PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Teapot....well you guys are unique then, that's a good thing...!!

Why_me....I hear you brother, hahah
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 10:32:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Who was that poster that referenced that approx 25% of marriages are of a rather large age gap...I googled and could not find it, don't get me wrong, I can dig it, but I'd like to see it printed.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 09:58:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Ok back to the adults...where were we, haha.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 09:55:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Yea, well AMF can mean a lot of things, just like where you can insert that rose, hahaha

BTW, overuse of emoticons...sorta teenager and you CLEARLY are not a teen, judging by your pics, NICE.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 09:48:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Oh and BTW, Dr Crashed, my BP is normal, my weight is great, hardly any belly fat, Test level is normal and I train at gym daily, I am trim and fit and feel you do not know me the azz ref was me joking and trying to make a point to another poster. I find dudes repulsive and repugnant and the last thing I'd do in the gym locker room is check out a dude, haha.

Your sarcastic post about how to make a PM is BS and I don't appreciate you trying to insult my intelligence...if the thread is going off topic a moderator can tell me so, don't need to hear it from some random poster.....
...AMF. :bonk:
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 09:14:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Crashed, my post was tongue-in-cheek for the most part, especially the gym comment, come on dude, lol. The levitra ref was me trying to make a point, I do have some test level is in the normal range, thanks for your concern however.

As far as me going off topic in this thread, I understand how to send a PM, much like you could've sent me a PM suggesting that I send PM's as I am off topic....btw, if you're implying the throttle ref was something other than a motorcycle ref then you are wacked, (I say this because of your 'intimate' comment, which was odd)....:wacko:
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 09:00:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

You shot way low for me, even the 15 year spread you gave yourself didn't put in the fix. Now if you had done a 20 year spead you would have squeaked by. :rofl: And you were a mite low with Amy as well, but that isn't unusual.

Oh and if we are blabbing about age gaps..... 28 years here.

I had a CB400F and for a small bike that thing would fly, heck even back then it was a 10,000 rpm motor. I am way past those crazy need for speed days...... welllllll maybe... :no:

Wow, well better I was low than high ehh? hahha. I know the 400, nice bike and 10k is some high revs for sure. It is nice to be able to crank on the throttle and blast when you want to, at whatever speed that fits for the moment.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-29 21:16:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Darren, nice post.....

Hank, I would say, from your profile pic, that you are 43 in that pic and Amy is 28 and I know I am exactly right, or within 15 years on either end of my guesstimate, hahaha

Let me say this, my first marriage, as I've said, a Filipina...we were like 4 years difference, so essentially the same age. When I would see a older guy with a younger gal I would think, 'hmm, good for them'...unlike a few posters on here, I never thought that they would not last, or that they looked odd or whatever. Live and let live...hail yea boi.

Hank, btw, saw your post on my CBX, yea man, its a nice bike. I've not rode it lately, very busy with life, but she is my other 'baby'....after my fiance, of course, lol
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-29 08:57:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

This is a great topic (thanks OP)... and one of the best threads going on this site in a long time! :yes: Some real personalities have come out in this thread - lol.

For us.... yeah we've got a bit :rolleyes: of a gap age-wise between us. But we've known each other 4 years before marrying... spent tons of time together in the PI and even a few months in the U.S. We've met each other's parents & other relatives, & friends and that all went down well. We both dig traveling, scuba, Captain & Cokes & balut. And we can't seem to get enough of each other :P :devil: :innocent: :whistle: :D But there's a lot of big differences between us too!

One of us is rich, the other is (uh... I mean, was) not :no: ..... one of us is HOT , the other is NOT :lol: .... one of us is spontaneous, the other is ####### :o .... one of us smokes, the other a total health nut. One of us is an MBA, the other went to work straight out of high school.... One of us is really young, the other is really, well... not young (chronologically speaking).

So.... is it LOVE?... or MONEY? Do we stand a chance?!

CLick on our wedding pics link (below) & see if you can guess our age difference (some of you guys know us so... hush!).

Farsider.....excellent post, and your examples are similar to ours...we are the same in lots of things, different in others, we all are attracted to each other for various reasons, as the old saying goes, 'opposites attract'..being different in some things keeps it interesting, IMO.....there is something magical about love, on how or why we fall in happens, and age, culture, race, distance from each other, can all be overcome by love.

I am very in tuned to feelings and vibes, and I know if someone loves me or not, there is no way that my girl and I do not feel the same towards each other, its real and that's all there is to it.

BTW Farsider, nice ride, can't tell if its a Dyna or Softail because of the bags...Supgerglide? prob man, hahah.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-29 07:35:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Here is my 98 FXSTC......painted by me, ahha, can you tell.
Posted Image

Edited by Ron & Diana, 27 November 2011 - 10:23 PM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-27 22:22:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I don't know the averqe but I am 75 and filed for a K3 in July. My spouse was turned down for K1,,,,,i don't know why. My wife to be will turn 31 this December 30th. Never been married and no children. Why she loves me is primrily a cultural thing rather than a gold-digger one. I was married to my first wife for 50 years before she had a heart attack so I am not in it for the sexual aspect or a marriage. Age is golden in the Philippines.

Paul, what I really want to know is do you have a saggy butt? hahah, j/k, it was a reference to some other poster on here that mentioned guys and their ages and their azzez.....

Good for you brother, I hope you two are together soon. You guys tried a K1 but couldn't do it, so are doing a K3 now?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-27 22:00:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Hank, nice ride...I do like the Venture too. I have a 98 FXSTC, the one I ride most often, and a old 81 Lowrider with some issues. My baby is a 79 Honda CBX, (air cooled inline 6 cyl)....I've had her since 81, bought it from another Marine.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-27 21:46:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Hey Peter_Pan, your thoughts are offensive to me as I am older than my fiance, I am 51 and she's 27....I do not have a saggy butt, however I do take care of myself and train at a gym. I've seen many guys quite a bit older than me walking around in the shower and their buttocks are sublime, haha...I've also seen big fat #### younger guys, who's asses look like 50lbs of chewed bubblegum, so what?

I am not beyond some assistance from Dr. Levitra, however, again, I know plenty of guys half my age who also partake when they feel the need.

I think the point is your opinion is just that, your opinion, it means jack to me....Rlogan gave you some logic you could not come back at....I can feel a bit of jealousy in your posts, why hate, let people live their lives and mind your own 'bidnezz'.....

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-27 19:45:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Hey Ron thanks! :thumbs: Im not here to get into argument with anyone. Im just here to give support and give insight when i can. I just dropped it! I dont want to get kick off here by my saying something I might regret later so its best to be quiet and not continue that. yea im here here in Southern Cali and love it. I also know El-Toro well!:thumbs: if you and your Wife ever here in Southern cali look me up, i always have a Spare bedroom! Thanks for your comments!!!:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm with you....I will keep in mind on your offer about a place to stay, good karma to you and thanks..!!! Salamat
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 21:16:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
SouthCalHog...DUH, just now realized what you were saying...BROTHER, hahah. My bad....BTW, I was stationed in SoCal back in the day, MCAS EL Toro....a kick #### station, I loved it there. I didn't have a bike then, but have a few now.

BTW, IMO, writing in bold means nothing other than its your style....upper case and bold are two different animals.

Is it must me or does Kang Kang mean the same as what I think it means...? Maybe spelled differently, hehehe.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 20:55:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?


yet statistics show that older men tend to live longer married to younger wives.... hmmm :P

:rofl:....someone was served, ahhaha.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 20:48:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

But going back to my first post, I am not desperate to be in the US. It just so happen that a guy someone from there who's 29yrs older than I am fell in love with me that I loved back. We are going to live here in PI if I won't like in OH. I can make a career on my own wherever I am whoever I am with- even alone. I just know it.

Excellent post...!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 20:43:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I don't have body art but I think I share your attitude... :thumbs:

And yup Forrest did get it right - life is like a box of chocolates...

I married a woman 9 days younger than me, was soooooooooooo unhappy until we got divorced, then met my past wife on had a great marriage until cancer showed up... went back to when I finally could breath again and ready to smile only found frustration and was ready to totally quit the dating scene and just fire up the bike. A good friend of mine pointed me toward the Phils and as the say goes... the rest is history. Yup she is much younger, for sure much better looking than me also :lol: . Why younger, it just happened and trust me I was not expecting to find such a wonderful woman... I am all smiles now. :dance:

Hank, you're a wise man, I can tell. I took didn't come on FilipinaHearts looking for a younger woman, not sure if I even put a age bracket on the search....I will say that Diana was the first woman I met on there where I wanted join and become a full member so I could get her email and we could communicate...and never looked back or went back, its been almost 2 years since we met. So it just happened as it did with you guys.

BTW, what kind of bike(s) do you have?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 20:41:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Brother........... thats my Fiancees pic........:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::thumbs:

What pic sister?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 20:36:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I Agree with "Ron and Diana", I find that comment rather offensive myself. i dont know what you base your opinion 'on", whether you know some individuals in that age disparity or if it is your own opinion based on whatever. Unless you KNOW a 50 year old and a 20 year old personally, that relationship went South, I would withhold judgement on others, Especially those I know nothing about!!:thumbs: :thumbs:

Witchya sista...!!!

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 11:59:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
I'm so glad you guys all chimed in.....Hank, 'I'm in love', SouthCal.....HAIL YEAAAAA, I have a habit of telling people who don't like what I am doing, I look them in the eye and say they can suck it. I have a very big mouth....hahaha
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 11:55:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Hey Hank...I was going to say that my fiance, Diana, is a lot better looking than me too.....I mean come on, I've heard the same junk because people are of different races, or different cultures, or religion as well....the list goes on. I've seen marriages last forever when people thought they had no chance, (different race, age, etc)...and I've seen them blow up in a matter of months when they were perfectly matched, (same race, age group, both good looking, both had most of their teeth, etc)....haha.

Point is, whats that say'n, 'life is like a box of chocolates' just don't's gonna happen has its mapped out to happen.

I've been judged my whole life, from dating a black chick in high school, to my previous marriage to a Filipina, (a very long marriage I might add), to my body art....I could care less what people think about me, I do what I want and whats best for me.

Off of my soapbox, and outside to enjoy the day, love, peace and chicken grease.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 11:52:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
My fiance is a lot younger than me, better educated than me...she has a 4 year degree, vs 2 for me, and she is exploring med school when she arrives here. She is also a RN, very beautiful and is not desperate for me or any man. She and I have many common interests and both enjoy life to the fullest, our age diff is just numerical.

That said, I take offense to Enigma's post and find it insulting....I will say that I have found, in most instances, people with such a narrow minded opinion are usually older women, or old guys who can't get a younger woman, or are with an older woman and are a bit jealous...but thats my 2cents.

IMO, live and let live, everyone else can bite me.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-26 09:38:00
PhilippinesK4 Visa timeline.



Edited by Ron and Rhea, 28 May 2013 - 08:28 PM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2013-05-28 20:21:00
PhilippinesK4 Visa timeline.

He is 4 so the CFO and Peer counseling do not apply in this case. Is not an IR visa for spouses and a K4 for children?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2013-05-28 18:34:00
PhilippinesK4 Visa timeline.

Hey all...long time no post. Well my wife and I and our little baby daughter, Zoie, plan to fly to Cebu to pick up my step son later this year. I've already filed the 130, its in the review phase, looks good so far.


I filed it with him as my step son and me as the USC.


We are trying to figure an approx time frame we will need in Manila to do the interview/med/visa etc......anyone able to ballpark it?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2013-05-28 16:11:00
PhilippinesInterview looming

Yup read same thing.


Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2013-05-30 08:58:00
Philippinesmoney transfer service to Philippines
We use Xoom all the time...odd. We used to do Money Gram instead of Western Union, we had issues with WU...
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-01-09 21:01:00
PhilippinesI-130's being bumped to expedited because of TPS designation.

We are March filers and received a case xfer a month ago....actually the person who posted it said it didn't matter, ALL are getting expedited. As I said, I called my Congressman's office and she didn't even ask what part of the Philippines, she said the TPS was for entire country.


My stepson lives with his lola and lolo in Cebu, so they are affected, but not like other areas.


Call your congressmans office perhaps?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2013-11-26 13:48:00
PhilippinesI-130's being bumped to expedited because of TPS designation.

Hey Hank..all is well my friend. Zoie will have fun for sure. She isn't quite 7 months yet but she's 23 lbs....a big girl for sure. Hows life in Hanks world?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2013-11-26 13:02:00
PhilippinesI-130's being bumped to expedited because of TPS designation.

Saw this on a friends facebook.....I called our Congressman's office up and they confirmed that the Philippines are now a TPS and all 1-130's are being expeditied, or are in the process of being moved to expedited status....she gathered all my info and is following up with the Nebraska USCIS office which is handling our 130.....good luck to all.


Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2013-11-26 12:00:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

BTW, I've filled out the 261, paid the AOS 88.00 fee and filled out the 260 form already.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-19 10:46:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

I did call NVC, many times. NVC informed me that expedities are approved or not approved from USEM, not them. NVC informed me that they have nothing to do with the actual approving of expedite requests. The requests are initially put in throught them, as the aide did, then the pkg is sent to USEM, the embassy in our case, for further handling.


I called NVC up again and they said everything else is handled through USEM as well, the interview, etc.


I was trying to figure out what means: Immigrant Visa Case Number: MNL201************** Case Creation Date: 08-Jan-2014 Status Updated Date: 17-Jan-2014     Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents.......


I can't call USEM until tues I think as Mon is a holiday. Just wondering if anyone has seen the above, (sure they have)....thanks.


Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-19 08:01:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS


apply and wait. 


currently things rush through USCIS because of the typhoon for immigrant visas.
some folk do have to ask for the expedite..


the 'visa getting process' is outlined here, if you'd like to take a look. 


immediate relative categories for USCitizens not use the priority dates in the visa bulletin. 


Did you see my reply to you Darnell?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-18 22:02:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

Not sure if I do or not Phil....the above info is what we received either from the NVA state dept site, and also the email USEM sent to the Congressman's I am not sure what we have to be honest.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-18 20:54:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

Thanks Hank.....seems to be progressing ok now.


Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-18 15:03:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

aiyo - i am sad, as i not read any reports here,

from you,

about interaction via telephone,

with the NVC supervisor.


I was looking for the confirmation phone call report, the phone call you made into NVC, where an NVC Supervisor mentions the expedite is approved.


Now you have some electronic notification thingie on a website?  aiyo...



Aiya....jeez,  haha, ok, here is part of the email...was going to post this earlier but our baby was getting into everything so I was distracted.


"This is in reply to your January 16, 2014 inquiry regarding the visa case of the referenced individual.


Records indicate that State Department?s National Visa Center (NVC) had forwarded the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)-approved immigrant visa petition (I-130) to Embassy Manila on January 15, 2014, but we have yet to receive it here.


We have approved the request for expedited processing of the case. However, please note that we cannot conduct an interview without the physical files. Once we receive the files from NVC, we will do our best to move the case forward as quickly as possible......."


My previous post and question about interview was from the state dept site and thats what came up when I plugged in the case number, etc.


thanks man.

Edited by Ron and Rhea, 18 January 2014 - 10:09 AM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-18 10:07:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

Thanks Darnell for the info friend. Also when I checked online it showed:


Immigrant Visa Case Number: MNL201************** Case Creation Date: 08-Jan-2014 Status Updated Date: 17-Jan-2014    

Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have received interview scheduling instructions.........


So I am not sure if that means we can call or go online and schedule an appt yet?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-18 09:31:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

thanks Hank...appreciate it brother. Well actually USEM got in touch with my congressmans aide and said they have approved the expedite, however they can't actually process said expedite until they have the actual documents as they have yet to arrive to USEM. They went on to say as soon as they receive pkg they will process and they included a link on what steps we need to take while waiting and also a link for St Lukes.


So its moving along.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-17 21:15:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

haha, ok Darnell....well let me follow up with this. Our 130 visa was expedited as per NVC. They said they sent request to Manila for processing, however they do not know how long it could take in Manila. Does anyone know if I can call the embassy and find out?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2014-01-14 08:58:00