Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce/AOS
No guys...she isn't on the bank account because he wont' put her on it, as she has one of his X wives on it..he has 3 X wives, from what she said. She has a learners permit. She gets mail at his house and such. And yes he has hit her twice but she didn't want him to go to jail, so she didn't report it to the cops.

He is ok with her just living in the same house till her two years are up then doing the divorce, but she doesn't want to wait that long, if possible, as he is abusive. But she will call cops next time she said.

I dunno, I was trying to help her out of a sitch she wasn't happy with, I do not know if she is scamming him or not, to be honest, as I do not know either all that well.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-20 23:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce/AOS
I am asking this for a friend who lives here, a Filipina...She is married to an American and lives here in the states, and she has one year on her green card.....her two year green card date is approx 4/2013. She says she was told she has to wait till the two year green card date for her husband and her to divorce or it will screw up her process and she risks deportation. They have lived together for the past year but he is abusive and they just do not want to stay married.

She doesn't want to stay married to him for another year, but doesn't want to mess up her Visa process. Her husband has been married three times previously, so this is his 4th marriage. Its a mutual split and he really doesn't care either way. I know there are two sides to every story, so I won't get into the ####### for tat....but does anyone have any advise. She would like to move out, and live with a g/f of hers, and do the divorce process, if she can.

She can prove they've had a real relationship for the past year, even though he has refused to put her on his bank account or help her get her drivers license, etc.

Thanks guys.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-04-19 23:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 question
Ok thanks Inky....appreciate the info, it helped her a lot.

The affidavit does not need to be notarized.

It is a signed statement from the person about the marriage. It is not a form or anything of the sort.

We had my husbands mother write a letter about her traveling to visit us and us traveling to visit her and our "speaker phone conversations" we have quite frequently to attest our marriage etc. She signed it and left contact information and that was it.

Not an AOS topic moving to removal of conditions forums.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-05-11 20:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 question
Hey everyone, I have been helping a friend who is in a real, but abusive marriage. I've posted on this in the past.....she now knows she and her spouse will divorce. She was married for two years, she has about a bit over one year on her green card process.

She was asking about the I-751, question 5 in evidence of relationship section of form. As far as having the affidavit form with two witnesses, we could not find if it is an actual form, or do you use a blank piece of paper? And should it be notarized?

This has been a trying time for my friend, she is in a legit marriage, has been in the house all day, everyday since they were married. It was not a scam marriage, it seems he has been physically abusive, but she did not call the cops. I know there is her side, his side, and the truth is somewhere in the middle, but nobody should be in a unhappy marriage, with an abusive spouse who drinks often and smokes pot as well. So I am trying to help her move on with her life, thanks guys.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-05-11 10:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 ?
Just wondering, generally speaking is there a rough time frame for the I-751 removal of conditions form to be processed? Thanks in advance
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-06-20 15:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

March 2013 I-130 filer....CR2 visa...our update is approved USCIS, (expedite request from Congressmans office sent)....sent to NVC, again expedite sent again from same office. Expedites are handled from USEM at the NVC level, so NVC sent package sent to USEM a couple weeks ago or so. USEM sent message to congressman's adie stating the expedite was approved by USEM but they can't process until they receive pkg, (I hope by now they have) we filled out the 260, 261, AOS fee and forms....St Lukes registration we are waiting to see if or when we can make appt. for Visa interview at this point.


There is our progress.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-23 11:45:00
PhilippinesVisa in hand!
Congrats you two kids, haha. We are just starting our journey. Daven, thanks for your service to our country, what branch, is you don't mind me asking...? I am USMC, and retired Air Guard.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-19 07:21:00
PhilippinesHey, or hoy...

Ron, Sorry i just read your first post on the K1 forum. Looks like you already have your answer there on the lawyer question. Again welcome to VJ!

Paul, hey no problem...yes we are doing it on our own, with the support of the VJ family.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-23 14:39:00
PhilippinesHey, or hoy...

Welcome Ron
You should get your fiancee in here to. I'm assuming she's on the internet. If she has a facebook account, I know a lot of the pretty ladies from the Philippines talk about they process on there and give each other moral support. This is a bit of a stressful process on both sides.

Hey Caryh, she is very internet savy, however her laptop bit the big one, so she is getting a new one. She has access via her phone, or her moms computer and of course internet cafe's....I will make sure she knows what you shared, thanks.


Welcome to Visa Journey! This is RK, the USC petitioner for my Filipina fiancee, Inday. I saw your query and all responses you received in the K1 forum. Glad you were satisfied with the responses and glad you took up the recommendation to visit the Philippines forum. I am relatively new to VJ myself but I can tell you that even though I tend to have an eye for detail, I would have been very, very much lost without the advice, knowledge, and experience of the members of this VJ community. You will surely want to avail yourself here of the golden nuggets of experience specific to a visa journey associated with the Philippines (not to mention some quite entertaining threads!!) Most of all: welcome, glad you have joined VJ, best of luck and good wishes on you and your fiancee's own personal visa journey!!


Thanks RK..I too have a keen eye, but I am never above getting advise from others who have 'been there, done that'...

Hi Ron, my name is Dan and I'm a Filipinaholic

I must be too, haha.

Hi! Welcome to visajourney! I must say even the people at CFO recommends people to join Visajourney. lol

CFO, another acronym I need to look up, lol
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-20 20:48:00
PhilippinesHey, or hoy...

Welcome to the Philippine Forum. your one stop shopping place for questions about going thru the process in Manila. best thing about shopping here, it's is free...

Yes I've found that out. My fiance is getting online here to use this great site and to get this done right. Thanks.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-20 20:14:00
PhilippinesHey, or hoy...

Have you sent in your paperwork yet?

No, I posted on the K1 forum, our story. I went to a lawyer on Wed, told the bill just to get finace' here is 4600.00, then another 4k for paperwork here. I was LOUDLY told DON"T DO IT....but we are getting everything together and will file asap.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-20 20:08:00
PhilippinesHey, or hoy...

hello welcome to vj Posted Image

Hey, thanks.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-20 20:06:00
PhilippinesHey, or hoy...
Just want to introduce myself on the Philippines area of this forum. I posted a question on the K1 board and its 4 pages long..lots and lots of great advise, one was to come here as my fiance is Filipina.

My name is Ron and hoy to you all.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-19 18:39:00
Philippinesi miss the philippines
Actually just read entire thread, (yes I posted that previous one without reading whole thing)...he sounds like a douche bag to me. If you are married, do you have your green card? To me, if someone is abusive, mentally or physically, its their personality, and they will never change. It will prolly get worse.

As I said before, you are responsible for yourself. Him threatening to send you home is a control thing, as you know....he has no control over you, f-him. Take care of yourself.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-24 07:27:00
Philippinesi miss the philippines

Homesickness is killing me right now..... I miss my family.. My friends... My Life.. :( ='(

Katzie, I was married to a Filipina for 30 years, I married when I was like 19, and I am engaged to a Filipina currently, so I know which what I am speaking....homesickness is a normal feeling, you should embrace that feeling and understand it, to understand that feeling is to understand yourself. Its perfectly healthy to feel as you do.

I can't speak about your husband, but to me its very important for you to become family with his family, especially if they are local. I would hope you can join a local church or temple that maybe your husband goes join a gym, enroll in college, etc. You have to keep yourself busy and to become an American. You of course will never lose your Philippine identity at all, thats the beauty of being an American, you will be a Filipino/American...

I am not sure where you live, was it Texas? I live in Maryland, there are TONS of Filipino's here. The DC area is Filipino central. There are Filipino grocery stores, Filipino restaurants, and so forth. I've made literally hundreds of Filipino friends here over the years and you know Filipinos, they love to party. Its usually one of their kids birthday, but its really a party for adults, Filipino food in abundance, hahaha.

Once you go to one party, you network with more Filipinos and get to know them, then you will go to more parties and develop more friendships...I met a Filipina a couple of months ago at the store, she and her husband were Physical Therapists, just got here to Maryland. She was sure, very sure, there were NO Filipinos in our area, I ASSURED her they were plenty of Filipinos in the area, you just have to meet one, then you will meet their friends, etc, before you know it, you are in the Filipino community..its there, you just have to find it, lol. I gave her some phone numbers and I saw her recently at the gym and they have become comfortable here and made new friends, of all races and cultures.

Dish or DirecTV have Filipino TV channels also, to keep you in the loop on the Philippines, and you have the internet.

You will be ok, just keep your mind open to new experiences and your feelings are normal, just don't become too are here in America, you have unlimited are the only one that controls what you do with your potential.

Good luck, I know I am long
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-08-24 07:10:00
PhilippinesInterview 10/7 Manila
Good luck guys....
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-09-21 14:28:00
PhilippinesAnother tragic story of a Filipina

rlogan makes a habit of doing that. It's kind of refreshing, isn't it? :thumbs:

Daven, as far as rlogan, I just starting seeing their posts, and yes, I love it when someone uses logic and facts, can't really argue that, and if you do, well ya kinda look like a doucher...and you and I think alike in another area, news. I am a total anti-new dude. I mean when on Yahoo or such, I see the headlines, but thats about it. I too think why worry about it, can't do anything about it, lol
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-09-22 00:19:00
PhilippinesAnother tragic story of a Filipina
Way excellent post...logical and you made a great point. Not sure how they can retort that with any intelligence.

Actually, people are wrong all the time. They are entitled to an opinion, yes. But they are not entitled to their own facts. I noticed no concern for restrictions on same-age scammers from you. Instead, the attack in your case is only upon on older guys with younger girls.

That tells us it isn't a concern for scammers, but just a convenient argument against something you don't like. No problem, I think your immigration should be stopped if you used the internet with your spouse. Because look here how this couple met on the internet. Now they are dead. So for your own safety I think you should be deported. But just you. Y'know, because I think you're icky so I'll just find some argument to hurt you.

Where we have prejudice we need to re-think. Race, color, religion, gender, age - you don't have the right to tell other people who they can love.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-09-21 20:37:00
PhilippinesAnother tragic story of a Filipina
I agree with an earlier poster when they mentioned that a younger guy is more likely to fly off the handle and get violent than a more,lets say, mature man,hahah. I know when I was younger I was more likely to...but now at 50 I will still put a mark on you that Ajax won't take off, lol.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-09-21 18:06:00
PhilippinesAnother tragic story of a Filipina
Reading my mind Daven/Roxy...I was going to post about moms killing kids, which happens WAY TOO much, (even once is too much, but you get my point)...I was wondering why the original poster typed, 'Another tragic' be honest this is the first time I've ever heard of this happening, lol...but not, as I pointed out in my post, between couples of the same age....

Yea in China you don't hear so much about all the abuses going on between same aged married couples, you know, because thats how the Communist party runs with it....keep it quiet and nobody will know, lol.

So if a woman who is 35 ties her husband who is 37 to the bed and sets it on fire, should we also ban similar-age visas? :blink:

Get real, people. It has nothing to do with age or nationality. Crazy people do crazy things, period.

What if they are only 7 years apart, and of the same nationality, like this crazy Pinay?

Heck, even moms kill their own children... should women be banned from having kids?

Yeah, there are drug- and crime-related killings, but I still believe nothing drives more people to killing than love & marriage.

Heck, even the CHINESE are getting into the trend!!

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-09-21 15:22:00
PhilippinesAnother tragic story of a Filipina
People jump to conclusions....fact: they had a large age difference, and they were different races, and he committed that crime.

How many times have I read where a guy the same age, or within a few years of his wife, did the same thing? WAY more than in the above scenario....its ridiculous to try and regulate who can marry and not marry based on age. Why stop there, how about different races, lets not allow people from different races to marry? Or different religions, gotta stop that too. Or if the guy is way more uglier than the woman, (hey now I would be in trouble, hahah).

The age restriction someone mentioned about Thailand, so a guy 55 can't marry a Thai woman who is, lets say 47? Or whatever age, that is so stupid, if it is in fact real...I kinda doubt it.

I agree a 50 year age gap is crazy, but thats my opinion. Is it not common in Muslim countries, for older guys to have multiple wives and have varying age differences...?

And the person who posted about the Embassy in Manila, can you elaborate?

Edited by Ron & Diana, 21 September 2011 - 02:47 PM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-09-21 14:43:00
PhilippinesOn her way :)
Having a bad jones for some lumpia and pancit. There is a Philippine restaurant in the DC area, just found out about it, I need to check it out.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-09-22 16:16:00
PhilippinesOn K1 does birth father need to ok?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-10-31 15:09:00
PhilippinesNeeds advice about wiring money to the Philippines
I've used them all and find Xoom to be the easiest and cheapest, 5 bucks...and very quick to her, my 2cents.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-09 15:05:00
PhilippinesAge difference between fiance and fiancee

lol, I honestly not think that my fiance is old. He really looks younger than his age and I love him so much and it hurts being away from him. We are patiently waiting for our approval. :)

I feel your pain, this process is crazy long, but whatchagonnado.....wait, wait, wait, lol.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-18 09:20:00
PhilippinesAge difference between fiance and fiancee
Yup yup....we have 20+ year gap, and I certainly am not fact the young'ns have a difficult time keeping up with me....I work out, and hit it hard, lol. I love you Diana...!!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-18 08:50:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?
I agree Kevin...granted we are on the coast, near lots of military bases and the Nations there are many many Filipino's in our area....I firmly believe in networking, you meet one from the area, go to a few get together's, then that leads to meeting more and more Filipino's. Actually I live on the Eastern Shore of Md, so you'd maybe think there are not a lot out here...wrong.

Not to mention hospitals, as we all know Filipina's make great nurses and are in all hospitals. I know a few Filipino State cops, (second gen)....

Filipinos throw the best parties ever...!!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-01 10:01:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?

oh jesus christ! i'll be in Cleveland and this is one of my fears. I know that there's not much Filipinos in the area but lemme see..Can you possibly subscribe to TFC The Filipino Channel? if none yet, have her go to http://www.flipbooth...urtesy-of-GMA7. That's a you tube of Filipino shows.

If you have a dog, have her walk it so she can meet some peeps in the dog park. Make her do the shopping alone and just pick her up when she's done, teach her how to drive (if she doesn"t know yet)and ride in public transportation and go by herself in mall while you are working so she will be familiar with American products and maybe find filipino ones specially food.

also find randy stokes in facebook and ask him to add you in asawa world. that's a forum of fil-am couples. read vj too.

Are you sure there are not lots of Pinoy's in Cleveland? Here in Maryland, on the surface it may appear there are not a lot of Filipino's here but there are TONS of you guys here...granted, I was married to a Filpina for 30 years, so I know many many because of that, however once you network and meet one or two local Pinoy's and the big thing is going to Filipino party's....BINGO, you're in.

You know how Filipino party's are, they have them for this, that and the other thing, hahah...always having birthday party's for the kids, and its also a social Filipiono get together, sharing food, friends, and good times.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-29 08:06:00
PhilippinesFilipina Support in Southern California
'thekfc' did not know that...I've eaten at there many times, (not in NYC of course)...thanks
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 00:18:00
PhilippinesFilipina Support in Southern California

I live in the DC area and there is a heavy Filipino population around here...I was surprised that Queens NY has more Filipinos than San Fran and almost more than Honolulu...
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-06 10:53:00
Philippinesmilitary hotline
As I am retired Military I've called that line, you do get through pretty easily. I do know an expedited request is very difficult to get, what is the basis of your request?

HI everyone, i just want to ask this to all the military here in vj if u tried calling the military hotline?they really approve ur request if u want to expedite ur case?or its a case to case basis?what do u think is the best reason for them to approved it?my fiance and i will try calling them. Please share ur ideas bout this matter. Really appreciate all your reply. God bless us all!

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-23 08:38:00
PhilippinesI made my wife of 5 months cry.
My friend, as you may know men and women are totally wired differently....there is a good book, 'His needs, her needs'...worth the time to read or listen to. I know the Filipina very well, can be tough, but worth it.

Throw in the fact she is from another country, a Filipina to complicate it even more so, lol, its the holidays, and she has only been here for 5 months, well you have a potential emotional roller coaster ride for her, and she appears to be on it. Culture can be a big factor as well, is she from someplace like Manila, or the barrio?

YOU have to find out the reason for her crying, I mean really find out, deep in her heart and in doing so, you will expose your heart during the process...this act in itself could help.

Approach her with love, kindness and calmness....was it a one time event, or is it a feeling she has often, being sad? YOU have to help her find her balance, her center and find calmness in her life...

Much love.

Edited by Ron & Diana, 26 December 2011 - 09:42 AM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-26 09:40:00
PhilippinesBringing Mother-in-law to USA for long visit?
Hold on, hold on, are we speaking about his mom in law or a Nanny..? Did the OP not say nanay?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-01 17:18:00

Since Monreal got here i have tried to get her to try new things and meet new people. Not forcing anything on her, just always keeping the door open for new things. I know in good time she will be completely out of her shell. Monreal's cousin is here in the same town we are in and she is married to a close friend of mine, which through marriage makes him my cousin. My friend has sisters that are in business together and are very well off. Since Monreal got here they have been trying to be a really good friend to her. They will spoil her every time she goes over to their house. They are much older than her and they just love to do it because their hearts are huge. Monreal is not the type of woman that needs anything from anybody, however she knows what blessings are and graciously accepts it. This weekend my friends sisters (which are friends of mine also) are trying to invite Monreal and her cousin to a big girl weekend getaway to some fancy resort in Kansas City. This place has an indoor water park, probably hair and nails and all that ####### women due. Monreal's cousin said no and because of that Monreal said no. They were wanting to pay for everything for Monreal and her cousin. They did not say no because of the money, but because her cousin says that she feels lazy and so does Monreal. This really irritates me because i feel like it is an insult to my friends sisters who are only trying to be their friend and give them an exciting weekend. IMO its like spending all day helping someone move their home for free and then at the end of the day they tell you that you did a terrible job.

Monreal and I have an awesome relationship. I am just frustrated because she doesn't see that when somebody wants to do something special for you, the appropriate thing is to greatfully accept it. And if you cannot, then be respectfull enough to offer the person a good reason why you can't.

I am sure i have some spelling errors on this, but i am to lazy to correct them.

No worries on the spelling, there were a few, ironically the use of the word, 'to' to explain that you were 'too' tired, was one, haha...just messing with you...Are you a Marine? Noticed your 'signature', I am one.

But I digress.....

I think your post contains a lot of feelings from you Dex. I know you love your wife and want her to get out and become more acclimated, and in time she will. You have provided the path for her, however she has to be willing to walk it.

As for the invite to KC, maybe your wife feels awkward now that the other Filipina isn't going? I assume the other gals are all Caucasians...? Maybe she feels awkward or uncomfortable at this stage of her being here to go off to another state doing a GNO, 'girls night out'...? Maybe it would help if you pictured yourself in the Philippines, with the same thing going on....? Seeing from her eyes?

Thats just my opinion Dex, you seem to have a loving relationship, so it is just a bump in the road, it will work out. Maybe you can explain to your friends why your wife doesn't want to go.

Good luck.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-05 20:48:00
Philippinesk1 visa
You've come to the right place, start with the K1 flow guide and such, lots of great help on here.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-12 19:37:00
PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
haha, whatever it takes to get your point across...!! I despise judgmental people, it really bugs me.

I use a little older saying, same result - Go take a flying FXXX at a rolling donut!! :thumbs: :rofl:

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-31 08:00:00
PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
Oh and as for negative is how I handle them....I tell them to go f-themselves. That message seems to get right to the point for anyone who has an opinion about me.

Try it, its refreshing, haha.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-30 23:21:00
PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
NICE, badazz it.

Haha I posted it but decided to remove it cuz of the negative comment I had about tattoos but it seems like it' no BIGGIE AT ALL now haha Posting it again for you to decide... lol Thanks. I'm a goodluck-magnet, I guess. haha :)

Thank you!!! :)

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-30 23:19:00
PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
Modern tattoo ink, some colors do contain oxides and such, however it doesn't enter ones bloodstream, goes into the dermis layer of the skin...oh and I would not worry about setting off metal detectors at airports, I work for a commercial airline and fly all the time, and you can see I have many tattoo's and not only have I not heard of this worry before today, I've not had any alarms going off....ahahha, too funny what people think
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-31 08:23:00
PhilippinesTATTOOS during Medical at St Lukes Manila
Nor am I a big fan of Jolie, at all...she does do nice things for the world, I will admit and that is good Karma for her. Yes share happiness and life is beautiful...have a nice day yourself sista.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-30 08:35:00