is for her to stay calm, and be confident, do tons of interview prep, ask her questions that you know she CANNOT answer to try and fluster her, ask funny things as well to get her relaxed during the interview. Just go over everything over and over and over again.

Good luck Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-03 01:47:00
VietnamDo educated beneficiaries have a higher chance of getting approved?

For us, it helped.

My fiance was questioned for his small salary (just above the poverty line with no assets) and he asked how he could support me (we were both present for my interview) and I adamantly told the CO that I do not need to be supported because I could support myself since I was a speech therapist and would not have a hard time finding a job in the US. I showed him my diploma and that I worked for an American Intl School and he said, "Okay, I will take that into consideration. Congratulations you are approved, welcome to the USA" :)

And also we are only 23 and 22 so we are not the typical couple seen at the Philippine US Embassy, usually it is an older man with relatively good salary and standing already, so I guess they were not used to seeing a fresh grad working minimum wage petitioning someone..

Just wanted to share!

Something also a bit different with your degree, the Philippines are still heavily influenced by the US, so their degrees are held to a higher standard than those from Vietnam or other non democratic countries. Even graduates from colleges in Vietnam still have to take an IELTS to go to school in the UK or the US. Most people also need to realize that as soon as you come to America you cannot just simply go to work legally meaning there are other steps that have to be taken prior, and one of which is a social security number along with permission to even work because of the Visa itself. All in all there is the possibility that your degree helped, but in actuallity it probably made the CO feel more comfortable, rather than actually being a factor for the Visa being issued. Had you said that you had already been training to do nails, or cut hair, or even said that your Fiancee's boss said you could go to work as soon as you got to the US would very possibly had the same affect. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-10 02:41:00
VietnamDo educated beneficiaries have a higher chance of getting approved?

Wondering if educated beneficiaries have a higher chance of getting approved at HCMC. I realize other circumstances play a factor. But I would think that an educated person with a degree might be looked upon more favorably by a CO.

NOPE, my wife has her teaching degree, she had been working the same job for 6 years as a teacher at ABC international school, I have my B.A. and was with my job for 9 years in a professional non meanial labor capacity and we should clearly be on the low fraud marker list just because of both of our educational standings and with our professional standings both being long term professionals with the same job for many years. For us we had a bad CO, and he lied to issue a denial, but I know others in similar situations that the CO didnt lie like he did with us and they were also denied. So there is no way to think that any person should have a better chance than another, it is all random, chance, and luck.

The fact is that some people have a strong case, no KNOWN red flags and they just get denied for stupid reasons, while other people have tons of what we see as red flags get approved. For instance, I knew my fiancee 9 months before I went to meet her in person, then I waited about 2 months before I filed for the Visa, I made 3 trips, the two trips AFTER the initial interview and before the actual denial. We were denied.

Another person here on VJ met his fiancee, within 1 month on the internet proposed to her, flew to her all within 1 month, stayed only 5 days applied as soon as he got home, came back on the interview date for another 5 days and were approved, they had only had face time of 7 days total at the interview date.

My first trip I was there for 16 days, the second I was there for 11 days, and the third for 15 days not to mention knowing her for well over a year by the time of our denial, the person that was approved had only known his fiancee for 6 months TOTAL, and only had 7 days together.

So with these two cases you can clearly see that anything can and does happen in HCMC Hope this helps. Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-02-09 22:19:00
VietnamValentine's Day

Thanks Jeromebinh, Y Y Y you have to bring VK in da house. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Read the post carefully, I specifically meant the VK or actually any man/woman that treats their loved one without any respect. I know that you and Dai, and Frank, Linda, and many many others actually do treat their women with respect. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-29 09:34:00
VietnamValentine's Day

those foreigners think they understand Vietnamese women more than Vietnamese people

THOSE foreigners?????? I will let you in on a little secret, listen and read closely. THOSE foreigners we DO know OUR wives, and maybe JUST MAYBE we treat our loved ones a bit better than some of THOSE VIET KIEU that keep trying to say they know our women better than we do. Instead of trying to say pay for the honey, and that this person thinks he knows Vietnamese women more than Vietnamese people do, maybe both should start to think and realize that your wives/fiancee's/servants/scammers/what ever you consider them are infact people. People like to be loved, even the scammers, they need love as well. The sad thing is that with all the hate it is hard to see through. Put the shoe on the other foot if you were in a different country all alone and had a husband that told you to do this or do that, you must, and you better, you might get offensive and hateful. So when you do valentines day this year, think about them, give them a massage, some flowers, something from YOUR heart, because this is all someone really wants is something from the heart. It could be some ugly paper machete thing, with third grader writing on it, but if it came from the heart they will love it, that is unless you have hardened their hearts with all of your anger and hatred. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2011-01-27 20:16:00