CanadaThis Winter in Canada
That is SO funny!! (and true!) laughing.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-03-17 20:46:00
CanadaImmunizations for medical-please help!
Shew!! Thanks so much. I can rest easy now!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-01 22:25:00
CanadaImmunizations for medical-please help!
Dh has his medical tomorrow morning. I was just going through everything to get it together and realized something on his immunizations record. He hasn't had a pertussis shot since he was almost 3 yrs old. I looked on panelphysicians and saw that it had tetanus and diphtheria listed and then it had tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis listed. Does he need the pertussis shot or not? He is fine with all his others. I couldn't figure out if that was was required or not.

Please help. I'm stressed!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-01 21:36:00
CanadaI'm having a BOY!!!
Congrats!!! And I love the name Declan!!!!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-05 21:21:00
CanadaA few more questions
Patience--Ah yes! I almost forgot that one whistling.gif

I will be sure to go through that list on the paper they sent then. I was just afraid that they would end up asking for something that wasn't listed there. Maybe I'll at least take it and leave it at the hotel--just in case.

As for the folder to take, I have an accordian style but it's not clear. That won't work? Are they super funny about that stuff?

Thanks again!!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-19 08:18:00
CanadaA few more questions
Our interview is Wednesday kicking.gif We are leaving Monday morning for Montreal. We're going to the Biodome on Tuesday and then our interview is Wednesday. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!

But I have a few last minute questions. I'm trying to get all the documents together. I've read through the list of stuff to take but just want to double check. We won't need my (the US citizen) passport or birth certificate, or our kid's birth certificates--or will we? The list I read said stuff like dh's passport, bc, marriage license, divorce cert, court and police records, etc. But I didn't see any mention of documents for me or the kids. I'm guessing because they already got that in the I130 that we won't need to do it again. Is that right?

Could someone give me an exact list of ALL documents we need to take with us to the interview.

Thank you so much!! smile.gif

eta-with the xpresspost mailer, am I suppose to pay for the 'signing' one? Or do we not need to sign for it?

Edited by daisylynn, 17 April 2008 - 12:22 PM.

daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-17 12:21:00
CanadaInterview date confirmation from Montreal
I emailed them a couple of times asking about the interview date. The first time they hadn't set one. The second time, they emailed me back with my interview date and said I would be getting my letter in the mail. It came a week or so later.
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-29 09:44:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
Oh wow Laura. I'm just reading this. blush.gif I'm glad it has all worked out though and that you'll still be moving and that you are good with that. I hope the rest of your journey goes well!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-29 09:37:00
CanadaWhy I Didn't Make the Olympics
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 29 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My mouth dropped when I saw the guy throw the cyclist over the bridge. LOL

The pole vault made me go "Ooooooooooooo".

The gymnastics with all the girls tumbling after one another made me LOL.

And the vault where the guy embeds himself into the box horse and a big puff of powder comes out makes me go "Umph" and LOL. laughing.gif

Those were the EXACT ones I was going to comment on and darn near close to my comments too laughing.gif

Oh and the gymnastics girl-I was also surprised she got up. She looked like she landed horribly.
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-29 20:03:00
CanadaTD Banknorth
We have an account with them. We started with TD Canada Trust and then opened Banknorth through them. We did it so we could transfer from Canada to the US since we wanted a US account to be linked to our paypal account. We like it.
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-30 19:52:00
CanadaDid the set up of the pages change?
THANK YOU! I had just given up trying to read anything until I could fix it blush.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-05-02 07:50:00
CanadaDid the set up of the pages change?
I don't even know if I should post this here but didn't know where else to.

When I open a thread, it only shows me the first post, then all the others are in a list at the bottom, to click on--one. at. a. time. wacko.gif I can't even read the threads.

It wasn't like this before. Did I hit a wrong button or did the setup change?

Sorry if this belongs someplace else. blush.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-30 20:03:00
CanadaWe got approved!
QUOTE (anxiousandwaiting @ May 2 2008, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (daisylynn @ Apr 27 2008, 10:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, so this is way past due. But I've been so busy. We have 3 kids under 4 yrs and they keep me hoppin! And then my laptop decided to act up so I've been sharing dh's computer and haven't had a lot of time.

We went up on Monday 21st. We stayed at Square Phillips. It was super nice! It had a full kitchen, very very clean. Staff was great! The only thing I was disappointed in was that I was told there were no additional charges on top of what I was paying on Expedia. I called them to make sure. Well, there ended up being $55 in taxes that I wasn't told about. Annoying, but oh well. It ended up being $407 for two nights (that included parking for 2 nights as well.) So, a little pricey, but a great experience. It was right down the street from the underground shopping which was awesome! There is a Tim Hortons practically across the street. And the consulate is in it's back yard. We actually walked around the building, through the parking lot in the back and across the street to the consulate--about a 5 minute walk at most.

So, on to the interview...

6:50am-got to the consulate. We were the first ones in line.
7:25-doors opened-by then there were about 10 people in line

We went through security. We ended up getting letter B, the guy behind us got A. But that's because it took us so long to get through since we had our 3 kids with us. Everyone was so nice and patient.

7:35-finished with security-guy helped dh take the strollers down the steps (yeah, I don't remember reading that there were a PILE of steps to go down. LOL)-told us that we would be called at 8:45

7:40 got downstairs-I had no idea what time it was, we had no watch. I barely got a chance to feed the baby when a guy came to take us upstairs

7:45 Got upstairs (A-D letters) and put in a little room with 3 or 4 windows. One at a time (first come, first serve) we went up and turned in our appt. letter and our letter. We were third up. Then we were told to wait in the waiting room.

8:15-Got called back to window 19 (in first room). The guy was very nice! He said he was going to ask for all the papers and that I and the kids could wait in the waiting room. I was a bit reluctant. I put the whole file together and wasn't sure if dh would know where everything was, even though I tried to brief him on in. I went to go change my son's diaper and when I came out, dh was calling for me. LOL The guy at the window told me to stay and sent dh with the kids out. He got all the required documents. He commented on how organized I was whistling.gif He told me to go pay and then they would call dh for fingerprints. He told me good luck.

Dh went to pay and then took the receipt back to window 19 (I couldn't remember if the guy said to bring it back or wait til they called blush.gif It was ok, he was able to leave the receipt at the window.)

8:50 Called dh back to get his fingerprints-The guy told dh that the next time he was called that we all needed to go into the room.

9:20 Got called into the little room. The guy was SO extremely nice! He went through all the paperwork. Asked a couple of questions about where we'll live, what dh does for a living, etc. He saved the criminal record stuff for last. He asked "there were no weapons involved, right?" Dh told him no. Then he asked "and there was no bodily harm done?" Dh told him no. He asked those 2 questions a couple of times each. He said they ask about that because of the crimes of moral turpitude. But said because there was no weapon and no harm, that his particular situation was not cmt! kicking.gif Then he said he was going to approve us kicking.gif kicking.gif Then he talked to our daughter for a minute-asked her if she was married, had a boyfriend (she's 3! laughing.gif ) He was really nice.

9:30 (2 hrs 5 minutes after the doors opened) we were at the elevator going back downstairs to leave the consulate!

It was an excellent experience! Everyone there was soooo pleasant, helpful. We were concerned about the police record for nothing! The guy really acted like he wasn't concerned at all once he knew the answer to those 2 questions he kept asking laughing.gif

I can't think you vj'ers enough for ALL of your help on this journey! I seriously would have not been so well prepared had it not been for all of you! I feel terrible that I haven't been able to contribute here as much as I'd like. Part of it is that I was still in the process and didn't know many of the answers myself. The other part is that my 3 kids keep me really busy. I do hope though that I can help someone else on here even half as much as I've been helped. You have all been great!

I know this isn't the end. I will still be asking questions about the move I'm sure laughing.gif But I hope to be on a little more and contribute a little more.

THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us on this amazing journey!!! heart.gif

I thought I recognized you... I had my interview the same day@ Montreal. I was third in line. Your kids were so cute....

Congrats and all the best!

Oh my gosh! Now I wish I had said something to you. I was scoping people out, trying to figure out if anyone was from vj. But of course, I'm too shy to just approach someone and ask blush.gif

Thank you for the compliment on my kids. They are good kids, though I'm sure that day you were wondering laughing.gif I think they did good, considering the cimcumstances though--they just DID NOT want to be in those strollers! laughing.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-05-02 12:49:00
CanadaWe got approved!
Thanks everyone!

Yeah, taking 3 kids to the consulate was a chore, but it was all good. They did really well and everyone was very nice about us having them there. I debated taking them, but we had noone to watch them. So, I would have had to stay in the hotel with them while dh went in. But I just figured it would be/look better (especially with his police record) if we all were there. Then they could see that dh wasn't some crazy man and had changed and made a good life for himself. Good thing I went, because I don't know if dh could have found all the paperwork laughing.gif

trailmix-We are hoping to move May 31, but we'll see how that goes. It's really soon and nothing is quite in line yet. We'll be moving to NC, where my family is. Dh is applying for jobs now. We aren't sure if we're going to move and then look for a job, or get the job first. We'll see.
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-28 20:24:00
CanadaWe got approved!
Ok, so this is way past due. But I've been so busy. We have 3 kids under 4 yrs and they keep me hoppin! And then my laptop decided to act up so I've been sharing dh's computer and haven't had a lot of time.

We went up on Monday 21st. We stayed at Square Phillips. It was super nice! It had a full kitchen, very very clean. Staff was great! The only thing I was disappointed in was that I was told there were no additional charges on top of what I was paying on Expedia. I called them to make sure. Well, there ended up being $55 in taxes that I wasn't told about. Annoying, but oh well. It ended up being $407 for two nights (that included parking for 2 nights as well.) So, a little pricey, but a great experience. It was right down the street from the underground shopping which was awesome! There is a Tim Hortons practically across the street. And the consulate is in it's back yard. We actually walked around the building, through the parking lot in the back and across the street to the consulate--about a 5 minute walk at most.

So, on to the interview...

6:50am-got to the consulate. We were the first ones in line.
7:25-doors opened-by then there were about 10 people in line

We went through security. We ended up getting letter B, the guy behind us got A. But that's because it took us so long to get through since we had our 3 kids with us. Everyone was so nice and patient.

7:35-finished with security-guy helped dh take the strollers down the steps (yeah, I don't remember reading that there were a PILE of steps to go down. LOL)-told us that we would be called at 8:45

7:40 got downstairs-I had no idea what time it was, we had no watch. I barely got a chance to feed the baby when a guy came to take us upstairs

7:45 Got upstairs (A-D letters) and put in a little room with 3 or 4 windows. One at a time (first come, first serve) we went up and turned in our appt. letter and our letter. We were third up. Then we were told to wait in the waiting room.

8:15-Got called back to window 19 (in first room). The guy was very nice! He said he was going to ask for all the papers and that I and the kids could wait in the waiting room. I was a bit reluctant. I put the whole file together and wasn't sure if dh would know where everything was, even though I tried to brief him on in. I went to go change my son's diaper and when I came out, dh was calling for me. LOL The guy at the window told me to stay and sent dh with the kids out. He got all the required documents. He commented on how organized I was whistling.gif He told me to go pay and then they would call dh for fingerprints. He told me good luck.

Dh went to pay and then took the receipt back to window 19 (I couldn't remember if the guy said to bring it back or wait til they called blush.gif It was ok, he was able to leave the receipt at the window.)

8:50 Called dh back to get his fingerprints-The guy told dh that the next time he was called that we all needed to go into the room.

9:20 Got called into the little room. The guy was SO extremely nice! He went through all the paperwork. Asked a couple of questions about where we'll live, what dh does for a living, etc. He saved the criminal record stuff for last. He asked "there were no weapons involved, right?" Dh told him no. Then he asked "and there was no bodily harm done?" Dh told him no. He asked those 2 questions a couple of times each. He said they ask about that because of the crimes of moral turpitude. But said because there was no weapon and no harm, that his particular situation was not cmt! kicking.gif Then he said he was going to approve us kicking.gif kicking.gif Then he talked to our daughter for a minute-asked her if she was married, had a boyfriend (she's 3! laughing.gif ) He was really nice.

9:30 (2 hrs 5 minutes after the doors opened) we were at the elevator going back downstairs to leave the consulate!

It was an excellent experience! Everyone there was soooo pleasant, helpful. We were concerned about the police record for nothing! The guy really acted like he wasn't concerned at all once he knew the answer to those 2 questions he kept asking laughing.gif

I can't think you vj'ers enough for ALL of your help on this journey! I seriously would have not been so well prepared had it not been for all of you! I feel terrible that I haven't been able to contribute here as much as I'd like. Part of it is that I was still in the process and didn't know many of the answers myself. The other part is that my 3 kids keep me really busy. I do hope though that I can help someone else on here even half as much as I've been helped. You have all been great!

I know this isn't the end. I will still be asking questions about the move I'm sure laughing.gif But I hope to be on a little more and contribute a little more.

THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us on this amazing journey!!! heart.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-27 21:06:00
CanadaWhat's in the Canada Post envelope they mail back?
QUOTE (daisylynn @ May 2 2008, 07:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In addition to what everyone else has already mentioned, you will also get a "Welcome to the United States, A Guide For New Immigrants," brochure

Yeah, ours was in French huh.gif I told dh I hope it wasn't anything we really needed to know laughing.gif I figured it was just a welcome brochure, as we could make out some of what it said.

For some reason the word merde kept appearing in the text. laughing.gif

I had to look that word up laughing.gif Had NO idea what it meant blush.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-05-03 20:29:00
CanadaWhat's in the Canada Post envelope they mail back?
In addition to what everyone else has already mentioned, you will also get a "Welcome to the United States, A Guide For New Immigrants," brochure

Yeah, ours was in French huh.gif I told dh I hope it wasn't anything we really needed to know laughing.gif I figured it was just a welcome brochure, as we could make out some of what it said.
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-05-02 07:55:00
CanadaCustom House
I was trying to set up an account with Custom House. They ended up sending me an email, asking for the best times to call. Then said they would call and we would finalize everything then. I would have to give them all my bank info. I'm not sure if I trust that, since it's them calling me. I tried to read through other posts about them but found nothing about anyone having to receive a call from them to set it up. Maybe I missed something? I just want to make sure it's secure and that it's not a scam with someone else trying to call and get my info.

Anyone know?
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-07-11 20:16:00
CanadaImporting a Canadian car to the US
Yeah how much are the taxes running?

And are all of you just keeping with the lien holder you have here in Canada? Are you still just sending payments up here?
daisylynnFemaleCanada2007-08-13 13:21:00
CanadaDrivers License
Anyone know what it's like in NC? I read through this but didn't see where anyone from there had posted.
daisylynnFemaleCanada2008-04-27 21:17:00
Canadadual citizenship for the baby CAD&US
We didn't add our kids to the I-130, but I do believe we had to show proof of their US citizenship at the final interview. We don't have passports for them so I took the report of birth abroad that we got for them. We also needed that when we went to get their ss#'s once we got to the US.
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-04-27 13:13:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info
daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-16 08:18:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info
Sorry, hopefully this will be the last question. I was getting all of the paperwork together to send off and came across something that I'm not sure about.

It says we need and original or court-certified copy of the complete arrest record and disposition. On the page, it is stamped 'certified to be a true copy of the original.' Can I just make a copy of that or do I have to actually send that one in? And if I have to send that in, will I get it back?

daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-15 09:29:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info

Current name - he'll provide a copy of your marriage cert which will show your name before anyway.

Thanks! If that is my current name, what about when it asks for his previous marriage info. It asks for her family name but we only know her maiden name. Is that OK?

Yes. That's exactly it.

Great! Thanks!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-15 08:40:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info
One more question...when I'm filling out the spousal information and it asks for spouse's family that my current, married last name or my given last name? Sorry if that is a stupid question but I don't know what it's asking.

daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-14 22:04:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info
Thanks Zyggy!

Just to clarify, I need to put a 0 for the number of days he's been outside of the US (he hasn't left here since we moved almost 3 years ago) instead of counting up the days (during the 5 years) that we were in Canada before we moved?

Not everyone :P

Some take their citizenship seriously :devil:

Guess I'll have to watch out for you then! :lol:
daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-14 13:24:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info
OK, so I was filling out the N-400 and have a couple of questions...

1-On Part 2B...I checked that one even though he won't have been in the US for 3 years until June. I figured since they let you file 90 days before your 3 years it was ok...or do I need to change that?

2-On Part 7A, it asks how many days have you been outside of the US in the past 5 years. Since we've only been here for just under 3 years, do I just put the total that we were in Canada before we moved?

3-On 7B, it asks how many trips you've made outside of the US that have lasted longer than 24 hours in the last 5 years. He hasn't traveled outside of the US but during those 5 years, he lived in Canada for part of it. Does this apply to us at all?

4-On 9B...I am typing it in online and then will print it. I can't fit the entire names or addresses in. Do I just fit what I can or do I need to do something differently here?

5-Also on 9B, it asks where our children were born. They were born in Canada but we got their Consular Report of Birth Abroad as well. There is no place to indicate that they are US citizens too. Is that OK or am I missing something?

6-It asks about being charged with a crime. We went through this when we applied for his immigration and it had me so worried. Almost 20 years ago, he threatened someone and was arrested for it. He ended up only getting probation but we had to list it on the paperwork and were concerned about rather they would find it a CMT or not. They didn't and it was no big deal. But now that I see the same questions again, I'm wondering if it is more strict with becoming a citizen and if we'll have issues with it. Does anyone know?

Thanks! :)
daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-14 12:37:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info

Told ya we're friendly over here :)

:thumbs: I remember when we went through the whole immigration process a few years ago, this forum was always so helpful! I actually went through a mourning period over this board and the people here once it was all over :lol: I tried to frequent the boards and stay in touch, but life happened and with 3 small kids and all that we were going through, it was difficult. Part of me is glad to be back, even if it means we have some work ahead of us! :P
daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-14 11:38:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info
This is all such great news! I didn't realize it was so straight forward! Thanks for all the info! :)
daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-14 11:07:00
CanadaCanadian husband becoming a US Citizen...need advice/info
I posted this in the US Citizen forum, but someone suggested that I have it moved here (didn't know how to request that, so I'm just reposting over here)...

I am a US Citizen, my husband a Canadian citizen. He became a permanent resident (has his PR card) of the US almost 3 years ago (3 years in June.) We thought we would just leave it like that. I had heard that in order to become a US citizen, he would have to give up his Canadian citizenship. But he has been out of work for 6 months now and we are running into issues with that. Because of his line of work, he *can* work at the shipyards, but none of them will hire him because he isn't a US citizen. They pay good and he's had lots of calls. But once they find out, they tell him they can't hire him because of that.

So, that got us to looking more into him becoming a US citizen. But we still have questions and I knew that VJ was the place to come. You all helped us out SOOOO much when we were going through the whole immigration process and I'm hoping I can find the answers we need.

1. I've read different things...If he becomes a US citizen, will he have to give up his Canadian citizenship? I read that he would have to renounce it to the US but not to Canada. If that is true, what exactly does that mean and what would have to to really do/say to the US? Does he have to get a US passport?

2. If he can still keep his Canadian citizenship, does that mean he can still come and go between the 2 countries as he would like, without hassle? Would he have to give up his Canadian passport?

3. What paperwork do we need to fill out? And how long does the process take? Do we have to wait until the 3 years or can we start the process now? Are their interviews and is the process as involved (or more) as the immigration process was? (Just trying to get an idea of what we're looking at.)

4. How much does it cost?

Thanks SO much for any and all help with this!

Edited by daisylynn, 14 March 2011 - 09:43 AM.

daisylynnFemaleCanada2011-03-14 09:43:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
We finally took our taxes in to be professionally done. The lady seemed to know what she was talking about. She knew we needed the 2555 and 1116 by just talking to me (others that I talked to didn't even know which forms I needed.) She finishes is all and we are getting back a lot more than expected. Sounded good to me!

Then I got home and was looking through the papers and it doesn't look like she converted the Canadian income to US dollars. I asked here when we were there if she had done that and she said it (?) did it automatically. The wages he earned were still in Canadian currency but I figured since we had the exclusion it wouldn't really matter too much either way, right? I mean they kinda cancel out? But what about the RRSP that he took out? Mind you, it wasn't a lot at all but it wasn't converted to US dollars either. Will this matter or do I need to do something about it?

daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-04-27 12:23:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Ok, so we've decided to just have our US taxes professionally done. It was just too involved and I couldn't figure out how to fill some of those forms out.

We're thinking the same for the Canadian taxes. I just tried to do it on Ufile to see if it matched what I got and it's coming up thousands of dollars more for a return. It seems to have accounted for the partial year and seems to have prorated the credits so I don't know what's going on.

My question-Does anyone know of where I can get my Cnd taxes done since I'm in the states? I would imagine trying to find one locally would be hard. Is there anyplace that will do them if I send in all the information? I just don't know what to do and am running out of time to figure it out.

daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-03-31 08:48:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
QUOTE (mwinburn @ Mar 13 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I tried to edit my post and it timed out. I was going to add this:

Just for clarification, under Less Common Income, I have two numbers. Foreign Earned Income is a negative number that represents her total Canadian paycheck prior to moving to the States, -X. Under Miscellaneous Income, I have the total amount she received from Canadian sources, which were her job prior to moving here, and EI after moving here. That number is X + Y. In other words, I'm excluding X, and getting a tax credit on Y. X will be part of the number on your 1040, line 7 and part of the number on 1116, line 3e. X + Y also ends up on 1116, line 3d.

Hopefully that doesn't confuse you more wink.gif

Oh my gosh!! You have NO idea how much this has helped! I was seriously ready to go to a professional to get these done. You have clarified so much! Thank you!!

I do have a question though. I'm not seeing where much information was put on 1116. I know you said you only had to put in 3. Are there questions that are asked so that will be put in? And you said to check the top box but you said 'other reportable income'. The top box says 'income not reported' but the bottom one said 'other reportable'. I just want to clarify which one I"m suppose to check.

And do I add the UCCB and his income from Canada, convert to US dollars and use that on the 2555 as a total amount, or do I need to separate that somewhere? We still got the UCCB after we left Canada, but they put it all together on the form they sent us. Is that ok?

And then I put the amount from his RRSP that we cashed out (25% taken out) on the 1116? I'm not seeing where I put that. Is there a place that asks for the tax withheld on that?

Ok, so that was more than one question, sorry. I'm totally excited that I might actually be able to do this without taking it in! Thank you so much for such detailed instructions. Those were way better than turbo tax gave! LOL

daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-03-15 21:23:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Oh great. We got the deluxe version. Well, this just sucks!

And I'm in need of some serious help (not as if I haven't needed so much help already huh.gif ) I tried to follow the guide for forms 1116 and 2555 and it's like reading French. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time when others seem to be able to get it just fine. I just don't understand all the terminology and it's just plain confusing.

Is there someplace online that can walk me (in plain, easy-to-understand English) through the steps on those 2 forms? Or do I just need to have a tax preparer do them for us?

And to get the SSN's for the kids we have to first take them to the doctor (they haven't been since we've been here and getting records from Canada is such a hassle!) so that we have proof of ID. Grrrr, it's just keeps getting better.

I just want this to be over with already! sad.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-03-13 08:44:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread

This is seriously how I feel right now!

Just when I thought I had it all figured out too!

Ok, so I'm trying to fill out the 1116. I can't even figure out how to fill that thing out! Is it suppose to be hard to fill out?

I can't find the 2555. Is it the -T or -S? I see both in Turbo Tax and click on them but it won't pull up the form. If the 1116 is giving me this much trouble, I don't even know if I want to see the 2555.

I realized when I was starting to do these (or attempt anyway) that I don't have SSN's for our kids! I have no idea how I let that one slip by. How long does it usually take to get them? Will I get them in time to file by the deadline??

It says that we can file for EIC. I haven't seen that mentioned on here and wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something before I file for that.

And is there anything special about the state tax or do we just file that as normal? Are there extra forms for that, do we have to include anything else?

I keep seeing that turbo tax is suggested on here. Will I be able to fill it out completely with this situation and not have to paper file?

helpsmilie.gif More confused than ever! sad.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-03-07 22:02:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Thanks Zyggy! That clears up a lot!

Are you serious about having to pay back the UCCB??? I mean, I know you're serious, but that's rediculous! I called as soon as we moved and they still paid us for that month plus one more month...for 3 kids!!! How the heck am I suppose to pay that back? Will they just take it from my taxes? (what little they are giving us?? mad.gif )

So, all of his income plus the UCCB goes on 2555 and the RRSP (taxed the 25%) goes on 1116? And those are the only two extra forms I need to worry about?

I can't believe I almost have this all understood! Thank you SOOO much!!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-03-05 20:28:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Zyggy, first of all, thank you SO much for all of your time and help!

I'm so sorry for my continued questions but I'm still confused on a couple of things.

I've done my Canadian taxes by hand. Is it worth it to purchase Ufile just to compare to see if I did them right? Or is that just going to be a waste of money?

On to the US taxes...

So, I know that on my CDN return, I had to count money paid to dh after we left Canada as money paid while we were still there. But on the US return, so I count that money on the 2555, just like with the rest of the money he made while in Canada or do I have to do something differently with it since we received it after we moved. The 25% wasn't taken out, so I'm assuming we just put it on the 2555 with the rest. And the UCCB-is there some place to put that on the US return? I put that on my return in Canada, since I was the one who didn't make any money. Where does that go on the US return?

I've seen mentioned about a letter to be sent in with the US return. Does everyone need to send in a letter or was that for special circumstances?

form 1116-I'm still not clear on what this is for. I think I'm suppose to fill out the 2555. Do I fill out one or the other or both?

There was a link posted awhile back to a site of a man (another tax preparer maybe?) that I had posted a question to. I can't find the site now and I've gone back through this entire thread several times and can't find the link again. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and where I can find that link?

Much much thanks!
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-03-03 12:35:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Thanks Zyggy! I was really hoping I did something wrong or wasn't understanding something right. I seriously couldn't believe how low it was when I did it. Oh well, like you said, I'll shrug it off and move on. I just hope the US taxes don't go the same way. I'm almost afraid to even do those! (not to mention the fact that I'm having a hard time understanding how to!)
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-02-25 21:32:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Ok I'm back.

So, after spending TOO much time trying to figure out our Canadian taxes last night, I'm so frustrated! It shows we are getting back a HUGE amount less then we were expecting. It's about 1/6 of what we would normally have gotten back (bases on the last several years). I knew it would be less, but that much less seems like a lot. Is that normal?

After doing them, I've come up with yet another question. I prorated the federal as well as the provincial. The number of days I used was the time we were actually in Canada. We physically left on May 31, so that's what I counted to. But then I realized that dh's work was still paying him for 9 weeks after we left. We were already in the US but it was still getting deposited into our Canadian bank account. They weren't taking off the 25% NR tax, just taxing it as normal. So, should I (or can I even) use the number of days up until we stopped receiving checks from them? Or do I have to use the time until we actually left Canada? Is this why it seems all messed up or would it even make a difference?

Is there something I'm missing?
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-02-25 07:22:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
nm found it! smile.gif
daisylynnFemaleCanada2009-02-24 22:45:00