Asia: East and PacificEx's wife problem. What to do?Im lost
I feel for you, you seem to be in between a rock and a hard place. I would say to take care of your self, because no one else seems to be doing this. What I mean by this is simple. If you think she sees his disability in the future and is trying to clamp down on it, then put your theory to the test. He does not have it now, so I would talk with him and tell him you both need some time apart to figure where you are both at and where you are going. You are making it to easy, if my wife was to kiss or be kissed by her ex and she did not get mad over it, then she would be gone, no questions asked. But if you take time apart, he will possibly see what you do for him, and then he might realize his ex is a "EX" for a reason, also while you support her children, she has more money for her "DRUGS" make her pay for them. Not trying to sound rude or mean, but point blank take care of you and him, that is it, don't go out of your way to take care of them. This might cause problems with your husband, but seriously if you explain that it is taking away from him and from you, and you are not doing it to be mean, and prove how much it is costing the both of you then he should understand. But this is just a opinion, it all could back fire, if you leave, he might not want you back, or he might see the error in his ways, who knows, but one thing is for sure, if you keep taking it, and he does leave, you will be left with nothing, the only thing you will have to show for it is that you know you were a good person. Take care of yourself, honestly, with all the people that are truly "Bride Shopping" to have a woman in America from a different country would be easier to get than to go what we all have gone through, not trying to say just get married to get married, I am however saying that there are plenty of men that you might like, and fall in love with that would treat you far better than your current husband is doing. As far as your other issue, I have no suggestions other than talking to an attorney that specializes in such cases. Good luck on what ever you decide to do. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-21 21:41:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue Slip 11/18 HCM
I think having a attorney can be said is a good thing, however all they really do is help you address what may or may not be a red flag, and they make sure that you have the paper work correctly filled out. They can give you an interview and help you get prepared, but ultimately they can and do not go with you at the interview, and they cannot talk to the CO. The choice is yours if you get one or not. I feel that if you look at some people that just got approved, they are lucky, 2 trips and 5 days each? asking to marry on the internet in under a month? Showing up not knowing the person for one month? Having what appears to be a very small engagement party? An entire relationship under 8 months???? Now how do you think that got passed??? Luck that is how and a roll of the dice. I have seen cases that have tons more evidence get approved, and even denied, some with and some without attorneys. I think if the CO has a bad feeling, or makes he makes a judgment call on one statement, it will not matter what your case is, and you will get denied. Look at our case in particular, the reasons for denial were bull, Mark Ellis said everything we did was great, and we should have gotten approved, yet we got denied, and even with the denial, it was proved at least one of their reasons was a all out lie. I think an attorney can help, but if you are a reasonably smart/confident person you can do everything yourself and spending an extra $1500 is just a waste. Regardless of what a person chooses it is their choice, and this is my opinion nothing you can do really helps, no matter what you do or do not do it is up to a corrupt system where the CO is not held accountable for his/her actions, and even when faced with facts that the CO with held evidence, and gave a denial there is nothing that can be done. I contacted a attorney, who got through at the US level, and they did a "fact finding" investigation, the CO that did our interview had notes of our chat logs, and of over 200 photos that were at the interview, as well as a statement from him that noted Binh said she had "Friends in Texas and Ohio, and family in California maybe other states, but not certain", he also noted that I was there when resubmission of evidence was presented, as well as a note at the top of the file that I was there on the 13th of October. With that said, the US consulate said "After review of evidence that was obtained we have found that there are serious issues that need to be addressed and that the reason for denial was clearly and unmistakably wrong. However we regret to inform you that we do not have the authority to reverse the decision." Now we were told we can do a rebuttal if we choose, which would bring the case back to HCMC and that there was more than a 50% chance that the same CO would get the case, also that with the investigation being done the attorney stated that there was a chance that even if we got a different attorney they would either just deny our case or approve it without any troubles. I am and was planning on moving to Vietnam during this "investigation" I simply wanted to do something about the injustice we were dealt, in hopes that such things would not happen again, or at least that CO's "might" and I stress MIGHT think twice before making false accusations on a denial that can be proven wrong. With this there is hope for others that have been denied that truly believe it was done improperly. Between my Senator, and the Attorney I am sure that I have rattled the cages of at least a few people in HCMC. Jerome

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-21 21:17:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue Slip 11/18 HCM
QUOTE (fred n Dao Honey @ Nov 18 2009, 04:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know it's not on your blue slip list and you will probably include it in your timeline. Knowing it is a question of concern I think you should punctuate your trip to VN by submitting current Airline Ticket Stubs.

I would also submit more evidence of bonafied relationship, chat logs, emails ect ect, also submit more photos, recent phone bills, like Fred said plane ticket stubs, the entire 9 yards, if you felt it was important to take to the interview, have her give everything they did not look at or keep. This way they can not say denial for no photos, no proof of ongoing relationship, yada yada yada, this is where we stumbled, we did not want to get longer ap, but like I said, if you took it to the interview and still have it because the CO did not keep it, give it to them, and make sure they take it, even if they say they do not need it, give it to them. Good luck
Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-18 13:46:00
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Nov 25 2009, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Nov 25 2009, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Nov 24 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NQT1976 @ Nov 23 2009, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hire lawyer ?

hire dich vu ?

contact senator/congress man ?

anything else ?

Hey my friend
Do you remember me,listen my friend you be nice and listen to Scott I was do k1 - k1 was passed Scot thuy was advice me anyway
you was fail just not enough income ,when you
feed your income cover for your wife you recase again
what is wrong with you men
scottthuy he was the bet in vj he was try to help alot poeple vietnames in here'p
please repect to him

Read what he wrote, he did not mention anything about not earning enough. It was about his wife not remembering when they got engaged, no engagement party, and then a small wedding, he said that he had 250 people, just not the photos to prove because the guy taking photos did not get good enough ones of the quests. I did not see that he was mad with Scott or any other person on Visa Journey, just the CO's, and rightfully so. Also how is it going with your wife in the states with you now? Hope all is going well for the both of you.

I would say, address the issues with your wife and prep her if you decide to refile, and get an attorney this time. You can do a rebuttal, and you can also just refile from the start, but an attorney can actually advise you on the best course of action. Good luck in what ever you decide to do, just remember this is only my opnion, do what you feel is the right thing to do.

There were other discussions that preceeded this one discussing the issues from his cases.. he had a previous issue with finances/income proof and that was one reason for the initial blue... It all boils down to him effectively communicating his case to the CO and now after two complete cases denied he & she are not getting the CO to accept the facts or believe the case as real. He really needs an Atty to help him with rebuttal

Scott, I know he should get an attorney. I just did not see any anger pointed at you or any other and I felt John saw it like there was. So I just wanted him not to worry about the anger issue because as I saw it there was none. Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-25 14:57:00
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Nov 24 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NQT1976 @ Nov 23 2009, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hire lawyer ?

hire dich vu ?

contact senator/congress man ?

anything else ?

Hey my friend
Do you remember me,listen my friend you be nice and listen to Scott I was do k1 - k1 was passed Scot thuy was advice me anyway
you was fail just not enough income ,when you
feed your income cover for your wife you recase again
what is wrong with you men
scottthuy he was the bet in vj he was try to help alot poeple vietnames in here'p
please repect to him

Read what he wrote, he did not mention anything about not earning enough. It was about his wife not remembering when they got engaged, no engagement party, and then a small wedding, he said that he had 250 people, just not the photos to prove because the guy taking photos did not get good enough ones of the quests. I did not see that he was mad with Scott or any other person on Visa Journey, just the CO's, and rightfully so. Also how is it going with your wife in the states with you now? Hope all is going well for the both of you.

I would say, address the issues with your wife and prep her if you decide to refile, and get an attorney this time. You can do a rebuttal, and you can also just refile from the start, but an attorney can actually advise you on the best course of action. Good luck in what ever you decide to do, just remember this is only my opnion, do what you feel is the right thing to do.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-25 11:40:00
Like Scott said, you need to address the reasons for the denial. If they say that she does not know enough about you, then she needs to know more about you, if they say that you do not prove you were together very long, then you need to get more photos of the both of you, etc. etc. etc. If you hire an attorney they might be able to help you out. If you can truly prove that the reasons for denial are wrong then you can hire an attorney like we did and file a rebuttal/complaint, if your senator will help like he did in our case that is also a plus, but even with an attorney and even though we proved the CO lied in his findings for our case, there was still nothing that the USCIS could do in actually reversing the decision, we had to either follow through with a rebuttal and hope the same CO did not get the case, file a new visa application, and address all the red flags. Those are your only true options. That or just give up and wait a year or two to file like many of us are doing, live with your spouse in Vietnam, then try to file for a visa in a year or two. If you proved that you have lived with her that alone can prove mountains, but it is what you want to do. No answer can be correct for every person, what you do is up to you. But from the side line, your petitions have serious issues, if you filed for a K1 it got denied, then you went there and got married and the CR1 got denied, this is a very bad sign for you. I would say an attorney would be your best bet, and get both denial slips from your wife, and make sure that you show them to the attorney you hire. It might be something simple, or it might be something big, but no matter what it is, doing it on your own has only gotten you heart ache, lost time and lost money. Good luck Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-23 20:44:00
Asia: East and PacificCommon Interview Questions
Dont forget the questions about proposed wedding plans, what you did together while in Vietnam, have you met his parents, did his parents come to Vietnam, does your fiancee have a ex wife, do you have any relatives living in america, what is the town he lives in like, how much will your wedding cost, when will it be, where will it be, what type of ceremony will it be, how many guests will be there, how do you communicate most often. There are tons of questions, if it has to do with her and america it can be asked, if it has to do with you it can be asked, just be prepared for any question, and make sure you stress to her that if she is not 100% sure, and I mean 100% sure of the question that she asks for it to be repeated. This is a sticking point, if they ask and she does not quite understand and they ask the same question in a different way and she gives a different answer they may ask her the reason why or not say anything and consider it fraud, so just be prepared for anything, and everything, but make sure she understands the entire question, and goes in confident, make sure they do not brow beat her into submission. Good luck Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-11-30 17:58:00
Asia: East and Pacific2nd Interview
QUOTE (robertwdalton @ Dec 9 2009, 05:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

Thanks to all who have replied to my post.

Anh map – your advice is well reasoned and insightful. We are spending a lot of time reviewing timelines and interview questions to help my fiancée (who gets nervous very easily) feel comfortable and relaxed. I will make sure that she has my passport to show the CO when he goes into interview.

Jeroomebinh - Sorry to learn about your difficulties. I must admit that the thought of the CO handling your case intentionally overlooking evidence, and making false statements troubles me very much. We hope and pray that we are given a fair chance to tell our story and that they will see that our relationship is genuine. For us the option of myself moving to Vietnam is not realistic at this time given commitments and responsibilities which I have.

Sachinky - Thanks for the tip. We are spending a lot of time making sure that all the basic facts about our relationship and my personal details will be able to be answered naturally and easily.

Wratran – Thanks for the list of questions. We have added many of your questions to a list we have compiled and now feel very confident that we have a good list of basic questions to study from

Dont worry about it, and try not to think the CO is not fair, just because they did what they did to us does not mean that is going to happen to you. What happens to one does not mean it will happen to you. We could have almost identical cases, and prepare the exact same way and maybe even get the same CO and our results can be different. That is what sucks about this entire system, and why I think it is funny that some people say do this or do that, and you will get a visa, no one can tell you what to or not to do to get you a visa, it all depends on the CO, and the interview. SO what I try to tell everyone is to do what you FEEL is right, if you choose to listen to some of the things I say great, but make sure it is what you want to do, this way if you get a unfavorable decision, you can live with it, just try to never live life with regrets, this just makes it that much harder, go to the interview confident, make sure she knows everything possible about you, send her your g-325 form and make sure she knows what was on it, if you have a timeline, make sure she knows what is on it as well. Have her know your phone number by heart, and your email, your job, family member names ect ect. This shows that she knows about you, if she can not answer simple questions it could cause a denial, and as Anh Map said, if she does not know the answer to be honest, this way she does not get caught up. I feel that a "I do not know" is better than a yes and a no on the same question asked 2 different times. I have no problems with how we have handled our case, should it have gotten approved yes, but it didnt, and there is nothing we can do about it. I plan on moving there and we always planned on retireing there anyway, so this just gets us closer to retirement than we had planned, I mean what is not to love about Vietnam??? No snow, great food, good job oppertunities, and my fiancee?? everything about Vietnam sounds great, and I have loved every minute I have spent there in the past so the future should not be different. Good luck, and just remember be confident, and if they ask 2 questions at once trying to trick her, have her ask them at the same time. At our interview they asked Binh this question

CO: Do you have any FRIENDS AND FAMILY in the United States?
Binh: Yes I have Friends and Family in America.
CO: Where does your family live?
Binh: My friends live in Ohio, and in Texas, my family lives in California

Where the mistake was made, the CO did not understand it was her FRIENDS not FAMILY living in Ohio and Texas, or Binh did not understand the question and some how or another they got confused and the answers wrong. The problem with this is that the CO lied and said she said it was family living in Texas and Ohio, now if Binh was nervous and did not make it clear that if anyones guess, but with the other lies of me making only one trip, and I was at the embassy 13 days before our denial asking about our case, that was a clear lie, as well as his statement of 102 engagement photos, and 107 personal photos is what were in his notes along with 300 plus pages of Chat logs, emails, and various other communications, and then he said only proof of ongoing relationship was phone records. But now I am rambeling on, just make sure she is prepared, and if they ask what she would consider a trick question to ask for them to repeat it, and if it seems there is 2 questions in one, to answer one question at a time, and make sure she states what answer is for what question, and you should be fine. Good Luck Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-12-09 14:53:00
Asia: East and PacificVisits
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Sep 29 2009, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WeatherEmperor @ Sep 29 2009, 09:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you guys. Great advice all around. One question though. If any of you have any experience with Yahoo Messenger. There is an option to Archive all of your conversations. I do have that option setup. But to make it easier to print these, I copy and paste the IM conversations between Thu and myself into a Microsoft Word document and save it there. Is this a good idea to do that? What I plan to do is, when I am ready to file the I-129F, I will print all the pages (I estimate over 1,000 pages by that time) and then I will print a short statement certifying that all the information in the conversations are true and to the best of my knowledge and then sign it and Thu sign it as well. How do you call that, a sworn affidavit or something? Is this a good idea or should I try something different?

BTW, Jerome for how long are you planning to visit VN next month?


There is no way the CO is going to read all that stuff. Print the logs, and then select a handful of the best sessions to print out over the course of time. You don't even have to print the complete chat sessions - just the stuff you think will help make your case that your relationship is legitimate. You don't want to overwhelm the CO with evidence. They've got, at most, a couple of minutes to look at that stuff. You don't want your best evidence buried in a pile of mundane chat. Cherry pick, and give them only the very best stuff. If you chat every day then you should still be able to provide dozens of pages the CO can choose from, and any page he chooses to read will be good stuff.

You can front load the petition with chats, if you like, but you generally don't need much front loaded evidence of an ongoing relationship. What you really need to front load is evidence that addresses any red flags in your case. This makes it much more difficult for the CO to use those red flags to deny your fiancée a visa. Save the chats for the interview.

I've heard the WackyB Yahoo archive viewer is a great tool. You can format, export, and print chat sessions and logs, including the emoticons (as well as the "secret" emoticons). It's only $10.

The sworn statement is kinda silly. How can you possibly swear that everything spoken in a conversation is true? The only thing you need to swear is true is the time line. HCM insists that the time line be a "sworn, notarized statement".

I totally disagree. I do not care if they are overwhelmed or not, if they have 2 minutes or 5 hours to look at the chat logs, it will be their choice what they look at no matter what, I say give them more than they can handle. No offense Jim, but as I said, there is no way I agree with that statement to give them what you think is important or will help, if you have a 2 year or 1 year relationship and you say that you chat all the time you need to prove it, but by taking only 1 day a week or so worth of chat logs looks to me like you were not to worried about talking with your loved one. I do like the input about WackyB, I wish I would have had that when we started our relationship. It would have made it easier to get all the chat logs together.
Either way you choose, as I said before do what your heart says. Jim does make a good point I will give him that the CO does not have tons of time to view everything, but if you have everything there or even if you have half of it there he will look at what he chooses to look at. On Binh's interview they did not even look at the chat logs, but they were there if he would have wanted them. Just remember this is our advice, choose what you want to do from our suggestions or do something that you think of yourself. Just do what you feel is right and then if good comes from it you are happy, and if bad comes from it, you know you did what you thought was right. If you do what we did you might get pink, or white, who knows, if you do what Linda says or John says, same thing it is a roll of the dice, so what ever you do, make sure that is what you want and not what we think you should do. Good luck Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-29 20:36:00
Asia: East and PacificVisits
QUOTE (Dau Que @ Sep 29 2009, 12:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The answer to your question depends on your specific situation. Are you two both still single and never been married/divorced before? How were you two introduced to each other? Any of her relatives living in the USA at the moment?

You see my drift? If your case has more complications, then you need to make more trips. More importantly, time the trips farther apart. You need to convince the CO that your trips are intended to "get to know" your s/o better and eventually lead to the decision to make her your life partner.

First trip= getting to know each other

Second trip= being introduced to her family. Getting to know each other more......etc

Third trip= Engagement

Fourth trip= timing this trip around a Holiday, like Christmas or Lunar New year. She's now your s/o. Prove it so to the CO.

Now is the right time to file your paperwork. Make sure doing your timeline properly and submit it with your initial paperwork.

The CO will never fall for that song "I'm so in loved with my lady. Therefore, I have to propose to her in less than 12 months of period since the initial acquaintance."

My 2©

This is good advice, but let your heart tell you what to do. Each case is different, I do not know many people that get over a month of vacation each year just to make 4 trips, and besides that if you already are in love, it would be heck waiting that long to even file for the visa. Also with the current american economy not many people can risk taking that much time off from work, so if you do go only one time, make it as long as humanly possible. I am lucky, or unlucky, the only reason I have been able to make this third trip and the second was because of a work injury. I am currently off on worker's comp waiting for surgery. But as I said, do what you can do, and then follow your heart, some people get buy with one trip, if they had to have 2 or 3 or even 4 then it would be a requirement for that many trips, also you have already met in person and you could actually already have filed for the K1 fiancee visa, you just have to have met 1 time within 2 years prior to filing for the k1 visa, and there is a loop hole around that rule. I do not know anyone personally that has used that loop hole and got a visa or let alone used it to file, but it is there for a reason. If your love is real and you make enough money you should be able to get her over here without any problems on a k1 visa. Good luck!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-29 12:12:00
Asia: East and PacificVisits
QUOTE (WeatherEmperor @ Sep 29 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you guys. Great advice all around. One question though. If any of you have any experience with Yahoo Messenger. There is an option to Archive all of your conversations. I do have that option setup. But to make it easier to print these, I copy and paste the IM conversations between Thu and myself into a Microsoft Word document and save it there. Is this a good idea to do that? What I plan to do is, when I am ready to file the I-129F, I will print all the pages (I estimate over 1,000 pages by that time) and then I will print a short statement certifying that all the information in the conversations are true and to the best of my knowledge and then sign it and Thu sign it as well. How do you call that, a sworn affidavit or something? Is this a good idea or should I try something different?

BTW, Jerome for how long are you planning to visit VN next month?


I would try to get the archive format only. Any one can make up chat logs. I would just save them weekly or how ever often they do not save, also maybe contact yahoo and ask for help, they should help you with no problems at all. I know it might be a pain, but it is the best way, you can also email them to yourself I think and this would also save them.
I plan on leaving the 7th of October, so I will be there the 8th about midnight and then I leave at 6 am on the 27th so I will be there for a full 18 days I think this time. If you want me to take something hurry and tell me I can get you my address, I will have extra room, I am taking some things for Houng and I will be in HCMC we are planning on going to Di Nang or how ever it is spelled lol
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-29 12:05:00
Asia: East and PacificVisits
One trip should be enough, don't buy into all the horror stories you read about on here. Some are real and others people tend to "make real" to suit their own worries. If you use yahoo, submit the chat logs with your petition, and also on your time line make sure that you mention that quite often. If you both have a web cam, when you chat have her take a screen shot of her monitor or yours, this will show her face on yahoo your current chat as well as a time for length that you have been talking with voice. Take as many photos as possible and not of the both of you, but you and her family, and both of you and her family, take photos of the things you do together as well if you go to the Zoo or something have someone take photos of you in front of animals or on the streets of the city. All of this is good to do, but make sure you do have plenty of the two of you. I would submit the chat log with the dates, and then also submit some of the chats as well and if you start to use screen shot put some of them in as well. Each case is different, so no matter how bad one persons story is this does not mean yours will be like theirs. Good luck with your journey, and as Anh Map said, look back to all the posts, don't throw all your weight with one or two posts, and remember each case is different and we are all here for you if you need us.
Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-29 09:13:00
Asia: East and PacificWe have our interview scheduled! (K1 Visa)
Congrats and good luck!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-30 14:53:00
Asia: East and PacificTyphoon heads toward Hue...
QUOTE (itzallgood @ Oct 2 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Sep 27 2009, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wow...that looks like a big one!!!

There is even a bigger one hitting manila right now. A super dooper one in fact blink.gif

Last I heard this one is going to miss Vietnam, I hope so I will arrive there the 8th
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-02 20:11:00
Asia: East and PacificTyphoon heads toward Hue...
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 1 2009, 11:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Electricity is back on in parts of Hue. Phuong actually had internet access for a little while this morning. We got to chat for all of three sentences before it dropped out again. Apparently, they've got most of the mud cleared out of her house. She's reopening the school again tomorrow, so life is gradually returning to normal.

Things are not as good on the coast. The waters have receded quickly in Thuan An, but there is still a lot of mud in the homes. It's going to take a lot more time to clean up.

Typhoon Parma is now east of the Philippines. If it stays on it's current track it will brush the northern part of the main island, and then head for Southern China. Fortunately, Parma isn't carrying as much water as Ketsana, but it does have stronger winds than Ketsana did at this point.

Glad to hear the worst seems to be over and that she is okay.
Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-02 19:39:00
Asia: East and Pacifichelp! interview on tuesday, but theres some problem
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Oct 3 2009, 01:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wouldn't worry about it. Errors like that can usually be corrected at the embassy. Just make sure they correct it. Once the name is on the visa, it's a lot tougher to fix.

Good advice, make sure it is fixed on the Visa, as for it being a problem with the embassy, don't worry about that. There will be no real issue there at all, probably not a real issue with the visa either, but make sure it matches just in case.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-03 07:38:00
Asia: East and PacificSSN Card question
Go to the local SSA office, it is simply a few papers with proof of who she is, the green card, marriage documents ect ect ect... They will then have one within a month, it is not very hard. Good luck Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-02 16:02:00
Asia: East and PacificFamily in the USA
QUOTE (WeatherEmperor @ Oct 4 2009, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awesome. Thank you jerome and luckytxn. You guys have answered my questions. I will try to get this notarized in VN and have a certified copy submitted with my I-129F petition. Great advice guys. Thanks much!


Not a problem, if I can help I will try. Good luck along the way with your journey, when you get them made, make sure to get 2 that are notorized, have her keep one for the interview and submit the other if you are wanting to submit when you file.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-04 18:14:00
Asia: East and PacificFamily in the USA
QUOTE (luckytxn @ Oct 4 2009, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just put in no relatives are known in the U.S. and if they mention it at the interview say there are no relatives and stick to it. It is good to look at all sides and be prepared but it seems like there are other things that are more pressing you need to be more prepared for.

Just like he said, and I would take it one step further and have the paper notarized in VN, this way it appears more legit. Do you NEED to do this, no, but if it is only a few bucks and you can rest better in my book it is worth it. I would do it something like this

I ________________ do not have any known relatives living in the United States of America at this time or at any time to my knowledge.
Signed ___________________ date _________________ Notarized by _____________________

I would also maybe have her mother do something similar but state that she is the mother of your Fiancée and she does not know of any relatives currently living in the united states, or that have ever went to and came back from the united states.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-04 18:04:00
Asia: East and PacificFamily in the USA
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 4 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband and I were not introduced by anyone and when we got the blue slip, they requested from the beneficiary a list of relatives in the US. Reading from here, I told him to have it ready just in case. When he saw that it was one of the things being requested, he tried to submit it and they wouldn't accept it.

The same thing happened with Binh and I, we were not introduced by any family members, and she told the CO how we met on and we got a blue slip and in the blue slip it asked about family members living in the USA, this is why I would suggest putting this with the file you submit with the K! visa and have it notarized in Vietnam and make sure you get 2 identical copies one for the k1 packet, and the other to save for the interview. It wont hurt by any means to get it done before you file, and you are already planning on waiting as it is. But your case is your case, I am sure there are many people that have relatives, close ones at that living in the USA and they never were asked to prove their residence. Make your own choice this way you are comfortable with the outcome. Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-04 14:50:00
Asia: East and PacificFamily in the USA
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 3 2009, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
they want to know who her relatives here are so they can look to see if any of them are suspected of fraud to tie you guys to that type of activity... I really don't think they would ever tell anyone to go research for distant relatives so we know who you are related to in the US.... If she had a cousin or an uncle or brother that lived down the street from you that may be a big deal... but that isn't the case...

What I meant by in the time line was something like... on ##/##/## Thu told me that her family was happy that we were so in love and that they were comfortable with her moving to the US and marrying me since she does not have any relatives in the US. They know that she will be safe with me in Florida.

They did not ask Binh about any family of hers in the USA, and we got a blue and that was the only thing we did not have that they asked us for. I feel if they were to get a signed and notarized affidavit it would be better than simply putting in the time line they mentioned that. Better to be safe than sorry, this way they will have something that is signed by someone other thant he petitioner. I understand his time line will be notarized as well, but I would not risk it, if they do not read through all the time line they might miss it. Better safe than sorry. That is my opinion, just choose to do what you feel is right.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-04 00:20:00
Asia: East and PacificFamily in the USA
I would front load the fact that you do not know of any family members in the USA, maybe get a sworn statement from your fiancée and maybe even her parents as well stating this, because if they are still handing out the blues when yours comes up this will probably be one reason. But when you get the sworn statement, I would have them make 2 identical ones and have them both notarized, front load one, then have the other with your evidence when you get to the interview, this way you have it there as well, and make sure they see it. No need for them to simply give a blue requesting something that you do not have.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-03 14:42:00
Asia: East and PacificShopping for a vietnamese in the US
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 4 2009, 05:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chuckandkim @ Dec 7 2006, 08:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1. Rice Cooker - Tiger 8-cups or 10-cups ($114.00) (prefered MADE IN JAPAN)
2. Viet-Huong "Ph?" Soup (small can)
3. Bún T??i (Vermicelli)
4. Bánh Ph? (dried PH? noodle)
5. N??c M?m "3 Cua" (Three Crabs or One Crab)
6. Jasmine Rice "Rose" Brand (25lbs)
7. Maggi Seasoning Sauce (soy-sauce that is)
8. Knorr Chicken seasoning
9. 8 rice bowls and chopsticks
10. Dried mushroom
11. Eggroll ricesheet (frozen ones to make the vietnamese eggrolls)
12. Regular ricesheet (Bánh Tráng)
13. Instant noodles (cup or bowl or package)
14. Warmer clothes
15. Coffee and Condensed Milk (S?a Ông Th?)
16. Muzzle
17. Xanax

that last two were recommended by Dale, I have some ideas what to use them for, but what do you use the Muzzle for in your case biggrin.gif laughing.gif

A staple ingredient: Bot Ngot!!! smile.gif

...damn it...there's that 4:20 AGAIN!!! tongue.gif maybe I'm being paranoid... tongue.gif

Bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, rice noodles. Soy sauce, and peppers for the soy sauce
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-04 16:38:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat's next?
QUOTE (Mike and Thanh @ Sep 22 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How will they know if I got married before I get the marriage license? I'm a buddhist, so there won't be any church ceremony that a priest can marry us off, so how would they know? It will be a simple ceremony at my house.

You can get it done at a courthouse or just have a priest sign the papers with both of you there and 2 witnesses. You do not have to have a actual wedding. but you have to have the license and it has to be signed to meet the conditions of the k1 visa. To get the application usually does not take long all you should have to do is take your id to the court house and some money for the fee fill in some paperwork and you should get it then. So you should be able to do it on your lunch break.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-22 18:25:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat's next?
QUOTE (luckytxn @ Sep 21 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We were having a bigger wedding planned but my fiancee and I had a quick justice of the peace wedding within a few days when she got here. We went the following day she was here and applied for the marriage license and had to wait 3 days to be able to use it then on the 3rd day we went to the justice of the peace and got married. After she signed off on the license we asked her to let us hand carry it to the court house to record it. We went right away to get it recorded and then the following day we went down and got her SS card and then went home and sent off the AOS paperwork. That day we signed her up for school and she started the next monday. The same night after I got married I got permission to finally sleep with my wife.

I bet that was your best nights sleep! We are planning on the same thing, just a wedding at the courthouse then a bigger one later where we can plan it and do it correctly. This way we can get the things done for USCIS and move on.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-21 13:51:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat's next?
Get the wedding thing over first. This is the most important of the steps. As Anh Map said the expiration date is what it is. If you do not get married in time you can simply file for a new one. Not a big deal, then get the forms for the Social security card, and keep copies of everything you do. You should not need a attorney, unless you are wanting some sort of Pre numb. Good luck on your wedding! and congrats on getting your fiancée home!!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-21 13:49:00
Asia: East and Pacificoff topic by Binh le
I know it is a bad situation all the way around. It happens everywhere I am sure. If there is any good from this it is that the person got caught, or at least the "SUSPECT" is in custody. I am glad I live in a small town where the murder rate is all but non existent. I can sleep at night with the door unlocked and the keys in my truck!! It also helps to have 6 boxers in the back yard to warn me of anything bad or unusual going on.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-06 00:02:00
Asia: East and Pacificoff topic by Binh le
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Oct 5 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 5 2009, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 5 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it was front page news everywhere in the US.. I don't think there are that many people here that don't know about it.

But I want to post and you do not need to reply. Binh Le.

Geeze chi Binh, so no'ng. heheheh We know about her and it's so sad to know someone who is Vietnamese and so smart that dies so tragicly.

I know what you mean Huong.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-05 21:20:00
Asia: East and Pacificoff topic by Binh le
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 5 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it was front page news everywhere in the US.. I don't think there are that many people here that don't know about it.

But I want to post and you do not need to reply. Binh Le.

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-05 21:13:00
Asia: East and Pacificoff topic by Binh le

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-05 20:15:00
Asia: East and PacificTime for an UPDATE...
Good to hear everything is going well for you and your family. I noticed that you are in Louisville, I am about a hour or so north of you. I have heard there is a pretty big Vietnamese community in Louisville. I hope so that way we can go there from time to time so Binh can talk with people if she needs to.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-02 19:44:00
Asia: East and PacificNew to America the do's and donts
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-22 21:02:00
Asia: East and PacificNew to America the do's and donts

We are still a few months out from the travel visa, but we have been talking about this and it shouldn't be a problem.
She will be able to contact whoever she wants in Thailand online, but for face time we live about a 5 min. drive
from one of the 2 major Thai wats in New York. Roughly 4 years ago I went there on my own and struck up a
friendship with a young monk who wanted to exchange Thai for English (I think he got the better part of that deal).
I haven't been there recently because they transferred him to Texas about 2 years ago. He did come back to
New York for a visit a few months back and I saw him. When he went to Thailand to see his family about 2 years
ago I printed up a special portrait of him so he could give it to his parents. He also hand-carried some prints
of pics I took in Thailand and gave them to my fiancée in Bangkok when he went to see his family.

When she comes I will already be known to many at the local wat so that will make her feel even more welcome.

Today there was a protest in support of Aung_San_Suu_Kyi of Burma
in Manhattan. There were Burmese, Thai and Nepalese monks there and they let me take their photo. I spoke to them briefly.
I sent the pic to my friend in Texas and he will forward it to his friends at the local wat.

I am glad that you have a outlet for her to escape from. Using escape loosely. I think it is just so funny how some people think that their loved ones will just be fine and not need anything once they are here. With the internet it makes it easier and then you living 5 minutes away and already knowing people there will make it even easier. Good luck with her trip and your life together. We wish you the best!
Jerome and Binh
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-19 08:05:00
Asia: East and PacificNew to America the do's and donts
QUOTE (Hien @ Sep 15 2009, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you, Jerome. At least there is one person who pay attention to remind his friends about our loneliness on a new country. good.gif

Not a problem at all. Especially with all of "the shocking stories" that we all hear about from friends friend or from actual posts. This is a real problem that many people face, and I truly feel it is extremely overlooked. I hope that some of the senior members that have their loved ones over here will have them write about their first few month experiances. I feel it will be good for people to read, even if their loved one does not go through the same things at least we can be ready for our loved ones and try to help if they need it and to give them all the undestanding that they truly deserve. My family said they thought I was brave going to a different country to meet a person, and I told them that Binh was the brave one ready to give up all she knew to be here with me.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-16 07:16:00
Asia: East and PacificNew to America the do's and donts
Thanks all for the replies. I am sure this will help people out. I have already sent her a cell phone so that when she lands in America she can call me at the airport so I can find her easier. I have 2 computers here already and I left her a laptop with built in cam and mic on my last trip there. I have already been trying to find any Vietnamese people in the area and I have found that in Louisville Ky they have a very big community there, I figure we will go there and do some shopping when she arrives and I have a few friends (women) that already told me that they were going to come and take her away from me all the time. I just hear so many sad stories where the relationships don't work out, and I know that some women even back out after they get the visa just because they are to afraid to leave their parents and family. Most people do not understand that the person they love are giving up EVERYTHING they know and love to be with you. I am a blessed man, Binh tells me every day that I am most important in her life and she will go where I go, but I just want to make this change easy for her and also help as many people out as possible. Some people do not realize when their loved one is in a serious state of depression, and it can be deadly. I know some people that might read this post may think it is a waste of time, and their fiancée or fiancé is different, they do not need to do this or that. I just want people to understand there is a real possibility of this happening, so if your fiancée or fiancé has been depressed when they came her, have them post. I think it would be great to get it off their shoulders, and also show all the sponsors out there that this is a true problem facing their loved ones.
Thanks again for all your posts keep them coming! Jerome
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-14 16:31:00
Asia: East and PacificNew to America the do's and donts
Okay, I know I am probably not the one to start a topic of this nature. But I feel this is a important topic that needs to be started. So I want all of you men to get your Fiancé's on the computer and put their two cents worth on this post, and for all you women with men fiancé's have them post as well.
I know we have all read where men have abused their fiancé's or treated them as slaves. I am sure most of these stories are not real but there are some that are. What I have heard from people that have done this is the fear of the person. The not knowing anyone and being stuck in a strange country with no one to talk to. I have a friend that has a foreign wife he met her here but she was in a similar state when she arrived in America. She was lucky as they had a large Vietnamese population near to where she lived. She said if it was not for that she would never have made it here in America. I have met some people from Vietnam that live here in America, and I have talked with them and have told them about my fiancée. This way when Binh finally gets here she will have someone to talk to close so that she does not feel so alone. Most of us have used most of our vacation if not all of it during the long visa process so once they get here we have a couple of days usually only a weekend then we have to go back to work on Monday. I know that it is hard for people to be alone. I am just grateful that when I was in Vietnam Binh never left me alone. When she was getting ready for our dam hoi she went to get her hair done and that took about 2 and a half hours. I was left at her home with her mother and the family coming in from the country side and few of them spoke English. Her brother Hung was there and that was good as he speaks very good English. But I felt alone and it was only 2 and a half hours. Imagine all day for 5 days straight. The only time with anyone you know is in the morning before they leave for work, and when they get home in the evening. Please give us feedback on what your experiences are and were. This will help us sponsors know what to do and what not to do. Thanks for your input, I am sure this will help many people!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-13 20:21:00
Asia: East and PacificBringing the Fiancee Home
Congrats!! Hope more people can get to the point you are at now including me :-)

BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-19 14:32:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam Regional Forum
It is a good idea, but as Scott said earlier most of the posts in the asia: east and pacific forum are mainly for Vietnam as it is.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-09-23 17:10:00
Asia: East and PacificNotable places in HCM
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Oct 8 2009, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WEll, here we go again. Oh well, let me get flame for it.
The place that owned by Ralph is called "The Big Grill" and he also a member of VJ. Foods are hand made.
The other place I like is "Them 1 To", which is a very nice place and customer service is great.
These are not fancy fancy place but they do just right for a regular dinner. As of a romantic one, I wouldn't suggest anything less than VINAPEARL. hehehe
Have fun on your trip.

we are headed there right now!
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-09 05:32:00
Asia: East and PacificPlane ticket to VietNam
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 5 2009, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 5 2009, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Oct 5 2009, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So anyone booked a ticket for around the new year to Vietnam yet? How much is it? How much did you pay before?

Get the tickets now, they are way cheaper than they have ever been. Mine was only 700 and it was only 3 weeks ahead of time, If you wait the price might jump back up, but if you get in line now then it is golden. Also book through orbitz, this way if they get cheaper when it gets closer if someone books it cheaper they give you the difference. A friend of mine booked a flight about 6 months out and 3 months later he got a check from them, then about a month after that he got another, then I think he went on line to look just a few days after he got the second check and the price went through the roof and there was still a month or two before his trip.

Good Idea...what are their refund policies if we decide we cant go??

If you can get a doctor to say some unforeseen illness came up then they can refund, before you buy check on line about it first. If you simply change your mind, it is hard to get a refund, but they can help just call and see what will and will not work. If you have a doctor that you are on a good basis with he can write something up and you should not have any problem getting a refund if you purchase insurance for it. Just check into it.
BinhJeromeMaleVietnam2009-10-06 00:05:00