Asia: East and PacificPlane ticket to VietNam
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 5 2009, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 5 2009, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Oct 5 2009, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So anyone booked a ticket for around the new year to Vietnam yet? How much is it? How much did you pay before?

Get the tickets now, they are way cheaper than they have ever been. Mine was only 700 and it was only 3 weeks ahead of time, If you wait the price might jump back up, but if you get in line now then it is golden. Also book through orbitz, this way if they get cheaper when it gets closer if someone books it cheaper they give you the difference. A friend of mine booked a flight about 6 months out and 3 months later he got a check from them, then about a month after that he got another, then I think he went on line to look just a few days after he got the second check and the price went through the roof and there was still a month or two before his trip.

Good Idea...what are their refund policies if we decide we cant go??

If you can get a doctor to say some unforeseen illness came up then they can refund, before you buy check on line about it first. If you simply change your mind, it is hard to get a refund, but they can help just call and see what will and will not work. If you have a doctor that you are on a good basis with he can write something up and you should not have any problem getting a refund if you purchase insurance for it. Just check into it.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-06 00:05:00
Asia: East and PacificPlane ticket to VietNam
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Oct 5 2009, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So anyone booked a ticket for around the new year to Vietnam yet? How much is it? How much did you pay before?

Get the tickets now, they are way cheaper than they have ever been. Mine was only 700 and it was only 3 weeks ahead of time, If you wait the price might jump back up, but if you get in line now then it is golden. Also book through orbitz, this way if they get cheaper when it gets closer if someone books it cheaper they give you the difference. A friend of mine booked a flight about 6 months out and 3 months later he got a check from them, then about a month after that he got another, then I think he went on line to look just a few days after he got the second check and the price went through the roof and there was still a month or two before his trip.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-05 19:51:00
Asia: East and PacificPlane ticket to VietNam
QUOTE (Matt_Stevens @ Sep 24 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Getting aisle or especially Exit Row seating is now increasingly difficult because of how crowded the planes are these days. My best friend just flew to Europe and despite choosing Exit Row two months in advance and confirming the night before his flight, when he got to the airport he was given a middle seat and no choice in the matter. They just moved him because that is what they do.

Whatever happens to us happens. I'll likely be able to get aisle simply because I am flying with Anh and when you have two people, it's much easier to get aisle for one of you. We're going in January, no matter what, so I'll have to deal with economy class as best I can. I'll have a bottle of aspirin with me, of course. Not taking any chances.

Tell them you have a reason for Isle seating. I do it all the time, tell them my right leg is messed up and it needs to be able to stretch out. Each time it works for me. Remember you are the customer, if you say there is a reason why you need something they will usually give it to you.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-25 09:55:00
Asia: East and PacificPlane ticket to VietNam
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 24 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A word to everyone here.. when you are doing that long leg of the flight.. get up and walk around a few times and stretch. In December I got a DVT behind my left knee and when I got to the US my leg swelled up due to the clot. This could have been the death of me and I always get up and stretch whenever I can on flights.... That area in the back by the toilets is a great area to stretch and get the circulation in your legs back to speed.

I always get isle seats so that I can hang out there. I get claustrophobic some what, don't get panic attacks, just have to go pee a bunch and get frustrated easily when I am in a confined space. I also try to go near the toilets on flights just so I am already close to stand up there.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-24 20:40:00
Asia: East and PacificPlane ticket to VietNam
QUOTE (Matt_Stevens @ Sep 24 2009, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jetlag murders me. I have tried everything under the sun to fight it or cure it, but it just ruins me. When I went to Vietnam it was beyond horrid. By one week in I was barely able to keep my eyes open past 8 PM their time. I told Anh I had to get some sleep and went to bed at one point around 7 and got up 10 the next morning. Took a sleeping pill to knock me out so I would sleep all the way through.

The first time I went to Europe I mess the entire 16 days.

When I fly this time I will spend a few days prior trying to alter my clock, getting up super early and going to bed super early. I'll have to get Ambien or something to help me with this.

My wife adapts after 48 hours at most. mad.gif

When I went to the Ukraine I had bad jet lag, when I went to Vietnam both times I stayed up almost all night long. Maybe 1 or 2 hours of sleep at most before I got onto the plane, then I tried to stay awake as long as possible by moving around and such. This way when I got to Vietnam it was already about midnight so when we got to the hotel I went right to sleep got up the next morning and I was good to go.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-24 16:17:00
Asia: East and PacificPlane ticket to VietNam
I know, my first trip was $2300 the second was $1386, and I just priced one for the first of october at $700. Hung, I might be making a trip back, still not sure though, will let you know!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-23 22:03:00
Asia: East and PacificHandling your emotions when the questioning gets personal
QUOTE (Anh map @ Sep 29 2009, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Advice from VJ member zyggy who is a former CBP (Customs and Border Protection) officer regarding the situation where the interview questions get personal.

I thought it was a great piece of advice to help those going through the stress of the interview, AP, and even AOS.

A good way to try to check your emotions is to understand that the nature of personal questions is not a reflection on you, it's a reflection of finding the truth to make an informed decision. They are doing their job which is to determine the eligibility of an individual to receive a benefit.

It's business not personal. That's tough to soak in because getting an immigration visa to be with your family is a very personal issue, but they don't see it that way and neither should you. If you understand their perspective and keep that in mind, you can tailor your responses to meet that perspective. Do that and you're most of the way there.

Good post, when I was preparing with Binh I would throw in personal questions that I thought they would never ask just to see how she would react with a question from out of the blue. I think Binh did quite well, there were a few very personal questions I asked and she gave me answers that were just as funny as the question I asked her. It helped our time making it more fun than actual work, and at the interview they did get very personal with their questions about my son and my ex wife so great post \
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-29 20:41:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiance is back to Vietnam until the end of October 09
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 10 2009, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 10 2009, 12:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 9 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was hoping to go back sometime in November, but the slow mail service and the typhoon threw us a curve, so Phuong probably won't have her interview until sometime in December. When we know the date, then I'll know when I'm going back.

Have a great time! good.gif

Sorry to hear you think your interview date might get pushed back. Maybe you can get lucky and with all the bad that happend up there they will just pass you on through with not so much as a second look and she will be here before you even know it.

It's not really the consulate's fault. We expected the packet 3 fairly quickly after NVC sent the petition to them. When it didn't arrive after a couple of weeks I contacted them via email to see if they'd received the petition and sent packet 3. It took them a week to respond, and I discovered at that time that they'd misspelled the address (they've since corrected their computer records). They did send me a copy of the packet 3 instructions as a PDF attachment, so I knew it was ok to send the documents. It took about a week to get the DS-230's prepared for her and her two kids. She planned to send them on September 28th, but Typhoon Ketsana intervened. She didn't end up getting the documents sent off until October 7th. In all, about 3 weeks later than we'd expected.

Curiously, she did finally receive packet 3 a couple of days after the typhoon.

It's possible the consulate could schedule for sometime in November, but if they take the average two months then it will be sometime in December. Frankly, I hope they don't rush it too much because I need to give advance notice to my employer before taking vacation.

Good luck with it Jim, I am sure all will work out for the both of you.
Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-10 10:09:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiance is back to Vietnam until the end of October 09
QUOTE (b_weeks @ Oct 9 2009, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have a fun time.

Where does the hydrofoil take you?

The hydrophoil takes us from HCMC to Vung Tau Beach. It takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes to get there. Binh says it is a great place to go.

QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 9 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was hoping to go back sometime in November, but the slow mail service and the typhoon threw us a curve, so Phuong probably won't have her interview until sometime in December. When we know the date, then I'll know when I'm going back.

Have a great time! good.gif

Sorry to hear you think your interview date might get pushed back. Maybe you can get lucky and with all the bad that happend up there they will just pass you on through with not so much as a second look and she will be here before you even know it.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-10 02:04:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiance is back to Vietnam until the end of October 09
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 7 2009, 02:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just want to know if anyone or Viet Kieu is coming back, so we can meet and share our thoughts about VJ. we are going to Mekong Delta and beaches.

PM me. Thanks. Binh Le.

I am here in Vietnam now, just met Houng's wife and delivered the phone he sent for her. If anyone is in HCMC and wants to get out and do something, let us know. Tuesday we are going to the consulate, and we are planning on going to Mekong Delta and Vung Tau by hydrofoil no dates set, but if you are here and want to join us let us know!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-09 05:10:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiance is back to Vietnam until the end of October 09
Just want to know if anyone or Viet Kieu is coming back, so we can meet and share our thoughts about VJ. we are going to Mekong Delta and beaches.

PM me. Thanks. Binh Le.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-07 01:37:00
Asia: East and PacificIR-1 CR-1 FILERS in HCMC
I think one thing you do after you get pink is hmm........................ GO TO BE WITH YOUR LOVED ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blush.gif
smile, and you will get pink, I am sure of it
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-30 07:58:00
Asia: East and Pacificplease help me
The USCIS website says that you canm have a co sponser if you do not make enough money. If HCMC does not accept this then it is something they only do at their embassy. I think it is best for anyone regardless of where they file to make enough to support the person they are petioning for on their own. There are a lot of things at HCMC that do not go by the rules. I do still say to get to work asap, the problem is that they will want to see this years or last years tax return, so this means you might not want to file until you have a w2 form that shows you make the required amount. It is sad, but it is also probably true about HCMC not accepting a co sponser, so at this point you might have to face another year and this also might make it where you will have to go back and visit him once more to meet the 2 year requirement. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-11 15:56:00
Asia: East and Pacificplease help me
They are all right you have to file for the K1 and it is not easy. Also you need to get to work NOW. No matter that you have a baby together they will not let you bring them over here if you can not prove that you can support them. You can get a co signer but I would make sure that you can afford them. Read the posts in this forum it will help, and good luck HCMC is not a good place to file for a K1 visa but just pray and it should all work out for you.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-18 10:42:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate after trip to VN and AP
Good luck tomorrow Fred, I met your fiancee tonight at "The Big Grill" we talked a bit and she said what you have been going through, hope it works out for you! Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-13 08:14:00
Asia: East and PacificHow far in advance is HCM appointment date scheduled?
What I have read in the forums is that it usually takes 2 months , but I have seen some done in just over a month, depends on how busy and with what embassy.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-29 09:14:00
Asia: East and PacificHotel suggestions
QUOTE (Anh bob @ Oct 7 2009, 03:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all. My wife finally received her interview date. It will be November 9th at HCM. Does anybody know of a clean and reasonable hotel near the embassy where we can stay? Will need a room big enough for 4 people (2 adults and 2 children). Thanks in advance.

The hotel called Thai Ha Huy on Le Van Sy street, Phu Nhuan district. It is about 20 mins to the Consulate. It is very clean, professional and good services. The price is 600,000 VND and it is very comfortable for 4 people. We had the VIP room and with elevator.
Binh Le.

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-16 08:16:00
Asia: East and PacificA couple of questions
QUOTE (Anh bob @ Oct 16 2009, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have 2 questions I'm hoping you all can help me with. I received the approval letter in July, sent all the paperwork to the NVC and the case was completed the first week of September. I called the NVC about the interview date and they said to call them again the second week of October, but I received an Email on September 28 stating the interview will be November 9th. I thought it was strange to receive the Email in September because they usually make the appointments the 2nd week of the month.

1). After receiving the Email, my wife hasn't received any paperwork as of yet,and the interview is about 3 weeks away. Will she be getting papers she has to fill out and send back to HMC before the interview?

2). My wife wants to go to one of the shops near the Embassy to help with the paperwork before the interview. Any body have any luck with the shops?If so....can you give me the name of the shop.

Thank you.

She needs to finish the packet 3 papers to send back to the Consulate stating that she is ready to have the interview.

There are a few shops opposite the Consulate but I did not use these services. I did fill in all the forms by myself. I can send you the names of the shops if you want by lookin back he leaflets the gave me before. You should always check the information if you use a shop.

Binh Le.

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-16 08:09:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate
Thats great news!!! We are so happy for you. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-16 07:05:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate
that is great news, we are both happy for you!!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-06 07:05:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa to Vietnam question
If you used a visa on arrival service, what you need to do is contact them and get a approval letter. Without this when you land in Vietnam they will have no idea what you are there for, unless you speak fluent Vietnamese. It sounds like your visa on arrival service is different than mine as I did not have to send off my passport. If it has a stamp in the passport then you should be good to go, maybe have to fill out a form when you get there, but that should be about it. If you are worried and can not get in contact with who set up your visa, and you decide to go on the visa you already paid for, I would have 2 photos ready of passport size and then when you land go to the help desk on the left before trying to go through customs and see if you are good to go. but when you say that your passport is stamped cr2 all my visa were stamped cr1, but this means you have a visa in your passport so you should be good to go. I would not be so worried about the stamp cr2 or cr1 just because you have a visa in your passport. Good luck and have a safe trip Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-21 22:53:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa to Vietnam question
I use a different website for visa on arrival you have to have 2 passport style photos when you land in Vietnam, and the approval letter which the company emails to you, and then pay $25 at the window and fill out a form that just has information from your passport, and where you will be staying, or who you are visiting's address on it. This way I do not have to send off my passport, and it is much cheaper. The company has internet specials all the time where they charge 10$ and if your bank charges international transaction fee mine was 89 cents and then the $25 at Vietnam, both times I did not have problems at all, and this time there were I think 5 people that had problems once they landed having to fill out more paperwork for their visa that they already had stamped, one guy told me he paid $110 for his visa, plus another $25 for the rush service then when he landed he had to fill out the same paperwork I did. I had my approval letter in 3 days and I spent a total of $35.89.
I would just call who had your visa issued and ask them what is going on. They might have made a mistake when processing it. But next time try the link I gave you they have done great both times I have used them. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-21 22:47:00
Asia: East and PacificTurning in more evidence
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 8 2009, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Sep 8 2009, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to hear about second blue. I agree with Scott, I think it is bull and the Co are the reason they are so back logged. I understand that they need time, but heck if all they actually get is the evidence and 1 interview why can't they make the decision. That or at least call us out for what they think are bad spots or red flags and see what we have to say about it. If they keep passing us along eventually they will either get to it or what I think they do is wait until they get so many then just deny a bunch at once this way when they get sent back and we complain there are to many people complaining so they can not actually look into it. Any way good luck bro, I am sure it will all work out

Any word on yours?

No word on ours yet. I sent in a email Friday here which was Saturday there. Hopefully the longer than usual delay is a good thing.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-08 17:22:00
Asia: East and PacificTurning in more evidence
Sorry to hear about second blue. I agree with Scott, I think it is bull and the Co are the reason they are so back logged. I understand that they need time, but heck if all they actually get is the evidence and 1 interview why can't they make the decision. That or at least call us out for what they think are bad spots or red flags and see what we have to say about it. If they keep passing us along eventually they will either get to it or what I think they do is wait until they get so many then just deny a bunch at once this way when they get sent back and we complain there are to many people complaining so they can not actually look into it. Any way good luck bro, I am sure it will all work out
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-08 14:25:00
Asia: East and PacificTurning in more evidence
At least you got to talk with the Co. Binh went in and turned in the evidence when we realized that I was there to late in the day to get it notorized by the embassy. I wish I had been the one that turned it in but that is all hind sight. Good luck bro we are still praying for you!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-01 17:41:00
Asia: East and PacificTurning in more evidence
Good luck you are in our prayers!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-08-31 18:19:00
Asia: East and PacificTurning in more evidence
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Aug 26 2009, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
10 hours until I go to Sea-tac Airport to go visit my other half. hheheheh so excited.

Let us know how your flight was
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-08-26 17:23:00
Asia: East and PacificTurning in more evidence
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 25 2009, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since they are calling the relatives of others in the same situation, it may be helpful to have several notarized statements of friends and relatives that are familiar with the situation as added evidence... based on recent posts, waiting till the 4th only puts you back in the queue.. best for you to go see the CO on Tues or Wed before the 4th with the evidence and you wont be so far back in the queue if the require AP and it could look better if you are there ready to provide whatever they require...

I agree with that. We submitted early, maybe to early. I think the Co had many other things on his mind when we submitted it and with the date for resubmission so far away it got put on the back burner. I would submit the evidence early, but not 3 weeks early as we did. I think a few days would be better, this way the co might be looking over you case already getting prepared.
They have already called at least one of her relatives so hopefully we will get the pink soon. I do like Johns font in 200, LoL I think we are lucky on most of those things. We chatted 7 months before we ever met, and I had been divorced for 2 years prior to even talking with her
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-08-25 18:29:00
Asia: East and PacificNon-Visa Topic - Food Fight!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 03:20:00
Asia: East and PacificTodays Non Visa Topic is why they fell in love with you !!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 03:20:00
Asia: East and Pacifichelp needed! where to start?
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 04:13:00
Asia: East and Pacifichelp needed! where to start?
QUOTE (rei&will @ Oct 25 2009, 01:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi... I'm new here.
I'm from Indonesia and about to get marry with US citizen.
I'm not sure on what things to o first.
My family wants us to have the wedding here around mid of next year. But looking at the immigration situation, it's confusing. Can anyone help me on where i need to start? Either still have the wedding here and apply for the visa after that (which means we'll be separated sad.gif) or just have the engagement party here and have the wedding there?
Need help asap!

Reinita unsure.gif

It depends on what you really want to do. The first thing is to decide how soon you want to be together. A K1 visa tends to be the quickest visa to get, however it also tends to get the most denials. The K1 also from what I hear is the most expensive. It is the route we choose to do. A CR1 visa is what you would file for if you are get married before filing for the visa. I have no experience this route, but there are many people that have and they might be able to tell you about the steps needed for that visa. If you choose the K1 visa, you must not get married, and you have to have met at least once within 2 years of filing for a visa, if your loved one has filed for a visa for a different person within 2 years of filing for this visa then he/she will have to request a waiver when you file this visa. Depending on the consulate, you may want to start to fill out a time line of your relationship from the first time you met/were introduced/talked or chatted up until you have the interview, this can also help with preparation for the interview as well. This time line should be in order from start to the end, and not jump from here to there. Save any phone records, chat logs, emails and any other proof of a ongoing relationship. Have many photos taken of the two of you together doing things, and make sure you have plenty of photos of each other in different clothing and also with family members. There are also forms that need to be filled out which are simple and self explanatory, I would make sure that what ever visa you decide to file for you make copies of every document that you submit so that you can keep them in your own file. Also with a K1 Visa you have to be married within 90 days of arriving in America. I hope this helps, if you have any other questions please feel free to ask Jerome
Thanx in advance.

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 01:48:00
Asia: East and PacificFiling for Tax Return
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 04:15:00
Asia: East and PacificFiling for Tax Return
I am not sure if you can file joint since she does not live with you, but if you are supporting her I think there is a loop hole, I would say go to H&R block to make sure, but I am sure you can file married filing separate. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-22 06:58:00
Asia: East and PacificDS-230
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 04:15:00
Asia: East and PacificEngagement or Wedding???
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-25 04:17:00
Asia: East and PacificEngagement or Wedding???
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 23 2009, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
cavoi xanh1, Having to pay people off in VN is the just way things are done.. is not that much $ in the scheme of things... I can't remember how many times we have had to give someone a little money to "grease the wheels".... Getting paperwork processed in VN can take several months... A Divorce in VN usually takes a long time.. but with some $ as incentive, it can be done in a few weeks...
Carrick does not have enough time away from work this year to get married there without throwing up additional red flags.. The $ could get it done fast but the CO will know how it was done and it would likely end up in AP.... When things move too fast they tend to ask why and take closer look....

If he goes now with the holiday time remaining this year and has a Dam Hoi and takes many pictures etc. and files after he returns, then he can return next year again when the prices are low and his vacation time has built up again to strengthen his case with more time together.
If they get married now having not spent that much time together it could cause a delay.. like AP at the consulate

It is not about the money involved in "paying" someone off, it is about the moral grounds. Some things it is different on when paying someone off. If we needed a document and they were giving us the run around fine give them some green get the document. Something serious like a wedding or a divorce, this one would make me wonder what was going on. Why could you not wait to get married the right way??? Why did you have to pay someone off for a divorce?? As a CO these would be serious red flags. All of this is off topic though, and really does not add anything to this thread.

If Carrick wants to have a Dam Hoi to make his fiancée happy, he will have plenty of supporting evidence and sworn statements that proves he is not married. This is what the topic is about. Remember when you file you have to have proof that you can be legally married, proof that she can be legally married, proof of any divorces that you have, you also have to sign a statement that you are both legal and able to be married, and you have to tell them that you will be married within 90 days, then throw in the fact that the fiancée has to get documentation that proves she is not married already. This is proof on top of proof on top of more proof. SO why all this talk about red flags???????????????? It should be plain and simple it is just a ceremony, nothing legal, just for the family in Vietnam. But this is just my opinion. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-23 09:58:00
Asia: East and PacificEngagement or Wedding???
QUOTE (Bernie C @ Oct 23 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree whole heartedly with you Jerome. Everything you say is true and I also feel the same.

Some times we are asked why we didn't marry there and file as spouse. Well its not that easy either. Depending on the province and processing it can take multiple trips to obtain a marriage certificate. Some provinces do not allow power of attorney so it would take multiple trips to get this unless you can stay for an extended period of time. There are so many things to consider and we tried to pick the method that would work best for us. We considered these things and chose to go the route we did (K-1). Like you mentioned, it is not a perfect world. All we can do is our best, be strong and supportive, and more than anything, love each other endlessly.

We wanted to apply after we met the first time but we knew that the burden is on us to provide solid foundation of proof. So we have done our best to be patient. I have made three trips this year and will be going for the interview also. During that trip I am planning on going for a month. I have a good job but by no means is this anything normal. I work for a small family owned manufacturing company and my employer has been wonderful. He asctually paid for my plane tickets for my trip last January. He also is allowing me to take the time off to go for the interview. Without the support of the people around me our dreams to be together would be unlikely. Those who can withstand the tests will be rewarded with a lifetime of love and happiness.

I have exhausted my funds but continue to scrap and save. I want to be there with Doan for her interview to support her. I know it is a stressful time and thing and if I am there i think she will have much more confidence. She is a very intelligent and wonderful person and when I see her smile it makes my knees weak. In all my life I have never know such a feeling. although our lives our filled with many colors there is only one I wish to see now. PINK PINK PINK

Hand in there everyone and keep your chins up! Be positive, strong and PINK.

When you go, there is a way for you to get in and wait with her. Ask FredDaoHoney he can get you info so that you can sit inside instead of waiting outside. If you pm me I will send you a sheet you can fill in and with this sheet you should be able to get in. Just make sure that you have the taxi driver park up the street and don't walk together before you get there. I am happy for you and wish you the best. It is really lucky that you have such a great boss. Good luck with your visa!! Jerome and Binh

By the way did you have a wedding ceremony?? I truly believe that this is nothing to worry about, and that some people seem to preach the worst instead of posting hope. A wedding ceremony without paperwork and then to have supporting evidence that you are NOT married is all the proof anyone should ever need even at HCMC
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-23 09:26:00
Asia: East and PacificEngagement or Wedding???
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 22 2009, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 22 2009, 08:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bernie C @ Oct 22 2009, 04:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doan and I had the full blown picture day (before sun up to after sun down). We also had a ceremony and reception. However this was all before we submitted our original K-1 petition. I clearly definde and stated in the original document submittal that we are engaged and plan to marry when she arrives to the US. We received no RFE's and nothing was questioned. This provides background and evidence that would conflict with an alternate determination at the consulate.

Again, in my time line and all our documents and proofs, we never use the words marriage, married, spouse etc...always refer to engamenment and engagement party even though it was the other. We will have to see what happens when we have Doan's interview (just sending DS-230 and DS-2001 now). We can only hope that all will be well. If it comes down to legality of the issue, there is no factual and objective evidence that supports a claim that we are married within the lawful jurisdiction of either country. If it causes us AP then so be it. We cannot recall the package we already submitted to the USICS as our original petition. Its in the books and approved. I have a number of valid and factual points to defend our position.

Now if these activities took place more recently there may be more burden to prove your status, but as we already submitted this up front for petition approval we have already estabished our case to be factual.

Anyway, I'll let everyone know when we get our interview scheduled and how we make out!

We are the exact same as you. We both wrote sworn statements that say we are legally able to marry, and we are going to do this within 90 days of her arrival. Yes we had the wedding ceremony, the full blown thing, this was for her family, we do not call each other husband and wife, this was all done BEFORE we filed for a K1 visa. We had a Vietnamese wedding without the paperwork. Many people have been fine doing this and I am sure that some have had problems because of this. Everyone that is going through this process is not made of money or lottery winners, some people can not get back to take their fiancé or fiancée home with them once they get the visa. Most people can not afford to take off more than 2 weeks a year. I knew all this before I filed for our K1 visa, and we discussed the possibility that I might not be able to come back this year, so we went all out for her family's sake. I did not want to rob them of the joy of seeing their loved one having a wedding. Most people I have talked with that have had strictly a engagement party all say their family still consider them to be married, and this is without any type of ceremony. To answer Linda's question, yes she had the white dress after. I am sure you already knew this by viewing our photos in our profile. If it comes back to haunt us, so be it. I did what I felt was right for Binh AND her family, and I am more than prepared to deal with that later. I will also post as soon as we hear something, either negative or positive. From the day that our journey started, I have never second guessed any of my decisions and I will not start to do it now. What is done is done, would I have done things differently? NO and I can say that truthfully. I worry about the future and not the past. If I worry to much about something then I will miss the important things that are happening in the now moment. I think it is so sad that people would rob their loved ones family of such a moment, and that people are worried about getting a fiancée home in time for a tax break, joking or not, this is just wrong. I worry about getting Binh home for different reasons, I want her with me because I love her and I get tired of having a chat on a web cam, I want to be able to hug her and instead of cooking on the stove with my laptop behind me I want her behind me to sample as I cook. I know that if a person gets denied for photo evidence (not many different photos in different clothes) then they must have had a weak case, if a person gets denied solely because they had a wedding ceremony and are filing for a K1 then I think they did something else wrong, they did not have a police statement saying that they were able to marry, or did not address the letter clearly that they understood and knew they were going to get married within 90 days of her arrival to the united states, or the fiancée truly thought she was his wife already and told the CO that. If she is smart and if he is smart, they should be able to have a Dam Hoi without any problems. I am sure that the CO is looking for fraud, and he might try to nit pick something in a photo, but if your case is presented correctly then theory should be no problem at all. Point blank, this is not a perfect world, if it were then we would all go to visit our loved ones each weekend and then come home in time for work next week. We are not all made of money, and just making enough to meet the poverty level does not mean people can come back and forth 2 or 3 times during this process. When people say that they should go back for the interview, then go back for a Dam Hoi after they get a visa to take them home, I think is just unrealistic for most of us. Some people are lucky, I never thought I would EVER be able to come back for 3 trips in the same year. I got lucky due to my work situation, most people are not this lucky. Jerome

Why didn't you file for CR-1 Visa Jerome if you had a full blown wedding in Vietnam. It would have been easier and you could bypass the AOS and EAD stuff and get the green card and social security card when she enters the US.

Because i did not have enough time to get all the paperwork done. My first trip was only 15 days, and this one 20 there is not enough time unless you pay someone off, and that would have not been right and that in it self would have been a very big red flag. My first trip was over Christmas and new year. So the K1 is the only way we could file. I do not believe in paying someone off to get things done quicker, any CO can see that if you are there for 15 days and get a wedding done in that time that you had to pay someone off, and if they see that they would wonder why we did not wait?? Paying someone off to hurry and get married instead of taking the correct route??? To me this is wrong. I know that I am not 100% moral on everything I do, but everything I do or say I can sleep with a clean conscience over, and to pay off some official in Vietnam so that we could hurry and get a wedding on my first trip was something that I would never feel right about. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-22 22:15:00
Asia: East and PacificEngagement or Wedding???
QUOTE (Bernie C @ Oct 22 2009, 04:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doan and I had the full blown picture day (before sun up to after sun down). We also had a ceremony and reception. However this was all before we submitted our original K-1 petition. I clearly definde and stated in the original document submittal that we are engaged and plan to marry when she arrives to the US. We received no RFE's and nothing was questioned. This provides background and evidence that would conflict with an alternate determination at the consulate.

Again, in my time line and all our documents and proofs, we never use the words marriage, married, spouse etc...always refer to engamenment and engagement party even though it was the other. We will have to see what happens when we have Doan's interview (just sending DS-230 and DS-2001 now). We can only hope that all will be well. If it comes down to legality of the issue, there is no factual and objective evidence that supports a claim that we are married within the lawful jurisdiction of either country. If it causes us AP then so be it. We cannot recall the package we already submitted to the USICS as our original petition. Its in the books and approved. I have a number of valid and factual points to defend our position.

Now if these activities took place more recently there may be more burden to prove your status, but as we already submitted this up front for petition approval we have already estabished our case to be factual.

Anyway, I'll let everyone know when we get our interview scheduled and how we make out!

We are the exact same as you. We both wrote sworn statements that say we are legally able to marry, and we are going to do this within 90 days of her arrival. Yes we had the wedding ceremony, the full blown thing, this was for her family, we do not call each other husband and wife, this was all done BEFORE we filed for a K1 visa. We had a Vietnamese wedding without the paperwork. Many people have been fine doing this and I am sure that some have had problems because of this. Everyone that is going through this process is not made of money or lottery winners, some people can not get back to take their fiancé or fiancée home with them once they get the visa. Most people can not afford to take off more than 2 weeks a year. I knew all this before I filed for our K1 visa, and we discussed the possibility that I might not be able to come back this year, so we went all out for her family's sake. I did not want to rob them of the joy of seeing their loved one having a wedding. Most people I have talked with that have had strictly a engagement party all say their family still consider them to be married, and this is without any type of ceremony. To answer Linda's question, yes she had the white dress after. I am sure you already knew this by viewing our photos in our profile. If it comes back to haunt us, so be it. I did what I felt was right for Binh AND her family, and I am more than prepared to deal with that later. I will also post as soon as we hear something, either negative or positive. From the day that our journey started, I have never second guessed any of my decisions and I will not start to do it now. What is done is done, would I have done things differently? NO and I can say that truthfully. I worry about the future and not the past. If I worry to much about something then I will miss the important things that are happening in the now moment. I think it is so sad that people would rob their loved ones family of such a moment, and that people are worried about getting a fiancée home in time for a tax break, joking or not, this is just wrong. I worry about getting Binh home for different reasons, I want her with me because I love her and I get tired of having a chat on a web cam, I want to be able to hug her and instead of cooking on the stove with my laptop behind me I want her behind me to sample as I cook. I know that if a person gets denied for photo evidence (not many different photos in different clothes) then they must have had a weak case, if a person gets denied solely because they had a wedding ceremony and are filing for a K1 then I think they did something else wrong, they did not have a police statement saying that they were able to marry, or did not address the letter clearly that they understood and knew they were going to get married within 90 days of her arrival to the united states, or the fiancée truly thought she was his wife already and told the CO that. If she is smart and if he is smart, they should be able to have a Dam Hoi without any problems. I am sure that the CO is looking for fraud, and he might try to nit pick something in a photo, but if your case is presented correctly then theory should be no problem at all. Point blank, this is not a perfect world, if it were then we would all go to visit our loved ones each weekend and then come home in time for work next week. We are not all made of money, and just making enough to meet the poverty level does not mean people can come back and forth 2 or 3 times during this process. When people say that they should go back for the interview, then go back for a Dam Hoi after they get a visa to take them home, I think is just unrealistic for most of us. Some people are lucky, I never thought I would EVER be able to come back for 3 trips in the same year. I got lucky due to my work situation, most people are not this lucky. Jerome

Edited by jeromebinh, 22 October 2009 - 09:02 PM.

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-22 20:58:00