PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
Nor am I a big fan of Jolie, at all...she does do nice things for the world, I will admit and that is good Karma for her. Yes share happiness and life is beautiful...have a nice day yourself sista.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-30 08:35:00
PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
Good morning, (here it is, lol)...interesting about Fox...I have read that there are lots of actors with tattoo's and some movies, like if its in an earlier time before tattoo's were as common as today, or for certain rolls, they actually use like this makeup to cover the tattoo's and you never see them. What's her face, Angelina Jolie, she does this often in her movies.

I would say, do not judge book by its cover. I think tattos are a piece work of art and am not going to against it at all. I, myself, could never have them for personal reasons. In overall, it must be so painful to get those for sure. I would never dared myself to do so.Posted Image. I know people in person who have tattoos and they are very nice and have good hearts inside.

I don't drink alcohol and smoking as well but won't going to say whoever craving in those are bad people just because they're doing it unless they've started to bothering me with their lifestyle choice.

I read, some people can removed it by laser if they wanted to get rid of -just had a thought about what Megan Fox was doing to removed her Marilyn Monroe's tatto on her arm-. Be yourself, be a good person,and all that matters.Posted Image. Good luck, girl!

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-30 08:17:00
PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
My fiance has none but I certainly have many many's...haha. BTW, nice work.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-29 19:31:00
PhilippinesCan't get work verification letter - how bad is this?
I asked my manager to type up one, on company letter head, stating all the info needed, w/pay and other particulars. Not a biggy, perhaps you can do the same?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-30 10:19:00
PhilippinesMedical online registration (Saint Luke's Hospital)
ok...local phone is 982.5555 m-f 8 to 8 hours open.

She needs all of her passport info too, not just number but some other stuff on it.

For your info to call in US 214.571.1600 and to get to a person hit 2, 1, 2, 3, 7

link is

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-31 11:03:00
PhilippinesMedical online registration (Saint Luke's Hospital)
I have the U.S number to the USEM, its a 214 number...let me see if I can find local number
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-31 10:55:00
PhilippinesMedical online registration (Saint Luke's Hospital)
Plus my fiance had a prob doing it online as well..she called on phone and did the interview appt. She has the interview paper already.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-31 10:33:00
PhilippinesMedical online registration (Saint Luke's Hospital)
I can give our recent experience on this same topic, we have just did the same thing, this week.

We found out that you have to make the interview appt first, then you can go to St.Lukes, as there is no appt needed. She doesn't have to have completed her interview yet, just have it scheduled, then she can proceed with physical.

FWIW my fiance first appt available for interview was 28 Feb.....
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-31 10:29:00
Philippines{Saint Luke's Medical Center} Manila
Nice...I will say my fiance did her physical on tues and picked up results on wed..maybe if you're local you can pick it up the next day...then again, as she is local, an RN and she knows many of the nurses at St. Lukes, so maybe that was it? haha.

Edited by Ron & Diana, 09 February 2012 - 06:57 PM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-02-09 18:56:00
PhilippinesInterview, physical, visa....plane ride.
Hey Hank, thanks for the response brother. Yea we sorta figured the visa timeline was hit or miss, sorta like this whole process, haha. If I could take off work for two months and go to my girl I would, good for you two...

Jealous on the bike ride, actually its been so nice here as well....50/60's.

Hey Capt'n Ron!!! Just remember - if its going to happen its going to happen out there!

How long after the inteview until the visa is in hand really varies a bunch, I have read of some getting it within a week and others waiting most of a month. Sort of a turkey shoot for sure.

And yup you have 6 months after the visa is issued to use it, I believe the date is stamped in the passport.

When Amy gets towards interview time I am flying over and we are going to kick back allowing close to 2 months after the interview before we need to jump in a sky taxi, just in case they are slow with delivery.

Glad to see you are getting very close!! :dance:

... oh, mid 60s and sunshine, just got back from a nice ride! Therapy you know.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-30 18:56:00
PhilippinesInterview, physical, visa....plane ride.
Thanks guys for the info, especially you Wally....we are excited to have interview scheduled and to be doing the physical, it makes is seem so much more real....We are HOPING maybe mid to late March to be here.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-30 15:46:00
PhilippinesInterview, physical, visa....plane ride.
Hey VJ'ers, I looked on here and didn't find anything too specific on what I was hunting for.

My fiance has her interview scheduled, its for Feb 28th, 6am...this week she will go to St. Lukes and do her physical.

For a GENERAL timeframe, with her physical done this week and interview end of Feb, realistically what is a guesstimate on when the visa could be issued, if the interview goes off without a hitch...? And once the visa is issued, we can book a flight from the day its issued to something like 6 months, (visa is good for 6 months I think).....

I know the times for everything varies, just trying to get a general idea.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-30 01:19:00
Rather succinctly put MrsNelson...!

If you and your spouse won't put each other first then who the heck will? Seriously I love my family, but they could take a flying leap if they didn't like my husband.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-03 08:58:00
I do not know Beth or Brandon, I assume this is Brandon? The only way people's opinions of you or your wife can do any damage is if you give them the power to affect you. If people love you, they will accept Beth, regardless if she is a Filipina, or has two heads, those that are opinionated will have their opinions be it now, or when they meet Beth in the future.

IOW, haters are going to hate, be it now or later.

So why worry what people may just be my attitude, if you look at my pics, I obviously do not care what others think of me....if people are going to judge me so be it, their opinions have zero affect on me, I refuse to give anyone the power to control my feelings or thoughts.

Issues future problems please elaborate????just because I dont want people to prefab opinions before they meet her?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-03 08:15:00
I think your husband has issues, to put it mildly. Unless its not quite as you have explained it, or unless you mis-understood him, I'd say his behavior is a precursor to future problems.

No self respecting man would think that, and in fact he should be 'proud as a peacock' over you.

Was your husband Military?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-03 00:26:00
PhilippinesShe finally passed!!!!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-02-21 00:06:00
PhilippinesShe's at embassy now for interview...
Good luck, our interview is next tues...tick tock tick tock
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-02-20 19:26:00
PhilippinesProblem Obtaining Foreign Police Certificate
We received our police report back from Cairo last week...there was no charge for this request, she had went to the Egyptian consulate and made request. I did read if your fiance resided or worked in a country that required one to be present in said country for the request, you could have a waiver. Not sure if that would apply to you guys at this point.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-17 07:25:00
PhilippinesUpdate on process.....

Flew Hawaiian Airllines, never been unhappy with them. Phoenix to Honolulu leg they arrived an hour early, they the jet stream was kind once more for the Manila stretch as they arrived 45 minutes early. Custom was a breeze as we were the only flight so in and out in 10 minutes. Trouble was I told my fiancee to not be there until after 7 PM because of hold long it took to get through customs last time, so I stood curb side for over an hour... lots of "offers to assist me" for a price of course.

All is good! Bought Amy's best friend a Magic Sing so you can only imagine what we are doing on a Saturday morning... LOL!!! All I can say is they are having all the fun!! :lol:

Oh yea Hank, been there done that on the requests for help at airport in Manila, haha.

You would think Philipino's invented

Have fun bro.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-17 07:30:00
PhilippinesUpdate on process.....
Hey Hank, ahha, wow bro you are there, great news. And its great news its not raining there too..!! How was your trip and how are things there?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-15 23:20:00
PhilippinesUpdate on process.....
Hey guys, thanks..!!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-15 16:55:00
PhilippinesUpdate on process.....
Update y'all....Well so much has happened since I've last been on....My fiance, Diana, will be here in 3 weeks..!!!!

Interview is complete, physical done, she's received the Egyptian police report back, she's done the classes, etc....its all done. Diana is booked to fly Delta and we are pretty much all set....and STOKED.

She said the seminars were actually very informative and she learned from them, which is good for sure. It will be a pretty big change for her, even though she is from Manila and the big city, it will be a way different lifestyle. Luckily I know many Filipinos and Filipinas....and my X is Filipina, so having a wife who happens to be from the Philippines won't be a new experience for me.

So you guys are up to speed now...
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-15 09:01:00
PhilippinesBooking Flight but it says credit card holder should be passenger
Thats the ticket Hank...and it is YOU that is showing off, hahaha.

hope you're having fun over there man.

show off!! :lol:

For me I figured it would be best if I delivered the credit card to my fiancee.... :rofl:

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-02 07:41:00
PhilippinesBooking Flight but it says credit card holder should be passenger
Cary...lucky for me I work at the airport..I just walked upstairs. But I can see it being a hassle.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-30 19:50:00
PhilippinesBooking Flight but it says credit card holder should be passenger
We used Delta too...all I had to do was go to any Delta ticket counter, give flight and confirmation info to the Delta agent, they verified it was not fraud, put it in the computer, we are good to go. I called them a few days later to make sure it was input in their system. Yes, so you need to do this.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-30 06:40:00
PhilippinesMarriage is breaking apart
RV...I agree with Rlogan, you must take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. As I might have mentioned, I went to therapy, alone, and it did wonders for me....and yes, you must make youself the most important person. You seem to have a sweet and kind soul.

Good luck and godbless you.

Thank you very much rlogan.Everything what you've said here is very strong message for me.I thought every details here,all the comments and trying to focus on one thing,"It's time to give back some love for myself and it's time to give back the respect for myself"that someone has taken it from me for all those years.

I do appreciate all of your replies here.


Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 20:28:00
PhilippinesMarriage is breaking apart
So sad to read your story. I don't have answers to your questions. But to me, the way you are telling the story, he is not being a husband...or even a good human being. I do not blame you for attempting to divorce him, unless he was upfront with any conditions he had, you do not deserve to be treated like that.

You tried therapy, and I can attest, it can work miracles, if both of you guys want it to....he would be amazed at what could happen there. I went for a few months, about a year and a half ago, I only wished I went a long time ago.

There are plenty of smart people on here so I know you will get answers to your questions.

Good luck sister.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-03-27 23:37:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
And to think, Rlogan, your post will prob just fly overhead...hahah. I like it....:thumbs:

Bro Hank, I keep getting put into 'time out' in this joint with me expressing my feelings on 'this or that' I am trying to keep it as non offensive as I can. But some of these posters make it SOOOOOO difficult, sorta drives me kookoo :blink: hahah


I have some empathy for the mods, but that's why we pay them the big bucks.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 23:06:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
Brother, whew, where to start, hahaha.

Well, my now wife has done many things to me and I just laugh. She did something to me that I would not allow any one to do it. I was a fanatic BMW owner. One day a girl said a comment. Actually one of her friend. She said something about that I look cool in my car. My wife smiled at that moment. Guess what she did? She made me change my car to one she likes. I really don't she likes the new car much. I think she just did it because she did not like the fact a girl said I look cool. Don't you think that is cute?

I miss my BMW. :) Oh well, as long that she is happy I can play her games.

One day, I will tell you the story about how many times she makes me change my clothes when we need to go out. It is annoyed but what else can I do?

I got to tell you, they are adorable. Even when she makes me mad deep in side I feel like smiling.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 17:09:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
Most excellent D&J...oh, next to , 'playful and sweet' you forgot that she is only a 'girl'....'playful, sweet girl'...sounds like we are speaking about a 14 year old, not a full grown, married woman....good post, btw.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 09:41:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
SWEET...congrats Hank and Amy. I know you guys are stoked.

So when are you two flying back home?

We will be heading to Seattle's Best.... trip down memory lane.

Got a surprise call yesterday from 2GO they were going to be delivering Amy's visa. :dance: :dance: Must say the visa is very colorful and nice looking.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 08:13:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
Ahhh, another piece of the puzzle fits into place...:lol:. Take care friend.

No, no need to visit them. I have a heart to do good in life and a mind to think correctly. When in doubt about any un'natural behavior, I contact God. The all mighty.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 08:07:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
Have you been to a therapist? I would assume so sir, as you said, 'they tell a person what to think and act'....I've been and she certainly never told me how to act or think in any fashion. It was actually about 'feelings' and connecting your past with your present....YOU are the one that tells yourself how to think and act.

Sure, like any company, they need customers to make money, they provide a service and should be compensated, so that is correct sir.

Interesting how strongly you have reacted to the therapy topic. Its not for everyone, obviously.

BTW, the 'girl' you speak of is a woman, and a married woman...hardly a 'girl' anymore. She is not a child, but as long as you classify her as a 'girl' its easy to allow her to behave as a child....


I just hope no one got offended but for me:

Therapist are what they are the'rapist'. It is a nice way to waste money. Who can tell another person what to think or act? She just playful girl. And I am sure he just over-reacting.

The'rapists know how to manipulate people to milk money out of them. If the customers don't come back they can't pay their bills.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 07:57:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
No offense taken.....I did not hire a lawyer, as the K1 process is something I felt I could handle on my own...with the help of some friends on here. A therapist, I used, because it was something I felt I could not handle on my own. I had a hernia operation a few years ago, I hired a doc for that, didn't do it myself, hahah. Some things are better off left to the experts.

I would hardly call what she is doing as cute and playful, she has some emotional issues that need to be dealt with...obviously the OP isn't happy with what is going on, and its not cute and playful to him, sir.

According to OP she acted like that before being preggo, so you can't use that for the reason to act childish. And people have been having babies for a few years now, ahaha, and most know how to deal with it as an adult, in an adult manner.

I find that interesting how you used the word, 'they' and said 'they are cute and playful'....who is this 'they' sir? That's the same as saying blacks are like this, or that, or Japanese men are like this or that....I am not a fan of stereotyping people sir.

So I, personally feel, just about anyone could benefit from therapy, and the OP and his wife most certainly could...just my 2cents.

No Offense....let me ask you. Did you hire a lawyer for your K1 process? For them hiring a therapy is like hiring a lawyer for K1 process. Just a waste of time and money. They are having sweet little moments and he is confusing that with problems.

Back to the subject:

The lady is expecting a baby. Give her a break. Maybe she has no idea how to deal with this.

I got to tell you some times they are way to playful and sweet. We just need to know how to interpret them.

I still think you have a cute spoiled girl. Take good care of her!


I don't think that makes sense. The type of people who visit Visa Journey for advice are usually those who would not need a lawyer; but others certainly may need one. But those who visit Visa Journey for marriage advice probably DO need therapy.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-04 07:08:00