PhilippinesPassport for son
Thanks sjr.......Now by 'traveling with'....I assume they mean for the actual trip the minor is securing the passport for? ie, to come here to America once he gets his visa and such?
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-10-07 19:29:00
PhilippinesPassport for son
Thanks my brudder Hank...I didn't see it anywhere on any form but she was insisting an 'agency' said so...I said who is this 'agency' and maybe they said that so they can make extra money doing two passports? Hope all is well with you guys.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-10-07 14:08:00
PhilippinesPassport for son
If someone has their two year green card, holds a Philippine passport, and lives here in the U.S, and wants to get her son a Philippine passport, (he is still in the Philippines), she has a question about her father getting son the passport.....Her father doesn't currently hold a passport, btw. She said her father was told by a friend the he has to have a passport before he can assist in her son getting passport, (her son is 4 yrs old). We did read where there is a form that must be filled out and I think notarized, but can't find anything about the person assisting needing to have their own passport. Does anyone have any information on this topic? Thx
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-10-07 13:50:00
PhilippinesPassport for son
For personal reasons I was not able to bring my son over when I first immigrated here to the U.S. I am now in a position to bring him over to America. He is 4 yrs old and lives with my parents. My husband will be the one petitioning him to come here, but first we are going to secure his passport. My question is my father will be the getting the passport for my son, and I am reading the process on the Philippine embassy website, but has anyone else done this? Having your parent, or some other family member help your son or daughter get their Filipino passport?

Thanks in advance.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-11-02 08:51:00
PhilippinesK4 visa question for child
Thanks guys...well we will do the I-130 process, regardless..I was just reading about the K4 and wasn't sure if it would apply in this case, guess not, lol.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-12-04 21:50:00
PhilippinesK4 visa question for child
Been doing some reading about bringing my step son here from the Philippines on a I-130, he is 4 years old. I am the USC, my wife is doing her ROC 795 as we speak, its been filed and she was given the 1 year extension.

I was reading on USCIS where it seems once the 1-130 and other forms are filed, we can apply for a K4 visa for him to come to the US while awaiting his papers to process. I know generally speaking its very difficult, if not impossible, for Filipinas to secure a tourist visa, or any visa to US other than the 129F. Has anyone heard, or actually accomplished a K4 visa for their child while awaiting the I-130 process?

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2012-12-04 19:44:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
35, congrats and I hope you guys are very happy...!!! Good for y'all
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-27 09:13:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Tubular, gnarly, beeach'n...or as we said in SoCal, beeach eyes, (had to allow for the beeach word)...MCAS El Toro, Santa Ana, Cali, best state side duty station in the Marine Corps, state side being the operative word.

Edited by Ron & Diana, 10 December 2011 - 09:24 PM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-10 21:23:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
All I know is I had some lumpia last night and it was 'gooder den a mug'
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-10 07:18:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

:no: Nope Never heard of it Ron. now you can use "Word", West Coast.....he he he!:lol:

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-09 22:06:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Word! :thumbs:

Tom, I will say I am surprised at the use of 'word' by guys on here when agreeing...I figured it was a DC thing, haha.

I wonder if any of you guys used, or still use, 'Gooder den a mug' when describing how you liked something you just ate? We used to say it all the time when coming up, and I did find some Baltimore guys at work that said they used to use it and thought it was a Baltimore 'thang'....hahha.

I'll use it now and again mostly as a goof.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-09 09:34:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Mike, I can't speak for others on here but I am happy for anyone who is in a relationship with another and they dig each other....regardless of age, race, sex, etc, as long as they are both over 18, who cares?

Here is a list of older chicks/younger dudes....more power to them..!!...


Edited by Ron & Diana, 09 December 2011 - 08:03 AM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-09 08:02:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

:thumbs: This i agree with, i have yet to see and older Filipina with a younger American man!

:thumbs: This I agree with...younger guys seek out women in their 20's for the same reason older guys seek out younger women...they are hottter than older women...!!! :rofl: (not that there are not hot older women, but you get my point).....

Edited by Ron & Diana, 09 December 2011 - 07:53 AM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-09 07:52:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
4'11" that's a tiny woman....hahah.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-08 19:55:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Yes it did and I have been back to read a few times since... enlightening!

@logan, I'm sure you said something deep and kewl with your obsession of my posts.....I will just say, like I do mostly with women that keep yapping and have to get the last word in...ok you're right, whatever point you were trying to make, you're right, now plz just go :rofl:

Hey Hank, it seems that site also had a forum according to a post in this thread, but its closed down.....but it does back the point of this thread on age difference. Speaking of my X, we just had a convo on that topic today, it really burns her azz that my fiance' is another Filipina and a younger one to boot...hey man, whats wrong with an upgrade, I deserve it...!!!


Love, Peace and chicken grease.

Edited by Ron & Diana, 08 December 2011 - 12:35 AM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-08 00:34:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
logan dude, you're wound too tight, take a deep breath, it will be ok...all I was saying is I hope their are not a lot of dudes into little teenybopper girls, I am sure there are, just as there are guys who are into animals, or other dudes, (a few of them, I suspect, are on here, ahhah).....bfd.

To be honest I only read a line or two of your entire post, I really am not interested in your thoughts.....

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 21:31:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I'm a pig and proud of it.

You're too funny....I've noticed these guys hate to jack with you because you just agree with know the secret, it takes two to argue, just agree and laugh, they can't come back at that......laugh all the way with your 20something yr old gal on your arm ahhaha.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 21:26:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Hey Hank, I just now realized that one link you supplied had a bunch of sub links with some really cool and funny things on them...good find brother...!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 20:22:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
@Hank, hahaha
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 19:25:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

the only thing my grandfather told me was to stay away from women, "all they do is cause alot of problems and cost alot of money". :rofl: hard to imagine they were married 53 years :rofl:

Well god gave women that little ''prize'....if it were not for that, hmmmm, well you know.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 19:15:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

my grandfather once told me two things..... if you are happy, don;'t let anyone tell you differnetly unless it goes against the "good book", and she ain't married until she says "I do", until then she is fair game....

Wow we have some great thoughts from first grandma and now grandpa....another wise one, thanks for sharing.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 18:26:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Americans put more into the age thing than most countries Iv'e been to. In my grandparents time people married young to old, old to young...for whatever reasons. Usually it was for sex, companionship, practicality and if there was love involved it came later on with time. But then again love can be defined so many ways and in so many terms I find it difficult to nail it down to one specific thing.

I is as individual and unique as each one of are to each other.....I have no idea what defines love for any other person other than myself, I know what MY feeling of love is and what love is....I know I've been in love twice in my X wife and my fiance and that is all that matters really.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 16:06:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

You can't change millions of years' evolution with one-liner put-downs on people you resent. The more interesting question is not why men of all ages are biologically programmed for attraction to ideal breeding age females - but instead why you can't handle that fact.

huh? lol....really? dude I was not putting down or not handling anything or anyone, well maybe that Mikey dude, hahah. I am perfectly happy with that little tidbit you threw out there, in fact, you may or may not know that my fiance is 20+ years YOUNGER than me, so I am LOVING it, keep on posting info...hahah

Relax brother it will be ok, *wink*.....

Hank, best line of the day that was from 'anaou scott'....nice..!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 14:37:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

The porn industry demonstrates your hope is delusional.

I was thinking common sense would prevail on my response....I was referring to actual relationships, not sal sal sessions, lol.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-07 00:22:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Hank, excellent...thx. I will read it in more detail when I get home.....

'analou scott'...your grandmother's a wise woman...!!!
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-06 21:58:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

luckily, i'll only be in my 60s, and maybe still able to scare someone on the right day :lol:

The poster thing means that there aren't any teenage filipinas pining away for middle-aged or old men. They like princes and young movie stars just like girls everywhere.

I don't have an issue with race, but i would have a serious problem with a 60 year old coming to pick up my 18 year old daughter. I wouldn't even like it if he was my age. The difference is, one is here, the other is there. In the end, i'd actually trust that i'd done a good enough job that she was making good decisions. But a girl with a world full of options and living in the west rarely picks someone with an age difference like her mother and I.

I'm not saying anything about your relationship in particular. It just isn't for nothing that it happens a LOT more with women from developing countries than it does where the women have many more opportunities.

Luckily, I hope, there are not a lot of middle aged men pining way for teenagers, Filipina or any nationality, thats just wrong on either a woman in her 20's or 30's, thats different, and I think most of those woman have outgrown posters on the wall thing, haha.

Yea I think I'd have a prob with a 60 year old and 18.....but I will say my step father, when he split from my mom a long long time ago, was prob in his mid to late40's and he dated and married a 20 year old, and in hollywood its common....I mean I realize is not the norm, however marrying out of your race is looked down upon by a lot in the country, and you know that...even white and asian....there are some people that will have probs with anything they don't like or accept. Trust me, I got ####### from a lot about marrying an Asian, not from my family, but I heard it non the less. you are too funny.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-06 01:05:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
By the time your daughter is old enough to date someone middle aged to her, you will be like 80, so I am thinking you may, at best, meet him at the door with your walker and a cane, haha, j/k friend.....

The poster in bedroom reference sorta escaped me, but I am sure it had a I have three daughters, 30, 26 and 22...We raised them well, college educated, only my 30 year old has a baby so far and that was not even two years ago, she is a teacher and hubby is a engineer....I will say that you will find out later that you can say you will do this or that, but when they get old enough they will do what they want and you better HOPE you raised them well enough to have made sound decisions.

You married a younger gal for you personal reasons, you seem to have sought out a younger lady...which is cool, more power to you brother.... I am marrying one not for any particular reason other than chance....we just met and our relationship grew, we decided to not let our ages stop what we both we didn't. I didn't waste my youth, I was married at 19, she, a Filipina, 17...and stayed married till this past Aug....31 years later.

It's funny how you say you will meet a older guy at the door with a big surprise if he tried to date your daughter...I know other guys who have said the same thing if a black dude comes to the door to date his daughter...hahah. For me, maybe the guys seeing me intimidated them, but I never had probs with any of the guys while the girls were in high school, they seemed to have more steady b/f's than anything, but a few boys came to the front door, and yes one was a black kid....never had any probs with any of them.

Ok, off the soapbox, lol
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-06 00:26:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
The best defense is a good offense....if the woman is over 18 and the guy is over, or WAY over 18, who the hell's business is it....? NOBODY'S....I still believe it's hate, jealously or some other deep rooted internal issue, lol.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-05 20:46:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I agree with ya. Yes I am a total perv and yes a lot of times it comes down to supply and demand. I'm demanding the tight hot young #######, and they are supplying it. Nothing wrong with that's been like that since time began and will long after all of us on here are pushing daises.

It's like the guy that marries a old war horse and she wants him to wash the car, so the guy does it. Not because he want to, but because he knows the pay off will (should) come later in either the form of food, sex, or less b*tching. Guys like us on this forum took it one step further. In stead of matching up with some war horse with an attitude, we went for young and hot. I mean you want to drive a min van when your my age or a Ferrari? I may be getting old, but I still have an eye for the foreign sports cars.

Perfectly put.....and the hammer was dropped....hahah :bonk:
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-05 20:40:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

:o :lol: Yea dont hate, Participate!:thumbs:

LoL....some people are born to hate, usually caused by some trauma in their childhood, (I'd like to sit and speak with the lad, he prob has some deep rooted issues that involves a mother figure and quite often some other family member, often a man of authority in his life)....just say'n. :P

Edited by Ron & Diana, 05 December 2011 - 08:32 PM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-05 20:31:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Thanks Hank, got it....
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-03 00:26:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Did find this link to support earlier post...states women who marry younger dudes die earlier and men who marry younger women increase their life expectancy.....SWEET.....hahahha


Edited by Ron & Diana, 01 December 2011 - 09:42 AM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-01 09:39:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I haven't been able to find info on that 25% either (yet) but I did find this from Ottawa Cananda research:

This paper analyzes the probability of a married couple getting divorced, based on the age difference between the husband and wife. To calculate such probabilities, the distribution of age differences of married couples was derived from the 1991 Census and the 1990 General Social Survey, and the distribution of age differences of divorcing couples was obtained from 1991 divorce data provided by the Department of Justice Canada. These distributions, the first based on data that are seldom available, are also analyzed in this paper. The results provide details about the expected significant imbalances that exist, both for married and divorcing couples, between the number of couples with older husbands and the number with older wives. A model is developed that shows that divorce rates are lowest when the husband is two to ten years older than the wife or when the magnitude of their age difference is extremely large. Furthermore, the chance of divorce is much higher when the wife is older than the husband than vice versa.


Larger age gap makes for a more stable marriage! :thumbs:

Back to the search!

Hank, hey brother do you have the link for this reference? I know you said you got it from an Canadian source but I'd like to have the link if possible for future reference...thanks man.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-01 09:31:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

You got me beat there.... 28 yrs first time (and those were not all that good, but for the kids...)

Hahah, yea same same...but 3 wonderful daughters came out of it.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-01 08:56:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Hank, I just re-read your post where you posted proof that a large age gap is a good thing when it comes to time married. I have been in a few discussions and had no real evidence to support my belief, now I do, thanks brother...!!!!! :thumbs:

BTW, I do have a track record for being married a long time....1st time 31 years, this time will be my last....of course Diana is the love of my life.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-12-01 08:14:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Just remember Capt'n Ron..... If its going to happen, its going to happen out there! :joy:

Got that right Hank......

Tom, well glad it's back on track and I hope our wait isn't too long, but whatchagoingtodo...? hahah
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 19:36:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Hey Tom...doing well brother, just in the same holding pattern as a lot on this forum...waiting for NOA2...we are making the best of the wait.
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 19:05:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

:rofl: :lol:

I think 'Why_me' gets the post of the day award for that last one, hahaa.

Edited by Ron & Diana, 30 November 2011 - 06:40 PM.

Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 18:40:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Ya... AMF... didn't they make Harleys at one time! Right next to the bowling ball assembly line!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry the devil made me say it!! :devil:

Now for one more emoticon...


You read my mind, my 81 Shovel is a AMF, and bowling balls and all sorts of other cool things, hahah
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 14:47:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Teapot....well you guys are unique then, that's a good thing...!!

Why_me....I hear you brother, hahah
Ron and RheaMalePhilippines2011-11-30 10:32:00