National Visa Center (Dept of State)HUMOR: How to tell you've called the NVC too many times.
(Woman)Because of the personal attention given every caller you may experience a brief delay.  Please remain on the line, a represtentative will asist you momentarily.
7 seconds
(Man)We appreciate your patience while waiting, and assure you that assistance is just a moment awaii.  Your call is very important to us, and we look forward to speaking with YOU!
7 seconds
(Woman)We know your time is valueable, thank you for holding, assistance is just a moment awaii.  
7 seconds
(Man)Thank you for calling, our staff is working hard to take your call next.  When we return to the line, please let us know how we can serve ya!
(At random point, the next message interrupts)
(Unsure)All of our representatives are busy assisting other callers.  Please remain on the line as the next available representative will be with you momentarily.  Your patience is greatly appreciated.
(Music restarts)

(Yes, I can spell away.  Just spelling it like they say it).

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-25 16:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ncv

U have to call nvc?


If you call, and they DON'T have it, prepare for a lecture.  They will tell you that in the upper left corner of your NOA2 document is a date, you must give them 8 weeks from that date before calling.

You can go to their website, and find details on sending them an e-mail.  In the subject of this e-mail, you give them your receipt number, and a specific content in the body, and they're SUPPOSED to e-mail you when they get your case.

I call daily, and get lectured, because I want to know.  Once I find out that they have my case, I'll be able to attest to the e-mail technique working or not.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-26 18:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

What I mean by "have to send it" is that our embassy appointment is March 26th.  In order for us to make that, they have to send the file from the NVC to the embassy in MNL by the 21st.  I know they're not obligated, but I was trying to convey my hopes.  :-)

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-07 14:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

OK guys, UPDATE!

I just got the NVC e-mail this morning.  (Telling me that I have a Case number, and what it is).  My status on CEAC is still "at NVC", but I'm hoping this means it's moving along, and will be departing soon.  (They HAVE to be done with it before the 21st in order for us to make our interview date at the embassy).

Anyone else get one?

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-07 12:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

It's certainly starting to look like the "E-mail you the case number" thing is wrong.  Or maybe they're just overwhelmed, and don't have TIME to do it.  (Assuming it's a manual process).

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-04 00:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

I got MY case number today as well.  But the woman told me they were still doing data entry on mine, so it hasn't left yet.


Also, no e-mail.  We'll see if I get one when it departs.  (Until it DOES depart, I'll continue to call daily).

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-03 20:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

OK guys, quick update.

JUST got off the phone with the NVC, and they got my case TODAY.  No case number entered yet, but they at least show that they've received it.

You might want to check as well.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-27 15:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

so I was re-reading my NOA2 today and i noticed that it says "the above petition has been approved, and forwarded to the listed consulate." Does this mean it doesn't go to NVC? Did you guys get this statement as well on your NOA2?


No, they always go to the NVC, who assigns them a case number, and THEY forward them to the consulate/embassy.

I would check my NOA2, if I HAD it.  It seems that the CSC sent it to the wrong address, and they got notified that it had returned today.  So, they contacted ME, to tell ME that it was returned.  I had to call and give them my address again.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-27 01:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

I sent my e-mail on the 14th, and called this morning, and they don't have it yet.  Add me to the list of people that are interested to hear if either of you get an e-mail.

EDIT:  All 3 of us are on the same day!  That's awesome!

Edited by ChrisFurlough, 26 February 2014 - 06:30 PM.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-26 18:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC received case, says wait 30d for #

Sorry guys, I was talking about K-1.  I know you IR-1/CR-1 guys get slow walked every step of the way.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-07 12:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC received case, says wait 30d for #

Does it typically take this long?  Should I call every day anyway to just keep asking if it has a case # yet?


I'm a data freak.  I did some queries on the timelines of fellow VJers here, and averaged them out.  The average time is between 5 and 6 days. days.  There is one that took *27* days, but the vast majority of them are under a week.  

YES, keep calling.  Be prepared for this though.  When you give them your receipt number, if they ask for the beneficiaries name, you have a case #.  Just answer the questions, and they'll give it to you.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-05 15:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Due date for papers?

They're due when you have the embassy interview.  

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-09 12:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)K-1 NVC "time frame"

I've never seen this posted here before, and when I've asked, I've never seen this as an answer, so here's my contribution to the collective knowledge:


Contracted my congressman about my AP status at the NVC.  His office contacted them, and managed to ex-filtrate a tidbit of info for us.


We all know that the USCIS' goal is to process all cases in "5 months".  Well, the NVC's goal is to process all K-1 cases in 2-4 weeks.  So, WORST case should be 4 weeks.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-14 20:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Is the NVC a black hole?


Is your timeline accurate?  I see stuff there that bothers me.


15 days to get NOA2 is accurate, and I did in fact "get lucky" an get a March 26th interview date.  Which at this point is in doubt due to the NVC holding on to my case for no reason.  When I entered my appointment date, it ASSUMED that the embassy had received the case.  THAT, isn't true.  But everything else is.


What bothers you?

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-15 09:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Is the NVC a black hole?

NVC DOC INTAKE does occur for spousal visas (CR-1, IR-1) but since yer not chasing that type of visa, your interaction at NVC is black-box (and not black hole). 


How I wish that was true!  I'm currently stuck in the NVC magnet, tar pit, trap.  :-(

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-14 13:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Is the NVC a black hole?

If the consulate has contacted you, you are DONE with the NVC.  Schedule your appointment, and forget about them!  (Lucky you!)

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-14 11:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Numbers busy for like 3 weeks now for me !

I called last week, and got lots of busy signals, but since my desk phone has "End Call", and "Redial" next to each other, it made it easy to "hammer" until I got through.  (Since I no longer have a MODEM to do the work for me, I have to improvise).

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-23 20:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP Part II

IN TRANSIT!  It took 19 days, but finally my case is free!

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-18 13:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP Part II

And, here we are, 8 days later, and I'm still stuck at the NVC.  The average 4.29 day process enters day 15.  So, I have 1 week in which they can release my case and I won't have to reschedule my interview.

Frustrated doesn't come close to expressing my feelings on this issue.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-14 11:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP Part II

I appear to be an unfortunate member of this club.  My CEAC status says "at NVC", but a call confirmed I'm stuck in the dreaded AP.  

I'm hoping that this is just the scanner backlog, and it'll be free within the next week.  Embassy interview is the 26th, they need to do it soon!


What a rollercoaster ride this whole process is.  The highest of highs, the lowest of lows.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-06 16:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOne way ticket from Manila to the U.S.

Tom, it's possible that you can go to the counter at the airport and get this done.  I can only assume there has been a lot of fraud on 1 way tickets from RP, so the airlines have gotten strict on it.  So, give that a shot.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-15 16:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking From NVC to US Embassy

I'm tracking my package now (Going to Manila).  Left Boston, went to Cincinnati, left there.  And nothing since.  Does anyone know the "normal route" they take?

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-19 17:04:00
PhilippinesEnlight Me this one guys pls,

If I understand correctly, you've just taken the next step!  Your stuff has been sent to the NVC.  They'll process it, and then send it off to the embassy in Manila.  What are your concerns?

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-07 19:37:00
PhilippinesCFO Feb 13

We haven't gotten NOA2 yet, but if my fiance needs something to do to pass the time, could she go ahead and get the CFO out of the way?

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-10 23:38:00
PhilippinesPetitioner Travel to Manila

I'll address the areas that I know something about, and someone else can handle the rest.

I missed a flight on Philippine Airlines in Manila in January.  I got NO consideration for this, and had to pay FULL FARE to get home.  I do NOT recommend them if you have a flexible schedule.  I've flown through Narita, and I highly recommend that.  For me, Portland to Narita, and then to Manila is much better than anywhere else to Manila.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-08 19:52:00
PhilippinesHow do you view the available embassy appointments when you have on schedule?

For future reference, you can log into the site, and if you refresh the page every few minutes it doesn't time out, AND it updates the "First available appointment" info on each refresh.  I was able to move from May 6th to March 26th doing this.  46 days less!

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-06 02:07:00
PhilippinesHow do you view the available embassy appointments when you have on schedule?

Thanks Hank!  The verbiage is this:

First Available Appointment Is Monday May 12, 2014.


Makes me want to write a browser plug-in to refresh the screen from time to time to check for updates.  good.gif

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-05 22:03:00
PhilippinesHow do you view the available embassy appointments when you have on schedule?

when you have ONE scheduled.   Fingers faster than brain tonight.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-05 21:27:00
PhilippinesHow do you view the available embassy appointments when you have on schedule?

My interview is 2 months away, but I'd like to reschedule for a closer date should one present itself.  So, I need to know HOW to do that.  Can I view them without cancelling my existing appointment?


Sometimes I can be dense, so please be specific.  star_smile.gif

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-05 21:03:00
PhilippinesInterview schedule/reschedule

Keep checking!  I checked a couple of times tonight (log in, and check, and then just refresh the page every couple of minutes, and see if the date changes), and was able to move from May 6th, to March 26th!  it CAN be done, and easily too.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-06 02:06:00
PhilippinesInterview schedule/reschedule

Is anybody here from PHIL trying to have there interview appt just wanna ask what's available date on March n April n slots availability so i can reschedule. I just want to make sure cuz I'm not quick about rescheduling my internet was too slow. Pls. Thanks GUYS! Pls favor it as a bday GIFT lol.. Happy bday to me! GOD bless us!



Act quickly  There are 2 slots open for March 10th right now.  (Just scheduled a May 6th interview for my fiance, as the medical isn't done yet, so I couldn't take the March 10th).

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-05 19:28:00
PhilippinesDate in A$ia and other dating sites

Another DIA user here.  Found it completely by chance.  (A friend was in Jakarta visiting his fiance, ran into an Aussie "with a hot Indo GF", and my friend asked him where he found her.  The Aussie said DIA, and my friend told me about it.  

Just as OP did, I posted a profile, and had PLENTY of scammers contact me.  Usually using pictures that you KNOW aren't them.  One asked me to fund her university tuition, etc.  

Even had the pushy older woman who wouldn't take a polite NO for an answer.  Finally, when she stated that the reason that I didn't like her, was because I was gay, I had to take off the safety, and give her the laundry list of reasons I wasn't interested.  That seemed to do it.  WEIRD!

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-23 17:15:00
PhilippinesHow Long to Get the Visa After Interview? for K1

Seven calendar days or seven business days?


I THINK it was 7 BUSINESS days, 9 calendar days.  

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-25 23:12:00
PhilippinesHow Long to Get the Visa After Interview? for K1

A friend's fiance just got hers.  It took 7 days.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-23 17:08:00
PhilippinesSending paperwork

Don't use PHILpost!! ranting33va.gif


AMEN TO THIS!  Sent forms for interview (which is TODAY, the 26th) on the 9th.  17 days later, they're still not there.  I had to use FedEx as a backup.  Twice the cost of USPS Priority, but got delivered in 2 days.  

Important Tip:  If you send via USPS, they will quote you a delivery date for your package.  From my experience, that date is the date that they hand it to the black hole that is PhilPost.  From there?  NO ONE KNOWS where it goes.

3/20/2014 9:37:25 AM Enroute to delivery office   PHILIPPINES


If you don't heed my warning, get used to seeing that, A LOT.  6 days, no updates.  Leyte is a 1 hour flight from Manila.  It's a 24 hour bus ride.  I can only assume they deliver via carabao.  

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-25 23:17:00
Philippinesstill no available sched for interview in PI

I checked earlier today, and the next available appointment was "March 27th, 2014".  AKA TOMORROW.  I'm sure that's gone by now, but it was there, and I was shocked.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-25 23:06:00
Philippinescurrently no appointment available in Philippines

The website shows you a snapshot in time.  At the exact second that your inquiry came through, there were no appointments.  30 seconds later, one might have opened up.  It's TRULY luck of the draw.  You should check back often, you might just get lucky.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-17 10:56:00
PhilippinesUpdate on the US Computer Glitch from

Normally, in a big data center, you have a "test system" that's not used for main processing.  You update this system first, and test the ####### out of it.  If it works there, you roll it to the main system.  This sounds like they installed it on the MAIN system, and the redundant backup system AT THE SAME TIME.  A CARDINAL no-no.


Also, just so you know, if you read in the news about the trouble with the "Obamacare" national website rollout that was handled by CGI Federal, this is ALSO their handywork.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-07-31 15:29:00
PhilippinesToo long waiting?

That's GREAT news Hank!  :-)

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-15 16:44:00
PhilippinesToo long waiting?

I sent my original I-129F to Texas a week ago & still haven't heard they even recieved it yet. Yes I included the G-1145. I look at other times on timelines & it's days. Now, it will be a week tomorrow, is there cause for concern?



Welcome to the waiting club.  Some things to note.  Most of the government organizations that you will deal with have "avg wait times" which are generally bunk.  The USCIS likes "5 months" to work on your K-1, and they want you to wait that long before calling to enquire about the status.  (Ignore it, and call anyway)  :-)  Odds are, it'll take less time.  I think this is just a tactic to attempt to keep the call volumes down at the call center.

The NVC, If you check the timelines, you'll see that ALMOST EVERYONE clears the NVC in around 3 days.  It's possible that you won't, and if you try to ask them about it, they'll tell you that it normally takes 3 months.  Which is total horse manure.

Getting a good interview slot will take patience, and commitment.  (If they didn't have the damned captcha on the front, I'd write an app that would let you monitor available dates, so I can only assume that they did that to keep people like me from doing just that).  So, just keep your case open in your browser, and refresh ever so often, and maybe you'll get lucky.  Rumor has it that there's a browser plug-in like app that will monitor a page for changes, and alert you if it changes.  This could be handy if you're trying to get an appointment at a time when none are available.

Post interview, you could get the visa in a couple of weeks, or a couple of months.  And, since the embassy is their own little island, you can't call them on it.  They simple work at their pace, and if it doesn't fit your schedule, that's tough.  Most of the inner workings of it are secret, so that you can "read the tea leaves", and figure out what's going on.

ChrisFurloughNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-15 16:33:00